Prices too good to be true--fraud?

biiru ippon, onegaishimasu I believe it is. Otherwise, I think you’re asking for one bill. (Although it’d be the wrong counting system if you were asking for one “bill”… ) I wish I could write in hiragana here, it’d probably make more sense.

shrug It’s probably a bad habit I have but my brain automatically processes hiragana, katakana and romanji as one big clump, making switching from one to another usually rather easy for me. (though I actually read slower in romanji for some reason.) Payne-sama makes an issue about using romanji as a crutch when learning Japanese on his website, and it’s probably true (after all he uses Japanese on a regular basis, I just annoy tourists with my knowledge). But for me, this is how I learned it when I was 9 or 10, so it’s a little hard for me to change now…

Originally posted by ekylo:
biiru ippon, onegaishimasu I believe it is. Otherwise, I think you're asking for one bill. (Although it'd be the wrong counting system if you were asking for one "bill"... [img][/img] ) I wish I could write in hiragana here, it'd probably make more sense. [img][/img]

If you guys have the Japanese IME, you should be able to reasd this. ビイル いっぽん おねがいします。 That's that in hiragana and katakana. I could do kanji too, but ekylo was just talking about the two. And, correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't "biiru" beer, not bill? Unless you guys were originally talking about beer, haven't read every post in this thread. [img][/img]

精神 の 神

If you just said “bishoujo” and not “bishoujo games/gaming”, she probably understood that you meant girls.

Thanks for the compliment!
I became 18 years old less than a month ago.

Benoit–don’t thank me if you’re 18, heh. I thought you were a young’un. Not that I would have discriminated anyway, but I’m so cultured to think 18 means “adult” or whatnot. Well, it’s all irrelevent anyway.

Ha, yeah, I meant beer. heh… Geez, I embarrass myself with my Japanese sometimes. It’s kind of ridiculous. At least I’m trying, I guess, but I always say the stupidest things. It’s a really easy language to be trying to say one thing (“I’ve ate everything I could eat!”) and say something slightly, but essentially, different (“I’ve ate everything that’s edible!”).


Well, I’ll learn someday. I learned English; I can learn Nihongo, too. Demo mada jozu ja arimasen! And my spelling in Japanese is AWFUL. That’s the most embarrassing. I am tempted to blame it on romanji and say if I was using hiragana/katakana it wouldn’t happen, but that’d be a LIE. I’d still do it.

About Mr. Payne’s anti-romanji stance, I am with him all the way. I have all kinds of rants in various locations at (I think I’m under “Gobez” there, sadly–wonder if I could change it to my actual name instead.)

Whew, bedtime.

This has gotten to be quite the interesting thread, no longer having really anything to do with the original topic. That’s okay, though. I like it.

Originally posted by Jesse_Dylan:
This has gotten to be quite the interesting thread, no longer having really anything to do with the original topic. That's okay, though. :p I like it.

Welcome to the club ^___^

Jaa… Ii desu, yo.

PS–this is a stupid question, but Seishin, how did you get kana into a post? I don’t have any kana on MY keyboard.

Yeah, it’s for the best that you did not use kanji. I haven’t gotten there yet. heh…

Man is it all guys talking in this thread or what? Man I have yet to see a girl play some of these games. Which brings me to the queston, what do you guys do when play these games?

Also how can you guys not consider these games not pornography? man have you been playing these games blindfolded? Hey I ain’t saying you guys are pervs cause I like playing these games too. But I tend to skip the H-scenes(after I’ve seen them like 4 times) and I really like the stories and the relationships the characters have. Man my favorite company’s Trabulance hands down. They don’t have any of that rape stuff where the girls get violated, man I hate that stuff.

By the way does anyone know when G-Collections is gonna come out another Trabulance game? man I’d buy it in a second if it had the character “Norika Kimishima”. Man she has got to be one of my favorite B-game character of all time but the bad thing is all the games she’s in are all in Jap .

I actually know at least two girls that play these types of games. My younger (20 year old) cousin finds some of them to be very much the ‘idealized late teenager romance’ type of story because of the H-Scenes.

[This message has been edited by SCDawg (edited 02-24-2004).]

Originally posted by tiger_of_the_wind2040:
Also how can you guys not consider these games not pornography?

First of all, did you really want to make this double negation? If I decoded that sentence correctly, it means "How can you guys considert these games pornography?", but this meaning doesn't go too well with your following argumentation.
So, I interpret it now as "How can you guys NOT consider these games being pornography?" and try to give my answer to that question:

Because they aren't. They may only be abused for the same purposes as pornography by certain gamers, though.

Porn is just sex for sex's sake, but in these games, the sex is only in integral part of the story but not the entire action that happens. Sex is portrayed as an important part of an adult relationship, but not as its main (or only) objective.

[This message has been edited by Unicorn (edited 02-25-2004).]

… there are girls on this board. I’m one of them.

(At least, I think there are other girls on this board. They could be faking! )

Benoit--don't thank me if you're 18, heh. I thought you were a young'un. Not that I would have discriminated anyway, but I'm so cultured to think 18 means "adult" or whatnot. Well, it's all irrelevent anyway.

Well, I thanked you for this compliment:
Not that I'm trying to imply your lesser or anything. How old are you, by the way? [u]You seem like an interesting person.[/u]

Man is it all guys talking in this thread or what? Man I have yet to see a girl play some of these games.

There are actually plenty of girls who like bishoujo games. Heck, this bishoujo site was created by a girl ->
Which brings me to the queston, what do you guys do when play these games?

I think we click with the mouse.
We're not perverts, you know. It's not like we masturbate when there is a hentai scene.
Also how can you guys not consider these games not pornography? man have you been playing these games blindfolded?

Ack! Double negative!
*burns tiger_of_the_wind2040*
Unicorn answered that very well.
Hey I ain't saying you guys are pervs cause I like playing these games too. But I tend to skip the H-scenes(after I've seen them like 4 times) and I really like the stories and the relationships the characters have.

I play these games for the story and the unique, different feel they have opposed to other games. There are not many games that are about love.
The Lufia console RPG series are, though. [img][/img]
By the way does anyone know when G-Collections is gonna come out another Trabulance game?

...Didn't you already make a thread for that?
Originally posted by papillon:
(At least, I *think* there are other girls on this board. They could be faking! [img][/img] )

Oh papillon-san, you should know better than to leave me an opening like that. You know I can just make all sorts of jokes about girls and "faking"... [img][/img]

Okay, ouch! I was just kidding! But as the others pointed out, there are girls who play these games and post on this board. Sometimes they're just not prolific poster like a few of the rest of us. (Besides, you can't really be sure of a person's gender here unless they specifically reveal it.)

Heh, yup Seishin-san, originally Jesse_Dylan-san omitted the "i" character in his sentence, that's part of what I was teasing him about. Also why I mentioned that if I could put it in hiragana and katakana (like you did), I could show the difference and it'd make a little more sense. [img][/img]


[This message has been edited by Unicorn (edited 02-25-2004).]

Well everyone is pretty much in agreement tha Rowena and Ladyphoenix are both ladies and they both have websites dedicated to bishoujo games. So, yes there are women who play bishoujo games, and it’s not all sex deprived men

Originally posted by Jesse_Dylan:
PS--this is a stupid question, but Seishin, how did you get kana into a post? I don't have any kana on MY keyboard.


Yeah, it's for the best that you did not use kanji. I haven't gotten there yet. heh...

[img][/img] Forgot about this thread. Um, if I remember correctly, I think I first got the Japanese input method editor from Netscape, but I think you can download it on Microsoft's site if you type in Japanese IME or something like that in their little search bar. I'm a Netscape loyalist, so I'm not fully positive. The IME works for supporting programs (i.e. IE, Netscape, etc.) Heh, i.e. IE, I find that funny somehow. Anyway, it shouldn't be too hard to find.

精神 の 神

Being able to type in Japanese would be really handy for internet searching (,,, etc etc etc, ad nauseum). It’s impossible to do unless one is a clever cut and paster otherwise.

> We’re not perverts, you know. It’s not > > like we masturbate when there is a hentai > scene.

Yeah, like, I, uh, sure don’t. Ahem. Like, I knew that wasn’t what “hands-free” mode was for. And it’s not like I originally bought “Kana–Little Sister” because I thought Kana was hot and young or anything.


I certainly do not masturbate during any bishoujo game. In fact, I don’t masturbate at all. I also never use sarcasm.

A lot of girls find bishoujo games sexually stimulating, actually. I don’t think I will incriminate her by saying so (no one on here knows me personally), but my girlfriend would enjoy it. She would tend to prefer the lesbian-leaning (“leant?”) titles… She might even masturbate during play, too.

I think Americans should stop being so uptight about sexuality. If you masturbate during bishoujo games, you’re normal. If you don’t, you’re also normal. One thing we can all agree on is that the stories are often tremendous.

Although anyone who tells you they’re playing X-Change for the storyline is most likely lying. X-Change 2 is a different story.

I know the hentai in bishoujo games is not sex for sex’s sake, but it’s not like they’re supposed to necessarily be these realistic representations of Japanese youth. Different bishoujo games serve different purposes. Some are solid whack-fests, if that’s what you’re into. Some have no sex at all. Some have a little. Some have lots. And even some that have lots are not meant to be whack-fests.

I don’t know.

Yes, people do post games on eBay. We watch it regularly, scanning for keywords such as hentai game, h game, and h anime. We end many auctions each week. If you do see anyone posting on ebay please be so kind as to shoot us an email and we’ll check ASAP

That’s great, Pete. Interestingly enough, I actually thought to myself (when I first noticed this) that I should e-mail you and ask you about it. I know you’re a busy fellow, though, and you’ve patiently endured many of my e-mails in the past. Therefore, I posted here instead.

From now on, however, I will definitely let you know when I notice something fishy (like cooked sushi).

Pete, you rock.

I certainly do not masturbate during any bishoujo game. In fact, I don't masturbate at all.

I don't masturbate at all either, and everyone thinks it's strange. Since most people at school think I'm weird they ask me all sorts of strange questions, like asking if I masturbate. And they find it weird when I tell them I don't.
Gah, this is getting off-topic(in the sense of forum department).
She might even masturbate during play, too.

I think Americans should stop being so uptight about sexuality. If you masturbate during bishoujo games, you're normal. If you don't, you're also normal.

I'm not uptight about sexuality. I believe we should be able to talk about it freely. It's just part of being human.
But masturbating while playing games? I find that to be just too much. Disgusting.
Girls seem to do that more easily. I hear all sorts of real stories and such of girls using console peripherals that rumble to masturbate. Now that is just sick. Eww.
Although anyone who tells you they're playing X-Change for the storyline is most likely lying. X-Change 2 is a different story.

The setting of X-Change interests me very much. A boy who turns into a girl. I'm buying it for the story, honest.

You seriously don’t masturbate? I suppose it’s possible. Like I said before, I think that if you do, that’s normal, and if not, well, that’s normal, too.

But seriously, are there any other guys in here who don’t masturbate?

And I don’t think masturbating while playing games is any different than masturbating while watching movies, looking at porn, anything. Even if you masturbate while just entertaining yourself mentally, there is still something going on somewhere. You’re not just in a state of satori and touching yourself.

To each his/her own. I personally think most of the people in the world masturbate. Especially guys, but I think probably girls, too.

Sorry if this is a vulgar topic. I don’t think it’s vulgar, personally.