Princess Maker series

You people are sick…

Hey, it’s not my fault! Those sim bastards were asking for it! With that nonsensical babble speak of theirs…They were saying bad things about me, I know it! I’m sure they were secretly taunting me, plotting against me…I HAD TO KILL THEM!!! THERE WAS NO OTHER WAY!! You beleive me, don’t you…doctor?

Originally posted by Nameless Mofo:
You people are sick....... :D ;) :) :p

Come on. Like you never blew up Meryl with the remote-controlled-missiles in Metal Gear Solid?

[This message has been edited by Nandemonai (edited 11-08-2005).]

Originally posted by Zikten:
Hey, it's not my fault! Those sim bastards were asking for it! With that nonsensical babble speak of theirs....They were saying bad things about me, I know it! I'm sure they were secretly taunting me, plotting against me.....I HAD TO KILL THEM!!!! THERE WAS NO OTHER WAY!! You beleive me, don't

Yessss. Yesss, I believe you. You have done well, my ... eeeevil minion. Now, there are more people talking about you ... only I can tell you who they are ... trust only me ...

Originally posted by Nandemonai:
Yessss. Yesss, I believe you. You have done well, my ... eeeevil minion. Now, there are more people talking about you ... only I can tell you who they are ... trust only me ...

"NANDEMONAI is the dark hope of Evil: young, handsome, well endowed in abilities and aptitudes, thoroughly wicked, depraved, and capricious. Whomever harms him had best not brag of it in the presence of one who will inform the Devil! Evil to the core, NANDEMONAI is cunning. If a situation appears in doubt, he uses bribery and honeyed words to sway the balance to his favor. He is not adverse to gaining new recruits of all sorts, and will gladly accept b-gamers into the ranks (though he will test and try them continually). Those who arouse suspicion will be quietly murdered in their sleep. Those with too much promise will be likewise dealth with, for NANDEMONAI wants no potential usurpers or threats to his domination".

An unauthorized excerpt from 'Chronicles of the Age of Worms', Part 2, page 47 (...sorry, Mr Mearls [img][/img]).

Pushes thread back up

With PM5 coming out next month (YES!)…isn’t this THE time to try to translate this amazing series? Ah, the day PeaPri announces that it’s got the green light to translate it will be better than Christmas!

Peter, any chances of it happening? Sorry to be a pest but I’m hoping against hope here. :wink:

What I 'm reading here sounds intrigueing . Can anybody give me a review of the game or point me somewhere I can read more about it .
Also , if the PP reputation is limiting what games you do , why not create a subsidiary under a different name ? A little sister company of PP could still be advertised with a link here . Personally I enjoy both adult and non adult games . A lot of great games are out there with a focus on characters and story .

I would also like the Princess Maker Series to come over to the states. It’s cute, and fun, but having the father marry the daughter is kind of weird, o_0 But, other than that it’s fine. I support it.

When I saw this “review” today, it reminded me of this post. :wink:

Hahahaha. :slight_smile:

whimper I am so tempted by the princess maker memorial box. But I keep telling myself not to pay that much for games in a language I can’t even read…

… at least until not I have a retail launch to celebrate.

O_O That was… a pretty funny review, if that counts as a review? But still, it is so WEIRD for a daughter to marry her father, even if she’s adopted from Neptune. Oh, that was so funny what was said about what Neptune was suppose to be, it was hilarious.I’m just wondering if men are afraid of strong women who can wield a sword better than them? (No need to take offense there. J/K) O_o Since, she can go the warrior path, killing monsters, etc. Kind of like Xena,got the warrior princess, going on there.Nothing wrong with that. Just marry some one else, other than her father, :eek: There’s also a new game coming out for girls, like the princess maker series, but only your the mother of a son, its called Angel Profile. XD I want it!

Well… since PM is a popular thread again: :wink:

I like 4 better to be honest. The artist of Sister Princess is made of the greatest win and purest gold. Sure, 5 improves a few game mechanics, but it just doesn’t have the beautiful characters.

Is that art final? If it is, wow, it looks older than Princess Maker 2’s!

Yeah, I like the art better in 4 than 5. 5’s still cute, I’ve seen all the ending graphics (fansites get them out fast), but not as Shiny.

One of the major issues I’m having with PM5, is how the 3D environment/background clashes with the 2D character sprites. It just looks weird.

The character illustrations have definitely taken some major steps backwards. Tenhiro (of Sister Princess fame) is one the most talented artists around. How he draws “faces” might be too similar, but his technique at eyes and designing clothing attire is unmatched. He can also employ color selection like a deity.

PM5 has the “old school” art style. I suppose a real hardcore fan might like that, but it just doesn’t compare to the quality PM4 had.

As for game mechanics: PM5 has some cool innovations (you can be a mom and there’s day to night transition), but they took out the significance of “drama events” that were in PM4. This isn’t to say there’s no interaction between the daughter and townspeople, but it’s not at the same depth as before. I actually liked some of the townspeople in PM4, more than the daughter: they had that much character.

Long story short: the more I play PM5, the more I want to play PM4. The fifth installment isn’t bad - it just pales in comparison to the fourth. In my opinion, PM4 is thus so far, the “height” of the series. And seeing as how it’s been ported from what was supposed to be a PS2 exclusive (in Japan at least) onto Windows PC and PSP - the general PM community views it highly as well.

If Princess Maker gets ported into English, PM4 is a better choice. :wink:

If only I had a whole studio so I could effectively work on multiple projects…

I was looking at the Princess Maker Memorial Box you mentioned previously. PM1/2/3 are fun and all, but they can’t seriously be charging for them (aged and pirated as they are)… so the real $$$ must be for PM4/5 and the artbook. Still… I don’t think PM5 is worth the extra cost, and Tenhiro usually releases his works thru personal artbook series.

I can’t believe I’m saying this - seeing that PM5 was just released this month - but I want to see PM6 now… PM5 just didn’t live to the hype. :frowning:

Oh! Here’s an example of what I mean by artwork quality drop. The first image is from PM4 and the second is from PM5 - both are bikini “fan service” of the daughter. It goes without saying, that Tenhiro is God. :stuck_out_tongue:

I don’t own a legal copy of the earlier games, though, and I’d like to, so buying the whole box would make sense for me. And for five games plus, it’s a reasonable price. I’ll probably get it if it’s still available by the time my game hits the shops. I can even class it as business research and write it off on my taxes! :slight_smile:

Does Princess Maker 4 have gameplay like Princess Maker 2’s adventuring?