Pretty Soldier Wars Q&A Thread

I think alot of my problems would be solved if i had the option to shoot, then move. Since I can’t i’m having to re-learn what little turn based strategy i have in the first place.

I just started playing the game this weekend, and enjoy it a lot. Some initial thoughts…

An hour per battle is pretty long, and I found myself wishing that I could save the game in the middle of a fight.

I didn’t think Ayumi would be able to do much with that revolver of hers, but I was pleasantly suprised. She can do some good damage if she hits, and her great mobility helps make up somewhat for her lack of range. It’s easy to move her out of the line of fire of your team members, and still place her in a firing position that’ll do some good.

MV-11 is an excellent fighter, though like the other girls, is capable of missing at a bad time. You’ve gotta be extra careful with her because even though she’s the toughest member of the team, she’s also the slowest. When her health got critically low in one battle, the Yoju went out of their way to try to finish her off, and her low speed kept her from getting out of the fight in time. So it’s a good idea to pull her close to safety if her health gets down to 30 or so, unless there’s only a few Yoju left and your team has the advantage.

I would recommend MV-11, but you’ll have to escort her in certain missions. For the single time-sensitive mission (2-3), that’s untenable. However, she’s very useful in 2-2 and maybe even 2-1, if you can handle the choke point and the loose yoju with five (not difficult, once you master rotation).

ramiel, welcome to the board, but your avatar image is too large in terms of pixel size, please reduce your image to near the 150x150 neighborhood, thanks

i have taken down your avatar in your member profile for the time being. feel free to add a new avatar image as you wish, as long as it doesnt get too big

Got it switched to a smaller version. Sorry about that! ^^

follow-up as in the sequel?

it will have to really depend on how well sales are for PSW, and right now it is way too early to decide anyways since it only came out for like a month or so

The game is the first in a trilogy. The second has been released in Japan and can be seen at D.O.'s website. I’m not sure about the third.

Interestingly, this series is apparently a remake of a much older trilogy of games. Don’t ask me to cite where I came across that information, though, because I don’t remember. Proxy Account referred to this fact as well, in a post on August 8.

[ 08-15-2007, 08:06 PM: Message edited by: Darkling ]

According to D.O.'s official site there were three Pretty Soldier Wars (Yoju Senki) titles released over the course of 1997-1998, called:

Yoju Senki
Yoju Senki - Continued
Yoju Senki 2

The game that we released was the 2006 remake of Yoju Senki. A remake of another Yoju Senki game was released in 2006 as well, but I’m not sure whether the content of the two newer titles spans the content of all three old ones, or if the two new ones are clones of two of the old ones; it may be that they’re planning a third remake edition, or it may be that they’ve used up all of the old content already in making the two new games.

As Lamuness said, whether we license the sequel or not depends on how PSW does on the market over the next few months.

How do character levels work in the game? I know that characters can’t go up in level until they return to base (ie after the third mission and the sixth mission), but what determines how many levels they go up? Is it the number of yoju they kill? Do you get more experience for different types of yoju?

Also, what’s the effect of a character’s level going up? HP don’t increase, obviously, but it seems to me that my characters got better at hitting and evading at higher levels (though the stats for those don’t visibly change).

I emailed the staff at D.O. the other day to relay a couple of questions that have appeared here. I got answers back today, which while not very satisfactory are what we’ll have to live with for now, I’m afraid:

Q. What is the effect of gaining levels in Pretty Soldier Wars? It seems not to be reflected in the characters’ stats.

A. When a level is gained the character’s hit rate and other attributes are raised in internal game mechanics that aren’t displayed as part of her statistics.

(I’m guessing the stats can therefore be viewed similarly to ability scores in D&D, where your THAC0 changes at level gain but your Str/Dex/Con/Int/Wis/Cha don’t).

Q. How do you trigger the various girls’ lounge events?

A. Once they’re high enough level the events will be accessible from the lounge. I’d tell you more, but us Japanese makers aren’t in the business of giving away our game secrets.

I realized writing this that I forgot to ask more about the level gaining mechanic as per Darkwing’s post; I’ll try to find out more about what triggers level gains, but I have a feeling the D.O. staff aren’t going to be very forthcoming. I’ll post again here should anything new come to light.

[ 09-04-2007, 05:02 AM: Message edited by: Shingo ]

Thanks for chasing that up, Shingo. I guess the characters’ listed stats are just there as a rough guide for new players who need some basis for deciding which characters they want to send on a mission.

The cagey way they answered the ‘lounge events’ question makes me suspect that the ‘number of progenitor yoju killed’ theory is the correct one. Though that makes me wonder how to get the scene with MV-11, considering I gave her the coup de grace on at least four or five progenitors in my second play-through.

For now, I guess I’ll assume that the tougher yoju give more experience - though it could very well be that each non-progenitor yoju just gives you a flat amount of experience. And who knows - killing a progenitor yoju may not give you experience at all! It may just count towards ‘lounge events’. LOL, I do like that phrase.

I just got another reply back from the D.O. staff regarding how characters earn experience and level up. Quote:

“Characters level up by defeating Yoju, which gives them experience points. The experience points gained are governed by the difference in level between the character and the Yoju: low level characters that defeat high level Yoju gain more XP, high level characters defeating low level Yoju gain less XP.”

No particulars were forthcoming, but this seems to make sense… if memory serves the progenitor Yoju are higher level than the others, meaning they would contribute the most to level gain.

[ 09-06-2007, 02:22 AM: Message edited by: Shingo ]

Ugg… this is the worst combat system I have every seen��� This is one bishoujo game that will most likely sit on the shelf before I even finish it… I was sick of the game by floor 2 of the hostpital… needless to say than the outbuilding… UGG!

I have to also comment out of all the really FUN strategy and rpg games out there… Why license such a booring combat system as this one? Knights of Xentar the very old dos game is 100 times funner than this game by far.

First I want to express my thanks to Peach Princess for taking a chance on a game other than a visual novel. I looked forward to an rpg in English so that I could follow the whole story of the game. Unfortunately I didn’t care for the game play or the tentacles. I realize that what is available for licensing is limited and that we often don’t have a chance at translating the top games. But I’ll still hope for more of the quality games like Brave Soul and Crescendo.

I’d like to add that I’m having fun with Pretty Soldier Wars also. The tactical aspect really appeals to me, and I felt a great sense of accomplishment after beating the Yoju in the Airport Control Tower mission with just 1 turn left to spare. That battle was fought so closely during the last 10 turns that I didn’t know if I’d win until that last turn. But I’d made it, in large part because of the tips you guys’ve given about that mission earlier. Thanks. :slight_smile:

Thanks for the game! Very nice! I am really happy that PP took a chance on this type of game!

My only real complaint is that the combat missions are not savable. Because of the length it takes to play through any particular mission, being able to save in the middle is a feature sorely needed by many of us. If the RNG seed is saved with the save file, that will keep the events on resumption as they’d been if the player hadn’t had to leave.

I had come here tonight to see if my belief that mission performance was the deciding factor in whether you got the lounge events. Nice to know they are. That will aid me in my replay. I want to target the 3 team-members I didn’t manage to get the first time.

If you guys do license the sequels, I will definately buy them!

From the way the style of title, is there plans to do similar “Pretty Soldier Wars” in other settings? A past or present versions? Because I’d definately be a target market for those as well. :slight_smile:

I’ve played through the Japanese demos of PSW and the sequel and I’ve enjoyed them both. (Judging solely from the demos, the sequel has two big improvements over the original - each biosoldier has an alternative weapon option, and there is no need to go through two action confirmations if the biosoldier is attacking a Yoju. Basically, you can move and then if you are in range you can attack, without needing to confirm the ‘move’ command first.)

I’m really interested in playing this game (and some of the other upcoming releases) but I don’t want to run into potential customs problems if I try and import it. So I was wondering when the download editions will be released for the new G-Collections games. Also, (although maybe I should ask this in another topic) are there any plans on making the PP games available through download editions?

Thanks :slight_smile:

I personally think this game was awful in so many ways. People say it “makes you think” but I hardly consider only the “attack” option creative. There are no spells, no abilities, no healing, nothing. Having a turn based strategy with only an attack option is unforgivable; however, this would be somewhat forgiving if the attack option worked, but the attack percentages are WAY off.

I honestly think this game needs a patch, at least for those nasty percentages. I’d go on, but read my gamefaq’s review for that :roll: .

I could see this possibly being the case, but why then doesn’t the game factor this equation into the percentage instead of leaving the gamer to guess the TRUE percentage? In addition, couldn’t the game have told us this in a tutorial or a tip window, or something?

Well regardless of how the turn based strategy is concerned, I think we can agree the hentai, in general, is very poor. A one night 20 second stand with every girl and only one ending is horrid.

[ 09-18-2007, 04:07 PM: Message edited by: ReMeDy ]