Princess Waltz: THE THREAD

i think too but why never announce a sequel… what a waste…

(This was a big post, and some of it I agree with and some I don’t, but just to address one point)

I don’t think ‘women are weak’ was the reasoning… most of the time. The only person who really seemed to go on about “weak little girls” was the Big Bad taunting Chris.

[spoiler]While ages are never stated for obvious reasons, Chris is clearly not very old, only a teenager who’s spent her entire life in isolation, having no power of her own. It’s been impressed upon her how absolutely vital it is that the Empire have a prince and that the magical power can only be invested in a prince and passed down from father to son. From what everyone has told her, if she’s not a boy, it’s Ruined Forever and the empire is going to fall into ruins. Rather than squandering the magical blessing, she’s trying to save it.

She doesn’t apparently have any real power as the prince (largely because she’s been locked up), making it difficult for her to step forward and say “Hey! Whole empire! Let’s try something new!” Also, the deception has been going on since long before she was too young to have any say in it, but she may feel that revealing the truth will make the whole empire hate her. So she tries to find a way to fix things. If she becomes a ‘real’ boy, then there won’t have been any lies and everything will be okay and the day is saved.

(Although I don’t know who she thinks she was supposed to marry if she-as-Iris won the waltz!)

Early in the game, I thought that perhaps the eventual plot arc would be about Chris as the hero and Arata as her sidekick, getting her to realise that boy or girl didn’t matter that much, she COULD take control and be the prince even as an acknowledged girl, and then dealing with the political fallout and magical resistance to fight to change the Waltz itself. (After all, there’s a lot of magic invested in this procedure. She can’t just say “Let’s make it a Prince Waltz!” and have that happen. The referees would object.)[/spoiler]