
Hello, I am sorry if I am in the wrong thread, but for those of us that have had X-Change 3 on Preorder for quite awhile and no longer has the credit card that it was placed preorder on … how do I go about updating that information?


You can go to our contact info page at and send us updated info, and we can enter it into the computer for you.

Sorry Peter but I am going to have to strongly not reccommend the method that Peter sugested… on account I submitted my updated information via this secure server and was charged $29.95 when my preorder is $39.95… case in fact they can’t find the charge being made as of yet … they are still looking but they can’t find it. I recommend you ask to cancel your current order and re-order with your new credit information. Sorry Peter but I did eventually get my information updated … not the way I wanted to but it is now updated. but I fear that when I submited my updated credit info via the secure server … the updated information got placed on someone elses order. Are the order #'s the same for peach princess as for J-List … if not then I know that my information got updated on the wrong order. I still must say this … they are still working hard on finding the charge but I don’t recomend updating your card information via that server. Thanks everyone.

I was getting good responses from the sales department but now I haven’t heard from them … If anyone in the sales department reads this … why all of a sudden are you not repling to me?

Very sorry for the problem. Are you on a Yahoo account? Can you contact dennis-jlist (at) and cc me at peterpayne, domain name We’ll take care of this ASAP for you.

Believe me, we all live online and are constantly replying to mail. The issue is with mail servers. Perhaps we need to move all our company email to Gmail to avoid the spam traps.

I just sent the e-mail… literally… Please let me know if you get it. Thanks,

Thanks for the help Peter, The sales department at Peach Princess found the charge. Thanks again.

Maido :slight_smile:

(Which means “Thanks for shopping with us” and is an, er, joke)

I am posting literally right behind you … you know that?