Pretty Soldier Wars Q&A Thread

It IS a really old game. Or at least a remake of one. Sleeping once with everybody and proceeding to the ending is very old school in design.

Here’s a couple of hints I’ve got about Alpha.

A lot of Yoju have a movement of 3 and a range of 2. With Alpha’s range of 6, and room to manuever, she can target one of these, maintain range 6 and be immune from counterattack. The best time for this tactic is is toward the end of a mission, when the Yoju have been whittled down to size and you need to mop up the rest. In my last game, Alpha was able to pick off most of the last remaining enemies by herself in this way, and without risking badly hurt teammembers.

Using Alpha in this manner to snipe around the fringes of a big Yoju group is possible, but too dangerous to recommend. Some Yoju have a range and movement equal to or better than Alpha’s, and they can simply follow her whereever she goes once they get in range, and bombard her to death.

Whatever you do, don’t let Alpha (or Mikako or Marie, for that matter) get surrounded on all sides. She won’t be able to move and can’t target adjacent enemies, so she quickly becomes a helpless sitting duck. You’ve got to be able to kill one of the Yoju surrounding her so that she’s got an avenue of escape, but the best way of beating that situation is not to let it happen.

I’d definitely recommend this game to someone with mild masochistic tendencies. The hit rates are awful, your girls missing with 75% and above chance to hit and the Yoju hitting a lot of times at 30% and less. Accuracy % is inconsistent all in all.

Thankfully facing isn’t a factor in this game, otherwise with the numerical superiority of the Yoju this game would be even more difficult.

The range measurements are sort of odd. Here’s what I’ve observed:

  • Range 1 can hit all squares around the attacker, including diagonals (Saeko).

  • Minimum range of 2 (Marie and Mikako) can hit diagonals.

  • You can place an attacker at range 3, count 3 squares back and take a step perpendicular and still be able to attack. Here’s an illustration.
    Y=Yoju, B=place Misa or Ayumi here.

[ 09-25-2007, 08:55 PM: Message edited by: SeishinSeeker ]

Tactically, this game is fun, but it is only of average challenge. Just follow the basics for all tactical games, and should be a breeze. If tactical isn’t something you live and breathe, then you might need a few pointers.

The % is accurate— before level modifiers. Which means that you should pick out your squad of 6, and stick with them throughout the game. It’s designed to expect that. If you do that, concentrate your fire, rotate your firing line, and make use of choke points (all basic things for tactical squad games), it’s a breeze. Unless you get real unlucky with the RNGods, in which case you might have to restart that particular combat mission. It happens to the best of us.

Remember— sometimes retreat is a valid tactic, particularly on maps where the gas attackers can easily get at you while staying safely out of range.

Good luck!

If you feed Alpha enough of the killing shots on the Yujo bosses, you’ll get her event. Alpha starts the game at a higher level than all the other girls so she needs to do more than the other girls to get her lounge event. Use her to make the killing shot on the bosses (the Yujo with the rescuable girls), and replay any mission that she dies in until you get her event, and you should be all set.

[ 11-24-2007, 12:13 AM: Message edited by: Darkstar ]

Just going to congratulate the staff for Pretty Soldier Wars.

I still enjoy an actual game with some adult content over a visual novel. This one provides an average challenge as well, and the rewards aren’t bad. I will even replay this one a few times to figure out the mechanics…

If there is a sequel, I will preorder it. Hopefully you can be successful enough with sales to continue the series. One of the few “knocks” against this game is that leaves you feeling as if you haven’t gone through the entire story and gameplay.

I will also preorder the other upcoming game (appears to be like some of the card battle type games.) I hope it is entertaining as well.

Please attempt to keep the game in bishoujo gaming and I will gladly keep coming back.

We really have to ask…
…Where can one acquire the “HELP FILE”…?


We can make a downloadable help file available, but it would be identical to those of all other recent G-Collections releases (it simply instructs you to see the user’s manual included with your purchased game CD). Sorry for the confusion.

Hi Ginger!

If you check your manual included with the game package you’ll find the answer on how to fix the problem. If you’re still having trouble after consulting the manual please feel free to contact customer support; I can be reached directly either via PM or at (, or you can send mail to the address listed in the manual.

If I remember correctly, have MV-11 deliver the killing shot to all the bosses in each stage. Do not date any of the girls when they ask you out.
When you choose to leave the recreation area where you speak with the girls, eventually, one of them will stop you and hand you a note from
a secret admirer. That’s how I got her scene.

How to get MV-11

Give her all the kill shots on Bosses. If she dies (“knocked unconscious/must withdraw”) in any missions, restart that mission.

It doesn’t matter if you date any of the other girls or not. I got her while getting 2 other girls lounge/date events.

BTW, this is the same technique to get any girl in the game.

Thanks for the correction. I had not played with it in some time, so I was not sure.

Eric J: If you have an issue to take up with the company or with Peter you’re welcome to do so via email; I can be reached at ( and will be happy to relay all correspondence to him.

Your account has been banned for posting content inappropriate for discussion on these forums; if you think this was done in error please don’t hesitate to contact me or another member of the moderation team and we’ll be happy to mediate the issue.

Those here to discuss PSW - please do continue. ^^

Edit: Post redacted due to deletion of relevant material.

@Mirk: There actually IS a sequal AFAIK the original PC98 stretched to 3 games. The remakes are only up to the first 2 games… i would love to have no.3 remade actually as it the story does get a bit better there.

Actually i wouldn’t mind no.2 being licensed seeing as you can actually carry over everyones levels to the sequal by loading off a save file xD Also everyone gets a secondary weapon which mixes up the way some of the girls are played (i loved MV-11’s upgrade… she gets a slight drop on her dmg but gains a jetpack… which means she’s no longer lagging behind the faster moving gals =D)