Princess Waltz: THE THREAD

at least it isn’t as pricey as the manga gamer stuff

It’s bloody close though. I’m estimating that ordering a physical copy would cost me 38 (32 for the game and 6 for shipping) euros and there’s always the possibility that it will get “caught” by customs. Then, I will have to pay an extra 22% tariff, plus, I will have to drive all the way to the airport and waste my day waiting in lines and doing paperwork. :x They also charge you for safekeeping if you can’t go get it the day the copy arrives, which is just precious. :roll: And, given the current market situation, I’m guessing that fewer people will be buying from outside the EU, which means less workload for customs officers, therefore higher chance for the package to get “caught”. If that was not enough to discourage me from prefering a physical copy over a download option, there’s always the chance that the package might be lost or that the content might be deemed obscene and get confiscated (Oh, yeah did I mention that I live in the most religious and conservative country in the EU? Yeap, that backwater hell-hole called Greece).

Anyway, anger venting aside, a p2p distribution method could help relieve some of the load on PeaPri’s servers. If Blizzard can ask their costumers to help distributing their games through p2p, so can PeaPri. :smiley: (I’m guessing there must be a reason p2p is not chosen that often as a distribution method, but I don’t know what that might be)

I’ll be keeping my fingers crossed, hoping the negotiations with Will will go smoothly.
P.S. I know the pun is low-class, but I just had to do it. :lol:

Amen that, God is listening to you, but he should forgive you for playing these delicious eroges (tell that to the customs officers, lol) :lol:

You should live a few years in Italy, that would make you value Greece a little more I think. We almost have a theocracy here :frowning:

Anyway, I requested for Express Mail, hoping it could save me some problems. If you don’t mind paying an additional 10 euro or so, you could give it a try. After all, getting the game the day after is released, it’s priceless :mrgreen:

Well, actually, as my previous post clearly illustrates, I’m hopelessly stingy. I just might cave in in this particular case, though. I was not all that interested in the game, but heck 2,5 GB? I just HAVE to see what sort of an eroge would require that much space.

Ever heard of a fully animated eroge (i.e School Days). Just wait until you find out about its size, lol.

What about getting it from an European shop? … &aid=44999

Or you can wait December to buy it…


However, I can guarantee that the problems with the Italian customs derive ENTIRELY from bureaucratic inefficiency, not clerical censorship.
90% of my erogames from Japan are routinely inspected, but I’ve regularly received even the most sensitive material, so far.
Our bureucracy wants your money, not your soul :roll: :stuck_out_tongue: , and it’s exactly for this reason that I’m ANXIOUSLY awaiting December

Do the card battles play a significant part in the individual endings?
Also, are all the endings in the individual paths strictly a one on one affair. No twosomes or threesomes?? :oops:
I only ask out of curiousity. I preordered the game regardless of the response.

Order on It’s in Europe so you won’t have the VAT.

EDIT : Too late… I’ve been owned by Baldo :slight_smile:

Thanks Baldo, I didn’t have a clue such a shop existed. :oops:

It’s actually pretty common, nowadays, for a full-priced eroge to take up a few gb. It really depends on the amount of content, and how much effort went into keeping the size down (typically not a lot; as long as you’re under DVD size, since generally these games aren’t sold through download services). For a game of Princess Waltz’s length, the full voice acting would take up a few hundred mb easily, and the game is graphically intensive enough to use a gigabyte or more just for pictures. Combat-oriented titles, such as this one, often have a lot of flashy effects, and if you look at especially long ones like Amatsukaze, they end up reaching 4GB or so easily. Titles that are unnecessarily heavy on animation (that usually doesn’t end up making the game much more interesting) like School Days and Summer Days are larger, but I consider them outliers. There’s also some titles, like the ‘ef -a fairy tale of the two-’ games, ‘Haruka ni Aogi, Uruwashino’ etc. that aren’t combat-oriented or (that) heavily animated, but have thousands of CGs, which eats up gigabytes of space very quickly. Add that to music, sound effects and opening/ending movies, and these games can be quite big if they want to be!

Princess Waltz certainly isn’t a game to play just for the sexing, at any rate. It contains more ero than Kana and Crescendo, but I doubt it beats anything else in the JAST/GC/PP lineup.

I dunno about that. Crescendo has at least one girl with more than one scene.

You did a great job on the website, whoever made that.

Makes me want to buy this game,
and I actually will because I like it already :slight_smile:

Actually, yeah, you’re right. That would make them about equal in terms of H content.

I’d pre-ordered a long time ago, but after seeing the website, I’m now very excited for this one. I only regret that, according to Narg’s review, you can’t get Nono. :frowning:

Well, childhood friends aren’t always necessary to be a love interest, you know :lol:

Since I’ve only explored game container files for music, I’m curious: what kind of compression do they apply to the game images? Does it vary from title to title, maker to maker, been gradually updated the closer to the present the game has been updated, or a combination of these factors? I don’t know a whole lot about the various compression methods, but I know enough that I am curious.

I feel for you. My friend from a suburb of Athens who now lives in the UK, has told me all sorts of stories.

Varies from title to title. What Will like to do is use their home-grown bitmap image and mask formats, which are compressed… a bit. =P They seem to be generally compressed down 20-30%, depending on the image (PNG, for example, would manage more than 50% for a lot of these). It’s quite popular nowadays for people to use PNG, especially companies that make heavy use of graphics. Ayakashi, Dea Ex Machine, ef -the first tale-, ef -the latter tale- and Amatsukaze, all of which use images very heavily, use PNG. I’ve seen JPEGs used a few times, as well as plenty of LZ77/LZ78/LZSS-compressed homegrown formats.

On the subject of Ayakashi, it’s probably a decent example of a Pretty Big Game, at 4423mb. Here’s how it breaks down, size-wise:
Background music: 783mb (yes, it’s uncompressed WAV. If they wanted to, they could easily save a huge amount of space here)
Opening videos: 107mb (just distributing the 640x480 version would probably be enough; everyone who can play the game should be able to play 640x480 video =p. That would bring it down to 66mb)
Script: 1.6mb (insignificant)
Sound effects: 288mb (once again, a heap of space could be saved by compressing it with Ogg Vorbis or something)
Voices: 558mb (these are already Ogg Vorbis audio. It’s a bit weird that they didn’t compress the sound effects and music the same way, but whatever)
Images (graphical effects, CGs, menu stuff and the like): 2680mb (All PNG images. A considerable amount of space could be saved at negligable loss of quality by converting a lot of them to JPEGs or something, but whatever)

Oh, and if someone wants to split this off into another thread, that’s fine. This thread really is supposed to be about princess waltz, not size efficiency of eroges =P

I know, I just think she’s the cutest character on the roster.