Princess Waltz: THE THREAD

With the golden master status of Princess Waltz confirmed and the game off to the presses, it’s official thread time again! Please use this thread to post any questions you have regarding the game, and I’ll answer them to the best of my ability. For an introduction to the game, check out the new official site at:


Stay tuned for more information as release nears.

Wah… a game got its own official website? :shock: Never heard of something like this happened before. I guess it has something with the game’s mechanic, which is more complicated than most eroge PP has licensed :mrgreen:

Oh, and here’s some bit of info for anyone wants to have a preview: … ?game=6181 … index.html

Aaaaaaaaaand of course Narg’s good ol’ review of Princess Waltz, for those who are curious about how the card battle mechanic works. Enjoy! :mrgreen:

Now, that’s excellent news :mrgreen:

I would really like to know more about the card battle system, especially its mechanics (like the different card colours, or any special interaction between cards, and so on). It’s probably just me, since I’ve been playing Magic and other card games for many years, but that’s one of the reasons why I’m so eagerly waiting for this game.

i only wish i wish could pre-order the game but the money from my prepaid card keep getting stolen online
so i need to use a money order for the game
from what i saw in the art book it looks pretty good

There is also a website for LWR and Professor Cherry.

Here’s my reaction:

After days of waiting…
Sailor: Captain! It…It’s…the PP’s new officical thread! :shock:
Columbus: Yes…YES! I’ve found it at last! The Kazoku Keikaku’s officical THREAD!! :mrgreen:

Queen Isabella: NO! It’s just Princess Waltz’s thread! Goddammit !
Queen Isabella has left the chatroom
Amerigo: I want it…I have to play it…I HAVE TO BUY IT!!! :twisted:
The Pope: NO!!! DOn’t touch it! It’s E-V-I-L!!!
…And thus the born of a great nation…um…Game :lol:

…And this is the reason my prepaid card is empty most of the time, I add funds with moderation and only immediately before my online shopping sessions.
You know, I discovered the connection/existence of J-List, Peapri and this BBS “only” 4+ years ago, when Peapri sales service tried to charge MY prepaid card for a Casual Romance Club copy ordered by a different guy :wink:

This is the Te to Te Try On artist, right? Delicious…

He might have been referring to the fact that the game has its own domain, whereas the other ones are at URLs based off

I’m glad to hear that the Princess Waltz translation is just about done. Unfortunately, I heard the news only minutes after making a hotel reservation for my local anime convention. So I can’t pre-order it yet without ruining my budget.

Coincidentally, it’s only been a week since I bought the very girl-oriented dancing otome game Princess Debut. If only there was a game which appealed both to my shoujo fanboy side and my moe-moe fanboy side…

Sono Hanabira ni Kuchidzuke wo comes to mind! ^^

@shingo: download edition of princess waltz? when? :smiley:

Glad to hear the game is gold. However, given that I still haven’t finished all the games I already have, it might be a bit before I get to it when it arrives.

now we just need the mods to lock the 2 treads for the game

Hell, it’s about time.

Excellent news :smiley: - the official site looks good too.

Just one small concern…have the text-spacing irregularities on this screenshot been fixed for the final release?

A basic explanation of the card game system:

In the card battle system you are dealt a hand of five cards of three colored suits. The colors you are dealt are random, while the number is random within a range determined by your power statistic for that suit.

Each round of battle consists of two phases: the initiative phase and the attack phase. Your goal is to deploy your hand in such a way that your numerical total exceeds your opponent’s in both phases; winning the initiative phase grants you the offensive, and every point you score above your opponent in the attack phase is removed from the opponent’s health. If you lose the initiative phase, your goal is to prevent the opponent from damaging you in the same way.

Your card deployment in both phases is reactive, in the sense that your opponent chooses its hand first. You can see the number of cards your opponent will play and their dominant suit (but not the individual card number values) in your opponent’s hand. Your choice of cards will be influenced by a savvy estimation of the power of your opponent’s hand, which will enable you to bring several variables into play, including:

Agility (added to initiative phase rolls) and Weapon (added to attack rolls)
The opponent’s power in the various colored suits
“Counter” bonuses - If the suit dominant in your hand trumps the opponent’s dominant suit, your suit power is added to your total
Spell card bonuses (typically additive or multiplicative)

More information will be available in the game manual, and to customers via Peach Princess support following release.

We’re currently discussing this. Currently the two variables are the consent of PULLTOP/Will and distribution difficulties that might arise from an install file of this size (around 2.5 GB). We hope to have it up within a month or two, but we can’t make any promises at this point.

Yes. This is one of the things that held us up in the final stage of the development; lots of back and forth with Will to fix some minor graphics issues. The final text the game will ship with looks like this:


is the card battle part easier than tcg’s like magic and yugioh

You know, first thing is you shouldn’t quote a long post. :stuck_out_tongue:

Second, hasn’t he already explained quite detail about how the card system works, that’s pretty much enough for you to figure out yourself

Third, PW is mainly on the visual novel side(as you can see it) so its gameplay mechanic (i.e the card battle) tend to be more simplified compared to mainly card orientation games like yu-gi-oh <— pretty much a common sense.

okay that helps

Please, make resolving this issue one of your priorities. With the current economic crisis and euro-dollar exchange rates, I’m really not looking forward to paying for shipping and tariffs.