Project Sakura (Bishoujo RP)

“I can’t believe you wouldn’t wear a yukata.” Kosuke mumbled and his shoulders were slumped as he walked. During the entire parade he couldn’t help but glance at all the cute girls in yukatas and try to imagine Chie in one.

“Stop pouting.” Chie shoved Kosuke roughly. He had to tear his hands from his pockets and grab a nearby pole to keep from toppling over.

“Hey, watch it!”

“Baby.” Chie huffed before she turned away and started walking.

Kosuke stuffed his hands back into his pockets and continued to grumble under his breath. He had pressed Chie to borrow a yukata, but she had sternly refused. As she always had. So he grumbled and shot her a few dirty looks as they walked down the road towards the school. He wondered what she would look like in a yukata, but he just couldn’t imagine her in the elegant clothing for some reason. She rarely wore anything other than tight jeans and a t-shirt. In fact the only time she ever wore a skirt was to school. And that was only because it was required under the dress code.

So he stared at his friend, letting his eyes wander up and down her body. Despite her boyish attitude, Chie had long and flowing black hair that would stretch down her back. A few strands would always manage to roll over her shoulders and lightly caress the top of her breasts, breasts which her shirt tightly embraced. Like Xallie, Chie was also athletic and in good shape. A flat stomach stretched underneath her breasts before giving way to short but slender legs. HIs gaze followed her legs until Kosuke was staring at his friend’s firm and tight butt. All he noticed was that it swayed as she walked… left, right, left, right… the movement mesmerised Kosuke and he stopped paying attention to everything else. He watched her swaying hips and the rippling of her muscles beneath the denim. He predictably walked right into a lamp-post.

“Uh.” he bounced off the post, stumbled as he eyed the unflinching steel, and shook his head. Chie gave a quick glance over her shoulder but kept walking. Kosuke hurried to catch up. He blushed slightly when Chie smiled at his clumsiness and bowed his head. He hadn’t really noticed before but she was quite beautiful.

“Wonder what she would look like in a yukata, eh.” he began to grumble again. “Xallie would have worn one.”

He smiled as he imagined Xallie wrapped in a bright blue and white yukata he thought would look wonderful on her. Her blonde hair and blue eyes would be striking in the outfit. Kosuke imagined the fabric hugging Xallie’s petite chest snugly and the how it swelled slightly over her round butt. It would slide delicately around her long legs as she walked and her pale, gleaming skin would peek out under the swishing hem just above her feet. Kosuke smile grew brighter at how stunning she looked in his mind.

OF course she would turn and flash a bright smile of her own. As she twirled in his mind she would stumble briefly before falling into his arms, their eyes locking as his hands wrapped around her waist and grabbed onto the sash. She would blush under his gaze, her cheeks glowing as he slowly pulled the sash and… a loud clang echoed down the street.

His eyes crossed in pain and he fell to his knees holding his face in his hands. Over the ringing in his ears, Kosuke heard the cheerful laughter of Chie and looked up. She had stopped walking and was doubled over as she laughed. He had lost himself in the fantasy and ploughed face first into another lamp-post.

She was worn out. It was warm and the parade had gone longer than planned. Her costume had been a bit heavy and it hadn’t breathed all that well, so was sweaty and overheated. She had sighed deeply when the parade finally re-entered the school grounds and was over. She had run to the locker room to quickly shed the cumbersome and torturous evil. And, despite her better judgement and numbing fears, she had quickly stripped completely down and jumped into a cold shower. She barely managed to rinse off the sweat and slip into her jeans and t-shirt before more girls came streaming in. But she had managed the shower without incident and was calmly sitting outside in the courtyard of the school.

She sat on the ground against the main building, calmly watching a few of the senior students and faculty police the area as the parade participants dispersed. She reclined, her bare feet perched on top of her shoes. Her poor and abused feet had refused to slide into her shoes, so the shoes stayed off.
The last few days had been both refreshing and tiring for Xallie. After her friends had shown up at her door and after she had drunkenly flashed both of them, they finally managed to calm her down and talk. She had unloaded the past few weeks and felt better after it. Well, save for the rare and massive hangover that stalked her for the next two days. Between that hangover, the festival, and showing her friends around, Xallie was completely exhausted.
So she sat there, giving her aching body a chance to rest. She wiggled her toes in the soft breeze and breathed deeply. Everything was returning back to normal after Chie and Kosuke had popped in. This new city was beginning to feel a little more like home.

“Taking a load off I see.” A shadow fell over her legs and she looked up. Her heart lurched in her chest for a moment. It was the boy from the unfortunate incidents at the club and in the hallway. “Is it alright if I sit here?”

Xallie nodded, a timid and curt bob, and Ryo smiled. As he lowered himself down next to her, she couldn’t help but flinch slightly. She had avoided him ever since she discovered that she had flashed him. He looked over at her and she turned away from his gaze.

“O, that is better. My feet are killing me.” He exhaled. He frowned when she flinched at his voice. “What a parade, huh?”

Xallie only nodded, her chest and throat too tight to allow her to talk. He looked over at Xallie again, which caused her to blush and shy away, and a glum smile twisted the corner of his mouth.

“I see.” His shoulders slumped and he sighed. “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have bothered you.”

He started to push himself to his feet.

“No!” Xallie reached out, grabbed Ryo’s arm, and tugged him back down. “Ee… sorry.”

She blushed and snatched her hands back. She stared at her fingers as they wrapped themselves in her shirt. She couldn’t believe herself. First she was treating him like the plague and then she had nearly tackled him.

“You’re not bothering me.” The whisper barely left her lips but Ryo heard it and beamed.

“That’s good.” He leaned back against the wall. “You have been avoiding me. I was a bit worried.”

“Sorry.” She wilted under the blunt statement.

“Bah. It’s alright.” He waved his hand in the air. “I was a tactless creep, wasn’t I?”

He laughed and she smiled just a bit as she remembered the incident. She lowered her feet and brought her knees into her chest, hugging them in embarrassment.

“I didn’t mean to run like that,” Xallie rested her cheek against her knee as she turned to look at Ryo “I just didn’t…”

“Know that you had flashed me?” he finished for her when she faltered.

Xallie managed to keep looking at Ryo and she nodded. She hugged herself a bit tighter.

“Sorry.” He gave her a weak smile beneath his understanding eyes. “Tactless and clueless.”

They both sighed at the same time, looked at each-other, laughed. Xallie’s chest didn’t feel so tight anymore and she felt much more comfortable. They laughed together for a few minutes before it eventually faded into lingering smiles. Xallie rested her chin in-between her knees and looked out into the courtyard as Ryo gazed at the orange, evening sky.

“You know,” a look of confusion crossed Ryo’s face for a second “I don’t think I ever got your name. I believe you ran off before you told me. Both times… how rude.”

“Xallie.” She giggled.

“Oooo, exotic.” He cooed and Xallie giggled again and blushed, partly from embarrassment but there was a nice tingling pleasure that warmed her cheeks. “Nice to meet you, again, Xallie.”

He held out his right hand and Xallie merely stared at it for a few seconds.

“Please tell me you aren’t about to go running off again.” He tried to duck down and look at Xallie’s face.

“O!” she snapped out of her daze and slowly grasped his hand with her own. “Nice to meet you too.”

She blushed as her hand was bathed in the strong warmth of his grasp. Her heart beat faster.


“Ryo.” She interrupted.

“You remembered.” His smile nearly swallowed his face and she blushed deeply. She could only nod.

Ryo smiled for long minutes and held onto Xallie’s hand. Xallie looked up from their hands and into his eyes. They were gentle and warm. She couldn’t help but lose herself in those eyes. So the two sat there, holding hands, their eyes lost in each-other, and Ryo’s smile etched permanently onto his face.

“So,” Ryo shook his head slightly and blushed. His chuckled and released Xallie’s hand before standing up. “I… um… pfft.”

He started to pace nervously, the embarrassment ambushing him. Xallie smiled at the flustered boy, which only made him fidget and pace more.

“Would you… would… well,” he swallowed loudly and fought the nervous urge to flee that suddenly welled up inside “Would you like to, um, g…”

“There you are!” a loud voice cut through Ryo’s stumbling.

Both Xallie and Ryo looked towards the voice. It was Chie, with Kosuke following close behind. Xallie shot to her feet and hurriedly brushed herself off.

“You said you would meet us by the bus stop.” Chie’s squinting eyes burrowed into Xallie and she hunched under their power.

“Sorry.” Xallie gave a small bow. Chie glanced towards Ryo and then back to Xallie before she straightened up. Chie smiled as she remembered Xallie’s story and confession. Kosuke clearly did not.

“This guy harassing you, eh?” Kosuke circled around Ryo, glowering. “Needs a little push, does he?”

“Ack!” Xallie blushed and waved her arms around wildly as she stepped in-between Kosuke and Ryo. “No, no, no. He wasn’t harassing me.”

“Are you sure?” Kosuke looks over Ryo and frowns. “He looks shifty to me.”

The two boys glowered at each other, a tense friction exploding around them. It didn’t last very long.

“Play nice.” Chie walked up behind Kosuke and smacked him on the head.

“Ow!” Kosuke stumbled forward and grabbed his head. “Hey, what was that for, eh?”

“Rude.” Chie shook her head and crossed her arms. “Nice to meet you. Chie.”

“Ah,” a bit dumbstruck Ryo stared blankly for a few seconds before finally answering. “Ryo.”

“Kosuke!” Kosuke yelped when Chie kicked him after Kosuke only continued to glower. Xallie laughed as Ryo simply stared in amazement.

“O, these are my friends from Sasebo.” Seeing Ryo’s confusion, Xallie went about formal introductions. “That was where I moved from. The pretty one is in the same year as me, bit rough around the edges but she’s actually quite sweet. Aren’t you, Chie?”

Chie blushed and mumbled under her breath before turning towards Kosuke.

“That thing is a senior. Let’s just leave it at that.” Chie shrugged as she stated.

“Thing!? That thing? I’m hurt, really.” He turned in a huff and stuck his nose in the air.

“Anyway, we came up to visit our clumsy girl her and what does she do?” Chie sighed. “Flirts with a guy.”

Ryo blushed at the last part as Xallie shrugged while she gave an unconvincing grin.

“You remember we have a reservation, right?” Kosuke turned back towards Xallie with a reproaching glare and wagged his finger.

“O!” Xallie gasped with delight and rushed back over to pick up her shoes. “Karaoke!”

“So you did forget.” Kosuke sighed. “That’s a first. You feeling alright?”

“Yep!” Xallie twirled on her bare feet and laughed. “Let’s go, let’s go, let’s go! Karaoke!”

Ryo was lost in a daze as he witnessed the complete transformation of the shy, nervous girl that flashed her panties to the prancing and laughing wild child. She was smiling and giggling as she rushed forward and began to tug on her friends.

“Come on, come on. Karaoke!” she gave a bright and maddeningly cute smile towards Ryo. “Wanna come?”

“Uh.” Ryo was still dumbstruck by the change when she that sparkling beauty of that smile slammed into him. He couldn’t think straight. “That’s okay.”

“You sure?” Xallie gave a small pout when Ryo absently nodded. It only lasted a second before she smiled again and tugged on Chie and Kosuke even harder. “Maybe next time then, okay?”

Ryo again only absently nodded as he watched Xallie drag her friends out of the courtyard. Chie gave a quick shrug and mouthed “Sorry” before she disappeared around the wall.

“Karaoke!” Ryo heard the bubbling laughter fade as he stood in the courtyard, mutely staring at a pair of sneakers lying forgotten on the ground. He picked them up and stared in wonder. Xallie had dropped her shoes. It wouldn’t be until the daze wore off many hours later, while he was staring at those shoes lying on the floor of his room, that Ryo realised that he had stupidly turned down an offer from Xallie to hang out. He cursed himself to sleep that night.

He got in trouble like he thought he would both by his mother and the school so here he was wondering around the town not knowing where to go. He let the wind take him where it would his sword sang a few times, the few times it did was when he came across the few cops walking patrols or such. But it never sang like it did that one day when he nearly ran into that woman and when he was with his two friends or anyone from their club. The only difference was it sang calmly and his violence flickering when he was near that woman. The wind stopped taking him and he soon found himself in front of a shop which he entered. The shop didn’t really have anything that interested him then he felt the clerk was looking at him after the dispatched the customer.

"Your Oterra right?" the clerk asked
"If I am."
"Yup your him. I work for the Locke Corporation. I have a message for you. The message is I'll call you when I arrive." the clerk said
"No wonder I stopped here and felt this place was familiar. Its was this time of year that she shows up. Thank you for the message."
"Where were you the other times?" the clerk asked
"Wondering." he replied as he walked out the store check the name and shook his head.
(This is what happens if I don't have anything to do at this time of year.) He thought as the wind took him to another place the wind stopped again in front of the police station. He sword started to sing calmly and his violence flickered. 

He stood their looking at the building as his sword singing and violence flickering. He knew she was in there only because of his sword and violence. He only started to know when he wondered around town and heard the singing and flickering of violence, looked around and saw her. Something about her was causing the sword and his violence to response to her. He continued walking after a minute or so before his phone rang. He check to see it was his cousin.

"Icy Iris how are you doing?" he asked knowing that it annoyed her
"I'm not that much younger than you. And I'm doing good. You?" 
"Got in trouble by making money off of something." he replied he had gone back to school to give them the pictures before he started to wonder around.
"Is the other trouble over?" 
"Yes been over for awhile now. How's your corporation doing?" he asked as the wind took him to yet another place
"I had to absorb a company, restructured, it now everything is going smoothly. So did you find a match yet?"
"Icy Iris that is none of your business." he said
"Just curious and don't call me that."
"Is uncle still working?" he asked
"Yes I have no idea when he will or if he will be back. I'm bored so the whole town is the field."
"Its not even night yet." he said
"Fine only the places I own are the field."
"I can't get out of this can I. Fine places you own are the field. When do we start?" he said
"When you get to the blue lounge."
"What are the rules?" he asked
"To not lose in each place I own and get to my house before night, fight me and win. No killing. Just win however you can."
"Icy Iris. What else?" he asked known it didn't sound that easy
"Defeat all the people wearing the black rose."
"Aw hell." he said and hung up 

The wind left now that he had something to do. What he had to do could or very well take the whole day to do. As he walked towards blue lounge violence surrounded him. He thought about how he was going to fight the black rose. The black rose was formed to insure that her places never got anything stolen or destroyed. Every other year or so he would fight the black rose not all just a smaller fraction. Some were fist fighters every time he fought one he lucked out. He was never much a fist fighter so when he reached the third or fourth building he would last long enough to defeat two or three before he got tired and gave up. This time he would go and fight his cousin. Though he fought his cousin once before it was years ago when he didn't really know how to use a sword let alone any blade. He lost. He arrived at blue lounge and entered.

"Welcome to the blue lounge we're have a half price special." said a woman in every short shorts and tight shirt covering large breasts in a cheerful voice.
"Black Rose."
"In that case what weapon would you like?" she asked in the same way
"No. How many?"
"Ok. Hmm about five." She replied and greeted the person that just entered.

He walked farther in while watching the woman dancing topless on stage. He looked around and couldn't see if anyone had a black rose given the fact it was dark inside so he spoke loud enough foreveryone to hear.
"I'm Oterra I've come looking for the black rose." he said loudly
"Eh really. Well then why don't we have some fun." a man said from somewhere to the left.
"He has no weapon though." said another from the right this time
"Who cares besides its not like we'll go very hard on him." said another
"Lets just start already." said yet another

He place two of the five but not the other two but not the last one. He fell and rolled just as a soon as his sword sang. With that it began, the trial of eight. Now all he had to do was win without hurting customers that knew this was going to happen but didn't care, some even placed bets. He didn't get a  weapon just he planned to use one of the black rose weapon. He couldn't so he broke a chair and used it.

Walking out of the place he headed for the next stop that was located far from blue lounge. He never did understand why it was called blue lounge. There was nothing blue about it he let it drop just as he arrived at the other place. He entered fought and walked right out. He check the time to see he had to keep up his speed if he wanted to finishes the last six trials before night and get to his cousin's house. He entered the next place quickly placed all the black rose wearing people then he moved. He walked out of the building heading for another one.

(Just five more with however many black roses to trim.) He thought as he deiced to stop and eat something. He finished eating and walked to the next building.

He entered the build stayed for an hour then left for another building. The next few hours he went to the remaining buildings and cleared them. He had just left the last building when his phone rang.

"Didn't think I would get this far did you Icy Iris." he said as a way of hello
"I thought you would lose by the four building. Anyways that wasn't why I called you for."
"Then why did you?" he asked as head continued to walk towards her house
"The four bodies. That's not like you."
"Well I didn't have much choice in the matter. They came to school while I was talking to someone. How do you know about that anyway?" he said
"I have my ways. They have a very good person looking into it."
"I'm a few minutes from your house so lets continue after I get there." he said
"Ok, bye."

Within a few minutes he arrived at his cousins, she was outside looking the same as usually. She gave him a hug which he returned.

"Still ugly as ever." he joked
"So are you and I still don't like you."
"So do you know the name of the person that is looking into it?" he asked
"My ways of know things doesn't make me know everything. You got here just before night so lets fight."	
"First blood?" he asked
"If you're sure."
"Lead the way." he said and followed her into her house.

Her house was well furnished, clean and beautiful. They continued through the house and out the back. The back had a small pool with a island in the middle and a small garden not far from it. There was also a small cleared area which they currently stood in. With Isis Iris holding a sword in her hand.

"Do you need a weapon or do you have your own?"
"I've my own." he said drawing his sword
"Oh you got yourself a sword. When did you get it?"
"I got it when I was wondering around." he replied
"So who gave it to you?"
"A brother who wanted me to save his sister." he replied
"I think we talked enough shall we begin." 
"Lets." he said and attacked.

Iris Isis parried and countered attacked, she started with simple forms that her mother and her mothers brother taught her. They did teach her more advanced forms but not all the forms they knew when her mother died a her uncle let. But before her uncle left he told her they wrote the forms down, that was how she brought the other companies to heel. She sidestepped her cousins attack only to drop down to avoid his other attack.

Brant saw the mild surprise of Iris Isis when he switched attack in mid form. He was using the same forms she was and a few times he used his own form. Their swords clashed repeatedly, each sweating from the fighting. He sword was singing ever since he was near her, it pulsed as did his violence. He slowly started to use his forms the longer the fight went on. The pulsing of his violence and the swords singing stopped. He attacked cut her arm shallowly.

"You won. Where did you learn to fight like that?" she asked holding the sword down
"I was taught like you but I merge the forms and make them my own." he replied sheathing his sword
"Really why doesn't that not surprise me." she said
"Not much surprises you given the fact what you yourself did."
"Probably. Anyways want to eat fighting for an hour gets me hungry." she said
"If you cooked hell no, if you didn't sure."
"I didn't cook. Besides I got better at it."  She replied
"Since you didn't cook sure I'll eat ‘sides I'm getting hungry."
"Great." she said and both of them entered the house.

She served the food that was in the fridge for the both of them and sat down.

"Hmm not bad. You can cook better." he said after eating some
"I'm not that go at lying am I?"
"Don't know." he said as he continued to eat.
"So who was it you talked to when they came and the bodies?"

He sigh took out the key, a faded image came to his mind then disappeared.

"You believe in dragons? Well if you don't you don't."
"Anyways her name was Kokoro she was the school nurse, I liked her and I think she liked me." he continued "I wanted to tell someone what I did."
"So you told her you was had people coming after you and other things. You said it for a way out then those four people appeared."
"Yes. I killed them, she came at me had I not mastered my violence she would of joined them and she hit me." he added "I had to think of a way to get rid of the moves or at least move them somewhere, I was thinking when she said cut them up."
"So you used your sword."
"No she cut them up herself. After that she gave me the key to get the bags to put the pieces in." he finished "Then we went about putting the pieces in garbage around town. She took me home and said I was to dangerous of a person to be around with."
"Did you ask her why?"
"No. All I know is she just disappeared." he said putting the key back on
"I could try and find her for you. So you could ask her why."
"It's done and over with." he said
"But you want to know don't you."
"Alright. Her names Kokoro Komegura, mind if I make myself a drink and would you like one?" he said
"Go ahead and no. It'll take me a bit to see what I can get about her." she replied
"Find anything yet?" he asked as he drank his drink
"No and chances are I'll only find where she could possibly go and some of her past." she said a few seconds later "We got something." and read the info that came on screen as he did also.
"Well that would explain why it didn't work out." she continued "So what are you going to do now?" 
"Hmm. Still continue on I've nearly forgotten her. Before you ask why I've the key it's a skeleton key."
"That could prove useful." she said
"I'll be going now. I'll see you when I see you."

He left his cousins now understanding why he wanted a way out. He arrived at home early in the morning went to his room and fell into a oblivion.

THE ANTIQUE BAKERY (from the manga by Yoshinaga Fumi)

The Antique Bakery is located on the Renai-Dori next to Will Fashion, that trendy clothing store popular with the stylish young ladies of Moriyoh city. The Bakery was also popular with the same crowd for a couple of reasons: The first was their large selection of exotic pastries, and the second was the handsome young men who worked there. They were three in number and obviously gay (they were pastry chiefs, after all), which naturally excited the interest of the town’s yaoi fangirls. On any given day, the place was usually packed with giggling young girls and a few wistful Boys’ Love-struck matrons.
At one time, the Antique Bakery had actually been an antique store, and the current owners had taken pains to preserve some of its original ambiance by employing real antiques as part of the décor. If you had wandered in off the street, you might have taken the place for a real antique store until you smelled the scent of yummy baked goods drifting from the kitchen.
In addition to carry-out, the Bakery offered in-service dining. There were a few small tables and booths in the back where an ancient, but still functioning, player piano stood. It was a nice place to meet a friend and have a little snack after shopping.
Here it is that we find Yuki Tanuki, drowning her sorrows over a chocolate raspberry marzipan tart. Sitting across from her was her nakano, Kimochi Watanabe. She was reading a fashion magazine and three large cream puffs were piled up on a plate in front of her.
“I’m thinking of switching to the fairy-kei style,” she said and passed the magazine over to Yuki, who studied the picture Kimochi had been looking at.
It showed a girl wearing a purple jacket with black stripes, a pink tutu, candy striped-knee socks and bedroom slippers. Across her front were several strands of plastic jewelry that looked like they came out of a gashapon machine.
“It looks exactly like your Decora style.”
“No, it’s completely different,” Kimochi replied. “Well¬Ömaybe a little bit similar. But the accessories are all different, and I’d have to dye my hair.”
“What color?” Yuki asked.
“Oh¬Öorange, I guess. Like the girl in the picture here,” she replied.
Yuki studied her friend’s long green tresses.
“No, I think you should stay with your natural color,” she said. “Besides, the school would never allow it.”
“Poo!” Kimochi replied with a wave of her hand. “Who cares! We’re already on the Unko List.”
“Don’t remind me,” Yuki said. “Why else do you think I’m sitting here endangering my waistline?”
She scooped up a slice of marzipan and popped it into her mouth.
Without actually saying it, both girls were referring back to the event that had led to the demise of the Sewing Club two weeks ago-- the Samba Parade.

Every year, as their contribution to JAST’s annual cultural festival, the Samba Club put on an elaborate Brazilian Carnival-themed parade down Moriyoh Street, with floats and marchers in gaudy and revealing costumes. This event was popular city-wide; the municipal government even advertised it on the city’s web site every year as a ploy to attract out-of-town visitors. It was a pretty successful tactic, and this year the crowd had been bigger than ever.
People of all ages and walks of life-seniors, teenagers, families with little children, even a cop who had lived in Moriyoh for three years without ever having seen the parade before-- lined the sidewalks on both sides of the Renai-Dori and overflowed into the nearby Moriyoh Park to watch as the Samba dancers wriggled and strutted down the center of the street to the beat of a steel band and police whistles, waving to the bystanders as they passed by.
It was quite a colorful spectacle, as it had been in years past.
This year, however, something totally unexpected had happened.
In one fantastically climatic moment, as the sound of the steel drums came to a crescendo and the gyrations of the dancers increased accordingly, as if on cue, every female dancer’s halter tops broke off at once, and what followed was madness.
Fortunately, the police were on hand to keep order.
“You should have seen that nasty old Professor Laumness,” Kimochi said with a little chuckle, recalling the event."
“I can imagine,” Yuki replied.
Yuki only heard about the fiasco second-hand, because of a squabble at home she was having with her idiot brother.
“He was right there in the middle of everything with his camera, snapping away like crazy, until some fat guy with buck teeth hauled him away. I think he was trying to zoom in on Aquamarine in particular,” Kimochi said.
“Who?” Yuki asked.
“Aquamarine. You know, short girl, big boobs?”
“Oh, that one,” Yuki replied. “I used to I have swim class with her. Real dark hair, right?”
“Yeah. Dark, but not real; she dyes it. Once claimed to be an angel.”
“Really? (munch, munch),” Yuki said. “Those jugs must take all the blood away from her brain.”

Soon after the police had calmed things down and spirited the girls away, accusations and recriminations started flying thick and fast.
There is a fine line between what Society will accept as merely daring and the outright ecchi, and that day the Samba club had undeniably stepped over that line. The city fathers called Principal Payne on the carpet and read him the riot act. Some of the more xenophobic members of the City Council, who had always resented the fact that a school that catered to foreigners, space aliens, cat girls and anime characters existed in their town at all, called for the school to be shut down immediately. Fortunately, Principal Payne was able to deflect their ire a little by greasing a few palms and promising to get to the bottom of this regrettable affair.
A day later he addressed the student body:
"JAST is not the Seiai Academy," he'd said, "but a well-respected and dignified institute of higher education. Incidents such as the Samba affair bring shame to our school and-by extension-the entire Japanese educational system. Mark my words, there will be an investigation, and whoever is responsible will be found out and punished. So it would be better for them to come forward now rather than later. Because even if the Board of Education forgives you, I never will!"
The Samba Club, claiming that they were the injured parties in this affair, then accused the Sewing Club of maliciously planning the whole thing out of jealousy.
"Jealous of what?" Yuki, as president of the Sewing Club, had retorted in the Club's defense. "A bunch of wannabe pole dancers? We made those costumes strictly according to the specifications laid down by the Samba Club. Believe you me; those designs were not made to be moved in."
In the end, Principal Payne decided to point the finger of blame at the Sewing Club, because the Samba Club was bigger and more popular than the Sewing Club. 	Besides, the president of the Samba Club belonged to the richest family in Moriyoh City. A family you didn't mess with, if you knew what was good for you. 
The Sewing Club was officially dissolved in a humiliating public ceremony, in which Principal Payne symbolically broke a pair of knitting needles apart and ground them into the dust beneath his foot.
"What's that all about?" Yuki had said at the time. "We're not the Knitting Club."

Yuki had finished off her marzipan and was eying Kimochi's creampuffs. 
"Are you going to eat all those yourself," she asked.
"Help yourself," Kimochi replied, sliding her plate toward Yuki, who took one of the cream puffs and placed it on her own plate. She removed the top layer of choux pastry and proceeded to greedily lick up the vanilla crème filling with her tongue.
"Wow! Oishii!"
"I wonder where Eri is," Kimochi said. "She was supposed to meet us here."
"Pip, pip, my dears! Dreadfully sorry to be so late for tea. You will forgive me, won't you, my old darlings?"
It was Eri.
She was standing before them in a starched white shirt with a man's black and white striped tie, a red plaid mini-skirt, black knee socks and combat boots. On her head,   a deerstalker cap was perched between her ears. She flung her arms straight out from her sides, and announced:
"Check it out!"
"New style?" Yuki asked between bites of choux, "Or are you cosplaying something?"
"She's a School Girl Detective!" Kimochi exclaimed. 
"(munch,munch) What's that?" Yuki asked.
She had finished off the filling and was now starting in on the choux pastry portion of her cream puff.
As Eri found herself a chair and joined them, Kimochi explained:
"Josei Kosei Deka," she said. "School Girl Detectives. That new show on TV."
"(munch,munch) Don't (munch) you mean (munch,munch) that old show." Yuki replied. "The old one where they wore those ugly sailor suits?"
"You're thinking of Sukeban Deka," Kimochi said. "That's different. This one's brand new. It's about three Japanese girls going to school in England. The white girls there hate them and are always being mean to them, but they earn their classmate's respect by solving a mystery at school every week."
"Uh huh," added Eri. "You should have this week's episode, Kimochi. It was so cool! The gym teacher's long lost brother shows up and starts blackmailing her, but it turns out he's not her brother, but her former lesbian lover dressed like a man. Meanwhile Adele (that's one of the mean English girls) jumps Torako (she's one of the Josei Kosei Deka girls) and dunks her in the toilet. So, in revenge¬Ö"
"Wait! Don't give it all away," Kimochi responded. "I haven't seen it yet. Did you make me a copy?"
"Hai! I got it on my flash drive. Want  me to send it to your computer?"
"Of course!"
"Would you send me a copy, too, Eri," Yuki said. "I've never heard of it, but I'm curious, now."
"But shouldn't you be wearing a trench coat," Kimochi asked. "On the show they always wear trench coats."
"I haven't been able to find the right one, yet." She replied. "All the ones I looked at bulge out unattractively because of my tail."
She raised the appendage in question for their inspection. It was covered in light brown fur and there was a small polka-dotted ribbon tied around the end.
"That's easy to fix." Yuki said. "Just find one you like, and I'll alter it for you. I don't have much to do these days with the Club gone."
"I know," Eri replied. "But I've got a great idea¬Ö"
"Excuse me," said a male voice.
It was Carl, one of the young men who worked in the Bakery, carrying a plate of custard pudding, which he set down on the table in front of Eri.
"Your Flan Crème Brulee, Eri-chan," he said.
"Eri-chaaan!" her two friends squealed in unison. They then proceeded to giggle uncontrollably, which made Eri's ears twitch with annoyance, which made her hat fall off.
Carl caught it before it hit the floor and placed it on the table next to Eri's elbow.
"Can I get you anything else?" he asked and smiled. It was a breath-taking smile."
Eri squirmed merrily in her seat.
"Thank you, Carl. That's all."
"Very well then," he replied, bowing. "If there's anything else, just call me."
After he had left, Yuki said: "Wow! I think he kind of likes you, Eri."
"Yeah," added Kimochi. "Did you see the way he made yummy eyes at you."
"Come on, guys," Eri replied with great embarrassment, "he's gay."
"Yeah, but sometimes I wonder just how gay these guys here really are," Yuki said.
"Maybe it's the cat he likes and not the woman," Kimochi added. "But you were going to say something, Eri."
"Yes! It's this: Why don't we become School Girl Detectives."
"What!?" Kimochi replied. "You mean for real?"
"But, Eri, there's no such thing as School Girl Detectives. That's just on TV."
"I don't know," said Yuki. "I've never seen the show, but the idea sort of appeals to me. I've got a really nice trench coat at home that I hardly ever wear."
"Yuki!" Kimochi laughed and shook her head. "Not you, too."
"Why not. I bet it would be fun. There's probably lots of dark mysteries at school just waiting to be unearthed."
"I bet there's not."
"Come on, Kimochi," Eri said. "Do you want to play with us, or don't you?"
"I think there are more constructive was we could spend our time. What if we get into trouble?"
"How," Yuki asked. "If we're good detectives, no one will ever know what we're up to until we point the finger at some vile malefactor and say: ‘j'accuse'!"
"What?" Kimochi and Eri both said in unison."
"It's French," Yuki explained. "It means, ‘gotcha'!"
"Hmmm, on reflection," Kimochi said, "I guess I will join you guys, after all."
The others cheered.
"But only," she added. "to keep you two from going too far. I still say we could find better things to do. Why don't we just form a Josei Kosei Deca watching club. That would be nice and safe." 
But the other two were too far along to hear the voice of reason.
"We'll start," said Yuki, subconsciously assuming the leadership role, "by figuring out who's up to no good."
"How will we do that?" Kimochi asked.
"We'll start by creating a database of people we think are up to no good. We can do it on my computer at home. Chinpo's probably downloading porn on it right now, but we can kick his ass off as soon as we're done here. By the way, Eri, are you going to eat all that pudding?"

And so, the School Girl Detectives are born. They'll live to regret it¬Öif they're lucky.

Brant had finally returned to school and walked by the Nurse’s office to see that someone was finally hired to replace the hiding Kokoro. As he continued to class he was stopped a couple of times and was told by some that he did a good job taking those pictures. He was even asked to take pictures of some female students which actually surprised him, they said they had cameras so he didn’t have to worry about getting one. He agreed but said for them to show up during lunch at the club he was unofficial part of they agreed. It was just about time for lunch when Jance and Miwa appeared as he walked out of the class.

"I heard your going to take picture of some female students and you're going to use the club." Jance said
"If it's alright."
"Just don't get into trouble again." she said
"If they want their pictures taken they'll make sure not tolet anyone know that may cause them not to get their pictures taken."
"Probably now here's your cut." she said
"So what we're you doing the few days you weren't here?" Miwa asked
"My cousin decided to have me do a trail. Now if you would I've got to take some pictures" 
"Are you a natural photographer?" She asked
"No. I just read peoples movement." he replied as he headed for the club

He arrived at the club to see them waiting and talking among themselves. He walked up to the line of about twenty odd females. He blinked some of they were wearing coats. He just hope they had something on.

"Alright ladies, shall we start and I can't take to many pictures of each of you." he said as he entered with them entering shortly after.

The first person who didn't have a coat handed him her camera and posed in front of him. He told her to pose in a different way then took a picture. He finished taking her pictures handed back her camera and received the camera of one wear a coat. She took off her coat and showed that she had a two piece on. As with the first person he had her pose and he took pictures. Lunch had finish a short while ago when he finished take the pictures of the last person. In the end only eight had got their pictures taken in swimsuits, the rest in their uniform. They all paid him he didn't want to receive the money but they were insistent so he took the money. 

"Your late for class." the teacher said
"I know. I was throwing up must of been something I ate."
"You should go to the nurse then." the teacher said
"No its not necessary."
"Then go to your seat." the teacher said   

School had finished when the winded blew and he let it take him where it would. The wind stopped blowing when in arrived at the lake shore where he met Narise, who turn out to be there watching him. He walked up to her and greeted her.

"So Narise how have you been?" he asked
"Good. So you been busy?"
"You saw?" he asked
"Yes and I also saw that trouble is about to find you."
"So care to tell me?" he asked

Brant was by the lake shore with his sword out practicing his forms slowly at first. Narise had left after telling him what she saw, so there he was practicing. He slowly picked up speed not that he moved faster just that he didn't waste time. He moved from form to form quickly without stopping when night came and the wind blew. He wasn't completely winded but he was still winded though he left the wind to take him where it would. The wind took him into town and he walked through a busy street. It got darker all of a sudden. The people walking couldn't tell it got darker so they kept walking. He looked at all the peoples faces that really knowing what he was looking for but he knew he would know when he would. His sword was singing when he saw someone stand in the middle of the crowd. He sighed he had two choices one kill it or to deny it. 

The person decided it for him, by showing its to appearance no one saw or ran until it grabbed a person opened its month and shallowed the person whole. That was when everyone scattered but it was two late for some of them saw it grabbed some more and ate them also. He sighed again and drew his sword and embraced his violence. By the time he drew his sword everyone still their didn't see his sword instead ran from it. Whatever it was he couldn't tell but he rather didn't care was he would dispatch it in any case. It saw him coming and went to grab him only to taste deadly kiss of steel. The kiss made it angry and it attacked him more in rage of something trying to stop it from eating. Narise had said some would never talk but act others would talk. He dodge an attack by it and gave it another kiss of his sword, it managed to grab him this time and pulled him off balance. As he was falling he thrust the sword into the ground burying it an inch into the ground. It pulled him but he wasn't moving having a strong hold on his sword, it pulled hard nearly causing him to let go of his sword. He was thinking of a way to deal with this thing while it pulled even harder on him.

He felt the weight of the key he always had around his neck, it would probably not hurt it to much but should at least stun it enough to make it let go. He held on with one hand to the sword which was singing even more and with the other used his the key to slash at its hold on him. It let go not completely but enough that he withdrew the sword from the ground and slashed at it where it held him causing it to let go. His violence was now even more violent having the sword taste blood. He ran towards the center of it and quickly went through his form, in the end it was cut into many pieces blood leaving its body. He walked up to its decapitated head and cleaved it in half before leave. The pieces would stay until he either denied that it was their or someone came to clean it up. He walked towards the other thing that was lurking around the town. His sword had been singing when it was in the ground which could mean that more were out there causing trouble. So he left with out denying that it wasn't there, to deal with the others. It was the fifth one when his violence flickered and his swords singing changed to a calming tune. It happened before it was at the parade which he heard end rather interesting when he nearly ran into that woman. He continued walking towards the next monster/demon/thing and saw the woman fighting it. He didn't get any closer to the woman and whatever she was fighting just watch for awhile. 

(Could this be why may violence flickers. Though it was flicker much more when I was closer to her.) He thought as he watched her dodge an attack and slashed at it.

The woman whose name he didn't know slashed again at the monster/demon/thing, it grabbed her and started to squeeze. It hadn't locked the arm hold her sword so it paid for squeezing her with another slash. She fell to the ground getting her breath back after being squeezed, she rolled and slashed again as she was attacked.

(She's probably dealt with this things before but from the looks it meant of been some time since she did.) He thought and drew his sword out for the fifth time that night. He like his sword had dried blood on him.

As he got closer to them his violence flickered even more but his sword continued its calming tune. He was now close enough to see that she had less wounds than him but then he had fought four. He looked at it and saw it was just about dead. The woman attacked again causing another wound as she back away from it she glanced straight into his eyes. His violence stopped flickering and then he understood why it did. All that happened within seconds as her ran into the fray to help her even if she didn't need it. 

(She'll yell at me but damn it she better me somewhat thankful for the help.) He thought as he dodged an attack while slashing at it as he dodged.

She was about to say something but decided now was not the time to talk. She was angry that a civilian was her think they were help, but then from the looks of it he knew how to handle himself. He moved like she used to and will again if this monster was just the beginning. She was pissed at herself but didn't let it cloud her mind like she was taught. It had been awhile since she last fought one of these so she wasn't in top condition, but it never took her to long to get back in top condition again. The fray continued for a few more minutes when she finally decapitated it. She turn to yell at the civilian when she saw he was no longer near the monster. He was near an alley.

"Where the hell do you think you are going!" she yelled
"Where? Home to sleep. But I take it you want me to help."
"No besides they disappear once the lose their heads." she replied she was still angry but not so much
"Really then why isn't it gone? The only wayi know to make it disappear is to deny that it was there in the first place. Not that it will work even if it did it probably wont work that often."
"What the hell are you talking about its gone. I can't you see that." she said as she looked and saw he was right. She looked back at him with suspicion he sighed and walked back to her. He walked like someone coiled and ready to spring into violence, which she thought curious.
"I've nothing to do with this, but like I said it maybe possible to deny that it's their and would disappear. I did that to two of the ones I killed earlier. No I don't remember were they are at and besides its very late and I'm sleepy."
"You couldn't be able to do that." she said
"Believe or don't. I've actually killed four of them. I need to get home take care of the wounds I got then go to sleep. I'm sorry about nearly running into you and moving you." 
"I don't but what do you mean deny it?" she was now curious but still didn't trust that he had nothing to do with it.
"Like I said deny it. I've denied it but you have not until you do it'll stay. Trust this if you don't trust anything else I said."
"Fine." she said then denied the monster was there and turned to look and show it had disappeared 
"See. Now if you'll excuse you."
"What's your name?" she said now using her skills as an officer
"Hmm. You could look it up, I know you can."
"I'll take you in for questioning." she said
"You have no reason to but fine I'll tell you should I can go home. Brant Oterra. So what's your name?"
"Officer Hakage." she replied
"Eh. Come on give me your whole name. Please?"
"Why." she said
"Since you don't then you don't."

She watch him walk away thinking for a few then spoke "Its Yoshimi Hakage." she saw him lift a hand to acknowledge he heard her. She really didn't know why she told him her name but he did help so she told him her name.

He arrived at home with enough time to shower and toss his clothes and go to sleep for only a few hours if he didn't want to be late for school. He woke up and check his watch to see it was a few minutes before school started. He quickly dressed ate food and was out the door within five minutes. He wasn't running yet he checked his watch again to see he had very little time to get to school. He finally realized that he was the only one walking. He ran even though he knew that it would cost him he still ran, he kept running and bumped someone he kept going made a quick glance saw them on the ground then continued on. He would say sorry later then entered the room just as the bell rang.

"Oh you made it on time." the teacher said Brant just went to sit down not saying anything knowing this teacher just for some reason had a dislike for him.

He sat there as time went by he fell asleep after he ate something during lunch, and didn't wake up until just before the last bell. He remember he had to go say sorry to someone he bumped someone causing then to fall to the ground. He recalled the person and set about finding her. It didn't take long to find the girl he ran into. She was already heading out of school.

"Hi. I'm sorry that you fell to the ground." he said to the girl who had blonde hair blue eyes.
"Huh? Oh! Its ok I didn't get right or anything." she replied shyly
"How about I take you out for some drinks as to show that I'm sorry?" he asked rather forcefully
"But your not trying to pick me up are you?" she replied now nervously
"Nope. Now lets go." he said and started off then stopped. "Well come on." 
"You really not trying to then why are you taking me out drinking?" she said like before
"I'm really not and it's to show how truly sorry I am or do you have an idea?" he asked
"W-well." she said
"What do you like?" he asked trying to getting her to stop being so shy/nervous.
"What." he said  
"Fine but I hate karaoke and I don't know a place." he said
"I know just the place come on lets go." she said and started to drag him

He surprised him how quickly she went from shy/nervous to happy. Not that he cared he just wanted to show he was sorry that and she looked like someone fun to hang out with. They arrived at the karaoke place and entered Brant to a look around and saw it was rather a nice place.

"You do remember I was doing this as a way to say sorry." he said and thought (And see how you act when drunk.)
"Oh yeah. Could you pay for it then? And your going to stay right?"
"Damn." he added "I'll be back real quick." and left to get drinks.

She was drunk but looked to be having fun singing, he on the other hand wasn't drunk but mellowed. He had asked her name after he had told her his when she was picking another song. She said it was Xallie who by herself had managed to drink nearly the whole first bottle his brother in law made which surprised him. Her singing was slurred but oddly enough was accurate. He drank half of the other bottle he had brought. He started to doze off so her got her to leave with some difficulty. As they walked away from the place he asked her which way she lived and then she started to talk he only paid little attention while trying to keep her from falling. They got to her house after awhile.

"Key." he said and she fumbled her way for the key got it and gave it to him. He opened the door help her to sit down. He went to get Xallie some water then asked. "Here drink. Do you have some tomato juice?"
"Wh-" she passed out before she finished he sighed and went to the kitchen to see if she had any tomato juice. He was in luck and found tomato juice.

He didn't bother trying to wake her to get her to drink the juice so he opened her month with one hand and poured the juice closed her month covered her nose. She swallowed the juice, he moved her into a better position. He left the key on the table walked out the door locking it before he closed it. He arrived home a lot earlier than he thought. He decided to go to bed early after awhile he finally fell asleep.	     
He was eating lunch when a shadow appeared he looked up to see it was Xallie. He went back to eating while she just stood there. After a short while he gestured for her to sit down, he finished eating the food in his month.

"You good?" 
"Yes and I don't have that bad of a hangover. Why?" Xallie said
"I made you drink tomato juice once I got you home. That and you only drank nearly the whole bottle."     
"But that wouldn't help with a hangover." she said
"It does just not much."
"It was strong." she said
"True after half the bottle you were already plastered." 
"Did I uh do or say anything?" she asked hesitantly 
"No just sang then when I started to take you home you started to say something. All I heard was a mumbled slurred words. "
"Really I didn't do anything." she said slightly surprised
"Yes. You just sang in slurs and mumbled in slurs."
"I believe you then." she said and got up.
"Maybe you, my two friends and me could go out drinking together sometime."
"Maybe." she said as she walked away

He had finished eating and went back to class waiting for school to end for another day. Thinking she really was funny to watch when she's drunk.

Both Chie and Kosuke were out. Slumped against one another on the couch in the private lounge, the two friends were fast asleep. Kosuke’s head was gently titled against Chie’s head as she lay with her back on his chest. Chie long hair was ruffled by the soft snores of Kosuke. Xallie smiled and hugged her knees to her chest.

“Heh, heh,” she chuckled under her breath and whispered “cute.”

She was happy they had come. Her life had been a jumble since the move and every little thing had gone embarrassingly wrong. They had eased her through the first drunken day and then coddled the nasty hangover that ensued. Then to top it all off, a long night of karaoke. It really felt like home again.

“Wish they could stay.” she muttered and rested her cheek on her knee. The next day they were returning south and she would be alone again. This was the last night, so they had decided to have one more round in the karaoke club.

Of course Xallie had almost forgotten about it. Ryo had tracked her down and he slowly got her to open up. It had felt nice, really nice, to finally just talk with him. She was a little disapointed that he had not come with them in fact. It would have been fun to spend the night hanging out with Ryo.

“O well.” she sighed. It was still fun, even without Ryo. Singing, drinking, and laughing for hours, she just let go with her friends. It was well into the next morning, though dawn was still a ways off. She still felt like singing, but Chie and Kosuke had collapsed from exhaustion over an hour ago. Just like they always did.

She smiled and continued to watch her two friends cuddle together while they slept, like she always did.

They would make a cute couple. she blushed and chuckled at the image of Kosuke and Chie holding hands, hugging, kissing… just like she always did. The thoughts always made her laugh. But they also made her chest a little bit tighter and a faint cold sensation swell in her stomach. She didn’t understand the feeling. A couple, huh?

She played with the idea as she watched her friends, scenes of the two of them as a typical couple flashing through her mind. It made her smile even though that nagging coldness persisted. The two could be a cute couple. Then, the image of a beaming Kosuke popped into her head, mouth open in anticipation as Chie playfully fed him a small dumpling. She nearly fell off the couch laughing at the absurdity of it.

Never happen! she rocked on the couch and continued to stare at her friends. Absurd thoughts, tender smiles, and the wish that the night wouldn’t end… just like it always was. It really did feel like home.


Her name was Yoshimi, and she slept above the covers. 
She slept above the pink covers on her pink, heart-shaped bed in her pink underwear. She shared her bed with six stuffed animals, and there were about twenty or so more stationed on shelves around her room and on her dressing table. Her bed sheets, the wallpaper on the wall and her panties were all decorated with pictures of Hello Kitty. Her ex-boyfriend had once described her apartment as Hello Kitty Hell.
When her pink alarm clock went off, she awoke and sat up in bed.
"Oww!" she exclaimed, as searing pain shot down one side of her body. She put her hand on it and felt the bandage. 
"What the fuck?"
She couldn't remember hurting herself.
She hauled her body over to the side of the bed and stuffed her feet into her pink bunny slippers. She ached all over.
"Damn! Feels like I've been fighting for my life," she said, getting to her feet.
Then she saw her sword and her boots. They were lying on the pink-carpeted floor, over by her clothes closet. The boots were muddy, and she knew she hadn't taken the sword out of the closet in months. Had she been sleepwalking again?
Then she remembered that dream. Or, rather, she tried to. It was all sort of jumbled up in her head, which was craving caffeine in the worst way. 

She was fighting a monster, wasn’t she? And then there was a kid with a sword: a bratty kid with attitude coming out of his ears. He had asked her for her name. But the rest of it just wasn’t there.
She got up and slipped into a light robe, then headed for the kitchen. On the way out of the bedroom, she glanced at the sword again.
“Sleepwalking again, huh? Hope I didn’t kill anybody.”
Not for real, anyway.
It was just a dream.
But the bandage¬Ö?

Her kitchen was a small and utilitarian room: tiny sink, narrow counters, short shelves and the walls were composed of unpainted concrete blocks. The only decoration  was a poster of a ballerina from a CLAMP manga taped to her mini-fridge.
She turned on the coffee maker, then took some leftover curry out of the fridge and put it in the microwave. She set the timer and went downstairs to see if her morning paper had arrived. By the time she got back, the coffee and curry were ready.
She carried everything over to the kitchen table and settled down in a chair. The first thing she did was to open the newspaper to the horoscope:

CAPRICORN: A pair of elderly visitors will point you in the right direction. Pay a visit to an institute of higher education today.

"Eeh!" she said.
Then she turned to The Mysterious Lovely Thief Girl Clover, a serial story the newspaper was currently running.

After breakfast, she went to take a shower.
In the bathroom, she pulled off the bandage to see what the fuck she'd done to herself. 
It was just a bruise, a little purple and amber rose set against the background of her pure, white skin. That was a relief. But there were also lots of little cuts and scratches on her that she hadn't noticed until they'd been brought out by the heat and moisture in the bathroom.
Once more, she wondered about what had happened to her in the night, but she just didn't have any answers. But if she had started sleepwalking again¬Ö
That's it, she thought, tonight, I'm using the cuffs.
She had a nice pair of Hello Kitty manacles attached to the head of her bed.
One warm, refreshing shower later and she was fully charged up and ready to take on the day. She was especially eager this morning, because it was to be her first day in Homicide.
She stood in front of her clothes closet, wondering what to wear. In contrast to the monument to cuteness that was her apartment, her wardrobe was pretty bland, consisting mostly of jeans and tee shirts. She had one dress, which she only wore at funerals (and she'd seen plenty of those in her Tokka days), and the sailor suit she'd worn in school.
Out of necessity, Yoshimi preferred to dress down in public. Over the years, she'd carefully cultivated an androgynous, tomboy look that went over well with the other policemen. If they began thinking of you as a woman too much, your colleagues started losing confidence in you. Besides, there were all those other complications that went with that man-woman thing, as well.
For today, she decided to get a little dressy, so she put on the men's suit she'd had tailor-made for herself. She found a dark tie to go with it, and as she was adjusting it in front of her mirror, she checked herself out and liked what she saw.
Like Sailor Uranus, She thought. Or one of those Takarzuka dick chicks.
Before she started getting ready, she'd thrown her sword onto the bed. 
"I wonder if I should take it with me?" she said aloud.
She had no reason to. She was just going to meet with Etsuji-Senpai to discuss the Slice and Dice Affair (as she called), but wearing it would make her feel like she was back in Tokka, again. But also, although she wasn't aware of it, an urgent, silent voice inside her was insisting that she carry it from now on. So she got out her permit and put it in her wallet. Then she strapped the sword across her back, and clipped her badge to her coat pocket.
Now she was ready.
"Yay!" she shouted, throwing her hands into the air. "Look out world!
She fairly leapt out the front door.

“I’ll miss you guys.” Xallie tightly embraced Chie for a few seconds before turning to Kosuke and given him a hug as well.

“No crying, eh.” Kosuke gave a slight smile when he pulled away. With a gentle swipe of his finger he wiped the tears from Xallie’s cheek. “We’re not leaving forever. Wouldn’t want you to get into to much trouble without us, you know.”

Xallie laughed and bowed her head. Her shoulders were shaking slightly as she tried to keep her tears inside. The last week had been fun and she now realised how lonely she had been the past few months. She didn’t want them to leave her behind, especially since it was finally starting to feel like home. She ruffled her skirt in nervous apprehension before looking up and smiling.

“I know. I’ll be okay.” she nodded her head. “Promise.”

Kosuke nodded his head in return before leaning in and given Xallie one last hug. She returned it warmly.

“We need to get going.” Chie laid a hand on Kosuke’s shoulder and he unwrapped Xallie from his arms. With one last smile he turned and walked into the open doors of the train. “Be careful.”

“I will.” Xallie gave Chie a quick hug as well before stepping back.

“And don’t be too rough on Ryo.” Chie smiled as she turned towards the train. “He might not be able to handle all night karaoke sessions.”

Xallie turned a deep crimson at the mention of Ryo. Chie was always the match-maker it seemed.

Chie chuckled as she walked through the doors to stand by Kosuke. She gave a slight nudge to Kosuke when he bent down to say something and gave a wink to Xallie as the doors hissed shut. Xallie gave a wave to her friends and both Kosuke and Chie waved back. The train lurched briefly and started to slide from the station. Xallie walked with it as it slowly crawled away and then feverishly began to wave her hand as she wiped her tears away with the other. She wasn’t paying much attention when the wind tunneled through the station.

In one brief moment her skirt was swirling around her knees and then it billowed upwards. She gasped loudly, came to a screeching halt, and quickly pressed her skirt back down and held it firmly. Her cheeks burned as she watched Chie’s head shake in amusement. Kosuke was nowhere in sight. He had stumbled backwards from shock and tripped over a bag. He was lying on the floor of the train staring blankly at the ceiling. The image of Xallie’s lacey, sapphire blue panties glinting in the sunlight danced through his head. He couldn’t have recieved a better going away present.

She was bored.

Here she was laying in bed staring at the cieling late at night. Xallie could hear her parents fumbling around just down the hall. The occasional low moan or throaty giggle wafted down the hall and into her room, but she harldy noticed. She used to get embarrassed long ago, but her parents were always honest and never ashamed of their love. They revelled in each-other. And she was happy that after all these years they still took such joy in one another.

“I hope I’m just as lucky.” she sighed and turned in her bed to look out the window. The sky was clear and she gazed at the stars as they twinkled around the moon. A cool breeze blew through her open window. Winter hinted in the crisp, sweet air.

Halloween was just around the corner now and here she was bored and listless. It had been nearly three weeks since her friends had returned south and almost nothing had happened since. School had been routine and her clubs were not exciting her at the moment. It didn’t help that Ryo had been scarce. She had seen him twice since the festival. Seen and nothing more. She wasn’t sure what was going on, but lately it seemed as if he had simply lost interest.

I don’t understand, it went well the last time. she curled up on her bed as she stared out her window.

She was depressed and rather lonely. A muted squeal suddenly erupted from her parents’ room and Xallie smiled before giving a despondent sigh. Although she was happy for her parents, their relationship was only reminding her of her own loneliness. Witnessing the early morning flirting, seeing them give playful kisses and swats, watching them cuddling on the couch, and often hearhing the softened noise as they made love… a desperate ache swelled deep within her chest and her eyes burned as she tried to stem the tears. She didn’t need such tender love yet, just someone that was… there.

Despite her frienships through-out her life, It was something she really never had: someone to always lean on. Moving constantly had robbed her of such warm, comforting stability. The last few weeks after Kosuke and Chie’s visit starkly revealing this simple truth.

“Damn it.” the bitter thoughts overwhelmed Xallie. She quickly turned onto her stomach and buried her face into her pillow. The material quietly and softly smothered her sobs.

The clamour was dying down. Classes ended for the day and students slowly filed out of the classroom and off to home, or clubs, or whatever else they had planned. None of it really registered for Xallie. She sat in her desk and stared absently at the scratched surface. Ryo was avoiding her.

During lunch she had spied him standing in the hallway outside of class, staring in her direction. She had calmly extracted herself from her desk and started over towards Ryo. But he had only given her one brief, hurt glance before quickly fleeing down the hall. That deep and desperate ache had flared to life with her chest and it had taken all of her will to stop from collapsing to the floor and crying. The rest of the day had dissolved into a distracted mess of lectures and a one sided conversation in her own mind. Since lunch she had done little but stare at her desk.

The classroom was nearly empty and Xallie was still lost in her confusion when a shadow fell across the desk. She mutely regarded the outline of the shadow on her desk for a few seconds before finally raising her head.

“Hey.” it took a few moments for Xallie, but eventually the voice broke through the haze and she recognised the shadow’s owner. It was the rather strange boy that had bumped into her over a week ago, treated her to a night of karaoke, and even walked her home. Brant, she remembered his name faintly. “Something wrong?”

“Hmmm?” Xallie squinted in slight confusion, partly from the abrupt interruption and partly because the boy was holding a rather impressive sword in one hand. She didn’t understand why he would have a sword in school.

“You look kinda out of it.”

“O!” Xallie shook her head vigorously. “Sorry.”

“So, are you okay?”

“Yeah.” Xallie murmered as she stood.

“The truth.” Brant’s eyes narrowed in rebuke. He could easily tell that it was a lie. Anyone could have.

“I’m just a little out of it. Nothing big.” Xallie packed her bag and quickly shouldered it. “Just a little down.”

“Well, then. I’ve got just the thing.” Brant smiled and held up two tickets in his hand. Xallie’s eyes glinted in delight: karaoke vouchers. “What do you say?”

Xallie only nodded and smiled sheepishly. She had enjoyed the last trip and she trusted Brant for some odd reason. Despite is rough demeanor, the chaotic aura that came off him in waves, and the sword clutched in his left hand… there was something both calming and friendly to him. Of course the fact that he hadn’t taken advantage of her the last time also made Xallie that much more comfortable around him. He seemed that he could easily turn into a really good friend and a part of her desperately reached out for that frienship.

“Knew you wouldn’t refuse.” Brant waved the tickets briefly then quickly tucked them into his pocket. “After you.”

Xallie practically skipped away from her desk and out the door, her head turned in a thankful smile towards him. Brant followed close behind, her brisk pace catching him only slightly off guard. He wasn’t surprised in the least when Xallie collided with another student as she turned the corner.

“Oops, sorry.” Xallie gave a light chuckle and apoligised. It quickly died when she noticed who she had bumped into. It was Ryo.

“Sorry.” He have a quick glance over to Brant and then back to Xallie before swirving around her and dissapearing down the hall in a near sprint.

That ache pounded in Xallie’s chest and she stared at the now empty hallway. Brant noticed the slight tears in Xallie’s eyes and turned to look down the hall as a few thoughts hit him. The glance Ryo had given, the quick exit, and Xallie’s earlier absent mindedness: he was beginning to think that he knew the problem.

“Come on.” Brant calmly placed his hand on Xallie shoulder and gently pushed her into walking. She only briefly resisted before turning her head away from the hall. He made a brief mental note that he would have to talk to Ryo alone. But first, cheering Xallie up. He smiled and shook his head as remembered the last excursion into karaoke. It had been more enjoyable than he thought, especially since he wasn’t the biggest karaoke fan. And of course he had loved watcing Xallie when she was drunk. There was just something about it that was endearing. He then grimaced when he remembered the mass of empty sake bottles and the sobbing of his mutilated wallet. Sometimes being the nice guy was torture.

But, he couldn’t help but chuckle as they left the courtyard of the school and Xallie spun around and whooped in delight.



 Yoshimi bounded into the office of the Moriyoh Municipal Police Department of Homicide Investigations with her usual flourish and a big grim on her face. 
"You're late," Etsuji-senpai remarked.
He was standing in front of a filing cabinet, drinking a cup of tea. There was no one else in the room, and it occurred to Yoshimi that the Homicide Department must be smaller even than Missing Persons. But, then, who ever got killed in Moriyoh City?
Until now, that is?
"Better late than never," she replied. "I had to stop by Missing Persons first and got tied up. Can you believe it? They're actually busy for a change."
Etsuji drained his cup, pulled open the top drawer of the filing cabinet and placed the empty cup inside.
"I heard that," he replied, slamming the drawer shut.
"Yeah. I worked there for four damn years, and not so much as a missing cat. Now, all of a sudden¬Öka-bloowie! Seventeen reports come in on the same morning."
"Seventeen?" Etsuji replied, "That's a lot."
"You got that right, senpai! Anyway, they were kind of short-handed and my old chief over there sort of hogtied me down and made me take a report before he'd let me go. It was sort of interesting, though. Some girl who was supposed to get married this week apparently took a powder and¬Ö"
Etsuji, who was a very large man, lumbered over to his desk and sat down. His chair creaked loudly and something cracked, but it successfully held his weight.
"Well, never mind that," he said, "Have a seat."
Yoshimi sat down in the nearest chair, which required her to shift her sword onto her lap.
"First off," said Etsuji, "Why are you dressed like that, and what's with the sword?"
"What's wrong with the way I'm dressed?" Yoshimi answered defensively.
She was wearing a man's suit that she had had specially tailored to fit her.
"Well, for one thing, you look like some kind of Takarazuka dick chick," he replied. "If you're going to be my partner, maybe you could wear a skirt or something¬Ö"
"Fuck that!" Yoshimi replied. 
She crossed her arms and daggers shot from her eyes. No one had ever challenged her about the way she dressed before.
"Come on," Etsuji pleaded, "You look like a boy in that outfit. If we're seen out in public together, people are going to think I'm a pederast or something."
Yoshimi had to laugh. Etsuji had the build of a sumo, and he was extraordinarily ugly. He had a large, round face, buck teeth, a pug nose and eyeglasses. He looked just like some Western caricature of a Japanese.
"Come on, Senpai, nobody's going to mistake me for your boyfriend."
Yoshimi smiled sweetly and fluttered her eyelashes, while holding up one hand and making it flutter limply.
Etsuji scowled and a small black cloud appeared above his head, but it quickly faded away.

"Let's see that," he said, pointing at the sword in her lap.
She half-rose in her chair and handed it over to him.
"A pink sword?  With Hello Kitty pictures on the case," Etsuji said, with a bit of a chuckle. "That's really scary." 

“It’s been scary enough on occasion,” Yoshimi replied.
“That so? You have a permit for this, of course?”
She nodded.
Etsuji drew the blade from its case and examined the blade from several angles.
“Good steel,” he said. It was several minutes before he handed it back to her.
“But what’s it for? I don’t know how they do it in Tokyo, but here in Moriyoh, we just arrest lawbreakers. We don’t chop their heads off.”
Yoshimi shrugged.
“I just feel better with it than without it,” she replied.
Especially now, she added mentally. Especially after that fucked up dream she had last night. Master Taro had taught her that one should always pay attention to dreams. But Yoshimi preferred horoscopes. Dreams were always so vague and confusing. And she always forgot them as soon as she woke up, anyway. Like this morning, all she could remember was that she’d had a dream of some sort, and now she felt compelled to arm herself because of it.
Yoshimi suddenly realized that Etsuji had been talking to her while she had been lost in her own thoughts
“¬Ö higher ups might have something to say about it. In the meantime, just be careful, eh? You know, I once used to be a pretty good hand with a sword, myself.”
“Uh¬Öexcuse me, what was that again?”
“I said I used to work out with the sword. Yeah¬Öof course, I wasn’t very fast; as you can probably tell from just looking at me. In the dojo they used to call me the LST. That stood for ¬ëLarge Stationary Target.’ That’s true enough, I guess…ha ha! But you know what they say, don’t you?”
“I don’t think I do,” she replied.
“They say¬Ö” he repeated, “that it doesn’t matter if the stone hits the pitcher, or if the pitcher hits the stone; either way, it’s going to be bad for the pitcher. Maybe we could work out together sometime, eh? You know, exchange a few blows.”
He made a few slashing motions in the air with one of his ham-like fists. Yoshimi wasn’t sure if he meant it as an invitation or a threat.
“Well, so much for the niceties,” He said, “Let’s get down to business, but keep that suggestion about the skirt in mind won’t you?”
A row of little black dots appeared above Yoshimi’s head.
“Here’s the deal, then,” he continued. “We called you into Homicide because your record says that-- back in Tokyo-- you were in some kind of elite unit that dealt with unusual violent crimes before you got reorganized out here to Moriyoh.”
She nodded.
“Tokko. Only it was unusual violent crimes committed by monsters, Senpai.”
“Monsters?” he asked. “You mean like maniacs or serial killers?”
“Worse that that, Senpai. Take my word for it.”
“Eh? Well whatever. Here’s the deal. Moriyoh’s a pretty quiet town. Probably the most exciting thing that’s ever happened here was that Samba Parade, yesterday.”
Yoshimi giggled, covering her mouth with her hand.
“Yeah, that was funny.”
“No, it wasn’t! How would you like something like that to happen to you? Think how embarrassing it must have been for those poor girls.” He shook his head. “They’ll probably be marked for life now. I bet their pictures are all over the Internet already.”
Yoshimi’s impression of the Samba dancers she’d seen yesterday was that they were already showing more skin than a gang of Tokyo strippers, anyway. So what the fuck difference did it make that few inches more were revealed when their bras snapped off?
“But, to get back to what I was saying,” Etsuji continued, “Moriyoh’s a quiet place. We don’t get a lot of slaughter. Even the local yaks have the courtesy to take their murders out of town. Up till now, the most we’ve ever seen around here has been the occasional crime of passion. This Slice and Diced business is new for us.”
“Uh huh,” Yoshimi replied. “Yesterday you showed me a foot, and said you’d collected some other body parts, all but the torsos and heads.”
Etsuji nodded his head.
“We’ve had some luck there.”
He took a map from a drawer and spread it out on top of his desk.
“This is a map of the city and the surrounding area,” he said. “I’ve circled in red all the areas where we retrieved all the bags our perp (or perps) disposed of. Here,” he said, placing his finger on the map, “is where the old lady in Ninkazaka Hill found the foot. And these other circles show other places we’ve retrieved body parts from. If you connect them,” he said, picking up a black marker and sweeping it across the map, “they form an arrow pointing away from town.”
Yoshimi rose from her seat and went over to get a closer look.
“What makes you think that?” she asked. “The arrow could just as easily be pointing toward the center of town.”
“Nope. Away from town. Here’s how we know: One of the bags we retrieved was put in a dumpster behind the Starry Sky Family Restaurant. There’s a mansion for pensioners nearby where we found a witness.”
“Yeah, there’s this old man who lives on one of the upper floors. He was up around two-thirty making a cup of tea, when he heard a car pull into the ally between his building and the restaurant. So he went to the window to see what was going on, and there was this black car parked in the alley below. Two figures got out of the car and opened the trunk. They hauled a bag out of it and threw it into the dumpster. Then they got back into the car and it sped away.”
“What did they look like?” Yoshimi asked."
“Unfortunately, his room is too high up for him to make out any details, and it was pretty dark in the ally. But he thinks one of them was a woman.”
“A woman? That’s interesting,”
“Yes it is. But more to the point is the description of the car; it was a black Nissan Altima.”
“Nice car.” Yoshimi replied. There was a funny look in her eyes. But I thought you said grandpa couldn’t make out any details. He could tell you the make and model of the car in a dark ally below his window in the middle of the night, but not what the passengers looked like?"
“Well, he’s sort of a car buff, so he notices things that interest him, I suppose,” Etsuji replied. “But the thing is¬Ö we got a time, a location, and a description of the vehicle from him, which was a break. The Starry Sky is close to the center of town, and we know the perps stopped there around two-thirty. Ninanzake Hills, where the old lady found the foot, on the other hand, is farther away from town.”
“True,” Yoshimi said, “But she found that foot you showed me while she was out walking her dog after daylight, so it could have been there for hours, desu ne?”
“Yeah. We can’t tag the time the perps passed through the Hills, but I’m just getting to the good part. Here,” he said, pointing to another spot on the map, “is Senkawa Road. It’s much further away from town. And it’s where a patrol car spotted a black car turning onto the old dirt road that goes along the river and through the woods at about a quarter to five.”
“The Nissan?”
“Did they follow it?” Yoshimi asked. “Wasn’t that suspicious?”
“Not really,” Etsuji replied. “That road is a short cut to Moriyoh Station. As far as the patrollers were concerned, whoever was driving that car was probably just going to catch an early train. Remember, this was all before we knew that any crime had been committed.”
“And I bet the old man in the mansion, didn’t report the perps, either, did he?” Yoshimi asked."
“Of course not,” Etsuji replied. “He though they were just doing some illegal dumping. Perfectly innocent. But now we know that the perps were heading out of town, because they were at the restaurant at two-thirty and out by the river at five o’clock.”
“You think they dumped the other stuff in the woods?” Yoshimi asked.
Etsuji nodded.
“Or in the river. Actually, once we’d put some of the pieces of the puzzle together and saw which way the arrow pointed, I sent some of the CSI guys out there to investigate, and you know what they found?”
“What?” Yoshimi asked.
“Tire tracks where a car had pulled of the road onto a sand-spit next to a swampy part of the river. So they dredged that spot, and up came the bodies: four torsos and five heads.”
“Five heads?”
“Yeah, the fifth head was of a woman, and by the looks of her, she must have been in the river for a long time. Longer than the others, who are still pretty fresh, so we’re not considering her as a part of this particular case. But I wonder what else we’d find if we dredged the whole river.”
“Where are they now?” Yoshimi asked.
“In the morgue,” Etsuji replied.
“Can I see them?”
“Yeah, we’ll be going there later this afternoon. But for now we’ve got to try to figure out where the arrow started.
Yoshimi grabbed the marker and made a big, bold circle on the map.
“Here,” she said.
“JAST?” said Etsuji, " That weirdo school? How do you figure?”
“Here’s how,” Yoshimi replied, regaining her seat. “Remember I told you how busy it was in Missing Persons for a change? Well, the chief over there made me talk to these two old broads, one of whom was a Mrs. Komegura, the mother of a woman who is supposed to get married soon, but¬ÖPfft! And the other is a Mrs. Suzuki, the perspective mother-in-law. The girl in question is name Kokoro Komegura, and-until she disappeared-she worked as the school nurse at JAST. My first thought was that she just got cold feet or something. But the date that Mrs. Komegura gave me of her daughter’s disappearance is darn close to when those garbage bags started showing up.”
“Her mother just got around to reporting it today?” Etsuji said.
"Well, I guess this Kokoro was still emailing back and forth with okaasan for awhile, even after she disappeared, then the emails suddenly dried up. But it gets more interesting than that, because the guy she was going to marry is named Binkan Suzuki, a name that was slightly familiar to me, so I made some calls to Tokyo. That why I was so late.
"This Binkan guy is a person of some interest to the Tokyo Police. Officially, he’s an accountant who does a lot of work for figures in the entertainment industry, but Tokyo suspects him of having connections with some pretty sinister people.
“Then I decided to look up this Kokoro babe, as well. Turns out she grew up here in Moriyoh and graduated from JAST. But after that, she just disappears; no residential status, no employment or tax records, no nothing. Then a few years ago, she shows up and gets a job at her old Alma Mater. Seems to me they don’t screen their employees very closely at this school.
“Anyway, what I’m trying to get at is this: a gruesome multiple murder takes place in our fair city and the day after the fianc√© of a known underworld character mysteriously disappears. And here’s the best part of all¬Ö” Yoshimi was fairly bouncing up and down in her seat by now, “She owned a black Nissan Altima!”
Etsuji regarded Yoshimi with utter amazement.”
“What unbelievable luck!”
“Fuck luck,” Yoshimi replied. “I read my horoscope, that all.”
“I think it’s time we paid a visit to that school, don’t you? Yoshimi asked.
“Yoshimi-kun,” Etsuji replied. " I make the decisions for this team, but I think we’d better.”

Brant was hunting a rabbit down, hunting him down cause he was a slippery person to find. He sighed he really had no idea as to why he was doing this but then maybe he did. He found his prey round a corner, he found the rabbit looking hurt and pissed. He would of ran to catch up to him but then he would of bolt like a frighted rabbit. He followed waiting to see if he would stop, no such luck. Brant growled in angry and annoyance then he decided to go in for the kill.

"Hey how you doing kid." Brant said thinking (Get him pissed should make him stand his ground.)
"What the hell you want!" the kid said in angry
"Names Brant. What's yours."
"Why should I?" the kid said still angry
"Cause I want to know Why such a nice cute girl like Xallie would like a pus like you." 
"She likes me?" the kid said now confused
"I believe so. So what's your name."
"Ryo." the kid said now completely stunned
"Let's go to the blue lounge."
"Why should I." Ryo said less angry than before
"I could drag you by the back of your neck."
"Try it." 

Brant sighed then muttered "Dumbass idiot." and Said "Do you really want me to." giving Ryo a look of the violence.
"Uh no. So to the blue lounge. I've never been there." 
"You'll enjoy it. But one thing you will listen when I talk to you got that?"
"Yes sir." Ryo said
"Good. Now off we go." 

Blue lounge at this time of day had very few people inside, but within an hour or so it would have more people. Brant entered along with Ryo whose eyes widened when he saw the woman in short shorts and tight shirt over large breasts. Brant nodded to her and she smiled at him.

"Same drink and person?" she asked
"No just two drinks, Madoka. Make one weak for this fellow."
"First time for him here isn't it." Madoka said
"It is. By the way Sae here?" 
"Yes she is. Why?"
"I've something to ask her." he said and Madoka gave him a look. "No not that."
"Same table."
"Yes and have her wait by the bar."
"Alright by the way he looks like he's going to faint." 
"Yeah. Ryo lets go sit for you fall down."

The table he chose was angled from the stage and gave him view of the whole place. Brant would not start talking until it was time so he watch as a small bust woman danced topless on stage. The drinks arrived with Madoka serving them. To tell him Sae was waiting for him.

"Ryo take a drink and stop drooling. I'll be back in a few." he said and whispered to Madoka "Don't let him pass out."
"Eh I guess I'll do it if he comes close in passing out."
"Just don't go to strong darling." he joked
"Yes dear." she replied in kind

He looked at Ryo seeing him drinking and watch the person on stage, then walked towards the bar. Sae was standing there watching him approach and gave him one of her lusty smiles. 

"I hear that you want me for something. So what is it?" Sae said 
"You look like a friend I know actually not completely but close enough."
"So what is it you want me to do?" she asked now interested
"Well this *whishper* and I'd like you to serve him some drinks weak first then stronger."
"Honestly you really are different from your cousin yet the same. It'll take me a few to find it."

He left her to go change as he went back to check the rabbit who now looked slightly less embarrassed and not on the verge of go lights out. He sat down took a swig of his drink.

"So why did you run that day?"
"I saw when you asked her out on a date and again the day I ran." Ryo said not really care about what he said 
"Date? Well I guess they were but they were not. But why did you run that day?"
"Because- he had a look of shock then confusion. 

Sae had appeared just like he had asked her to and he was surprised to by how alike yet not alike she looked. She took the half empty drink of Ryo and gave him another.

"So why did you run?"
"Cause you scared me and I didn't like the fact you are dating her." he said taking a drink and looking at Sae but not. Sae smiled at Ryo who blinked then took another drink.
"Scary? Well I guess I am for some people. Others just probably feel my aura and yet still like me."

Brant kept an eye on Ryo while he watch as woman dance on stage and kept talking to Him also. By night he had Ryo nearly plastered with himself a few drinks behind. Sae stopped giving Ryo drinks just like she was told to do. 

"Hey you with me still." Brant said and nodded to Sae who took over she may not look completely like but it was close enough to serve the purpose. Along with Ryo plastered a blurred vision it may work.
"Hmm what?"  Ryo slurred
 "I go out with him only because he's friendly though he may not look like it. He's a friend so do run away when I'm with him." Sae said
"But the way he acts and you response."
"Ask me another day or I'll come to you but when I do listen." 
"Ok I - Ryo passed out before he could finish.

"Do you honestly believe he'll remember this when he wakes up again?" Sae asked 
"He will I'll make sure thanks Sae."
"Why don't you have us entertain you as a way of owing me."
"How about some other time. I've got a kid to take home."
"Next time then."
"Ryo wake the hell up."
"I got to get you home."
"Yes home." 

They got to Ryo's house with Brant picking him up off the ground every so often. Apparently noone was home as Ryo managed to open the after the fifth time. Once inside Ryo fell face first onto the floor in front of the door. Brant entered to drag him away from the door check if he was not hurt to badly, saw he wasn't and left locking the door. Brant slowly walked home given that he still felt the alcohol so he want to process it faster by walking. Even though it may not work but he didn't feel like going home yet. A wind blew and he left it take him where it would. The wind took him inside deep inside the forest deeper than he went in before. He heard a beautiful voice singing causing his sword to sing also. He followed the voice that was joined by another. His sword started to sing even more telling him that it was dangerous to continue but also singing to him to continue. He kept the violence on the verge of embracement so when or if it became needed he would easily embrace it. 

(Now I wonder if it'll be human or a different kind of human? I'll find out soon enough.) He thought was he followed the singing.

The singing changed in tune become something that he wasn't familiar with. He continued on towards the two voices. He showed up as both of them turn to look at him was he entered the small clearing. Sword still singing violence held at the ready he went closer to them, he knew he was going to pay but he still went. Their singing seemed to caress his whole body, he stopped walking he was already within the range to attack. The singing felt like it was trying to bind him, he fought it. The two woman started to sing in a different tune.

"Don't fight it. Enjoy it. Let it take over." one woman said as the other still sang. 

He gave over to it, it merged with the singing of the sword and his violence. He stood listening to the three around and within him. The woman who spoke came close to him caressing him his whole body tighten. The woman started to move her hand down lower on his body, he did what she wanted him to do, to relax his body. The other woman's sing stopped as she to joined in the caressing of his body. 

"He feels good doesn't he sis." one woman said to the other
"He does lets see how he looks under the clothes." said the other and added "Quite one aren't you."
(So that's what they do. I can't make my move not yet.) He thought and said "She told me to listen, so I did."
"Such a nice sounding voice and you feel good too. I wonder how he'll feel in us." said the start as she started to take off his shirt.
"Mia if we do that he'll die before we have a chance to have any fun." the other woman said
"I know dia. Maybe I can have him in my mouth." Mia said as she got down on her knees unzipping his pants.
"I'll join you." Dia said and went to join Mia as she started to pull down his pants.

Brant made his move, violence took over he kick Mia hard causing her to fall stunned. Dia started to change and slashed at him with sharp nails. He fell to the ground in pain calling himself an idiot for kicking Mia and letting Dia have an opening. He rolled just as Dia was going to attack him again. He knew what they were now. He could try to kill them but he would get hurt even more than he just got hurt. Dia knelt to check Mia.

"Mia it couldn't have been that strong." Dia said while Brant kept his sword ready.
"No Dia just surprised me and stunned me." Mia replied and added "Do you know what we are?"
"I do and I rather not have anything happen to me." 
"And you still going to fight and try to kill us?" 
"No. But I will if I have to."
"Then why did you kick Mia?" Dia asked
"Cause I'm not the right one for the two of you. Hell the right one isn't even here yet."
"You know this how?" Dia asked
"Dia look at him." Mia said and Dia looked at him. 

Brant stood there violence dancing in his eyes watching them. He lied about the right one not here, the right one could be but he didn't care. He just wanted to get out of this without getting hurt even killed.

"You're a dangerous one. You are right though." Dia added "Lets go Mia. Unless you want to pay him back for kicking you?"
"No what you did is enough. It wasn't our singing that brought you here was it?
"No just the wind. Maybe if you follow the wind it'll take you to the right one."
"The wind?"
"Don't over think it." 
"Bye." both said and head into the forest away from him.

He sighed, sheathed his sword the wind blew again taking him out of the forest. He got home and slept deeply.

Brant had check to see if Ryo remembered what he was told, he did somewhat. Now he was going to speak to Xallie. He damn well believe this could make her angry with him, he found her and went to speak to her.

"Xallie. Doing good?" 
"Huh. Well I guess I am." 
"That's great to hear. Now your going to get really pissed at me maybe, I hope you don't."
"I " his violence flickered and his sword started to sing he continued "Had a talk with Ryo."
"Why would I be piss about that?" 

His violence still flickered sword singing, Yoshimi was near or getting near and he had a feeling he knew why. He turned his attention back to Xallie who was looking at him curiously.

"Sorry I just remembered something. Anyways I took him to Blue Lounge to talk to him and got him drunk. Don't worry I made sure he got to his house." he continued " Don't know if he'll show up today I left as soon as he got into his house."      
"You only take care of females and let the others suffer the hangover."
"Only if the woman needs to be taken care of."
"Still why would I be mad about you talking to him." 
"Maybe you wont I hope you wont. That's all I had to say bye."
"Alright bye then." 

His violence still flickered and his sword kept singing. He wondered if she'll ask more about that night, but he still felt it was the other reason. He started away violence flickering and sword singing still.


CAPRICORN: [i]You are long overdue for a makeover. Try updating your wardrobe today.[/i]

Yoshimi stood in front of her bedroom closet and stared into the heart of its darkness.
She was undressed, except for her underwear, a pair of her favorite striped pantsu. They were fresh from the dryer, and they felt warm and cozy around her ass. She was about to make a major sartorial decision here. In a few minutes, she was going to meet up with Etsuji-sempai, and together they were going to go check out that JAST school.
She wondered what she should wear.
Yesterday, Etsuji had objected (a bit) to her mannish attire and suggested she try wearing a skirt, instead. It was none of his business, of course, but she had enjoyed sparring with him over it. He really had the most ridiculously old-fashioned ideas. But, then again, she sort of admired that about him. He reminded her a little of Master Taro, and that made her feel secure about him. It suggested that he would make a reliable partner. It was always the ‘modern' guys that you couldn't trust. They were the ones who always ended up MIA when you were up to your waist in tentacles and sorely in need of back-up.
Yoshimi had always been a "going my way" kind of gal--outspoken and independent--, but her individualism only went so far. It fell far short of blind willfulness. At heart, she was really just the team player her police chief foster father had raised her to be. So if her mannish attire was causing [i]meiwaku[/i]-inconvenience-to Etsuji-sempai, well¬Ö
But the only ‘femmy' items she owned were her funeral dress (and she sure as shootin' wasn't going to wear that) and her old sailor suit from junior high. Maybe that would do. That is, if she only wore the skirt.
She ran her hands along her hips and wondered if she could still get into it.
[i]Oh well, nothing ventured¬Ö[/i]
She pulled it off the hanger and slipped into it. It was a little tight (junior high [i]had[/i] been a long time ago, after all), but acceptable. So she went over to the mirror to check herself out.
"Waa! Kinda short!" she said aloud. "Have I grown some, or did I really go around showing this much leg in school?  If I have to do any fighting in this, I'm going to end up giving everyone a free show."
She rummaged around in her dresser until she found a pair of black knee socks and put them on.
"That's better."
Then she put on the shirt and necktie that went with her man's suit and slipped on the coat.
"Man on top and girl below. That's the ticket!" she said, "Now I look like a boy in a skirt. I wonder how Etsuji-sempai will take that?"
When she had a good look at herself in the mirror, Yoshimi had a further revelation.
"Shit! I look like one of those school girl detectives on that dumb TV show."
She shrugged her shoulders. 
"Oh well. Look out world, here comes the new Yoshimi!"
She put on her boots and gathered up her sword and was out the front door like a shot.

Her finger traced swirls across the surface of her desk as she hummed to herself. Lost in thought, Xallie simply let the music inside her head take over and drown out all other worries. It was quite common for her before the move, but recently her fixation on music had been over-ridden in several instances of embarrassment or doubt. Luckily, the notes had begun to dance in her head once more.

“I painted all your pictures red,” her lips silently mouthed the lyrics, “I wish I had stayed home instead.”

She could actually hear the rising crescendo of the guitar and the furious pelting of the drums in her head. Although she preferred them, Xallie had no need for an iPod or CD player. She had always been able to capture the music in her head and replay it at will. It was quite handy in classes. A teacher could spot head-phones… they could not notice the thriving orchestra blaring inside her. And of course, her mind naturally wondered to familiar songs and lyrics that somehow captured her current mood. She wasn’t yet sure if that was a blessing or a curse.

“Nothing’s what it seems to be,” she absently whispered the swelling chorus, “I’m a replica, I’m a replica.”

“Hmmm. That explains it.” a voice broke through the music in Xallie’s head and she jerked to attention. It seemed she had missed the lunch bell in her musical daze. “They stole the real you away and left this karaoke obsessed fiend in her place.”

“Huh?” Xallie shook her head in confusion briefly before looking up to the intruder with misting eyes. “Fiend?”

“Ack. No, no, no.” the intruder quickly retreated with the apology, his hands waving frantically. "Bad joke, sorry.’

Xallie only smiled brightly and then stuck out her tongue at Ryo. She chuckled as he blushed and took delight in cornering him. The feeling faded quite quickly when Ryo coughed and looked at the floor in nervousness. She remembered how he had been avoiding her the past few weeks and that pit in her stomach opened wide once more. She really didn’t like the feeling.

“I-I, uh…” Ryo stuttered and stumbled over his words. He was feeling foolish, stupid, and petty for how he acted the past few weeks. With that one brief flash of her smile, Ryo felt a bit better before the guilt pulled back, aimed carefully, and let loose a vicious sucker punch to his ego. “I-I’m sorry.”

Xallie blushed a deep crimson when Ryo gave a deep bow and held it. He remained bowed and murmuring rose from several classmates huddled in the classroom.

“Hey, hey.” Xallie tried to pull Ryo out of the bow, but only ended up throwing off him off his feet and shoving him to the ground. “Oops.”

“Ouch.” Ryo sat on the floor rubbing his ass and wincing. He hadn’t expected that.

“O my god. I’m so sorry.” Xallie scrambled out of her chair and knelt next to Ryo, her hand resting on his shoulder.

“A simple ‘get lost’ would have worked you know.” Ryo chuckled and then groaned when Xallie smacked him on the shoulder. “Yeah. Probably deserved that one.”

Xallie mumbled under her breath and stuck out her hand. Her cheeks were still beet red and she couldn’t look Ryo in the eyes. Ryo glanced at her hand momentarily and then finally grasped it with his own. He grunted slightly when she tugged at his arm and pulled him to his feet.

“Thanks.” he brushed himself off for a few seconds and then looked at Xallie again. “I really am sorry though.”

“About what?”

“You know,” Ryo shrugged, “the last few weeks. I-I saw you with a guy one night and, well… I thought…”

Xallie’s face was scrunched in confusion. She had no idea what Ryo was talking about. As he stumbled over his explanation she desperately tried to follow him, but was utterly lost.

“I thought that, you know,” he paused and glanced at Xallie shyly. He noticed her confusion and gave a weak smile, “I thought you were on a date. At first I was mad then I was embarrassed. Then I saw you the next day and I was so confused that I could only sneak away. Of course that only grew worse 'til I was outright running and…”

He was rambling. Xallie blinked as Ryo sped through a long, winding and not so clear retelling of the last few weeks. Of course she had really lost the conversation when he said ‘date’. Everything else was running together. She regained some focus near the end.

“… then Brant dragged me along to this really seedy strip bar and then things got a bit fuzzy. There was soft pillows, a husky voice, and then a man’s arms wrapped around me.”

“So that’s why you avoided me.” Xallie’s eyes were opened wide then.

“Huh?” Ryo was shaken from his rambling when Xallie spoke. He quickly went over the last few sentences, trying to remember what he had said. He hadn’t been following himself all that well either.

“Drunk and with a man,” Xallie nodded in understanding, “I guess it is embarrassing.”

“What!?!” Ryo’s voice cracked when several students gave him funny looks at Xallie’s remarks. His arms flailed hysterically. “No! With a man… I… never… No!”

“But…” Xallie squinted in confusion again at the vehement denial by Ryo. His face was flushed and he was beginning to sweat as he took several deep breaths.

“I thought…” he sighed. This wasn’t going well at all. “I saw you and Brant one night going into a karaoke club. I thought you and he were,” Ryo shrugged “but then he took me to a club and told me what had happened. There was no… you know… uh, man… love.”

Both Xallie and Ryo’s blush deepened at the last part.

“O!” Xallie’s eyes finally flashed with recognition. “Me and Brant?!”

She giggled at the thought and Ryo couldn’t help but giggle with her. She was exasperating but she was so damn cute.

“Yeah. I’m sorry.” he apoligised once more.

“It’s okay.” Xallie smiled before turning away in embarrassment. Her face was burning as she fumbled with her boxed lunch. The pit in her stomach was no longer there, but butterflies were now rampaging where the void used to be. “Um. Would she like to share lunch?”

“Uh, yeah!” Ryo screamed to the entire classroom and everyone around them laughed. Ryo winced, slumped forward, and quickly slid into the vacant seat behind Xallie. He didn’t want to miss another chance like the last time. “I’d love to.”

“Heh, heh.” Xallie bounced lightly on her feet as she laughed. She was glad. Smiling brightly, she plopped down into her seat, grabbed her lunch, and turned to face Ryo. “I only have a bit of miso soup and some rice balls, I hope that’s okay.”

“It’s terrefic.”

Xallie shyly smiled again as she set out the lunch. They sat there quietly for a while, sharing the rice balls and soup. Xallie’s leg was bouncing relentlessly and she tried desperatedly to hold it down with one hand. The weeks of pent up emotion had finally flooded out and she was giddy. Now he was here and they were having lunch. Almost like a date. She giggled again.

So they sat an ate, Xallie flashing shy glances towards Ryo as he self-consciously sampled her lunch. He of course hadn’t brough his own. But Xallie didn’t mind. She simply sat, ate, and replayed the rather cute, rambling speech in her head. Suddenly, one phrase stuck out and a mischevious smile crept across her face.

“You were mad, huh?” she asked in between bites of her riceball. Her head was slightly bowed and she looked out of the corner of her eyes at Ryo.

He heard her breathy voice and saw the faint curling of her lips beneath her smoldering glance. He didn’t answer. He only choked on the soup of course.

She giggled gleefully. With the steam billowing upward and the hot water engulfing her body, she giggled. She couldn’t help it, she was happy.

“He was mad!” she splashed the water into the air and relished the feel as the droplets rained back down into the bath. Everything felt wonderful at that moment. “Heh, heh!”

She was giddy. In fact, after the strenuous hour of scrimmage for the football club, she was so excited and light-hearted that she had immediately stripped down and jumped into the shower in the school locker-room. Forgetting her shyness, she had danced underneath the streams of water in front of her entire club. She hadn’t cared. After dancing and playfully splashing the other girls, she had slowly dressed and left the school. She had chosen to walk for some reason and she remembered the stares as she sang all the way home. As soon as she got home, supper was on the table and she bounced into the seat. Her parents smiled at the change and they had the first lively dinner since leaving their old home. Talking and laughing, they spent hours around the table.

Afterwards, Xallie decided to plunge into the massive bath and revel in the wonderful day. And for nearly two hours she had languished in the steaming water, playing and laughing.

“He was mad!” she briefly dropped fully into the water. Tiny bubbles erupted across the surface as she giggled. She felt very much like a little girl again. And it felt amazing. Warmth, from the memory of lunch and from the bath, suffused both her body and soul. All she wanted at that moment was to play and dance and sing. Nothing else mattered.

And so she did. She played with the water in the tub, danced with Kika (her stuffed hippo), and sang long into the night as she remembered Ryo’s blushing face as he mumbled shyly after his coughing fit:

Of course. a few simply words and she had smiled brightly. He then turned a deeper red and actually trembled with nervousness. A timid suggestion later and she was soaring. I have two Karaoke tickets…


"There, finished," Yuki Tanuki said, as she turned off her sewing machine, which chattered slowly  to a halt.
Yuki picked up her scissors and snipped off the thread that still held the garment she'd been working on to the bobbin. Then she stood up and shook it out a couple of times before handing it over to Eri, who put it on.
The garment in question was a khaki trench coat, complete with shoulder straps, raglan sleeves and a wide belt.
"I raised the kick flap in back a little above your tail bone. Now you can put your tail through it without the material bunching up back there. Turn around, please," Yuki said, and as Eri complied, she added, "I put a snap right here below where your tail sticks out that you can fasten-like (oof) so. There¬Önow your oshiri won't show if the wind catches the flaps."
"Not to mention the jerks at school," Kimochi added.
The three girls were camped out in Yuki's bedroom. Yuki was sitting at her sewing table, Kimochi was using Yuki's computer and Eri was dancing around the room with pure delight.
"How do I look?" she asked the others.
In addition to her brand new coat, Eri was still wearing the same white shirt and plaid skirt she had worn at the Antique Bakery the day before. The same deerstalker hat was perched precariously on her head between her large, furry ears, although by now she'd added a couple of lengths of blue ribbon to it, which she'd tied together under her chin in a neat bow.
"Like a school girl detective," Yuki replied, smiling and raising her hand in a ‘V for victory' sign.
"You should get a trench coat, too," Eri said. "Then we could be school girl detectives, together."
Yuki, who was dressed in a white baby doll dress with embroidered scarlet roses around the hem and sleeves, as well as knee socks with big, pink bows on them, said, "Well¬Ömaybe. But I don't think they make too many trench coats that go with loli dresses."
"I'm done here, guys," said Kimochi, turning toward the other two. She'd been working feverishly at Yuki's computer for most of the evening, but now she took off her glasses, rubbed her eyes and leaned back in her chair, clasping her arms behind her head.
"I've set up a database," she said, as the other two girls gathered around her, "with the names of all the students at the school, as well as the faculty and staff."
"Sugoi!" Eri exclaimed. "All of them?"
"Uh huh," Kimochi replied. "Why do things halfway? Besides, JAST isn't all that big a school, after all. Now¬Öthe thing we want to do is figure out who the most sinister characters at school are and start collecting our evidence against them. We'll start with the boys. So¬Öwhich ones have been acting suspicious lately?"
"All of them," Yuki replied.
 Kimochi laughed. "Yeah, but let's try to narrow it down to a few of the worst offenders, okay?"
"Chinpo," Eri said.
"Hey!" Yuki said, "Leave my brother out of this." She didn't like him much more than the others did, but as his older sister, she felt obliged to defend him. "He may be a jerk, but there's nothing going on with him. Don't you think I'd know if there were? Besides, he's changed. He's got a girl friend, now."
"Usooo!" the other two exclaimed.
"No, really," Yuki replied. "I've met her."
"What's she like?" Kimochi asked.

“Yeah,” Eri added, nodding her head.
Yuki’s brother, Chinpo, was a major horn dog that’d never been adequately housebroken, and Yuki’s friends could barely imagine what kind of girl would dare be seen with him.
“Is she a yankee?” Kimochi asked, using the slang term for a delinquent.
“No, no!” Yuki replied. “She’s actually a very refined girl. Her name is Kitsune and she attends Seiei Gakuen.”
“What?” Eri said. “The girls’ high school? Isn’t she a little young for him?”
“Oh, it’s okay. She’s over eighteen,” Yuki replied."
Eri, who had come over from the Meowtis Empire originally, was continuously puzzled by that Japanese law which made all high schoolers eighteen years of age.
“She’s also a miko at a local shrine,” Yuki added.
“Your brother is dating a religious girl?” an astonished Kimochi replied.
“Oh, scary!” Eri added. “This is surely a sign that the world is coming to an end.”
She said this in such a tone of mock-profundity that all three of them broke out laughing.
“What about that woman with the cut-up face he was talking about?” Eri asked. “Surely there’s a mystery there. Maybe we should¬Ö” She struck a dramatic pose, in imitation of one of the Schoolgirl Detectives on TV and delivered one of their signature lines: “Check It Out!”
“Oh, come back to Earth, Eri,” Yuki replied. “That was just an Obon story he was telling us. Don’t tell me you believed that?”
Eri shrugged self-consciously.
“Guys!” said Kimochi. "Can we get on with this? I don’t have all night. My dad wants me home by ten.
“Yeah, okay,” Yuki replied. “Where were we?”
“Suspects,” Kimochi replied.
“Okay, well, you can put down Kabraxal, to start with,” Yuki said.
“Who’s he?” Kimochi asked.
“That tall guy with blue hair and goatee who sits at the back of the class. I think the fact that you have to ask who he is makes him a candidate for our list, don’t you? You see, nobody knows him. I don’t think he has any friends, and I bet you could mention his name to anyone in 12-B and you’d get a blank stare, even though he’s sitting there in the back row. Plus, he’s always scribbling something in a notebook he keeps in his desk. That’s pretty suspicious, don’t you think?”
“Maybe he’s a writer,” Eri speculated. “Writers are quiet types, aren’t they? Maybe he’s writing a novel. That would explain the notebook.”
“More than likely he’s working on some elaborate caper or other,” Yuki replied. “You know, working up a bank robbing scheme, or a kidnapping or something. “Okay,” Kimochi replied, “On the list he goes. Anyone else?”
“Shiki Nishimura,” Yuki said. “The one they call ¬ëDark Shiki.’ With a nickname like that, he’s gotta be bad, right?”
“Oh, I don’t know about that,” Eri replied. “He’s actually sort of a nice guy. I had a nice chat with him at the dating club¬Öoops!”
Eri realized too late the mistake she had just made.
The Casual Romance Club had been a radioactive subject around Yuki ever since she’d learned that Ryo had joined it to get to that evil, blonde temptress, Xallie. The fact that a friend of hers had actually gotten involved with that club made her very angry, indeed.
Kimochi glanced up from the computer screen and saw the dark cloud that had suddenly appeared over the heads of her two friends.
“Oh, give it up, Yuki!” Kimochi said bitterly. “This Ryo business is just making me sick. You’re never going to get him, you know. Face it¬Ö please! He doesn’t like you. He’s never liked you. He’s never going to like you. It’s time you got over him. It would be better for you, and it surely would be better for us. Look at the three of us, would you? The cutest and most stylish girls in school, but we don’t have any boyfriends. You know why? It’s because we hang out with you all the time, that’s why!”
“Yeah,” Eri put in. “And the Winter Festival’s coming up, too. Everybody knows that’s the most romantic time of the year.” She hugged herself and rocked back and forth. “(sigh) The say that couples are born at the Winter Festival.”
“Well, excuse me if I’m interfering with your love lives,” Yuki replied. “Go on and join the Casual Dating Club, if that’s what you want, and have your (sigh) Winter Romance, too.” She hugged herself to mock Eri. “But, I’ll tell you this, the next club you’ll be joining is the Unwed Teenage Mother’s Club!”
Those were strong words and she spat them out with a vehemence that astonished the other two girls. The anger in her voice contrasted with her baby doll clothes and made her look like bratty little child.
“Ah, come on, Yuki,” Kimochi said, laughing a little bit (because her appearance was so comical). “We’re sorry. Aren’t we Eri?”
“Yeah,” Eri said, nodding.”
“Friends?” Kimochi added.
“I’m going to get a Coke,” Yuki said coldly. “Anybody want anything?”
“No thanks,” Kimochi said. She really was sorry now. She felt cold and empty.
“I’d like a Calpis, if you have any,” Eri said. (That well-known, milk-based soft drink being a favorite with catgirls, you see.)
After Yuki had left, Eri turned to Kimochi.
“Wow, I’ve never seen her so angry.”
"It’s my fault, Kimochi replied sadly. “I shouldn’t have been so critical. But I just get so tired of seeing her carrying that huge torch.”
“What’s the deal with this Ryo guy, anyway? I don’t think he’s all that hot.”
“No, he’s not,” Kimochi replied. “Who can explain it, but Yuki just took a shine to him in grade school, that’s all. But as you know, Ryo doesn’t like her, at all. He hates her, in fact.”
“How come?”
“Well, I don’t know all the facts. But it has to do with Ryo’s little sister.”
“Oh? He has a sister?”
“Not anymore, unfortunately. She wasn’t very healthy, I heard. She was in and out of the hospital all the time. But Ryo was pretty devoted to her and mighty protective. That stands to reason, I guess. Anyway, it turns out that Yuki used to bully her in grade school-or maybe Ryo just thought she was bullying her. I’m not sure. I never have been able to get the straight story from anyone, especially not Yuki. But shortly after this alleged ijime supposedly took place, Ryo’s sister died, and I guess he’s sort of blamed Yuki for it ever since.”
“How sad,” Eri said.
“Yeah, it is,” Kimochi replied.
Neither of them said anything again after that, but each of them silently meditated on the injustices of the world until Yuki returned with the drinks.
She sat down next to Kimochi.
“I got you a Coke, anyway,” she said, placing a bottle in front of Kimochi.
She put her arm around Kimochi and put her head on her shoulder.
“Friends?” she asked.
“Always,” Kimochi replied, smiling. A tear ran down her cheek as she patted Yuki’s face.
“Am I your friend, too?” Eri asked.
Yuki lifted her head and looked over at Eri, who was drinking her Calpis.
“My best friend,” she replied.
“Then I guess we’re all going to be old maids together,” Kimochi said quietly.


Goro Etsuji, who was (perhaps) the ugliest man in Japan-- as well as one of the largest–drove his car into the parking lot of the Blue Lounge and turned off the ignition.
About thirty minutes ago, he had dropped Yoshimi off at her apartment and said good night to her. But now he had some personal business to take care of. He got out of the car and entered the night club. Once inside, his senses were assaulted by the loud music and flashing lights on the stage. Most of the place, however, was totally dark, until his eyes adjusted enough for him to make things out.
Gingerly, he made his way through the gloom-past tables and chairs-to his favorite. It was quite a delicate act for such a big person as he in such a crowded place as this. Along the way, several persons who recognized him called out, saying “Etsuji-san,” “Etsuji-kun,” or “Etsuji-sama,” depending on their level of familiarity with him.
He eased himself into his favorite booth (no chair in this joint had ever been able to withstand his assault) and a waitress appeared almost at once. He was a little surprised when he saw who she was.
“Takuya-chan,” he said. “What are you doing here? I thought you were working in that karaoke place the Satsuma family owned.”
Takuya was dressed in short pants that were so tight that they delineated the contours of the area they covered, rather than hid them, and a tee shirt with a picture of some anime characters on it, accompanied by the logo: X-Change 2. She smiled at Etsuji, and with a shrug of her shoulders, replied:
“Oh, you know me, Mr. Etsuji. I just can’t seem to keep a job for very long. Would you like a drink?”
“A shot of Suntory. I’d watch yourself around here. Iris is not one to suffer fools for long. Is the kitchen still open?”
“Uh, I think it’s closed now,” she replied. But another waitress, Madoka, who was gliding by with a tray full of drinks, said:
“For Mr. Etsuji, dear, the kitchen is always open.”
Etsuji laughed and Takuya giggled in response as she fumbled to pull her order pad from the confines of her pants pocket.
“Yakatori,” he said. “And lots of it.”
“Hai!” she shouted, and with a bow, she scurried off.
Several minutes later, he was nursing his drink and waiting for his food to arrive when Sae, a hostess, approached him and said:
“She wants to see you.”
He nodded. Actually, it was he who wanted to see her, but no one ever entered the presence of Iris Isis Locke without being summoned by her first.
“I ordered some food,” he said.
“It’s waiting for you in her office.”
“That’s thoughtful,” he replied. “Lead the way.”

Sae led him past the stage to where a bouncer stood in front of a portal with a sign over it that read: EMPLOYEES ONLY. He looked as fierce as a Ni-oo (one of those stone giants you see in front of Buddhist temples), but he smiled and bowed when he saw Etsuji.
Past the portal, Sae led him through a maze of corridors where they occasionally encountered women in various states of undress. Most of them smiled or called out to him as he passed. At length, they came to a closed door which had no markings of any sort on it. Sae opened the door and bade Etsuji enter.
“Doozo,” she said.
On the other side of the door was Etsuji’s dinner. It was laid out on a low, black-lacquered table inset with gold animals, the signs of the Chinese Zodiac. The table was boxed in by three long couches, and sitting on one of them was a tall, dark-haired woman wearing a dark blue China dress. Her legs were crossed nonchalantly, and the side of the dress was cut so high up her thigh that Etsuji could see a thin red line of panty.
“Princess,” he said, bowing deeply.
Iris Isis Locke, who may or may not have been a princess in actuality, smiled and nodded slightly.
“Etsuji,” she said. “It’s been so long, hasn’t it? Please, sit. Enjoy your meal.”
“Thank you, Princess,” he replied. “It’s been a long day, and I’m starving.”
He sat down on the couch opposite to hers and began to eat, but just a little bit. He felt it would be rude to keep her waiting while he finished the whole thing."
“As for that other thing,” he said, after taking a sip of tea (and what tea it was!), “It has been a long time. That’s because it’s been quiet for a long time, but things are changing. I think maybe the Pact is breaking down.”
“What makes you say that?” she replied.
“Well, seventeen of the good citizens of Moriyoh city have disappeared without a trace lately. Like they’ve been-oh, I don’t know-swallowed up whole.”
Her face was inscrutable.
“And there’s this case I’m currently working on.”
“The four corpses,” she replied.
He nodded. The fact that she knew about it didn’t surprise him. So far, he’d managed to keep it out of the news, but no one could keep anything from Icy Iris. What he wanted to know, however, was what she knew and what she would be willing to tell him.
“I’m afraid young Brant may be involved in this,” he said.
“What makes you say that?” she replied.
“Well, it’s like this,” he said. “When this case first broke, it looked like it might have been some of his handiwork, except that business about the garbage bags. He’s usually better than that about cleaning up his messes. You know, he’s got that little magic trick he does? Chopping up bodies doesn’t seem to fit his M.O., at all. But then we learned that there was this woman involved.”
“We?” Iris asked. “Don’t you always work alone?”
“Yeah, but when the Pact was in effect, I didn’t have much to do, anyway, and I didn’t need a partner. But this Slice and Dice business has shaken the Higher Ups so much that they assigned a partner to me, a former hotshot from Tokyo. The first time we discussed this case, she figured out that we should investigate JAST. That wasn’t exactly rocket science. All the clues pointed there, anyway. But since that’s Brant’s school, I was hoping I could deflect her away from there. She had done her homework and found out about this Komegura woman who had disappeared shortly after the event.”
“Komegura?” Iris asked quietly.
“Yeah. She was the school’s nurse, and at this point she looks pretty culpable, which would please me to a tee, but she apparently had an accomplice in her mayhem, and unfortunately Brant was known to associate with her.”
“All this is extremely interesting,” Iris replied. “But what do you want from me?”
“Princess, my family has served your family blindly for generations, but this is the 21st century. I’ll try to keep Brant’s name out of this if I can, but I have my responsibilities as a policeman, too. Right now, I need to find out where this Komegura woman is and get to her before anyone else does.”
“You think I know where she is?”
“I don’t doubt it, Princess.”
“Very well,” she stood up. “I’ll tell you. But what will you do when you find her? Kill her?”
“I leave that up to you, Princess,” as he went back to her meal.


"Let's get back to our list, shall we?" Kimochi said. 
She glanced over at her friend, Yuki, who was sitting next to her.
"And this time without any drama, okay?"
Kimochi was sitting on a bench, sandwiched in between her two girl friends. The aforementioned Yuki was on her right and Eri the Cat Girl-still slurping away at her Calpis-had settled in on her left. All three of them where looking at Yuki's computer, which, earlier that evening, Kimochi had used to hack into the main database of the Japanese Academy for Scholarly Training (JAST, for short) and downloaded the personal files of everyone there.
"Can you change my test scores while we're at it?" Eri asked.
"Nope," Kimochi replied. "They've got some scary barriers up around those. I guess they've been hacked before."
"Wouldn't doubt it," Yuki added.
"Fortunately," Kimochi added. "These personal files are only confidential, so they're pretty easy to hack.
The reason that Kimochi was employing her (considerable) hacker skills to break into their school's computer was to help her friends-the self-styled School Girl Detectives-develop a list of suspects and unearth any mysterious doings at the school.
[i]If any[/i].
Kimochi doubted that they would discover anything untoward going on at school (other than the usual ecchi stuff) and thought her two friends were too easily influenced by the television shows they watched.
[i]But, now that I think of it, Yuki's never even seen the show. She's just caught up in Eri's enthusiasm and her own need to be a leader¬Öjust like with the Sewing Club.[/i]	Despite her misgivings, Kimochi had decided to go along this silly scheme in order to keep her friends from going too far with it and getting into trouble. She had hopes that it wouldn't develop into anything more that an extreme form of cosplay.
"So far," she said, addressing the other two. "We've got two names on our list. To wit: Kabraxal and Dark Shiki, who are (as far as I'm concerned) just a couple of self-absorbed posers. But hardly criminal types."
"How about Lexo," Yuki suggested.
"What about him?" Kimochi asked.
"I once caught him laughing manically to himself when he thought no one else was around. It was like this.
Yuki crouched over and, rubbing her hands together, went: "Bwa ha ha ha!"
"Everybody knows only villains laugh like that," she added.
Kimochi giggled. "You do that well," she said. 

Kimochi pulled up Lexo’s file from the JAST database and copied it to a folder on Yuki’s desktop labeled: Bad Guys. In the process, she added a notation: Mentally Ill.
“Doesn’t he have a twin sister named Lexa?” Eri asked.
“Yeah, but I’m only doing boys now,” Kimochi replied. “We’ll get to the girls in a minute.”
“Isn’t it strange, though,” said Yuki, “that you never see the two of them at the same time?”
“Hey, that’s right!” exclaimed Eri. She leaped off the bench (almost unseating the other two) and struck a pose. “Maybe we should¬ÖCheck It Out!” she exclaimed. Her tail lashed back and forth with excitement. “What if there is no twin sister? Maybe he cross-dresses.”
“I think you should curb your enthusiasm,” Kimochi replied. “The real School Girl Detectives would never jump to a conclusion like that. They would gather all the facts they could, and then formulate their theory from a long process of ratiocination.”
“Ratioci¬Öwhat?” said Eri, after she had sat down again.
“It’s in the dictionary,” Kimochi said. “Next?”
“What about Talimew?” Yuki suggested.
“The Somnambulist?” Kimochi replied.
“Somna¬Öwhat?” Eri asked.
“It’s in the dictionary,” Kimochi replied.
“It means ¬ësleepwalker,’” Yuki said. “He’s the long-haired guy in the back of 12-A who sleeps all the time.”
“Yet who always gets good grades,” Kimochi added. “I wonder how he does it? Maybe there’s a mystery there for us. Okay, on the list he goes. Next.”
The other two made no reply. Apparently, they were deep in thought.
“Well then,” Kimochi offered. “How about this Kimuzukashii guy?”
“Is he even in school, anymore?” Yuki asked. “I haven’t seen him in a long time. What about Juki?”
“Naw,” Kimochi replied. “Mostly harmless. What about Tenma? The guy they call ¬ëDoc.’”
“He’s a friend of Chinpo’s,” Yuki said. “So I guess I can sort of vouch for him. They belong to that Survivalist Club together. And you know that they’re just a bunch of slackers.”
“But don’t they say that the president of that club, Kenta, sleeps with his mom?”
“Eeuu¬Öyou don’t really want to investigate that kind of mystery, do you? That’s too ecchi!”
“Hmmm, well I guess that does it for the boys, then.”
“Well, what about Brant Otera?” Yuki said. “I think we should keep an eye on him.”
“Why,” Kimochi replied.
“Well, he’s sneaky¬Öand bossy, too.”
“But he’s a good photographer,” Eri said. “I posed for him once. He likes cat girls, you know.”
Kimochi’s and Yuki’s eyes bugged out and their jaws dropped open.
“No!” Yuki exclaimed. “I hope you kept your clothes on.”
Eri pulled her body back a little and a look of consternation appeared on her face.
“Of course! Who do you think I am? Besides, he’s a perfect gentleman. He never even suggested it.”
“Doesn’t he have a couple of older sisters?” Yuki asked.
“Uh huh,” Eri replied. “He lives with his mom and one of them. The other one’s married, and he helps out at a party store that she and her husband own. He has a female cousin named Iris, too. I met her once. She’s a successful businesswoman and once asked me if I’d like to come work for her.”
“You didn’t, though, huh?” Kimochi asked.
“Oh, no.” Eri replied. “I don’t want a job. I want to marry a rock star!”
Her own eyes turned into huge stars and faint, air-brushed bubbles appeared to float around her.
“He seems to be surrounded by women, doesn’t he?” Yuki said. “Well, that explains why he didn’t want to see you naked. He probably had to bathe with his sisters when he was little, and he’s seen all the boobs he ever wants to.”
That remark made all three of them break out into gales of laughter.
“Hey,” Kimochi said. “And what about that two girl harem of his. You know, those sword jockettes, Jance and Miwa? Remember how at the Festival he had them fight in bathing suits while he turned a hose on them?”
“Right!” Yuki exclaimed. “That was so funny, like Flashdance meet Xena, the Warrior Princess.”
“Flashdance?” Eri asked. “What’s that?”
“Old movie,” Kimochi said. “Before your time. Well, should we add him to our list or not?”
“Yes,” Yuki said.
“No,” Eri countered. “He’s just a nice guy. He was even helping out Nurse Komegura for awhile. You know? Just before she disappeared?”
“The Old Witch disappeared?” Kimochi asked. “I thought she got married?”
“Oh, no,” said Eri. “She’s vanished, and everyone in the world is looking for her.”
“Wow! That’s news to me,” Yuki said. “How do you know?”
“Well,” said Eri. “You know my friend, Misao, who works in the office? She told me that Nurse Komegura called in sick about three weeks ago and never came back.”
“She was going to quit, anyway,” Kimochi said. “She probably just decided to leave a little early. That’s what I would have done. She was getting married, wasn’t she? Maybe she had too much to do to get ready, and work was just a distraction to her.”
“But, according to Misao,” Eri replied, “the next day a man who claimed to be her fianc√© came to the office asking for her address.”
“He didn’t know already?
“I guess not. Misao said there was another man with him, too. A fat, foreigner who laughed all the time. Misao said he was really scary.”
“And this so-called fianc√© didn’t know where Komegura lived.” Yuki said. “That’s odd.”
“Uh huh,” Eri nodded. “Then a week after that her mother came in and asked if anyone in the school knew where she was, or if she had changed her email address or phone number”
“So, you’re saying,” Kimochi said, “the neither the man she’s going to marry nor her own mother know where she is?”
“Sounds like a Runaway Bride scenario to me,” Yuki added.
“Wait, there’s more,” Eri said. “There were also a couple of policemen looking for her. I happened to be in the office talking to Misao at the time. There was this man and this woman. The man was kind of big and ugly, but the woman was very beautiful. She was carrying a sword and was dressed just like a School Girl Detective from TV, and I said to myself: ¬ëWow! Policewomen really do dress like that!’ That’s how I got the idea of becoming a School Girl Detective, myself.”
“‘Wow!’ is right,” Yuki replied. “So now the police are looking for her, too? I wonder if something’s happened to her. Do you think she’s alright? I hope she’s not dead.”
“We couldn’t be that lucky,” Kimochi replied. “Although I will admit the thought does make me smile.”
“Kimochi!” Eri exclaimed, shocked. “Why do you hate Nurse Komegura so much?”
“Who doesn’t,” Kimochi replied. “She was no one’s sweetheart, after all.”
Yuki got up and motioned to Eri.
“Come over here with me, Eri,” she said, indicating that they should go to a corner of her room, next to her clothes closet, “and I’ll tell you everything.”
“Don’t!” Kimochi yelled.
“Then, maybe you’d like to tell her yourself, huh?” Yuki’s eyes had a mischievous glint in them and her upper lip formed the shape of a ¬ëw’. “Huh? Huh? Would you?”
“You’re a mean girl, Yuki!”
“Come on, Eri,” Yuki said.
Kimochi heave a sigh.
No, no. I’ll tell,” she said.
“Come on, spill it.” Yuki replied.
“She wouldn’t sell me any condoms,” Kimochi said faintly.
“Louder!” Yuki shouted. “We can’t hear you!”
“She Wouldn’t Sell Me Any Condoms! Okay!”
Eri looked shocked.
“Nurse Komegura was selling condoms?” she asked. “In our school?”
“Yeah. But only to a select few. There was this sort of secret club.”
“A secret sex club? In our school?” Eri exclaimed.
“Yeah,” said Yuki. “You know, now that I think about it, that’s sort of mystery, isn’t it? You want to,” she struck a pose, ���Check It Out! Eri?”
Eri’s face turned red.
“Oh, no, no! But what did you want with condoms. Kimochi?”
Now it was Kimochi who looked embarrassed.
“I had my reasons.”
“But, you’re over eighteen,” said Yuki. “You can buy condoms, anywhere. Why did you go to her?”
“I was too embarrassed to buy them ¬ëanywhere’. But when I heard (never mind where) that she was selling them, I went to her. But she wouldn’t sell me any, unless I joined that stupid club.”
“I’ve always wondered, though,” added Yuki, “why you just didn’t report her to Principal Payne.”
“And admit that I was trying to buy condoms? That would have been too embarrassing. Besides, who knows who else might have been involved? Maybe even your precious Ryo, Yuki. Those two were always pretty chummy, after all.”
“Grrr!” Yuki replied.
“Well, anyway, I didn’t want to rat out any other students, no matter what they were up to.”
“Yet here we are,” said Yuki, “trying to collect stuff on our fellow students in order to rat them out, anyway.”
“Well, that was then,” Kimochi. “Besides, this School Girl Detective stuff wasn’t my idea. I’m just going along with my friends. Now that I think about, though, this Komegura business might be the only real mystery around school worth looking into. I’m going to open up her file.”
“Hey, aren’t we going to make a folder of girl suspects to go along with the guys, first?” Yuki asked.
She had been hoping to get the goods on Xallie, and was disappointed that the discussion about Nurse Komegura had deflected Kimochi from that aim.
But before Kimochi could access Komegura’s records, her cell phone rang.
“Moshi, moshi” she said. “Oh, hi Daddy. Yeah, I know I said I’d be home by ten, but it’s only twenty to, so there’s plenty of time. What!?”
She put her hand over the speaker, and turned to the other two.
“He wants me to come home now, and he’s right outside the house!” She got up, and gathering up her belongings, said, “We’ll, have to finish this up later. I’ll give you a call, Yuki.”
All three girls went downstairs to let Kimochi’s father into the house.
Satou Nabeshima, Kimochi’s father, was a handsome young widower whom all of them had had a crush on at one time or another. He was also the editor of the online version of Moriyoh City’s newspaper, the Ichinichi.
He greeted them as he entered.
“Hello, girls. Ready to go, Kimochi?”
“Uh huh, Daddy,” she replied. “But why did you come to pick me up? I could have walked home okay.”
A very serious expression appeared on his face.
“It’s not safe,” he said.
Kimochi laughed.
“Daddy! Moriyoh’s the safest town in Japan. It’s always safe.”
“Listen,” he replied. “Listen, all of you. I’m working on something, right now. I don’t have all the facts, yet, so I can’t be more specific than this: Don’t any of you go out at night anymore, okay? Come on, Kimochi, let’s go.”

Some minutes had passed since Kimochi and her father had left. Yuki and Eri were back up in Yuki's bed room. Eri was lying on Yuki's bed and Yuki was sitting in front of her computer, thinking about opening Xallie's file. But, for some reason, she was hesitant.
"Why do you suppose Mr. Nabeshima doesn't want us to go outside at night? I like going out at night," Eri said.
"It's the cat in you, isn't it?" Yuki replied. "That's just the kind of thing adults tell kids, you know. ‘Brush your teeth, sit up straight, don't go out at night,' etcetera, etcetera. No need to take him seriously. I've had a thought, though."
"About what?" Eri asked. She yawned and turned over onto her side, for-despite what she'd said-she was getting sleepy.
"Kimochi's right," Yuki replied. "The only real mystery worthy of the attention of the School Girl Detectives is the disappearance of Nurse Komegura."
"Uh huh," Eri replied sleepily. "But we don't have any clues. She probably left town a long time ago [yawn]."
"I don't think so," Yuki replied. "My detective's intuition tells me that isn't so. Maybe we don't have any clues right now, but I think I know someone who can help us find her."
"Who? [Zzz zzz]"
Eri suddenly opened her eyes wide and sprang into the air.
She flipped over in mid-air and landed back onto the bed on all fours. Her back was arched and her tail was all fluffed up.
"RWAOR!" she screamed.

Xallie grunted and shifted the massive turkey in her arms. Her back and shoulders were sore from carrying the bird from the store.

At least it isn’t frozen. she thought to herself as she slowly made her way back home. Her parents had special ordered a turkey for Thanksgiving and she had agreed to pick it up. They hadn’t told her that it was nearly twice the size of their normal Thanksgiving turkey. If she had known, she would have brought her bus pass, or at least some money to pay for the fare. Since she didn’t, Xallie was stuck walking the three miles back.

She grumbled as she walked, until a flashing neon sign caught her attention. The bright sign for the karoake club blinked on and off as she passed. A smile curled her lips as the memories comforted her tired body.

“Come on, come on! Sing!” she pulled Ryo’s arm as he swayed on the sofa. His body sank deeper into the sofa for a moment before he swayed forward and Xallie’s incessant tugging yanked him to his feet. Slurring a drunken protest, Ryo tried to wave her off and slip back into his seat, but Xallie only scrunched up her face and wiggled her nose at him before she drug him to the small stage.

Xallie danced slightly as she made a rush of selections before clapping in glee as the first strains of a duet began to float through the private room. She turned to Ryo and smiled brightly, then quickly turned back to the monitor just before the words flashed onto the screen. She began to sing. Despite being drunk herself, Xallie sang deftly, following the swell of the refrain before falling to a near murmur of the next verse.

Ryo, on the other hand, stared mutely at the screen. The coloured letters of the words swirled together in an unseeming blob. He meekly tried to sing when he noted the shifting of the colours telling him that he should be singing.

“Oo-teh-you-ca-gur-ug-ogh”. A garbled mess of drunken slurs was the best he could muster during the chorus before the room whirled around him and he pitched sideways. The last thing he remembered before waking up on the couch at Xallie’s house was the warm velvet of a mat greeting his face as he hit the floor and Xallie’s bubbling giggle.

Xallie giggled again as her house peeked over the small rise of the hill. She had to drag Ryo from the floor herself and lug him to the bus-stop. Since she didn’t know where he lived, she had taken him home. She blushed at the memory: a strangled cry waking her up in the morning. She had rushed downstairs and sighed in relief when it was simply Ryo huffing in shock as her parents loomed over him. She wondered what thoughts must have been beating in Ryo’s head after surviving the heart attack of seeing the searching eyes of her parents once he pushed himself up on the couch…

Good thing he hadn’t been up to anything more than drunken snoring… and on the couch… else those stares might have actually been deadly she flushed a deep crimson and hid her face behind the turkey at the thought. Xallie didn’t think he would push her that quickly into bed, but she couldn’t help but wonder what if: two drunk kids alone. But nothing happened and Ryo survived her parents, though the stern discussion on relationships and love had both her and Ryo blushing anytime they looked at each-other for the past week. And the hanging threat from Xallie’s mother … something about roasting over an open fire and sharp implements in unnatural places… made Ryo tremble anytime his mind “wandered”.

Still, it was a wonderful date.

“Finally.” Xallie grunted to herself after allowing one last gentle giggle to escape her lips. Heaving a sigh of relief she rested the turkey on her leg so she could push the doorbell. It echoed slightly and she could hear the shuffling of feet from behind the door. Seconds later, the clicks of latches and dead-bolts being released comforted Xallie and her sore body. She sighed again, the weight of the turkey settling into her tired arms. The door was opened. Kosuke’s goofy grin greeted her.

“Hey!” she screamed in delight and started to dash forward to hug her friend. Luckily, the turkey bounced off her knee when she forgot she was carrying it and dropped it. It didn’t hit the grounnd. Unluckily, Kosuke saved the turkey when it hit him in the stomach and knocked him over. He groaned in pain… but the turkey was comfortably resting in his now cradling arms. “Oops. Heh, heh!”

He could only groan at Xallie’s apologetic smile and giggle.

It was the middle of the day when he got a call from his cousin, he would of rather not talk to her but he knew she was closing in. He had a feeling why she was calling him.

" `Sup Cuz." he said by way of greeting
"You do realize a officer may talk to you." Iris said 
"Yes (his violence flickered and sword sung) I'm going to talk to her. (Violence flickering again.)" he said
"No at least for now." he said
"What are you going to tell her then?"
"She has a partner. I just want to talk to her is all." he said
"Question or Statement you don't need to worry about him."
"Honestly Icy Iris if I didn't know you I'd of been surprised. So you found where she is and your going to tell him?" he said
"Does it matter to you?"
"Somewhat." he said
"Do you want to know?"
"Nope. So are you going to pay a visit to your aunt?" he asked
"It has been awhile I think I will, perhaps later tonight."
"Well (violence flickering more along with the swords singing) I'd say see you tonight but I'll probably be busy." he said
"Well then I'll be talking to you, bye."
"Bye." he said and his violence and the singing continued as he got closer to her.

Yoshimi along with her partner had come to the school to questioning people, she had a different feel about her. It was different in that it felt weaker then the night she was fighting. That was days ago that he saw her, now he followed the violence and singing of his sword. He used the flickering of his violence and the singing of the sword as a map/compass to find her. But it only help if he focused on it though the closer he got, the more his violence flickered and sword sung. He saw her outside an café eating  some sweet of sort and a drink of sort.

(Well at least it's this one not the other one.) He thought 

He knew of the other Café/Bakery only cause of his two friends who thought it would be funny if he got hired there. He said you think they would want one such as him working there. They had thought for a bit and agreed, only cause he gave an aura that could repel the women that went there.

  He walked up to her just as she looked up and gave her a slight smile. She had a look of familiarity and confusion crossed all at once in her eyes. He didn't bother asking or waiting for her to say he could sit. So he sat down across from her waiting, angry flashed across her eyes then faded.

"Are the bruises gone now and did you hurt badly hurt?" he asked violence flickering sword singing. 
"Who are you and how did you know about my bruises."
"That hurts me that you don't remember." he said
"I'm sorry."
"It doesn't matter and you're not. So are the bruises gone?" he said
"How do you know of my dream?"
"Dream? If it was then why would you have bruises." he said
"I see your point. The bruises are gone and no I didn't get badly hurt."
"That's good . So Yoshimi you have the day off today?" he asked 
"How do you know my name?"
"You don't remember. No I suppose you wouldn't. Names Brant Oterra and your name's Yoshimi Hakage." he added "I know you're a cop go ahead look my name up when you get the chance."
"You still didn't say how you know my name."
"Does it really matter how I know your name? Besides does it look like I would cause trouble, don't answer that." he said
"No I guess it doesn't and you do. Do you have a permit for that sword?"

He was slightly surprised that she could see the sword but only slightly given that she fought some monster. His violence and sword kept up the flickering and singing but it was only a buzz to him. He put the sword in its sheath on the table. 

"No I don't, besides most if not all can not see it. I could show you that they don't." he said
"No but I could still take you in."
"Your off duty unless you really want to." he said flippantly 
"Quit being flippant. It'll be a waste and useless given you didn't do anything." she said as she check the sword out.
"You always carry that sword of yours everywhere?" he said
"Who made this sword and I do now."
"You'll think I'm crazy and wont believe it." he said
"You would be surprise by what I believe and see." 
"You want to know ok I'll tell you a dragon gave it to me to save his sister." he said
"I don't think your crazy but I don't believe you."
"So long as you don't think I'm crazy. May I have my sword back Yoshimi?" he said
"I'll have to hold on to it until I check you out."
"Third time we meet. Once during the parade, second time at night and third time now." he added not talking to her directly "Best if you give my sword back tonight."
"Third? This is the first time we met let alone talk."
"It's the second time then." he said confirming that she did have another side that she probably didn't know
"I think I do remember seeing you at the parade briefly. So it was the second time we met then."

"Yes. So mind if I take a look at your sword?" he asked

Yoshimi handed over her sword, she didn't trust him that much but she was certain that he would not do anything with people around. Though he still could if he wanted to. He took the sword from her, smiled slightly then checked the blade. It sang to him causing his violence to flicker and pulse which surprised him. He tested the edge with his thumb it was slightly dull he took it out completely testing the weight, he got up. He had forgotten about the people at the café and was about to start using the forms when someone stopped him.

"I'll take you in if you continue." she said having put her hand on the hand that he held the sword in.

Brant's violence flickered and pulsed quickly he no longer heard the singing of her sword only the pulse and flickering of his violence. 

"Sorry about that." he said and put it away after she moved her hand and gave it back to her.
"Your sword was made really well."
"Yes and the edge still sharp as it was since the first time I had it." he replied his violence now flickering but no singing and sat back down.
"How long have you had it?" 
"For a while now. Mind if we talk about something else?" he asked
"Sure but what?" 
"Your job if you will." he said

Time past with both of them talking, she talked about her job possibly more than she should of he thought. She probably didn't realize but then maybe she did in any case he didn't care. Then she went on to talk about other things. He talk about just about anything that didn't relate to the case she was working on. 

"Your still going to keep my sword?" he asked knowing the answer before she replied
"Only until I find out if you are clean."
"Even if I wasn't, tonight you will give me the sword back. We met three times, three times and a wind is starting to blow. We will meet where we first met. I'll be seeing you." he said   	
"Bye." she said only hearing I'll be seeing you while the other her heard the beginning.

It started to rain as Brant wondered around not really having a place in mind to go to. He entered a few stores and after a few hours he was now just leaving the train station of another place that was some hours away. He wonder around there for a few minutes before he decided to go pay a visit to a long time friend. In order for him to meet his friend he would have to go through the layers of his protection or just go straight to him. He sighed, knowing that he had no choice but go through the layers. It would take awhile but he had time. It started to rain harder and a wind started to blow. 

(Damn it not now). he thought but knew it was unless what will happen, will happen. But for now he went against the wind.

The protection wasn't so much as a protection than a way to see if whoever wanted to see them was no danger to them. Each layer was a test to see if the one was patient enough to meet them. Brant was not a very patient person when it came to deal with this friend. He dialed the number that would begin the test. It wasn't a test so much as a deterrent.  

(Such a pain in the ass.) He thought as he waited for the call to go through. He walked as he was told the direction. 

For the next two hours he followed the direction given to him on the phone. Another person got the phone and said hello.

"Why the hell do you do this to me?" Brant asked
"I don't trust you."
"You don't trust anyone." He retorted
"True. But it's the only way to know if your followed."
"This is such a pain in the ass." he said
"You're the one who gave me him to watch until he was needed."
"Whatever. So how is he anyway?" he asked
"He's bored."
"`Course he is." he said
"Almost there sir."
"Let him out. Code Delta, Bravo, Bravo, Alpha, Delta." he said
"Delta, Bravo, Bravo Alpha, Delta. Confirmed."

Somewhere in the city he was at a small dog came running out of a building. The dog was bored but with the master back home the dog would no longer be bored. As it ran through the city it started to grow bigger and change color. When he was a small dog he was brown, as he got bigger he started to change to a dull gray color. He got the scent of his master. 

The dog had been found by him some months ago sick and injured. He had a friend that dealt with different kind of animals. How did the phone given directions deterred people Brant couldn't figure it out but it did. He had even said it to his friend, who replied by saying it works so why change how I do it. 

"Nothing else."
"No just came to take chaos back home." he said
"Come back again if it becomes necessary."
"I will if it does." he said and hung up just as Chaos jumped at him give him a like to his face.
"Missed you too Chaos. Lets go walk then we'll go home. " he said then both of them started to walk around. He glance up at the sky and saw it was going to start raining again after a small break.

Both Brant and Chaos walked around until Brant could no longer resist the wind. Both headed to the station to head back home. Chaos had reverted to the small form to get on the train even if it wasn't that crowed. Brant was sleep when some hours later he heard Chaos growl as his violence flared. He slipped down out of the way and rolled just as the place he was sleeping. As he rolled away something destroyed the whole section of the trains wall. Brant realized then that this section of the train was empty of people, Chaos had change back to his other form. He went to grab his sword and realized he didn't have it.

(Damn it. I'll need to start carrying a knife even if it wont be much help). He thought as he watch Chaos attack whatever it was that attacked or tried to attack him. 

It was dark whatever it was not only that but night had come, the train was still going as it was raining hard enough to draw out most of the noise. He watched as Chaos attacked with his jaw and claws, he was picked up and slam hard against the ceiling then the floor. Brant knew that if Chaos was a normal dog it would of either been killed or injured very badly. Though Chaos was not an ordinary dog so it wouldn't die from that, it'll take more than that. He had to do something but given that he had no knife or his sword which he would get when he get home. He sighed and knew he was going to get badly hurt, he saw Chaos get slammed against the floor and ceiling again. He grabbed a piece of destroyed wall and ran at the dark thing.

He managed to get the dark things' attention which he managed to get so Chaos could attack it again. Chaos managed to attack it again and ripped a piece of the dark things body. All the awhile the train kept going. Rain came into the train getting him wet after he had got mostly dry. He was picked up and slam against the unbroken section of the train as Chaos went for another piece of it. His hand was bleeding from holding onto the broken piece of wall from the train and used it while Chaos took yet another piece. The train had finally stopped right back home. 

"Chaos get it off the train." he said right before it attacked him he managed to cut it with the piece of wall he had and was throw through the hole having it follow him out with Chaos right behind.

Brant was to far gone into the violence to feel the pain of the sharp metal in his hand he had remembered what he said. He dropped the make shift weapon and started to run while telling Chaos to make sure it didn't go any other way to straight behind him. As he ran he glanced at his hand glad it wasn't that deep of a cut, stopping long enough to wrap his shirt around his hand. Dodging to the side to keep from getting attacked. He ran down one street, up another and kept doing that until he got to the same spot he was the first night he met the other Yoshimi. Weather or not she would appear he didn't know but he would find a way to kill this damn thing. At least Chaos had more room to move around and he may be able to kill it. He finally arrived at the spot only to not feel his violence flicker cause of her or the sword singing, but he did know where she was. She was probably at her house given the direction she was at and she had yet to move from there for some hours. Though he couldn't tell what she was doing, like he couldn't tell what his other two friends were doing. He could find no weapon near but he had no choice so he got the things attention the only way he could.   
   "I just hope I don't get to badly hurt or let alone get broken bones." he said to himself as he got the attention of the dark thing.

Once he got the dark things' attention Chaos attacked it, both he and Chaos did what they could to it while keeping themselves from get badly hurt. Apparently the dark thing could only attack one target at a time.  It was getting darker Chaos kept trying to kill it with one attack but was not quick or strong enough to do so. Brant started to unwind the shirt from his about to get the blood following again so he could get Chaos a taste of blood. His violence flicker and he could hear his sword singing and turned his head to the location of the feeling. His eyes widen when he saw that she had a black skirt that was short but not very and tight and a tight dark brown tank top. He paid for that distraction by getting thrown against a building. Chaos used that moment to attack saving him from getting slammed again.

"Would you mind handing me my sword Yoshimi?" he asked
"Sure that's why I'm here." she same and tossed him the sword, he caught the sword his violence now pulsed and sword sung calming like it did before. He didn't understand why his violence pulsed this time he did the other but not this time. 

He drew his sword once he caught it. Violence pulsing, sword singing he rushed at the dark thing it attacked him. He used his sword to counter attack then attacked the dark thing along with Chaos. Both moved attacking dodging and counterattacking. This continued on for awhile before his violence pulsed violently, he sidestepped dropped and rolled just as another dark thing attack where he was moments ago. He gave `Shimi a glance to see if she moved. She just look at him with a slightly regrettable look, he nodded while dodging another attack and countering. The other was different from the first but given that it wasn't injured it was more dangerous. He dodged an attack by the new thing but still got hurt from something.

Chaos was attacking the first one, finally managing to hurt it enough to stop it from attacking for the time. But he didn't stop he got a hold of it and pulled off a large piece of it. Chaos was picked up by the thing and slammed hard against the ground making a hole nearly double the size of the dog. Chaos was slowly getting up from the ground. The dark thing was about to slam Chaos back to the ground when Brant sword flashed and cut it. He managed to wound the other one enough to stop it from attack for a few and went to help Chaos. Brant decided to give Chaos a taste of his blood to have him recover his strength. Chaos tasted the blood, his coat changed to silver and started to grow double in size. While Chaos was changing he attacked the one that had followed them from the train.

Brant spun around and cut the freshly wound dark thing, his violence pulsed, sword singing he now focused on this threat. He knew Chaos would quickly finish the other one easily only if Chaos didn't want to play with it. He dodged attacks but not all some managed to knock him down or hurt him. Each time he used it to his advantage. He heard a crunch telling him that Chaos finished his target. He took a quick glance at his watch and found that they had fought for awhile now. A few minutes later he sheathed his sword strapped and it on.
"Didn't take as long as I thought it would." Yoshimi said
"Why are you dressed like that and why don't you have your sword Shimi?"
"Shimi? I rather be called Yoshimi. What's wrong with what I'm wearing and I felt that it was going to be a fairly safe night to leave my sword." she added "That dogs not from here."
"Nothing actually it looks good, and your right it is not from here. Come here Chaos." 

Chaos changed back to the smaller and gray coated size before the fight and sat down next to him.

"So where are you going Yoshimi?" 
"So insistent. Why do you want to know?" she asked
"You don't then its fine by me."
"Be honest. Perhaps you want to go out with me?" she said and walked close to him touch his bare chest moving her hand around.
(This her is very flirtatious but still outgoing like the other her.) He thought and said "Your different from your other self." and stopped her hand and held both to keep her from starting again.
"Different?" she said and pull him closer to him press herself closer to him.

He moved back slightly giving him some room before he did something that would be very bad.       

"Actually yes so we are we going."
"Really? (She looked him up and down.) Take a shower put some better clothes on then meet me at the train station." she said 
"Damn woman your bossy alright in twenty we'll met at the station. Chaos keep her company."

Chaos barked then went to seat next to Yoshimi as he started away he said "If trouble comes again give him a taste of your blood."

Yoshimi looked at Chaos then asked before he could get farther "He wont eat me after he tastes my blood?"
"Nope." he called as he continued home.

"Chaos your master is one interesting person. Lets go wait for him at the station." Yoshimi said starting for the station

 Yoshimi walked with Chaos along her left side thinking (if he really would so up at the station, he really was interesting and good with the sword. Wonder if he would spar with me, Etsuji probably wouldn't want to go all out against me. I think he would.) She smiled and knew this would be a fun night. It was the weekend so there was quite a few people out heading in the same direction as her. She saw from the peripheral of her vision that Chaos had shrunk to a small brown coated dog. She didn't think it odd so kept walking with him next to her. The station had quite a few people waiting for the train and some more where arriving. A few benches were empty she went to sit down on one of the empty benches to wait for him.

Brant had left home and headed for the station sword strapped on. As he walked he thought this would be a very interesting night. He vaguely wonder if he could talk to her some, he had a feeling he would not be able to. He didn't really care, he would just have fun.

Yoshimi sat waiting for him to show up with Chaos laying at her feet, a handsome man in nice clothes spotted her sitting by herself came up to her. Chaos lifted his head looked at the man then put his head down again. She realized that the dog judged the man and found he was no threat for now. She sighed inwardly but smiled at the man as he approached her. She was now good at judging people at fairly good after, she stopped that line of thought. She focused on the here and now.

"What's a beautiful woman like you doing by herself?" the man asked and sat down next to her but not to close.
"Just waiting for the train and meeting a friend here."
"Is your friend a female and as beautiful as you?" he asked
"Shouldn't you be asking where I'm going instead?"
"So where are you two going?" he asked 
"To a club."
"I know a good club you and your friend could go to." he said
"Oh really."
"Really and I could get you two all inclusive." he said and moved closer to her.
"No that's alright." 
"Well fine you say so, but why don't I just buy drinks then." he said
"How about we talk some more then we'll see where it goes?"
"Hmm ok." the man said

Chaos lifted his head, saw Brant gave a bark and got up. The man looked down and saw Chaos standing there.

"Is that your dog?" the man asked
"No it's the person I'm meeting dog."
"When did they say they would be here." the man said
"Should be here in a few seconds."

Brant had seen all the people at the station placing them incase they would be threats and heard Chaos bark. He saw that a man was talking to Yoshimi but she didn't look much interested in him. She smiled slightly and stood up, the man stood up with her. Both met and Yoshimi put her arms around him giving him a kiss to those that saw but it wasn't. She was only slightly short than him he realized she had very dark enchanting eyes.

"Boyfriend for the night." she said in his hear then look him in the eyes. 

The man had finally realized Brant was there with Yoshimi's arms around him. The man was about to say something when Yoshimi spoke.

"You didn't ask again and assume I was meeting a girl friend of mine. I wasn't I was waiting for my boyfriend."
"What I'm better looking than him." the man said

Brant gave a mirthful laugh and slightly pulled away for Yoshimi.

"I take it you had many women but they didn't last long did they. Either on your part or theirs." Brant said
"You have no right to talk to your betters like that."
"Yes I suppose you are right forgive me good sir?" he said
"Only this once."
"Thank you very much sir." he add in a mumbled "Pompous ass."
"Come on darling the trains here, you too Chaos." Yoshim said letting go of him and walked to the train.

Once on the train and seated with Chaos at their feet they sat quite for the time. The man had not followed them on to the train. 

"So honey where are we going?" Brant said going along with him as her boyfriend for the night.
"We're going to a club darling."
"Its going to be a long night then." he said
"Yes but it'll be fun darling."
"Yup. So why don't we talk until we arrive." he said
"Eh I guess since there isn't much we can do until we get there."

They talked as the train sped to their destination, they talk about sword forms and a few other things. They arrived at their destination got off the train and out the station on to the road. Brant went and held Yoshimi's hand who gave him a questioning look. Both stopped the flow of people moving around them.

"I'm your boyfriend for the night am I not, honey." he said
"I did say that didn't I. Ok darling saw we go then." she said and moved closer to him.
"Your going to have to tell me where to go." he said which she replied by telling him the place to go.

They arrived at the club had a short wait, then entered. Loud music filled the entire club men and women drinking, dancing and talking. Both had separated from each to make it easier to walk to the bar, they sat down at the bar and ordered some drinks. Neither talked only listened to the music and ordered more drinks. Chaos had to wait outside until they left, only cause they didn't want him trampled or cause trouble. 

"Lets go dance darling." she said dragging him on to the dance floor.
"I can't dance."
"Don't lie." she said having dragged him on to the dance floor.
"Would you believe that I could but not this type of music honey."
"Yes but why don't you try anyway." she said
"Oh fine."
"Great." she said and thus both of them started to dance.

She danced rubbing up against him as he danced too. At one point another woman was dancing behind Yoshimi who didn't mind so much. Then another guy started to do that she didn't like that so he said to her loud enough for the man to hear that they should get something to drink. So there they were drink another drink.     

"Why do you guys do that?" she asked after taking a long drink.
"Don't know but you didn't care much when another woman did it."
"Cause it would be easier to stop her and it could go one of two ways when stopping a guy." she said
"True. A band is going to play right?"
"Yes in an hour an half." she replied
"Ever heard of them?"
"Nope but we'll still be here when they show up." she said

They were both nursing their drinks as the band arrived set up and made a small talk before they started to play. After three song both of them took their drinks and went to stand closer to the stage. The fifth song started with Yoshimi standing in front and against him with his arms around her, both moving with the music.

It was very late at night, early in the morning when the three of them got out of the station at home. He decided to take Yoshimi home not that he had to but wanted to. The three of them arrived at the front of her door.

"Thank you for walking me home even though you didn't have to." 
"No prob Shimi." he said
"How about I give you a kiss for today?"

He was about to say something when she gave him a kiss and pushed her tongue into his mouth, he responded in kind. After about a minute she broke from him. She had a flushed face and his was slightly red faced.

"Thank you for tonight and goodnight or morning. I'll be seeing you." 
"Bye." he said and watched her enter her home.

He stood there trying to find out why his violence spiked and sword singing sped up. But stopped when Chaos barked. 

"So Chaos want to run home?" he asked Chaos barked and changed to his dull gray coated form.

Both ran home side by side as the sun started to rise. He slept in late the following day with Chaos sleeping at his feet.

“I like this tradition.” Kosuke inhaled the salivating aroma of the roasted turkey. He shuddered in delight briefly before giving a small cough and laughing. “Can never go wrong celebrating by stuffing your face with such delicious food!”

“You flatter.” Xallie’s mother blushed slightly. Although everyone had helped to cook the meal, she was the master chef when it cames to Thanksgiving.

“So you came all the way here for the food?” Xallie smirked as she shovelled a mound of mashed potatoes onto her plate, quickly followed by a devestating flood of gravy.

“Isn’t that reason enough?” Kosuke clapped his hands at the plate full of steaming turkey, rolls, potatoes, various vegetables, and fruit weighing down the table in front of him. “Or don’t you like my wonderful company?”

Xallie quickly shouted her glee at his presence during the holiday and quickly worked one of the massive turkey legs into her mouth to quiet its bleeting. She had caught a glimmer or mischeif in Kosuke’s eyes and could feel that he wasn’t telling the entire truth, but she wasn’t going to press him. Especially since Kosuke had already decimated his first serving. She wanted seconds too.

She was extremely happy though. She wasn’t sure that Kosuke or Chie would make it this Thanksgiving. Chie couldn’t escape some obligations, but Kosuke had quickly run to the north as soon as he could, even taking off time from school and work to do so. For the past few years they had spent Thanksgiving together and she was glad to continue the tradition. Of course, Kosuke and Chie had been confused the first year they were invited. They were vaguely aware of the holiday… the celebrations at the naval base in Sasebo made it quite impossible not to notice something… but when they arrived to a full table of turkey, potatoes, vegetables, fruits, and pies, they were awestruck. It was fun. There was the eating, toasting, and heart-felt thanks given to friends, family, and whichever diety each member held close.

Xallie smiled as she ate when she remembered her mother’s eyes sparkling in delight and the wide grin as she told the tale of Thanksgiving. It was the same smile and mirth when she had told the tale to Xallie when she was old enough. Her father would also bask in his wife’s delight at being able to share her own traditions with new people. Although Sarah (her mother) was now a Finnish citizen after Tuomas (Xallie’s father) swooped in and stole her away, she still kept to many of her family and cultural traditions born and bred in the mountains of Montana. So, every year Xallie and her father would take time off of school or work and spend a long weekend delighting in the American holiday. For the first time in her life, she had been able to share the holiday with friends. That tradition continue to live this year.

“Thank you.” she whispered as tears began to moisten her eyes.

“Hmmm?” Kosuke leaned over and put his arm around shoulders. “Hey, you okay?”

“O, yes!” Xallie giggled and wiped her eyes. “Sorry, I’m just so happy you made it!”

With that she flung herself into a tight embrace with Kosuke. He returned the hug and then ruffled her hair when they seperated. He had lost count of the hugs that day.

“And miss this? Hah!” he started to pile another helping onto his plate. “Besides, I needed the excuse. I missed you.”

Xallie smiled and Kosuke blushed. Xallie gleefully tore into another helping herself. Of course she first timidly asked about the other leg (she had simply taken the first one)before tearing into it and the rest of the wonderful buffet of food. Just as she was reaching for the gravy, the doorbell rang through the house.

“I’ll get it.” Sarah calmly stood up, holding back the laugh building in her throat at the image of the two kids going at the meal with such gusto. Xallie ony paused for a moment before gladly flooding her entire plate with gravy.

“Oops, heh-heh.” she shrugged. She loved gravy on anything. Her ears pricked at a small squeak that came from the door-way, but she didn’t pay too much attention it. Turkey and potatoes trumped everything. She heard some mumbled words and then the door closing shut. She chewed furiously on the turkey in her mouth before swallowing. She started to turn as she asked: “Who was it?”.

Her mother only smiled, a mischievous and guile puncuated smile as she sat. But she didn’t need to answer. With a squeal of delight, Xallie exploded from her chair and launched herself into a tight embrace with the newcomer.

“Ack!” Ryo almost fell over, from both shock and the force of Xallie plowing into his chest. Confused and bewildered, he could do nothing but return the hug as the two twirled around. It was the first real hug, first real display of affection period, and his mind shut down at the suddenness. Well, and the rising warmth in his heart and then that worrying glare from Sarah.

Open fires and sharp instruments she didn’t need words, he could hear her glare just fine. So, only braving to linger a few moments in that wonderful warmth, Ryo extracted himself deftly. His face was blood red.

He cleared his throat, words still failing his shell-shocked mind. Xallie’s eyes widened then blushed when she saw his face and the shy tilt of his shoulders. She had just hugged the stuffing out of him. So, the two simply stood silent, blushing faces and shy awkward glances accentuated their nervous fidgeting. Kosuke, a slight sting of jealousy pricking his heart, actually smiled at the two. Despite the jealousy, he had noticed the luminous sparkle in Xallie’s eyes and smile when she had seen Ryo. And he also noticed the shocked pleasure that muted Ryo. He almost laughed as the moment only grew more awkward as the two struggled to find the courage or words to speak.

The long silence was finally broken by Tuomas, his voice shaking with laughter.

“If you haven’t eaten, would you like to join in our little feast?” her father waved at the ample amounts of food still on the table. Ryo blinked several times before the words actually registered.

“No. I couldn…” he faltered on the refusal when he looked into Xallie’s pleading eyes and smiling face. She wanted him to stay. He felt it keenly. With one baleful glance at Xallie’s mother he took one deep breath and sighed. “I’m starved.”

His heart swelled as Xallie beamed in delight. It almost burst when she flung her arms around him once more and gave him another ferocius hug. It did burst when he felt an unmistakable moist warmth caress his cheek. It all exploded. He was only dimly aware of the world at that moment: Xallie hiding her blushing face behind her hands as she sat back down, Kosuke’s face frozen in what had to be a mirror image of his own (mouth hanging open, eyes glazed, and what had to be a mind now completely numb), and Xallie’s parent both warmly smiling with knowing and kind eyes, even her mother. Xallie had kissed him. It was on the cheek… but Xallie had kissed him.

Somehow, through the rising symphony in his head and his frozen limbs, Ryo eventually was steered into the seat between Xallie and her mother. As food magically appeared on his plate, Ryo mutely gazed in Xallie’s direction. Her face was red and a small smile broke through the shy facade. After several minutes, he finally regained some semblance of his senses. It helped when his stomach gave a rolling growl that ellicited laughs from everyone else (well, a shy giggle in Xallie’s case). After that, he grew more comfortable and licked his lips at the spectacular meal now in front of him. As he ate, he listened in rapt wonder as Sarah gleefully began her tale about Thanksgiving once more. He didn’t even remember anything about open fires and sharp impliments at the moment.

Xallie, however, could only pick at her food absently (which still amounted to shovelling it in her mouth with voracious abandonment) as she relived the feel of his cheek against her lips. When she saw him standing there at first, she had simply felt an intense warmth and giddiness that she couldn’t hold back. When he had accepted her father’s invitation, she had lost almost all control. With innocent wonder her fingers trembled as she pressed them to her lips in between bites. Her blush slightly deepened and she bowed her head as this new feeling over-whelmed her so completely. Euphoria broke through her in waves as the tradition welcomed one more soul to the table.

Thank you, thank you, thank you. she repeated it over and over and over, joyful tears streaming down her cheeks, her shoulders shaking ever so slightly as she sobbed. She didn’t understand why, but she cried and it felt wonderful. Thank you, thank you, thank you…