PP at AX2005

Well, due to the hecticness of this year’s getting ready for AX, I didn’t get a chance to post here before or during it, but here’s my notes from pestering both the folks at PP and Hirameki.

Hirameki is, as far as was told to me, going to stick to nice pleasent non-adult game. The lineup for them is already mentioned in another thread, so I won’t repeat that.

Talking to Peter at J-List/PP booth, I did find out that Langmaor is going to start being sold. Not sure who’s translating, notes are garbled, it may be an in house by Langmaor thing.

The two titles from the promotional card lists “Enzai ~ Falsely Accused” and "Zettai Fukuju Meirei"

Oh. I think I forgot to mention. Those two are YAOI games.


still wants YURI

Thanks for the info, Vaga42Bond!

Hirameki is, as far as was told to me, going to stick to nice pleasent non-adult game.

Then I hope that they don’t ever translate KimiNozo, or any other epic bishoujo game that has H-scenes.

Say no to YOWIE.

Sorry I support Bishoujo gaming but I have to say no to Yowie.

Isn’t it amazing how YOWIE and Yaoi sound exactly the same when pronounced?

I’ll be getting AYA now that I played the demo.

Waffo! I was there Saturday. Talked to the Great and Powerful Peter-sama, shook his hand, so on and so forth. Bought my annual two bishoujo games from him. Plus manga.

精神 の 神


[This message has been edited by Billybob (edited 07-05-2005).]

Originally posted by Vaga42Bond:
Oh. I think I forgot to mention. Those two are YAOI games.

Well, that cat was out of the bag for me already when you said "Langmaor", because that is the dedicated Yaoi-brand of Will.

While I myself am not too thrilled of that either, I have to admit that checking the other half of the western market MIGHT be a good idea after trying to cater to the bishoujo-side of it for years already and having had lot of troubles with piracy here.

At least, I think that the demand for pirated versions and thus the chances for pirates to earn fame-points by pirating them is smaller for bishonen-games. And these games might actually have a more solid story than your average bishoujo-game (particulary if you draw the Trabulance's games into this average).

For the yaoi-phobics, a text- or even better scene-skip option for the h-scenes might be a solution too...

Originally posted by Smoo:
Isn't it amazing how YOWIE and Yaoi sound exactly the same when pronounced?

A joke that had to be explained after being told is hardly to be considered funny...

Originally posted by Velspie:
Uh... they don't sound anything alike.


[This message has been edited by Unicorn (edited 07-05-2005).]


And for the yaoi-phobics, a text- or even better scene-skip option for the h-scenes might be a solution too...

Huh? I think the mild complaints are that many of us don't even want to buy a yaoi game in the first place. I know that I won't for sure.

But hey, whatever - if they think they can make money on it, then thats fine.

Honestly I think the problem the b-game scene has in this country is that there is no place to distribute it in public. Our culture just doesn't have venues where relatively normal people can go and pick up adult entertainment without feeling like they are being seen as a pervert.

People can't really blame software pirates for the lack of sales, as tempting as that might be. The idea that everyone who downloads a pirated game would buy that game normally is just wishful thinking.

I know (and I'm sure these companies that deal in b-games here know too) that if they could only manage to get the price down to about the same as a DVD as well as a solid distribution network in some retail chains, that they would be making a ton of money.

The problem is: How the hell do you acomplish this in this country? Lets be realistic here, its next to impossible to get an adult product onto the shelves of any retailer that has a decent market imprint.

I kind of wonder what the business is like at all the conventions. I'd imagine it'd be pretty good, can anyone who actually works these events pipe up about what the volume sold at the cons is like when compared to on-line sales?

Thanks to everyone who came by, it was great seeing you all.

Yes, we’ll be releasing two Yaoi games, which have been requested by many fans of yaoi. I don’t think anyone needs for us to worry about us giving up the games that we love so much for yaoi, don’t worry there.

Will anyone be coming by Comicon? We’ll be there, of course.