Princess Maker 4 on DS

Yes. PM4 - very popular in Japan - made it to DS.

This article shows why it will NEVER come to the West. :roll:

He claims it’s erotic. For the love of God… did he even play it? There’s no porn in PM4.

“sensual” might have been the word he was looking for.

There may not be porn in the normal PM4, but the preview of the new DS stylus features where you can touch your daughter’s breasts and she giggles and tells you to stop is SLIGHTLY eyebrow-raising…

lol… well Princess Maker as a whole, has a large loli following. The original PM2 had a hidden nakkid mode - even in the English edition. I suppose they put that in there for them. If someone were serious in porting it to the West, they could just program that feature out. However I don’t think that will even be an issue.

Ah yes, the “Un-dress”. I found it to be very wrong when she is really young, but perfectly fine when she looks physically mature.

Well if they don’t know about it, don’t bring it up, unless you know they’re into that kinda of stuff.

They could edit that stuff out (daddy marriage and ettchi touch features), if they really were bothered by it.

It’s the whole concept of Princess Maker itself, that seems to get ultra conservatives and femi-NAZI groups all worked up: that a daughter have her entire childhood micromanaged by a single parent father.

Woe to the World that a father might be overprotective of his child, and that he could successfully raise her without a wife! WOE!!! :roll:

Where have you seen people say things like that? Rampant feminists are generally quite happy to see a man taking parental responsibility rather than thinking that it’s “women’s work”. The only complaints about the game I’ve ever seen were:

  1. It’s pervy (undress, rape, prostitution)
  2. It’s incestuous (touching, marriage-with-father)
  3. It’s creepy (micromanagement of child including forcing her into heavy labor at a young age and starving her, potentially to death)

You’ll have to forgive me: I’m overtly generalizing everything with that statement.

Yea. Fundamentally those aspects of the game are pervy. So there’s no argument from me on that end. They can be omitted however. And PM4 doesn’t really deal with the “undress, rape, prostitution” thing anyway.

Contention here seems to be a matter of personal/social view. Science says incest is only possible by biological family members. Thus PM has never provided incest before: the father and daughter are never blood related. Of course there are social laws that consider sexual relations between ADOPTED family members incest. Seeing as how the biological NEGATIVES applied to incestuous offspring don’t occur to children from this later example (say an unrelated brother and sister): kinda moot in my opinion. But meh… its culture…

This last part: that would be the whole concept of PM. It’s a micromanaging raiser for a female child. Of course you’d have an unnatural amount of control over her life. Most simulators do that. This has a Japanese “otaku” spin on it of course… so realism or tremendous psychological ramifications aren’t exactly the major focus. However I could pull the same stunts on The SIMS 2. Of course there are “flags” that prevent children from doing certain tasks, so I have to remove these with a patch… but said patches are easily found (and really popular) on SIM fan sites like Mod the SIMS.

In fact for the longest time, the flag that prevent teen pregnancy, was the same as the flag that prevented child pregnancy. Quite an interesting thing to see, let me tell ya - Maxis separated them around the third or fourth expansion… so that these “unofficial patches” could be distinct. For shame that Maxis can’t officially allow teen pregnancy in a family simulator.

I think it’s fair to say that in most cultures, it is at least considered abusive if an adult is fooling around with a young person in their power. Stepfather/stepdaughter, teacher/student… there’s a breach of trust that goes over and above simply having a relationship with a young person. Certainly, crying ‘incest’ on the game means that you’re probably just looking at the box and not actually paying attention to the details. However, the relationship between the daughter and the father would be largely considered inappropriate even if not actually illegal, as long as she’s 18.

I simply don’t play for the marriage-with-father endings, they’re a tiny fraction of the game anyway.

As for the hyper-control creepiness part: I’m not saying I agree with that complaint! Just that I can see how some people might find it a bit odd. I don’t think that would actually prevent the game from working in the West as long as the pervy parts were excised, I just think you’d get a few irritated reviews from people who didn’t understand the appeal and thought it was creepy.

I see what you’re saying: it’s a moral standard I also agree with. However in the defense of PM in general: the requirements for achieving a “Daddy Marriage” have never been easy to gain. Generally speaking, you have to make your daughter a shut-in, as she’ll typically gravitate towards whatever male role model she bumps into, over her own father. Given that this is a daughter simulator, with daddy being so prominent in her life, such an option seems appropriate if only to show it’s an option that’s available. Using The SIMS 2 as an example again: just because the game allows same-sex relationships, doesn’t mean the player has to have them. Its just an option made available… and achieving same-sex relationships in The SIMS, has traditionally been HARDER to accomplish than different sex (something with the point scaling and preference system tied to it). I think it’s more reflective of the person trying to achieve the taboo provided, rather than the game itself being taboo.

Also… this whole “male dominance thing” just reminded me of the complaint that the daughter is submissive around male role models. Be it her father, Cube, the dragon prince, or what have you… the daughter generally lives her life to get the attention of some “man” to fall in love with her. Again ¬ñ its all the simulator aspect of the presentation ¬ñ but our would-be Princess literally can’t figure out what she’ll eat (the diet option), without some “guy” telling her what to eat. She has no real ambition, outside of either pleasing or rebelling against (so that he’ll pay more attention to her) some man. PM4 did lighten this aspect a bit, given the “girlfriend factor” and yuri-hinted endings… but I’m sure someone could find some fault with that too – although the yuri side of everything could just be edited out as close friendship.

Kinda sad that if PM4 were to be ported to the West, it would require some extensive censorship of features and story elements found in the Japanese original. Admittedly, I agree that the DS “touchy feely” thing is a bit too much… even for a Princess Maker. A bit too creative if you ask me. Honestly its the difference in target market. PM4 is aimed at an older teenage and adult community within Japan… predominantly one that’s male. In the US, they would include the tween age group for maximizing sales, thus requiring censorship. They also want “girls who play with dollhouses” to buy it (or even expect that this would be the largest source of buyers), thus making the whole “guy dominance in a girl’s life” an issue. PM unaltered, is obviously not child friendly.