PP/G-Col to have Panel at AnimeExpo 2007 ("exclusiv

English Dating Sims: JAST USA : (Age 18+)
Friday, June 29, 2007 7:30pm to 8:20pm LP3

PC dating-simulation games, also known as bishoujo (“pretty girl”) games, are a unique form of interactive computer game from Japan. Companies like JAST USA, Peach Princess and G-Collections have been making these games available to fans for years. At this panel we’ll be discussing the new directions the U.S. bishoujo game market will be taking, along with exclusive announcements of newly licensed titles. Cool free stuff for every attendee! IDs will be checked at the door.

Sounds pretty cool to me. Free stuff = I’m there.

On a side-note, the other companies do not have any panels listed as of this date. This doesn’t necessarily mean they won’t have a panel though, as last year Hirameki had a panel and it wasn’t even on the final schedule. Everyone who attended even got a free copy of Phantom of Inferno.

On a second side-note, maybe they’ll unveil some stuff about their upcoming 10th anniversary.

Source: http://www.anime-expo.org/downloads/AX_2007_Event_Descriptions.pdf

[ 06-07-2007, 02:18 PM: Message edited by: Mockingbird ]

Awww… I can’t go… :frowning:

However if someone from the board is going and happens to read this post, tell 'em that Narg wants moar [/b]twincest[b]. :wink:

Sure thing Narg! I’ll make sure your message is conveyed without error. Heh. Heh. Heh.

Originally posted by Mockingbird:

Originally posted by Nargrakhan:

[b] Awww… I can’t go… :frowning:

However if someone from the board is going and happens to read this post, tell 'em that Narg wants moar twincest. :frowning:

And I can’t go there because I live in Brazil… :frowning:

[ 06-18-2007, 12:11 PM: Message edited by: Myst-Vearn (Mystvan) ]

just dont put the freebies up on ebay, okay? :stuck_out_tongue:

Originally posted by Myst-Vearn (Mystvan):
Wow… Mockingbird-sama, you’re really a professional journalist, ne? :stuck_out_tongue:

Such a shame you can’t make it though, Mystvan.

[ 06-08-2007, 03:31 AM: Message edited by: Mockingbird ]

Edited by Mystvan

[ 06-18-2007, 12:08 PM: Message edited by: Myst-Vearn (Mystvan) ]

I live in New York… I’m poor… and I can’t make it to the convention. whimpers Good luck to you guys, though! :smiley: Make us proud!
-Nicole Wagner: The Deadly Gambit
PS: Envious of everyone getting free giveaways…