First of all, have you seen the Princess Waltz official page, at ? It’s quite nice, we think. The game is Golden Master and will be shipping soon, probably in 3 weeks or so. We hope you’re as excited about this awesome game as us.
One note: based on the high level of reliability of the new Software Defender system, and because we are being asked by the Japanese publisher (Will) to make sure the game is protected against software piracy, we’ve made the decision to add the Software Defender protection to this game (both versions). This system is 1000% times better than the V-Mate system, as it requires no background program to be installed, and an Internet connection is only needed for activation the first time, and it’s fully compatible with Windows Vista 64 bit. You can install a Software Defender game on your laptop, activate it once, and take it on a business trip to a place with no Internet connection and the game will boot fine.
We understand any system like this has the potential to turn off some users just by its existence. We really think this is the right system to serve all our users and protect our products from the rampant piracy that everyone knows is out there, with almost 0.00% inconvenience for our users. Also, we need to be true to the Japanese companies who are taking risks by letting us license their software, and they have asked us to protect these new software programs, since we want to get even better games in the future.
I believe that J-List and JAST USA has always been worthy of the trust of our customers, and I hope everyone realizes that we would not act in a draconian way with our products. In case there’s any doubt on the issue, we’ll state up front that we’ll issue full refunds to any customer who has issues with activated software, and if significant problems should occur, we promise to take whatever steps are necessary to fix things, including releasing patch files. If we should go out of business (not that we have any plans to – we love these games!) our last act as a company will be to post any applicable patches to protected software products to a public server so customers who have been supportive of us can be assured that they can play the games into the future.
Hopefully we’ll continue to have the trust and support of dedicated bishoujo gaming fans in the future. Time will tell!