Pretty soldiers wars - Are there any cheats for this?

If by ‘cheat’ you mean ‘press enter, type “god”, press enter’, there is no such thing. But I once saw a strategy somewhere, in iirc. Basically,

  1. To win a battle, you should focus on killing each yoju one by one, and never let the yoju to focus on any crew members. Best condition: six members firing/hitting one yoju, no yoju can counter attack.
  2. To date a girl, you should get her involved in as many battle available, make her do the killing strike, and never let her die. Some girls are tougher to get.

Really hope those help.

I don’t recall any specific requirements for getting the girls’ H-scenes. I doubt killing blows have anything to do with it. This isn’t Eien no Aselia.

To win the battles, find an area to hole up in where the yoju have to come at you 1 or 2 at a time. Then surround the entrance spot with characters so you get 3-4 attacks off for their 1-2. The key is to null their numbers advantage by only letting a small fraction of their force engage you at any given time. And really, other than keep your ranged characters at range, that’s the only strategy you need. The rest is luck.

Sounds like you’re looking for a saved game file. I could give you mine, but I don’t think we’re supposed to post that here since it’s a company BBS.

From the rules:

But…since it’s technically not against the rules, I’ll post it when I get home (provided I still have it). If you can snatch it before Lamuness removes it, it’s your’s. :stuck_out_tongue:

Pretty Soldier Wars Saved File:

I uninstalled the game after I beat it leaving only this file. All I know is that it goes somewhere in the game folder. I’m not sure if I unlocked all the CGs, but I probably got most of them.

Knowing me, I skipped the scenes of the girls that didn’t appeal to me. If you go back through the saves, you may be able to access the scenes I skipped without getting into any battles. I’m pretty sure I got all the in-battle ones.

You do have to give any girl you want the lounge events for enough killing blows. On my first play through, I had really leveled up the senior captain Alpha, but I didn’t get her date event first time through. Second play through, I gave her the kill shots on the Yoju with the captured humans, rather than as my clean up hitter on the general rabble, and her event popped up quickly.

There seems to be a minimum number of required “boss” kills, as well as a general level up required to trigger those events. Some soldiers thresholds are just very low, because they start off so low in level. Others, like Alpha, require more, because they start at a higher level (making them harder to level up to meet the gained level requirement).

Won’t Peach Princess send you a cleared 100% saved game file for their games when walk throughs won’t work because it would be “too general” like PSW)? I know they’ll send you a walk through for any of their titles, but I don’t see a walk through working for PSW, since it’s just basic tactics. To get a game walk through from PP, just email them and ask for one.

There really should be cheats in games like this. Has anyone tried messing around with a program like Cheat Engine to see if the game can be manipulated that way?