Predictions on date for next g-collections game

Ok so it’s been almost 1 month since Kango2 has been released, so when do you think the next g-collections game will be released and which one do you think it will be? I’m hoping for july 29 for the release of Cresendo (I know I know I’m dreaming). So when you do you guys think the next will be released.

It will be that secret wives club, simply put thats the one they announced earlier, and unless they change their way of doing things its the next in line, and im trying to be as honest as i can by crescendo by X-mas MAYBE… thats a game that needs alot of testing though…

Anyway im betting we will see the next title around mid august sometime.

u asked for an opinion, and thats mine.

Hmm, to be honest, a release next month would work out better for me personally…

Actually, I would guess the first week of August at the earliest. But that’s mainly from guessing that their staff may be a little tuckered out after AX and Comic-Con.

I guess early-mid August wouldn’t be too bad since that should be about the time I’ll be done with the games I just ordered from Himeya. I hope the doujin strip mahjong game based oh OMG chars is decent.

Originally posted by wanfu2k1:
I hope the doujin strip mahjong game based oh OMG chars is decent.

Are you talking about "Golden dream"?

I have just ordered that too, all together with the long-time-in-my-collection-missing Datsui-Jann(1) from Elf.

Originally posted by Unicorn:
Are you talking about "Golden dream"?

I have just ordered that too, all together with the long-time-in-my-collection-missing Datsui-Jann(1) from Elf.

Ah-ah! Then I bet you'll buy the nextcoming Limeiro mahjong game, won't you? [img][/img]
Originally posted by olf_le_fol:
Ah-ah! Then I bet you'll buy the nextcoming Limeiro mahjong game, won't you? [img][/img]

Actually, I have not yet heard of it.
But sure, if there is a new mahjong with cute girl-opponents, how am I supposed to resist?

Heh yup yup the MJ game is golden dream. Saw a pict that was on Himeya’s site and I had to buy it Just hope the graphics and gameplay will be decent with the doujin game. I also finally got around to getting Casual Romance Club and also ordered Hitozuma Mahjong 2 just in case Golden dream isn’t all it’s cracked up to be. Hey unicorn let me know what you think of Datsui-Jann 1 I already have 2 but if 1 is good I might get that later.

Originally posted by wanfu2k1:
I also finally got around to getting Casual Romance Club and also ordered Hitozuma Mahjong 2 just in case Golden dream isn't all it's cracked up to be.

I hope you don't go for lolis, because in Hitozuma you are going to challenge a lot of married women (and one of them is aged 61...)

Yep, this game already carries the "Unicorn was here"-sticker. But since I currently have to write a lot of reviews of english localized games, I slacked off a bit in the japanese games department... Gomen, ne!

Originally posted by wanfu2k1:
Hey unicorn let me know what you think of Datsui-Jann 1 I already have 2 but if 1 is good I might get that later.

Sure thing, at least I'll drop a short notice for you.
I suppose it to be as good as it's sequel though. But I have to check the quality of the accessories that can be bought in this game's shops before I know for sure.

ROFL…a 61 year old huh. Well that might be a little too old for me But I actually like the more mature women so that’s a good sign Not that young hot luv isn’t good, I just like the nicely seasoned ones

Edit: oh yeah forgot to ask so how is the gameplay? is it like Datsui Jann 2?

[This message has been edited by wanfu2k1 (edited 07-22-2003).]

Originally posted by wanfu2k1:
Edit: oh yeah forgot to ask so how is the gameplay? is it like Datsui Jann 2?

No, it's more like Sho-Ki: A hybrid of NVL and Mahjonng. The more opponents you beat, the more new opponents become available. You have to beat every opponent twice and if you lose to a opponent, the game is over (so saving frequently is a good idea).

Ahh ok, but there isn’t any special magic attacks like sho-ki right? Man some of those attacks are just plain annoying.