Private Nurse

they seem to do that pretty quickly
or it could be that theyve been working on it for months and simply have decided not to announce till now…

odd strategy of their’s
what do you suppose is really going on?

[This message has been edited by exoarchaeologist (edited 08-23-2002).]

I suppose it depends on how much staff they can dedicate to a peticular project. I wouldn’t have thought they’d start another translation until they found out how well the first batch would sell, so it musn’t have taken them all that long.


Originally posted by Doddler:
I suppose it depends on how much staff they can dedicate to a peticular project. I wouldn't have thought they'd start another translation until they found out how well the first batch would sell, so it musn't have taken them all that long.


Of course not. Probably all the lunatics from here were bugging them like crazy! [img][/img]

Well, it is most likely they were working on them before they were announced. If your speculation is correct, Joe-kun, the images part would be faster but it still takes time to do the code conversion and the language translation so that would seem to indicate that they were working on it for awhile. Unless this game is super short for some reason. Does anyone know anything about the original version of the game?

Interesting. But… Hmm, I wonder if one of thir ultimate goals is to bring out as amny nurse gmaes as the can? Now, two games where nurses play a big role in the game is out, and there’s hints at a third… where will this lead—?

By the way, if AngelSmile has joined those companies who’re attempting to release their gmaes here, then i wonder if anyone here have had any experiences of Angelsmile, tried their games, or know what their reputation is or so? If so, I’d like to hear what you know/think

Hm. Then I guess I had better write up my feedback for them. groans I’d wanted to avoid it as long as possible, since it’ll be a pain in the ass to research. But I am absolutely positive that the translation for Chain, at least, was lacking. There were several times when the characters would be saying something complex, and I would catch words I knew the meaning of…and the translation would be very simple and not make any mention of them. Aside from that, there were many times when the main character from Chain was having his internal monologue when the dialog appeared to have been transliterated. (I.e. it was jerky and did not use…how to phrase this…normal English sentence construction.)

[Edit: Perhaps I should make myself clear–I should get them my feedback as soon as possible so they can improve future releases. A better translation is always better!]

[This message has been edited by Nandemonai (edited 08-24-2002).]

I will get it soon!!!

Originally posted by Spectator Beholder:
Interesting. But... Hmm, I wonder if one of thir ultimate goals is to bring out as amny nurse gmaes as the can? Now, two games where nurses play a big role in the game is out, and there's hints at a third... where will this lead---? [img][/img]

Well, it will lead to *BEEP* and *BEEP* and lots of [censored for your safety] and hopefully not a lot of [fear this].

Wow, interesting stuff…

I really need more money… more games… I never thought that there would be a point where bishoujo games were being released too fast for me to keep up… I’ve still got at least 6 more I plan on buying.

I think I’ll go play Kana some more…

Originally posted by TurricaN:
Wow, interesting stuff...

I really need more money... more games... I never thought that there would be a point where bishoujo games were being released too fast for me to keep up... I've still got at least 6 more I plan on buying. [img][/img]

Heh, well I'd rather them come out too fast for me to get instead of waiting around drooling while I wait for the next one to show up. Then again, I still havn't picked up some of the older games as well like Kotobuki. Since those are more to round out my collection rather than a strong interest in playing them, I've been delaying my purchases while I have other stuff to save for.

I see nothing wrong with more nurse games. I like nurses. Several of my high school friends went into nursing. Of course if I was ever their patient, they would take great joy in sticking me with various sharp things whether they were necessary or not but that's besides the point... [img][/img]

Actually I found the translation’s for G-collections games pretty good. I was afraid they would be similar to Hobibox (now those can get bad) but I found minimal errors, and no errors that I could not immediately understand correctly anyways.

Personally I am all for a quicker translation with slight errors than a perfect bug free translation thats takes 1-2 months longer. But then I am just a bishoujo-crazed human being =P.

I did fill out all the feedback cards though and all but DOR got a good rating, I rated DOR pretty harshly, hopefully they don’t bring over any early 90’s games and sell them for $35 anymore…

I’ve only bought Kana Imouto from G-Collections so far, but the translation is excellent! I only noticed a few minor problems, but nothing that took anything away from the game. Kana is a pretty awsome game, actually, it’s one of my favourite games of all time now. I’ve still only got the normal ending (2) though… it’s difficult…

Kana Imouto only had a few spelling and grammar mistakes in it. Not enough for me to go “huh”? Actually given the huge script I didn’t think it was bad at all.

I only have Endding 1 to go. Driving me nuts seeing her die over and over. (Hmm, reminds me of certain character in Star Trek Next Gen.) Endding 2 was not difficult if you got endding 3. You just have to treat a certain character better.

Back on thread. Although I have nothing against nurses, I wouldn’t some mind diversity.

Originally posted by Spectator Beholder:
Interesting. But... Hmm, I wonder if one of thir ultimate goals is to bring out as amny nurse gmaes as the can? Now, two games where nurses play a big role in the game is out, and there's hints at a third... where will this lead---? [img][/img]

I think, we were missing a lot of nurses (If I pass through all the english translated b-games, I have played up to now, I can't remember any other nurse than "Julyne Kawaya" in W.C.), so I'm glad, if G-Collection would give us some more of them. If that's their goal, it's fine with me. Keep the nuses coming (oops, I'm going overboard... [img][/img] )

In my case, this would lead to no more intentionally going into the hospital in order to see some. B-Games are less expensive than a stay in the hospital and bishoujo-nurses are cuter than real ones (at least, most of them)... [img][/img]

[This message has been edited by Unicorn (edited 08-26-2002).]

Originally posted by Unicorn:
I think, we were missing a lot of nurses (If I pass through all the english translated b-games, I have played up to now, I can't remember any other nurse than "Julyne Kawaya" in W.C.), so I'm glad, if G-Collection would give us some more of them. If that's their goal, it's fine with me. Keep the nuses coming (oops, I'm going overboard... [img][/img] )
In my case, this would lead to no more intentionally going into the hospital in order to see some. B-Games are less expensive than a stay in the hospital and bishoujo-nurses are cuter than real ones (at least, most of them)... [img][/img]

*shrughs* I've said it before and I say it again... I don't care much for nurses and are't all that fond of them either... No, instead bring me lots of games with cute maids, strong girls in china dresses, playful catgirls, obident, yet rebellious slave-girls with collars around their necks, proud girls dressed in all sorts of medieval clothes and... and... I'd better not say more, for if I do, I'll drown in my own drool [img][/img]~~.

Hm. This gave me an idea. After school, if I get some time off, or another day this week, I might create a little fun something [img][/img]

Originally posted by Spectator Beholder:
*shrughs* I've said it before and I say it again... I don't care much for nurses and are't all that fond of them either...

I recall, someone said something like that. *shrugs also* It's pointless to discuss personal tastes.

Originally posted by Spectator Beholder:
No, instead bring me lots of games with cute maids,

*nodd, nodd, nodd*

Originally posted by Spectator Beholder:
strong girls in china dresses,

I enjoy them much more in beat-em-ups (Like "Lai Fang" in "Dead or alive" or "Ling Xiaouyu" in "Tekken").

Originally posted by Spectator Beholder:
playful catgirls,

Eeeehmm. O.K., you can have them all, with written recommendation, if you need one. But, please, no hybrids for me ...

Originally posted by Spectator Beholder:
obident, yet rebellious slave-girls with collars around their necks, proud girls dressed in all sorts of medieval clothes and... and...

I see. You're going to love Mary Stuart in OMnY then. She is both of this and a maid... [img][/img]

Originally posted by Spectator Beholder:

Hm. This gave me an idea. After school, if I get some time off, or another day this week, I might create a little fun something [img][/img]

... may the smilies be with you ...

[This message has been edited by Unicorn (edited 08-26-2002).]

Originally posted by Unicorn:
I recall, someone said something like that. *shrugs also* It's pointless to discuss personal tastes.

Yeah, not much point in discussing why the first person loves fire more than water and the second person water more than fire, if you get my meaning [img][/img]. On the other hard, there is things you can discuss when it comes to fetishes, like; if you like maids, thna what kind of maid-clothes do you like best? There's all kinds of maid-clothes, so there would be plenty to discuss in such a discussion, but to try and convince one to like/not like this and that is almost futile.

*nodd, nodd, nodd*

Glad to hear it [img][/img].

I enjoy them much more in beat-em-ups (Like "Lai Fang" in "Dead or alive" or "Ling Xiaouyu" in "Tekken").

Hmm, haven't seen Dead or Alive, and i haven't played Tekken, only watched the OVA, and that was ,long ago. But by "strong", I meant hat I want the girl to have soem fightning spirit and preferably some skilsl in martial arts too [img][/img]. but normal girls in china dresses will do almost as well (but "strong" girls in those is way more cool!) [img][/img].

Eeeehmm. O.K., you can have them all, with written recommendation, if you need one. But, please, no hybrids for me ...

Aww, Marine's going tob e hurt if she hears that [img][/img]. but, sure, if that's how you want it, i'll take'em all *gets surronded by a dozen purring cat-girls*

I see. You're going to love Mary Stuart in OMnY then. She is both of this and a maid...

Arrgh, now you're almost opening the wound again [img][/img]. *bares fangs*. Well, hopefully I'll be able to see Mary in some years...

... may the smilies be with you ...

Thanks [img][/img]. but It'll not be something big, just a little fetish-related poll that I'll do just for fun.

Ahh, I could sit here all the day and name some more different fetishes... oh, I forgot to mention one before: elves *drool*. So far, the only games where any pointy-eared elves appears, haven't had such a great reputation; Fairy Nights and DOR... and neither has a great reputation *bawls*

i thought the translation in Kana to be very good, too…if there were any translation errors or problems, they didn’t stick out enough for me to remember them, which is a good thing…

I will be buying Chain once my money for next month comes in, so I can give my comments on its translation once i play it

as for nurse games, i prefer slave games myself (come on, PeaPri, SLAVE BAZAAR SLAVE BAZAAR), but nurses are nice…i think at this point, we still have to be grateful for whatever we get…just because G-Collections is out there too now, doesn’t mean the bishoujo gaming market is firmly entrenched in the english world yet

Originally posted by ladyphoenix:
as for nurse games, i prefer slave games myself (come on, PeaPri, SLAVE BAZAAR SLAVE BAZAAR), but nurses are nice....i think at this point, we still have to be grateful for whatever we get....just because G-Collections is out there too now, doesn't mean the bishoujo gaming market is firmly entrenched in the english world yet


... *drinks a glass of water*...

There, that should do it! [img][/img].

[This message has been edited by Spectator Beholder (edited 08-26-2002).]

Originally posted by joe_kun:
Seems another game has been translated at G-Collections. Private Nurse by Angelsmile.

[This message has been edited by olf_le_fol (edited 08-26-2002).]