Project Sakura (Bishoujo RP)

She sat there staring out the window. The overcast sky and pouring rain mesmorised her. The soft, silkiness of the stretching clouds and the the rythmic tapping of the rain against the glass lulled her conscious mind farther from the present. The incessant drone of the students milling about slowly faded until all there was for her was the grey haze of the rainy day.

Her little adventure in the locker room still echoed in her mind. Embarrased and blushing, she had thrown on her clothes and rushed from the other girl as fast as she could. She hated herself for the cowardice and shame she always drowned in when her naked body was on display. She desperately wanted to take pride in herself. But some small part of her balked and she could not help her intense reactions.

Now, she was stuck. She didn’t want to join that club but that girl seemed to know how to strike and strike deep and fast.

“Casual romance” she mumbled as the wind blew faint swirls into the falling rain. Just thinking about what could happen in the club terrified her. She enjoyed chatting, so much that most tell her that she is a flirt. But something about the club woke her inner cynic and led it about her psyche and let it rampage. “Romance.”

Xallie sighed and layed her head on her hands. That was probably it, the romance. Images of laughter, kissing, hands sliding up her flat stomach only to gently roll over her petite chest… it all flashed through her mind. She couldn’t help it.

Tilting her head, Xallie opened her eyes and glanced over the classroom.

I wonder who else will be there she quickly scanned over most of the class. She noticed several people in the hall talking… one was the girl who had come at the end of her ordeal in the locker room. Xallie stared at her for a few moments. I’ll bet she wasn’t railroaded into the club.

She started to envy the girl. Silky brown hair and the brown eyes behind the glasses.

She must get a lot of guys hitting on her she briefly wished she didn’t stick out so much with her blond roguish hair and her tell-tale bluish green eyes. She looked different from so many of the girls at the school that she couldn’t help but feel singled out from time to time. She continued to stare blankly at the girl for a few moments, thinking, comparing, and berating herself before the girl casually turned to look in Xallie’s direction.

Gasping, Xallie quickly turned back to the window.

O… caught staring at a girl. she started to shake just a little bit, worried about how people would react if they had caught her little creepy stare-down. Silently cursing herself, Xallie stared out into the rain hoping that she would start to fit in soon. She sighed before finally losing herself once more in the natural dance just outside the window.

Why me?


"So the way to kill a demon is to cut off its head," I said.
"If he lets you," the Stranger replied.
He was sitting on a stump, while I field-dressed his wounds. The Holy Blade was back in its sheath and looking like an ordinary stick tucked in his belt.
Here's how it had ended: while Uzumaki was squeezing the life out of me, the Stranger had come up from behind, pulled the Holy Blade out of the demon's back, and lopped off his head, swift and clean. I couldn't really see it (considering my vantage point and being nearly blind with pain), but it must have looked really cool.
I wanted us to go to a hospital afterward, but he wouldn't hear of it. Instead, he ordered me to wait on him like I was his servant or something.  I thought this was pretty unfair of him, because I was hurting too, you know. In a hospital I could have at least gotten an aspirin and a pretty nurse to look after me. But no, I couldn't talk him into it.
I was using strips of cloth from the remains of Kuchisake's yukata to bind him up with. Just touching them made me feel all creepy, but he didn't seem to care one way or another. It was as if their having come from clothing that once touched her body held no association for him at all-at least, none that he was willing to show. 
"Good thing I distracted him for you, right?" I said.
 I wanted to make sure I got some credit for the victory, and I was trying to get him to acknowledge it. "You know, so you could sneak up and¬Öswoosh!" 
I made a slashing movement with my hand by way of illustrating the business.
"This is all your fault," he replied grimly.
"Hey! What? I helped you didn't I? And anyway I'm the victim here.  Uzumaki was all set to make monster hot pot or something out of me."
"If you hadn't followed your lust and involved yourself with that woman, and later interfered with my attempt to strike her down, none of this would have happened."
I see¬Öhe must still be mad at me for klonking him with that bone.
"If you do not curb these lustful tendencies of yours, young man, you will lose your head for certain," he said.
(It's always about heads with this guy.)
"Desire is pain," he continued, "Terrible things happen when one gives into it. Let me tell you a story about desire." 
He paused then and didn't say anything again for such a long time that I thought he'd changed his mind. I guess it was a hard story for him to tell.
Eventually, though, he started:

“There once was a man,” he said. “A man who was especially favored by the Gods, who had a Mission for him. The circumstances of his birth were miraculous and from an early age he sought to protect the people from the monsters that everywhere oppressed them: oni, demons and the other creatures that bred in the filth and corruption of the spirit. He was aided in his mission by the creatures of the land and the air.”
“Wait, wait!” I said. “I know this story. They read it to us in grade school. Momotaro, the little Peach Boy, right?” A wide grin spread across my face. “You’re not telling me you’re Taro-chan, are you?”
He gave me a sharp look.
“Don’t interrupt!”
"In his later years he took a wife. She was a beautiful woman, but of low caste, and made her way in the world as an entertainer. Considering the difference in their status, he a high-ranking Samurai and she a lowly commoner, it would have been more fitting for him to take her as a mistress; certainly not as a wife. But a wife is what she wanted to be, and he was so entranced by her beauty that he asked her parents for her hand, which, of course, they gladly granted.
"At first, he was very happy with her. For she really was very beautiful, and he loved her dearly. But she was a faithless woman who soon started seeing other men. Maybe that was his fault. He was frequently away. His Mission required it, for there were always monsters to slay. She probably felt neglected or still longed for the glamour of her former life, who knows? Whatever the cause, she eventually fell in with a man who was a worshipper of the demon Uzumaki, and he initiated her into his cult. Imagine it¬Ö the wife of the great Taro, a devil worshipper! Or maybe she always had been.
“When he learned the truth, his anger and shame were boundless. He found them together one night and slew them both. He cut off the man’s head, but an evil impulse made him slash the woman’s face, before cutting her body in twain. He sought to destroy her beauty, you see, the way a petulant child might destroy a cherished plaything out of spite. After she was dead and his anger abated, he realized he had committed a great sin.”
“Yeah,” I replied, "killing people is bad.
“No!” he shouted.
He leaped up just as I was trying to tie a knot in one of his bandages, knocking me off my feet in the process.
He looked down at me.
"No. I was a samurai. I could kill anyone with impunity, and it was my duty to slay evildoers. But not in anger. Anger had tainted my actions. There was no justice in mutilating her face; it was unnecessary. I became sick. I felt as if I had fallen from a great height. So in order to purify myself, I went to the Holy Man up on Mount Koya.
“For many years thereafter, I lived in peace with the Holy Man, but then we started receiving disturbing reports from all over of a mysterious masked woman who seduced young men and collected their souls for her evil god, Uzumaki. Of course, it was my former wife, not dead but somehow still alive and doing the work of that filthy creature.
“One night the Gods appeared before me in a dream and accused me of being the cause of this new evil. They told me that to atone for it, I must now hunt her down and put an end to her.”
“So the Gods said that the only way to make up for disfiguring and killing your wife was to kill her again?” I said.
“Yes, the ways of the God are strange.”
“Yeah, no shit.”
" Stop interrupting,” he said. “The next morning the Holy Man came to me with his Holy Blade. It was one of several swords that had been forged at the time of Queen Himiko, a great shaman, and had been personally blessed by her. It was the most sacred object on Mount Koya, so it was a great sacrifice for him to turn it over to me But he, too, knew of my new mission and that no ordinary weapon would be of any use against a minion of Uzumaki.”
That got me to thinking about my own experience with this self-same Holy Blade.
“Hey,” I said, “isn’t it great the way it makes you feel like you’re so invincible?”
“I don’t need the Holy Blade to feel that way,.” He replied.
“But look, the way you talk and all, this stuff must have taken place hundreds of years ago. What took you so long to catch up with Miss Kuchisake?”
“She was not easy to find,” he replied. “She stayed in the shadows as much as she could. Besides, there were other monsters to slay, as well. It was a long and twisted road that led me to this place.”
“Uh huh, but, here again, if what your saying is true, you must be hundreds of years old, yourself. Or are you a ghost, too?”
“There are all kinds of ghosts,” he replied. “Long life was a curse the Gods put on me.”
“You call that a curse? Wow, I wouldn’t mind living forever!”
“Do not say that, youngster. That is simply your ignorance speaking. Long life is a curse when you have to live on and on, homeless, friendless and watching a once proud Japan turn away from the natural order of the Gods, until the people in it are scarcely better than demon, themselves.”
Even though we had shared the bond of combat, it was hard to really like this guy when he started talking like that.
“So what happens,” I said, “now that we’ve slain Uzumaki?”
I was not going to let him get away with taking all the credit for himself.
He looked over at the headless carcass nearby.
“That is not Uzumaki,” he said, “merely the shadow he casts upon the Earth.”
“The true Uzumaki is a deathless spirit who dwells in some unimaginable other worldly cesspool. All I did was to save your soul from being taken there.”
“Well, I owe you one for that, I guess,” I replied.
As we were talking, I looked over at the body in question. It seemed to have shrunk a bit, and there was a little pile of those spiral thingies beside it. I went over and picked one up.
“So this is a soul?” I said.
It felt like old paper, or maybe like the dead skin you peel off your arm after you get a sunburn.
Taro, meanwhile, had picked up the creature’s head.
Only it was no longer the head of a demon, but was once again Miss Kuchisake’s.
It had her beautiful, decimated face, alright. And so fresh and alive-looking that I half expected her to open her eyes.
That didn’t happen, of course¬Öthank goodness.
Taro took the head over to the riverbank and threw it into the water. It sank slowly. The last part to go under was her hair, which floated on the surface for awhile like a black jellyfish.
“You know, I liked her,” I said, I don’t know why.
He never replied, but simply nodded his head.
Behind us, the body of the monster (Uzumaki or no) had now decomposed into piles of those little spiral things that were picked up by sudden gust of wind and blown out over the marsh.
We watched as they swirled away into the darkness.
“There is one more thing we must do this night,” Taro said.
“What’s that?” I replied.
“We have to burn down her house.”
“How come?”
“It’s a Mon; a gate,” he replied. “A portal that other filthy creatures like her may use to enter our world. Let us go.”
“Oh,” he said. “Do you have a match?”

Brant had stayed and talked some more with Kokoro which actually surprised them both. Brant cause he thought she would somehow get him to leave but didn’t, Kokoro cause she didn’t even think of telling him to leave. What surprised her even more was that they even had something to talk about. They had left and headed for the exit/entrance of the school.

"You have a car it's a nice import right. " Brant said
"I'm not giving you a ride home." They saw a fog had rolled in and some wolves howled.
"Someone is going to die a violent death." Kokoro said mostly to herself
"So you think that too." 
"Yes and no I'll not take you home." she said
"Come on its foggy I might get hurt or worse." he could tell she thought about it for a second
"Fine. I'll take you home but your going to tell me how." she said
"Great." he got in a did a quick look over the car. The car had a nice leather interior, cd/radio player, built in GPS. "You ever use it?"
"Hmm. Yes I have. Go ahead and put your address in it."
"I was going to in an case." he said and put his address into the GPS. "Damn this car is nice."
"It is isn't it." they drove and saw a flare up down by the lake after awhile.
"Wolves told the truth." and saw Brant nod in agreement.

"You could tell someone and it may help you." Brant said before he could stop himself and the Kokoro slammed the breaks.
"We're here." 
"Thank you for the ride Kokoro." as Brant got out he was about to close the door he added "What something to eat its to late for you to go home and make something to eat or go out."
Kokoro was quite and looking at him as he was looking at her with dark brown eyes that showed some hints of stubbornness and something else.
"I lead when I do not want to and you need to be lead for now. So are you coming in or not." he said with a half smile.
"Your right I will." and thought (I should be here or even gave him a ride home. Can't do anything about it now can you. And his mother is here.)
"I'm not sure what she made to eat today."
"Doesn't matter." Kokoro said
"Ok." he took out his key, entered he and saw his to sisters home.

Note The wolves howling part i got from a book and that was for Acknowledgment of Kuchisake pending death.

She couldn’t get her leg to stop shaking. Her knee was bouncing up and down, just barely missing the underside of the table. Her fingers were swiriling the the folds of her school uniform. She was so nervous.

Xallie slowly looked around the small diner, her eyes stopping on each person there. It was hard to tell, but it seemed that most of them were there for the club. It amazed her how many people had joined, but then she remembered how she was wrangled into it and suddenly it wasn’t so amazing. There seemed to be an even mix of boys to girls. Xallie gave quick glances at each face, although she hurried past most of the boys. What would they think if she was staring?

“O, what am I doing here?” she mumbled to herself and looked down at her burrowing hands, " I didn’t have to come."

She raised her head again and just let her head roll and her eyes wonder. Maybe if she just stayed there, nothing would happen. She mumbled to herself as she sat there. Normally, she would have enjoyed talking and flirting with people. But ever since she had arrived a few weeks ago she had managed to trip and fall into class, be gawked at by some odd girl, and in turn stare down another girl herself. Hopefully the girl didn’t notice. All of that had shattered her confidence and dampened her normally flirty demeanor.

A loud bang sounded and she winced in pain as her knee smacked the table. She flinched at the audible scrape as the table shifted. She gave a worried and rushed glance around the room, seeing if anyone had seen her.

One more to the list she cursed herself as she scanned the room again. Relief began to flood through her as face after face seemed unaware or uninterested in her jitty clumsiness. A small sigh built deep within her chest but it caught in her throat with a strangled “eep” as her eyes locked onto a boy’s who were clearly staring right at her. She stared back for long seconds as her face turned a deep crimson. That rising warm sensation was becoming all too familiar to her. The boy didn’t stop looking and in fact seemed to slowly let his eyes drift over her.

Xallie nervously looked around her as the guy calmly gazed at her. Her blush only deepened at the unexpected attention. Her knee kicked into overdrive and her hands bunched up her skirt. She was too absorded in that unflinching gaze to notice that she had pulled up the side of one skirt and offered a small glimpse of her white panties. Though she did flinch at the small smirk he gave, thinking that he was smiling about her clumsy dance with the table. She didn’t know that her clumsiness was busy flashing tantalising glimpses under her skirt.

The guy’s smile widened and he started walking towards her. Xallie froze in panic, her knee hovering in mid-air and her fists tightly balled with her skirt. It looked like he was walking towards her, but for a few seconds she held out hope that it wasn’t true. But as he drew closer, that hope evaporated. With nervousness mounting, she gave one last glance around the room before looking back to the guy. He was only a few metres away. Suddenly, her taught body snapped into action and she tore from the booth with a strangled grasp.

She saw the boy’s mouth hang open in shock before quickly turning and rushing to the door. With her head down she flung open the door and marched out.

“Kya!” a girl’s startled voice lightly rose. Xallie only grunted as she landed on her butt.

“I’m sorry, I’m sorry” Xallie quickly stood and looked to the girl that she had bulldozed in her escape attempt. She froze with her hand outstretched when the girl raised her face. The glasses and the long flowing hair. In a panic Xallie looked back into the diner then back to the girl and then back to the diner. She was unhinged now. “I’m so sorry.”

She furiously wiped around her eyes as she started to cry. Trembling, Xallie turned and fled as quick as her shaking legs would carry her. Just as she rounded the corner she heard two voices cry out at once. One must have been the female and while the other sounded male. Maybe the boy had followed her out. She didn’t want to find out.

“Hey!” the voices quickly faded as Xallie ran.

She cursed her clumsy and awkward stupidity as she cried long into that night. She couldn’t believe how bad the last few weeks had been. Just as sleep began to overtake her, she remembered a small little building she barely noticed as she ran. She sighed one word, gave a brief smile, and promised that she would remember in the morning.


Talimew was relaxing in the corner of the room, eyes closed and leaning on the wall.
He had said to Kokoro, he would come to the meeting, but he had never said anything about participating in it.
The room was cramed with students and they all talked, laughed and shouted so it was quite noisy.
“Sigh. Why do I have to be here?,” he muttered.

Five minutes later, he was still relaxing in the corner, when he was addressed by a familiar voice.
“Rurin-san! You actually came!” He opened his eyes and looked to the side. Kokoro was standing there, looking up at his face.
“What? I DID say I would come to the meeting. You actually thought, I wouldn’t meet up? You should know me better than that!”
She just stuck out her tongue at him and giggled. “I’m just messing with you.,” she said to him and looked around.
“Wow, there sure is a lot of people here. See anything you like? Hehe.” He sighed big time, at the last comment.

“Are you still trying to find me a girlfriend? Look, the last two you introduced me to, were…
Uhh, lets just say we didn’t fit well together.” The dates had been absolute disasters.
“And that’s why I told you to lay it off! I’m not looking for a girlfriend right now.”
The last bit was of course a lie, but he said it, because he wanted her to back down.
She just shook her head at him and said: “You’re not fooling me, you know. As you said yourself, I know you to well.
Well, I’ll leave you off the hook this time. See you later” And just as suddenly as she had arrived, she was gone.

Talimew closed his eyes and sunk back into his relaxed state, armed crossed. If a person was looking at him,
it would seem like he was sleeping standing up.

Brant was just finishing putting the things Kokoro told him to put where, while she was doing something else. He was helping her to payback for taking him home a few days ago. He didn’t help with everything.

"I put away most of what you told me Kokoro." He said just as someone entered with a bleeding nose. (That must of hurt like a bitch.)

"Hey Kok-Nurse Komegura. You got some person with a bloodily nose here." 

Kokoro stopped what she was doing and went to tend to the bleed student.

"I told you to put everything where it belongs." She said when asked "Did you get in a fight or something? Let me see."

"I'll be going now talk you later." he left as she went about dealing with the student.

(Now what should I do.) He thought as he headed for the entrance and saw it was still raining. He saw his two friends talking. Then he got an idea but chances are that they would probably want something for it. 

"What the hell were you doing?" Miwa asked just as he got close.
"Doing a half ass job in helping someone." he replied
"So you really are caring." Jance said
"Perhaps. Now I just got any idea would you two both fight against me out in the rain now."
"Are you crazy." Miwa said then Jance whispered something to her and nodded. "Help us in the tournament."
"That was easy but you need to go get them." Jance said
"I'll be right back then." Brant said as he went to get them.
"Easy it may of been but he wants a match against the both of us." Miwa said
"Well at least its raining so that should make us even with him."

After a few minutes Brant was back carrying three one for each of them, only cause he uses his sword when he means to kill someone or make a point. 

"Alright here you two go."  
"I guess with have to go through with it." Miwa said
"We're going to gather a crowd." Jance 
"Enough talking."

The three of them went out into the rain without any umbrellas while students left to go home. Jance and Miwa stood in front of him holding their weapons ready. Brant held his loosely in his hands watching them . Some students stopped looking at them curiously they in turn stopped others. Soon a crowd surrounded them. Five minutes had gone by and it was still raining most students had stayed even if it was raining. Miwa moved first on his right and Jance from the left. Brant still held it loosely then he quickly blocked Jance attack and counterattacked Miwa's attack. Only to have to turn his attention to stop Jance. They continued attacking him while he blocked and countered. As they continued fighting the crowd started to get slightly bigger. The three of them didn't pay any attention to the crowd. 

"We should end this." Jance added "Even if it is fun."
"She's right you know." Miwa said while still fighting along with Jance
"Two choices." Brant said still blocking and countering each attack.
"Lets see one disarming of us or you and the other choice is we just stop." Jance said
"That wont happen." Miwa said as both she and Jance disengaged and stepped back while he stayed where he was.

(Last time I fought more than one person intent on killing me, if it wasn't for her I wouldn't have lived after that fight.) He thought (But that taught me to make sure to give over to the violence when necessary.)

Brant held his sword down waiting for them to make a move. They both came at him each from a different side at the same time. He disarmed one of them and broke his and the other. Just as that happened a teacher started through the crowd, after a few seconds the crowd dispersed. He looked at both of them and saw that they used the crowd to leave. He would of ran but it was to late the teachers saw him and headed towards him.

(Damn it.) He thought and waited for them to come to him
"So it was you causing trouble." 
"I didn't cause any trouble. If I did there would be people with broken bones on the ground." Brant replied
"Do you enjoy making me mad?" the teacher started to yell
"No just stating the truth."
"Don't give me that attitude." the teacher said getting louder
(Damn idiot.) Brant thought and started turned around to walk away.
"I'm not done talking to you!" the teacher said and was about to grab him.

"Sir the principal said he needs to see you." 

Brant had stopped and looked back to see who it was and was surprised. He started on his way again.

"Sir the principal."
"Right." the teacher said promptly forgetting Brant.

Note As for who saved his life that person it was a memory that is all or he was seeing things.


Mita City, the capital of Ibaraki province. 
The man entering the building at 4-4-4 Shirashicho Road on a bright, sunny day in early September was named Binkan Suzuki. He was in his late 30s and had a receding hairline. He wore glasses and a grey suit and carried a briefcase. To the casual eye, he appeared to be a typical Japanese salaryman going about his everyday business.
The entrance to the building at 4-4-4 Shirashicho Road bore a sign in Romanji that said:

Below it were the same words in Katakana.
Just inside the building he was greeted by a young woman who smiled and politely bowed to him.
“Irasshaimase, Mr. Suzuki,” she said. So good to see you again."
“Good afternoon, Reiko,” he said, returning her bow, “I have an appointment with Mr. Ecuador. I believe he’s expecting me.”
“Yes, he is, Mr. Suzuki. He’s very eager to talk with you, in fact,” replied Reiko, the Receptionist. “But he’s in the middle of a very important telephone call at the moment. Would you care to accompany me to the Hospitality Room?”
She led him down a short hallway that led to a partially opened sliding door, which she pushed all the way open.
“Doozo,” she said, beckoning him to enter the room beyond with an outstretched hand.
It was a brightly lit room with tatami mats on the floor. Three sides of the room had walls, but the fourth side was completely open and gave a view of a traditional Japanese rock garden with a small fountain beyond it. Water from the fountain slowly dripped into a bamboo tube which tipped over when it was full, making a “thunk” sound as it drained out into the bottom of the fountain, then snapped back to its former position. In the center of the room there was a low mahogany table with cushions placed around it on the floor.
The only elements of the room that conflicted with the Japanese “wa” of it all were some travel posters on the walls depicting scenes of South America (tropical beaches, bull fighters and smiling senoritas mostly) and the Latin music softly playing from a speaker somewhere.
At the end of the room there was a buffet table piled high with all sorts of Japanese delicacies: nori, sashimi, tacoyaki and gleaming bowls of rice. There were also few South American dishes with which Mr. Suzuki was less familiar.
“Doozo, suwatte kudasai,” Miss Reiko said, indicating that he should sit down, which he did in a rather delicate fashion.
“May I fix you a plate of something?” she asked.
“Just some tea please, Reiko” he replied.
After she had handed him his tea, she withdrew with a polite bow, while he sat and quietly drank.
In Japan, most businesses are seldom all they appear to be.
The Ecuador Agency, for instance, was officially listed as a talent agency for the entertainment industry. But while it did list a few clients (mostly over-the-hill idols and news readers from the outlying provinces who were on their way to either adult movies or daytime television), that was just a front. The real business of the Ecuador Agency was supplying certain illicit services-mainly drugs and sex-to show business personalities and influential politicians. Naturally, for this business model to work, the utmost discretion on the part of all the parties involved was all important. Unfortunately, the company’s customers in the world of entertainment often had a kamikaze-like tendency to make public asses of themselves. Whenever that happened, it was imperative that the Ecuador Agency cover its traces.
This is where this gentleman who was quietly sitting on a cushion sipping tea comes in. Binkan Suzuki was what was known in certain circles as a “cleaner.” On those occasions when a popular singer was sighted coming out of a love hotel with a married politician or a handsome actor got high and beat up his girlfriend, it was Mr. Suzuki’s job to see that it got covered up or, if that wasn’t possible, to at least draw the attention of the authorities and the media away from a small talent agency located in Mita City, Ibraki Prefecture.
This gave Mr. Suzuki a great deal of power in the entertainment world. He knew a great many secrets that the darlings of the media desperately wished to keep under wraps, and you might say he knew where the bodies were buried; in fact, he had helped bury more that a few-literally! A more ruthless or enterprising man than Mr. Suzuki might have done much with his knowledge (blackmail perhaps being just the tip of the iceberg), but to him it was just a job. The misbehavior of strangers only represented to him problems to be solved and paychecks to be cashed. His mother had raised him to be a humble man, so humble he was.
After about twenty minutes, Jose Ecuador, himself, entered the room.
“Binkan! Amigo! How the hell are you?” he said loudly.
Everything about him was loud.
He was dressed in white pants and wore a flowery shirt that barely fit over his kettledrum of a pot belly. His shirt was unbuttoned enough to show the hair on his chest and several gold chains and a silver crucifix hung from his neck.
His real name was Goro Matsuda. He was partly Japanese, but mostly Hispanic. Shortly after World War II, his ancestors had fled Japan to escape being put on trial for war crimes. They resettled in Peru, where the family had prospered in various criminal enterprises ever since. Matsuda renamed himself Jose Ecuador because of a prison sentence in Quito, the capital of Ecuador. To some, prison would have seemed a bad thing, but not to Goro Matsuda, who was naturally given to optimism. In fact, he often looked back on it as one of the happiest periods of his life. The Matsuda fortune and the highly bribable guards at the prison had made his stay there unusually enjoyable.
After he was released, he decided to reinvent himself. So, he changed his name to Jose Ecuador to honor the country that had been so hospitable to him and decided to expand the family operations overseas by returning to the old homeland.
Suzuki came to his feet and bowed respectfully.
Ecuador laughed and stuck one huge hand.
Suzuki took it and shook hands with him weakly. When it was over, he withdrew his hand with considerable relief.
“Come, amigo. Let’s talk in my office,” Ecuador said.
He put a huge arm around the smaller man’s shoulder and led him out of the room.
“Reiko!” he yelled. “Hold all my calls!”
“Sorry to keep you waiting, amigo,” he said, addressing Suzuki. “But I was on the phone. Making arrangements for a big event at the Chateau this weekend.”
Suzuki had heard of the Chateau. It was another part of the Ecuador Agency’s many services, but one that Suzuki knew very little about and wished to know even less. The Chateau was located somewhere up in the mountains north of Ibaraki Prefecture, and even though it was called a chateau, it was more of a mansion than that and more of fortress than a mansion. It was often the venue for a certain type of entertainment that appealed to very rich and very twisted people. The kind of people that his mother had taught him were no good, rich people whose morals were even worse that the ones he dealt with on a day to day basis. He couldn’t imagine what could be worse, but he had heard that the Chateau wasn’t a very safe place for women to be.
“Now, tell me, amigo, how has this business with Miss Noriko turned out?” Ecuador asked, after they had become settled in his office.
It was a rather plain office for such a flashy individual as Jose Ecuador. The only items of note in it was a large oil on velvet painting of the Crucifixion hanging on the wall behind his desk and a couple of framed photographs on it. One showed Ecuador, himself, alongside a round, apple-cheeked woman who was probably his wife, and the other was of a surly-looking youth in a school uniform. He was short and fat and bore an undeniable resemblance to Ecuador, himself.
“For I am dying to find out,” he continued.
Noriko was the name of a popular actress who had recently been found in possession of narcotics that could possibly be traced back to Ecuador during a routine baggage inspection at Haneda airport. She had been arrested and held for questioning, but promptly escaped-probably by bribing one of her guards. After that, she had simply disappeared, leaving a media sensation in her wake that went on for days. Worrisome questions had been raised by the media about where the drugs had come from, so naturally Mr. Suzuki had been called in.
“Things went very well, Ecuador-san,” he replied. “She was easy to find; just hiding out with some relatives, that’s all. I was lucky to find her first, because it wouldn’t have taken much time for the Authorities to find her-as they will shortly.”
“Did you kill her?”
“Oh, no! Of course not. I would never do that to Noriko. I admire her work greatly. She’s such a marvelous actress with so much more to give to the world. Killing her would be so unnecessary, so I found a better way.”
“And what was that, amigo?”
“I simply advised her to turn herself in and say that she got the drugs from a foreigner.”
“Madre de Dios!” Ecuador exclaimed, crossing himself. “But won’t that lead the cops right to me?”
Suzuki smiled.
“All the years you’ve been in this country, Ecuador-san, and you still don’t understand the Japanese? Let me explain. Nobody wants to see Noriko get into trouble, not even the police. All anyone wants from her is a sincere apology and all will be forgiven. Blaming her downfall on a foreigner will do two things: First, it will confirm what people already believe about how it’s the foreigners who are corrupting Japanese society; secondly, it will give the police an excuse to drop the investigation.”
“Oh, yes?” Ecuador asked.
“Yes, by claiming she got the drugs from a foreigner, she’s implying that she actually got them from the Yakusa, but is afraid to admit it. Likewise, the police in Tokyo will be too afraid to bother the Yakusa, with whom they have a live and let live policy, so the whole investigation will be quietly dropped. Oh, they may rough up a few gaijan in Shibuya just for show, but the Tokyo police are not going to come all the way out to Ibaraki looking for clues.”
“Ha, ha! Wonderful, wonderful,” Ecuador said. “We gaijin are pretty useful to you Japanese sometimes, aren’t we?” he replied (apparently not taking in the sense of Suzuki’s comment about foreigners corrupting Japanese society).
“I guess so¬Öwhen you put it that way,” Suzuki replied. “In any event, there’s no harm done. Noriko will play her part like the great actress that she is. Freeze her account for now, of course. Destroy any old records. And in a few months-when all this has all blown over-you will be able to start supplying her with product again.”
“Good, good! What would I do without you, Binkan?” Ecuador replied. “But you know, I sometimes get so tired of dealing with these show business people. They’re troublesome; you always have to cover your ass when you’re dealing with them.”
Suzuki shrugged.
“I suppose you just have to put up with it to make money,” he said.
“I suppose so,” Ecuador replied with a sign. “But, do you know how I started out in this country a few years ago. By selling my product to school kids. What a great business that was! So secure. If a kid messes up, who cares? It doesn’t make the evening news.”
Suzuki nodded in agreement.
“It sounds so attractive. Why did you get out of that business?”
“It’s a saturated market,” Ecuador replied. “When something’s too good a deal, everybody wants to get into it. The local Yaks have got the school market all tied up these days. At least the hassle of dealing with show business people levels the playing field a little. Besides, I can’t find the kind of people any more like the ones I had working for me back then. Ah, there was this one senorita! I only met her once, and I never knew her name. So I just called her the Snow Queen. But she was a genius! A school nurse, can you believe that? Talk about the fox guarding the hen house! But then she lost her nerve. Some kid she’d juiced up for a sporting event died on the field-bad heart, I guess. She had some kind of a sick thing for this kid and it messed her all up.”
“What happened to her?” Suzuki asked.
“Ah, she just disappeared,” Ecuador replied. “Owed me a lot of money, too.”
The conversation momentarily ground to a halt at this point, as conversations sometimes do. Suzuki took a tissue from his breast pocket and started polishing his glasses, while Ecuador picked up the picture of the surly youth and gazed at it absently.
What went unsaid was that there was another reason why Ecuador had stopped selling drugs to kids-his son.
Ramon Ecuador, Jose’s only son, had died when the school he was attending, Cromartie, had mysteriously been blown up. The case was never solved, although witnesses had sworn a strange, catlike figure had been seen running out of the building seconds before the explosion occurred. Jose had been grief-stricken-- it’s hard when a parent has to bury his son-- but he had learned to live with his loss. Still, ever since that tragedy, Jose Ecuador wouldn’t have a thing to do with schools or students. Even driving by a school building made his chest hurt.
His wife, on the other hand, had gone completely loco, at least as far as her husband was concerned. She had consulted a medium, trying to contact Ramon in Heaven, but was told that her son had come back to Earth, but in another form. Just what kind of form, the medium couldn’t say, but now Mrs. Ecuador was determined to search all of Japan until she found him.
“Nonsense!” Ecuador said out loud.
“Eh?” Suzuki said, looking up.
“Sorry, Amigo,” Ecuador replied, “I was thinking about something else. But what is this I hear about you getting married? If you don’t mind me saying so, I always thought you were too much of an herbivore for that.”
“Well, that¬Ö” Suzuki replied without enthusiasm," it’s a little bit of a mistake."
“Isn’t it always, ha ha!”
“It was arraigned,”
"Yes, Suzuki said. “Between my mother and a friend of hers who has this unmarried daughter. The two of them got together and decided that the two of us should meet. I tried to get out of it, you know, but couldn’t. So I agreed, but thought nothing would come of it. I was sure that she would find me unsuitable (you know how women are these days), and I endeavored to be my boring best, and it looked like it was working, too. Because all through the interview, she didn’t seem to listen to me at all and hardly made any conversation back. Her mind seemed to be miles away the whole time. But in the end, she accepted me. She actually accepted me! I couldn’t believe it. Right in front of my mother, too. Well, after that, I was stuck.”
“Ha ha,” Ecuador replied. “I can just see it. And there’s no way you can get out of it?”
“No, my mother would kill me!”
Ecuador continued to laugh, and Suzuki was starting to feel offended.
“Look, we Japanese take these things seriously,” he said.
“Seriously?” Ecuador replied. “Amigo, we have arranged marriages in Peru, too. Though there’s usually a bit more passion involved. My marriage to my dear Maria was arranged, you know.”
“Well, it can’t be helped now,” Suzuki replied. “Mother is going full steam ahead with the preparations.”
“Sorry to hear that, my friend. Well¬Ödo you have a picture of this wonder woman, who’s landed the Great Suzuki?” Ecuador asked.
“Yes, here in my cell,” Suzuki replied, passing his cell phone over to Ecuador. “Her name is Kokoro, and she’s the school nurse. She works at a small academy south of here called JAST.”
Ecuador looked at the picture, and he looked like he’d seen a ghost. Suzuki, in turn, regarded his friend with increasing bewilderment.

"This is the woman you're going to marry," Ecuador asked in a hoarse voice. "Is this right. And you say she's a nurse? At a school? Talk about hiding out in plain sight. Ha ha! For this, amigo, is the very woman I was talking about. The Snow Queen herself. And you're going to marry her? Now I truly do believe there is a God! Blessings on you both, my friend. Do marry her. And when you do, bring her up to the Chateau."


Brant Otera was once again in the Nurse’s Office, helping out.
Kokoro was at her computer, sorting out her email. Just about all of it was from either her mother or her soon-to-be mother-in-law, Mrs. Suzuki, and it all dealt with her wedding. When she was a girl, she used to dress up her Likka-chan doll in wedding dresses, but pretending that she was the one who was getting married. Her life was all so simple then. She couldn’t understand why the two older women were now making it so complicated. Every day her inbox was stuffed with requests that she respond to the latest little silly thing they’d thought up: selecting flower arrangements, choosing a menu for the reception, deciding on the color of the settings and on and on. Now Mrs. Suzuki was alerting her to the fact that she had consulted a famous feng shui expert to help decide on the proper location for the wedding venue.
Unfortunately, it didn’t stop with emails.
Every evening this week she’d been out shopping with her mother, and this afternoon she had an appointment with Mrs. Suzuki. They were going to go look at underwear! Who selects honeymoon underwear with her mother-in-law?
Kokoro hated it. She longed for her old life back, when she could go home in the evening, heat up some noodles, get a little juiced and watch TV until she passed out. But that was all over. She’d made her decision and now she’d have to live with it.
Still, she couldn’t begrudge the two older women. Let them have their fun; she was their Likka doll, now.
Mrs. Suzuki she actually liked.
As for Suzuki-san, himself¬Ö Well, there was a piece of work for you.
She’d only seen him once¬Öat that meeting. She hadn’t gone there with the intention of marrying him, exactly. She wasn’t sure now why she’d accepted him. What had she been thinking? He was just a short, bespectacled, middle-aged Mama’s Boy. What was she going to do with him?
For a fianc√©, he’d turned out to be rather reticent. He hadn’t once tried to contact her since that first meeting. That didn’t promise a very passionate marriage ahead for her.
But the situation here at JAST had just become too unbearable. Especially after Ryo had declared his interest in that girl Xallie and then joined that silly dating club that all the students seemed to be flocking to. Not that she had ever expected anything to happen between her and Ryo. It was just her sickness.
Funny thing, though, she hadn’t seen anything of Ryo ever since word got around that she was getting married. Could it be that he’d had feelings for her, as well?
That just wishful thinking.
She looked up from the computer screen to Brant, who was putting away office supplies, and smiled at him.
He’d started hanging around at about the same time Ryo disappeared, it seemed. It was like the changing of the guard.
Except¬Öshe wasn’t filled with the same kind of sick lust she’d had for Ryo when she looked at Brant. She simply liked the kid, and that was all. He was easy to talk to and they shared most of the same interests. He’d travelled a lot and had some pretty interesting stories to tell.
True, he was pretty aggressive and couldn’t seem to turn it off. So he was always getting into trouble. But trouble didn’t seem to stick to him like it did to her.
Sometimes she resented how he always he always tried to be in control of every situation. He hadn’t yet learned how silly that looked in such a young person. But growing up with two older sisters probably left him with a great need to assert his masculinity. Of course, she had to push back every now and then to keep him in his place, but she didn’t feel the need to be as hard-boiled with him as she usually was with others.
She had to admit, he made her feel comfortable.
Then there was that silly sword he was always carrying around with him.
He didn’t think she could see it, because he didn’t know she had the Sight.
Her grandmother had been a shaman. She’d had the Sight, and she told little Kokoro that, while her mother didn’t, she probably would in time. And that came to pass. The Sight gave her to ability to see unseen things, including the future¬Ösometimes.
That night when she drove him home, she hadn’t been just using a figure of speech when she said someone was going to die. There really was something horrible going on out there in the fog. They’d both heard the wolves.
Wolves? In Ibaraki? Really?
But the thing about the Sight, she reminded herself, was that it always lets you down in the end. It hadn’t help her see what would happen to poor Shinji after she’d pumped him full of steroids.
“No No No No,” she thought. “Don’t go there, Heart. Stay away, Shinji. Just go!”
She returned to her emails, and saw that now her mother was asking her about the guest list. She frowned. She didn’t know of anyone she could invite, and she sure hoped that none of the people she knew from the Old Days showed up at her wedding¬Öthat would be ugly.
For no reason, she started thinking about a story she’d once read. It was about a man who found a book.
“Brant,” she said.
“Yeah,” he replied without looking up from his work.
“Brant. I once read this story.”
“It was about this man who found a book,” she said. “It was a magic book. It was called a Grimoire or something, and it had the power to foretell what was going to happen in the future. Well, with this book, the man could not only tell how things were going to turn out, but also how to avoid the consequences. This meant he could go around committing all sorts of crimes, and the book would always tell him how to escape punishment. So, he went out and did a lot of bad things, and the book always showed him how to get out of it. Until one day, he did something especially bad, and, as a result, he found himself in an especially bad fix. He was trapped in a building, surrounded by the police, and the building was on fire. Expecting the book to save him as always, he opened it. But the only words he saw were: THE END.”
“Why did you tell me that?” he asked. His reaction was a mixture of boredom and resentment at having to listen to a fairy tale, like a child.
“I’m not sure. It’s just that it was on my mind. Life is like a burning house, don’t you think? We all have our Grimoires, our little magic books that tell us what to think and do, and for awhile we get away with our little crimes ,but sooner or later we turn to the last page and it says: THE END.”
“Well, a nurse and a sage,” he replied. “What other talents do you have?”
She laughed and lit a cigarette.
He gave her a stern look, but she just blew a defiant smoke ring at him.
“You know,” he said. “It sucks to kiss a smoker.”
“Why do you say that, Brant?” and she laughed again. “Have you kissed many smokers?”
“I¬ÖI,” he stammered. “Well, that’s what I’ve heard.”
She smiled and got up from her desk.
She went to the front door and locked it.
Then she turned to Brant.
“Would you like to take a taste test?”

THE PAST, THE SWORD AND DRAGON/S. (Yes dragon/s don’t like it to bad)

Brant was sitting thinking of things but for some reason his mind always wondered to that damn nurse. He felt she was hiding something but then so was he, which lead him back to the reason he was sitting there. Putting that out of his mind for now his eyes went to his sword that was leaning against the wall by his door.

"I would of thought I'd no longer want to get to know people but nope." Brant said to himself as he strapped his sword on went out his room then the house and felt that he had to go somewhere.

It was dark but not to dark for him if there is moonlight or stars he could see. Be it a forest or jungle he was in seeing would be harder for him. He had no idea where he was walking but he didn't care. The night was alive with night creatures both the dangerous and no dangerous. A mist had formed as the night wore on. Brant was heading towards the forest up near the mountains. The mist started to thicken as he went farther into the forest up the mountain. As he walked and night wore on he thought about his choice. The choice that unlike the one before was different, different in that his hand was stained black with blood. 

(Funny that I would actually want to tell someone of my black stained hands.)he thought (Must be the fact that I found someone that was easy to talk to and I'll probably lose it eventually if I don't tell anyone but not family.)

He heard something moving on his left and another on his right. Whatever was moving stopped as if they knew he heard them. He kept walking but paying attention to weather or not whatever it was would follow him. The movement started again as he continued walking farther into the forest, the mist was now a fog. He could only see about five or less feet around him but could still hear them following him still this time even closer than before. As far as he could tell it meant him no harm as of yet. Before he realized it the fog had thinned and saw found a beautiful large lake with a waterfall. He walked towards the shore of the lake took in the sight before turning towards the forest.

"Why don't you show yourselves I wont do anything to you." Brant said not really excepting them to show themselves.

The thin fog swirled around to have fairly big sized wolves appear, he started to move his hand to his sword but remembered what he said. That and if they wanted to attack him they would of awhile ago but instead they followed him. Why they followed him he didn't know. Both wolves walked up to him and sat down not far looking at him with their sharp predatory eyes. He stared at them for a long time trying to figure out why they followed him. As the wolves stared and he at them it came to him. He walked slowly up to the bigger of the two wolves. The wolf didn't move just stayed as did the other. He reached out to the bigger wolf used his hand to turn the wolf's face and saw it. He looked at the other again and saw it clearly.

"You two are along way from your territory." Brant said and the bigger of the two the female growled as did the male. "Well now that we said our hellos why don't we eat." They both made a noise that said they agreed with him. 

He thought about would to get them and him to eat and turned back around towards the lake. He knew it would take him sometime to get fish but he would get them. It takes skill and timing to spear a fish he wasn't that skilled but he managed to get some fishes. He gave fishes to the wolves and made a quick fire pit to cook his. They didn't eat all he caught not that he thought they would give the fact they probably ate a sizeable meal earlier and were only a little hungry. He cleaned off the ones they didn't touch, washed some and tossed the rest far out into the forest. He ate all he cooked and sat looking into the fire. Both wolves came and sat each to one side.

"Glad the both of you are alive and doing fine not that I think you two wouldn't be."

[i](I had left my recent bloodletting all covered in blood and guts. Luckily it happened in the forest. I had been followed by the friends of someone I had killed days before. I leaded them to the forest killing them one by one. I had killed them all none of them lived. I didn't want to kill them but I had no choice. I had given them a choice to leave me alone and walked away. They attacked me days later and so they died. I was walking towards a river to clean myself as best as I could. I saw two wolves both injured badly and looked to be that they would die. I knew it was dangerous and foolish but I did it anyways. I slowly walked up to them covered in blood and guts. Both wolves sensed be well before I even saw them but had ignored me, now that I was nearing them both started to growl at me. I knew they could still probably maw me perhaps kill me. I stopped and waited for a few minutes.)[/i] The memory came to him as he stared into the fire and he recalled the following days of running hunted and hunting.

"If it wasn't for you two helping me with those bastards I would of died, actually I think I almost did die." he said "And it taught me to give over and make each attack fatal not incapacitating."

"You wouldn't have learned that had I not saved your life." a voice said causing him to draw his sword while getting up. Both wolves got up at the same time hackles raised. From the forest came a woman with long auburn hair wearing a dress that constantly change from light blue to dark blue. "Are you going to ask me to sit by the fire or not?"  

Finally his memory of that day unfogged and he remember who she was. But he did know that is was dangerous so kept his sword out.

"I only want to sit by your fire." the woman said
"I thank you for saving my life but why are you here." 
"If you would let me sit by your fire I will tell you." the woman said with a slight hint of angry
Brant slightly grinned "You may sit by my fire." he said and saw the wolves sit down also but still alert.
"Thank you kindly."the woman said a sat across from them

They all sat there quietly watching the fire waver and flicker.

"Miwa and Jance. You showed them what you can do but wont tell them how or what you did with such skill. You wont tell them and even if they find out they wont care. Your to much of a brother to them." the woman added "Your family now that is a different matter. Tell them and you maybe on your own."

"So you can see a possible future." 
"Future? No just events that will happen a few hours to a day from now. Things only exist in the past and the immediate future. One can plan months or years ahead but nothing insures it will happen." the woman said
"So days from now I'll have a chance to tell my family?"
"I only see it vaguely." the woman said
"That's not all is it."
"The piece is tainted as are you. Your taint is from the killing you done. The taint of the piece is unknown." the woman continued "The taint of the piece may not be wiped as yours but your taint will be partly wiped."
"And when will it be completely wiped?"
"Completely? Never. But nearly when you find the piece that is tainted and can be wiped completely." the woman said "Or when you find a completely untainted piece."
"Untainted piece?"
"Yes. Untainted. Should one be found by you or finds you. Once found they may become tainted as you by the same way you are or another." the woman said
"Is that all?"
"Those you killed still have a few friends. How many I do not know. But they may come after you." the woman said as she got up and disappeared

Once the woman left, Brant had went to sleep as did the wolves. The sun rose hours later with him still sleeping by himself as the wolves had left to hunt some food. He woke up hours later quickly but softly aware of his surrounds to a degree. He took off his clothes and waded into the lake. Normally he would not do this but since the lake was not touched by humans he did. The quick wash in the lake helped him wake some more and cleaned him of the dirt he had sleep on. After getting dressed he thought of what the woman had told him. 

(Untainted piece. Only those just born or those who lived a cloistered life would be untainted. Me meeting an untainted person unlikely.) He thought and went about finding some food and came across his two four legged friends.

His four legged friends had took down a deer and had ate most of it, they sat there waiting. Apparently they had stayed in the area and hunted food for themselves and ate enough then left some for him. He went to the deer they killed and cut some pieces for himself and headed back to the lake shore to cook it. The two wolves went into the forest as he was heading back to the lake shore. As he waited for the meat to cook he took out his sword and cleaned it. He check the meat saw it was cooked. After finishing and clearing the site he went towards the waterfall on the northwest side of the lake. It took him hours to get to the waterfall but he got there all dirty and scratched up.

"Hmm a cave behind the waterfall, entrance to someone's secret lair or something dangerous." he said and heard a low growl he turned to see the two wolves.  The two were growling at something within the cave. "Danger it is. You two going with or staying." he didn't wait he just went through the waterfall into the cave.

Back at the lake shore two people where looking around when one stopped and saw tracks.

"Hey I found some tracks I assume are his and two set of wolves track." said the one who found the tracks. The other person went over and checked the tracks.

"Yes its him alright but his been gone hours ago. Come on he may still be here in the area." 
"Whatever you say." the other one said as both started to follow the tracks.

The two people followed the tracks and arrived at the waterfall at night and stood outside looking at the cave behind it.

"He's in there and I don't like the looks of it. Something feels wrong." said one to the other
"You always say that Kine its just your damnable imagination." said the other
"Its not I'm telling you there's something in the cave beside him, Jine." said Kine
"I don't see how the hell you lasted this long."
"If you listen to your senses like I do." kine said
"Sure, now stop this bullshit and follow me already." 
"He's going to die and so are we if we follow him." kine said
"You knew from the on start this would happen."
"Yes but not dying by something that wrong." kine said and followed as jine went through the waterfall.

The cave was very large, dark and oddly enough gave no echo at least from what Brant can tell. Least he has good vision in the dark and the cave was still large so he didn't need to worry about tripping or running into a wall. He didn't feel any wrongness but then he didn't have senses has great as wolves. If he comes across it he'll just deal with it. He went deeper into the cave and felt it start to decline. It kept declining for what he judged was an hour or so. As he went farther in and down he started to feel the wrongness. Down and deeper he went for hours when the decline started to level out and widened even more. He check his sword to see if it was clear, it was clear. Whatever wrongness he felt was now stronger.

(I wonder how long I've been walking in this cave.) He thought and came to a spot with branching paths lead in every direction. (Well now what do I do.) He took his sword out and gave over.

Deep within the cave something stirred, something that was sleeping for years. The something had awoken when it sensed an object by one of its kind. The object which it thought it would never feel.

It was fully awake now and felt it near. It roared. The roar echoed through out the whole cave but was weak the farther it traveled. Somewhere near the branching paths the two men stopped suddenly looking ahead in the darkness waiting to see what it was that roared. They waited to see if the roar happened again, it didn’t.

 "Imagination." Jine said
"Right." kine said then saw something shin in the darkness ahead.

Brant stopped dead in his pacing when he heard the roar and saw his sword shining. As it was shining it started to sing. Singing that he heard before but different it brought him calmness, singing that brought his violence to a new level, singing that made his violence necessary as always but beautiful. The violence was no longer violence but something else, something he couldn't name. He spun around bringing his sword in a neck high arc and the two mens head flew through the air and landed feet from their bodies. He went to his knees in sudden exhaustion.

Few minutes before. The two men found the source of the light and saw the person they were after for a long time. They had stood their tranced fixed by the singing of the sword, they started walking toward the sword to hear the singing better. The last thing both saw was the sword coming at them and the they no longer lived.     

When it roared it felt the singing and found out the singing was one it heard before, one that it thought it'd never hear again. The singing was the same but the timing was different and it knew, a human was holding it. It do not know why a human would have one unless -

"Human have you come to kill me?" it called out

Brant was now just on a knee when he heard the voice distinctly feminine and it came from one of the branches. He managed to get up completely and just stood there thinking which branch the voice came from. He didn't know but he still answered her question.

"No only if you ‘tend to kill me." he called out a roar echoed out causing the sword to stop shining.
"Come to me so I call see you and ask who gave you that item. All paths lead to me, you do not intend to kill me or I you so your are safe."
"Alright then." Brant said a chose one of the branches and put the sword back in its sheath

She now felt the swords presence diminish but not concealed as part of it must still be out in the open. She saw a human male come out of one of the left branches and he stopped he shock but not terror which she found curious.

Brant froze in right when he saw her, it was a blue dragon. He look into her silver sharp eyes. Her head that was bigger than him with a long thick neck from an immense body was watching him with curious

look. Her head saw resting on the floor with her wings folded back against her body. Smoke puffed out of her nose. She opened her mouth to reveal large sharp teeth and her snake tongue came out and licked him from the top of his head down.

"My brother gave you that sword. Why would he make a human a sword?" she asked
"Your brother? Well I paid him actually I tired to but he didn't take the payment. He did say one day need will cause me to move, that I would meet some people from my past. Another is give the sword to the last person you meet."
"Is that all he said?" she asked
"Yes here's the sword." Brant said giving her the sword which she took her eyes closed for a few seconds then opened.
"To think my brother found a way to free me from this land and you have a choice free me or kill me with that sword." she said
"That sword was made by a dragon my brother to be used to free me one way or another." she replied
"I wont kill you but how will it help me free you?"
"You have used it many times to protect yourself right." she said
"I have."
"You heard it sing right." she saw nod to confirm it and added "I need you to make it sing as I'm sure it sung when I roared."
"The only time I heard it sing is when I let the violence take over."
"Don't let it take over, embrace it and control it. Honestly you humans need to learn." she said
"Embrace it ok then what?" 
"Cut me after you embrace it." she replied and lift her head and body up of the ground. He felt even smaller now that she was up.
"How will I know if it works?"
"You don't have to but you'll know." she replied

Brant took his sword out as he always did instead of letting his angry takeover he took it and embraced it. The sword started to sing beautifully as it did before, the sword tried to takeover but he didn't allow it. He listened to the singing for a few second then cut the dragon as he was told to do. He saw something flash then it was gone and the cave started to collapse. The dragon grabbed him while the cave collapsed around them. Minutes went by before he felt his feet leave the ground then weightlessness which last all of a minute. They land in a clearing and she released him. She flexed her wings a couple of times then tilted her head back and roar with fire coming out of her mouth. The fire cut off then she brought her face close to his but not that close.

"I'm free after such a long time, I'm free." she said
"Glad I could be of help."
"Before I go I have to tell you something about that sword. The sword was made by my brother a dragon. As such it is strong and rare." she added "He told you that only dragons and some humans can and will see that sword right?"
"No he didn't he just gave it to me told me what I told you and that was it. From what I know no one so far sees it unless I use it. Can all dragons change to humans and breed? "
"Yes and no we can't have half dragon/human cause they are unstable not mentally but genetically. Coming across a person or people that can see that sword is rare even rarer is a person who can see a dragon." She said looking at him curiosity again 
"But I see you, hell I saw your brother and he gave me the sword. And stop looking at me like I'm strange its annoying."
"Well you are. Well before you people even made fire I lived and at that time many could see us, the befriends us, feared us and killed. Even a few tried to use us, those we killed or died before they even could use us. In my case I was foolish. I was trapped there for over five thousand years sleeping until now." she said
"But - Apparently only a fraction of humans still can see. When you came across my brother he most like saw the future of you coming here and helping me. The sword just gave you the push when it was necessary." she continued
"You can see the future and would the sword be magic?"
"We see possibilities, it could of very well been years before you came here. The sword is dragon blood magic. It requires a living and willing dragon to make any object. If they are not willing the object would just be a normal human object." she added "You sure ask a lot of questions."
"If something interests me and someone as a lot of knowledge on it." he thought than realized it "I 

need something to make absolutely sure of my choice and I found it in a way that I didn’t except."
“What are you talking about?”
“Oh sorry about that. Anyways the reason I see you is impart cause of the sword and I accept many possible people/things. But that’s mostly the reason I wasn’t afraid of you and you said you would not kill me.” he explained
“Your possibly right about the sword and accepting what you saw. Take care what you accept to see and remember what you easily accept can be rejected.” she said
“Yes ma’am. By the way I never told you my name or you, yours.”
“My name is Narise. Brant Oterra.” she pulled her head back opened her wings beat them once they twice and a finally beat. She was up in the air before he could tell her.
“We may meet again and don’t worry my brother told me everything about how times changed.” Narise said and head northwest to somewhere.

Brant stood there for many minutes going over all he learned from the pervious day and most of today. Then for the first time he felt his two wolf friends come out into the open. He looked and saw he was back to where he was last night. He looked out to the lake and saw the waterfall still there. For the first time again he check his watch that told the date and realized he was underground for nearly three and a half days. He turned to the wolves who looked at him.

"As you can tell I'm fine and the danger you sensed well I can't explain it." he said to the wolves then his stomach growled "Haven't eating or slept in three and a half days. Ah well time to go home and probably have a talking to by my family and questions from my friends."

For the next few hours then two days he was beaten down one side then up the other by his mother and sisters. His two friends tried to get out of him where he was the whole time. He didn't tell them or his family not that he would. Not much change for him but his ability to now embrace the violence and he visited the damn nurse a little more often.    

Note Those wolves are from the previous post are actually these two who some how follow/found me. I never did say where or for how long I traveled only that I did. As for how Narise got there besides getting trick she is a dragon. Maybe she followed the person who imprisoned her. As for those dying before they’d use the dragon/s it could be they forgot(not possible) or waited for the right time which never came.

“You know,” he said. “It sucks to kiss a smoker.”
“Why do you say that, Brant?” and she laughed again. “Have you kissed many smokers?”
“I¬ÖI,” he stammered. “Well, that’s what I’ve heard.”
She smiled and got up from her desk.
She went to the front door and locked it.
Then she turned to Brant.
“Would you like to take a taste test?”

Brant saw Kokoro go and lock the door. Now he was caught in a situation good and bad. He had to think and quick. He didn’t have much time to think before she got close to him.

(Damn I-) his mind blanked out as he smell her not the smoke and tasted her but it was taint with the smoke. He knew she would taste better had she not smoked. His hand touched the hilt of his sword the violence roared to life within him. Once he felt it and embraced it he gently push Kokoro from him. He had no choice now he was going to wait a little longer. Time had run out he had to tell her now.

"How did it taste?"
"Better if you didn't smoke." he replied but had a feeling she thought he was angry. He didn't bother to tell her he was or was not. He had to keep the violence least he or she continued.
"Oh. Maybe you need to taste it some more."

He put a hand on her chest to keep her from getting close again. "Sorry." when he realized he had his hand on her breast and added "I need to tell you something and I'm being serious with what I'll tell you." 

He move his hand from her breast and mildly still felt the lingering feel of it. He put the violence on a slow burn. She was too close to him that he could smell how good she smelled. He brought the violence back up a little. All the while she looked at him curiously.

"Why don't we go sit down." he said and head for her desk to sit down the violence from him and of the sword gave way to his normal personality. Not that the violence made him aggressive he already was, it just made him more so. He couldn't have that not now.

"What is it that you want to talk about?"

Whatever took control of him seemed to have left him and he was back to his usually. Then she thought (What the hell was I thinking doing that.) And promptly stopped think about it and focused on what he wanted to talk about.     
He looked her in her eyes and simple asked "Do you see it?" 

Kokoro something faint in his eyes not that she could really see something in his eyes. It was more like a feel. "See what?"

"My sword do you see it?" he asked again with some violence 
"Yes." she could of said no but she had a feeling she should not of and replied with a yes

He hadn't want to let some violence seep but he had to know.

(Narise was right. Rare that it might be, some will be able to see. Not that it make what you are going to tell her an easier to tell.) He thought

"I wont ask how you can see it or since when. He have your reasons for not tell me and I've mine for why I have it." he looked at her a realized she wont speak but listen to him. (She's probably really extremely piss off at me.) He thought.

They both sat there in silence, not the normal silence that was there earlier when she was on her computer or him helping out. The silence was unnerving it lasted for awhile longer before he broke it.

"I never told you the other stories, bu- well now I want even need to tell you." he grimily said 
"I left home cause I was bored and I need something to do or at least see. When I was traveling one day a wanted a sword. It maybe silly but I wanted a sword. I love swords just like a man loves a car. Never to the point of obsession. If I were to lose this sword I may get another or just continue on with my life without one." he paused to unsheathe the sword the sword sung beautifully for him.
"I found a man who made it like they did and perhaps still do by hand. I would of paid him but he said I could have it free but when it is time it will move me." he listened to the singing of the sword
Brant stopped listening to the sword mostly and continued. "You know how trouble finds me but never stays, well that happened to me while I was traveling. I tried ever single time but - '' he sighed "I killed them. Each time I gave them a choice to leave me alone and live or die. I killed over fifty men and women." 

He looked at Kokoro she didn't say or showed any emotion. (What happens, happens.) He thought then continued "One good thing was they were not and never innocent, another was it didn't happen all the time during my travel." he listened to the singing again for a time they look up at Kokoro again and smiled slightly.

"That man who made me the sword as I found out some days ago was a dragon. Which I found out from another dragon that was asleep for over five thousand years."
"Dragons? I would of thought you wouldn't believe such a thing."
"Well I saw her and freed her. She was in a cave with an entrance that was behind a waterfall at a lake up in the mountain in the forest." he paused again giving her a chance to say anything. She didn't he continued
"While I was there two people who were friends of someone I killed, appeared and I took their heads before I even knew it. The dragon told me about her kinds past and what are role was. We befriend, feared tried to use and kill them. I suspect some did get killed and used. I didn't asked and she didn't say." he said
"Slowly we stopped seeing them not cause they died out at least. She didn't say that all or few still lived. I believe all or some still live." he stopped and waited for her to say something about what he said
"Why are you telling me this?"
"Her name is Narise. She can see possibilities and saw more people would come after me for kill their friend. Until I kill them all or die."he said and thought  (To think a woman who can is the near future and dragons that see possible futures.)      
  	"Again why are you telling me this?"
"Cause '' he stopped and started again "Cause if they find out you know me they may kill you."
"I- Bam the door broke open four people came in and smiled wickedly at Brant.

He knew yet he didn't but these people where friends of the two he killed in the cave and the one he killed long ago. He didn't know who he had killed to have so many people after him. He was up and pushed Kokoro out of the way with one hand and the other with the sword violence had already been embraced. The sword was singing then it started. None of them had guns but then all those he killed had knives or such. Maybe these people did have guns but he intended not to find out. He sprinted towards them killed two of them before one of the other two used a weapon to attack him which he block. He didn't bother with finding out what they were fighting with, only that he had to kill them before they killed him. The fight didn't last long. All four where dead with blood spattered on the wall and on him. He didn't know how they found him but I he cared for was he was alive, they were dead and that school was already over with few or no students near.

(Now what the hell I'm going to do with the bodies.) He thought then remembered Kokoro was there with him.   		    

"This is why, I killed many people and may continue until I or all of them are dead or finally give up. I'm too tainted to like anyone, even if I do like you. Perhaps I felt guilt, no that's not true. I told you to give myself a way out or maybe both of us a way out." he said and started to pick up a body. 

 He really didn't have an idea what to do with the bodies but he had to do something with them instead of leaving them here.


She was naked and tied to a bamboo pole that was suspended in midair over what appeared to be a stage. She was in a large room that was in total darkness, except for a spotlight that was shining directly on her. Yet, somehow, she was aware that in front of her there was a set of bleachers upon which several dark figures squatted. She thought she could make out the forms of Suzuki and a fat man who also looked vaguely familiar.
The ropes dug into her arms and the pain was incredible. She had no sense of time, so there was no way of telling how long she had been hanging there, but she knew that no ordinary person could withstand this kind of torture for long.
Suddenly, a man appeared on the stage below her. He was an outlandish figure, wearing a top hat and dressed in a tailcoat and not much else; his face was painted white. He was saying something to the audience and pointing to her all the while. She couldn't hear what he was saying. There was no sound anywhere in the room.
A woman in a maid's outfit came on stage. She was carrying a silver tray and there was something black on it that was coiled up like a snake. She presented it to the man in the hat, and he took it in his hand and shook it.
It was a whip. A long, black, ugly bull whip with two leather tongues at the end.
The man twirled it over his head and cracked it a couple of times. The audience seemed to be applauding his performance, but there was no sound.
The man walked to her rear, where he was out of sight, and then¬Ö
The pain in her back was amplified a thousand fold as the whip touched it. Again and again, she felt it descend across her back. Each time it was like being struck by lightning. Streams of something wet and hot were pouring down her back, over her legs, and dripping off her feet into a red pond on the floor beneath her.
She wanted to scream. She wanted to. She tried to. Again and again, but there was no sound.

Then suddenly there was.
She was sitting up in bed, she was naked, and she was screaming and screaming.
She was dripping, but with sweat, instead of blood.
She stopped screaming when she ran out of breath and collapsed back down on her futon, gasping for air.
It was a dream!
But what kind of dream? Even now the details were starting to fade from her memory. Darkness¬Öand pain. Lots of that. 
What was it about, anyway? Was it brought on by her guilty conscience now that she had added accessory to murder to her other sins? (The hell cart was surely coming for her.) Or was it a premonition?
The bed-drenched in sweat-was becoming unbearable, so she got up. 
She kicked aside an empty sake bottle on the floor beside the bed as she walked (unsteadily) to the bathroom, where she took a good long shower.
She dried off and slipped on a bathrobe. Then she went into the kitchenette and retrieved a fresh bottle of sake, opened it and took a good long swig. Then she went into the living room and sat down on the couch.
She pulled a pack of cigarettes from the pocket of her robe, lit it and then turned on the television. The only thing on this early in the morning was some kid's program; the usual giant robot crap, but she watched it, anyway. It made no difference. She was mentally reviewing the events of the last twenty-four hours, and the action on the screen gave her something to do with her eyes.
She didn't remember exactly why she'd decided to come on to Brant like that. Maybe because she knew she'd be out of his life forever in a few weeks, so what was the harm in it? Or maybe she just wanted to see how he would take it. Mess with him a little. Deflate that ego of his. 
She had expected him to reject her advance, but the vehemence of his reaction startled her. And it hurt, too. It was a blow to her self-respect (such as it was) to be turned away that strongly.
"I notice he took the time to cop a feel, though," she said to the TV, touching that breast herself in remembrance.
Then he had tried to explain himself.
But his explanation was pretty incoherent. Some shit about dragons and all the people he'd killed and how all the ninja in the world were after him.
Then everything went red as those four strangers burst into the room.
Brant had pushed her aside, and  proceeded to cut their heads off one by one as she cringed against a wall in fear.
When it was over, the room was a mess. Everything was either overturned or broken and four corpses lay on the floor of her office oozing blood.
Kokoro flew at Brant, red hot anger in her eyes, and started slapping him and pounding on his chest.
Brant stumbled back, and his own anger came up to shield him from hers. If he hadn't recently learned to control it, she might easily have joined the others on the floor.
"What is with this damned woman," he thought. He'd told her he had enemies, and he'd just saved her life from some of them. In all the stories about knights and dragons he'd read as a child, the princess always shown her gratitude to the knight who had saved her from the villains, not try to attack him herself. 
Finally, he got tired of being slapped, so he gathered up her two hands in one of his and pushed her away.
She fell down onto the floor and started weeping. 
"Now what the hell am I going to do with the bodies?" he asked himself.
"What?" said Kokoro, looking up at him.
She got to her feet.
She wasn't crying, anymore. The shock and hysteria that had overwhelmed her moments before was all washed away. She found her composure, and it was a cold-hearted woman who calmly surveyed the  carnage in the room.
"You've done enough, young man," she said, turning to Brant. "This is a job for a nurse, now. The only practical way to get rid of them is to cut them up and dispose of them piece by piece."
Brant drew his sword.
"Put that away!" she said. "You've caused enough trouble with that thing already! I wish  I'd never seen it.  I wish I couldn't see it now. What were you thinking? Were you just going to carve them up right here? There's a box of garbage bags in the storage cabinet. Go get them. Then help me drag one of them into the rest room. There's a shower stall back there. We'll do it there"
She was rummaging through drawer in the medicine cabinet as she spoke and pulled out a knife-a very large knife.
"The proper tool for the job," she said.
As they dragged the first corpse toward the rest room, Kokoro explained to Brant that she had once worked in a factory that made bentos for Lawson's.
"If there's one thing I know," she said, " its cutting meat." 
With the first body in place in the shower stall, Kokoro started pulling off her clothes and turned on the shower.
"Take his clothes off and pile them up in a corner," she told Brant. "Check his pockets. If he has any identification, keep it. If he has any money, give it to me. You'd better take off your clothes, too. This is going to get pretty messy."
True to her word, Kokoro cut up the bodies with amazing efficiency. Joint by joint, limb by limb, the bodies came apart and the pieces placed in garbage bags. Feet and hands went in one bag, arms and legs in another, clothes in another, heads, torsos, etcetera. Entrails were double-bagged and sealed up extra tight. By the time they were finished, they were both painted red.
They showered the blood off their bodies together.
"In the gym, there's a large hamper for athletic equipment,"  Kokoro said as she toweled herself off. "Go get it." 
Brant was already dressed and started for the exit.
"Wait," she said.
Kokoro went over to her desk and took something out of a drawer.
"This is a skeleton key," she said. "If there are any locked doors, this will open them up. While you're gone, I'll try to clean up the rest of this mess. Pray to Buddha that we're the only ones left in the school."
"What does the school nurse need with a skeleton key?" Brant asked.
"Never mind," Kokoro replied. "Just go get that hamper."
By the time he returned with the hamper, she had pretty much managed to clean the blood off  the floor and walls in the outer office, and the whole place reeked of bleach. It made his eyes sting, and he could see that hers were red-rimmed, as well.
"Okay. Now we load up the hamper. Then you take it to the loading dock behind the lunch room, and I'll bring my car around back."
Another hour and a half later they were driving through the night; it was approximately 3:30 now, and the streets were relatively deserted.

They had loaded most of the garbage bags in the trunk of Kokoro’s car, but some of them they had to put in the back seat, which upset Kokoro a little.
“I hope they don’t leak on my upholstery,” she said.
“We’ll find some neighborhoods,” she said to Brant as she drove, “where they’ve put their trash out for pick-up. We can dispose of some of the smaller bags that way, but we can’t do that with all the bags. The larger ones containing the sections of the torsos, we’ll throw into the river. I know of a good spot. It’s out in the woods behind a stand of reeds. I just hope the car doesn’t get stuck in the sand. On the other hand, we can use the sand and maybe some large rocks, if we can find them, to weigh down the bags.”
They drove through the dark night, doing their dark deeds. By 5:30, they were standing on the bank of the river, and watching in silence as the last of the bags sank below the water.
“Finished,” Kokoro said. Then: “I’m going to lay low for awhile. And then, when I come back to work-if I come back-I don’t want to see you again. I don’t ever want to see you again! Understand? You’re too dangerous a person for me to know. Come on, I’ll take you home.”
After she dropped him off at his home, she drove back to her apartment where she tried to get some sleep, but could not. Eventually, she got a bottle of sake and drank herself into a stupor.
But she’d only slept for a couple of hours before that dream had come to disturb her rest. Now she was trying to drink herself asleep again.
The clock said it was almost time for her to go to work, but fat chance of that.
She picked her phone and dialed the school office.
“Hello, Misao,” she said, when someone answered. Misao was the Principal’s secretary. “This is Komegura. I’m not feeling well today. I think it might be swine flu,” she said, hoping that her alcohol-slurred voice might sound like sickness. "I might be out for a few days. Oh, and Misao, I fumigated my office last night. There might still be some fumes in there, so please make sure no one goes in there, okay?
She put down the phone, and went back to her bottle.
After awhile, she fell asleep on the couch.
And the dream came back again.

Pain, sadness, and loneliness. The feeling of each was ever present and will ever be though they may dull. Blood ran thick, so thick that it was a haze. The haze happened so many times for so long. That the haze just stays. The violence had lifted still the haze was just around the corner waiting. Each time violence came the end was the same. Always the same but this time something came with it. Clarity pure unadulterated clarity and possibility. The way out was open and it was taken.

Laughter could be heard out in the night not laughter of happiness but near madness. Abruptly it stopped and a loud curse came out. Then a cry of pure violence sounded, all round everything fell silent but two howls answered the cry.

"They came at the perfect time. If me saying the truth didn't work then showing what I can do work so be it." Brant said while waiting soon two wolves appeared. They looked at him.

"Dangerous of course I am. She was scared then pissed understandable. Apparently Narise never took into account that anything made by a dragon for another would have some ability to see possibilities."

The wolves growled and bark at him then turned around saying at least he thought to follow them. He had nothing better to do so he followed them thinking back to the event. They walked on for hours and he followed not knowing were they where going.

(To think that- forget it done is done. I saw - not  - . So much in common and now I lost someone to talk to that have the same likes). He thought while following the wolves (I still have Miwa and Jance to have to bother me.)

It was starting to lighten when they came at him not just four but ten people. He sighed then thought (I’m going to find all these bastards kill them all. Then I wont deal with this damn crap anymore well at least these people.)

They came at him all at once or tried to the two wolves had took the throats of two of them and maimed two other before they went into the forest. He countered and attacked each saw a body part fall to the ground followed by the body. It ended with only one person barely alive he walked up to him. He let the violence leave him when he show all of them dead or dying on the ground. He went up to the dying person a kneed down to the person.

"Only the boss and his guards are left. You wont live." the dying person had said and lived no more. The two wolves came back matted with blood on them but none of it theirs.

"So only those few people left." he said as he sheathed his sword then he saw the long auburn hair wearing a dress that constantly change from light blue to dark blue appear again.

"The person spoke the truth only him the one you thought you killed and his guards. I only saw just now that he was the one you thought you kill. But you knew that already didn't you." the woman said
"Yes so what is it you are here for beside that."
"Thought you could use the company." she said with kindness
"Pity. Thank you I could use that." he said to the woman "So you two are going to be staying here awhile I take it." he added to the wolves as they appeared.

The wolves, him and the woman walked away from the slaughter, oddly enough they where back to the place where everything started and ended. They sat down but this time she sat next to him not across. He took out the key she had given him he meant to give it to her once he used it but decided to keep it. He kept  cause he thought it may come in handing one day. After a few days of having it in his pocket he strung a string through it and now it hung on his neck all the time. He stared at it lost in thought remembering the time he had talked with her. The woman's hands covered the key and hand.

"You knew from the on set. Thought you felt it wrong but you didn't. Trouble does follow you and you deal with it how you must. Know this once you kill these last few you no longer will be hunted but that doesn't mean trouble wont come." 
"You are right with everything. Trouble comes I'll deal with it how I must."  He said
"What will you do now?"
"Do what I always do continue on with life." he replied
"If she - not - lets drop it." he stopped her then asked "Have you met a dragon before?"
"Yes. Why?" 
"Did you know a dragon used to be trapped near by?" he asked
"So you freed Narise. Never thought someone would."
"It took awhile though" he asked
"Do you know where they are?"
"I don't but they do, don't you." he said looking at the wolves. They barked as a answer.
"Your going to stay here awhile aren't you."
"For a time then I'll go see to them." he said with violence
"Learn to master your voice when embracing violence."
"That'll probably be hard to do, but I'll do it." he said 

He got up head into the forest after about an hour or so went by. Neither the wolves or the woman followed him. He entered the forest the sword moving with him and sang softly constantly. He listened to it but never embraced it. A clear mind was something he didn't want now. Fun how it clears his mind even though his mind is not fogged when he doesn't use it. He continued walking around the forest and came across a large fallen tree that had been struck by lighting. The tree was laying across the path he was walking. He stopped looking at the tree then climbed over it. As he did he remember something he nearly forgot. He smiled what he agreed to, what better thing to help clear his mind than a mock fight for just pure enjoyment. The swords song changed and he heard it, the singing was that of joyful. Why did it sound joyful he had no idea, but he didn't care but had a feeling that he would find out why.

"Tomorrow night. The blood will follow thick and the ground will be covered in it. After I shall finally have my rest." he said and headed back.

When he came back the wolves had left but the woman was still there watching as he walked. She smiled at him.

"We wont met again but know this the piece has yet to come or may never." the woman gave him a kiss on the cheek they disappeared.

The kiss felt calming to him and it solidify his choice. After school he would help them for a few hours then come back her and purge them. The sword began to sing loudly and he embraced it as he went home.                        

	He was on his way to school as usual with sword strapped to him. It was part of him but he could go without it. He did go without it a few times on odd occasions he ended up using anything that was a blade and used it just like he would his sword. It was only after so many times using it. As he continued on he saw Miwa and Jance walking and talking to each other. He walked by then but was caught by Jance who pulled he up short. Jance smiled with a twinkle in her eye. 
"Your going to come with use to practice." she said
"Yes I am."
"You are?" she asked in surprise
"I said we had a deal so we have a deal."
"Great." she said
"Did you hear that sound last night, it sound like laughter then crying followed by those wolves that seemed to have appeared here some how." Miwa said which causing him to stumble some. "Anything wrong?"
"I'm good just a little tired, stayed up too late yesterday." 
"So did you hear it?" she asked again to the both of them.
"More like who didn't hear right?" jance said
"I didn't hear anything I was to absorbed into what I was doing."
"So you went a got that new video that's why your tired." Miwa teased and Jance giggled as those around them looked at them.
"That's why I have you two."
"But last time we were to tired to do anything for you." Miwa replied
"Well I did manage to do something for him." Jance added
"That you did." by then talk spread among the others around them

"You think we should stop it?" Miwa asked
"Why? We know the truth." Jance said
"She's right by the way I can only stay for a short while."
"Sounds go to me. Miwa?" said Jance and Miwa nodded in agreement

(That should get their minds from last night.) Brant thought as he made idle talk with them.

Once they arrived at school it was buzzing with talk about the three of them. All three of them didn't care what was said. But one bad thing was they had got a lecture from the principal and their home teachers. Brant's teacher was especially loud. He didn't say anything if what Miwa said was true then this just helps him in the end also. He felt certain that noone but maybe her would know it was him, after the talking to then were sent to class. The lecture had been not to talk about the school apparently knew that they could do nothing about it. 

He opened the class door and saw all heads turn to him. He quickly saw into everyone's eyes and saw none of them had violence. Not that he except to see it just want to be cautions. What he did see saw angry among most females he found that understandable and envy among some males, shock among still others and a few respect of sorts.  Throughout the day he heard talk of the three of them. Now that it was already near the end of the day both Miwa and Jance arrived at his class which caused a nearly cause trouble which they quickly stopped. 

"Give it a few days and all this will be forgotten or someone or everyone ok not everyone will tell you to choose." Jance said
"So who will you choose?" Miwa asked as they walk to the club  
"Would it be a problem if I chose both of you?"
"What?!" both of them said not believe he said that
"As I said this morning I've something to take care of I need to take care of it tonight."

They arrived to be bombarded by questions each the same but slightly different. Brant ended up with the guys asking questions and the girls ended up in the same situation. That was one of the things they had to figure a way out of. Brant by using the sword just enough to make the answers believe. They just gave vague answers. After that was over the practice began. Turned out he's helping was to show them how to move like him. He taught them how to move like him, but not like he normally does. He wouldn't and never will. Once he thought they learned enough he told them he had to go night was not far away. As he walked out Miwa stopped him.

"You wouldn't teach them will you." she said
"Only those who will use it as I do."
"I'm going to ask one question if you want to answer it, if not fine. You don't enjoy it but you do if its for fun." she asked looking him in the eye and saw the faded dance of violence. 

She seen it before in her uncle even her friend Jance saw it but only cause of her brother. What both of them saw in there uncles and brother's eyes ended up consuming them. Both disappeared either dead or just gone. That was probably why they liked him as family his eyes had that spark, though it seemed the spark flared every so often. The time she saw it flare was when they first fought and during his fight with her friend. One day they talked about it then after the fight in the rain they came to realized he was embracing violence. He could embrace it but seemed to struggle somewhat. He smiled the violence flared for a brief second. 

"Only those who have held a blade and use it not necessarily to kill know, but those who use it to kill understand."
"I have the knowledge but not the understanding." she replied
"Hope you never have the understanding as I do."
"Using it will make me understand but in the understanding it could and perhaps may harm me." she said
"You are right. But remember each person understands it different and some the same. I'll be going now."
"Join the tourney?" she asked
"It'll be only as the last person to test the other." 

He walked away from her, she gave him the confirmation that she could see the violence but doesn't know herself. Though they had very little in common all three of them can understand each other. He past by the still empty nurse office and out the school. He was thinking ahead now dancing with the singing and violence. If someone spoke to him now they could or will hear the violence dancing within him. He thought to the ones he taught and none of them made their swords sing. But then perhaps for them it never would. If some heard the singing they either reject it for what it is and claim it a calming effect.  He reached the forest and saw the two wolves waiting for him. He went into the forest to wait for nightfall. He had a feeling that the blood will flow thick in the streets. He took out the key and looked at it for awhile them stuck it back into his shirt. The violence still danced within wolves had already began to get into the hunt. They would only kill those that ran away and let him kill the others. Time had finally came the wolves howled, the hunt began and will continue until all or he was dead. The wolves lead him through alleys so they wouldn't be spotted. He would of preferred the more direct routes but they were wolves so it was him following them through alleys.

They arrived across the street to the entrance of a dark underground garage which had pillars farther in. The garage looked only capable of have a few cars in it. He looked at the wolves and they growled and bark short. A few people walked by the underground garage but none entered. One would think it would be hard for a person to find out which person it was but do to the fact he had wolves with him it helped. How did they know the person was here made him think for a little and realized that the could still remember the persons scent. He waited for awhile watching to see fewer people go by then the wolves growled and bark short. 

A group of people entered the garage paying no attention to the person that had entered the garage soon after they did. One of the men spoke just as they arrived at a group of silver colored cars.

"Tomorrow I'll send one of you men to find him and tell him to met us, when he does we'll kill him." said the man as he lite a cigar.

The cigar lite his face just enough for Brant to see it was indeed someone he fought with before. He only gave the man a scar on his face as a warning and reminder. He sighed no warning just a reminder of who to kill. He took his sword out walked into what little light was shone. The man with the cigar saw him the cigar fell out and on to the ground. 

"Its him, get him." the cigar man said all the people turned to Brant and charged.

Seven people surrounded him and attacked. Three from the left, three from the front one from the right. He move among them easily but each time he tried to he had to met another attack from a different direction. The cigar man stayed watching the fight waiting for the man who scarred him to fall to the ground dead. He saw the person had gotten better after the last time. The fight continued on he managed to drop five of them. He had to end it now he was to tired to continue much longer. He took out the knife he had got the day before. He had never used another bladed weapon long with his sword but he had to now. The last of them dropped shortly after. He was nearly spent but he had one person left to kill. He walked up to the person he was bloodied from the fight but none were to deep.

"I let you live, scarred you so you wouldn't come after me or continue on. Instead you came after me. I killed them all, are you the last one?" Brant said
"Yes so kill me now."
"No I wont kill you but I wont let you live." he jabbed the man in the throat and kicked him 

He started away as he did he looked back to see that the man was getting up. Brant had stopped right by one of the pillars. He pulled back his sword and swung it at the pillar. The sword went through the pillar he went to the other and did the same. The garage started to collapse, he saw the man start to get up as the roof fell and the rest started to collapse.

"Guess they didn't make more support for the garage." he said to himself then went to where the wolves waited. 

He and the wolves started away from the garage and headed for the forest. Once there the wolves started into the forest. He thanked them. He checked to see how much time past and saw he had a few hours of sleep left.

He arrived at school during lunch before he did he checked the news. News about the garage was shown but only that it collapse. His friends asked why he wasn't at school in the morning. He replied by saying he slept in late which was true.

Laughing, she plopped down onto the soft cushioned couch as the music faded. It felt good to be in such a room again, even if she had no friends with her. That didn’t matter to her at that moment. She was simply happy to fool around be herself for the day and sing. Making friends could come later.

Sighing in relief, Xallie reached down and picked up the one of he small bottles of sake she had snuck into the room. She took a small sip, lamented that she couldn’t have nice warm sake and had to settle for room temperature sake, and then placed the bottle back down before hugging her knees to her chest. The last few weeks had been hard: late in starting school, late to her first actual day she made classes, tripping in front of the class, railroaded by the creepy romance club girl, probably caught staring at another girl, and then the whole debacle at her first romance club meeting just yesterday.

Yes, the move to this new city was going over without a hitch… she exhaled in frustration and hugged her knees to herself just a bit tighter. She wished her friends could be there with her. Maybe they would visit someday. At least they could since they were at least in the same country after this move. It could have been far worse and she could have hopped continents again like the last time. She had liked Finland, especially since it was the first time she had been back after being born there, but she was glad they weren’t going back again. She had lost too many friends completely with the country hopping. Chie and Kosuke, or herself for that matter, could at least get on a train and see each-other in just a few hours. It wasn’t like the friends she left in America, Chile, or Finland.

She sighed again before unwrapping herself and quickly took the bottle and drained it. A warm glow was beginning to creep into her cheeks. Two bottles down and still hours of singing left. There was no point in moping about the move, especially when there was songs to be sung. She bounced off the couch and lightly skipped to the karoake machine. She looked down to select the next song and briefly frowned.

I need to talk to them about getting some Nightwish she grumbled before shrugging and picking the next song. It will do.

She smiled as the song’s poppy beat erupted from the speakers. Grabbing the microphone, she started to dance with the music before treating the empty room to her singing voice.


Was he stalking her?
Ryo found that thought disagreeable.
Then why was he following her?
He was standing in front of a karaoke place called The Comedy Box and wondering if he should go in there.

Earlier that evening he had been in the Starry Sky at the Casual Romance Club meeting trying to get up the courage to go and talk to Xallie. When he finally did, her reaction hadn’t been anything like he expected.
In his fantasy, he saw himself approaching her. He was cool, debonair. Like James Bond. He would make some devilishly clever witticism and she would cover her mouth and giggle shyly. Then he would sit down next to her and they would pour their hearts out to each other. After awhile, they would mutually decide that there was no one else here as interesting to themselves as each other, and they would leave together.
Instead, before he even opened his mouth, she had panicked and run out the door, leaving him there, feeling stupid and confused.
All the others were looking at him, and the atmosphere in the restaurant was growing increasingly hostile toward him.
“What?” he said.
He knew it wouldn’t do him any good to try to explain to them that he hadn’t done anything wrong, because, after all, he was Ryo Noburu, the Troublemaker. Instead, he decided to go after Xallie and try to get her to explain what had happened.
So he followed her out.
Right outside the entrance, he saw Junsei Nakagawa, who was picking herself up off the sidewalk and shouting at the fleeing figure of Xallie, who must have knocked her down as she fled.
“Junsai!” he shouted. “Daijoubu desuka? Are you alright?”
“I’m okay,” Junsai said, smoothing her skirt. “What a rude girl.”
“Yeah. Okay. Good luck,” he replied without pausing to stop.
Junsai watched as he ran past her.
She shook her head.
“Well, I never¬Ömore rudeness,” she said to herself.
Meanwhile, Ryo was having a hard time trying to gain any distance on Xallie because of the crowd of people who were out on the Renai-Dori that evening. He could see her small head bobbing among a sea of others as it rapidly receded in the distance. She didn’t seem to be having as much trouble making her way through this pack of bodies as he was.
Then, all of a sudden, she disappeared.
There was a side street-Moriyoh Michi-up ahead, and he guessed she must have gone down that way, so he pushed his way through the crowd until he reached it.
Moriyoh-Michi was a narrow, one-lane street-- not much more than an alley, really. There were fewer people here and it was lined with a variety of small shops and residences. In the distance, at the other end, was the Moriyoh Station. Its two most dominant features were two karaoke establishments. One of them was called T-Rex and the other, The Comedy Box. T-Rex was on the left side of the road, and The Comedy Box was across from it on the right.
Ryo didn’t know much about karaoke, because he didn’t have the kind of friends who would invite him out to sing karaoke with him. But he knew from Xallie’s profile in the Casual Romance Club’s notebook that she liked karaoke, so it was possible (he reasoned) that she may have gone into one or another of these places.
Yeah, but which one?
Ryo decided to trust his instincts, and since he always considered the right a lucky direction for him, he went into The Comedy Box.
Inside was a large, darkly-lit room. At the far end was a staircase that probably led to the karaoke boxes on the upper floor. The walls were lined with portraits of famous (and not so famous) Manzai comedians. Ryo wasn’t sure what Manzai had to do with karaoke, since none of these guys ever did any singing, as far as he remembered.
At another end of the room was an unlit hallway and next to that, a counter where-Ryo presumed-people checked in for their karaoke rooms. Behind this was a door with MANAGER stenciled on it.
As Ryo stood there, taking it all in, the door opened and a smiling woman came out who stationed herself at the counter.
She was dressed in some kind of Swiss shepardess costume and had on a blonde wig with long braids that hung down her ample chest and ended in two tiny red bows. She looked like Heidi, the girl in the storybook.
Ryo wondered what Heidi had to do with karaoke, but when the woman greeted him, it was in a deep and sultry voice that spoke more of dark, smoky bars and soiled bed sheets in love hotels than Switzerland.
“Welcome to The Comedy Box, okasusama,” she said, bowing. “What will it be tonight, eh?”
Ryo hesitated.
What should he say? That he was stalking a girl? Could he ask this woman if she had seen a girl come in and give her Xallie’s description? Would the woman even tell her if he asked? Or was that the sort of privileged information that people who ran karaoke places were sworn never to disclose?
Before Ryo could compose his response, there came the sound of a door banging open upstairs followed by a scream, and the next thing he knew, a girl came running down the stairs.
She was also dressed in a Heidi outfit, but hers was in disarray. The top part of her dress was torn, and she was holding up the front with her arms.
The Manager, meanwhile, had moved to the front of the counter in response to the commotion, and the girl, spotting her, ran over and threw herself into the Manager’s arms, sobbing.
“Takuya, dear,” the Manager said, patting the girl on the back, “what’s the matter, child?”
Then, two men came running down the stairs.
One of them was a small, prissy-looking character with a receding hairline, and the other was a fat foreigner. He wore a necktie around his head and was obviously drunk.
The Manager trembled slightly as they approached.
“Hey, you!” he shouted, grabbing the girl by the arm, “We weren’t through, yet.”
He pulled the girl away from the Manager, who didn’t put up any effort to stop him-much to Ryo’s surprise.
“Is there a problem, okasusama?” the Manager asked, bowing very low. She was wringing her hands and a large bead of sweat rolled down the side of her head.
Ryo could see that there obviously was a problem and was astonished that the Manager even had to ask-or that she was being polite to this great lardass!
“We weren’t done playing,” the large man said with a voice that was anything but playful. “She has to come back and finish the game!”
What kind of game? Ryo asked himself, although he could see that it was not a good one.
His friend, Chinpo (who was a little obsessed with ecchi things), had once told him about “strip karaoke,” and apparently that was what had been going on here, but with this girl (who was probably their waitress) as an unwilling participant.
“Takuya-chan,” said the Manager in a cold voice, “why don’t you go back and finish your game with these nice gentlemen.”
That comment made the little man snicker.
The big man started to drag the girl toward the stairs, when Ryo leaped forward, pulling the girl away from him and positioning himself between the two.
The girl seized the opportunity and ran off down the dark hallway.
“Who the fuck are you?” the big man bellowed. He grabbed Ryo by the collar with his right hand and pulled on it until they were eye to angry eye.
Ryo glared back at him.
“I’m the guy who told you to let her go,” he replied, as he struggled to break the big man’s grip.
The big man smiled a smile that reminded Ryo of a shark.
“Ho ho, amigo,” he said as he clenched his left fist and raised it above his head, “it looks like you and I are going to have a little dance, yes?”

All his life, Ryo had never backed down from a fight, and all his life, he had never won one, either. And it looked like this time wasn’t going to be any different. With one hand, the big man was gripping Ryo’s collar so tightly that he was choking and the other-roughly the size and shape of a cement block-- was getting ready to smash into Ryo’s face in a few seconds. But the worst part of it was the big man’s breath, which reeked so much of alcohol that it made Ryo feel like he was going to vomit.
“No!” the Manager screamed. “Not in here! Please!”
“Quiet, you,” the big man replied. “I’ll deal with you as soon as I’ve squashed this little cockroach.”
The Manager gasped.
But at that moment, the big man’s companion, who had been quietly taking everything in, tugged on his sleeve and said:
“Jose, a word with you please. Over there,” he said, pointing to a distant corner of the room.
“Eh?” the big man replied.
The small man nodded his head.
The big man looked annoyed, frustrated. Like someone who has been interrupted in the middle of some pleasurable pastime. But he loosened his grip on Ryo and lowered his fist. He pushed Ryo away and followed the smaller man to the indicated spot, where they engaged in a whispered conversation.
Ryo glanced at the Manager, and she glanced back at him, but neither of them spoke.
This would have been a golden opportunity for Ryo to escape, but he didn’t move. He was too curious about what was going on, and, he sensed that, somehow, he was out of danger now.
A few moments more passed before the two men came back to where Ryo and the Manager stood, and the big man was smiling that shark-like smile again.
“My friend,” he said, “has reminded me that we have another appointment this evening.”
He took his necktie from his head and stuffed it into his coat pocket.
“So¬Ö” he said to Ryo. “You probably think you’re a real hombre, don’t you? Trying to take on Jose Ecuador, eh? Well, my young friend, the Angel of Death fluttered his wings over your head this night, but passed you by. Remember that if we should ever meet again.”
The two men started to leave, but then the big man turned again to Ryo and said something strange.
“I used to have a son. He would have been just about your age. For your parent’s sake, don’t get yourself killed, amigo.”
“As for you,” he said, giving the Manager a fierce look. “You’ll hear from me again.”
And with that, they left.
When they were gone, the Manager turned to Ryo with white-hot anger in her eyes.
“Baka! Fool! Troublemaker,” she yelled. “Get out of here. Get out now!”
“What?” replied Ryo. “That creep was going to rape one of your employees, wasn’t he? If I hadn’t stepped in¬Ö”
“Shut up! That man was a friend of the owner and Takuya is just a witless little slut, anyway. Who cares what happens to her? What business was it of yours? Your little hero act could cost me my job. Now get out of here before I call the police.”

Ryo was back out on the street in front of The Comedy Box, shaking his head.
“What a world,” he said to himself. “Try to do a little good, and what’s it get you?”
He suddenly recalled that the reason he had gone in there in the first place was to find Xallie.
But there was no possibility of him going back in. He hoped she wasn’t in there, after all, because it didn’t seem like a very respectable place.
He looked across the street at the T-Rex and wondered if he should try looking for her in there, but then decided not to.
“Left isn’t my lucky direction,” he said. "But, then, I guess right isn’t either.
So he decided to give up his pursuit of Xallie for now.
“It probably wasn’t a very good idea to begin with.”
Maybe he should go see Miss Komegura. He hadn’t seen her for awhile, but maybe she could give him some advice.
He resolved to do just that tomorrow.

The final bell for the day rang and Xallie sighed with relief. Her head had been pounding and her stomach was still wrestling itself. Usually hangovers ran in terror from her, but all the stress added with the bottles of sake double teamed her and now she was reeling from the wondrous Sunday of karoake. Still, she would not have traded it for anything at the moment, despite that incessant urge to empty her stomach all over her desk. She finally felt a little more at home.

Xallie sighed as she shoved her books into her bag.

No clubs and no homework she silently thanked god, the universe, or the principal that decided that the school festival warranted a break from the normal routine and grind of school. Sure, the festival was still a week or so away, but both the students and teachers had to prepare for the upcoming festival. This festival is by class and the winter festival is by club, right?

She wondered about the festival slightly, her experience with such festivals being limited. Her previous school, even though Japanese, only offered one festival. This school offered two at the very least, and some of the whispers from other students hinted at a more informal festival organised by a one of the senior classes. She blushed as she remembered the rumours about that festival. It seemed to act as a culmination of the Casual Romance club and the highlight often were confessions of undying love and even a proposal or two had been joyously witnessed. She blushed even further as she imagined someone dropping to their knees and proposing to her or even simply yelling their feelings so everyone could here.

That might be nice. she picked up her bag and started out of the classroom. Smiling to herself, she let her mind and heart flirt with that romantic dream as she walked. Her head bowed slightly as a few faces flitted through her mind. A few of the boys from her class quickly flashed in her mind before some of the upper class joined them. None of them really struck her and she allowed each to pass as quickly as they popped up. She slowly lost herself in her own head before two faces briefly popped in and out. The first one, while embarrasing, bathed her in a slight warmth before making way for the other visage. It was so fast, but it was stark enough to make her breath catch and her stomach leap into her throat.

NO! she screamed inside her mind as she closed her eyes and violently shook her head. That just isn’t possible!

Before she had anymore time to think about it and tormet herself, she was promptly knocked off her feet and that fleeting image of long hair and glasses was knocked out with it.

“Ooch” she squeaked as she landed on her butt. She saw the legs of someone standing in front of her and quickly leapt back to her feet. “O, I am so sorry.”

“Ow!” the person gave a brief shout as Xallie’s head bashed into the wrist of an outstretched hand she didn’t see.

“Oops, I-I am so sorry.” she stammered.

“It’s okay. My fault really.” the deep voice caught her attention and she finally raised her head enough to see who she had bumped into.

A gasp escaped her lips as she recognised the boy from the club meeting just the other day… and the boy whose face she was just thinking about. She blushed a deep crimson.

“I guess I should have watched where I was going.” the boy gave a warm smile before reaching out. “The name’s Ryu.”

Xallie could only stare down at his out-stretched hand and stammer a few non-intelligible symbols. All coherent thought was stuck in the traffic jam of her mind. She was confused and didn’t know what to do with the guy’s name, let alone his hand. He was cute and he was talking to her. This was supposed to be easy for her, but her flirting must have not made the trip across Japan with her. It was probably lounging on some beach in Okinawa.

“Are you okay?” a concerned look crossed Ryu’s face.

“O!” it was enough to snap Xallie from her brain-freeze, “I’m fine!”

She grimaced as she yelled that loud enough for the entire school to hear. Obviously, all of her mind had yet to catch up with rest of her.

“Good.” he smiled again, then noticed Xallie’s nervous fidgeting. “You aren’t about to tear out of here and run away again, are you?”

“I don’t think so.” she meekly whispered as her blush spread down her neck and to her shoulders. “I mean, no.”

“Good. I was surprised the last time. I didn’t think I was that bad.”

“It wasn’t you!” she waved her hands frantically. “I just… I mean… the casu…”

“It’s okay, it’s okay.” he laughed as Xallie stumbled over herself trying to explain the situation from the club meeting. “I think I understand.”

Xallie bowed her head slightly as her she let her arms fall and wrap around her waist. She just couldn’t get her thoughts straight, let alone the words out of her mouth. She inhaled deeply and then exhaled as she tried to calm her thoughts. Slowly, they fell together and she opened her mouth.

“But, I probably would have run from you if I had flashed my underwear too!” he bleeted and laughed at the memory, his face darkening in a blush as well. His eyes were closed as he bent slightly in nervous laughter and rubbed the side of his head with a hand. He didn’t notice as Xallie’s blush deepened briefly before quickly fading into a pale white sheen.

“Eep.” her breath caught in her throat and every thought in her head exploded in embarrasment.

I flashed my panties. the thought tolled through her head, it sounded very much like a death knell to her.

“O my god.” Xallie gasped and then quickly shoved Ryu to the side before sprinting down the hall. Tears streaked down her cheeks from the corner of her eyes.

I flashed my panties… I flashed my panties… I flashed my panties… that single thought continued to drone on in her head as she ran out of the school in tears. Ryu, dumbstruck and speechless, watched her tear across the courtyard just by the window from where she had just been.


(These events take place the week of the Cultural Festival)

Her name was Yoshimi. She had a black belt in karate. Working for the City, she had to discipline her body.
However, at the moment she was late for work and racing down the corridors of Police HQ toward her office in Missing Persons. She carried a thermos full of hot coffee in her hand and a doughnut stuck firmly between her teeth. She reached her office, flung open the door and plopped down behind her desk just as the clock struck 8:00.
"Yay!" she exclaimed, flinging her hands in the air, "made it!
Only with that doughnut in her mouth, the words came out a little muffled.
The others in the office were only momentarily distracted by her performance before they went back to reading their morning newspapers.
Yoshimi was now ready to start her day.
She pulled open the top drawer on her desk and pulled out a coffee cup and a newspaper. Then she removed the doughnut from her mouth and placed it on top of the newspaper to keep the crumbs from getting on her desktop. Next, she twisted the top off her thermos and poured some coffee into the cup. She picked up the doughnut, dunked it into the coffee and took a bite. She threw her feet on the desktop, picked up the newspaper, opened it to the horoscope, and began to read: 
CAPRICORN: An unexpected visitor will present you with an opportunity to revive old job skills.
"Not very likely," she said to herself as she turned the page. 
Yoshimi had good reason to be skeptical about that horoscope, because¬Öwell¬Öshe was in Missing Persons and the hard fact was that no one ever went missing in this little town where she'd been working for the last three years. Unlike Tokyo, where she'd come from. People disappeared there all the time.
"Usually eaten by monsters," she said under her breath as she took a sip of coffee. "Fuckin' monsters."

Yoshimi's origins were tragic, but she never let that get to her.
When she was nine years old, her father, a cop, had been felled by an unknown assailant. That left her an orphan, because her mother had already died a few years earlier of breast cancer. Fortunately, her father's old commanding officer had taken her in, rather than allow her to be institutionalized. Thereafter, she had been raised as virtually a child of the Police Department. At age 11, one of her "uncles" turned her into a crack shot. In her early teens, she showed a flair for kendo, so her foster father arranged for her to be trained in swordsmanship by his friend, the darkly handsome and enigmatic Master Taro. He looked just like Toshiro Mifune from the movies, so naturally the 14-year-old Yoshimi fell in love with him instantly.
After graduating from high school, she went on to police academy, where she was scouted by the hush-hush Tokko Division of the Metropolitan Tokyo Police Department. That was where she learned about the monsters.
Most people don't believe that monsters exist outside of manga or anime. But Yoshimi had learned better. During her time with Tokko, she had learned that there were lots of monsters in the real world, too. Things that, by rights, shouldn't exist in any decent universe, and sometimes Tokyo seemed to be swarming with them. Master Taro (who also seemed to have some kind of connection to Tokko), said that was because Tokyo was full of "mons," which were supernatural portals, or gateways, to an obscene netherworld that existed-somehow or other-next to ours. 
All of the operatives in Tokko were there mainly because they were skilled with edged weapons. Hard experience had shown that firearms were largely useless against supernatural creatures. As Inspector Shimoda, the old head of Tokko used to say: "You can't shoot a vampire. You have to stab ‘em in the heart. Master Taro disagreed, however. He always maintained that the only way to put down a monster was to cut off its head. Yoshimi took his words to heart and, as a result, became the best decapitator in the unit.
Because killing monsters was a messy, bloody affair, the rest of the police force (especially the CSI unit) referred to Tokko as the "gore cops." But when the last administration had come into power, the gore cops were put on notice and replaced by a new unit, the A.D. Police, whose approach to monster-slaying was more hi-tech. The members of the former Tokko were scattered to the winds as they were reassigned other jobs and locations around Japan. Thus, Yoshimi found herself relocated to Moriyoh City, where for the last three years she had worked in the Missing Persons Bureau of a town where no one ever went missing. 
"Except for the ones working in the Missing Persons Bureau," she sometimes told herself.
She didn't mind, really! If nothing else, Yoshimi was a team player. She went where she was told and did what she was told without complaining about it. After all, the police force was all she had in her life.
But monster-slaying was still in her blood, and sometimes she really missed the old days.
She took another bite of doughnut, another sip of coffee and turned the page of her newspaper, where she found an article that claimed that the wife of the new Prime Minister, in addition to her trip to Venus, had also acted in an old pinkku movie called "Cream Lemon."
"Not fuckin' likely," she said, shaking her head.  She loved reading the Mainichi, but sometimes you had to take it with a grain of salt.
Suddenly, the door to the Missing Persons Bureau opened and Homicide Detective Goro Etsuji, with a small Styrofoam cooler in his arms, struggled through the entry way. 
Detective Etsuji was a heavyset man with the build of a sumo and he usually had trouble getting through doorways, even when he wasn't carrying something. He had a round, fleshy face with buck teeth, a small turned-up nose and small, beady eyes with glasses. He reminded Yoshimi of the cartoon pig on the sign over the nikuheya in the shopping arcade across the street.
He walked over to Yoshimi's desk and placed the cooler on it.
"Present for you, Hakage-san," he said.
Yoshimi instinctively reached into her desk drawer and pulled out a pair of latex gloves, which she snapped on over her hands. She didn't need to read the biohazard symbol on the side of the cooler to tell her this was something she shouldn't touch with her bare hands.
She took off the lid and white smoke streamed out of the cooler, down along its sides and onto her desktop. Inside the box was a human foot packed in dry ice. 
She pulled it out and turned it around in her hands, examining it from every angle. It had seen better days.
A few other people in the room put down their papers, and regarded it with mild interest, as well.
Etsuji-saw was eyeing her eagerly, so she guessed he expected her to say something.
"Male," she said. "35 to 45 years of age. 113 kilos. Ethnicity? Hard to say. Definitely not Japanese, though." 
"Wow! That's pretty good," Etsuji-san remarked, grinning.
"I can reconstruct a dinosaur from a chicken bone, too," she replied. "What's this all about?"
"It's very simple," Etsuji-san said. "A few mornings ago, up in the Ninkanzake Hills neighborhood, an obaasan was out walking her dog. This was around, oh, six or six-thirty AM. Anyway, they were passing a pile of garbage bags a neighbor had put out on the curb for pick-up the night before, when Fido goes nuts. He starts tearing into this one bag in particular, and Granny doesn't have the strength to stop him. So he rips this bag open and drags out yonder foot there. She's freakin', but Fido won't let go of the foot, so she drags him, foot and all, over to the nearest koban, wakes up the cop on duty, shows it to him and he calls HQ."
Yoshimi placed the foot back inside the cooler and replaced the lid.
"It's an unusual thing to find in the trash," she said. 
"Yeah," Etsuji-san replied. "That it is. This neighborhood was scheduled for inorganic burnable trash pick-up only that day. We asked the residents who'd put out the trash what was up with the foot, but they denied all knowledge of it. "
"Claimed they'd never seen it," Yoshimi said.
"Right. And that checked out, because, shortly afterwards, reports started coming in from all over about dogs and crows having a field day with other trash piles. Soon we found ourselves with a tidy pile of body parts from multiple bodies; probably four subjects in all. But all we have so far are limbs and a couple of bags of guts. No heads or torsos, so far."
"The river¬Ö or up in the hills," Yoshimi said."
"Look! You think we don't know our own business? We're workin' on that angle now."
"Well, that's really cool. But what has any of this to do with me?"
"Simple," Etsuji-san replied. "You're in Missing Persons, right? Well, this guy, you must agree is definitely mostly missing. Besides, I hear that when you were in Tokyo, you messed around with weird shit like this all the time. So, starting now, you're on a temporary assignment with Homicide. Here," he said, pulling an envelope from the inside pocket of his jacket, "are your papers. Just sign them and give them back to me whenever."
Yoshimi jumped up and shouted, "Yay!"
She was greeted by a rustling in the background that sounded to her like applause.
Then she bowed low to Etsuji-san and held out both hands to receive the envelope.
"Domo arigato gozaimasu, Etsuji-sama. Domo! Domo!" she said.
"Well, that's settled," he said, picking up the cooler. "I'd better get this back to Forensics." 
He turned to go, but hesitated.
"By the by, Hakage-san," he said. "Seeing as how we're going to be working together, how would you like to go to the parade with me this afternoon?"
"What parade is that," she asked.
"You know, the Samba parade that's put on every year by that JAST school down the block?"
"Oh yeah. I've heard of that, but in all the years I've lived here in Moriyoh, I've never been to one. So, yes, Detective Etsuji, why the fuck not?"

After many hours they got the go ahead to hold a tourney for the festival that was a few days away. Even if it wasn’t exactly normal but then there was a club that was holding a rather unique event. Now all that Miwa, Brant and Jance had to do was get people to show up. If people don’t show up Brant said he would get some high profile meaning popular people by talking them in circles. Both of them said that wouldn’t work but did agree he could try. If he did that there could be an argument between the both, what happens then would be up to chance.

"Time going by rather quickly isn't it." Jance said
"No its not you just do to many things. For me its going slowly. What about you Brant?" Miwa asked
"Hmm. It just goes by. I'll only be there when the last person makes it and after they are done resting. So you'll have to find me or I'll just show up right before you send for me."
"So what are you going to do before then?" Miwa asked
"Not really sure but I'll find something to do, always do."
"Then what about now on until the start." Jance asked
"You want me to show up and help don't you."
"Oh how did you know." Jance said
"I'll show up when I want." 
"Well you do show up almost every Monday and Wednesday." Miwa said
"That's the only days that you two seem to have a chance to relax."
"Not much relaxing with you showing up." Jance said
"But it is fun though not having to hold back but going all out." Miwa said
"I think I'm affect you to much."
"Maybe, maybe not." she said
"If you are they what are you going to do about it." Jance said
"Something or nothing."
"Basically its our problem." Miwa said
"Well it would be wouldn't it." Jance said
"Got to help my sister out. So see you." 	
"It's the weekend tomorrow want to go hang out with us or are you going to work?" Jance asked

Brant started away without answering his hand went to his necklace subconscious. He arrived at the shop quickly moving out of the way as a long dark brown haired, and bespectacled female came out of the shop. He thought he knew her but then maybe not in any case he entered the shop.

    "Came here to help today good they help reorganize the backroom and clean up too." Alicia said
"Sure but could I get something to eat first."
"I thought you would want food its on the stove." she said
"Alright once I'm done I'll get started."
"If your not going anywhere tomorrow I could use your help." she said
"I might, I might not."
"If you don't then help." she said
"Yeah, yeah." 

He finished his food cleaned up then started reorganizing and cleaning the place up with her help. He worked five hours reorganizing the backroom and threw away some things that needed throwing away. After he was done he went back home to sleep. He had a dream, a dream that was always the same or rather the person was the same. He woke up just as he saw the person and as always he knew it was a her, a female he as not meet. But he believed the more the dreams happen the higher chance of him meeting the person.

"I have a choice both have a chance of me coming across them. Helping out a low chance but knowing them they'd show up, wondering around I could avoid them if I see them before they see me." he said to himself as he left home.

He started towards his sisters then started heading in another direction while hoping that he doesn't come across them. He touched his necklace again this time realizing he did, it brought about her face. He let it linger for a few second then he moved his hand the image gone. He embraced violence making the sword sing then while touching the hilt he touched his necklace. He didn't think it would work but he tried it anyway, the violence left once he finished. He arrived at a store and entered bought a few items before leaving.  	

(I think I'll leave town and go see if they still have some left.) He thought as he headed for the station

He was spotted just before he saw them talking to their friends at least he thought they were. He either go up to them or wait. Waited he for them to finish talking. (How the hell did do they appear when I'd rather not want them to.) He thought as he waited. They made him wait for fifteen minutes before they said goodbye.

"You're just a good dog." Jance said patting his head
"We'll pay you a treat for waiting like a good dog." Miwa said her turn patting him on the head
"Would you not do that its annoying. And don't act like your older than me." he said 
"Its so fun to mess with you though." Jance said
"Anyways what are you doing here?" Miwa asked
"I was going to go buy something and maybe watch a movie. You?"
"Great we almost had the same idea except the movie part." Miwa said
"Damn earlier I thought I could avoid this, oh well alright lets go."
"You wont change your mind?" Jance said   
"No I still going to buy what I want besides that you would probably follow me until I gave up and went with you two."
"Its decided then." Jance said  

They got off the train when they arrived at the place. It was deiced that they'd go get want he want first then go about the rest. For the next two or three hours they went from store to store with him holding a few bags for them. He could of left anytime time he wanted but didn't cause if he did they would hold it against him. So here he was watching their bags as they got some food for the three of them. They said it was his payment for help with the bags. They didn't really buy all that much they just had two big bags which he held and some smaller ones which they held. He sat their feet up on the table reading the mag he bought. He looked up to see them placing the food on the table after moving the bags.

"Shouldn't you wait until you are home to read that mag." Miwa said
"Eh. Its just a photo mag."
"How many of those do you have anyway?" she asked
"Five counting this. I lucked out finding this one though." he added as he started to eat "Thanks." 
"So that figure was what you wanted." Jance said after she finished chewing
"Yes and before you ask I have about nine counting the one I just bought."
"So should be go watch a movie, home or wonder around." she said
"There showing the third movie." Miwa said
"That's right its showing lets go watch it." Jance said 
"I not watch your damn crap while you watch the movie."
"How about you take it to your sister's and leave it there while we watch the movie." Miwa said as they started away from the table
"Fine just remember." he said and grabbed all the bags and started for the station
"Thanks now don't lose any of it." they both said
"Just remember." sighing he headed for the station go to his sisters drop off their crap then head home. 

   The follow day he checked to see if they came and picked up their crap and was told they did. He asked if he could help by working the register. As he manned the register some students from his school came into the school and asked them to show up for the tourney. Though he didn't think they would show up but if not he would have to do something very drastic. 

It was already the week of the festival a Samba parade was going to held which meant that no one would show up or very few would. Now he was busy trying to get the females of the club to agree with him. His two friends agreed which surprised the hell out of him, which cause the rest of the club to agree. Now he just had to go about see to get more people to appear not a lot just enough and make it that the teachers and principal didn't get wind until after the end.  

"Alright so you all agreed with my crazy idea." Brant asked for the second time
"Why not, its not as bad as that one club." Miwa said wearing a long coat
"True but they don't actually do anything at school. Well some do." Jance said dressed similarly as Miwa
"The rest of us agreed cause it sounds like fun." one of the others said with the rest nodding.
"Alright then people move out." with that said five students along with Miwa and Jance went out into the crowd.

Within twenty minutes people started to show up, in another three minutes the people stopped showing up. The five students, Miwa and Jance arrived a few minutes after the last person entered. The students their started to ask if it was true. Brant made sure that one had cameras, cells and scared of those that he felt would do/say something he rather not hear.  

"No one harassed you people?" he asked
"Nope just curious and yes we avoid them." Miwa said
"Good now you two should go out there and talk to them." 
"Come on Jance." Miwa said and got on stage they made just days before the festival. 

They knew after today all would get in trouble put he had already thought of that, so all they had to do is start and finish before he had to use it. They also knew that it was going to be just this one day. Both Miwa and Jance appeared on stage wear two piece swimsuit.

"All of you people are here to see if what you saw and heard earlier is true well it is." Miwa said
"This maybe the only day this will happen." Jance said
"Just start it already!" someone said
"Just one more thing thing this is a fencing club." Miwa said then both she and Jance walked off the stage to be replaced by two members dress in swimsuits too.

As those two started to fight he just got another idea that he would run past them. He grinned as he saw the two approach him. They saw he grinning they smiled a little them stopped just before him while putting on the coats but didn't close them.

"Your enjoying this too and you have another idea." Jance said
"Money. Take pictures of the fights and individual pictures of members and other. No none of those, I'm not that much of an ass or bastard."
"Lets have a quick vote then you can begin taking pictures." she said

A vote happened and oddly enough they agreed to have pictures taken even one of the members gave him a camera. Who said they were going to take some pictures of the parade this would be more interesting.

"One question what do we do with the money?" Miwa asked 
"Just give be five percent then you do whatever you want with the rest." he said as he started to take picture of the two fighting on stage.
"Alright five percent for you and the rest goes to fund the club." she said and he nodded and started taking pictures of them.

After taking individual pictures he started to take paired pictures of the females and some male and female. The fights still continued as he took pictures, once he ran up on stage just before some one lost their top. She thanked him as she had her back to him putting on her top some else gave her. After that incident all the females checked to make sure their top and bottoms didn't become undone. Brant went to the wall and started the water to fall on the people on stage. They were surprised but continued on with the fights. News spread about the fights in swimsuits and water. So far no one came to stop them yet but he had an plan to make all of them scatter before they came. It was during the parade that his warning system went off, not so much as a system than someone calling.

"Speak." he said already knowing what it was and signaled all the people to start scattering. 

The members started to dress or put on coats once they saw the signal. They quickly left and headed into the festival.

"The fox is approaching. Repeat the fox is approaching." the person said 

Some people still had yet to leave when three teacher appeared causing the rest of the ones still there to run. One teacher spotted him and started after him knowing he was the one. He hardly ever caused trouble it was just that some trouble that did happen intend to involve him. He ran right by them almost knocking one of them down. They started after him as he ran through the halls knock people down and saying sorry a few times. The teachers where still after him but started to fall behind, he didn't slow he just kept going until he arrived into a crowd and blended in. He blended in for only a short while before they spotted him again. He ran some more and saw a lot of people watching the parade, then dove into the group. As he did his sword sung just as he nearly ran into someone. He look to star into the eye of a woman he nearly ran into, his sword sung even more and for some reason his violence flickered. He understood why his sword sung but not his violence flickering. 

"Sorry for nearly running into you." he said and looked to see they were closing on him 
"Damn." he said mostly to himself his sword was now singing a soft calming tune but his violence was still flickering. He embraced the violence and moved her somehow the went deeper and out of the crowd quickly, while he stilled moved others like he moved her. As he went deeper and out of the crowd his sword started to stop singing. He looked back to see if they were following realizing he moved in a rather strange way. He got out of the crowd and ran home, knowing that he would probably get in trouble when he went back to school. 

NOTE I intend to throw in a few of the other peoples PCs for a cameo, the last part with running into someone was just added.


Principal Payne looked up from the resume he'd been browsing to gaze at the young woman he had just hired to replace the missing Nurse Komegura.
She was dressed all in white. She wore a sharply-pressed one-piece dress with white buttons down the front, a broad white, shiny vinyl belt, white hose, and on her head, a white cap.
She was the very image of a health professional. 
"Well, Miss¬Öuh," he glanced down at the resume, "Miss Betsunade¬Ö."
She nodded.
"Your qualifications here are very impressive, and to tell you the truth we just recently lost our former nurse, so the timing of your application was¬Öwell¬Ö uncanny, to say the least." he said.
"Perhaps it was Fate," she suggested. "But I do hope my predecessor did not meet with some terrible calamity." 
"Well, no. Nothing like that. At least I think not. She simply decided to get married, you see. I had hoped that she would stay on until we could find a replacement, but she called in a few weeks ago, and we haven't had a word from her since."
"Maybe her and her lover eloped," Miss Betsunade suggested. "Or perhaps they committed a double suicide." She seemed rather pleased with that notion; her eyes sparkled.
"Oh! How romantic it is to think of it!" she exclaimed, clasping her hands together.
It was such a strange thing to say, that Principal Payne wasn't sure how to respond.
"Well¬Öah¬Öwell whatever the case, it was just damn disloyal of her to run out on us like that. I trust you will not do anything like that, Miss Betsunade, eh?"
"Oh no!  Indeed not, sir. Disloyalty to one's master is the greatest sin there is. Only the severest punishment is appropriate to such a transgression."
"Ah¬Öyes. Well that's a commendable attitude¬ÖI suppose," he replied. 
"Let me say this," he added. "The office of School Nurse is a very important one here. Maybe more so at JAST than at any other school in Japan, because the students here are all idiots! They're constantly getting themselves into scrapes, sword fighting without protective clothing on, jumping out windows, getting into stupid fights, and blowing things up. It's worse than when I was at Cromartie! For example, last week, during the Samba parade, all the girl's tops came off! What a nightmare! Several of the parents wanted to lynch me. Fortunately, I found out that the source of the problem was a group of disgruntled seamstresses and was able to take action against them."
He paused and leaned back in his seat.
"Ah¬Öwell¬Ömaybe I'm overburdening you with my problems, Miss Betsunade," he said. "It's just that it's not easy for me, as a foreign national, to be running a school in Japan. It gets to me, sometimes, you know?"
"Perfectly, sir. I am a health professional, after all, and my mandate is to minister to the spirit as well as the body. If ever you are in need of my services, please feel free to call on me."
"That's very kind of you,' he replied. "I'm sure you'll do very nicely here. There is one thing I've been meaning to ask you, however."
"I've noticed that all during this interview, you've worn a surgical mask. Is that because you have a cold or something?"
"Or something, yes," she replied. "Until recently, I was in a very damp place for a long time, and I am afraid it has affected my health a little."
"But you will be able to carry out your duties as nurse, I hope?"
"Oh yes. Please do not worry about that, sir. I am merely thinking about the students. It is their health that concerns me more. I should not want to endanger their lives¬Ömy first day on the job."
"Quite right," he agreed. "Now that's the kind of attitude I wish there were more of around here. I wish I had more people like you working for me."
"Perhaps¬Ösomeday you shall, sir."
"Umm." He rose from his chair, and she did likewise.
"Well, then. Welcome to JAST, Miss Butsunade, and good day to you." 
"Thank you, sir."
She bowed very low and he bowed slightly.
Then she turned to go. At the doorway, she paused and looked back into the room.
"Principal-sama," she said, fingering the edge of her mask a little. "Do you think I'm pretty?"


Xallie lay on her bed, her face buried in the small mound of pillows she was strangling. Her face was burning, partially from the horrid little memories flitting around in her head, but also from the three empty bottles of sake strewn on the floor. It wasn’t a good habit, but draining as many bottles dry as she could always followed such emotional turmoil. By the end of the first bottle her tears were mostly dry and by the end of the second bottle her embarrasment turned to anger and self loathing. The third bottle was just for good measure.

Just as things were looking up. she burrowed deeper into her pillows, languishing the abrupt return of her bad luck.

“I am so stupid!” she screamd loudly into her pillows. She couldn’t understand it at all. She had been so nervous and giddy just talking to Ryu, but at least she was talking to him. It was just getting comfortable and she was slowly edging back to her flirtatious self. “He just had to open his mouth. Idiot!”

Xallie spun around to land flat on her back. She mussed her hair feverishly and then with a strangled grunt she shot up to a sitting position.

“Idiot!” she shouted again, both about herself and about the boy. She reached down and picked up another bottle off the floor and took a long swig. Four down. It was a good things her parents weren’t home.

She got off the bed and stood on unsteady feet. All the bottles she had brought up to her room were now dearly departed. She needed a refill. With step in every direction but forward, Xallie slowly made her way down the stairs somehow. She let her hand glide down the small wall railing. It kept her upright, but it didn’t help in speeding up any forward momentum. Eventually, Xallie entered the small alcove just off the kitchen. With the room spinning she stood on the tips of her toes and stretched to the high cabinet. The small glass knob would not play nice and continually ran around the wooden face of the door. She smacked the door of the cabinet for some minutes before finally giving a whelp of victory as her fingers closed around the knob.

She opened the cabinet and pulled free three more bottles of sake. She held two against her chest as she used to the third bottle to close the stubbornly elusive door. She started back towards the stairs before the lilting chime of the doorbell rang through the house. Luckily, Xallie was right next to the door and it only took a few moments to wrestle the knob into stillness and fling open the door.

“Chie!” with a wild shout Xallie flung herself at the girl standing at the door, the dull thud of the sake bottles barely registering her mind. Tears and sobs racked Xallie’s body as she tightly hugged her friend. “I missed you so much.”

“And what am I, eh? A consolation prize?” a rough voice chuckled from behind Chie. A tall, older looking boy opened his arms. Xallie promptly embraced the boy just as quickly as she had Chie. “That’s better.”

“O, Kosuke,” Xallie buried her face into her friend’s chest. “You came too.”

“Of course. You think I’d let the airhead come all by herself, eh?” Kosuke laughed before Chie punched him in the shoulder. “Ow.”

“Baby.” she huffed as Kosuke gave her a tearful glance with pouting lips. Xallie only laughed as she untangled herself from her friend.

“Come in!” Xallie waved them into the house as she stumbled over the threshold. She promptly stepped on one of the sake bottles and fell on her ass. “Ooch.”

“Are you drunk, Xallie?” Kosuke held out his hand and barely managed to stifle a laugh as Xallie flailed helplessly. “I guess that answers that, eh?”

Xallie stopped reaching for the hand and stuck out her tongue. She then tried to push herself up off the floor. With the same success as she had had with the offered hand. Her shirt rode up above her thighs. She didn’t hear the gasp and thud as Kosuke nearly fainted. With a cry Chie rushed over and pulled down her friend’s shirt. Xallie only laughed.

“Xallie, you’re not wearing panties!” Chie blushed a deep and luscious red as Xallie once more embraced Chie in a tight hug. She also grimaced when she felt the hot dampness of Xallie’s tears on her shoulder. “Xallie…”

Xallie burrowed into her friend’s shoulder, sobbing uncontrollably. She couldn’t hold back the tears at all her body was shaking as she cried. Chie craned her neck and nodded her head at Kosuke. Swallowing hard he nodded back before quickly kicking the bottles out of the way and closing the door. With a click he turned the dead-bolt and then turned towards his two friends. Xallie was still clinging on to Chie and sobbing. He bent down next to the girls and with a tender caress, placed his hand on Xallie’s shoulder. She looked up with her tear strewn cheeks and he simply smiled.

“Come on, the floor is no place for a lady, eh?” Xallie only managed a weak nod to Kosuke’s tender prodding.

He placed his hands underneath Xallie’s arms and lifted her up with a gentle ease. Her legs wobbled slightly, but both Chie and Kosuke grabbed an arm and managed to hold her up. With halting steps, they slowly guided Xallie into the living room. Ever few steps they had to stop as Xallie’s legs trembled and threatened to drop her on her butt once more. Xallie’s sobbing had faded a little, but only because she was now giving tiny hiccups every few breaths. Through the hiccups, crying, and drunken stupor, her friends managed to guide Xallie to the sofa.

“Thank you. Hic.” Xallie breathily stated when they arrived.

Xallie took her right arm off Chie, used both hands to firmly grab and hold onto Kosuke, and then turned. Once she was facing away from the couch, Xallie flopped down. She hit the soft cushions squarely, but by plopping down her shirt ballooned over her waist for a few seconds and then settled back down over her thighs. Kosuke mumbled incoherently and wobbled on his now unsteady legs at the sight of his friend’s naked body. He placed his left hand on the nearby wall to hold himself up. Chie, however, only gave a brief sigh before turning around and charging up the stairs. Xallie swayed on the couch and Kosuke swayed on his feet as Chie stormed the second floor. A few muted curses and slammed doors later, Chie came running back down the stairs with a pair of pajama pants in her hands.

“Here.” Chie, breathless, held out the pair of pants.

“Mmmm.” Xallie wiggled her fingers as she reached out and grabbed the pants. “Thank you.”

Both Chie and Kosuke gave a sigh, one from pure relief and the other a mixture of relief and disappointment. The relief didn’t last long. Kosuke turned beet red as Xallie simply fell back and bared her ass and glistening sex when she lifted her legs to push them though the pants legs. He snapped around swiftly… directly into the wall. Kosuke groaned and Chie gave a garbled chuckle as an exasperated sigh escaped her lips at the same time. Xallie sat up after wrestling the pants over her waist and finally hiding nakedness from view.

“I’m just going to make some tea.” Kosuke held is face in one hand while pointing to the kitchen in the other. Chie nodded in reply, still chuckling ever so slightly.

Xallie, however, blushed a deep crimson when she realised what she had just done. She lifted a hand to her mouth as tears began to flow down her cheeks and her shoulders started to shake.

“O, Xallie.” Chie’s eyes widened and she quickly sat down and wrapped her arms around Xallie. Xallie returned the embrace as she started to sob again. Chie gently rubbed Xallie’s back before whispering, “Shh, shh. It isn’t that bad.”

Xallie buried her face into the nook of Chie’s shoulder and neck. She tightened her arms around her friend. For long minutes, Chie simply hugged Xallie and gave wordless, soothing murmurs. Chie gave a quick glance towards the kitchen to see Kosuke rummaging around. Feeling her eyes on him, Kosuke looked over. He locked eyes with Chie and gave a concerned shrug. Neither had seen Xallie this worked up over anything before.

“So you flashed some pink.” Chie finally broke the wordless silence and tried to cheer up her friend. She gave a quick laugh and patted Xallie’s head. “Kos certainly didn’t seem to mind.”

Xallie chuckled into Chie’s shoulder but didn’t stop crying. Kosuke stumbled and blushed as he hunted through the various cabinets looking for some tea. The image of Xallie wrestling with her pants flashed through his mind and he had to stop himself from falling over again. He knocked over several cans and boxes as he grabbed onto one of the shelves he had been searching.

“See.” Chie laughed and pointed towards Kosuke. Xallie tilted her head and looked at the bumbling man picking up the items he had spilled. A slight smile turned her lips. Her sobbing slowed but tears didn’t stop falling down her cheeks. “Cruel torment. Poor guy.”

Xallie laughed again before finally untangling herself from Chie. She tried to wipe away her tears but she was still crying, though the body wracking sobs had nearly faded.

“I’m sorry.” Xallie mumbled through her shuddering breaths. “You came all the way here and I’m a drunken mess.”

“Hey, it’s alright.” Kosuke raised his voice over the clinking of cans as he scoured another cabinet. “It isn’t like you knew we were coming, eh?”

“But still…”

“No buts.” he turned towards Xallie and smiled. Xallie opened her mouth to reply but Kosuke wagged his finger in the air. He gave Xallie a cartoonish stare. When she remained silent he gave a nod and returned to the hunt for the exceedingly rare game known as tea. “Actually, it’s a good thing we came. Who else would have saved the poor and defenceless bottles of sake from such a vicious beast, eh?”

Xallie gave a small laugh before seeing the worried glance from Chie. It grew quiet and Xallie coloured slightly with that motherly concern pouring from her friend. Xallie fidgeted on the couch and looked away from Chie.

“Xallie.” Chie sighed. “What’s wrong?”

“I-it’s… just, I-I…” Xallie stuttered as she sniffed back a few tears. She closed her eyes and inhaled deeply. “It’s just a bad few weeks. That’s all”

“Xallie.” Chie gave a reproaching glance as she sternly berated Xallie with just her name. Xallie winced. Chie was worse than her mother.

“It’s not that important. Really.” still, she tried to escape the affects of her friend’s motherly powers. Of course it didn’t work and Chie’s eyes narrowed to an intimidating squint. Xallie swallowed hard.

“Xallie, what’s wrong?” Chie’s voice, though stern, was still calm and filled with tender concern. “Come on, tell us.”


“Ah, ah, ah.” Kosuke leaned through the archway connecting the kitchen and living room. “I said no buts.”

'B…" Xallie was immediately cut off as Kosuke’s eyes joined the intimidating squint of Chie’s. With a huff, she crossed her arms and gave a small pout. Both Kosuke and Chie almost dropped the stares in a fit of laughter but managed to maintain the deluge. “Fine!”

The double-team stare broke through. Kosuke gave a brief smile and then returned to the hunt. Chie merely nodded at Xallie and waited. After a few tense breaths, Xallie opened up and told them about the couple of months. Chie merely giggled about Xallie being late and then tripping into class. But both gave Xallie an incredulous stare when she told them about being cornered, naked and dazed, in the locker room. They didn’t interrupt, however, and let Xallie continue.

She slowly worked her way through the weeks: the confused stuttering about the girl in glasses, the nervous pratter about the first Casual Romance Club meeting, the whispered confession about her loneliness, the excited chatter about the karaoke bar (which nearly de-railed the conversation), and then the angry diatribe over the fiasco with Ryo. Kosuke and Chie merely listened, except to guide Xallie away from karaoke and back to the story. Eventually, Xallie was blushing at the memories while slightly crying.

“See, just a bad few weeks.” Xallie smiled and wiped her eyes. “That was all.”

“O, Xallie.” Chie leaned in and gave Xallie another hug. “I’m sorry.”

“It’s not your fault.” Xallie pushed herself back and laughed. “I’m the klutz. I mean, come on… you were here and I still managed to flash my naked butt to both of you.”

“Damn it!” a loud crash echoed in the kitchen. The image of Xallie, her legs in the air, had flashed through Kosuke’s mind just as he finally found the tea on one of the upper shelves. The tea, and everything else on the shelf, had come tumbling down with him when he lost his balance. Both Chie and Xallie rushed to the kitchen, of course Xallie’s drunken legs wobbled and buckled. She only managed to make it a few steps before she toppled over and landed on her face in the archway. She was unhurt, but simply pushed herself to her knees instead of trying to stand. She could see into the kitchen from where she fell.

“I said no more buts!” Kosuke was sitting on the floor, rubbing his head. Dozens of cans and boxes littered the floor around him. Xallie tried to stifle a laugh. Chie didn’t. “I just can’t handle anymore.”