Project Sakura (Bishoujo RP)


It was one of those warm, sunny days that sometimes come even in late fall. The weather was so nice that Kokoro had slid back the balcony door to let a little air into the apartment. In its way, this was a brave action. For weeks she had been holed up here with the door locked and the shades drawn, not even daring to turn on the lights at night, but simply huddled in the dark. That was probably an unnecessary precaution, but it made her feel safe.
This place was not her regular apartment-- the one where she had lived as Kokoro Komegura, school nurse. No, this was the place where she kept her money.
She was sitting at the computer, reading her emails. It was part of her daily routine. She read them, but she'd stopped replying weeks ago. Anyhow, they were all just from her mother and Mrs. Suzuki, who were becoming increasingly concerned about her with the wedding day fast approaching. She sighed. She was just about out of excuses, and she didn't have the heart to come out and say, "Sorry, Mother, I messed up again. Sorry, Mrs. Suzuki, but I can't marry your son, Binkan, because he's an herbivore and I'm about to become a fugitive from the law."
"Again," she added out loud.
"And, you know, Shinji, this time it wasn't even my fault. Or, maybe it was my fault for flirting with Brant. Maybe this is my bad karma catching up with me. Is that it, Shinji? I imagine you're in a position to know up there in Pure Land heaven."
She addressed this last comment to a photograph of a young man in a school uniform propped up in front of an empty sake bottle on her desk. This photo had seen better days; it was stained and wrinkled and at some time in the past it had been torn in two and then taped back together again. Next to it was a small bowl of rice and a stick of incense in a holder. It was a make-shift shrine to her lost friend.
Kokoro was sitting at her desk with nothing on but her bra and panties. For weeks now, she hadn't bothered to properly dress. Why should she?  When all she did was sit around all day feeling sorry for herself and drinking herself to sleep every night. Not having to undress saved time.
"I always was a very practical girl, Shinji," she said. "So how is it that such a practical girl always ends up making trouble for herself? You're probably looking down on me right now and shaking your head, aren't you? Are you a bodhisattva yet? Or would you have to be reincarnated for that? Would you be my boddhisattva, if I made my confession to you?"
She put her hands together and bowed. "Namu Amida-butsu. Namu Amida-butsu," she chanted.
Then she lit a cigarette and leaned back in her chair. There was a far-away expression on her face as she mentally wound up the thread of her past.
"I was born on Okinawa (did I ever tell you that?), on Kadena Air Base. Mother was a bar hostess from the town and my Father was an American airman. That sort of makes me an American, too, you know. We all lived on the base when I was little. I remember that I was a happy child and had a lot of friends among the white kids on the base.
"But when I was six years old, my parents broke up. Father was going back to America, and he decided he didn't want to take us with him, so he divorced Mother. She was sad and I was confused. I just couldn't understand why he did that. When I met him again, years later, I asked him about it, and all he said was: ‘Madame Butterfly.' He was such a jerk!
"After the divorce, Mother and I moved in with Granny, who lived on Hateruma (an island way far away from Okinawa) in a village that was so small that it didn't even have a name (or, if it did, no one ever bothered to use it). Mother told me to watch out around Granny, because she was nuts and liable to fill my head with crazy ideas. Naturally, I started spending as much time with Granny as I could. In this place, a crazy old woman was just about the best entertainment a little kid like me could hope for.
"As it turned out, Granny wasn't exactly crazy; she was some kind of a witch, or nuru, as they said in the local dialect. Actually, she was a pretty important person in that village. Somehow or other, she knew everything that went on, and most of the people were a little afraid of her. That was because she had something she called the Sight, which was some kind of clairvoyance. She could always find things people tried to hide from her and could sometimes see the future in her dreams. Granny taught me all about the Sight and told me that it ran in our family.
" ‘Granny?' I remember asking, ‘does Mommy have the Sight?' I was worried, because I had stolen some money from her purse the day before to buy candy.
" ‘No,' she replied with disgust, ‘She never had it, because she sinned.'
"I didn't know what Granny meant by ‘sin,' exactly, but I suppose it had something to do with my Father. In any event, I was relieved to know that Mom probably wouldn't find out about my petty larceny. We didn't stay on Hateruma for very long, though. Mom grew restless, and we moved to Tokyo, where she got another hostess job. We lived in a big housing development, where I made friends with a girl named Yoshimi, despite the fact that she was a big tomboy who liked to hit me with a stick a lot. A few years after that, we came here to Moriyoh to live, and Mother started working at the Blue Lounge.
"I was in junior high by then and used to go over to the Lounge after school to wait for her to get off work. I couldn't actually go into the bar, of course, but the owner, a nice lady I called Miss Iris, used to let me stay in her office. I remember this beautiful old table that she owned, where I did my homework. It was all black and had pictures of the animals of the Chinese zodiac on it, and she taught me what they represented.
" ‘See this one?' she'd said. ‘This is the Horse, your sign. Girls born under the Horse are destined to lead an adventurous life. I'm a Horse, myself.'
"What she didn't include, though, was that Horse girls usually come to a bad end.
"Up until the time I hit puberty, the Sight hadn't manifested itself in me, and I'd mostly forgotten all about it. With the wisdom of adolescence, I had decided that Granny probably had been a daffy old woman like Mother had said. Either that, or some kind of a con artist, but then I started having dreams. They were mostly about boys. Boys that I was starting to have crushes on. In my dreams, I saw them touching my breasts or trying to slip their hands into my pants, and it scared me. I used to wake up drenched in sweat, with my heart beating like crazy.  I never dated because of those dreams. I guess you could say they saved my virginity. At about the same time, I discovered that I knew what people were carrying in their pockets or handbags just by thinking about it. It was the Sight manifesting itself, and, just like Granny had said, no one could hide anything from me. 
"They could still hide their hearts, though.
"I started fighting with Mother more and more after that. I was being bullied at school because I was the daughter of a bar hostess, and, at home, she was criticizing me for not getting better grades. And I started stealing money from my classmates, too. With the Sight, I could. I always knew who had money and where they kept it. But I never stole from anyone who didn't deserve it; just from the rich kids and the snotty ones.  I never got caught; but maybe it would have been better for my soul if I had been.
"I got bored and dropped out of high school before graduating and lived the life of a freeter for awhile. But my fights with Mother eventually became so fierce that I decided to move out. I found out where my Father was living in the United States and wrote him a letter, asking if I could come live with him. It was a pretty drastic step, I know, but he actually wrote back, inviting me to come. He expressed how guilty he felt about abandoning Mother and me, and said he'd try to make it up to me. I didn't believe a word of it, because I'd included a picture of myself with my letter and I was pretty sure that the real reason he offered to take me in was because he was intrigued that he had a grown-up Japanese daughter who was¬Öwell¬Önot unattractive.
"So I went to live in the United States of America; Mother used to call it the ‘Big PX.' Getting in wasn't so hard, because I was the daughter of an American citizen. But I did have to borrow the money for the trip from Miss Iris. Mother was so angry when she found out what I was planning that she wouldn't speak to me, much less lend me the money to go, and Father didn't offer any help, either.
" You know, I never paid Miss Iris that money back. I wonder if she still remembers it?
"Father lived in Carbondale, which is, you know, a small town in one of the States named Illinois. He'd been retired from the Air Force for years and now owned a small repair shop downtown. He had another wife, too, and a daughter, Sue, aged fourteen, and a son, Tom, who was eighteen. And now there was me, too, and since Father's last name was Sawyer, I went from being Kokoro Komegura to Kokoro Sawyer. It was my very first change of name, but it wouldn't be my last.
"Being in America was exciting; everything was so different from Japan and so big! Everything was big: big spaces, big houses, big cars and big people. But it had its drawbacks, too. I loved the exotic foods--I was especially fond of Slim Jims.  But I couldn't speak the language very well, at first, which was very frustrating. Living with the Sawyers wasn't what I'd expected, either. Oh, Mrs. Sawyer was nice enough, despite the fact that I must have been a constant reminder to her of her husband's past. Sue, her  daughter, was a big fan of anime and thought that created some kind of special bond between us, but since I had never watched cartoons much and didn't recognize the names of most of the shows she kept talking and talking about, she eventually decided that I was not that interesting.
They also had a son named Tom. He was eighteen, and I found him interesting.
"But Father was a problem. I didn't need to use the Sight to know that the only reason he invited me to live with him was that he wanted to have sex with me. Imagine, my own father! It was so disgusting. But it was funny, too, because he was also a very religious man. Not only that, it was one of those Christian religions that are against everything, and sleeping with your daughter was right on top of the list and that left him with quite a problem on his hands. The way he thrashed around between his lust and his principles amused me, and it gave me a certain amount of leverage with him when I wanted something. But I was scared, as well, because you never know about these religious people.  How could I be sure that Father was going to be able to keep his hands off of me forever? So I turned to Tom for protection.
"Well, Shinji, you can probably guess what happened next. Tom and I became lovers. It was a really stupid thing to do, of course. He was my half-brother, after all, and if Father had ever caught us, he probably would have killed us both.
Kokoro paused and put out her cigarette.
"You know, I think it must have been my affair with Tom that set the pattern for all the other impossible relationships with men I've had over the years since then.
"I decided then and there that I had to get away from the Sawyers as quickly as I could, so I talked Father into paying my way through Nurse's School. You want to know why I chose nursing, Shinji?  I had my reasons. For one thing, it would take me out of the House of Incest, and nursing sounded like a very attractive profession. I watched a lot of American television shows that took place in hospitals, and the nurses on those shows were always doing lots of exciting things: they travelled to exotic places, owned expensive cars, lived in nice apartments and were surrounded all day by handsome doctors. It was all so glamorous, and I needed some glamour in my life. If you'd ever seen Carbondale, Illinois, you'd understand why.
"When I graduated, I found myself a job in San Francisco. I didn't tell any of the Sawyers about it. I just packed up and left in the middle of the night. I needed travelling expenses, so I broke into Father's shop and took the money in his safe. I figured he owed it to me, anyway.
"It was sad leaving Tom behind, though. I really liked him a lot. But-practical girl that I am-I knew that it was never going to work out. He wanted us to go east, change our names and get married. I took part of his suggestion and changed my name, but, instead, I headed west-alone.
"San Francisco was a reality check. Nursing, it turned out, wasn't very glamorous, at all. The hours were long and the work was hard. The pay was lousy, so there were no trips or fancy cars or nice apartments. And most of the doctors I met were not very handsome, at all. Besides, they all treated the nursing staff like their personal harem.
"But the hardest thing I learned, Shinji, was that nurses eat their young. I'd experienced some ijime in school back in Japan, but that was nothing compared to the bullying the senior nurses gave to the younger staff. And in my case, it was all the worse because I was a foreigner and my English still wasn't all that great.
"I didn't stay in San Francisco for long. When I learned about an opening at a health care company in Singapore, I leaped at it.
"It was good to be back in an Asian country again. It wasn't Japan, but a lot of people there spoke Japanese or English at my level, so it was quite easy to get along there. And my job at the health care center was pretty easy, being mostly secretarial: processing insurance claims and such. 
"And then there was Low.
Kokoro paused again. 
"Yes, Low," she whispered, her voice becoming almost reverential.
"She was the most beautiful woman I've ever met.
Kokoro let out a sigh.
"I mean she was the most beautiful person I ever met. She was beautiful physically, but she had a beautiful heart, as well. She was my sempai at the health care center and, unlike those bitches back in San Francisco, she was generous and helpful, funny and she liked to gossip. We became like sisters in no time.
"Low personified to me all the imagined glamour that had initially attracted me to the nursing profession. She always had money it seemed, and owned lots of nice things. Her taste was perfect. She always shopped at the most expensive places. Eventually, she started taking me along and buying me nice things, too. Then we'd dress up and go out to the trendiest clubs and dance all night long with rich guys. 
"I was in heaven.
"I was staying in a modest little rabbit hutch of an apartment, until one day she suggested I move in with her. I'd seen her place a time or two, and it was really nice, so I didn't hesitate. Now we were living together, working together and partying together. We became pretty notorious in the Singapore club scene, and we shared everything: adventures, men, drugs and, eventually, each other.
"I hope that doesn't shock you up there in Pure Land heaven, Shinji. Wait, I need a drink.
Kokoro bent over and opened the bottom drawer of her desk, which contained a six-pack of beer. She freed one of the cans from the plastic ring that chained it to the others, popped open the tab on the can and brought it to her lips.
"Ahhh! That's good. But I need something stronger. I hope booze boy doesn't take too long getting here."
The she continued her confession.
"It was all a seduction, of course, but not in an evil way. Low could never be evil to me. What I did to her later, well¬Öthat was evil.
"You see, Shinji, our jobs at the health care center didn't pay very much. It certainly wasn't enough to support our gaudy life-style, and I wasn't naive enough to believe that she'd made a lot of money from beauty contests, which is what she told everyone else. I waited, and then, as I expected, one day she revealed her secret to me.
"On this occasion, she came to me and whispered in my ear, ‘Let's stay after everyone else leaves, okay.' 	
"I nodded and we both pretended that we had a lot of extra work and would have to stay late to finish it all up. Then, after everyone else had left and most of the lights in the building were turned off, she came to me.
" ‘See this?' she said, opening up her shirt and pulling a small silver object from her bra.
" ‘A key?' I replied.
" ‘Uh huh,' she replied, and the expression on her face was the same as if she had found some particularly fine piece of jewelry in some trendy shop.
" ‘It's  a skeleton key," she whispered.
"We were the only two people in the building, yet she was afraid to say it out loud. It was like she thought we were little girls sharing a secret under a blanket at a slumber party.
" ‘What's it for?' I asked.

" ¬ëIt can open anything,’ she replied. ¬ëCome on.’
"She took my hand and led me to a room and unlocked the door. It was pretty dark in there, but I could see that it was filled with filing cabinets and computers.
" ¬ëThis is where we keep all of our patient’s confidential files,’ she said. Then she explained that these files contained all sorts of personal information about our customers-- names, addresses, credit card numbers, bank accounts, etc-that some people she knew were willing to pay well for. And I suddenly remembered something that I had never paid any attention to before. Whenever we went out-to a club, or even to one of her favorite shops-she always took a fat envelope with her; an envelope that would disappear during the course of the evening. Low called what she was doing ¬ëdata-mining,’ and the people she gave this stuff to (some of whom, I’m sure now must have been our ¬ëboyfriends’) were identity thieves.
"Well, Low took me under her wing and showed me how it was done. So now we were partners in the data-mining business. I don’t know why she did that. She really didn’t need me to help her. I’m sure she was doing just fine on her own. Maybe it was because we were already intimate is so many ways, or maybe it just scared her to work alone? Who knows?
"All I know is that we were going along just fine for awhile living the good life, and then I started having dreams. I saw Low and myself doing our usual things: working, shopping, and partying; but, almost out of view, there were these men. They looked ordinary, but the Sight was showing me the guns and badges hidden under their clothes. And, with each dream they kept getting closer.
"Obviously, the dreams were telling me that the cops were closing in on us. So, I did the only thing I could think of; I ran away.
“But, wait, Shinji. It gets worse.”
She drained the last dregs from the beer can and crushed it in her fist.
"We had a joint bank account, Low and I, which I emptied as I left. I also took her skeleton key with me¬Öas a memento.
“Well, I fled back to Japan and lived off of Low’s money as long as I could. Which wasn’t for long, because she’d gotten me hooked on the high life back in Singapore, and I tried living in the same style I was accustomed to in Japan. Soon I was broke and desperate. I don’t know what I’ve had done if I hadn’t seen that ad for a school nurse at Cromartie¬Ö
She was startled by a knock on the door of her apartment. Her heart thumped wildly until her nerves settled down and she realized who it must be.
She got up and walked over to the door. There was a chair near the door with a robe draped over it. She put on the robe and drew the sash tight around her as she opened the door.
“Hello, Ryo. Get in quick.” She said and closed the door tightly as he slipped into the room. “You’re late, you know. Did you bring my stuff?”
He was holding two bags in his hands. One of then was a plastic bag that bore the logo of a local liquor store.”
“Here,” he said, handing it to her. “I’m sorry, but I had Thanksgiving with Xallie and her family. In fact, their expecting me to come back this evening for karaoke, but I brought you some leftovers.”
He held up the other bag and offered it to her. It was a brown paper bag, stained here and there with grease and smelled warm and appetizing.
“Happy Thanksgiving,” he said.


Xallie rubbed the side of her neck. She'd just felt a sharp pain, like a bite. She looked around to see if there was a bug on her or buzzing around overhead. But there was nothing, just the steady drone of Professor Laumness, who was standing on the platform at the front of the classroom, expounding on the history of the Meowtis Empire.
"¬Öand in 1858, there arose a dispute between the Empire and Japan over trading rights with Infant Island, which was known for the high quality of its silk production¬Ö"
It was all she could do to stay awake as she listened to the soporific tones of his voice. Professor Laumness was the perfect cure for insomnia. She started thinking about Ryo, who she was meeting for lunch.
"Ow!" This time, she felt a sharp pain on her cheek.
This time, her exclamation was loud enough to get the attention of Professor Laumness, who, for his part, hadn't been paying any more attention to his lecture than the students. He was mentally reviewing an AV he'd seen the night before called "Zenra Tuesdays." It had concerned a fictional school that made its female students come to class naked once a week, and he was wondering how he could get Payne to implement a similar policy at JAST.
"Is something wrong, Xallie?" he asked.
She shook her head.
"It's okay, sensai," she replied.
"Hmm, very well, then," he said as he resumed his talk.
"Oww! Omygosh!" 
This time the pain was in her eye, and it hurt like a bitch (if you'll pardon my French). She bent over and clapped her hand over her eye.
"What in Blue Blazes is going on?" Laumness exclaimed as he stormed over to her desk. 
"It's nothing, sir," she replied, still bent over her desk with her hand on her eye. "I just have something in my eye, is all."
"Hmm, it doesn't look that way to me. Go see the Nurse." 
Xallie nodded and left the room.
Yuki Tanuki, whose desk was across from Xallie's, raised her hand.
"Sensai, may I be excused? I have to go to the bathroom."
Laumness put his hands on his hips and a pained expression came to his face.
"Can't it wait?"
Yuki stood up and clamped her hands to her stomach.
"Please, please, sensai. I had a lot of very spicy curry last night, and¬Ö"
"Oh. Very well then. Excused."
"Thank you, sensai."
Yuki bowed and left the room.
Almost immediately Eri the Cat Girl shot up and started making distressed mewing noises and clutching her groin with her hands. Her knees were pressed together tightly and her tail swished back and forth wildly.
"What? You too?" the exasperated instructor shouted. "Alright! Go! Go!"
Eri smiled and rushed out into the hallway, where Yuki was waiting for her.
Yuki put a finger to her lips and whispered, "Shhh, she just went around the corner. Let's follow her, but be quiet. 
"Cat girls invented quiet," she whispered back, as she followed Yuki's lead.
Unfortunately, someone had left a mop bucket out the hallway, which Eri proceeded to step into.
"Eh!" said Yuki, turning around. "Get that stupid thing off your foot!" she whispered fiercely. 
"I can't. It's stuck," Eri whispered back.
"Lift up your leg, so I can pull it off!"
Eri braced herself against the wall and lifted her pail-shod foot.
Yuki grabbed it by the rim and tugged.
[i]For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction[/i] was a saying that had meant very little to Yuki Tanuki ever since she had first encountered it in Dr. Shingo's science class-- until now-- as she suddenly found herself participating in a forceful demonstration of the above mentioned principle.
Yuki found herself propelled across the hallway as the bucket popped away from Eri's foot. 
She slammed into the opposite wall and slid down on her ass, legs akimbo, as little stars and comets danced around her head.
"Well, so much for stealth," she said as she picked herself up, adjusting her clothes. Come on, Eri, before she gets away from us."
They dashed for the corner.
"Do you think she'll really go see the Nurse?" Eri asked as they raced along.
"If she's smart she'll stay away from that creepy nurse," Yuki replied, wondering what it was about JAST and creepy nurses.
They rounded the corner just in time to observe Xallie entering the Girl's Room halfway down the hall.
"Ho ho ho! Ho ho ho!" Yuki said, laughing like some maniacal anime character. "Trapped!"
She raced up to door of the Girl's Room and produced a large piece of rope out of thin air, which she tied around the handle of the door. Then she produced a large nail in a similar manner and pounded it into the wall next to the door with a giant mallet. Then she tied the other end of the rope to the nail.
"That should hold her for awhile, he, he."
A bell rang.
"Lunch time! Come on, Eri. Ryo should be in the cafeteria by now."
She grabbed her companion by the wrist and dashed away.
"I wish Kimochi were here," Eri said.
"No, you don't," Yuki replied. "She would only have tried to stop us."
Their friend, Kimochi Nabeshima was now in Canada, where her father had suddenly and inexplicably sent her to live with some relatives. The move had shocked and saddened all three of them. On top of that, the elder Nabeshima had avoided explaining his actions to any of them, but had simply remonstrated with Yuki and Eri to play it safe.
It was as if another mystery had been thrown in the laps of the School Girl Detectives, and, despite the words she had just spoken to Eri, Yuki desperately wished that Kimochi was still with them. 
But, for now, they had a date with Ryo.
"I was wondering," Eri said. "How did you manage to get Xallie to leave the room?"
Yuki smiled and came to a stop.
She released her grip on Eri and pulled something from her shirt pocket. It	was a mechanical pencil.
"Look," she said, clicking it until a section of pencil lead stood erect, which she flicked with her thumb and forefinger.

“Ouch!” said Eri, as it stuck her nose. “That hurt!”
“Doesn’t it just?” Yuki agreed. “It’s an old ijime trick I picked up in grade school.”
“You mean you really were a bully? Just like Kimochi said.”
Yuki made no reply. She just gave her friend one of those looks we sometimes give to people who say something amazingly naïve.
“What’s the matter?” she asked. “Don’t they have ijime in Meowtis?”
“No,” Eri replied, a little puzzled."
“Well, how do people there learn their places then?”
“Oh, well¬Öwhen two girls become enemies, you know, they challenge each other in public and fight it out.”
“A cat fight?” Yuki replied with a slight grin.
“Yes, then the loser has to wear the Collar of Submission and the winner gets to paddle her oshiri three times a day with this.”
Eri produced an oar-shaped paddle.
“I [heart] Yaoi,” Yuki said, reading the inscription on it aloud.
Eri turned red and quickly hid the paddle behind her back.
Yuki laughed.
“No wonder you and Carl get along.”
“Hi.” Said a voice behind them.
Both girls turned around to see the newcomer.
She was a short girl with a remarkably ample chest. Yuki recognized the girl who called herself Aquamarine. Yuki frowned, Samba Club members were not among her favorite people right now.
“Did you just lock Xallie in the bathroom just now?” Aquamarine asked.
“What’s it to you?” Yuki replied. “If you need to pee, there are plenty more bathrooms.”
“Silly! Angels don’t pee.”
That’s right, Yuki remembered. She’s the delusional one.
“That wasn’t very nice,” Aquamarine went on. “How would you like it if someone did that to you?”
“How would you like it, if someone punched you in the eye?” Yuki replied, balling up her fist and waving it at Aquamarine.
Aquamarine smiled sadly and shook her head.
“Give it up, Yuki. You will never get Ryo. Your destiny lies elsewhere.”
Lightning flashed from Yuki’s eyes as she started to swing at Aquamarine, but Eri pulled her back.
“Not now,” she whispered.
“Also, cut down on the between meal snacks. You’re going to get fat. Gluttony is a sin, you know.”
“That does it! That does it!” Yuki screamed as she pulled away from Eri’s grasp. She lunged at Aquamarine with her fingers spread out like claws.
“Eek!” Aquamarine screamed as she fled down the hallway. Yuki chased her for a few paces and then gave up. She was breathing heavily when she rejoined Eri.
"The nerve of that bitch. Come on, let’s go.

Ryo was sitting at a table in the corner of the cafeteria-by himself. Every time someone entered the room, he looked up. Shouldn’t Xallie be here by now? Was something wrong?
“Hello, Ryo,” said a voice that dripped honey.
He looked around and saw Yuki, with her friend Eri, standing next to him. Where did they come from?
“Long time, no see, huh?” Yuki continued. “Mind if we sit down?”
“It’s a free country,” Ryo replied coldly. “But I wish you wouldn’t. I’m expecting someone.”
“Xallie?” Eri said. “She’s trapped in the girl’s room.”
“What?” Ryo replied.
Yuki clamped her hand over Eri’s mouth and pushed her down onto a chair, then seated herself next to Ryo.
“What she means,” Yuki said, “is that Xallie is trapped in the girl’s room, because she was throwing up. We saw her, didn’t we Eri?”
“Did we?” Eri replied.
“Yes¬Öwe¬Ödid, Eri,” Yuki said.
Ryo started to rise.
“I’d better see how she is,” he said.
Yuki touched his arm.
“Ryo. You can’t go into the girl’s room. Don’t worry. I’m sure it’s nothing. Probably just morning sickness, I expect. Oh? Is that hamburger steak you’re eating? Mind if I try a little?”
She started to reach for his plate, but he swatted her hand back, and an uncomfortable silence settled over them like a hard frost.
“Uh¬Öit’s been a long time, hasn’t it, Ryo?” Yuki said at last. “How are things with you?”
“Okay, I guess,” he replied.
“Uh¬ÖI’m fine, too.”
Ryo was confused. He was worried about Xallie and suspicious of Yuki.
“Did you have some reason for coming over here?” he asked.
“No, not really. I just wanted to say hello to an old friend, that’s all.”
“We were never friends.”
“Oh, Ryo!”
The conversation wasn’t going along at all the way she had hoped it would. But what was she expecting?
Yuki threw caution to the winds and grabbed Ryo’s arm. She buried her face in his shoulder and started sobbing.
“Ryo! Ryo! Don’t you understand how much I care for you?”
Ryo was angry and uncomfortable. People were looking at him. What if Xallie should come in now? He peeled Yuki from his side and glared at her.
“Come off it, Yuki. You know what you did. How can you think I’d ever care for you?”
Yuki composed herself. He was right, of course. She knew what she had done and how it would always stand between them. She gave up.
“I understand, Ryo. I’m sorry. I guess I’ll go.”
She started to rise, but then Eri stopped her.
“Hey, you’re forgetting the real reason we came here,” she said.
“Yes, that’s right,” Yuki replied.
“Real reason?” Ryo asked. “You mean you didn’t come here just to pester me and make a fool of yourself?”
“No,” replied Eri. “We’re here on official business.”
Yuki folded her arms, slumped in her chair and said nothing.
“What official business?” Ryo asked.
Eri stood up and struck a pose.
“School Girl Detective business. Check It Out!”
“School Girl Detective?” Ryo asked. “What kind of shit is this?”
Yuki, still sitting with her arms folded, replied. “It’s not shit! We’re the School Girl Detectives and we’re here on an official investigation.”
Ryo was laughing uncontrollably now.
“Investigating what?” he asked between giggles.
“The disappearance of Nurse Komegura,” Yuki replied coldly.
Ryo stopped laughing.
Yuki noticed something in the expression that came over his face.
“Yes, Ryo. Do you know anything about it?”
“Why ask me?”
“Well, you were pretty close to her. Everybody knows you spent more time in the Nurse’s Office with her than you did in class.”
“Yeah,” added Eri. “Were you in her secret sex club?”
Yuki bashed Eri on the head with a giant mallet. Eri’s head slumped to the table top. He eyes had turned into two tiny xs’s and her tongue was unrolled on the table top. A goose egg the size of a golf ball rose out of the middle of her head.
“Pu pu pu,” she said.
Puzzled, Ryo asked, “What was that all about?”
Yuki shrugged.
“Oh, you know, cat girls. But seriously, what do you know about Komegura’s disappearance?”
“Who says she disappeared,” he replied. “She just quit her job, that’s all. She was getting married or something wasn’t she?”
“Maybe she was, maybe she wasn’t. Her mother recently filed a missing persons report with the police, did you know that?”
“How do you know that?” Ryo asked, a large drop of sweat ran down the side of his head and dripped on his steak.
“Because we asked her mother,” a now fully revived Eri answered.
Ryo banged his fist on the table top.
“How could you do that?” he shouted. “What business is it of yours, anyway?”
“Shhh,” Yuki said. “Now who’s making a spectacle of himself? Look, Ryo, if you know, just tell us, okay? We just want to clear up this mystery, that’s all.”
She smiled sweetly.
And if she’s done something wrong, we’ll turn her sorry ass in. How would you like that, Ryo?
“Uh oh,” Eri said, nudging Yuki in the side. “Look, trouble’s coming.”
Yuki looked in the direction Eri was pointing to see Xallie and another girl-her friend Chie-- storming down on them, huge stress lines throbbing on their foreheads.
“Wow!” Yuki said, quickly standing up. “Well, nice talking to you, Ryo. Come on, Eri.”
But as the School Girl Detectives started to flee, Chie’s voice rang out.
“Stop right there!”
A crowd was gathering around them, blocking their escape.
“I guess we’re going to need the Collar,” Eri said.

“Damn it!”
“Do you have a problem Oterra?”
“No. Sorry.” Brant said sheepishly as every looked at him.

He had received a message from someone he rather have not gotten a message from. He had planned to go home to finish playing the game he bought recently but given that mac (the person he rather not see) was there so he had to stay away until mac left. He was thinking about asking her out again but changed his mind. He could go out with Miwa and Jance but both had just recovered from a hangover from two nights ago, besides both had upped and left to go on a vacation. Vacation from what he didn't know, he really didn't have anyone couldn't bother Xallie not without having Ryo along. Ryo still felt uneasy around him so he had no one else to keep him company.  The bell rang for lunch causing him to stop going over the people who would or may keep him company. He already had his food when a wind blew and took him somewhere. 

(You sure as hell better not show up here.) He thought as he walked and found a spot to sit down and eat.

As he finished his food his violence flickered once, his sword sung and a knife flashed. He moved enough to cause the knife to leave a shallow gash on him. He had seen that it was Mac who had attacked him. 

(So much for me avoiding this.) He thought and said "Mac what the hell are you thinking."
"You should of known I would come here."
"So why are you here?" he asked
"Paying my aunt and cousins a visit." 
"I know that's bull. Now tell me." he said finally seeing that Mac would not attack again.
"The longest night of the year is going to be very dark."
"Why are you telling me this?" he asked
"To give you fair warning. It maybe possible that it wont be a very dark night."
"Then why- No never mind. Narise told you didn't she." he said
"So that's her name. She left before I could even ask."
      	"How long are you going to stay for?" he asked
"Until morning. Well goodbye."
"Just go." he said

Luckily no had seen Mac use the knife to draw blood, by drawing he made sure it was a serious and dire warning for him. He checked the cut on his cheek to see if he was still bleeding he wasn't. A thought came to him then the bell rang. Now he had to figure out if she'd agree if not then he'd just wonder around and possible come across Yoshimi. If he did he'd just talk to her, she was a match but wasn't the right match. The day went by with him trying to find out why it would be a very dark night. He was still there ten minutes after the bell rang. He made a quick assessment of all the people he knew to see where they were. 

(If only it could help me find that girl.) He thought then set about find a cat.

He really wasn't quite sure how he was going to find her he will though he was good well actually he was lucky at finding people. So he went about finding the cat and her two friends the three of them were almost always together. He only knew the cat whose name he couldn't remember quite yet, a wind started to blow. A normal wind blew it was the first one he felt that carried coldness with it. He saw her or rather them walking oddly enough they all wore normal clothes, even more odd was that (he finally remembered the cats name) Eri had no hat. She had a different ribbon on again which had a color scheme of yellow, blue and red. His parents homeland, he wasn't born there or here actually they never did say where he was born.   

(No cat in a hat.) His mind blanked out and he said to himself "Man that was just bad."

He saw that her ears twitched a little as he finished speaking, he wanted to see if she how she would react to what he was going to say. He was some feet away from the three of them he smiled mischievously. His violence would pulse twice then flicker, his sword was quite not singing the slights as he got closer. She had beautiful long full hair and she looked good.

"How are you My Darling Eri?" he asked and saw that she had stopped tail swaying.
"So it was you that was following us." Eri said as she along with the others turned to him.

He saw that her face was slightly red and he smiled even more. She was even better than good looking and her friends to. 

"How are you doing My Darling Eri?" he added when he was closer and saw she got redder "You two must Yuki and Kimochi. Eri only mentioned you in passing once."
"Would you not call in like that. Doing good."
"What do you want." said who he assumed as Yuki
"Yuki why are you lashing out at him?" Eri asked
"He helped her."
"That's no reason to lash out at him." Kimochi added "I did say to get over it."
"In any case I'm sorry." he said
"I don't like you." Yuki said
"You wound me lady." 
"You act just like Eri said you would." Kimochi said
"Really I hope it wasn't anything bad, but then its not like we know each other that well."
"You didn't just want to say hi did you." Eri said
"Your right I was wonder if you would like to go and have some fun?"
"Oh are you asking her out on a date." Kimochi said
"Let's go you two we have something to do." Yuki said
"One less person wont make much a difference." Kimochi said thinking (Besides I want to know how he would act in such a situation.)
"You know what I'm sorry maybe next time Eri Darling."

Eri thought for a few. She hadn't said she would go with him or not, she knew him only a little her friends only knew him from what she told them. She smiled at him and had an idea. They would get to know him better if he agrees to the idea. No she felt he would agree.

"How about we all go and have fun?" Eri said
"But he asked you out. It would not be a date with us." Kimochi said 
"I said I don't like him." Yuki said
"What's the reason, so you can know him for yourselves." Eri added "It's alright if we all go."
"No." he saw her ears fold down and continued "Only cause I should of thought of it first."
"You didn't so where are we going?" Eri asked
"I didn't say I was going." Yuki defiantly said
"Give over Yuki. He could help us with Nurse Komegura." Kimochi said

Once he heard the name his thoughts went in many directions. She causing to much damn trouble. His mind snapped back when he heard Yuki say Ryo would know.

"N - If were going to have fun then lets start getting to it." he said and started away both Eri and Kimochi grabbed Yuki by the arms and dragged her along.

So here he was walking with three females, one getting dragged between two of them. People looked at them with either suspicion and curiosity. Eventually Yuki gave up and went along with them, while they walk to the place he finally decided to take them he made idle talk. He avoided talk of the lost her (as he now referred to Kokoro). He had took them to a game center/arcade that was in town but it wasn't that big, if one came here at night it would be an arcade(Gambling) place run by his sister Prina and guarded by Black Rose.  

"What's so fun about a game center?" Yuki said
"My sister runs it." 
"Prina?" Eri asked
"Someone called me." said a woman and added "Hello Brant. Oh which one of these lovely ladies is your girlfriend."

The three of them looked at her then back at him and again at her. He sighed and she giggled.

"So which one of these lovely's your girlfriend?" Prina asked again
"Honestly what is it with you women messing with me. Which one do you think?"
"Really now I'm family you know. She doesn't like you (pointing at Yuki), most likely has or will have a boyfriend (Kimochi), and her (Eri) I can't tell or rather its best for you to find out. " she said
"We are related. That's what I thought also, well at least with two of the three." 
"So why are you here? Its not night you know." she said
"Test area."
"They need to sing non disclosure agreement." she said
"For what?" Yuki asked
"New games? I'll sign it." Eri said
"Sing your name here, here and here. What about you two?" she said
"I don't like games that much but sure why not." Kimochi said
"You could be signing yourselves to be bound." Yuki said
"No besides I trust her. By the way what's a non disclosure agreement." Eri said
"It means he can not or should not talk about what you see, hear, do and so on." he said
"Those three need to be gone by night." Prina said

Brant ushered the three girls farther into the center it wasn't crowd yet it would be in another few minutes then come tonight it would be very crowd. He nodded to those that greeted him as he passed by ushering the three of them. They past a closed black door with a slot, that door lead to the arcade part if the building but would open only at night. He was known well among the people there either for lose to much or winning big when he shouldn't win. 

"Where does that door lead?" Eri asked curious
"To the arcade/gambling part of the building. Its run by my sister and guarded with Black Rose my cousins security. I go there sometimes." he added "This is the place." 

The place had people putting together machines, taking them apart, or writing programs. Other machines had some people their age or older test the games or function. No one stopped the four of them as they walked to a man in a t-shirt and old faded pants. One would assume that he wasn't in charge he was at least in this section. He reported to both Prina for the games and Iris for the other things he worked on. He gave the four of them an easy smile eyes showing merriment, mirth and cold calculation. Brant always saw the cold calculation he wasn't sure if an others besides his cousin and sister saw it. The cold calculation was for him when he needed to be efficient.

"Welcome Sir Death Reaper. We have a few games in the finally stage." the man said
"I haven't played that game in such a long time I don't think I deserve that name any more, Shi."
"Well you are one of the few with a high count." Shi said
"So where are the games." 
"If you a those three good looking girls would follow me." Shi said leading them to a small blocked  off section with banks of games.

The three of them were surprised by what they saw. He saw Eri's tail swaying in excitement apparently she found a game she loved or loves. None of the three moved towards any of the machines.

"Go try them out I'll join you after I had a talk with Shi." he said
"Are you sure?" Kimochi asked
"`Course not. Go have fun." he said and saw Eri run towards one of the machines.
"So when are you going to start playing again?" Shi asked
"Don't know if I will. Is it finished?" 
"Nearly just need the paint job." Shi said with a questioning look.
"Very disconcerting isn't it."
"Yes but then very thing about you is for those who are not family." Shi said  
"When will it be done?" 
"Tomorrow or day after." he said
"Hey what this over here?" Eri asked loudly standing in front of a chair with a helmet with cables attached to it.

The chair and head seat he could believe they still had them even look like they were maintained. Eri lifted up the helmet and looked at it, Kimochi looked over then went back to play and Yuki was to absorbed in the game she was playing. Shi and him both went over to the chair.

"I can't believe you still have it." Brant said
"We have two actually, though the second is currently getting assembled. I went over it again to see why it didn't work so well." 
"What is it?" Eri asked curiously
"False Reality or Second Reality. Depends on who you ask." Shi replied
"Virtual Reality. Though I prefer FR or SR."
"Does it work?" she asked
"Needs a little more work but if you want go ahead and use it." he said
"What do I do?" Eri asked excitedly 
"Just sit down and I'll do the rest." Shi said
"Alright." she sat down on the chair and he went about setting the computer that was hooked up to the chair's head set. "Put the helmet on."

Eri put the helmet on like she was told and leaned back on the chair. The chair reclined as she leaned back on it.

"What did you load?" Brant asked
"Oh not something I would load if it was you using it." Shi continued "A walk around and some puzzles."
"Good. I'll leave her in your care while I go see the other two."

He decided to go to the amiable of the two currently playing some games. Kimochi was playing but look over to him and paused the game. She didn't smile or frown just looked at him in the eyes.

"Mind if we talk?"
"Such a deceiver. Ok lets talk." Kimochi said
"Deceiver? In what way?" 
"You didn't really want us to tag along." she said
"Honestly yes but I'd of asked some other time though."
"What do you want to know?" she asked
"How you three became friends and why she doesn't like me."
"It's a long story and as for her not liking you well you did get those two together. Ask her about that." she said
"One quick question before you start Eri's the only one out of the three of you that loves games?" 
"She does and is. I can't tell you much about her or rather I wont. She may like you but she may not like you more than that." she saw a look in his eyes which faded "It may hurt you but you'll get over it quickly."
"You can read people."
"Just a little. If that is all I will start telling you the how." she said
"You want something in return."
"Deceiver. I will call you that from now on." she added "I can read people a little but you act different from how I'd think you would act."
"Ask my family or my two friends I'll tell you about them. You'll have a clear picture of me."
"Probably now I'll start. Answer some of my questions later though." she said and he nodded. 

She started to talk by saying I was..... For the next few hours she talked with him asking a few question and him answering some that he could. The questions mostly pertained to his relationship with the lost one (Kokoro). He suspected that she was trying to see where the lost one went, after which he asked if they would like to get something to eat. He stopped to talk briefly to Shi about it to see if he was positive about it he was. He said bye to his sister was they left the place. He managed to have Yuki to talk to him somewhat. 	
         "Why did you help her?" Yuki asked after they ordered food
"Why. I felt like it."
"Cause of you I have less or no chance now." she said
"Had I know you were involved I'd of interfered differently."

They arrived at a family restaurant sat down at a booth with Yuki, Kimochi on one side and Him and Eri on the other. Kimochi had said though he may not want he or may not need it she would help. Only to see reactions. So here he was sitting with Eri to his left and eating. 

"Interfere differently how." Yuki asked after finishes the food in her mouth.
"By giving them advice they already should know."
"If neither asked you wouldn't have bothered." Eri said finishing the second dessert
"No I wouldn't have at least I wouldn't if I didn't know or was asked/told."
"You knew so you did." she said
"You didn't do it out of malice but the results-." Yuki didn't finishes
"Are what they are. I am truly sorry for any grief or such I caused."

They stayed even after they finished eating he told some stories of some of the things he did. Though they didn't believe them at least not completely. They laughed also to some of them, they also told some stories some of which he laughed at along with them. At one point both he and Eri were alone for a few minutes. He used them efficiently as he could which was getting her to think about weather or not she would go out with him. He had given her until Eve of Christmas but before he had asked he had wanted to know if she already had someone she didn't. After which Kimochi and Yuki appeared again. Their talking started to taper off when a dog braked and a cell rang. It was Kimochi's cell that had rung.

"Hi dad." she replied
"With friends eating and talking."
"Yes But-"
"Its been quite for these past few nights."
"You d- " Brant took the phone from her "Hello Sir."
"Just a friend sir. You don't need to worry about her or her friends *bark* That's my dog. "
"Trust me sir."
"My name is Brant Oterra. So if anything happens to her you'll know who to go after."
"Alright here she is." Hands the cell back to Kimochi who had a short talk with her father then she hung up.
"Who are you?" she asked
"You should know *a hiss then a yelp from his left * Chaos down."

Chaos had changed to his dull gray form when he jumped onto Eri lap giving her a lick on the face. Which was the reason she hissed then yelp. Chaos got down went to Kimochi and did the same thing to her causing her to giggle. Brant told him to stop but Chaos didn't looked over at Yuki muzzled her got down then went to sit by Brant.

"He's your dog?" Eri asked eyeing the dog warily
"Yes and don't be such a cat." he joked as a result was punched in the arm by her. "Looks like he like you and Kimochi. As he respects you I think."    	
 "He's a dog though." Eri said still wary
"Not completely. Watch." he had pulled and knife in now carried with him and cut his hand causing the three to gasp.

He put the bleeding hand to Chaos who licked it, Causing him to grow double in size and now silver coated. Chaos sat back down now more alert and dangerous. Brant got a napkin and held it to his hand slowing the bleeding. The others stared at him in shock and question, but didn't see any fear in their eyes.

"I had some trouble some years ago from some animals. We saved each others lives. Every since we were together." he said knife going back to the place he carried it.
"Your still bleeding." Eri said
"It'll stop soon enough. I've worse when I spar with the two of them."
"How did you befriend them?" she asked
"Simple with our swords. I know many languages."  
"Don't lie." she said
"I'm not what I meant by that is *pause* you know the saying men speak with fist." 
"Ok I understand now I think." she said
"Look at it this way." Kimochi continued "We had our fights but then we always get back together don't we."
"That I understand." Eri said
"It's getting late I think we should start home now. And I'm getting sleepy." Yuki said
"Besides this place is ready to close." he said 

Once outside the place they walked them asking a with questions about Chaos. Which he answered the best he could. 

"It was good getting to know you deceiver. I'll see you around." Kimochi said heading away from them
"Chaos guard her." he said Chaos barked then followed after her.
"Your going to walk us all the way home?" Yuki asked
"Only until you two are not that far from home."
"I still don't like you." she said as they walked
"If my dog respects you he must of sense something I didn't."
"Perhaps Chaos is smarted than you." she replied causing him to have a slight smile
"Are you better now Eri?" 
"What are you talking about." she said
"One of your ears was directed at him the whole time he was with us and your whole body was tense, tail limp."
"I felt something dangerous about him, like he was ready to attack." she said not bothering with how he knew
"He likes you and Kimochi which surprised me given most people he's wary of or out right dislikes. Perhaps he is smarted than me when it came to Yuki."
"Where not that far." Yuki said to stop and point which way they had to go.
"Good night. I'll see you two around."  He said and started heading in a different direction then stopped "Eri please call me when you decide. Yuki I'm sorry again." He was about to added something but didn't and continued on his way. 

As he walked away from them his violence returned to normal. While he was talking to the three of them his violence acted different with each one of them. It pulsed two and flickered once with Eri the times it was just her close. It would flicker once every so often with Kimochi and pulsed nearly nonstop with Yuki close. With the three together his violence acted chaotic and he enjoyed it those time more than the other times. He head home hoping that Shi would finish it within two days at most.

This was the moment. For the past few days she had nearly burst with anxiety and hope. The tight embrace, the shocked blank stare, and the memory of his warm cheek against her lips… her heart burned with joy at it all, but she couldn’t help the twinge of doubt that had slowly whispered its pessimism in her thoughts. Maybe it was a mistake. Despite the crushing anxiety and fear, Xallie was not going to give up and shrink away. There was only one way to make sure it wasn’t a mistake.

So, with a shuddering breath, Xallie swallowed all the fear and slowly walked down the street. She could see him, his back turned towards her as he walked towards the school. Her heart fluttered and she blushed. But she kept walking. It took a few minutes, though the pounding in her chest and the heat in her face made it seem so much longer, but she was now right behind him. With one last fleeting scream of pessimism, Xallie beat down her anxiety and reached out her hand. Her trembling fingers caressed his palm as her hand slid into his.

With a slight jerk, Ryo started to pull away until he saw Xallie’s blushing and down-turned face. Gently, he squeazed her hand. With a timid glance, she looked up and he simply flashed her a tender smile and pulled her closer. She couldn’t help but return the smile, even though she blushed deeper. With a contented sigh, the pestering doubt died a wondrous death and she her breaths came deeper once the coiled anxiety faded from her chest.

With another smile, she leaned in and promplty embraced his arm and leaned her head against his shoulder briefly. Ryo nearly laughed in joy and, hand in hand (well, arm in ardent embrace), Xallie and Ryo slowly glided into the courtyard. They only blushed and gave self-contented smiles to the shocked whispers from the other students.

It was getting colder. Xallie pulled her coat tightly around her shivering body and solemnly swore to never forget her scarf again. It really wasn’t her fault; it was as if someone flipped a switch and suddenly the nice cool days of autumn were not only frigid, but swilrling with sleet and traces of snow. At least she loved the cold, or else she would have been thoroughly miserable walking down the street and watching her breath mist in the air. And the warm memories didn’t hurt either. Though she desperately missed Ryo’s warm arm that she could wrap herself in.

The small kiss, such a simple and innocent gesture, had broken a barrier Xallie had been scared to cross. But since the kiss, she had blossomed. The first day back to school (for her anyway) and she had mustered up all her courage and slid her hand into Ryo’s. They had been nearly inseperable since. When they weren’t in their respective classes, Xallie would be draped around Ryo’s arm or Ryo would have his arm wrapped around Xallie’s shoulders. They talked and laughed, slowly learning bits and pieces of each-other with each passing moment. As it turned out, despite his rugged demeanor that Ryo had flaunted in school, he was surprisingly gentle and naive soul. They had yet to actually kiss since the first caress of her lips on his cheek, but he never pressed her.

To Xallie immense and delighted surprise, Ryo had little experience with such relationships. Xallie wasn’t alone in the eager curiousness and wonder of the odd dance. They both took delight in discovering the kinks and joys of being boy-friend and girl-friend. There were times though, in that first week, where Ryo would unconsciously pull away from her before giving a relieved smile and taking her in his arms. She noticed it. She desperately yearned to ask, but she didn’t want to push him too hard. He might have little experience, but she she felt the wary fear erupt during those few moments and knew that a girl had hurt him. But those moments wer rare and quickly passed. So Xallie revelled in his presence.

She continued to walk down the street, absorded in the warm glow of the past week. She wrapped her arms around herself and hugged. It was wonderful.

But, of course she wasn’t entirely watching where she walked and failed to see the shoulder leaning into her path. With a grunt the shoulder collided and she spun around. She somehow managed to keep her balance and quickly turned to face whoever she had bumped into.

“Sorry.” with a slight bow she apologised before looking up and freezing. A young girl, near her own age, was standing there with a sneer twisting her lips and a venomous glare piericing her eyes. Xallie swallowed and bowed again. “So sorry.”

The woman didn’t stop glaring and the air grew tense as she merely glowered at Xallie for a few moments. With a sickened grunt of disgust the stranger turned and started to walk away. Her icy glare remained on Xallie, however, until she finally turned a corner and disappeared. With a shiver not wholly caused by the cold, Xallie frantically wondered what she had done wrong. All she had done was bump into her.

Trembling from the trailing ghost of that stare, Xallie resumed walking. A nagging voice in her head was trying to tell her something, but she wasn’t really listening. The voice screamed in resignation, its words fading in her mind: she had seen the girl before and Xallie hadn’t bumped into her… the girl had purposely thrown her shoulder into Xallie.

The door wouldn’t budge. She grunted and pulled and begged and cried… the door remained firmly shut. First the icy woman on the street who turned out to be a classmate, then missing books, the wet chair, the sharp pains and distraction in class and now the stupid door wouldn’t open. It couldn’t all be a coincidence. Though she wanted to believe the best in people, she had a sneaking suspicion about what was happening. She banged on the door and started to call out for help as she grew more frustrated. Not only was Ryo waiting for her, but she was hungry too.

She gave a slight bow and thanked both the teacher and principal before closing the door. Everything was done now. Too bad she couldn’t have come up earlier, she missed the feast. With a sigh she slowly walked down the hall. After all the paper-work and special exams, all she had to do now was go home and pack. Two more train rides and both of them then would begin the new term at this school. It had been a hassle, but she knew it would be worth it. Though the little ice queen might be a problem down the line.

By some stroke of luck, or misfortune, she had barreled into Ryo before her meeting. He had smiled and greeted her warmly, surprising her considering the had only met once and for a very short time, she mumbled in return. But her skin burned under the glare of the woman standing next to Ryo. As he introduced the two, all the woman had done is bore holes into the newcomer: “stay away, he’s mine!”. The message was clear. Ryo had been oblivious. She laughed; it must be a guy thing.

But she simply shrugged and pushed those thoughts out of her head and looked to the next few weeks ahead of her. It was going to be frantic, and she hadn’t found a place to stay yet. She might just have to suck it up and room with… him… with a groan she shut her eyes and shook her head. She would deal with that horridness if the time came. She continued to walk through the halls, slowly working her way towards the exit. Still contemplating the future (while trying to dodge the nightmare), she noticed the girl’s room up ahead and decided that a splash of cold water might help. Rolling her shoulders, she tried to shake the thoughts out of her head, and she reached for the door and pushed. It didn’t open.

“What the…” she grunted and pushed again. The door didn’t move. So naturally she hit it. She jumped backwards into the wall when a loud yelp erupted. For a second her addled mind yelled in shock: “the door screamed!” But the yelp quickly dissolved into a tears before a pleading voice murmured through the door.

“Please, please open the door.” the voice sobbed, “I’m so hungry.”

She nearly fell over in shock at the voice before a cold, pervading fury snaked through her body. With a frightening glare that would have killed the door had it been alive, she finally noticed the rope tied to the door and nailed to the wall. With a wild grunt she grabbed the nail and tore it out of the wall. Several chunk of the wall fell to the floor as she threw down the nail. With a mist shrouding her senses and with a guttural scream, she kicked the door.

“Eeee!” she squealed as the door slammed in and knocked her onto her butt. Xallie sat on the ground in shock, rubbing her head and butt at the same time, tears welling in her eyes. She barely noticed the wild shout of apology and the quick hands of a girl pulling Xallie’s skirt back down to hide her panties.

“I’m sorry, Xallie!” the girl flung her arms around Xallie. Xallie was momentarily frozen before the familiar lilt of the voice and sheen of the begging face broke through the pain and shock.

“Chie!” Xallie gave a shrieking giggle and hugged her friend. The pain was completely forgotten.

His fist banged off the table He had not only tired of the questions, but he was also worried. Xallie should have met him a while ago now. It also didn’t help matters that the little interogation was being conducted by Yuki. He didn’t like being around her that much anymore, he couldn’t trust her.

“How could you do that?” he shouted. “What business is it of yours, anyway?”

“Shhh,” Yuki said. “Now who’s making a spectacle of himself? Look, Ryo, if you know, just tell us, okay? We just want to clear up this mystery, that’s all.”

Her smile grated on his nerves. He wasn’t about to tell her anything and was just starting to push himself up when Eri paled slightly.

“Uh, oh.” Eri said, nudging Yuki in the side. “Look, trouble’s coming.”

Both Yuki and Ryo saw immediately what Eri was now pointing at. His heart fluttered at seeing Xallie, then gave a brief lurch when he noticed the strained fury etched on Chie’s face. He contemplated running for a second, even though he couldn’t fathom what he did wrong. He barely noticed Yuki blanch, stand up, and tug Eri behind her.

“Wow! Well, nice talking to you, Ryo. Come on, Eri.” the two started to worm their way towards the exit.

“Stop right there!” Chie’s voice boomed through the cafeteria. Everyone of course stopped everything else and started to press towards Chie to see what was going on. Eri gave a tight swallow as thier escape was blocked off.

“I guess we’re going to need the Collar.”

Ryo could only stare blankly as Yuki and Eri shrank from the imposing Chie, who was fending off Xallie’s desperate efforts to calm her friend. But it was her worried struggles to hold back Chie, while giving withering glances to Yuki, that shook him free. He quickly flung himself in-between Yuki and Chie in order to calm them all down. Sadly, the gods were not with them and he did stepped on an over-turned tray, did a graceful piruoette, and promptly collided with a table head first.

His last impressions were muddled, but he still smiled as warm arms wrapped his body and Xallie’s worried voice rang out. He didn’t care that he had probably given himself a concussion… Xallie was hugging him again. It was nice. Then he blacked out.


It had been snowing all day.
The balmy weather of last week had disappeared, to be replaced by thick, dark clouds and biting cold.
Kokoro stood by the window that looked out over her balcony and sipped a cup of tea. There wasn't much to see out there. It was only early evening, but it was already dark and the blowing snow obscured her view of the street below. Everything was in shadow, punctuated here or there by the glow of a street lamp or the lights of an occasional passing car. Few people were out on the street and most of the shops, except for the bakery next door, were dark.
"That place never closes," she said to herself
She turned away from the window.

“It’s getting dark early these days,” she added.
It was cold in the apartment.
If there was one thing (besides Slim Jims) that Kokoro missed about America, it was central heating. She didn’t have a kotatsu or even a space heater here. She hadn’t thought to provide her hideout with either one.
“I should have thought of it, though,” she said.
It was no longer comfortable for her to wander around in just her undies, so she had started wearing clothes again. It felt good.
She went into the bathroom and had a pee. Then, as she was washing her hands, she noticed in the mirror what she had on. She was dressed in jeans and a red hoodie jacket that bore the slogan: "Looking for a Japanese Girlfriend. It used to belong to Low, back in Singapore.
“Well, she found one,” Kokoro said, as she was drying her hands. “Too bad for her.”
For some reason, the memory of Low brought to mind that skeleton key she hadn’t seen for a long time. Where could it be?
“Brant gave it back to me, didn’t he?” she asked herself. “Well, maybe it’s at home or in the car. It’ll probably show up. At least I hope so. A thing like that’s too useful to lose.”
“You know, Shinji,” she said. “When I worked at JAST, I sometimes sneaked into people’s offices at night and went through their stuff; especially their computer files. Of course, they all had passwords, but what was that to me? Machines can’t hide things from me any more than people can. Wow! The things I found out. Doesn’t anybody know what NSFW means?”
She was a little hungry, so she went over to the mini-fridge that was mounted on the wall in the kitchenette and opened the door.
But all she had inside was some cold natto and a couple of mekans.
She sighed.
She hoped Ryo would stop by soon, so she could give him a shopping list.
Last week Ryo had brought over some leftovers from the Thanksgiving dinner he’d had with that girl Xallie’s family. It had been wonderful: turkey, mashed potatoes, green beans in some kind of indescribably delicious sauce, and pumpkin pie. The memory brought tears to her eyes.
The Thanksgiving holiday had always been one of her favorite things about life with the Sawyers. True, she had to help Mrs. Sawyer and Sue prepare the dinner, which was a lot of work and took all day, while Father and Tom sat around watching football games on TV, but it had been worth it. Sitting down at the table in the evening, chatting with them all and stuffing her face full of delicious food had been fun. It was one of the few times in the year that she had felt like a part of their family and not just a dog in the manger.
Sharing those leftovers with Ryo had brought back a little bit of the feeling of those times. Of course, all he wanted to talk about was that tiresome girl, Xallie. He was purely in love with her; that was plain to see. Kokoro hoped she was worth it.
She was sorry, however, that she’d had to get him involved with her problems, but what could she do? He’d showed up at her old place just as she was in the middle of packing to come over here, wanting to talk about his girl friend.
It was ridiculous. The night before she’d cut up and disposed of the bodies of four strangers and expected the police to show up at any minute. But here comes Ryo, instead, asking for some neesan advice on his love life. It must have scared him when she responded by going into hysterics. But, after he’d calmed her down, she enlisted his aid in helping her move.
She didn’t give him the real reason why she was going into hiding, of course. Instead, she’d told him that she was having second thoughts about marrying Suzuki, which wasn’t too far from the truth. He’d accepted that story at face value and promised to keep her secret. She would have preferred it that absolutely no one know of her whereabouts, but that’s the way it was.
It turned out to be for the best. Ryo was loyal and trustworthy, keeping her secret well. Besides, he was useful. She could send him to pick up food and booze for her; things she didn’t dare do for herself. Most of all, she valued his companionship. Her fear and depression and bad dreams made her a bad companion to herself, and his occasional visits helped to pull her out of her funk. If, on the other hand, she had been successful in hiding her whereabouts from even him, the chances were she wouldn’t have survived this long.
“Did you send Ryo to look after me, Shinji? I wonder.”
Kokoro was sitting cross-legged on the futon that occupied most of the middle of the room, gobbling up the last of the natto.
She set the empty container aside and turned the TV on with the remote control, which was lying beside her on the mat. She muted the sound, because she valued the TV more as a light source when it started to get dark inside her room, than for its entertainment value. She still didn’t dare turn on the lights and announce to the outside world that someone was living in a 1LBK above the Shin-Rin Do Bookstore.
Every night she watched the news, fearful that she would see her face on the screen as a person wanted by the police in conjunction with a horrible crime. But it never happened, and it was beginning to puzzle her. Had she and Brant really gotten away with it? Were all those garbage bags now sitting nondescriptly in some landfill somewhere with no one the wiser as to their contents? She could hardly believe it. But then again, trouble never seemed to stick to Brant. Could some of his luck have rubbed off on her?
“Come on, Heart. This is us we’re talking about.”
But if they had gotten away with it, and if the police were not looking for her¬Ö
Then what? Come out of hiding and marry Mr. Suzuki, after all? She’d be safe then; especially if he took her to live with him overseas.
She was petrified by indecision.
She had botched this whole thing, right from the beginning.
When Brant had killed those men she should have just turned his ass in, rather than make herself an accessory to his crime. What was this strange power of his that made people (women, in particular) go along with everything he said?
And she should have just run away afterwards, rather than hiding out in this cold, dark hole. But that would mean leaving her money behind. She had boxes and boxes of it in the closet. More than she could fit in the Nissan, and she didn’t want to leave any of it behind; not one yen.
She uncrossed her legs and leaned back until she was lying down. She crossed her arms behind her head to form a pillow.
“I’m pretty sensitive about money. You know that, Shinji?” she said. "Yeah, I guess that’s because of all the times I’ve been without it. Do you want to know how I got into dealing?
"Remember how I said that after I spent all of Low’s money, I took a job as a school nurse in Mito? At Cromartie? Your school?
"Well, they don’t pay school nurses shit. It was nearly impossible for me to make ends meet, so I had to start working evenings in a hostess bar. You can imagine how crappy that made me feel; following in my mother’s footsteps.
"Well, there was this guy that everybody called the Milkman, because he owned a dairy. But a few of the girls told me that he was really a dealer. He liked me, and I didn’t dislike him, so we got along okay. He wanted to sleep with me, but I didn’t not dislike him that much.
"He started getting really funny when he discovered that I was the nurse at Cromartie, and one night he asked me if I was interested in making a little extra money. You hear that all the time from these guys, so I just laughed it off and poured him another drink.
" ¬ëNo, it’s not what you think,’ he said, and added that what he had in mind would be in the line of distributing pharmaceuticals. Yeah, I knew what that meant, alright.
"I told him I’d sleep on it and he gave me his card and told me to call him when I’d made a decision. And I did sleep on it, hoping the Sight would send me a dream that would tell me what to do, but nothing came. Even back then, my power was starting to become unreliable. So I had to make my own decision.
"The next day I called up the Milkman, and he gave me an address and told me to go there on the following Saturday. It was an abandoned warehouse, and when I went in, I found myself in the company of some of the roughest characters you ever saw. Their leader was a fat foreign guy who laughed too much.
He made us all sit around this table (I sat next to the Milkman) and explained to us how he was interested in expanding his ¬ëpharmaceutical’ business into the school market and how we could all benefit by distributing for him. Then he explained how it would work. It was a pretty complicated business model with a lot of built-in safeguards to prevent the cops from following the distribution ladder too far up, if any of us got caught. I thought these safeguards protected him more than us, but I didn’t say anything. I was getting caught up in the business, already.
"One of the safeguards he put in place was to give us all code names. He called me ¬ëSnow Queen’, which I thought was pretty corny, and, of course, the Milkman already had his code name. But I knew what his real name was, too, which I thought sort of messed with the system. But the fat man, whom we would now have to call the Boss (another original idea), explained that none of us in this enterprise would ever meet face to face again, except for one contact. In my case that would be the Milkman.
"So that’s how it happened. I would abuse the trust invested in me as a nurse to hook school children on drugs. The Milkman would be my supplier. I would sell the drugs, give the money to him, he would give me my cut, take his and the rest of it would disappear up the ladder somewhere. I was eager to get started.
"It was ridiculously easy to sell to those thugs at Cromartie. They were practically falling over each other to get their fixes, and I was happy to supply them. I was happily free of any moral qualms over selling drugs to kids and ready to go on like that forever. Or, at least until the Hell Cart came for me. But you came, instead.
“Were you the Hell Cart, Shinji? I think that maybe you were, because I’ve been in Hell ever since you died.”
Tears came to her eyes and rolled down the sides of her face. She groped for the box of tissues by the side of the bed. She pulled out several tissues and pressed them over her face.
She sobbed quietly for several minutes, then got up.
“God, I need a drink.”
There was a half-full bottle of shoyu on her desk, right next to the little shrine she had erected to Shinji. She picked it up and took a long drink from it. Then she sat down and looked at his picture.
"You know, Shinji, you look a little like Tom. Maybe that’s why I was attracted to you.
"No! I wasn’t attracted to you. I gave in to you. From the first time we met, you were trying to get into my pants. You were cute.
"I don’t know if I’ve ever been really in love with anyone ever. I think I loved Tom, but I left him easily enough. I may have loved Low, or maybe it was just exciting being with her. I loved Ryo, but hid it behind a cold exterior. But for you, Shinji, I just fell. No, I collapsed. I would have died for you. But, no, you had to go and do it, yourself.
She picked up the bottle with Shinji’s photograph taped on it and threw it against the wall. It shattered and, in the dark room, the glass shards glittered dimly, reflecting the light from the television.
Kokoro went over and picked up the photograph, carefully avoiding the pieces of broken glass on the floor. Then she collapsed back onto the futon, cradling the picture to her chest.
“After you died,” she said. "I was so angry. I was angry at the drugs, angry at the Boss, angry at the Milkman and angry at the school. I was angry at everything, especially at you for dying and myself for living.
"So I figured out a way to get my revenge.
"After your death, there was an investigation of drug use at Cromartie, and the Milkman pulled a few strings to make sure I stayed in the clear. After that, he figured I owed him. He always wanted to sleep with me, so I started sleeping with him. It was filthy, but as a result I found out (the Sight, again) that there was a van in his warehouse that was full of boxes of money, instead of milk. Our business was strictly cash and carry, so the Milkman always had a lot of surplus money on his hands, until he got word from the Boss where to deliver it. It was a cute idea. Who would suspect that that milk wagon going down the road was full of dirty money?
"Well, I took the truck while he was sleeping. It was guarded, of course, and the warehouse was locked. But what do I care about those things. On that night, in particular, I was feeling especially reckless. I stole the truck and drove it to Cromartie. It was late at night, so there was no body around. I broke in and snuck into the boiler room. All the heat in the building was supplied by a pre-war steam boiler. I closed all the valves good and tight, then got back into the van and drove away. I heard the explosion from a mile away as I drove out of town.
"Now I had to figure what to do with all that money and myself and I decided it was time for the Prodigal Daughter to return to Moriyoh.
"For many years now, I’d been using aliases and fake IDs, and when I arrived in town I used one more to rent this apartment for the sole purpose of hiding my money. It was no easy task getting all those boxes up the stairs, but the man who owned the book store (such a nice man) helped.
"Now there were just a few loose ends to take care of.
“I abandoned the milk truck in the woods and set fire to it. Then I contacted my Mother for a tearful reunion and started calling myself, Kokoro Komegura again and found myself another apartment. It was expensive maintaining two apartments, but I wanted to create separate existences for Kokoro Komegura and the person who lived above the book store. Finally, I got a job as a school nurse, again!
“I had a moment of nerves there, however, because Payne, who had been the principal at Cromartie, took over the same job at JAST after I’d blown it up. I thought I was sunk, but he didn’t remember me! Not a bit. That man is famous for being unable to see anything beyond his own nose.
“I decided I was starting out with a clean slate, and decided to keep my nose clean. No drugs, this time. Of course, there was that sex club I started. I made a few yen off of that, but there was no larceny involved. I figured that was within my mandate as a school nurse. Those little sluts were going to have sex, anyway, so why not keep it safe¬Ö”
There was a knock on the door.
She jumped up and ran to the door.
"Ryo,” she said as she opened it, “am I ever glad to¬Ö”
She choked and a hot flash of fear coursed through her body.
Instead of Ryo, it was Binkan Suzuki who was standing in the hallway. He looked dejected and apologetic. He bowed slightly, without speaking.
Another man brushed past him and stormed into the room. A fat, foreign-looking man who was laughing.
Kokoro screamed and fell back against the chair near the door where she kept her robe. She landed on the pieces of broken glass from the shattered bottle and they cut her.
“Ha ha ha,” said the fat man. “Hello, Snow Queen. So we meet again.”
He had a gun in his hand, which he pointed straight at her.
“Say hello to my little friend,” he said, pulling the trigger.

  • Despite being on a board dedicated to erotica, I feel it is necessary to warn readers that there might be “offensive” material in this post. While not truly explicit, I just want to cover my bases… habit born from the paranoia and censorship of other boards I guess :? *

“Open wide.” She giggled as she waved the spoon slightly.

Ryo of course blushed, but obediently (and gladly) opened his mouth. With a bright smile she delicately slipped the spoonful of miso soup into his waiting mouth. He diligently swallowed and smiled in return. He couldn’t help it. No matter how embarrassed he sometimes felt, a wonderful warmth settled over him with Xallie perched on his bed and playfully feeding him his soup. It felt… nice.

He wasn’t that badly injured, but Xallie insisted on staying with him at the hospital nearly the entire time. Her nervous fidgeting eventually giving way to relief and a mishcevious tenderness. He remembered her worried and trembling voice, the tear stricken face, and the soft warmth of her legs as she cradled him after the accident. He also remembered seeing her tired and haggard expression morphing into relieved delight when she timidly walked into his hospital room. He couldn’t help but laugh in his delight at her doting.

“What’s so funny?” she dropped the now empty spoon into the empty thermos and pouted.

God, she’s so cute. the thought rang in his head until he finally answered out loud, “Nothing, just happy.”

She only gave him a queer look, wondering about how he could be happy with a gash in his skull before blushing herself when he smiled at her again. So, with flushed cheeks, Xallie stood and calmly took the empty thermos and quickly hid it in her pack. She wasn’t sure that the doctors or nurses would complain about her bringing Ryo food, but she wasn’t going to take any chances. And she certainly wasn’t going to let him eat hospitable food. Not on her watch!

Though my fingers would have preferred otherwise… she sighed to herself. Nervous anxiety and hot pans didn’t go together all that well it seemed. But it was worth it., she pumped her fists in determination and pride.

She smiled deeply to herself, her back towards Ryo as she walked over to the closet and pulled out an extra pillow. She loved nursing Ryo back to health. So, she fluffed the pillow gently and walked back to Ryo’s bed.

“Up.” she commanded. Ryo obeyed again and sat straight up. He tried to keep from laughing in delight again, but only managed to choke it to a muffled chortle as Xallie arranged the pillows behind Ryo so he could sit up comfortably. He really wasn’t that badly hurt, but he wasn’t going to tell her that. He was enjoying the attention far too much.

Xallie noted his chortle and gave him a scathing glance, which only made him break into a fit of open laughter. She couldn’t help but join him. Eventually, the two calmed and Ryo settled back with a sigh and a smile. Xallie blushed and murmured something. He couldn’t hear, but before he could say anything Xallie flushed even deeper as she slowly crawled up onto he bed. His heart leapt into his mouth as she slid forward and he swallowed deeply. His mind scrambled to find words, but it was a lost cause and he simply smiled dumbly. Luckily, and with disappointment tinging his relieved sigh, Xallie only nestled into his side, pushing his left arm over her shoulders, wrapping her arms around his waist, and laying her head against his warm chest.

Xallie, still blushing, burrowed her cheek into his chest and gave a deep, contented sigh. She smiled at the moment and that the wicked thoughts running through her head. How Yuki would be furious to see this… of course, that thought was quickly followed by that delightful memory and she burst out laughing. And, with tears in her eyes, to the curious Ryo she gladly described the joyous memory of a screeching Yuki bent over Chie’s knee and crying in embarrassment as Chie swatted her delicate behind in the middle of the cafeteria before the ambulance had arrived.

He wasn’t back yet. Three long hours and he wasn’t back yet. Xallie paced around his small room, hands nervously wrangling each-other. She kept glancing at the clock, the passing minutes agonisingly empty.

“He promised!” she finally screamed to the walls. Angry and worried, she kept pacing and wondering. She didn’t want to let him go. He had been fine right after the incident in the cafeteria. Well, fine being relative given the bandaged head and slight concussion. But Ryo had actually laughed at the whole ordeal. Although he also almost cracked his head again when he promptly rolled off the bed in tears (with a startled Xallie in tow) when Xallie told him Chie had actually bent Yuki over her knee and spanked her in front of the entire school.

And he smiled when we cuddled. she sighed at the memory of inching up to his bed, cheeks blushing, before she slowly crawled over to him, nestled into his arm and rested her head on his chest. It was nice. So she cuddled up with Ryo at every oppurtunity once he was allowed to go home. But still, a concussion was a concussion and she should not have let him go. Stubborn and forceful, Ryo had pushed his way out of bed and dressed. All he would say is that he had something to do. Despite her stern glare and clucking tongue, Ryo insisted and Xallie eventually ceded, though she prodded and tore a promise that he would march right back and not move a muscle unless she told him to. So she let him go. She shouldn’t have, but she did. And now it was tearing her up inside. All that flew through her head were horrid scenarios of Ryo: Ryo’s unconscious form, the concussion finally taking its toll… Ryo’s tortured face, grimacing after being mugged… Ryo’s broken body face down in a gutter, bloodied and smashed by a stray car… “No, no, no! He promised!”

She screamed even louder and lashed out at the room, violently kicking Ryo’s desk, sending paper and magazines flying until the desk whined in submission as a crack wormed its way across the side. Huffing in anger and frustration, Xallie grunted and knelt down to pick up the paper and magazines. Her eyes widened in shock as one of the magazines fell open. Heat crawled down her spine until the fiery tingle quickly moistened at its inevitable base. With shallow breaths, and briefly forgetting Ryo, Xallie swallowed as she gazed at two sweating and surprisingly uncensored bodies entangling on the pages of the magazine. For a few moments, Xallie gazed in awe at the splendour, at the beautiful raunchiness of the torid coupling. Unconciously, she ground her thighs together, the fiery moistness throbbing and sending shivers through her body as a slight growl rolled in her throat. She lost herself for a moment, her fingers slowly gliding over her taut stomach, playfully tickling her skin as those fingers grew achingly close to that fire. Her muscles fluttered underneath her fingers, the skin beginning to dampen in sweat as her fingers traced around her belly-button and then slithered further down. Just as the tips of her fingers crumpled the edges of her skirt, just barely working their way under the tight, skin hugging cloth before brushing against the soft hairs of her aching mound, the memory of where she was came crashing back into her mind.

She gasped in shame before it was strangled in her throat by a thunderous shudder that tore through her entire body. Pleasure boiled her blood and every muscle tremble uncontrollably as wave after wave of burning ecstasy crashed into and over her. Her whole body shuddered, again and again, for long minutes until the final wave, a cresting tsunami of blinding and delicious pain, exploded and contracted every muscle in her body… stomach clenching, arms locking, thighs desperately squeazing, and toes curling… she crumpled onto her side.

She simply lay there, chest heaving as if she had just run a marathon and her now sweat dampened hair plastered to her flushed cheeks. Her body trembled with exquisite after-shocks, her spine growing numb and the fire now little more than a smoldering ember of soreness. Tears fell from the corners of her tightly shut eyes, a mix of anger, disgust, shock, and pleasure playing through her mind. So, she lay there for several long moments, both raging and basking in the intense ministrations of the after-glow. Her body twitching every time the embers briefly erupted into small flames. Eventually, the embers cooled to a constant warm glow and the flames faded completely, leaving only a tired, sore, and utterly depleted Xallie crumpled on the floor.

With a curt exhale, she pushed herself back to her feet and quickly shoved the damnable magazines back onto the desk. She trembled on unsteady legs as the embers were tempted back to life by a fleeting glimpse of those wonderfully horrid pictures. Luckily, yet with a hint of disappointment in her tired sigh, the pleasure only lingered for a few seconds before pouting in dismay and retreating deep with her body. Looking at the clock, she gasped, clenched her teeth, and then started to cry. That little escapade had worn away almost an hour… still, Ryo had not returned. With tears streaking down her cheeks, Xallie quickly collected herself, smoothed out her now wrinkled skirt, grabbed her coat and scarf, and slammed the door as she left the room. The tremors shook the room and one of the magazines fell from the desk, the spread pages fluttering open once more as it softly glided throuh the air rife with the scent of spent passion, and gently landing right next to a tiny and suspicous drying dampness on the tattered rug.

He was dazed and confused. There was a nagging incesant buzz in the back of his mind, desperately trying to get his attention, but he couldn’t think through the haze. She wasn’t there. The place was a mess, there were no notes, and she wasn’t there. It bothered him. It didn’t help that there was a small splatter of blood just inside the door. Just like Xallie, gruesome scenarios were flashing through his head. He really hoped she was okay.

The buzz grew louder as he aimlessly wandered through the city. He was supposed to be somewhere or do something; he had made a promise. But he couldn’t remember. It bothered him and his heart ached. It knew the promise, but his mind just wasn’t listening. So, for hours he ambled through the back streets of the city, glancing at the sky from time to time and wondering until he finally collapsed in front of a house:

Where was Kokoro? Was she okay? Was she dead? She better not be dead. She couldn’t be dead. Could she? No! You promised! But the blood? Just a cut? Come right back! You’re being silly. She’s okay. She has to be, Kokoro. You promised…

She stormed through the city for only a couple of hours. It was snowing, it was cold, and it was getting far too dark to do any more searching. People gave Xallie a wide berth, the rage radiating off her in a flood mixed with anxiety and shame. She couldn’t find Ryo. He wasn’t at any of the karaoke bars, nor was he at school. She had even mustered up her courage and pushed her shyness and shame deep into her heart and walked into a few strip clubs. He hadn’t been to any of them either. Eventually, she had to give up for the night. So she returned to Ryo’s house quickly, only to find it as empty and vacant as she had left it. With a tearful sob and an angry kick to the side of the house (followed by muted curses and a sore foot), Xallie trudged home.

The tears stung in the biting wind and frigid air of winter, but she couldn’t stop crying. She was still worried, but now other thoughts began creeping into her head. Despite his smiling and blushing at Xallie’s tender nursing, maybe Ryo didn’t like her anymore. She of course remembered Yuki, her jealousy, and the fact that the two had been sitting together that day… maybe he wanted her.

But he had laughed when you told him of Yuki’s spanking didn’t he? He did smile when you nestled into his arms and you cuddled, didn’t he? her calm inner voice tried to soothe her. But her irrational anxiety wanted nothing to do with such things. Maybe it was all an act?

So Xallie mumbled and cried, imagining the worst scenarious of Ryo’s death or his two timing cheating ways, as she walked home. She barely noticed the almost complete darkness as she finally overcame that last hill and marched solemnly to the house at the end of the street. She barely noticed empty drive-way where parents’ car would normally sit. She barely noticed the misting air in fron of her as she neared the door. She wouldn’t have noticed anything if it hadn’t been for the fact that she wasn’t paying attenton and walked right over the huddled form next to her door. Her foot dug into something soft and a deep groan shocked Xallie out of her daze.

With a squeal she quickly jumped back and held her hands up in front of her. The huddled form groaned again until Xallie saw the face flash into the light. With grateful and relieved squeal she leapt forward and plowed into Ryo. Still groaning from the unforunate knock to his manhood, Ryo dumbly wrapped his arms around Xallie. She was shaking.

“You idiot!” she tore out of his arms and, with every ounce of her remaining strength, she slapped Ryo. “You promised!”

With stars bursting in his head from her slap, Ryo could only stare at her face, fury twisting her mouth. He watched her tears as they coursed down her cheek and glistened on her trembling lips. Her eyes glimmered in anger, fear, relief, and… something he couldn’t place. But before he could think or talk or move, Xallie flung herself back into his arms. His mind reeled when her arms wound around his neck tightly, pulled his head to hers, and a warm soft moistness smothered his lips. He tasted the salty sweetness of her tears on her lips and gasped into her mouth. She was kissing him! They were kissing…

He hugged her tightly and returned the kiss with fervour. For a few wonderful passionate moments, his lips melded with hers and he forgot everything else. His eyes widened in shock as Xallie’s mouth parted slightly and her tongue briefly flicked over his lips, tasting him. He groaned as that deep swell of desire roared within at the fevered touch of her tongue and his snaked out to lightly touch hers. He wanted… O, he wanted. But before he could truly taste her it was done. With a strangled cry, Xallie’s lips parted from his and she buried her face into his neck, and sobbed uncontrollably. With that mind-numbing kiss, that wanton abadnoned display of affection, the incessant buzz finally broke through. He finally remembered the promise. With a strangled gasp, he cursed himself and gave Xallie a hug so tight that she could no longer sob.

He had forgotten. He was such an idiot. He hugged her even tighter. Xallie only grunted into his neck, she was relieved and did not mind the smothering embrace.

Ryo only cursed himself more as he sat at the table. All he could see were Xallie’s anxious and fearful tears. She had doted and spoiled him after his injury and all he could do was make her fret in fear over him. He couldn’t even keep such a simple promise to such a cute and wonderful girl. He was pathetic.

And yet she had forgiven him. Not just forgiven him… she had kissed him. Not just a light and innocent peck on the cheek, but a heated and passionate kiss where her tongue had tempted his soul and stirred his desire into painful turmoil. It was the first time they had truly kissed one another. And he wanted more. So with a chaotic mix of guilt, worry, self-contempt, and desire Ryo sank his face into his hands and groaned.

Relieved and surprisingly calm, Xallie toiled over the simmering curry. Ryo was not lying in some gutter somewhere. He was fine. She sighed in relief again and swallowed heavily when she remembered the anger and joy at finding Ryo on her doorstep. He was okay. And of course all that anger and anxiety and relief came flooding out and she couldn’t hold back. She kissed him.

She touched her lips in awe and wonder at the memory. His tender lips meeting hers and her tongue boldly tasting him. She couldn’t believe she had actually done it. She had kissed him. And of course, the memory of that kiss spurred another passionate memory within her. A memory of spasming muscles, waves of pleasure, and a rocketing explosion that erupted deep within her body.

She blushed furiously as the echo of her surprising pleasure fanned the embers deep within her. As she began to scoop the curry onto the plates, she trembled again at the memory. She hadn’t meant to do anything, but the surprise finding such magazines and curiously flipping through the pages, the shock of finding her hand creeping towards her quivering and budding flower, and then the shame of realising she was in HIS room while doing it had been far too much for her. Her hand hadn’t needed to glide any lower nor did her fingers have to play across her begging flesh… the mixture of shock and shame had been more than enough. It both amused and disgusted her. Disgusted because she had crumpled to Ryo’s floor in a wonderous orgasm, quivering in pleasure in HIS room, and amused because her fingers didn’t even get to dance to the wonderous rythym. It just happened.

And now she had kissed him. And that wanton pit of desire threatened to swallow her whole. The memory of that kiss mingled with the staggering echos of that shameful, yet amazing orgasm… With a ragged, swallowing breath Xallie desperately tried to compose herself as she lowered the pot, grabbed the plates brimming with steaming curry, and casually walked into her living room. Of course it didn’t work and her shoulders curled inward and her head bowed as she meekly placed the plates on the table in front Ryo. She was sure he knew what a naughty girl she had been. She was sure he could feel the perverse desire radiating from her body. She was sure he tasted her lustful urge on his lips. He had to know. She was sure…

It was snowing lightly over Moriyoh which is surprising given that to rarely snows though it does get cold. It looked like it would not stop snowing until the following morning. Moriyoh was in all intents and purpose a very confusing places to live, it wasn’t always like that. It was a very quite and peaceful place to live, now it was still peaceful but the nights are no longer peaceful at least not all of the nights were. It was the day of the longest night everywhere or nearly very were in the northern hemisphere this day would be the day that many dangerous not all dangerous things start to happen. Iris Isis Locke was home talking to her contact to have a media blackout ready if it came to it. If the blackout didn’t work she would have to figure out what to do. As she finished talking on the cell she finished also putting on her clothes and looked at the mirror.

She mussed her long blue hair some causing it to become its natural half wavy form, she was about to put her contacts not that she needed them in but decided not to. She nodded to herself happy with the way she looked. Her eyes were a unnatural some would say silver, which she hid by wearing contacts. As she left her house she grabbed her full body jacket to cover the gun she had on and sword. She was ok with a gun but better with the sword, the gun was her back up. She had both today if or when she had to join in the purging that will come tonight. Today she would be riding her motorcycle custom made around Moriyoh and would visit her cousins and aunt sometime later. She thought she may stop by her various holdings as she drove around. When night came she would decided then if she'd join or not for now she rode away from her home. 

(Every year it's the same thing but this year something is different. I'll think about it some other time. Cousin you made two powerful allies and two not as powerful but useful allies will you ask they to help or will they come cause of who you are? As for me I could use half of Black Roses or use what influence I have to get some other people instead of using half my Black Roses only a fraction.) She thought as she rode.

Two hours or was it three Brant didn't know but he did know his ass was numb from riding his motorcycle and he had yet a few more minutes to get to the place. His bike was gray colored just like his cousins and that's were all similarities aside from the heart of the bike ended. His had a red crescent with a black rose in flames on its side. If asked why he choose those designs he replied it just came to me, the person who asked would just be perplexed then leave it at that. He arrived at the place, it was still the same when he used to come here two years ago almost once a month. The place was big but not very and was located two miles from the sea up a fairly steep climb. He took his bike up the steep climb and parked it to the side.

The place was actually two buildings one a inn the other a two story restaurant it both of which were simple yet very elegant buildings. The place was also located not far from hiking trails which he also hiked the times he was here. He entered the building the maitre ‘d gave him a smile.       

"Welcome to the two stars and the moon. Seat for one sir?" the man asked  
"One moment please." and signaled a server who took him to sit.

The server placed a menu in front of him when he sat down. 

"My name is Jin I will be your server." the young man said

The restaurant was Italian which had good business with regulars (those that came for the great food) and a few non regulars (ones that stayed at the inn) giving them business. It took him five or so minutes before he gave his order. In half an hour his food arrived he had order pasta and steak. He was about finished with his food when his violence told him his cousin Iris was near by and then she was gone. He knew given how close and fast she went by she was on her bike. He left the place once he paid got on his bike. It was snowing as he made his way back home and the sun was starting to set he still had much to do. He eased his bike faster along the road as he headed home as the snow steadily fell. 

(I'm so going to have very little sleep tonight always the same damn shit every year. Though I'm not the only one who has to deal with it.) He thought as he raced even faster towards the waiting darkness. 

His bike sped along the road and went around anything that was in front of him. He'd not of done it had there been vehicles on the other side of the road. He pulled out his cell looked at it quickly and sent a message, he had already type but didn't send. He would wait until he was closer to send the other message, the first a caution and the second a question. One thing he hated about long rides was the fact he would become sore or numb from it. It was a good thing he strapped his sword on his back instead at his side he had tried it and found he couldn't find a good position for it so he had it on his back. Now if he had to draw it from like that it would slow him. He checked to see if his knife was clear it was.

The sun had set just a few hours ago. Iris Isis was talking and eating with her relatives and had asked where her other cousin was. They only knew that the both of them would be staying out for nearly the whole night and possibly until the follow morning with each other. It was like that nearly very year on this day, very time he'd come home go to sleep and not wake until a day or so later. They finally asked what the both of them did that caused him to sleep for such a long time.

"I always wonder when you'd ask. We go gambling and drinking then we go home." Iris lied thinking (They would not believe the truth if I told them. Better that they didn't know in any case.)
"So your going to do that again. Well just don't have to much fun." Prina said
"They haven't the other times what makes you think they will this time." Alicia said
"We'll try not to Prina."
"Right. Do you think he'll even show up?" Prina asked just as the door opened with her brother on his cell.
"I'll *nodded as a way of saying hi* talk to you later bye." he hung up and added "Hi Icy Iris, Prina, Alicia."
"So you set?" Iris asked
"Eh no how could I be we don't *saw her eyes reminding him* actually I am somewhat."
"So which of your girlfriends were you talking to?" Alicia asked
"Both actually. Icy Iris would you mind if they hang out with us?"
"Do they know it'll be a very long night." Iris said
" `Course `sides they are in the fencing club and I sparred with them." she saw him give a slight smile and nod
"If you are sure and they are sure." she said
"Everything will be fine." he said
"So its just you four?" Alicia asked
"Probably not." Iris replied
"When are you going" Prina asked
"Not for another half hour." 
"Why don't we go now and talk with them?" he said
"Right lets go talk to them. Well Alicia, Prina it was fun talking to you two." Iris said as she got up
"Well Icy Iris shall we go and cause havoc." 
"Cousin you really - lets just go." she said

It was snowing heavily but it didn't impair Iris' vision but it did Brant's but not to much. Both stood looking at the snow falling. Each of them relaxing their bodies hold them lose.

"I was always curious about your bike did you make it or just design it?"
"Both how long have you had yours?" Iris asked
"Your people finished it about a few weeks ago."
"Along did you design it. No you didn't you only had an idea." she said
"Yes. I see you don't have your contacts in." 
"Its to show others that I'm hunting something." she said and got onto her bike
"Had I not know you were completely human I'd of thought you are a half."
"I'm a quarter." she said
"I always keep forgetting that."
"Your less than a quarter but not by family." she said as they started towards the center of Moriyoh.
"Well at least the ones we got our blood were not well dangerous so to speak."

They arrived at the center of Moriyoh at least as much as one could getto the center of it. Iris' cell rang and spoke briefly with the person on the other end. Brant checked his watch to see there was yet sometime before things got really hairy and took out his cell. He called both his friends to meet them and hung up. 

"Even with the amount of people we have it'll still be a long night." Iris said
"It would be nice if you could use most of your people. Just saying." 
"Is it possible for Narise and her brother come and help us?" she asked
"If I could contact them I'd ask but I can't `side I don't think they would help anyway. She'll probably show up sometime later at night. She's at home now."
"Who? Oh you mean that cop." she said
"Yes. If she'd show up before everything gets bad the three of use would eradicate them even more quickly."
"But not without cost." she said
"If only there was no cost. They should be here in half."
"So how long did they last before you stopped?" she asked
"Long enough." 
"If your sure about them. It'll be your conscience with guilt." she said
"I know but it wont be." 

The snow started to become a mild storm dropping the visibility for them even more which may cause problems for the other more than them. The night was darker than normal not only cause of the mild snow storm but it was a starless night with a bright moon that really didn't help with visibility.

"Someone's screwing with the weather." Iris said
"It better be just an indications of the amount instead of the other." 
"I hope I'm wrong or we'll be in a very painful world of hurt." she said
"In any case we'll have to deal with it. They'll be here soon."
"So are you going to be alone this year?" she asked
"Maybe, I'd like not to be alone."
"We can keep you company if your alone." Jance said  
"Seriously what the hell is with this storm." Miwa said

The snowstorm got worse as the two of them were introduced to Iris. 

"Took you two long enough. Miwa, Jance. This is my cousin Iris Isis. Icy Iris this two are Miwa *indicating her* and Jance *same*." he said
"Nice to meet you Iris." both of them said
"Likewise. He says you two manage to keep up with him." she said meaning both
"We can but when its done were to sore to move." Jance said
"Once we went on for hours." Miwa said
"No wonder you got sore." Iris said
"If you three are done can we now talk about what we are going to do."

All three laughed causing him to exasperate a sigh.

"By the way where's chaos?" Iris asked
"Taking care of some of the ones that came out earlier."
"Come to think of it that would make things easier given he can cover ground as fast as us with our bikes." she said
"Those are your bikes. Nice." Miwa commented
"Custom. Alright this is what we are going to do." Iris said as he went and started to walk around the three.

Iris pulled a map from somewhere and unfolded it, it was in sections each with a number. She was  started to tell them what to do. He was walking violence nearly crackling around him and a wind blew. It was starting. A cell rang twice then stopped. He cursed it was going to be a very long bloody night.

"Alright its starting now you two get going and may you live to see the morning." Iris said as Miwa and Jance walked into the snowstorm.
"Where did you send them?" He asked as he got on his bike
"If they are as go as you say they'll be fine." 
"Fine. Well I will see you, the winds calling." he said
"Do you have any idea if we will see each other tonight." her eye glinted as she started her bike
"No." his eyes danced with violence he was already well down the path of it but wasn't lost.

Both revved their bikes and rode into the snowstorm all those that would fight tonight had a choice of standing aside an let what happens happen or not. Throughout the town dark things started to appear the curfew and a blackout was in effect. Those outside would now disappear tonight. 

(Better have this finished before people start awaking up to go on with their lives.) He thought as he rode on as the wind took him.

He arrived at the scene of a bloody and still continuing battle. He left his bike well away from the battle and dove into it. He scythed into the things cutting off arms, legs and anything else that came at him. Those still fighting joined in the bloodletting he went through everything that came at him. He stopped as the wind blew. There was still some left but he would let them deal with the remaining ones. 

She was covered in blood her blue hair now dark with blood. Her sword dripping blood from those she killed. Once her people saw her coming they rallied to her and thrust into the dark things. Her silver eyes shone as she looked for her next kill none found so she left to go to the other areas.

The snowstorm had made it tough for those fighting but so far not many had been lost. Some areas reported that a massive dog appeared then disappeared after a short while. Those areas had been the areas that the storm so oddly strong enough to make it impossible to see. The whole storm was unnatural so it wasn't surprising. She got back on her bike to see if any area need a cleansing.

The wind had stopped him just away from an large gathering of them. He didn't like it one bit he just hoped that she would get here. He had felt her going around town staying in one spot for awhile then continuing. Though he didn't know if she would actually appear and help him, hence he hoped. He was blind from the snow during one of the fights but used his violence to cut them down. The blood was probably frozen on him by now. He watch them he only had a few hours to kill them all then his violence flickered. He wasn't sure if she'd be able to see him with the storm. 

"Shimi I was wondering when you would show up." he said when she saw him she gave him a quick smile.
"I thought you would be somewhere around town." she said her eyes widen from the number of them
"Why so surprised? It's the longest night."
"Longest night?" she asked genuinely causing him to blank out for a bit.
"Never mind that. Looks like you had some fun tonight also." he said
"Yes I did. An slightly unusually amount of them than normal." 
"Think you can help me out with this flood?" he asked and saw her draw her sword.
"Sounds good to me."
"Don't be stupid woman." said a woman who he recognized and acted just as Yoshimi did. His violence sang loudly both swords clashed.
"Yoshimi they are what they are but - you need better friends." said another woman from the other side of Yoshimi looking ready to act with he hadn't acted first.
"Why shouldn't I kill them?" Yoshimi asked but didn't sheath her sword, she couldn't move her arm with him having an iron grip on it.
"Mia , Dia I don't know why you two are here. I could guess you mean to help but I doubt it. Shimi you trust me don't you?" he asked and saw dia move back to her sister's side seeing that he had her attention
"I trust you. But I'll kill them if I have to."
"Yes, yes. Now we have to get rid of this first." he said
"We didn't come here to help but what the hell. Shall we help them sis?" Mia said
"We do owe him, we'll help." Dia said her sister delighted "You really like him don't you?"
"Yes I do, like you do."
"Enough with this." his violence slipped through causing the three women to turn to him "We don't *pause* aw hell." he pushed Yoshimi and rolled to dodge an attack.
"Seems we have to hold off until later." Dia said as she casually sidestepped 

Mia was currently ripping one of the dark things to arm off as Dia finished killing one by halving it some how. Brant bought his sword into one behind him while his knife cut another both fell to the ground as he moved to evade an attack that managed to get him a little. He moved to another one his sword leading from the corner of his eye he saw Yoshimi evade an attack or rather go into it and take another down. He rolled as her sword took the one behind him and his took the one to the side and back of her. 

Dia pulled her arm out of one she killed and brought her elbow into one that was coming up behind her. She grabbed it and used it to block and attack from another before it could pull back from its attack she killed it by kicking through both. 

Mia was having some trouble when a big silver colored dog appeared crushing the thing with his jaws. She used that opening to get herself some room to attack better. She had no idea where that dog came from but she was glad it came when it did making it easier for her to move. 

The snowstorm had finally stopped once the last of them fell dead onto the ground and the sun started to rise. Chaos had went off to see if there were others still left. Brant stood looking at the mass of the dead bodies around him and walked or waded away. As he waded each body started to disappear.

"Now with everything settled mind if I ask why you two are here?" he asked
"You do have our blood in you." dia said
"That explains the feel he gives off and smell." Mia said
"What the hell are they talking about?" Yoshimi asked out of curiosity
"Before we continue mind if we find somewhere to sit." dia said and started away with her sister
"Make it quick cause I'm about to collapse." he said getting on his bike they had changed and started to move quickly "Hop on if you want to know their connection to me and what they are talking about."
"Why?" she asked mostly to herself
"Why, what?" he said 
"Don't worry about it." she said and got on the back of the bike
"Hold on." he said a peeled away to follow the two sisters, she held on by putting one arm around him.

He inwardly sighed just his luck for this to happen to him he slowed as the two slowed then stopped at a small playground with an table bench. He stopped the bike close to the playground as he put the stand down Yoshimi got off the bike. Mia and Dia sat waiting for them.

"You want to know why we are here, you want to know about the feel and smell." Dia said
"The why is easy the other I think he'll need to explain that." Mia said as she went to sit by him 
"Damn you." he cursed
"Why thank you, hon." She said and gave him a kiss which he could do nothing about given that she had practically wrapped herself around him.
"Mia would you stop. We came here to talk not have him." Dia said
"Really? You would do this if I didn't do it first." she said then let him go.
"Enough!" Yoshimi said having had enough 
"Fine." Mia said
"Good." Yoshimi said
"We took your advice and we found our mother instead. Apparently she could smell you on us." Dia said
"What's your mothers name? I may of come across her during my travels." he asked
"Zarina." she said 
"Zarina? She's about your height and has a mark under her left or right eye." he added "And a scar from the middle of her stomach that ends just under her left breasts." and nearly bit off his tongue.
"Why and how would you know that?" Yoshimi asked
"Yes and I didn't know she had a scar." Dia said
"Yes well *his cell rings saying he has a message/s he signals them to wait checked the message/s then send an replied* "They said their done a are going home."
"So are you going to tell us?" Mia asked
"Well er hmm fine. It was after I finished some people that I heard her much like I heard you two. But unlike you two it sounded sad and lonely normally I'd not care. There I was calling out to her to not surprise her." 
"You didn't know what she was?" Yoshimi asked
"I may of but most likely ignored it if I did. She stopped singing and soon as she went an hugged me while crying."
"So what did you do?" Dia asked
"She realized quickly what she did and I wasn't who she thought I was and started to sob. I just stood there after a few minutes I asked if she'd want to talk."
"Do you ask everyone if they want to talk with you or just women?" Yoshimi asked

"Any of you want something to drink?"
"Yes. Doesn't matter what it is." Mia said
"Only juice." Dia said
"Answer my question." Yoshimi said
"I guess you want whatever I'll get you."
"Since you will not answer my question I'll assume its just women." she said
"Go ahead and assume that."

He went to a vending machine and got four drinks and thought about weather or not he should say it or not. Now that he thought about it some more he realized she had not mentioned that she had daughters. He briefly wondered why Zarina would leave them either by choice or not. It didn't concern him he arrived back and handed them their drinks.

"She agreed to talk to me, she did she said she wanted to forget about something. She talked about her lover *puts a hand up to stop them from asking* ask her about him. She only told me a little about him." he paused taking a drink "She told me he left her one day with the two of you."
"I remember that day mother had said she was going to find him." Mia said
"She never came back. We stayed for awhile and went about finding her go eventually we gave up and forgot." Dia said
"How could you forget your own mother?" Yoshimi asked
"We are what we are. ‘Sides we would of hurt maybe even kill her." Dia said
"Did you?" he asked
"Not all of us are the same." she said
"True. As I was saying she found him naked and inside another woman. She never told me what happen I didn't want to know. She had been wondering for days and stopping every once in awhile to sing as she did when I met her. She met others that's all she said until I came along."
"You had sex with her didn't you?" all three asked
"Yes. She begged me to help her forget him by replacing him."
"Replacing? But your not with her." Mia added "I'll say one thing though we are her daughters."
"But I wonder if she liked him like we do." Dia said
"Do you two really like him or is it just lust?" Yoshimi asked before she could stop herself
"Like, lust. Lust, like. They both me the same thing to us." she said
"What about you?" Mia asked
"We know, you don't need to." Yoshimi said thinking (I don't like him at least not as much now)

Brant felt slightly unconformable and hoped he didn't have to say what Zarina and him both did. That brought the memory of the one other times but not with Zarina. Now he started to feel agitated and embraced his violence. Agitated that they meaning Mia and Dia would want to know when he rather not tell them. One could say he was old fashion but to him it was his business and anyone who he is or will be with, not the detail just that he was with someone else.

 "That's how I know about her and the scar. Now if you would I'll be going home to sleep." he said and check his watch to see it was nearly time for people to start waking up.
"I'll see you." Yoshimi said as she started away from them the others nodded that they heard as she shook her head. 

Brant had tried to get on his bike but was currently held by both sisters. He looked to see if Yoshimi would help how he didn't know and saw that she left him to his fate. He frowned slightly as he looked at her. Apparently she no longer thought it was needed for her to act. All that crossed his mind just as quick as one of the sisters he couldn't tell which one had a hand inside and was working him as well as touching herself. He then felt the other kissing him and forced her tongue into his mouth. His violence became like it did when both were singing. His reason started to faded away as his lust and passion started to rise. Reason no longer was in his mind only passion and lust. 

"That's good let it takeover." said Dia lustily 
"Show us what you did with Zarina our mother." said Mia seductively who was the one slowly work on him.
"No." he barely had strength to talk having to focus on some other matter.
"No? But your SO ready." Mia said seductively in his ear

He was on edge and was nearly pushed over when something sparked. That small spark flared causing both lust and passion to evaporate to give reason control in turn him. He stopped Mia gently considering she still had a hold of him. After which he managed to get them to let him go well not let him go but stopped them from doing anything to him. They rubbed up against him with their bodies, he was overtaken by violence to keep his reason.

"You *Mia moans* sure *moans yet again* don't *presses hard against him, her hand moving even quicker* want *shivers and leans against him.*

Dia had one hand fingering and the other went behind his head and brought him into lust passion filled kiss. She shivered and leaned against him like her sister Mia. As much as he wanted to go he couldn't so he managed to get them to sit down. He sighed and let the violence fade once they were no longer attached to him, he saw a few people walk by. He glance over at the sisters then got on his bike.

"Perhaps next time you have sex with us." Dia said before he got faraway.
"If you don't find him and I have no one then we'll see." 
"We'll hold you to that." Mia said even if he was far away she used what she was to have him hear it.

He rode home thinking he could of got out of that had he killed them or at least hurt them. He didn't want to for cause they helped him and before they had left without fighting him. One could say it was payment for the help they gave. He sighed.

(If others find out they'll probably think I wanted it to continue. They took it to far had they not I'd of let them continue for a little bit.) He thought (Damn it. Perhaps going to bed will help clear out the rest of what they did.)

Brant slept and dreamt of the time he was with Zarina and the time he was with - he now dreamed that he was fighting the things again. Then his dream changed again with him walking around a place he couldn't see. He woke up to see his dog nuzzling his arm.

"Chaos stop that I'm awake." he said groggily and Chaos barked
"I'm up you damn mutt." he cursed and Chaos growled at him 
"You are a mutt." Chaos growled again 
"Alright you're a handsome mutt."  Chaos barked happily and went away for a second and came back holding something. 

Brant flipped onto his back looking up at the ceiling of his room then left his arm to check the time. He checked the time and realized he had slept for a whole day and nearly half of another. He gave up trying to understand no he knew that it was the price for all that fighting. Chaos dropped whatever it was he held with his teeth on to his bed. He saw that it was his cell that he threw somewhere when he got home. He check to see he had a text not bothering to check it he closed his eyes to go back to sleep. Eyes snapped open when he was bit and realized he checked the message sure enough it was who he thought it was. It was nearly half an hour old and another message that was hours old from his cousin.

"Good boy." and scratched Chaos behind his ears for a few as he read the oldest message first.

 Before he checked the messages he check if he missed any calls he didn't at least no important ones. He checked the text from his cousin first. The message was this

[b][i]~Hello cousin if my guest is right or rather if its like all the other time you should be awake hours after you received this message. I found out yesterday that it was over fifty of them everywhere. Your two friends didn't get hurt to much, not that you would think they would get hurt very bad. With that out of the way I got reports that Chaos was very helpful tell him thanks for me. Prina said that as girl came to see you yesterday which surprised the both of them. Surprise cause the girl had no way of know where you lived. Why did your sister tell me, she wanted to see what I could find about her. All I found she goes to your school and isn't from here. That's all I have to say.~[/i][/b]

The other was this

[b][i]~Hi!  I went to your home not really sure how I found you, maybe it was your scent? Or I just lucked out? Anyways I asked if you were home your sister said you were sleeping and wont wake up until the following day. You did say to give you an answer on the phone but I thought it would of been better to give it to you in person. Well I couldn't. I'd of called but your sister said you'd be too deep to hear it. I sent this text know that you would eventually read it. YOU call me. :3 E~[/i][/b]

   	"I'll call her." *Bark* "What?" 
*Growl, Bark* "Its not like I need to call right now." 
*Loud growl and bark* "I wont forget." 
*Again growl and bark.* "I said I wont."
*Growl* "Fine I'll call." 
*Bark* "Why don't you go out around town." *Bark* and chaos left to go about town.
"If it's a no which I hope its not I'll just wonder around. If it's a yes then I'll figure something out." he said to himself and dialed the number. It rang twice before it was answered.

"Hi. I take it that you finished reading the text." Eri said
"I did. So how did you find me?"
"Either luck or *pause* scent." she sound slightly embarrassed
"You sound embarrassed that you may of found me by scent."
"What is it you want?" she said denying what he said
"You want to tell me in person your answer why don't we meet at the main road."
"In fifteen minutes then." she said
"Fifteen then."
"Do you even live fifteen minutes from the main road?" she asked
"No but I'll get there in less than fifteen."
"If you say so. I'll see you then." she said 
"Yeah. Bye."

He hung up after she had and went to see if he was alone he was. He got food and ate as he thought where if she agreed to take her before taking her to eat. The place wont close until two in the morning. It was a two or so hour ride on bike to get there from Moriyoh he sighed a cold wind blowing as he rode.

(It'll work out.) He thought as he finished making the call. 

Eri was walking towards the main road of Moriyoh wearing slightly close fitting dark pants and dark shirt. She knew he liked cat girls maybe that's why he asked her out. No if that was it he'd of asked well before now. 

(I'll see today if its cause I'm a cat girl. It better not be or I'll give him a thrashing.) Eri thought and a cold wind blew carrying the sound of a bike that not many here had any. The wind also carried the scent of the person she was meeting.

(I hope he doesn't have that dog with him.) She thought as she waited for him to get to her as he got closer she could see it was gray.

He had finally learned how to separate each variation of his violence though now he couldn't feel one couldn't for along while now. On his way here he checked the positions of all the others two stayed in a general place and the other two had been at the station and left after a short while. The day he had left to the restaurant was when he found out the extent of his ability to place people that stirred his violence. As he got closer to Eri his violence pulsed and flickered. He was within seeing distance and saw what she had on.

(Either she dresses like that normally or she agreed.) He thought and stopped the bike near her and got off standing next to his bike.
"You look great as ever Eri darlin." he said seeing her blush
"Your good looking yourself dear."
"Why thank Eri darlin." he said slightly red
"Oh your face is red."
"Not as red as yours. So what's your answer?" he asked his color returning somewhat to normal
"Depends on how well you do today. Mind if I take a look at your bike?"
"Go ahead but don't think I can tell you anything technical about it." he said
"Are you always honest or just when there's no point in lying?"
"Depends on the situation." he replied
"You didn't answer my question. Why the red crescent and flaming rose?" 
"I did. I really don't have an idea I just like it. So shall we go." he said
"Where are we going?"
"Hmm no damn clue." he said her eyes slitted in angry
"Then you shouldn't have ask me out."
"Would you believe that I only know that I'll take you out to eat its about two hours from here." he said to try and cool her angry.
"Next time say that before you say you have no clue."
"Consider me reprimand, Darlin." he said and got on his bike and added "Need help getting on?"
"No but where are we going first?" she asked and got on behind him on the bike.

"One question. Do you need to be back at a set time?" he asked
"No. Why?" 
"Well we could watch a movie which would add an hour or I could go straight to the restaurant actually near." he said and started the bike.
"Near the restaurant?"
"I'll have to show you I can't tell you." he said
"What time do we have to be there?"
"Don't worry about it we'll make it." he replied heading out of Moriyoh
"How fast can you go?"
"Depends do you really want me to and where do you want me to go?" he asked
"I want to see a movie."
"Alright then hold tight." he said and she complied by putting both her arms close around his waist.

He gradually throttled the bike faster as he head out of Moriyoh with Eri holding onto him. As they rode on he wonder what movie she would want to whatever movie it will be he'd just watch it or much to her disappointment sleep through it. He checked his watch they had time but it would probably be a close one, he eased the bike faster. 

"Where did you get this bike?" Eri asked as she leaned against him her breasts pushed against his back.    
"At Prina's job and with the help of my cousins people."
"You wont ask what movie I want to see?" she asked still leaned against him.
"If its one of the recent movies none of them look that bad."
"You're not picky about movies are you." she said
"I am. If I think it's a terrible movie I'll not watch it."
"What are we going to eat?" she asked
"Shit I didn't think about that. Uh is Italian fine."
"Italian is fine. But why that one?" she said
"You'll see *looked up to see it was still cloudily* if it clears up some by night you'll love it."
"Do you do this with every female you fancy?" she asked then stopped leaning on his back much to his disappointment
"If I did I'd be busy for months. *Gets squeezed hard* Ow."

As they rode Eri fell asleep leaning against him but holding tight, he held her with his left hand over hers. He checked the time and saw it would be cutting it very close. In twenty minutes he'd be in the city and another five at the theater. She started to stir just as he entered the city her eyes opened and she suddenly sat upright. Her face heated when she realized she fell asleep against his back and he had a hand on hers.

"Have a good nap?" he asked and removed his hand but she grabbed it entwined one of her with his.
"Sorry and I did."
"Don't worry about it." he said
"Do we still have time?"
"Pushing it close but yes. Unless the movie is more than two hours." he said
"We don't have to watch it and instead walk around here then leave."
"No, we are going to see it." he said
"We don't have to."
"Answer this do you really want to see it?" he asked forcefully
"Then stop saying we don't have to." he angrily said then added softly "Sorry for sounding angry its just that I'm starting to feel numb."
"Don't do it again."
"Can't say I wont but I'll try." he said 

They were sitting watching the movie when he checked his watch to see if they still had time which they did. The movie they watch turned out to be a comedy and just as he thought it wasn't that bad but ok. Eri would laugh from time to time he would to but less than her. They left the theater it was night, lightly snowing and cloudy though less than earlier. Once they got to his bike he check and saw that his sword was still rested between the handles with a current flowing through the sword. The current stopped if one knew where to touch. 

"It was a funny movie wasn't it." Eri said tail swaying 
"It was. Can you drive a bike?" 
"Why?" she said tail still swaying
"I'll let you drive it." 
"But- Don't worry I'll help you some." he assured her
"Do we even have time?"
"Do you or do you not?" he asked ignoring her question he had checked his watch to see they gained sometime given they got there minutes into the movie.
"Ok sounds like it'll be fun."

He told her what she should know before giving her the keys. 

"You wont do anything right." she said eyes narrowing 
"No unless you tell me to or move my hands."
"Do you want me to get angry?" she half joked
"No not without good cause."

They rode out of the city with a little difficulty. Eri was slightly nervous/on edge but as time went by she got used to it. He didn't talk to her not knowing if she'd get distracted with him talking. Sometime later he put his hands over hers to keep her calm and to ease the bike faster. A thought crossed his mind then he rejected it. He removed his hands from hers and leaned forward to talk.

"Another half hour and you'll see a side road take it and follow it." he said causing her ear to twitch she nodded her head. He felt the bike go faster as he moved back to his regular position

(She's more of a four wheel driver than a two wheel. Though she could become a biker.) He thought as he checked the time then took out his cell to see if he had any messages.

The snow still fell as Eri took the side road with some help from him given that the road wasn't paved but a hard packed dirt one. He pointed out that she should park the bike over by the side. As she put the stand down he got off first stretched and cracked his bones. She stretched like the cat she was on top of the bike with her tail straight and ear moving. Then she tumbled off for some reason and would of hit the ground had he not steaded her. She blushed a little in shame.

"*Sniff* Smells delicious." she said and saw the place eyes wide "How did you find this place?"
"You know I honestly don't remember. I used to come here at least once a month two years ago."

He chuckled took her by the hand and walked to the restaurants' entrance. The place was very busy but not completely packed. The maitre ‘d smiled and welcomed them.

"Welcome to the two stars and moon. If you don't have a reservation it's a forty minute wait, if you do it's a twenty or so minute wait."
"Hello. Oterra for two." 
"Oterra *looks at the ledger and then towards the tables* twelve or sixteen minutes." the man said

Both of them sat to wait for a table to clear. Very few tables were empty and the second story was for groups of six or more. They sat there in silence neither for awhile then Eri asked him a question.

"What is it you wanted to show me?" she asked
"I'll show you after we finished eating as I said before you'll love it at least I think you will."
"Does Prina work with Iris? Cause you said that Iris had people there." she said
"By work with do you mean as an employee then no, it's a shared place with Iris providing security completely. Do you drink?"
"Not Much." she said and he nodded. 
"Oterra for two." said the man  

The followed a waiter to their table. Brant pulled out the chair for Eri to sit down, then sat down himself. The waiter gave them the menu as he said his name and left to give them time to look at the menu while he went to see about clearing a table. Both look at their menus haven't found anything yet once the waiter came back.

"Are you ready to order Sir, Ma'am?" he asked
*Brant looks to see if Eri was ready to order and saw that she was.* "She'll order first I need a few more seconds." Brant said
"Very well Sir." the waiter said

Brant finally found what he wanted just as Eri finished ordering her food. He ordered his and asked to know what wine would go good with the food. The waiter left once he took their order after he said what wine would go good with the food they ordered. They ate the bread the waiter had left.

"Iris wanted to hire me." Eri said causing him to cough/chock
"She did, did she. I take it you didn't agree."
"No I didn't. Why?" she asked
"Ah well oh here comes the food."

The waiter came with their food and two empty wine glasses with a bottle in chilled water. Eri had ordered a dish with fish , vegetables and some type of pasta. While he ordered something with a little of various foods. The waiter poured the first glass and left the bottle once Brant approved it.

"Don't let me drink to much. Can't hold alcohol to well." she said "Why?" then started to eat
"Well you heard *eating* of Blue Lounge?"

Both continued to eat before Eri answered.

"She wanted me to be a stripper." she said bordering on outrage
"Why? You look great. But I doubt that was why she may of wanted you be a server."
"What would I wear if I was?" she asked with slight curiosity outrage
"Don't be angry at her, she's nice you know. You would be wearing very short shorts and a tight shirt." his mind blanked out for a few seconds before he felt her kick him.
"Stop imaging." she reprimand with a blushed face
"Sorry but you look great but - sorry."

They ate in silence for awhile before he started talking to her. As they talked and ate both realized they had few things in common. As it turned out while she liked possible loved Yaoi he liked the opposite of it meaning Yuri. She had asked if he had any that she could read given that she was curious. Before he thought of saying something to that she vehemently said it was curiosity. Then she asked if he wanted to read some which he promptly said quite loudly HELL NO! Which made everyone look at him and he just as promptly said sorry. He then explained why. The bottle of wine was nearly empty just as their plates. They ordered dessert after finishing the rest of the food. Both ordered the same thing which was something that they never ate let alone seen before. It tasted sweet and lightly tangy but very good. As he asked for the check and finished the dessert Eri asked something he rather not want to answer.

"The nurse me and Yuki asked Ryo but he well you saw what happened didn't you?" Eri asked
"I didn't see it but did hear it. Yuki asked where Kokoro was didn't you. *Saw the look she had* you know how I helped her out. I got to know her so I call her Kokoro but only when its just us."
"Then you know of the sex club?" she asked
"No and that matches her personality, most likely she made money off them."
"Do *Brant stops her so he could pay the waiter left with the money then she continued* you know where she is?" she asked

He remember the day the key shattered he was going to see how many doors he could open. He took it from around his neck and was about to use it when it just shattered. He was not a superstitionist person not with what he's dealt with so he knew something bad happened to Kokoro and would/could get worse. Then just as quick as the memory came it went.

"No I didn't know where she was. Where? Cause she'd of stayed here for awhile getting her things together before she left."
"Do you know why?" she asked
"No, yes I got to know her but that doesn't mean she told me everything."
"I guess we'll have to put the nails on Ryo." she said
"From what I heard I don't think it would be a good idea  -." he bit his tongue before he continued
"Maybe." she said
"Come on I want to show you something." he said as he got up and held out his hand to her which she took.

She held his hand as he took her up to the second floor then out to a balcony. It was a snowing, star filled, nearly full moon night with the light reflecting on the ocean. Her eyes widened in amazement and her tail swayed. 

"It's a beautiful view isn't it." he said
"I'd of not thought you would *indicates the view* 
"I don't look like the type of guy that enjoys natural beauty do I. Ah well it doesn't matter." he said
"Can we go walk along the shore?"
"Sure." he said

He parked the bike well away from the road put the stand down just as Eri got off the bike. Eri was already down by the shore looking out then looked to see that he had yet to get there. He shook his head in astonishment then walked up to her. He had his sword strapped on this time not that he needed it but he felt like he should. Once he got to her she started to walk along the shore tail swaying happily. 

"So you're a cat that loves water?" he asked
"Of course if it wasn't dark and I'd of know I was near the sea I'd of wore my swimsuit and gone for a swim." 
"How about we go next time?" he asked with her a with steps ahead of him
"Eri darlin we're just going to walk along the shoreline." he said then saw her stop and within a few steps he was next to her.
"Yes but you don't mind do you dear?"
"Nope just curious darlin." he said then she went and pulled him closer.
"So all you planned was going to eat?"
"Well if I did we would have to hurry even more. If you want I could plan a whole itinerary another time." he said
"No I prefer it with a few things planned."

They continued walking along the shoreline for awhile more then turned around to head back to the bike to go home. Eri now had his arm between her medium sized breast tail swaying. Neither had spoken the whole time just walking enjoying each others company. Brant stopped causing her to stop and looked out the sea. 

"What's wrong?" Eri asked 
"Hmm. Nothing just looking at the sea and wishing I didn't have to drive us back home."
"Really." she said
"No just wanted to remember the feel of my arm between your breast. *gets stepped on* Sorry but you're the one who put my arm there."
"You didn't have to go and say it." she said and they arrived at his bike.
"Do you want to drive again?" 
"Half and half." she said excitedly
"I'll get the first and you the second."
"Agreed." she added "Do you have your sword with you?"
"Hmm, always. I had it the whole time except when at the movie and eating."
"I may want to know why but not now. Why can't I see it?" she said
"Most people can't. I'll show you."

His violence had achieved soft rhythm that became stronger when he drew his sword and place the sheath across the handles. Eri eye widened when she saw it appear from nowhere so to speak but she had seen it as he drew it.

"Long as it sits in the sheath most wont see it." he said then sheathed it Eri was about to touch it when he caught her wrist "There a current running through it now."
"Why? If most can't see it." 
"It's for those that can. Touch it lightly." he said and she touched it and meowed in pain with tail puffed up. 

He held her hand and rubbed it to soothe it not that he actually believed it would but it was the intent that mattered. Her tail started to go back to normal. He gave her a smile stopped rubbing her hand but didn't let it go.

"Is it always like that and why didn't it shock you?"
"It does but if you touch here *point to a spot* and *here pointed to another* it'll just feel like when have a sleeping foot or arm." he said
"Just touch where I pointed and you'll understand." he said letting go of her hand so she could place them where he point.
"It feels numbing."
"No imagine that soft touch and double maybe four fold it." he said the got on the bike kicking the stand up.
"That must be painful." she replied and got up close behind him.
(It would kill anyone who held it to long.) He thought grimly and smiled with the feel of her close to him

He revved the bike turned it to face towards home, told her to hold tight for a bit revved it twice then did a quarter mile wheelie. After the wheelie both wheels were back on the ground and she loosened her grip around him. The snow was still falling as they rode home in silence for all they wanted to hear was the wind and the heart of the bike. Ten minutes later Eri fell asleep head against his back just like before on the way to the city. He smiled then it faded for two reasons one he didn't know if it was a one time deal she hadn't said anything about it. The other was he got a message that he read when Eri was away from him which went like this

[b][i]~Sorry if I interrupted anything dear cousin. She's be found will somewhat. Her place had blood not much if she was killed. She owes me money never thought I'd see her again so to speak. Anyways we didn't bother looking through the place there we might later if noone else does. Whoever did that took her, where don't know yet we'll then it at that if it goes to a place I rather not deal with. I can't help you much with your friends not that you need it. That's all I thought you might want to know. Sorry again for the interruption. Icy Iris. ~[/i][/b]

He sighed all he could do was just protect them or figure out a way to get them to forget it. He didn't bother with it and wont until he had to if it came to that. New years was just two or so weeks away he didn't know weather to sleep in or do something. He had time so he'll come up with something. He eased the bike faster to cover more ground he slowed the bike down at one point and pulled over. As he slowed down to pull over 

Eri stirred from her sleep. She felt the deceleration of the bike causing her to wake up she sat up from leaning on him and got off the bike once it was stopped. She stretched her arms and legs and he did the same too.

"Are you sure you want to drive?" he asked
"Yes and all the way to my place."
"If your sure." he said
"Yes. But I think I'm more suited for four wheels." she said and got on then he got on right behind her.

She kicked the stand up and started the ride back home again. He took his cell out and sent a message to his cousin thanking her for the information and that she'd not interrupted anything. In moments he received another a reply saying that's to bad hoped she had. Which he didn't reply to and she didn't send anymore texts. Eri had eased the bike faster, she enjoyed driving it but she didn't feel relaxed still. She was pretty certain that if it was just her riding she'd of probably just walk all the way back. But he was with her behind her though she preferred if he'd put his arms around her. 

He was using his violence to place where the others he couldn't not with him so close to Eri that it was a lost cause. He kept trying out of stubbornness until she moved his left arm by entwining their hands and moved it so it was around her. She kept their hand entwined, causing his violence to now dance with the rhythm that it had before. Out of stubbornness he kept trying but each variate was now a faint feeling and felt her tail swaying and hitting him. She felt happy that she was holding his hand and that it was around her even if she did that herself. Her tail swayed and hit his chest once in a while. 

They were nearly there when he placed a hand on the other to make sure that nothing happened when he was coming to do something that may or may not piss her off. The one that was entwined with hers he started to move around on her stomach. She flinched from what he was doing he realized why he held the handle with his other to make sure the bike stayed in control. He felt her flinch from his touching and kept control of the bike. She squeezed his hand hard then tugged it indicate for him to lean forward. 

"Yes Eri darlin?" he asked she loosened her grip and placed it back where it was.
"Ask before you do that."
"Oh *starts rubbing her stomach and tapping it lightly* well can I?" he said
"No *sighs* you *meows and he stops* wh- *he chuckles causing his hand to get squeezed hard*"
"Alright I'll continue and don't worry I'll not touch where I shouldn't." he vowed then started again

They entered Moriyoh limits as she finally told him to stop which he did but she didn't release his hand. She was starting to feel hot just as they entered the limits and told him to stop put didn't want to let him go so she didn't. He had immediately stopped not asking why which she was glad that he didn't. Within a few more minutes they arrived at her place she kicked the stand down and let go of his hand reluctantly. 

Brant felt the warmth of her hand then her body as he got of the bike start to leave him. As she got off the bike he stood there waiting. She stood looking at him then smiled. She was about to say something when he leaned in and pulled her into a kiss that last for a minute. He stepped back and looked down not from embarrassment but from the fact that she would be pissed at him for that.

"Look at me." she said and he complied eyes showing nothing but waiting for angry
"I'm sorry really truly sorry."
"Why cause you didn't want to kiss me?" she asked
"No! No. Just that I di- I wanted to even if it would make you angry at me."
"Well I am mad but not for that or maybe for that. Thanks for the date." she said and gave him a kiss.

He stood there knowing she was mad or maybe she wasn't mad then he smiled at least she had fun he got on his bike kicked the stand up then rode away to head home.


Binkan Suzuki woke up, got out of bed and dragged a comb across his head.
He appraised the state of his receding hairline with the usual measure of dismay and tried to correct things by dragging a few strands of hair from the side of his head across the bare spot. The results were pathetic. He looked like a politician.
He shrugged and put down his comb. Then he went downstairs for breakfast.
In the dining room, he said his [i]ohayos[/i] to his mother and Mrs. Komegura.
Mrs. Komegura¬Öto whose daughter he was (technically) engaged, and who had been living with Mother ever since the young Miss Komegura had mysteriously vanished.
The two women regarded him with inscrutable faces as he primly placed his legs under the skirt of the kotatsu.
Their gaze made him feel uncomfortable. He could sense their impatience with him; it had been steadily increasing day after day, week after week. He countered their looks with his own resentment.
"We're doing the best we can to find her," he said. "Why am I the only one who doesn't believe she's still in town?"
Mother gave no reply. She simply turned her face away from him to focus her attention on her breakfast. 
Mrs. Komegura¬Öwell, she hadn't spoken a word to him in weeks.
How long, actually, had he been stuck here in Moriyoh on this fool's mission to find his missing fiancé?
Well, the weather had turned cold, and it was snowing outside this morning.
A few months ago, when it was hot and everything in Japan was wilting from the heat and humidity, these two old biddies had tricked him-tricked him!-into getting engaged to Mrs. Komegura's daughter, the nurse at JAST.
Matchmaking meetings had become a part of his life with increasing frequency lately. He was nearing forty, and Mother was getting frantic for grandchildren. 
Over and over again, he had tried to explain to her that he was married to his work, but she wouldn't listen.
Binkan Suzuki's many business cards identified him variously as: a lawyer, an accountant or a consultant, among other things. In truth, however, he was a fixer; one of an army of secret technicians who kept the wheels of Japanese society greased and running smoothly. Some fixers rigged elections; others helped corporations get around the law; Binkan served the media. 
So whenever some idol singer got caught on tape with her pants down or a popular comedian beat up his girlfriend, they called on Binkan Suzuki to cover up the potential scandal, or-if that wasn't possible-to spin the affair in his client's favor, if he could.
And he usually could.
Case in point: earlier that year, Noriko, the most popular actress in Japan, had been arrested for drug possession. The Prosecution's case against her seemed air tight; they had mounds of evidence and even a confession. And in Japan, with its ninety per cent conviction rate, it seemed certain that she was going to end up in prison for a long time.
Then in stepped Binkan to work his magic. By calling in a few favors and the judicious use of blackmail, he'd managed to get Noriko off with a suspended sentence. All she'd had to do was deliver a blatantly insincere apology to the judge and that was that. And he expected her to be very, very grateful to him for that. He didn't really need the inconvenience of a wife.
Nevertheless, every once in awhile he had to leave his work in Tokyo, travel back to Moriyoh and go through the motions.
Fortunately for him, the young ladies Mother came up with were usually not interested in marriage, anyway, and only there to oblige their parents-just like him.
So he was confident that upon meeting with the young Miss Komegura, all he had to do was be himself and that would be the deal breaker.
But she'd double crossed him.
Everything had seemed to be going along fine. He'd made himself as boring as possible, and, for her part, Miss Komegura seemed to hardly hear him. Several times, in fact, she'd even glanced at her watch.
Imagine his surprise, then, when in the end she accepted his proposal!
He was stunned. He wanted to jump up then and there and declare that it was all a mistake, that he hadn't been serious and had no intention of marrying her. But there was Mother and Mrs. Komegura looking so pleased¬Öwhat could he do?
It was ironic that despite all his experience at cleaning up other people's messes, he couldn't figure out what to do about one he'd made for himself. All he could think to do was to make his farewells, go back to Tokyo, throw himself into business and hope Miss Komegura would just disappear.
On his way back, he decided to look in on his friend and client, Jose Ecuador, who had been the one who'd supplied drugs to Noriko. It was another example of Binkan's miraculous powers that he had managed to keep Ecuador's involvement a secret all during the media circus following her arrest.
Binkan got the shock of his life when, during the course of the conversation, he showed Ecuador a picture of Miss Komegura and he identified her as a former employee of his in his drug business, where she'd been known as the Snow Queen.
It was a stupid, ridiculous coincidence. One of those events that only occur in badly written fiction, but there you were. In addition to that, she'd suddenly left Ecuador's employ a few years ago, taking a lot of money with her that belonged to him. Now he wanted it back, so the next thing Binkan knew, he was heading back to Moriyoh with Jose.
All the way down, he tried to convince his friend to change his mind and let bygones be bygones with Miss Komegura. He may not have liked her that much, but he didn't wish her any trouble, either. But he knew that it would go very badly for her if she and Ecuador met.
"Look," he'd said. "That was so many years ago. She's probably spent all the money by now. So what good will hassling her about it do?"
"You think so, Amigo?" Jose replied. "Jose Ecuador doesn't make assumptions like that. If she were down to her last peso, I would take it¬Öand extract the rest from her hide!"
He curled one of his massive hands into a fist and punched the palm of his other one with it.
Binkan's stomach started to hurt. It must be his old ulcer acting up, again.
"Does she know we're coming?" Jose asked.
"Who?" Binkan replied.
"The girl, amigo! Who else? Where is your mind at, any way?"
"Well, I called Mother and asked her to set up another meeting with Miss Komegura for tomorrow. I didn't say anything about you, naturally."
Jose nodded in satisfaction.
"But¬Öyour mother? Why didn't you contact the girl directly?"
"Oh¬Öwell¬ÖI don't know where she lives and we didn't exchange cell numbers. I was in a hurry to get away."
"Ha! Aren't you the great lover, though. You don't even know where she lives?"
"It didn't seem important at the time. And it wouldn't have been, either, if things hadn't turned out the way they did. Besides, are you implying something? I'll have you know I meet all sorts of women in my work. Women far more glamorous and interesting than this one. Where do you think Noriko was all those weeks the cops and reporters were looking for her? She was with me, that's where."
"Ha ha! You dog!" Jose responded.
He slugged Binkan in the shoulder with his fist. It was a friendly gesture, but it almost made Binkan lose control of the car.
The business about Noriko was a lie, of course. But it was the kind of necessary lie men have to tell each other every now and then.

It was early evening by the time they crossed over the Shinkawa Bridge, which is the main route into Moriyoh. At Moriyoh Station, Binkan pulled the car down a side street and stopped in front of a building with a sign on it: [i]Comedy Box.[/i]
"Eh!" said Jose. "Why are we stopping here?"
"This is the office of an old friend of mine," Binkan replied, turning off the engine. "Tetsujin Saitama. We used to go to school together. Come on, let's go in."
He opened the door and got out; then waited on the sidewalk for Jose to join him.
"This is not the time for some jolly class reunion, Binkan," Jose remarked.
"You don't understand," Binkan replied. "Tetsujin is the representative of the Sumiyoshi Rengo here. You might say he's the Yakusa's finger in Moriyoh. It's just simple courtesy to pay our respects to him."
"Looks like a karaoke bar," Jose replied.
"Just a front," Binkan said, opening the door.
"Welcome, oyakusama."
A woman standing behind a counter bowed to them. She was wearing a blonde wig and wearing some kind of German costume. To Ecuador, she looked like a Japanese version of the St. Pauli Girl.
"Oh, welcome, Suzuki-sama," she said, recognizing Binkan, and repeating her bow.
Binkan responded with a bow of his own.
"Good evening to you, Miss Gestapuku. We've come to see Saitama-san. Is he in?
"Oh, I'm sorry, Suzuki-sama. But you just missed him. Saitama-sama has gone to Tokyo on business. The national elections are coming up, you know."

“Ah, that’s right.” Benkan slapped himself on the head. “How could I have forgotten?”
Turning to Jose, he said, “Saitama is in the People’s Happiness Party.”
Jose Ecuador didn’t follow Japanese politics very closely; only in so much as it impacted his business, and, as a resident alien, he couldn’t vote, anyway. But he had heard of the People’s Happiness Party. It was a right wing group that wanted to re-arm Japan with nuclear weapons and bomb North Korea. He wasn’t sure how that would make anybody happy-not that he cared.
“In that case, I guess we’ll be going then,” Binkan said. “Thank you, Miss Gestapuku. Please tell Saitama-san I called.”
“Wait,” said Jose. “This is a karaoke bar, isn’t it, amigo? Why don’t we have a little fun, eh? We’ve come a long way, and I’m thirsty.”
Miss Gestapuku smiled and clasped her hands together.
“Oh, that would be charming. And since you are both friends of Saitama-sama, everything would be free, of course.”
“Well¬ÖI don’t know,” Binkan replied.
“Ah, come on, compadre.” Jose put a gigantic arm around Binkan and shook him violently. “Lighten up. Don’t you want to have a little fun?”
In fact, Binkan didn’t. He just wanted to go home. He was afraid of what Jose might do once he got a little alcohol in him. His friend was alarming enough at times even when he was sober.
“Very well, then,” said Miss Gestapuku, as if everything were settled.
She picked up a little silver bell from the counter and rang it softly. Almost at once, a girl dressed in an outfit similar to the one Miss Gestapuku was wearing appeared and bowed deeply to them.
“Takuya,” Miss Gestapuku said. “Show these nice gentlemen to a booth.”
Just as he had feared, the evening turned into a nightmare. Ecuador got drunk, hassled the waitress, and almost got into a fight with a schoolboy. Miss Gestapuku was very upset with them as well.
Even worse, Mother was very angry when Binkan showed up unannounced with a drunken foreigner in tow. His explanation that Jose was a very important client of his didn’t help much.
The next morning, after breakfast, Ecuador spelled out to Binkan what they were going to do.
“First, you’ll have your meeting with the girl. Ask her out on a date. Have lunch with her or something. Then, when the two of you go to the car, I’ll be waiting in the back seat. Simple, eh?”
“Yes, simple,” Binkan agreed. His stomach started hurting so much he had to go into the bath room and throw up.
But Miss Komegura had never shown up for the meeting and, in fact, had seemed to have disappeared off the face of the Earth.
“Chucha tu madre!” Ecuador had exclaimed. “She must have found us out!”
Binkan was puzzled by her sudden disappearance, as well. But he was relieved, as well. If she never showed up again, he wouldn’t have to marry her. Nor would he have to deliver her up his friend, Ecuador. That made his stomach feels so much better.
Nevertheless, Ecuador had suggested that they stay in town until they found her-- a suggestion that met with enthusiastic approval from Mother and Mrs. Komegura . Only Binkan argued against the idea. He was certain that Miss Komegura had left town for good, but none of the others agreed with him. To make matters worse, Jose had seemed to lose interest in the project almost as soon as he had suggested it. His idea of searching consisted of staying out all night drinking and gambling and dragging poor Binkan along with him. Every other night seemed to find them in the Blue Lounge. Mrs. Komegura had somehow found out about that and that’s when she stopped talking to him.
She went to the police and reported her daughter missing, despite having been advised against it by Ecuador.
“Just leave everything to us, matron,” he’d said.
But then he just went back to his nightly carousing and not even the threat of police involvement seemed to phase him.
As a result, here he was, taking his breakfast under the flinty glares of Mother and Mrs. Komegura.
Suddenly, his cell started to ring.
“Moshi moshi,” he said. “Oh, Miss Gestapuku. How are you? Well, that’s good news. How about this afternoon? Thank you very much.”
When that conversation was completed, he punched the number of the hotel where Ecuador was staying.
“Eh?” said a sleepy voice.
“Jose,” Binkan said. “We have an appointment with Saitama this afternoon. Bring a gift. I’ll see you in a few hours.”
He clicked off the phone and snapped it shut.
“Good news,” he said to the two puzzled women. “I think there may be a break in the case.”

Tetsujin Saitama lived in a gated compound on a hill, overlooking the Rainbow Land amusement park, a favorite spot of dating couples and another property of his.

At the moment, he was entertaining guests in the favorite room in his house-his library.
A look at the books on his shelves would have been a perfect barometer to the kind of man he was. They were filled with histories of the Sino-Japanese War, the Russo- Japanese War, and the early Showa period. There were also numerous texts by apologists for the Imperial period and books denying the Nanking Massacre.
In front of one wall, between two bookcases was a large print, mounted in glass and supported by a small table. It had been issued shortly after the Japanese victory over the Russians at the turn of the last century and was entitled “The Power and Beauty of Japan.” It was divided into four scenes. The first one depicted a battleship of that era; the second, a group of soldiers gathered around a cannon, waving flag; the third showed another group of soldiers marching in formation, while some stout gentlemen in elaborate uniforms observed them from a platform; the fourth scene showed two geishas with umbrellas strolling in a cherry orchard-this last one was the only concession to beauty in the entire picture.
Tetsujin Saitama, himself, was a serious-faced man in his early forties. As with many of his fellow right-wingers and militarists in general, he had never experienced the horrors of war close-up, and he viewed the bad old Imperial days through rose-colored glasses.
He and his two guests were sitting around a low table, sipping tea.
“Mr. Saitama,” said Jose Ecuador. “Allow me to present to you this trivial gift.”
He took a small package from his coat pocket and placed it on the table in front of Saitama, who opened it and picked up the object within. It was a handgun.
Saitama smiled.
“This is very nice,” he said. “I fancy myself something of an expert on handguns, but this¬Ö”
“It’s a fully automatic modification of the FN Five-Seven, manufactured by Herstal, the Belgium firm, you know. I don’t know how many of these were manufactured, but this one was made for the personal use of a Peruvian Army Comandancia, but I took it from a Sendero Luminoso in a bar fight.” Jose replied.
Saitama smiled.
“Ah, you’re a man of action, I see. That’s good. But this sort of thing is highly illegal. How did you get it into the country?”
Ecuador made a dismissive gesture.
“This is nothing,” he said. “Just consider it a sample of what an efficient organization like mine is capable of. I’ve been spending a lot of my time these past few weeks studying the conditions here. Moriyoh is a small town, but it has a lot of potential. Yet, from what I can see, your organization has barely even begun to exploit the resources available to you here. Maybe we-your organization and mine-could join forces, eh?”
“So that’s what all that drinking and whoring was all about?” Binkan asked. “Market research?”
“Thank you for your offer, Mr. Ecuador,” Saitama said. “But the Sumiyoshi Rengo is quite capable of carrying on its business, thank you, without help from outsiders. For the time being, however, expansion is not possible in Moriyoh.”
“Why is that, Mr. Saitama?”
“There are these people in town, the Locke-Otera family. They don’t belong to any clan or association that we know of, and they’re not even Japanese. They’re foreigners!”
“Uh¬Öbut haven’t they been here since the 1600s?” Binkan remarked. He’d heard somewhere that the Locke-Oteras (or at least the Oteras, anyway) were among the oldest families in Moriyoh.
“What difference does that make?” Saitama replied. “The blood of Yamato does not flow in their veins. They are outsiders! And what’s worse, the current head of their family is a woman!”
Saitama used one of the least polite terms for “woman” in the Japanese language that he could think of, making it clear to his listeners that he considered power in women to be some kind of perversion.
Jose Ecuador, who, despite his roots, was a foreigner himself, was so used to hearing Japanese people like Saitama railing against foreigners that he didn’t take is personally anymore. Plus, his views on the place of women were not all that different from Saitama’s.
“I don’t understand, Mr. Saitama. What is it about these hombres? Do they run all the rackets in town or something?”
“That is difficult to say,” Saitama replied. “Some of their activities are legal, some are not. But they lord it over the rest of us, telling us what we can and cannot do. They are the reason that Moriyoh has been left fallow.”
“I’m surprised you haven’t wiped them out by now,” Ecuador replied. “That’s how I’d deal with competition.”
“Don’t you think we haven’t tried? Baka!” Saitama shouted. “But they have their own private army that’s undefeatable, and that witch seems to know everything! She can’t be approached or surprised. The old head of Sumiyoshi here, my predecessor, tried to have her assassinated and was separated from his head for his trouble. That was on his wedding night, too. Someone snuck into the bridal chamber and¬Ösnip!”
Saitama drew his finger along his neck for emphasis.
“His young bride was heartbroken.”
“But that touches on why I asked you here,” he continued, taking a sip of tea. “How has your search for poor Binkan’s girlfriend been going?”
“She’s not my girlfriend!” Binkan hastily said.
“No? But you should settle down, old friend. You are a married man, are you not, Mr. Ecuador? Don’t you think our friend here should find himself a good woman?”
Ecuador just laughed.
Binkan turned red. He couldn’t be quite sure of it, but he thought his friends were somehow questioning his manhood.
“Well, we haven’t found her, yet,” Jose replied.
“Because she’s probably not here, anymore,” Binkan said. “I keep telling people that, but no one will listen.”
“No, she hasn’t left,” Saitama said. “Our people keep watch on the train station and the bridge, the only two ways to get in or out of town, and no one answering to her description has been reported leaving town by either of those routes. Besides, the witch says she’s still in town?”
“Who?” Jose asked.
“Iris Isis Locke! Otherwise know as Icy Iris. The head of the Locke-Oteras. I’ve been talking about her all this time. You must have seen her, since you’ve been spending so much time at the Blue Lounge,” Saitama said.
Jose shook his head.
True, they had been there a lot, and he’d gotten quite friendly with the girls. Let’s see, there was Madoka and Sae and Takuya, whom he’d first seen at the Comedy Box, but she always avoided him. But he couldn’t remember anyone named Iris.
“Icy Iris? That’s kind of a silly name, isn’t it?”
“You wouldn’t say that if you knew her,” Saitama replied. He sighed, “It is my dream to someday drive all the foreigners like her out of Japan. But until that time there’s nothing that can be done about her. But we are getting off the track. Icy Iris has communicated to me that this woman-- this Komegura-- is still in town, but that she’s under her protection, and she ordered me to tell you two to stop looking for her.”
“How did she know we were,” Binkan asked.
“She knows everything,” Saitama replied. “Haven’t you been listening to me?”
“The short of it is,” he continued, “You two had better give it up. Because if Iris doesn’t want her found, she’s not going to be. There’s something very strange about your girlfriend, Binkan.”
“I’m telling you, she’s not¬Ö”
Saitama didn’t let him finish.
Did you know the police are looking for her, too?"
“That’s because Mother and Mrs. Komegura filed a missing persons report on her. I pleaded with them not to, but they did it, anyway.”
“No, that’s not it. On the same day she disappeared, the police started finding garbage containing parts of human bodies all over town, and they think she may have had something to do with it. Dismemberment, eh? Maybe it’s a good thing you didn’t marry her, Binkan.”
“You’re saying she murdered someone?”
“No, some four. Because when they collected all the bags together, the police found they had four bodies on their hands. In fact, the bodies of four very large men.”
“And she killed them all?” Jose said with admiration.
“What? A woman? You’re joking. She must have just been helping someone else. But here’s where this story gets stranger still. We have our contacts in the police department, you know, and one of them informs us that the Coroner discovered that the deceased were not ordinary humans, but cat men-from Meowtis-surgically altered to look like human beings. So that means they were probably assassins.”
“Que macana!” Jose exclaimed. “I’ve heard of such beings. In the old days in Peru, there were cat men assassins working for the Shining Path. He he! The Army was shit-scared of them, too. Called them the Jaguars. Caramba! To kill one would be quite a feat¬Ö”
“So to kill four¬Ö” Saitama added.
“Hi, Mr. Saitama, sir. Can I see Marii?”
A young girl in a school uniform with a very short skirt (JAST, undoubtedly, Binkan thought, remembering his own school days) stood in the doorway. Her very large breasts made her shirt’s buttonholes pucker.
“Excuse me for a moment, gentlemen,” Saitama said. Then, turning to their unexpected visitor, he replied, "No, you can’t Aquamarine. She’s still confined to her room.
Marii, Saitama’s, daughter, was the president of the Samba Club at JAST, but after that fiasco at the Cultural Festival, she’d been grounded by her angry father.
“Oh, that’s mean!” Aquamarine replied. “You should forgive her. Really! Wrath is a sin, you know.”
“She’ll be forgiven when I decide she’s learned her lesson. But how did you get in here? I told Security not to let anyone in.”
Aquamarine smiled innocently.
“Oh, you know, Mr. Saitama, I get around.”
“Well, then, get yourself back out again.”
She left, but not without giving Ecuador a strangely significant look.
It made him smile like a fox. Despite his girth and age, Jose still considered himself fatally attractive to women¬Öespecially the young ones.
“Children these days,” Saitama said, returning to his guests. “They just have no manners. But that will change when my Party takes over Japan.”
“And when might that be?” Jose asked.

Their interview with Saitama over, Binkan and Ecuador were now walking down a hallway to the exit.
"What did you think about all that stuff, amigo?" Jose asked.
"I'm not sure," Binkan replied. "The Oteras are a prominent family in Moriyoh, but I've never heard anything about them being in the rackets, and I've never heard of this Icy Iris, either. But then, I've lived in Tokyo for so long that I've been out of touch. There may have been developments. Speaking of Tokyo, I've been gone so long that my business is probably starting to suffer. I'm afraid the entertainment industry is going to self-destruct at any moment without me there to shepherd it along. Then where would either of us be? So let's give up this stupid search and go home."
A diminutive figure flew out of nowhere and flung herself at Ecuador. She barely came up to his belly button, but she clung as tightly to his mid-section as she could.
Jose looked embarrassed.
Binkan chuckled.
"Better throw her back, Jose. She's undersize."
"I'm over eighteen!" Aquamarine said indignantly. "Besides, it's not what you think, at all. You shouldn't harbor such sinful thoughts."
She released Jose's stomach and stood in front of him with upturned eyes.
"Pappy! Don't you recognize me?"
"I¬Ö uh¬Ö" Jose stammered, and racked his brain, trying to remember if he'd produced any unregistered offspring in this part of Japan. But, no, he'd never been to Moriyoh before.
"Pappy, it's me! Ramon!"
Ramon was the name of Jose Ecuador's son, who had died when the Cromartie school mysteriously exploded. The memory of it pierced his heart like an icicle. Angrily, he raised his had to strike her.
"Don't!" Binkan said.
"Pappy! Don't be mad. I know it's probably hard for you to believe, but it really is me, Ramon."
"You're a girl," Jose replied. "And you're on drugs, or something."
"No, pappy. I know I don't look like I used to. But that's because I'm an angel, now."
"Yeah! I'm an agent of Heaven, now. Isn't that the most wonderful thing?"
In her exuberance, she twirled around quickly. This cause her skirt to lift aerodynamically. 
[i]So angels do wear panties[/i], Binkan thought to himself. [i]Another urban myth dispelled[/i].
She stopped suddenly and gave him a dark look.
"Hey, you! Stop thinking dirty thoughts."
Jose folded his arms around his chest. He didn't for a moment, of course, believe that this weird little girl was either an angel or his lost son. But, on the other hand, how could this stranger know about Ramon or the fact that he was dead.
"Well then," he said. "If you're Ramon, then what's my name?"
Well, that was what Ramon had always called him. But that didn't prove anything.
"Besides that," he said.
"Jose Ecuador."
"What's your mother's name?"
"What was you puppy's name?"
"What dog, Pappy? You mean that one I killed before we could give it a name."
Ecuador continued to ask her question after question, racking his brain to come up with details that only his son would know, but this Aquamarine person got the right answer time after time. The situation was beginning to get very creepy.
"Okay," he said. "If you really are Ramon-his spirit or whatever-how come you're a girl? Are all angels girls?"
"No, Pappy. When the school blew up, the Great Will of the Cosmos came for me and took me up to Heaven. They weren't going to let me in at first, because I'd been such a bad boy on the Earth. But the Great Will said that was because of my bad upbringing and really wasn't my fault; she blamed Society. So then they said okay, but only if I agreed to go back to Earth for a time and do good deeds. And they asked me if I wanted to go back as a boy or a girl, so I picked girl."
"In the name of Heaven, why'd you do that?" Jose asked.
"Well, Pappy, it's like this. You raised me as a boy, but, really, I was a girl-inside. I was soo unhappy as a boy! That's why I did all those mean things. That's why I broke into the school after hours. I was going to blow up the school myself, but it blew up on me. Isn't life funny?
Jose Ecuador sagged against the wall. He was beginning to believe that maybe she was his son Ramon, returned as an angel.
Binkan, who could barely keep his face straight, spoke up.
"Alright, little girl. I've got a question. If you're an angel, what is God like?"
"Silly," she laughed. "God is horseshit. There's only Amida Buddha."
She put her hands together and chanted: "Namu amida butsu, namu amida butsu."
"Oh," she said, unclasping her hands. "I almost forgot why I came here. You two are looking for Miss Komegura, aren't you?" 
"Well, not anymore¬Ö" Binkan started to say.
"I know where she i-is, I know where she i-is."
Jose straightened up.
‘You do? Where?"
"In a room over the book store across from the Antique Bakery. There's a boy in our school who brings her food and stuff. Would you like me to take you there?"
"And how!" Jose exclaimed.


"Yes, that's right. Our daughter's gone. I sent her away, just like you asked."

"Where? Canada. I've got a brother who lives there. She'll be staying with his family. She and her two friends were heart-broken. Those girls were joined at the hip, you know. I wasn't too happy about it, either. But girls these days-- they all have Twitter, so I guess they won't really be out of touch."

“Fine. I’m glad that makes you feel better, knowing that she’s safe. Safe from what? Don’t you think it’s time you told me?”

"Publish it? Of course, I'd publish it. I'm a reporter. Besides, the public has the right to know that it's in danger, don't you think?"

"Don't give me that ‘there are some things man was not meant to know' crap. Honestly, woman, I think being mysterious has just gotten to be a habit with you."

"Oh, all right. You've got me over a barrel. But some day the truth has got to come out."

"The money? Yeah, I got it alright and deposited it in the usual accounts."

"No! I did not pocket any of it! Don't you ever trust anyone? By the way, Kenji and I were up all night cutting up newsprint."

"Yeah, I guess whoever owns those boxes is going to be pretty surprised. Hey, look, with Kimochi gone, I'm going to be pretty lonely in that big house all by myself.  Any chance we could get together tonight? Maybe take in the Winter Festival or see the lights at the Arcade? I bought a cake, and I've got a bottle of Spumanti, somewhere. I know you like Spumanti."

“Oh? Yeah, I guess I can take a rain check. Another mysterious mission, eh? Okay, good-bye, Iris.”

Satou Nabeshima snapped his phone shut.

"Damn that woman! Well, Merry Christmas to me¬ÖI guess"

[And the same to whoever’s reading this!]

Again, erotic elements… so if you are easily offended or a kid… SHOO!

He was breathing heavily and sweating profusely. The sheets were crumpled beside him, the hours of tossing and turning completely wadding his bedding into a knot before he finally threw th smothering blankets from the bed and continued to whirl on the mattress. The air was so thick, so hot and his body was charged. Every little glimpse of sleep and her face would flash before her eyes followed by a breathless moan and the feel of her naked and sweaty sking against his. He kept licking his lips, the taste of her sweet skin and the brush of her tongue refusing to fade, torturing him even more.

It was just a kiss… he groaned as the fantasy’s fingers danced across his chest and her lips kissed a fiery trail down his stomach. It wouldn’t stop. No matter what he did, the fantasy played across his flesh with passionate abandon. He gasped when the fantasy blew lightly and her hot breath tickled across his aching shaft. It isn’t real, it isn’t real… just go to sleep!

No matter how hard he fought and how forcefully his thoughts chided him, the damnable fantasy danced in his mind. He was bursting, surprised that his body was responding to a mere echo of reality. She wasn’t here. Her fingers weren’t tracing just below his bellybutton. Her mouth wasn’t agonising centimetres from giving him his release. It wasn’t real. But it felt like it. And he couldn’t understand. Ever since he returned home late that night, his body had been burning with desire, throbbing with the stuffy warmth that smothered his normally much cooler room.

And now he was trapped in his fantasy. Tossing and turning in his bed as her shade tormented his every desire. He fought the passion, he fought the burning need cleaving his body apart. But the shade, this fantasy would simply giggle that cute giggle, kiss and caress, and give smoldering glances of lustful banter.

“Ughhh.” a grunt broke through the silence as the non-existant hands slid across his hips, playfully nipping around the tops of his thighs before cupping his struggling backside and pulling. Ryo’s hips rose and his eyes flew open in blissful shock as a silkly, damp warmth engulfed him. With one wild shout of pleasure, his world exploded in intense white heat. Every muscle in his body spasmed and his fists tore the sheets in his grasp as he spent himself in the inviting smile of her shade.

The air, thick with heated desire… of his immediate pleasure and the clinging aroma of Xallie… softly twirled in the embrace of the two passions before settling over Ryo as he collapsed into blissful sleep.

She briefly glanced up towards Ryo as he talked with the cashier. But, again images and feelings whirled through her head and she quickly blushed and looked way. She just couldn’t look at him without blushing. A whole week and she still couldn’t look at him. She would taste his lips and feel his tongue, and she would giggle in girlish joy and blush. But it didn’t stop there. The lingering embers of that horridly wonderful orgasm that had her crumpled body motionless on the floor of his room… those made her purse her lips in shame. It wasn’t the orgasm itself, but the fact that she had lost herself in his room. His room!

She shook her head roughly, nearly knocking her off her precarious perch on the wooden fence. With a slight yelp, she quickly grabbed the post and kept herself upright. Blushing again at the laughing glances of strangers, Xallie mumbled obscenities to herself. With determination she looked back at Ryo, who was now slowly walking back towards her with two cops of steaming tea in his hand. He smiled as their eyes met, but images and feeling tore into Xallie and she blushed and looked towards the ground. Her shoulders trembled under the onslaught of a tormenting dream:

The taut, smooth silkiness of muscle and skin giving under her playful fingers. The jolt of electricity that charged her hands as she caressed and nipped and cupped. The flinching of his stomach as her lips brushed and kissed down his body. The strained trembling underneath her lustful breath. The brief resistance underneath her hands as she slid them around his wiggling hips, grasping his tight naked ass in her grasp with gleeful invitation. That strained trembling glide through her lips and the hot firmness that her tongue embraced and the immediate quaking release that flooded her mouth…

“No, no, no!” Xallie pressed her hands over her ears and shook her head violently, desperately trying to shake the dream from her memory. Her thighs clenched tightly together in the rising throes of that stubborn ember threatening to erupt into flame. So caught in the embarrassing memory of that dream, Xallie didn’t notice as her butt slid backward off the post. “Eek!”

At the last minute she tried to reach out and stop her fall, but her hands couldn’t zip from her ears to the post fast enough. Her kicking legs managed to keep her from landing on her head at least.

“Ooch” she landed hard on her butt before falling to her lie on her back. Those awful, naughty memories were knocked out of her and she sighed in painful relief.

“Xallie!” she glanced up in wonder at the worried eyes of Ryo. “Are you okay?”

She simply lay on the ground and gazed at Ryo for long moments. She revelled in the uninterrupted moment. She wasn’t blushing.

“Hey…” Ryo’s worried voice broke through here reverie and Xallie smiled.

“I’m fine.” she winced as she sat up. “Oooo, that hurt.”

Ryo gave a huge sigh of relief and wiped his face with his hand. Smiling, almost laughing, he held out his hand and shook his head.

“Clumsy girl.” Xallie pouted as she took his hand and he pulled her up. “You made me drop the tea.”

“Sorry.” Xallie murmured and bowed her head.

“Ah, at least you’re alright.” Ryo picked up the empty cups, threw them away, then held out his arm and smiled. “Still, clumsy girl.”

Xallie smiled and gleefully embraced his arm. They started to walk back towards the vendor. Xallie grimaced in pain and quickly extracted one arm to caress her sore bum. She could only sheepishly smile at Ryo.

“Don’t worry.” Ryo smirked, “when we get home I’ll kiss it and make it all better.”

The two froze immediatley. Xallie blushed furiously as Ryo stood dumbly with his mouth wide open and eyes blinking vacantly. He just didn’t say that, did he? He did… Ryo cleared his throat and tried to talk. He couldn’t and Xallie simply clung to his arm, her head bowed and her face flushed a deep, deep crimson. So they began to walk in an awkward silence, the playful slip of a tongue brushing apart Xallie’s lips with that strained trembling and engulfing Ryo in that that silky, damp warmth.

She lay nestled in his side, head resting on his chest while her arms wrapped around his waist. He lay his arm across her shoulders and sighed. The world was silent, it was cold, and it was snowing. They sat against the side of the house, the last few hours spent gazing into the crisp darkened sky as the gleaming white snow floated in the air. They didn’t speak, but merely huddled together and revelled in each other’s presence.

The presents, the laughter, the fire, the tree, and the elaborate ham dinner… all of that faded as the young couple celebrated the simple joy of being together under that winter sky. Now, Xallie’s head lay softly on Ryo’s chest, rising and falling ever so slightly with the steady rythm of his breathing, a bellowing mist rising from her lips parted in the gentle snore of the sleep that had embraced her some time back. Ryo rested his free hand on her head and lightly carressed her,fingers sifting through her silky hair.

Ryo smiled to himself at her gentle, quiet snores and the occasional affectionate squeze of her arms around his waist. These were his favourite moments. Despite his fantasies and the ravenous desire that would sometimes consume him, it was the tender and small gestures that swelled his heart. It was this moment, her body warmly tucked into his, that he knew that there was no rush. He still wanted her. There was no question of that. He still woke in a fevered haze most days, his body aching with spent desire and the torments of her lovely shade. He definetely wanted her. But he could wait. This was far more precious.

With a warm smile, Ryo breifly bowed his head and swept her hair from her beautiful, peaceful face. For a few seconds he simply gazed at her serene features, softened in blissful slumber: her delicate eyelashes fluttering, her full lips glistening, her nose twitching every so often, and her rosey cheeks puffing with each snore. His heart felt like bursting. It probably was bursting. She was precious. He bowed his head further and brushed his lips across those rosey cheeks. He let his lips linger in that kiss.

“I love you.” he sighed as his lips reluctantly left her warm cheek. Before, he would have been shocked or maybe even embarrassed at his little revelation. Now, he simply glowed in the wonderful certainty of the moment, of her. He knew. For the rest of his life he would know. She was precious. Tears welled in his eyes as the certainty settled deep in his soul and altered his life forever. With a beaming and joyful smile he hugged Xallie closer to him, his love, glanced towards the infinte expanse of the winter sky above him, and whispered. “Merry Christmas.”


CAPRICORN: A friend who has been hiding many things from you will show you something interesting today.

Yoshimi stood in the doorway, picking at the lintel with tweezers.
She was wearing an orange jumpsuit and blue paper booties on her feet; gloves and a face mask.
Directly in front of her, similarly dressed, but with the addition of goggles, Ken Aikawa-Moriyoh City's version of a CSI team-was kneeling on the floor, carefully clipping off little bits of blood-stained carpet and placing them in a plastic bag. Nearby were several other bags filled with glass and other items collected from around the room. Each bag bore a sticker identifying the contents, along with the date and location where they were gathered: "Dec. 31st-Shin-Rin Do bookstore-upper room-carpet near door."
Farther away, Goro Etsuji was sitting at Kokoro's desk, poking through the wreckage of her computer. He was dressed the same as the other two, but on him the combination of bright orange overalls and his bulbous frame made him look more like a parade balloon at Rainbow Park than a human being.

“Lint¬Ö” Yoshimi said.
She was holding the tweezers up to her eyes, peering at some minute fibers she’d picked off the lintel.
“¬Öfrom a cheap blue serge suit. The assailant must have brushed his shoulder against the lintel to get into the room–maybe to get around someone else who was also present. He must have been tall, too. These fibers were from pretty high up.”
“How can you be so sure it was a man, anyway?” Aikawa responded without looking up from his work. “Why not a tall woman?”
Yoshimi sniffed the fibers.
“Doesn’t smell like a woman,” she replied.
“How scientific,” Aikawa said.
“You bet,” Yoshimi replied, failing to notice the irony in his voice. “So Mr. Blue Suit burst into the room and stopped right about here.” She took a step forward. “Then he raised his gun¬Ö”
Yoshimi raised her arm while simultaneously standing on tip-toe. She pointed her fore finger straight out in front of her and curled her other fingers back toward her palm.
" …and shot her in the head. BANG!"
She rocked back down to her heels from the recoil.
“No, that’s not right,” Aikawa replied. He closed the bag of rug clippings, then turned around and sat down on the floor, facing Yoshimi. He pulled a marker out of his chest pocket and pointed it at Yoshimi.
“No brains,” he said.
“What!?” Yoshimi exclaimed, mistaking his meaning for an inference.
“Your little scenario would leave the walls painted with grey matter, so no head shot,” Aikawa said, as he opened the marker and started to write on the side of the bag he was holding.
“Well, the heart, then!” Yoshimi replied petulantly.
“The heart?” Aikawa said. “In that case, I think there’d be a lot more blood and it would be spread all over. The heart is a pump, after all. See, the blood just covers this one small spot.”
He made a sweeping gesture with his arm over the blood-stained part of the rug.
“Well, where the fuck did he shoot her?” Yoshimi yelled. “Her foot?”
“He didn’t shoot her, at all,” Etsuji remarked. “He shot her computer.”
“What!?” Yoshimi replied.
“Look, here’s the bullet,” he said, showing it to her and Aikawa. “Right through the hard drive. Too bad, I bet this computer could have told us a thing or two.”
Yoshimi walked over to Etsuji and took the bullet from him.
“Sugoi! This is a 5.7 armor-piercing round.”
“Yep,” Etsuji replied. “Favored by SWAT teams in the U.S. and military units around the world. Good thing our assailant didn’t shoot her with this; it’s a very nasty bullet. Better pass that on to Aikawa.”
Yoshimi turned around and flipped the bullet into the air.
“Catch, Aikawa!”
“But what about the blood?” she said, turning back to Etsuji.
“That’s from the broken bottle. She fell on it when she tripped over that chair,” he replied, pointing to an overturned bamboo chair near the door. That blood is probably came out of her back."
“Yes, that’s it!” Aikawa agreed.
“Here’s the way I see it,” Etsuji continued. "Our Miss Komegura was probably expecting someone else when she opened the door, but when her caller turned out to be the assailant, she backed away in alarm, tripped over the chair, fell down on the glass and cut herself. I believe that the assailant merely fired his gun to frighten her and the computer just got in the way. I think he was more interested in Komegura, than browsing the Internet. "
“Then you don’t think he did it to destroy evidence?” Yoshimi asked.
Etsuji shook his head.
“Forget about the computer,” Etsuji said. “It’s not important. For months now, we’ve been trying to track down this Komegura, because we thought she might be some kind of school nurse serial killer; now it turns out she’s probably a victim of something, herself.”
“Mr. Blue Suit was probably a comrade of those cat men she chopped up, and killed her in revenge,” Yoshimi said.
“Cat men!” Aikawa exclaimed. “Surgically altered to look like normal humans. Can you believer that? It’s like something from an English spy movie.”
“But hardly normal, I’d say,” Yoshimi added. “Even without their ears and tails, those fuckers in the morgue didn’t look at all like regular humans.”
“I don’t think she’s dead,” Etsuji said. “This doesn’t look at all like a spy movie. If our assailant¬Ö”
“Or maybe assailants?” Yoshimi said.
“Why do you say that?” Etsuji asked.
“Just a guess.”
Etsuji nodded.
“Well, then, if our assailants came to kill her, then where is the body?”
“They probably did to her what she did to the others.” Aikawa said. “Bagged and distributed from Renai Dori to Rainbow Land.”
"I don’t think so. Remember that our Miss Komegura-or someone answering to her description–is wanted by Interpol and the Shanghai police for fraud; in the States for theft; and here in Japan for various things, including drug-dealing and possibly destroying a high school. That’s quite a lot for a woman so young.
“What I’m saying is that, her dealings with cat spies aside, she probably had other enemies, as well, and I’m guessing that it was one of these old enemies who caught up with her. I believe they were looking for her, because she had (or they believed she had) something they wanted.”
“Like what?” Yoshimi asked.
“Money, of course. So they tore the place up looking for it, but all they found were a few boxes full of newsprint, which is both puzzling and suggestive. So they snatched up Miss Komegura and carried her off to some place where they can work on her at a leisurely pace. I think she’s still alive, but very unhappy, most likely.”
Yoshimi looked very unhappy.
“Fuck!” Yoshimi exclaimed. “That means we’re no better off now than we were when this case started. Except that, instead of simple mayhem, we’ve got to deal with a possible kidnapping and who knows how many other crimes stacked up behind that? Mother fuck! What now?”
Etsuji shrugged.
“It’s getting late, so for now let’s just finish up here and go home. Yoshimi, why don’t you check out her closet and the bathroom, while I search her desk? Aikawa, you know your own business.”
They each worked in silence after that, which gave Etsuji time to gather his thoughts.
Right from the start, of course, he’d been hiding the truth from Yoshimi, Aikawa and everyone else in the Department.
Etsuji’s life was complicated by the fact that, in addition to being a law officer, he was also a loyal retainer of the Locke-Otera clan, the holders of an ancient destiny. But looking out for the public interest and guarding the interests of the Oteras was tricky sometimes. When the body parts of those cat men started turning up all over town, Etsuji immediately recognized the handiwork of young Brant. When those four cat men assassins had gone after young Brant, he’d taken care of them. But-instead of disposing of the bodies, himself-he had allowed Komegura to talk him into chopping them up.
He’d asked Brant why he’d done that, but talking to him was never easy. Brant was always better at asking questions than he was at answering them.
Also, he’d puzzled over why Komegura hadn’t simply called the police after the incident, instead of butchering the bodies and then calling attention to herself by disappearing. (Although, as it turned out, with her record, disappearing was probably her best option.)
In a way, that was fortunate, because it made it possible for him to turn the spotlight of the investigation on her and away from Brant. But as long as she was alive, she could still implicate Brant if anyone but himself caught up with her.
He’d discussed the possibility of killing Komegura with Iris (who knew where Komegura was), but she’d nixed the idea-much to his relief. Etsuji didn’t much care for violence, even as an expedient. His plan was to find Komegura and get her out of town-preferably out of Japan.
But Iris had declared Komegura under her protection for some reason, and commanded him not to take any action whatsoever. But even the infallible Iris hadn’t seemed to realize that other people besides the police were out looking for Komegura, and for reasons that probably had nothing to do with the cat men. Or had she? Had Iris set this up so that Komegura’s enemies could find her? Was she playing some kind of dangerous game with Komegura’s life?

Yoshimi wandered around Komegura’s room, searching through her closet, kitchen cabinet, and the medicine chest in her bathroom; wondering what kind of person Kokoro Komegura was. When they had searched her other apartment, Yoshimi had been impressed by how nice it was. Spacious and tastefully decorated, it had suggested someone who valued comfort.
Now take this cold little room: no furniture, except for a futon, a desk and an old TV; dishes piled up in the sink; trash bin overflowing; and empty wine bottles everywhere.
If I were going to hide out for awhile, Yoshimi thought to herself, I’d have taken a few of my nicer things with me-at least the DVD player.Something had turned Kokoro Komegura from a person who took care of herself to a complete slob. Yoshimi wondered what that was.
“Hey, Yoshimi, Aikawa!” Etsuji called out. “I think I’ve discovered something. Come over here.”
He had pulled out one of the drawers from Komegura’s desk and was holding it between his hands, turning it around slowly.
“I think this drawer has a false bottom,” he informed the other two when they’d gathered around him. “Listen.”
He shook it.
It made a rattling noise, like an object that had been put in a box that was too big for it.
“There must be some way to get in there,” Etsuji said. “If I could only figure it out.”
He balled up his fist and rammed it through the bottom of the drawer, which smashed to pieces.
A small book with red leather binding fell onto the desk top. A paper label was glued to the cover. It read:

“Hmmm,” Etsuji said as he picked it up and started examining it.
“What’s that mean?” Aikawa asked.
“Haven’t you ever heard of Masakado?” Etsuji asked.
“Uh¬Öhe played for the Hanshin Tigers?”
Both Etsuji and Yoshimi broke out in laughter.
“No no!” Yoshimi said, “He was a samurai who overthrew the government of Kyoto during the Heian period. Some say he was the first samurai”
“I’m glad somebody here knows a little history,” Etsuji said.
“Well, Masakado was a great favorite with Master Taro. He used to talk about him all the time. It was as if he knew him personally.”
Aikawa made a dismissive gesture.
“History! Bunk! Who needs it?”
“Don’t you like history, Aikawa?” Etsuji asked.
“Naw. All those old names and dates? Why do they even bother to teach it in school? Nobody ever remembers that stuff. If it were me, I wouldn’t let them teach any history that was more than twenty years old. That’s as far back as anyone needs to remember.”
“Well, that’s a hell of an attitude,” Etsuji replied.
“Oh, I don’t know,” Yoshimi put in. “It makes a kind of sense, you know. At least it would avoid all those rows that occur whenever they publish a new textbook. You know, about the War?”
“Hmmm, that might work if you could persuade the Chinese and Koreans to forget their history, as well.” Etsuji replied.
“Not to mention Meowtis,” Yoshimi added.
“Agreed. Well, let’s see what interest our Miss Komegura had in Tairano Masakado.”
Etsuji opened the book to its first page.
“Looks like an account book,” Aikawa said. “See all the numbers and columns?”
Etsuji chuckled.
“But look at what’s listed here under ¬ëitems,” Etsuji began reading aloud.
“Condoms, diaphragms, spermicidal ointment, love lotion, birth control pills, onnahole.”
“What’s an onnahole?” Aikawa asked.
Yoshimi bent around Etsuji and whispered into Aikawa’s ear, while simultaneously curling the fingers of her hand and making stroking motions.
Aikawa’s face turned red.
“So what was up with this broad, anyway?” Yoshimi asked. “Was she some kind of school nurse hooker?”
“If she was,” Etsuji replied, “she must have been taking on the SDF single-handedly. Look at these quantities. Looks like she was buying wholesale and selling retail. And making a tidy profit, too, judging from these numbers.”
“Geez!” said Yoshimi. “Wasn’t there any kind of shit this woman wasn’t into?”
“Guess not.” Etsuji replied.
“But what’s with the Tairano Masakado business?” Aikawa asked.
“You could hardly expect her to write ¬ëFuck Toys’ on the cover,” Yoshimi replied. “What if somebody found it?”
“Yeah, somebody like you, Aikawa,” Etsuji added. “They’d probably think it was a history book and ignore it.”
“But it was hidden in a place where nobody would find it,” Aikawa replied. “So maybe Tairano Masakado has some other meaning, as well.”
“That’s a good point, Aikawa,” Etsuji replied.
He shut the book and handed it to Aikawa.
“Here, put this in with the other evidence you collected. We can go over it more closely at the station. I think we’ve done all we can here. It’s getting late, and I’m getting hungry. You guys want to get a bite?”
“Not me,” said Aikawa, as he started gathering up his stuff. “It’s New Year’s Eve, you know. I’m going to spend it with my family. The wife’s fixing a special meal and we’re all going to watch the Kohaku Uta Gassen on TV.”
“Sounds exciting,” Etsuji said dryly.
“You guys are single, aren’t you?”
Etsuji and Yoshimi both nodded.
“Well, there’s nothing that compares with an evening with your family. You guys would know better if you were married.”
“Whaat!” both Etsuji and Yoshimi said in unison. Their faces turned red.
“Uh, I didn’t mean to each other,” Aikawa replied, but quickly realized that he was implying that there would be something wrong with that.
“Uh¬Ösee you guys later!”
He snatched up his gear and disappeared out the door.
Etsuji and Yoshimi stood facing each other, uncomfortably silent, until Etsuji spoke.
“Well, what about it? Want to get something to eat?”
“Sure,” Yoshimi replied. “Where do you want to go?”
“Caf√© Ariel’s nearby. Let’s go there.”
Yoshimi started laughing uncontrollably.
“Caf√© Ariel? You mean the Bazooka Caf√©?”


ìWhy do you call it this ëBazooka CafÈí?î Etsuji asked Yoshimi as they were about to enter the CafÈ Ariel.
ìThatís what everyone calls it,î she replied. ìYou knowÖbecause of the waitressesÖthey all have big boobies.î
She laughed.
ìDo they?î Etsuji replied as he pushed open the door, causing a little bell to ring. ìNever noticed.î
Inside, they were greeted by a tall, mature-looking woman dressed in a maidís outfit.
ìWelcome honored guests,î she said, bowing. ìMy name is Yayoi. Party of two?î
She had an air of sophistication about her that struck Yoshimi as rather out of place for a waitress. Her demeanor was a bit too regal for someone wearing a frilly dress, and Yoshimi imagined that a business suit would have been more appropriate for her. However, she did have extremely large breasts.
ìSee?î she said, poking Etsuji in his massive side.
ìParty of two,î he said, ignoring her digs. ìCan we get a place near the back? Weíd like a little privacy.î
ìWe do?î Yoshimi asked.
ìCertainly, sir,î Yayoi replied. ìPlease. Follow me.î
She glided off, carrying her exaggerated rack with extraordinary poise and dignity. They followed her, and as they made their way thru the restaurant, Yoshimi noticed that the clientele of CafÈ Ariel consistedónot surprisinglyóentirely of men. Except for Yayoi and another waitress, she was the only woman in the place, but none of the men were paying the slightest attention to her.
True, sheíd tired of the skirt Etsuji wanted her to wear and was back in her suit and tie, but it pissed her off. Sheíd never given it the slightest thought before, but nowóin this place and compared to the other two womenóshe was acutely aware of her lack of frontage, and it embarrassed her a little. Not that she desired oppai as freakishly large as those sported by Yayoi and that other waitress (who looked like she was trying to smuggle watermelons out of Japan under her shirt), but there were times when she wished she hadnít inherited her breasts from her father. 
ìWould you like some tea?î Yayoi asked, as she seated them in a corner booth, away from the other diners. ìBlack tea is our specialty. Our Assam is particularly good.
ìWhat do you think, Yoshimi?î Etsuji asked.
ìFine,î she replied. ìWhatever.î
ìOne moment, then,î Yayoi said. ìIíll be right back.î
And she glided away.
Yoshimi leaned back in her seat. It was well-padded and upholstered in maroon leather. Or something that looked like leather, anyway.
She glanced around, trying to take in CafÈ Ariel with one snapshot. Itís always good to be aware of your surroundings, you know.
It wasnít a very large restaurant--not much larger that your average izakaya, really, with just a few tables and booths for the customers. On the other side of the room from her and Etsuji was a long counter with stools in front of it. A couple of patrons were sitting there, drinking or eating food.
Behind the counter a young man was filling a teapot from a large urn. He was talking to Yayoi as he did so, who was standing in front of the counter. Nearby, on the top of the counter was a tray with two cups on it.
[i]Our tea, obviously[/i], Yoshimi thought.
She sized up the young man.
[i]An ex-salaryman, by the looks of him[/i], she thought. [i]Doesnít look like heís been in the restaurant business for long. Probably inherited it from a relative. Bet he runs it into the ground in a couple of years.[/i]	Suddenly, a young woman burst into the dining area through a door that communicated with the kitchen. She was dressed like the other waitresses, but her uniform was extremely low cut in the front, thereby exposing a vast tract of cleavage. She stood just outside the door, with a tray full of food in her arms and a vacuous expression on her face.

There was a very child-like look to her that made Yoshimi take a mental note to see if this place had ever been cited for employing underage girls.
While she stood there, apparently trying to remember why sheíd come out of the kitchen, the door behind her swung out and hit her on the behind.
Startled, she let out a shriek and sent her tray and its contents flying across the room.
ìOops! He he,î she said as she surveyed the devastation in front of her. She stuck her finger in her mouth, making her look more child-like that even.
About a dozen men jumped up from their tables.
They all had cameras, and started clicking away like crazy.
ìPose! Pose!î someone shouted, and she immediately started assuming various suggestive postures.
Yayoi frowned and the young manager started beating his head against the wall.
ìHey, Mitsuki,î someone shouted. ìShow us your pants!î
And the others started shouting, ìPants! Pants!î
It looked for a minute like she was going to grant their request, because sheíd gripped the hem of her skirt and was starting to lift it. But the manager rushed out from behind the counter and, grabbing her by the shoulders, turned her around and pushed her back through the door.
ìHey, Cocoa,î he shouted to someone in the kitchen. ìThrow some water or something on Mitsuki, will you please.î
Then he got out a mop and started cleaning up the mess on the floor.
By the time this little incident had passed, Yayoi had returned with their tea.
ìNarumi-chan will be your server tonight,î She informed them. ìShe will be with you presently.î
ìNot her, I hopeî Yoshimi said, referring, of course, to the recent incident.
ìFear not,î Yayoi replied. ìNarumi is reliable.î
ìI know this is none of my business,î Yoshimi said. ìBut she seems like a total incompetent. You should fire her.î
Yayoi shook her head.
ìI agree with you, but, sadly, itís impossible. Sheís the Managerís wife.î
ìOh, thatís tough.î
Yayoi left them then and resumed her station near the front of the cafÈ.
After she was gone, Yoshimi turned to Etsuji and said, ìYou know, when I was in Tokka the guys were always making me go into strip clubs, soaplands or even worse places with them.î
She took a sip of tea.
ìThey were trying to intimidate me, you see. That was their oh-so-subtle way of pointing out that, as a women trying to do a manís job, I didnít belong there.î
ìWell, Iím sure you showed them they were wrong,î Etsuji said.
Damn straight!î Yoshimi replied. ìSo why are you trying to fuck around with me, too?î
ìWhat do you mean?î
ìOf all the places we could go to eat,î Yoshimi asked, ìwhy did you pick this one?î
ìWhy? Whatís wrong with it? Itís just a nice family restaurant.î
ìNo itís not. Itís a dairy farm!î
Etsuji sighed.
ìLook, Yoshimi, I respect you as a person, okay? Even if you are kind of daffy at times. Trust me when I tell you this: I only picked this place because it was close and I hear their noodles are super.î
ìOh,î Yoshimi replied, somewhat mollified.
Etsuji smiled.
ëOf course, I will admit the girls here are a welcome distraction. Did you see that one who served us out tea? Oh, if I could only get my hands on thoseÖî
He raised his hands and started doing explicit things with his pudgy fingers.
Yoshimi glared and slammed her cup down onto the table so hard that tea spilled out all over.
Etsuji laughed.
ìOh, excuse me,î said a new voice.
It was the melon smuggler.
She was standing in front of their booth with a couple of place mats and menus tucked under one arm. She took a small towel out of her pocket, leaned over the table, and started mopping up the spilled tea. For a brief moment, her huge mammaries swung perilously close to Yoshimiís face as she performed the operation. It made Yoshimi feel funny. When she was finished, she put the place mats and menus down in front of them, along with some chopsticks.
ìIím Narumi. Iíll be your server tonight andÖ Oh! How cute!î
Sheíd suddenly noticed Yoshimiís sword, with its pink Hello kitty sheath, which was lying across Yoshimiís lap.
ìIs it real?î
She asked.
Yoshimi nodded.
ìIím not just a waitress, you know,î Narumi said. ìMy family owns a dojo, and I also teach kendo.î
ìOh, so youíre sort of a battle waitress, then?î Yoshimi asked.
ìWhat?î Narumi replied.
ìBattle waitress?î repeated Yoshimi. ìItís a joke.î
ìA joke?î Narumiís brow wrinkled as she thought about it. ìI donít get it. Well, anyway, young man, you be careful with that thing, okay?î
ìIím a woman!î Yoshimi said through gritted teeth.
Narumi peered closely at Yoshimi, paying particular attention to what she was wearing.
ìIím sorry. Are you cosplaying, or something? You look like one of those Takarazuka ladies who dress up like men.î
Etsuji started snorting like a pig.
Okay, Chester, Yoshimi thought, No tip for you!
Narumi was obviously embarrassed by her gaff.
ìIÖI guess Iíll just give you time to look over your menus, okay?î
She turned to go, but Etsuji stopped her.
ìPardon me, Miss, but what is this?î
He was referring to the menu in his hand, which consisted of items such as: steamed shrimp, kamaboko fish cakes, sea bream, kurikinton, black beans, kelp rolls, and datemaki omelets.
ìOh, this is our osechi-ryori menu, sir. It is New Yearís Eve, after all.î
ìBut people eat osechi at home. Not in restaurants.î
She nodded.
ìWe like to try new things here at CafÈ Ariel. Last year, we started preparing osechi in jubako boxes that our customers could take home with them–just like the big department stores doóand they were such a hit that we decided to offer osechi on the menu, as well.î
ìHmmp,î Etsuji replied. ìAnd here I was hoping to get some of your famous noodles.î
ìIf itís noodles you like, sir, weíre setting up a concession stand at the temple after we close here tonight. Thereíll be plenty of noodles there.î
ìYouíre working past midnight? Long day!î
Narumi smiled and shrugged.
ìWell, yes. But weíll be closed for the next few days. Nobody comes in during o-shogatsu
ìYes, guess thatís right, isnít it? Most all of Moriyoh will be shut down for the New Yearís holiday, wonít it? Well, I canít wait until midnight to eat, so bring on the kamaboko, the kobumaki, and plenty of the braised burdocks with daikon radish.î
Narumi quickly wrote down his order.
ìAnd youÖuhÖMiss?î
Yoshimi, who was slouched down in her seat with her arms folded, replied:
ìIíll have what heís having, Chester,î she replied absentmindedly.
ìWhat?î Narumi asked.
ìWhat?î Yoshimi replied.
ìYou called me Chester, just now.î
ìDid I? Iím sorry, I must have been thinking about someone else.î
ìUhÖright. That must be it. Would either of you like something to drink with your meal?î
ìIíll have a Diet Coke, Etsuji replied.
ìYeah, me, too,î Yoshimi added.
After Narumi had left to fill their order, Etsuji looked at Yoshimi and said:
ìIf youíre going to be a Going-My-Way girl all your life, this sort of thing is going to happen all the time.î
ìI guess so.î
At first, when Etsuji had suggested they come to the CafÈ Ariel for dinner, Yoshimi had found the idea amusing. Sheíd thought that going to the Bazooka CafÈ would be like going to the circus to see the freaks. But, nowÖshe didnít know. It wasnít amusing, anymore. She felt uneasy and strange. Funny, but this ìfamily restaurantî with its aura of almost comically exaggerated femininity was beginning to get to her in ways no strip joint or massage parlor ever did. Strange thoughts were starting toÖ
Nope, donít go there, Yoshimi.
Somewhere in the distance, there was a crash, followed by:
ìHe he.î
Mitsuki was at it, again.
ìWell, letís talk about the case,î Yoshimi said brightly as she desperately tried to get out of her head.
ìThis case is almost over for us,î Etsuji replied.
ìEh? Come on. Weíre nowhere nearer to nabbing Komegura than ever.î
ìAnd weíre not going to get any nearer, either. If sheís been kidnappedóas I believeóby persons unknown who may or may not be connected to those cat men, then itís a matter for the federal police, now. And then thereís this business with those cat menÖIf Meowtis is involved in this, then itís a diplomatic matter and really out of our hands. Our jurisdiction ends at the Shinkawa River Bridge, you know.î
ìFuck! So what happens now?î
ìWell, itís time to inform the public, I guess.î Etsuji said. ìGet Komeguraís face on the evening news and all that. It was all going to come out sooner or later, anyhow, with that reporter, Nabeshima, sniffing around. This way, maybe we can control the facts that do get out and shoot that fellow in the foot at the same time.î
ìSo whatís going to happen to me, now?î Yoshimi asked. ìBack to Missing Persons, I suppose.î
ìNaw. No way,î Etsuji replied. ìIíll need you to stay in Homicide for awhile. Remember all those people whoíve been disappearing lately? One or two of them are bound to start showing up dead. And besides, when the public learns about this Slice ën Dice business, housewives and girlfriends all over town are going to start carving up their husbands or boyfriends and tossing the pieces into the recycling. This kind of case always creates copy cats, so weíll be plenty busy.
She laughed.
ìThatís what I like about you, senpai. You always look on the bright side of things.î
After that, Yoshimiís mood elevated considerably as she contemplated the potential mayhem to come. She plowed into her osechi when it arrived with gusto, and even left Chester a tip (a small one) when she was done.

Back on the street, Etsuji offered Yoshimi a ride home.
ìNo thanks,î she replied. ìI think Iíll walk off my meal. I plan to be up at the temple later for the bell ringing. Will I see you there?î
ìNope. I never stay up late,î he replied. ìAnd especially not on New Yearís Eve. Iím just going to go home, have some warm milk, and go to bed early. When I get up tomorrow, itíll just be another day. When you get to be my age, the passage of time loses its novelty.î
Yoshimi smiled.
ìAnd just how old are you, Etsuji? Thirty-five? Forty? Ready to collect our old age pension and check into a nursing home? One where the nurses have big tits, too?î
ìHar har, toots. Better have a care. Youíre getting pretty close to your ìUse Byî date, yourself.î
ìGood night, senpai.î
ìGood night, Yoshimi.

Because it was New Yearís Eve, the streets of Moriyoh were pretty busy, even though the shops were starting to close up. Yoshimi had ducked into the Antique Bakery for a quick snack, and even they were starting to put up the chairs.
She wanted to be alone with her thoughts, so she sought out some of the darker, less frequented parts of town.
She felt let down. All those months working on this case without making any progress at all, until that book store owner reported a break-in, and now it was over? With no collar and no Kokoro Komegura in custody, waiting to answer for her sins?
In Tokko, things had been different. You saw a case through to the end. Of course, hunting monsters was different. You found ëem, you killed ëem, and then you went home. But maybe hunting human killers was different.
Or maybe it wasnít.
What puzzled her was senpai. The way he handled this investigation seemed inconsistent. Sometimes heíd been all gung ho and ready to drag her all over town to track down a lead, but at other times he seemed to be scarcely interested in the case, at all. To top it off, he sometimes acted like he had access to information that he wasnít sharing with her.
How could he be so sure that Komeguraís abductors (if, indeed, they existed) had no connection with the slain cat men?
And what about all the other loose ends?
Where was her car, for example?
I bet weíd find all sorts of clues there, she thought.
And what about that mysterious accomplice that at least one witness had seen with Komegura the night they were driving around on their gruesome little mission?
Then there was Binkan Suzuki, Komeguraís fiancÈ. Her contacts in Tokyo had informed her that he hadnít been seen in any of his old haunts for a few months, either.
That makes two disappearances at about the same time. Pretty suspicious, if you ask me.
But again, senpai hadnít thought his worth investigating.
ìLook,î heíd said. ìThis was an arranged engagement, right? And heíd only met her once, and then only for a few hours. I donít see any connection, there.î
She was beginning to suspect that senpai was either lazy and incompetent, or else hiding something. But she didnít want it to be either way. She liked senpai, and her heart told her he was reliable, but her horoscope this morning had said that a friend was hiding something from her.
So, what was she supposed to do about it?
Kokoro Komegura, where the hell are you?
Sheíd known a girl named Kokoro once.
That had been when she was very little and her parents were still alive.
Theyíd been living in a housing development and the girl who lived next door was named Kokoro. She was a mean little bitch, too. Always beating on Yoshimi so much that sheíd had to use a stick to defend herself.
I wonder whatever became of her. Just then, a bell rang out.
ìJeez, it must be midnight, already,î she said to herself. ìIíd better get over to the temple, before I miss it.î
Traditionally, at midnight every New Yearís Eve, the monks at the Buddhist temple usher in the coming year by ringing the sacred bell 108 times, once for each of Manís sins.
And then they shoot off fireworks.
Yoshimi didnít much care about the sins, but she loved fireworks.
She hurried along the deserted street toward the sound of the bell.
Suddenly, a woman screamed!
It came from an alleyway across the street.
With one fluid motion, Yoshimi drew her sword and ran into the dark alley.

more erotic goodness, so all ye prudes be gone!

She whimpered into the crumpled sheets as his fingers danced around her quivering pearl and his hand nipped at her taut nipples. She could feel the beating of his heart as his chest pressed into her back and she blushed deeply as her cheek was pushed into the bed and her hips raised slightly. She couldn’t help but whimper again.

“It’s okay.” His hot breath tickled her ear as he cooed softly to her. The gentleness of his voice was soothing and his playful fingers teased her taut body into spent relaxation.

She hissed with nervousness and her breathing became ragged as she felt a slick and oily warmth spread drip onto her skin just at the peak of the crevice between her two cheeks. She shivered in perverse delight as a small bead of moisture escaped and made a winding trail down her back and between her shoulder blades while the rest snaked between her clenched cheeks, tickling the tight ring of flesh before teasing her burning lips and lewdly plopping into his waiting hand hovering just below her gaping pussy. He continued to whisper sweetly into her ear as his fingers spread the warm oil across her skin. With a brief chuckle, his finger traced the shadow for a moment before he pushed just enough to ligthly touch the soft ring of flesh hidden within. She balled her fists tightly and buried her face into the sheets to hide her burning face as his finger gently applied the oil to her quivering anus. She was nervous, she was embarrassed, and she was so maddeningly aroused. This was the first time anyone had touched her there. And his loving fingers felt heavenly, even while being so naughty.

“Shh, shh.” he whispered as she squeaked when his finger slid into her for only a second before the pressure dissapeared. She swallowed as she heard the hiss from the bottle and then the soft dragging sound. She started to tremble when his arm wrapped around her stomach in a firm, yet tender embrace. “Ready?”

With her eyes tightly shut and her lips pursed, she only nodded. His other arm slid around her waist and she gasped when his fingers playfully flicked and tugged at her clitoris. Hot, soaking, and begging to wrap around his hard shaft, her pussy quivered in anticipation… an lustful desire that would go unfulfilled. Another squeak parted her lips as she felt the first probing glance of his stiff arousal as it pushed between her two globes of beautiful flesh. He cooed soothing nothings into her ear, teased her engorged clit, and then clung to her in a tight embrace. He pushed.

She growled as the tip of his shaft pressed firmly against her tight ring. For long moments a low rumbling would roll from her throat as he continued to push. Push… growl… push… growl… push… until finally, with a loud grunt from both of the young lovers, the tight ring opened up and he slid into her for the first time. Both of them breathed in heavy, ragged breaths. Him from the tight exctasy squeezing the scant inch of his flesh and her from the exruciating and surprisingly intoxicating pleasure of her body stretching around his shaft.

Despite his entire being craving to push, he didn’t. Gently, he bent low and lightly kissed the skin between her shoulders, followed by another kiss just centimeters above. As he trailed kisses slowly up her neck, he caught her pearl between his fingers and pinched it. Her body bucked beneath him. He chuckled into her neck before pressing his lips to her skin once more. He pinched her throbbing clit again. She bucked. Another kiss, another pinch, another buck. With each buck, her body would draw his shaft just a bit deeper. He trembled from time to time in intense pleasure as he slowly slid deeper and deeper. Minutes passed in this passionate routine before he smiled to himself and licked the edge of the ear he just kissed. She bucked. He laughed at the predictable reaction to his teasing. Her ears were sensitive. So he licked her again and as her body bucked, he gave one last playful pinch to her clit.

She squealed loudly as the orgasm boiled over and her body trembled. Just before the orgasm ripped through her, her body had gone slack and her ass stretched wide and he slid the final few inches into her. With a wild grunt as he violently slapped against her quivering ass, his body doubled over in pleasure. Her body clenched tightly around the entirety of his hard shaft. It was so quick and so intense that he slumpd on top of her, his weight forcing her entire body deeply into the bed. He moaned into her ear as he collapsed in exctasy as he spent himself. She gasped in shock as the orgasm crested higher and higher and higher… her entire body hummed and throbbed and spasmed with each wonderful splash of his hot seed deep inside her. It was new, it was hot, it was painful, it was delicious, and it was far too intense. She couldn’t help but scream.

“Geeaaachhk.” her eyes shot open in utter shock as her body writhed in the intense orgasm. She lay there in bed writhng in pleasurable shock for quite some time, her legs frantically twitching as her stomach heaved and her pussy undulated wildly. Her eyes widened further when she felt a vaguely familiar urge within her and with a wild chorus of “no, no, no” she desperately flung her hands over her sex, trying to quell that urge. It didn’t work and she began to cry softly as the hot warmth blasted between her fingers. Still in the throes of the orgasm, she held her hands against herself, unsuccesfully stemming the spurts drenching her hands and sheets, and sobbing until the lust-ridden fire finally died down into those damnable embers once more and the spurting faded along with the orgasm, leaving only her tired and aching body aglow with the spent passion.

With a sniffle she sat up and took her hands away from her tender sex and cursed herself. Her hands and her sheets were soaked. She could even see a slight moist trail glimmer ever so faintly up the wall at her feet. Still crying, she tried to shake her hands dry but she was so filled with disgust that she couldn’t do anything but madly swing her arm up and down. With a grunt she flung herself backwards to lay on the bed and covered her face with one of her hands. She groaned with bitter amusement as her moist hand pressed into her face. The groan dissapeared almost immediately when her nose wrinkled in slight arousal at a very familiar smell. With a look of pure amazed confusion, she sat back up and stared at the dark stain soaking her bed. With a tentative swipe, she swept some of the moisture onto her finger and brought to her nose and inhaled. Her clit throbbed in response with an aftershock. She was intimately familiar with that smell.

She blinked at the dawning revelation for a few seconds before finally sighing in relief and laughing.

Was that… could I… did I… I squirted? she asked herself and laughed again. With the fear and shame of believing she had wet herself gone, she basked in the afterglow of the massive orgasm, letting her fingers trail across her naked skin in wonder for a few moments. It didn’t last long, however. Her door swung open and Xallie shot up off the bed with a shout, her naked body glistening in the moonlight.

“Are you okay? We heard y…” her mother froze in the doorway and her jaw dropped as she caught sight of her naked daughter and the glistening evidence of her orgasm splattered across the room. Xallie’s entire body flushed a deep crimson, deep enough that it could even be seen in the pale blue of the moonlight. Her mother only grunted in surprise as an amused smile widened her lips.


They closed the cafÈ at seven oíclock, then Hideyuki had them load the food and equipment into a van that was parked out back. After everything was loaded, they all piled into the cab, and they were off. It was pretty close in there, what with the five of them--four large-breasted women and one man--all crowded together in the front seat, but, strangely enough, Hideyuki didnít seem to mind, at all. Mitsuki, on the other hand, complained all the way to the temple.
When they arrived, they found a place to park and set to work. The side panel came down and the awning came up. Stools and tables were set in place and the once unassuming van was transformed into CafÈ Arial Mobile Gundam Unit One, ready for action.
The temple grounds filled up quickly with cold, hungry people who had come to hear the monks sound the bell at midnight.  One hundred and eight gongs; one for each of Manís sins. (Hideyuki briefly wondered--as he did every New Yearís Eve-- just what those sins were. He couldnít recall ever having seen the list.)
Business was good, everything went along without a hitch until about a half an hour to midnight, when Mitsuki spilled beef bowl all over the head monk (who was a vegetarian) and Cocoa (the cook) noticed they were running out of napkins and chopsticks.
ìSomeoneís going to have to go back to the cafÈ and get some,î she announced.
Yayoi volunteered.
ìIíll go,î she said.
ìNo, let me go, instead,î said Narumi.
She drew Yayoi close and whispered to her.
ìLook at those two,î she said, pointing to where Mitsuki stood, looking sheepish with her finger in her mouth, and Hideyuki was bowing and apologizing over and over to the priest, whose expensive saffron robe now bore a large brown stain.
ìIf you leave,î Narumi said, ìwho will keep those two idiots in check? Cocoa and I canít do it. Weíve tried. Youíre the only one who can. Besides, I know a shortcut. Iíll be back in no time.î
ìYayoi glanced over at Mitsuki, Hideyuki and the monk. Then she looked back at Narumi and nodded her head.
ìThat does make a lot of sense. Okay, you go. Weíll see you when you get back.î
Narumi grabbed a bag and set out on foot in the direction of  CafÈ Arial.
Back in their college days, Narumi and Hideyuki had been lovers. That was long over, but she had never quite forgiven him for throwing her over for that airhead Mitsuki. Narumi was the kind of girl who hated to lose. When Hideyuki took over his fatherís cafÈ, she decided to come to work for him with the intention of winning him back. But it never happened.
Narumi was a strong believer in Fate. She believed that everythingÖ[i]everything[/i]Ö happened for a reason, and if the kami had chosen not to put Hideyuki on her plate, there was nothing she could do about it. Maybe they meant someone else for her.
Suddenly, she remembered that strange woman whoíd come into the cafÈ earlier, the one whoíd been with that fat guy. Sheíd been dressed like a man and had carried a sword. 
ì[i]Iím sorry I thought she was a boy, but what can she expect, dressing like that?[/i]	 Narumi was herself no delicate flower. Sheíd been raised in her fatherís dojo, after all, and was now a Kendo instructor, herself. Long ago, sheíd been a thoroughgoing tomboy, but her body had changed as she started to mature, and so had her outlook on things. Not that she minded being the voluptuous woman that she was in the slightest, but, in a crazy way, that flat-chested, androgynous creature sheíd waited on in the cafÈ made her feel sort of nostalgic.

Part of Narumiís shortcut took her through a long, winding alleyway in one of the less savory neighborhoods. It was a bit creepy, even in daylight. Moriyoh was probably the safest place in the world, but every town has a few places that itís best to avoid after dark, and this was one of them. Besides her Kendo training, Narumi also had a black belt in Aikido, so she was confident that she could handle herself should the unthinkable occur. But it was pretty quiet here, so maybe even the bandits were up at the temple right now.
She stepped into the mouth of the dark alley.
[i]Step. Step.[/i]	The pavement in the alley was made of bricks which had been put down ages ago. Many of them were loose and in a few places the bricks had been pulled up and piled against the walls of the buildings that boxed in the alleyway. In the exposed earth, plants had sprouted up, but there were just dead, wizened branches there now. 
[i]Step. Step.[/i]	As she turned a corner, Narumi saw a light up ahead and she was grateful for it. It was coming from a lamp fixed to the wall over a door. It made a small circle of light on the pavement ahead of her. She was close enough to the door now to notice a small sign with the words [i]Comedy Box [/i]written on it.
ìOh, itís that karaoke place,î she said to herself.
This part of the alley was littered with trash, and most of it was piled up near the door. There was also a broom that someone had left outside.
[i]Step. Step[/i].
[i]Click. Click.[/i]
That sound! Was there something (or worse, someone!) behind her?
She turned around quickly, but there was nothing there. Just a creepy, dark alley.
[i]Step. Step.[/i]	
            [i]Click. Click.[/i]	She turned around again. Still, there was nothing there.
[i]Maybe rats?, [/i]she thought.
She didnít like rats, so she hurried on.
[i]Step. Step.[/i]	Then, as she came into the lightÖ
[i]Click. ClickÖClickclickclickclickclickclickclickclickclickclickclick[/i].
And, suddenly, they were all over her.
She screamed and fell down, onto the cold pavement.

Yoshimi was across the street when she heard the scream, but she quickly drew her sword and rushed into the dark alley, where she found Narumi, bathed in the light of an overhead lamp, writhing on the pavement. Dark things, like fat snakes were crawling all over her. When Yoshimi got close enough, she could see that they were actually centipedes. Big ones! They were about twenty centimeters long and as fat around as one of Etsujiís pudgy fingers.
Narumi was rolling around, screaming and frantically trying to brush them away from her face. Sheíd managed to crush quite a few of them with her body as she thrashed around, and the pavement under her was filled with the greenish-yellowish ichor oozing from their mashed bodies.
ìChester?!î Yoshimi exclaimed.
She put her sword away, then grabbed Narumi by the arm, lifted her up and started puling the bugs from Narumiís body one by one and tossing them into the outer darkness; heedless of the fact that she was touching Narumiís breasts, as well as every other part of her body.
Hysterical and crying uncontrollably, Narumi grasped Yoshimi tightly in her arms. Narumi was a head taller than Yoshimi, and, as a consequence, Yoshimi found herself being smothered by Narumiís large breasts.
Yoshimi pushed her away, gasping for air.
ìWaaaÖ! Easy there, Chester.î 
ìWhat?î Narumi asked as she started to regain a little of her composure.
ìWhat?î Yoshimi repeated.
ìYou called me Chester just now; like you did back in the cafÈ.î
ìDid I? He he...î Yoshimi grinned sheepishly and scratched her head. ìSorry.î
Narumi suddenly remembered the centipedes that were swarming around their feet.î
ìEyuuÖ!î she exclaimed. 
ìRelax, ChesÖSay, what is your name?î Yoshimi asked.
ìHi, Narumi,î Yoshimi stuck out her hand. ìPleased to meet you. Iím Yoshimi.î
Narumi offered her hand, and Yoshimi pumped it enthusiastically.
ìWell, I was going to say,î Yoshimi added, ìthat these little guys canít hurt you.î 
She bent over and picked one up. It twisted and twined in her grip. At the upper end of its segmented body was a white, translucent bulb that served the creature for a head with two long antennae that flicked back and forth.
ìCute, huh?î she said, holding it out toward Narumi, who shrank away from it.
Yoshimi tickled the insectís head with her finger.
ìKichee koo,î she said.
ìWhat are they?î Narumi asked, still cowering against the wall.î
ìJust bugs.î Yoshimi replied. 
ìIíve never seen bugs [i]that[/i] large,î Narumi replied. 
Yoshimi smiled.
ìIíve seen lots.î
ìIf theyíre so harmless,î Narumi asked, ìthen why did they attack me?î
ìI donít think they did,î Yoshimi replied. ìI think they were probably attracted by the smell of all the garbage around here, and you just got in their way. They feed on carrion, you know. Thatís how they get so big. Must be a healthy diet. Iím meaning to try it myself sometime.î
ìAre you joking?î Narumi asked, frowning.
Yoshimi grinned and stuck out her tongue.
[i]What an idiot[/i], Narumi thought.
ìYesÖwellÖthanks for your help and all,î Narumi said.
The sound of the temple bell reminded her that she was on a mission for Yayoi and that she probably wouldnít get back in time before the 108th ring had sounded now. But sheíd better hurry up, nonetheless.
How in the world was she going to explain this to the others? That she was attacked by bugs and rescued by a crazy woman? No, that would be too embarrassing!
She picked up her bag--which sheíd dropped when the centipedes got heróand   shook it to make sure she didnít have any little passengers.
ìIíve got to goÖuhÖYoshimi? Happy New Year.î
ìYeah, same to you, Chester,î Yoshimi replied, as Narumi walked out of sight.
She stood there, perfectly still, and strained to hear any sound that was not the [i]clackclackclack[/i] of the swarming centipedes.
She hadnít been exactly honest with Narumi.
The centipedes were harmless by themselves. That part was true. But they were usually accompanied by Other Things. Big things. Dangerous things. Thatís how they got so big, themselves--by following after the bigger monsters and dining on their leftovers. They followed the bigger monsters around the way seagulls follow garbage scows.
 When sheíd come to Narumiís rescue, sheíd noticed that there was a storm drain in the pavement a little way out from the small circle of light cast by the lamp. That was where the centipedes were coming from.
She wondered if there was something down there, waiting.
The faraway bell sounded, clicking off another one of Manís sins.
Wow! Yoshimi thought, Iíd better get going or Iíll miss it.
She started down the ally, in the opposite direction from the one Narumi had taken.
Another scream.
Yoshimi whirled around, her hand went to the pommel of her sword, but she didnít draw it.
ìWhat now?î she said. 
Narumi came into view. She was running and Yoshimi could see the stark terror etched on her face.
Behind her, dark shapes loped after her.

It was cold but thankfully it was not snowing like it had been the previous days Iris was at her mothers grave. Every year for the past ten years well after the longest night she would come to her mothers grave or rather grave maker. Her mother’s sister had taken her body to be buried with the rest of the family that was on the other side. Her aunt always showed up at this time to pay her respect to her sister.

Clouds gather, the sky darkened to the point stars could be seem, the ground shock then everything went to normal. Her aunt had arrived just as she always has with great show, her mother would always smile but would shake her head when that would happen.  Her aunt really didn't have to do that but she did so has not to forget her sister or for Iris to forget her mother. Not that either would they both loved her to much to forget. Her father had called her days ago to say he had visited her grave. Which explained the flowers that were there. 

"Iris my dear girl still doing well I see." 
"I am. Must you always do that Aunt Marelly." Iris asked	
"Now Iris my dear `course I do."
"Are you going to stay for a bit Aunt?" she asked
"Yes but only to talk to the other family then you."
"Trouble?" she asked
"No just wanted to talk to them."
"Ok." She said and both fell silent for awhile then after a few minutes both left.
"What happen to your old bike?"
"This is my old bike most of it is. *Saw a horse* That was one of Bonnies foal?" Iris asked
"Yes.*Gets on the horse* I'll be going now." the sky darkened for a few then returned to normal.

Iris got to her bike then started to go to the place she always did each time after visiting her mothers grave. She never could understand why they made a marker here when she wasn't buried here. But then she was killed here and she had friends and family here. She remembered the first time her mother told her about her bloodline. Her great grandmother or grandmother or someone on her mothers die was not human, not human of this world at least.

She arrived at a small building that severed really good food that was located outside Moriyoh about five miles out and eleven from the grave. So there she was eating the food she was given and like she did the other times and since she was at the grave continued to remember the past. It was sometime during winter years ago that her mother called her to meet her at this exact place. At that time the heads of the companies didn't do anything only on occasion they tried to get her mother to leave or get her to marry one of there successors. But she had already found someone and married him a year and a half later. That pissed some of the heads. 

(Had she they'd of have to be absorbed into their company considering her mothers ties to the other side.) Isis thought as she ordered a drink

[i][b](My dear beautiful sweet daughter its time for you to learn about the blood that flows through your veins. Oddly Iris was not at all surprised about it given that she had silver eyes and blue hair. Her hair color was uncommon it was her eyes that were rare. She had gone to school with her natural hair and eye color sadly it made her a cast out. So she dyed her hair and put contacts in she no longer was much of a outcast.)[/b][/i]

Iris had left the place and was now heading to another stop.

[i][b](I'm not completely human am I. That has to do with my blood. Why didn't you tell me when I first dyed my hair? Iris had said.  I'm sorry Iris I would of told you then but you were not ready or maybe you were and I just didn't want to tell you. Her mother said.  Will you tell me now? She asked   Yes I will, you my dear girl have blood from me from the other side. You are not full bloodied nor am I your great great grandmother is, perhaps your great grandmother everyone else would be born with only quarter no more or less.)[/b] [/i]

(Unless you are saved by someone from the other side then you end up having some blood but less than a quarter. Cousin you'll never tell me what happened will you?) Iris thought then continued remembering the past.

[i][b](All I know see we have ties actually more than ties to the other side. Only our families know even if others did they would not believe it. Well enough of that, people from there will come you'll have to have them killed. Not all will have to be killed just some, others will come to join some of the people I know will continue to serve.) [/b][/i]               	 

Iris arrived at an overgrown path that lead to an old small cabin that was overgrown also. Only she herself, her aunt, and mother knew of this place. The house inside was well kept but dusty inside from not getting cleaned for most of the year. One could only sleep or eat here but nothing else. She tied her hair back went to get the cleaning things.

[i][b](The ones you kill are the ones that always appear just about everywhere and feed. There are a few that would come here just to eat on occasion or live here for however long they want. I'm going to take you to a small cabin and I'll teach you along with your Aunt. What we will teach you maybe the first resort to use and it'll take awhile. The cabin we are going to will only be a place to sleep, eat and use the bathroom. I'll explain more once we get there.)[/b][/i]

(Mother I took control of most of the other companies, I had to purge those I took over, others I had to destroy completely. I didn't want to but I had no choice.) Iris thought as she cleaned.

[i][b](The cabin was well away from Moriyoh the path wasn't as overgrown but was not easy to spot if one didn't know where to look. The cabin itself was quaint and did not look lived in. "I come here quite often along with my sister when she is on this side but mostly by myself to relax and train. Yes I train by myself." Her mother said before she could ask. "So what are you going to teach me?"  " I'm going to teach you armed combat and some unarmed Marelly will teach you more unarmed combat.")[/b][/i]

Iris had found a picture of her mother and her sweating, a few cuts, some blood. It was some months after she was taught and trained by herself that her mother told her they would spar, until her mother said stop.

[i][b]("Iris you have done well with your training by yourself and when we trained you."  Iris was at home reading a book when her mother said that. "You did train me mom and so did aunt Marelly, you both are good at teaching."  "Well you are a quick learner. I think its time to see how well your training truly was. To the cabin."   "Now?"  "Yes." "Its almost night." "You have been training at night." "True. How long?" 

“However long it takes.” “Right.” )[/b][/i]

"That was a very long but fun night." Iris said to herself as she finished cleaning one part of the cabin.

  [i][b](As they went to the cabin her mother told her they would get something from the cabin then go somewhere not far from the cabin. It had been weeks since either of them went to the cabin. Iris had trained closer to home and her mother was starting to get ready to take over. Both entered the cabin mother went up to the attic then came back in a few carrying two swords giving her one. "This will be your sword from now on."  "Where did you have them?" Iris ran her finger lightly testing the edge. "Up in the attic in a case that blended with the wall. Besides it was time I started to carry my sword."  "When will you take over?"  "In a few weeks."  "Should we start then mother?"  "I've one rule no killing. I'll go out first then in five minutes you follow."  "Yes mother." )[/b][/i]

Iris had finished cleaning the cabin and was walking to a stream near by. The stream was cool and refreshing as she stood in it with naked feet. She had brought a fishing rod and tackle that her father had given her during one of his stay with her and her mother. He would take them fishing at his favorite spot which was not the stream she was at. She cast the line out waiting and remembering. 

[i][b](It was ten minutes of Iris walking around the area when her mother attacked her, surprise came and went quickly as she blocked the sword. She wove the sword around her mothers only to have her mother deflect it with a quick turn of her sword. Her mother disengaged and entered the woods around them, Iris followed after her. Her mother was good closer to a master but she wasn't only knowing half the forms a master would know. As both fought around the woods their sword glanced trees, stepped on twigs snapping them walking through underbrush causing more noises. The animals there sometimes got spooked when they went close by. Both mother and daughter paid only a brief attention as each tried to press any advantage. Her mother had from time to time since it was dark would disengage and attack from around place. Both sported cuts some bleed a little and sweat. The sun was starting to rise when both stopped sword crossed. Her mother smiled took her sword away putting it back it its sheath. "Your better than I was at your age were done."  "Thanks Mom."  "Come lets go back and eat I'm hungry from all that fighting."  "Are we even that close to the cabin?"  "Yes we've been getting closer to it the whole time."  "Can you teach me to cook?"  "Sure." )[/b][/i]

(Mother I finally can cook better it took some doing but I finally got it.) She thought as she cast the line out again.

[i][b](A few years later while she was out with someone her cell rang it was from one of her families friends at the company. "Iris Isis Locke. Your mother is dead."  "Hold on. *talks to the person with her* I've something to take care of bye * walks away from the person* When?"  "We found her five hours ago. We started to look into it."  "I'm not going to take over yet."  "Fine but you do have someone to take over for now?"  "I do I'll give you the name later."  "Fine and I'm sorry for your loss."  "Thank you. Bye."  Iris started to walk home angry, sad and on the verge of crying. She arrived at home to see her father there that pushed her over the edge. He hugged her as she cried and so did he but as much. 

Her father stayed home for a few weeks before he left the whole time Iris was at home after tell the company who would take over. It was time she made her announcement to all companies. Her cousin had came to her during her time at home. "Iris my cousin haven't you grieved enough?"  "Yes but I'm finding the heads of all the companies."  She had help from some of the people that worked for her mother that were from the other side, so there she was contacting the heads to meet them in two days time. The heads only did agreed to see if she could be manipulated or the very least be married into one of their companies.)[/b][/i]

Iris went back to the cabin to cook the three fish she had caught, mushrooms and some berries she had brought.

[i][b](It was the day of the gathering at one of her companies properties. The company heads along with their two top advisor or any person that served in that capacity arrived. They arrived dressed like they were attending a business party. They separated into small groups talking amongst each other or complaining about the fact there was no drinks or food and the number of security present. Iris was there she had her hair dyed and contacts in so none knew she was already there among them hearing what they said and make some conversions with some of them. It was not easy to get them to talk but she managed after she found out which ones would be to dangerous to leave alone she left to take out her contacts and the dye. 

The group of people started to get upset from the lack of appearance of Iris who had them gathered to make an announcement. None of them knew what the announcement was nor did they care they would use this opportunity to make a move. Iris entered the hall the group of people fell quite as she walked with elegance, pride, and self assurance. Iris kept walking until she was under a sky light with the moon shining through making her hair a brighter blue and her eyes shine. She stood looking at all the people gathered it was silent for a few until someone spoke. "What is the meaning of this young woman?" said an old man "Do you mean to announce that you intend to marry into my company like your mother should of." said another causing the others to say something along those say lines or take her as a daughter. 

Iris let them talk them she spotted her cousin standing leaning against a wall talking to one of the security guards. He had started to change or rather she started to see him become what he wanted or need to become. The trips had changed him or free him to be who he truly was. He looked her in the eyes and said or gave her the look that said attack. 

"I am Iris Isis Locke. I do not know yet if any of you present here had anything to do with my mothers death." "I am sorry for your loss but none of us had anything to do with her death at least I don't." said a man that was slightly younger than the one of ask why the meeting was held.)[/b][/i]

Iris had gutted, descaled, spiced and put them mushrooms over it. After about ten or so minutes she put the berries she brought and turned it into a paste putting on the fish and continued to cook it. One would think it would not taste good but it did. 

[i][b]"I have asked for all of you to come here to give one warning and only one. I don't know if any one here had a hand in my mothers death but know this if any of you try anything against me or family you will suffer."  "You shouldn't make threats you wont follow through with."  "That is my only warning you'll pay if you do not take it to heart. That is all I wanted to say all of you may leave."  "You shouldn't act like that to companies that could destroy you easily."  "Do not test me. Now leave all of you." The people started to leave feeling put upon but they left.  "Icy Iris."  "What?"  "That is what I will now call you on occasion, cousin. Icy Iris, you may of just started a battle."  "Will you help cousin?"  "No Icy Iris. I'll be traveling."  "Ah well. Once everything is settled I'll be going somewhere too."  "Don't stay over there for to long."  "I wont but be careful during your travels."  "Always am. I'll see you Icy Iris."

It wasn't long after the meeting that a company moved against her by making a hostile take over for one of her holdings. Iris had received a call that one of her holdings had be destroyed. She went to check what was lost as she went to the place she got information that made her decided that she would have to completely destroy some of the companies or take over some. Once she arrived it was confirmed what she was told. For the next few days she purged the other companies or destroyed some and few where left alone. What her cousin had called her that day was now know Icy Iris was now respected or feared by the companies. Her enemies called her Icy Iris more often than any of her friends, family or loyal people. After that was done she had left for a time. At that time the one she choose to run the company before she would takeover ran it with some help from Prina and Prina's mother. During that time there hold solidified and expanded some once she came back.)[/b][/i]

Iris was back outside watching the stars twinkle in the cloudless cool night. Spring was just months away and she had a plan to go somewhere during spring.

[i][b](The black roses had been established during the solidification of there hold a slightly expansion to protect and hold when or if it every became necessary. One would assume they ran more than just what they held maybe they did or maybe they didn't. Iris still had not found any information about who killed her mother yet. She also check the other side to see if she could find anything no such luck. She took over control of the company but left the person she'd chosen to remain when she would leave for whatever reason.)[/b][/i]

"Mother I've not found who killed you. I've no idea what I will do once I do find the person or persons. I have no idea if I every will." she said to herself her cell rang.


"You did. Condition?"

"So long as they are alive. Your not there are you?"

"Good." Iris ended the call and dialed her cousins number he answered after a few.

"Hello cousin." she started


“You had napkins, after all?” Yayoi asked.
“Yes,” replied Cocoa, who was stacking them on the counter. “I’d forgotten I had these.”
“Then we sent Narumi away for nothing,” Yayoi said.
“I’m afraid that is so,” Cocoa replied in her soft, unemotional voice.
Things had been going along pretty smoothly since Narumi had left to go back to the Caf√©. Business had been brisk, and there’d been no more incidents since Mitsuki had spilled soup all over the head monk. Yayoi took a look around and spotted Mitsuki talking to Professor Laumness from that JAST school. She hadn’t spilled anything on him¬Öyet.
“That’s the next to the last ring,” Yayoi said."
She pulled her cell from the pocket of her apron.
“I’d better call her.”
She held the small phone to her ear for a minute or two, but then folded it up and put it away.
“That’s strange,” she told Cocoa. “She’s not answering.”
“That’s too bad,” Cocoa replied. “I hope she doesn’t miss the fireworks.”

When Yoshimi heard Narumi's scream, her hand went to the pommel of her sword. When Yoshimi saw that Narumi was being chased in her direction by six shadowy figures, the sword was in her hand in a flash, and she ran toward them.
One of Narumi's persuers was nearly on her now, allowing Yoshimi a clearer view of what kind of creatures they were.
Cat men!
But not like any of the cat men Yoshimi had ever seen before. Those were slight, delicate-featured-almost effeminate-creatures. But these characters were entirely different.
They were big, and covered with exaggerated muscles, as if they'd taken steroids in with their mother's milk. And they were naked, except for a sort of fundoshi affair around their middles. To top it all off, they were covered in stripes (either war paint or tattoos-it was hard to tell in the dark) to make them look a little bit like tigers.
The one in the lead was now close enough to reach out and bat Narumi with a massive fist. She cried out and fell to the pavement.
Yoshimi cried out as well, and one mighty leap took her to the monster's side, just as he was bending over Narumi.
Yoshimi's blade flashed.
"[i]Always go for the head¬Öif they've got one[/i]"
That was the advice Master Taro had given her for dealing with monsters, and she'd never forgotten it. Her blade sliced into the side of its head on the down stroke, and she was confident that it would come off with one blow. But she actually had to hack at it a couple of more times before it parted from the cat man's body and rolled to the pavement, where a wave of centipedes covered it like an in-coming tide.
"Goodbye¬Ökitty," she quipped.
	The rest of the pack-yowling like angry tomcats-- was on their tails and closing fast. Yoshimi grabbed Narumi by the arm and pulled her up.
"[i]Haiyaku!" [/i]she shouted, and ran to the back door of the Comedy Box.
She hit it hard with her shoulder, and they both tumbled in.
Yoshimi quickly locked the door behind them.
Seconds later, the door shook violently from the impact of blows on it coming from the outside, but didn't give way.
They were in utter darkness, until Yoshimi found a light switch. When she turned it on, she saw that they were in a small room with an old-fashioned furnace at one end and another door at the other. There were also some wooden crates stacked here and there, which Yoshimi started pushing against the outside door.
"Hey, Chester! Give me a hand with this."
Narumi was on her butt and shaking like a leaf, but she pulled herself together and started helping Yoshimi.
"Where'd you pick up your boyfriends?" she asked, grunting, because the crates were heavy and she was just a little woman.
Narumi, who had been on the verge of a nervous breakdown minutes before, angrily replied:
"Can't you ever take anything seriously!" she said."
"I...oof!...take everything¬Ögrunt!...serious," Yoshimi replied. "Just not seriously."
Narumi frowned.
When they'd stacked as many boxes in from of the door as they could, they both fell back onto the floor, breathing heavily.
The door continued to shake.
"Well, anyway," Narumi said. "It's a good thing you noticed that the door was unlocked."
"I didn't know it was unlocked," Yoshimi replied.
Narumi sat up and cast a baleful look at the other woman.
"What?! If you didn't know that, then why did you even try?"
"Master Taro," Toshimi replied. "Always said that actions speak louder than words. He said it is always better to try something to see what the outcome will be, than to do nothing at all."
"What if the door had been locked?"
"Well, in that case, I would have had to try some other option."
"We could have been killed!" Narumi said.
Yoshimi got to her feet and brushed off her clothes.
"True, death is always a possible outcome, and not the worst one, really," Yoshimi replied. "Master Taro says that death should be a samurai's first thought when he gets up in the morning and the last one when he tucks himself in at night. I think about death all the time. That's why I'm such a cheerful girl."
"That doesn't make any sense," Narumi said. "Were you a loligoth, or something, when you were a girl?"
"Na, I missed out on that."
She went over to the inside door and rattled the handle.
"This one's locked," she said. "That other door's not going to hold for very long the way they're going at it. I've got to think of something. Have you got a hairpin?"
"Let's see," Narumi said. She opened her purse, which (miraculously) she had managed to hold onto throughout the evening's trials, and started fishing through its contents.
"[i]Etoo[/i]¬ÖI've got some lip gloss, a cell phone¬Ö"
"Cell phone?!," Yoshimi replied. "Jesus Echhi Christ. I've got one, too. I could call for backup."
"Backup?" Narumi asked.
"Yeah. I'm a police officer. Didn't you know that?"
"You should have told me that sooner. And here I just thought you were a lunatic."
Yoshimi dialed Etsuji's number and put the phone to her ear, but she heard no dial tone. 
"That's funny."
She shook it and tried again. But it was still silent.
"Hmmm. Let me try yours."
Narumi gave Yoshimi her phone, but that one didn't work, either.
"Strange," Yoshimi said. "We must be in a dead zone. Well, I still need to get this door open. What else have you got?"
Narumi continued her inventory:
"Uh¬Ömy reading glasses, a cigarette lighter, calculator, measuring tape, some string, aspirin, birth control pills¬Ö"
"Uh huh?" Yoshimi said, smiling.
"Shut up," Narumi replied. "Some band aids, a small box cutter¬Ö"
"That could be good," Yoshimi said.
"A bit of stiff wire, a Swiss Army knife and a paper clip."
"The Swiss Army knife is good, but give me the paper clip and the wire."
"What are you going to do?" Narumi asked, as she handed them over.
"I'm going to try picking this lock," Yoshimi replied, taking the paperclip and straightening it out. "This looks like a simple pin and tumbler lock, so opening it should be easy."
She took the piece of wire and made a hook at one end of it.
She got down on here knees in order to get closer to the keyhole and inserted the paperclip.
"What I need to do," she said, wiggling the paperclip, " is to move the plug to one side with the paperclip, then push the pins out of the way with this wire and¬Ö[i]viola[/i]!"
She shook the door handle, but nothing happened.
Red stress cross marks appeared on her forehead.
"He he. It doesn't always work the first time.
Narumi folded her arms and frowned.
Yoshimi attacked the lock again.
"By the way." Yoshimi said, as she worked away at the lock. "How did you run into the Meow Meows?"
"Meow Meows?" Narumi asked.
"Yeah," Yoshimi replied. "Meowtis separatists from some of the southern islands of the Empire. It was a cult. Their leader was a character called Beast Dom who urged his followers to purge themselves of their humanity and return to their animal natures. It was one of those schemes that was supposed to bring Heaven to Earth. But since that involved a lot of killing and loose behavior, the Emperor of Meowtis had to forcefully suppress it. Supposedly, the cult was completely wiped out. But you know how it is with these terrorist organizations, you cut off one head and two more take its place. But what are they doing here in Moriyoh and how'd you run into them?"
"It was the strangest thing," Narumi replied. "I was nearly out of the ally when this little girl appeared on the sidewalk ahead of me."

“Appeared?” Yoshimi asked.
“Yeah, one minute there was no one out on the sidewalk in front of me. I blinked. And the next minute, there she was. The first thing I noticed about her was that she seemed to be remarkably well-developed for such a young-looking girl.”
“Well-developed? How do you mean,”
“Ahh¬Öyou know¬Ösort of buxom?”
“Buxom?” Yoshimi shifted her gaze from the lock to Narumi’s own ample proportions and grinned. “You noticed that, did you?”
Narumi felt Yoshimi’s eyes on her chest and the blood rushed to her face.
She wished she had a giant mallet -like in those anime stories. She wanted to smash Yoshimi on the head with it until she had goose eggs the size of soccer balls.
“Sorry,” Yoshimi replied
Fuck! It doesn’t take much to piss this girl off, does it?She put her hand on her mouth (trying to suppress a smile) and turned her attention back to the lock. “Please. Go on. Really.”
Narumi sighed, and continued her story.
“I wondered what she was doing out so late at night all by herself, and I thought that maybe her parents had taken her out to the temple for the bell ringing, but she had wandered away and gotten lost.”
“We’re nowhere near the temple,” Yoshimi replied. “That’s a long wander.”
“I know,” Narumi said. “I was about to speak to her, but she gestured at me to go back. Then she looked over her shoulder, screamed and ran off. But before I had time to wonder about that, those¬Öcreatures¬Öappeared and started chasing me.”
“And so you came running back to Yoshimi for protection.”
Narumi blushed again, which made her look so charming that Yoshimi’s nose nearly started bleeding.
But she had more important things to think about right now than Narumi’s chest.
For one thing, this lock wasn’t cooperating at all.
Lock picking isn’t as easy as it’s often depicted in the movies, especially under the present circumstances, with the Meow Meows outside constantly banging on the door and the dim light in this part of the room making it hard to see what she was doing. And these makeshift tools she’d MacGyvered together weren’t working all that well. It was maddening how those pins kept slipping back into place. Her knees were beginning to hurt, too.
Too bad, she thought, I really wanted to impress Chester with my lock picking abilities.
Then there was this weird business with the Meow Meows. And that called to mind those other cat men-the ones Komegura had butchered. They had just been ordinary cat men with their ears and tails surgically removed to make them look a little more human, just the opposite of those monsters outside. But there could be some connection between them. How could there not be?
This crazy case seemed to have more layers than a Christmas cake. Was there some larger pattern here that she and Etsuji had missed? Or had Etsuji missed it? She couldn’t shake the feeling she’d had earlier that he knew more about this case than he was letting on. Could she still trust him?
The banging outside was getting louder. The Meow Meows had apparently found some large object and were using it as a battering ram on the door. Its hinges were creaking now and the wood was beginning to splinter.
Suddenly, it gave way with a loud bang.
At the same time:
Just as the enraged Meow Meows appeared in the outside doorway and started pushing the stacked crates aside, Yoshimi got the inside door unlocked and they were through it in an instant.
And once again found themselves in a dark room.
This time, it was Narumi who found the light switch, while Yoshimi locked the door behind them.
When the lights came on, they found themselves in a room that served as a combination kitchen and bar. To their right was a long counter with a sink and a rack for drying glasses, plus a mini-fridge and a microwave. To their left was a small bar, with all the usual equipment and shelves holding bottles of various brands of liquor.
“This must be where they mix the drinks and stuff for the suckers,” Yoshimi said.
Behind them was another door, which Yoshimi quickly examined.
“Rats!” she said. “This one’s locked, too.”
They had just exchanged one trap for another, it seemed.
Yoshimi spun around and emitted a sound that in any other woman might have been taken for a scream.
She spun around and regarded the door they’d just come through (which was beginning to buckle) nervously. Narumi noted with some interest that Yoshimi’s devil-may-care attitude had suddenly vanished, to be replaced with an expression of deep concern. For some reason, Narumi found she was glad to see her that away.
Yoshimi drew her sword.
“Uh¬ÖChester,” she said. “They’re going to be on us anytime now, and I don’t have time to jimmy any more locks, so we’re just going to have to make a stand. There’s a good chance I can take them all, but I can’t do that and protect you at the same time. So you’re probably going to die. Please forgive me, okay?”
Narumi was amazed at how Yoshimi could still be so arrogant, even while apologizing.
“You forget,” she said. “I teach Kendo.”
“That so, Kendo girl?” Well, I don’t see any wooden swords around here." Yoshimi replied angrily.
Narumi didn’t either, but she did see a mop at the end of the sink, which she took up and held out from her in a proper Kendo stance with the mop head in front.
Yoshimi would have laughed at her, if she’d been in the mood for it.
“Well,” she said glumly, “if it makes you feel any better. But tell me, Chester, have you ever killed someone.”
No! Of course not!" Narumi replied.
“Of course not,” Yoshimi replied. “Because all you’ve been trained to do in the dojo is defeat an opponent and look good doing it, right? Not utterly destroy them as quickly as possible? Well, it’s different now. We’re fighting for our lives and technique don’t count for shi¬Ö”
Suddenly, a section of the wall in front of them, between the door and the sink exploded out into the room. A piece of plaster struck Yoshimi square in the face and shattered into dust. She fell to the floor, letting go of her sword, which clattered away from her.
“Yoshimi!” Narumi cried.
She crouched down, took Yoshimi by the shoulders and shook her.
But Yoshimi was out cold.
Narumi looked up and saw that a cat man, one of the Meow Meows had squeezed his way through the hole in the wall and was crouching on the counter above them. His yellow eyes were blazing and a large, toothy grin appeared on his face.
He let out one large, piercing, inhuman shriek and leaped from the counter.

“Aghh!” Ryo covered his forehead with his hands as he flopped back onto his back. Ringing undercut the throbbing of his blood in his ears and he couldn’t help but whimper. Next time he wouldn’t leave the shutter hanging over his bed. At least the pain did have the surprising effect of breifly ejecting any thoughts out of his head except the string of curses. So he layed on his bed, swearing as he rubbed his now bruised and possibly fractured skull. Those dreams were becoming a menace.

“Damn it!” as the pain softened to a dull ache the memories came flooding back of course. Slick bodies, anxious trembling, and the tight embrace and torid release… it was killing him. Every night he dreamt of her. Her warm body, her coy smile, her playful hands, and her sultry pleading. Every night he would gleefully fall into her embrace and passionately kiss. Every night they would end up naked and screaming. Every night he would wake up with a jolt of orgasmic bewilderment. But hitting his head off the overhanging shutter? That one was new… and it hurt. A lot.

Ryo groaned again as he sit up. He swallowed his rising excitement at the memories and exhaled violenty, desperately trying to shove them out of his mind. He hadn’t had a good night’s sleep in months. The dreams, as wonderful as they were, were haunting him. He wanted her. He needed her. But he was afraid.

“Why?” he asked the familiar question. He loved her. He knew that. That Christmas under the frozen winter sky he had finally realised it as he stared at his sleeping angel’s rosey cheeks and fluttering eyelashes. He even whispered it into her ear as he kissed her on her cheek. So why was he so afraid? He did want her, so why was it so difficult to take that step?

“Aghh!” he ruffled his hair in frustration and kicked his legs before throwing himself backwards to stare at the ceiling. “I love her.”

“I love her.” He whispered again to the empty room. It had quickly become his nightly mantra. So he layed in his bed, ruffled and frustrated, and stared at the blank ceiling. He wanted to see her, but he was scared. “What if I lose it?”

He wondered. That was the problem. Being around her fanned that fierce flame of desire and it often threatened to overwhelm him. One day he might just shove her down, cover her mouth his own, and rip her clothes off so he could molest her naked and trembling body. It scared him.

“I don’t want to hurt her.” Tears welled in the corner of his eyes, frustration and fear shuddering through his body. He loved her, he wanted her, but he was so damn frightened. But even as he trembled in the nervous uncertainty and worry, Ryo’s imagination trailed his fingers across her sweaty neck and tightened his arm around her small waist as he gleefully thrust into her tight ass. His body quickly responded with the fantasy and he stiffened at the lurid impressions tormenting him. “No…” Ryo sucked in one long breath and held it. His body tensed in pleasure and the fantasy awakened completely, despire his attempts to quell the rising tide of lust. “No!” he bolted upright as he began to burn in the impending orgasm.

“Aghh!” he crashed back to the bed and screamed in agony. He rolled around on his bed, clutching his throbbing skull. He was dimly aware of the warm trickly of blood seeping through his fingers. Even as he continued to groan and twist with pain, he smiled. He was two for two with the shutter, but at least it had stopped the cursed fantasy in its tracks. Then of course he promptly cried. Stupid shutter… it really hurt!


It was as if time stood still.
Have you ever had that feeling that you were waking from a dream, and that dream was your life?
That was how it was for Narumi as she faced down the snarling cat man.
She seemed to be detached from her body and viewing events from somewhere near the ceiling. Peering down, she could see Narumi, mop in hand, kneeling beside the prostrate Yoshimi, and the snarling cat man in mid-leap. From her vantage point, the world was no longer a collection discrete objects. She could see that everything in the room was connected to everything else, enmeshed in a web of silver cords: the walls, the ceiling, the fixtures in the room, Narumi and Yoshimi.

There was just one last connection to be made, the one between the mop head and the cat man’s face.
With a sort of silent pop, Narumi was back in her body and time had started up again. She quickly got to her feet and assumed her best defensive stance. Her years of training allowed her to instantly pick the right spot to strike, and the cat man’s own momentum helped to insure that there would be some force behind the blow. Added to that, the mop she was wielding was a really good mop, industrial strength, with a thick hardwood handle and a heavy metal tang attached to the mop head.
When contact came, Narumi’s entire body shuddered from the force of it, but a very satisfying thud came from the other end of the mop and the cat man skidded across the room and smashed into the bar, caving in a section of it with his head. He lay quite still, and Narumi noticed that she’d pretty much destroyed his nose with her blow. It was now just a shapeless mass of raw meat in the center of his face.
A few centipedes had found their way into the room and were making a beeline across the floor, attracted by the blood oozing from the cat man’s face.
Narumi shuddered as she remembered how those slimy little monsters had crawled all over her body out there in the alley.
First the bugs and then those crazy cat men, trying to kill us¬Öor worse.
It was a nightmare.
Surely none of this could be real.
All Narumi wanted right now was to be back with the rest of her friends, safe and sound, selling noodles out of the back of a truck.
Her eyes were watery and she felt sick to her stomach.
She wanted nothing more than to have a good crying jag right now, but realized she couldn’t afford to do that. Now was not the time to get hysterical.
The cat men outside the door were quiet, and no one else had come through the hole in the wall.
They were probably waiting to see how their point man had made out, but it probably wouldn’t be long before they were battering on the door again.
Narumi only had seconds to act.
She bent over the prone Yoshimi and shook her, but didn’t get any response.
She isn’t dead, is she?
How could a little plaster in the face put anyone out like that?" she wondered. Yoshimi, you sure do have a glass jaw for such a tough little bunny. She hauled Yoshimi to her feet and pulled her onto her back, tucking the mop under one arm, as well. She had no intention of giving up her only weapon.
Narumi was a big girl-- in more ways than two-and strong, thanks to a lifetime of physical training (and, well, waitressing was no job for weaklings, either). So Yoshimi was as light as a baby on her back, but, still, the situation was awkward.
Her next problem was to figure out how to get out of this room they were trapped in.
The door that led to the interior of the building was locked, but maybe she could force it open.
She kicked at it a couple of times, but with no effect.
However, the door had a glass window in it. Maybe if she could break the glass, she could unlatch the door from the outside.
It was tricky, but she managed to smash the glass with the end of her mop.
Then she gingerly put her hand through the hole and groped around for the handle on the other side, while trying to keep Yoshimi from falling off at the same time. She couldn’t avoid scratching her arm a little on the broken glass, but eventually she grasped the handle and pushed it down.
The door swung open, and Narumi ran into the darkness beyond.
After running down a short passageway, Narumi came to a slightly larger space that was probably the front entrance of the Comedy Box. On her left side was what appeared to be the front door. It was made of glass, but there was an iron gate behind it through the bars of which the light of a street lamp cast parallel streaks of light across the floor. To her right, a short staircase led to an upper level hallway that was shrouded in darkness. But the entrance to that was also covered by a gate, and even in the relative darkness of the room Narumi could see that it was padlocked.
Can’t get out the front door, can’t go upstairs. This place is nothing but one dead end after another. She looked back the way she’d come and noticed that there was a door next to the passageway she’d just come out of. It was behind a short counter, and bore a sign with the word “Manager” on it in raised letters.
That’s probably locked, too, she told herself. Why should I expect anything else? Just then, Yoshimi, who was perched on Narumi’s back, started to regain consciousness and lose her balance. Instinctively, she grabbed hold of the most prominent things she could find to steady herself, which turned out to be Narumi’s breasts.
She squeezed¬Öhard.
Both women screamed at once, as Narumi dumped Yoshimi onto the floor.
“You pervert!” she yelled and took a swipe at Yoshimi with her mop.
Yoshimi dodged it and rolled to her feet. Her face was red.
“Hold on, Chester. It’s not what you think.”
Narumi took another swing at her, just for using that name.
“Gomenasai, gomenasai. Sheesh,” Yoshimi said, bowing like a duck. “How’d we get here, anyway?” she said looking around the room.
Narumi explained the events of the past few minutes to Yoshimi as quickly as she could.
“And you put him out with that mop?” Yoshimi replied. “That was lucky. But, never fear, I’m back on line now, and I’ve got my trusty¬ÖHey! Where’s my sword?!”
Yoshimi rattled the empty sheath attached to her belt.
Narumi noticed (not without a certain amount of satisfaction) that Yoshimi looked a little panicky.
“I think you dropped it back there in the kitchen,” she replied.
“Umm, well I’d better go get it them.”
She turned to go, but Narumi prevented her from getting very far by squeezing her arms to her sides and lifting her off the floor. For a few seconds, Yoshimi was treading air.
“You can’t go back there,” Narumi said. “They’ve probably broken into the kitchen already and will be here any minute. We’ve got to figure out how to get out of this building.”
“Have you tried that door over there?” Yoshimi asked, pointing to the manager’s office.
“No, but it’s probably locked like all the others. And even if it weren’t, it’s probably just another room to get trapped in.”
“Um, I think you got that right. I guess we’re gonna have to make a stand right here. But I need a weapon.”
Narumi grasped her mop and held it tightly to her side, afraid that Yoshimi was going to try to take it away from her.
“Do you still have that Swiss Army knife and the string?” Yoshimi asked.
“Yes. I believe I do,” Narumi replied, feeling around in her bag. “Here.”
She handed the items to Yoshimi.
Yoshimi detached the empty sheath from her belt and proceeded to attach the knife-pulling out the longest blade-to the end of it with the string.
“Tape would be better,” she said, as she wove a series of elaborate knots into the string.
When she was finished, she waved her makeshift weapon in the air.
“Pathetic!” she exclaimed. “Well, at least we only have three of them to contend with.”
“Are you sure?” Narumi replied.
“Yeah,” Yoshimi replied. “There were five of them to begin with. I took out one in the alley and you got another with your trusty mop. Do the math. That leaves three. Those odds are doable.”
But Narumi was doubtful.
“I don’t know¬ÖIt sounded like more than three when they were pounding on the kitchen door.”
“Nope, three.”
But even if Yoshimi always acted as if she was always right about everything; sometimes she wasn’t.
When the Meow-Meows finally appeared in the mouth of the passageway, it was obvious that there were more than three of them for Yoshimi and Narumi to contend with. They had picked up reinforcements from somewhere and there were now more than ten crazed cat men confronting the girls and howling like they were in heat.
Yoshimi frowned.
They were seriously outnumbered now.
But if that weren’t bad enough, they had also apparently raided the kitchen cutlery, because they were all waving big, sharp-looking knives over their heads.
“Why does a bar that serves snacks to drunken salarymen need so many knives?” Yoshimi wondered.
“Ouch time,” Narumi said, hefting her mop.

It would be hard to describe the battle that ensued.
It was utter chaos, like most battles are.
Without having had to discuss it beforehand, both Yoshimi and Narumi knew that they had to move quickly and keep moving. Their weapons, a mop and a Swiss Army knife, were purely defensive. The best they could do with them was to keep the cat men at bay, because they knew instinctively that any one of the cat men could physically overpower them if they made contact. As it was, neither of them were always able to avoid getting slashed by the cat men's knives, which were making tatters of their clothing and leaving raw, angry scratch marks on their skin.
Yoshimi was having trouble learning how to use her jury rigged weapon. Most of the time, she found that it worked better as a club than as a sword. That stupid little blade on the end was hardly doing any damage at all. The only thing that was saving her at all was the incredible agility she had learned from Master Taro that gave her the ability to roll between an opponent's legs or sail over his head with equal aplomb. 
She couldn't help noticing that, while they were fierce, the Meow Meows weren't particularly intelligent fighters. They didn't seem to organize or strategize or team up, at all. They fought as individuals, and not very intelligent individuals, at that. She wondered if this was the result of Beast Dom's doctrine of encouraging people to be stupid, or if they were all on drugs, or something.
Narumi was also having her problems. She'd had to reverse her mop, because the head was turning out to be too easy a target for the cat men to grab onto, and a couple of times they had almost pulled it out of her hands. She was now wielding the handle like a [i]bo[/i], or wooden practice sword, something she was more familiar with. 
But she possessed neither Yoshimi's incredible agility nor her stamina. Her strength was beginning to fade, but her competitive spirit wouldn't let her show that to Yoshimi. In a crazy sort of way, she was fighting more against Yoshimi at this point than she was the Meow Meows.
But she was getting so tired.
She could hardly hold her mop up in the proper position, anymore. She was slowing down, and her technique was getting sloppy.
One of the cat men noticed this and came in to take advantage of it. He had a bloody bandana tied across his face and a look of blazing fury in his yellow eyes. It was her assailant from the kitchen, and Narumi knew she was facing death.
Suddenly, Yoshimi appeared out of nowhere and thrust her knife into the cat man's jugular vein. When she withdrew it, the blood gushed out as if from a high pressure hose, and as the dying cat man thrashed around in agony, the blood flew everywhere, soaking the entire room and everyone in it.
Yoshimi looked at the little Swiss Army knife.
"Wow! So that's how it works."
The spraying blood seemed to discomfort the cat men greatly, and they retreated across the room to get out of its range.
Yoshimi grabbed Narumi by the wrist and dragged her behind the reception counter.
"We can't keep going like this," she said. "Sooner or later, they're going to get us. Our only hope is to get through that door before this guy's blood pressure goes down."
She pointed to the door to the manager's office.
"Again?" Narumi asked. Her voice was thick with weariness. "It's probably locked. We've already tried this twice before, and it didn't work either time. Even if we get in, they'll just knock down the door and get us, anyway."
"Come on, Narumi. Be a sport. Try the door."
Narumi gave the door a faint-hearted kick and it swung open.
Enormous grins broke out on both girls' faces as they shot through the opening, closing the door behind them.

Hours before¬Ö

Shortly after the Comedy Box had closed for the evening, Takuya had come to see Miss Gestapuku about some back pay owed to her.
Miss Gestapuku was all smiles as she invited Takuya into her office and gave her a seat across from her desk. She placed a checkbook on the top of her desk and started writing, engaging Takuya in conversation all the while.
“How are they treating you at the Blue Lounge, dear?” she asked.
“Oh¬Öfine, I guess,” Takuya answered.
“But isn’t that Iris a bitch?” Miss Gestapuku asked.
“Oh¬Öshe’s okay. I don’t really see her all that much.”
“Well, dear, you know you’re always welcome back here if you get dissatisfied.”
In fact, the conditions under which Takuya had left the Comedy Box had been pretty acrimonious, but she didn’t want to bring that up. She just wanted to get paid and go home.
As she sat there, waiting for her money, her gaze wandered to that thing on the wall behind Miss Gestapuku. It was shaped like a big Romanji letter X with little leather straps attached to it here and there. She’d often wondered what it was, but had never felt free to ask about it until now.
“Anoo¬Öis that an art object or something?” she asked, pointing.
Miss Gestapuku glanced at it, and then turned her gaze back to Takuya, smiling as if at some private joke.
She finished writing Takuya’s check, signing it with a flourish, and handed it to her.
“There you go, dear.”
Takuya thanked her, rose from her chair and, bowing, prepared to leave, but Miss Gestapuku said:
“Wait, dear, before you go, how about a drink. To celebrate the New Year, you know?”
And she rose from her own seat.
“Uh¬Öokay.” Takuya replied.
Miss Gestapuku walked over to a cabinet at the end of the room, opened it and pulled out a bottle and two glasses, which she placed on the top of the desk.
“Saitama-sama’s best Cognac,” she said, pouring. “But I’m sure he won’t mind. Oh! What’s that?”
She put her hand to her mouth and pointed to something behind Takuya.
Alarmed, Takuya looked around.
“What?” she said.
She didn’t see anything there, but she didn’t see the little white pill Miss Gestapuku put in her drink either.

When she came to, Takuya found herself strapped to Miss Gestapuku’s “art object” and stripped naked with her secret exposed for all the world to see.
Or, at least that portion of the world occupied by Miss Gestapuku, who had taken off her German peasant girl dress and exchanged it for a nurse’s uniform, which consisted of a little white bonnet with a red cross printed on it and a uniform of shiny white rubber; the hem barely reached past her groin area.
She was smiling as she gazed at Takuya, who was pinned to the cross-bars like a butterfly on display. She smiled at Takuya’s frightened face, at her small breasts, at her hips and at her prominent [digital fog].
She folded her arms and shook her head.
“Tisk, tisk, Takuya, dear, why did you waste your time waitressing? You could have made a fortune around here with that. Some of our patrons are really into that sort of thing, you know.”
“But I don’t like men!” Takuya replied.
“No one does, dear,” Miss Gestapuku responded. “But no matter. You’ve shown me yours; now let me show you mine.
The office desk had been pushed aside to increase the amount of floor space between her and Takuya, but there was now a small folding table with a leather portmanteau on top of it. Miss Gestapuku opened it up and pulled out several whips of differing sizes, all neatly rolled up.
Takuya screamed when she saw them.
Tasukette! Tasukette!”
“Quiet, dear. Saitama-sama had the foresight to sound-proof this whole room. You can’t hear a thing that’s going on outside, and, more importantly, no one out there can hear what’s going on in here.”
“Please! Let me go. I’ll give you back the money!”
“Keep it. It’s your money, after all. Just, for now, allow me my simple pleasures. My babies,” she said, stroking the whips, “get so little exercise. So where should we begin?”
She picked up a whip, a small one, and uncurling it, said, “Now this isn’t going to hurt, at all.”
Suddenly, the door flew open and two apparitions burst into the room.
Their clothes were in tatters and they were covered in blood, which made them look like two zombies from some video game.
“Look, Narumi,” said the shorter one,” a desk!"
They both grabbed an end of the office desk and pushed it against the door.
With that business out of the way, Yoshimi turned around, and noticing the way Miss Gestapuku was dressed, approached her.
“Are you a medical professional?” she asked. “Do you have any band aids?”
“Waa¬Öwho are you?” a now frightened Miss Gestapuku asked."
“Yoshimi, look!” Narumi said, pointing to poor Takuya, still tied to the cross.
Yoshimi turned her head and looked. She looked at Takuya’s frightened face, her small breasts, her hips and her prominent [digital fog].
“Hey, what’s going on here?” she said, turning back to Miss Gestapuku and regarding her suspiciously. “You’re not really a nurse, are you? I think you people have got some explaining to do. I think there’s a law against this¬Öprobably several.”
“Please, somebody help me,” Takuya screamed, and Narumi rushed over to untie her.
“And put some clothes on, young man,” Yoshimi said.
“Where are my clothes?” Takuya asked.
She was hunched over, with one arm across her chest and another over her groin.
“There’s a bag over by the liquor cabinet,” Miss Gestapuku helpfully said. “Who are you people? What’s going on here? This is private property. You can’t just come barging in here.”
“We’re police officers in the middle of apprehending some dangerous criminals,” Yoshimi replied.
There was a loud bang at the door.
“That’s them now,” she added.
While Takuya dressed and Miss Gestapuku sputtered, it was left to Narumi to explain the situation in full.
“Ridiculous,” Miss Gestapuku replied. “If this is some sort of prank¬ÖI’m calling Saitama-sama. You’ll regret this, believe me.”
But her cell wasn’t working any more than Yoshimi’s or Narumi’s had.
That’s really strange, Yoshimi thought. Then she recalled the centipedes that were all over the place. There were, she had once been told, some creatures that carried a strong electromagnetic field around with them.
Takuya was dressed now, and Miss Gestapuku was sitting in a chair. She looked sort of caved in.
“Is there any way out of this room?” Narumi asked her.
“No,” she replied, shaking her head. “Only that door. The one you came in.”
The banging on the office door was now a constant drumming.
“Well, Yoshimi,” Narumi said. “It’s just like all the other times. We’re trapped.”
“No, it’s not,” Yoshimi replied. “Look at this place.” She spread her arms out and did a pirouette. “It’s pretty roomy. Maybe we could lure them all in here, then run out and lock the door behind us. Then they’d be trapped. Yay!”
“That’s a really dumb idea, you know that?” Narumi said. “What’s to prevent them from busting the door down and getting out again?”
“This,” Yoshimi replied.
She reached into the inner pocket of her shredded suit coat and pulled out something that looked like a soda can, except that it had a large handle on top with a metal ring (like the pin of a grenade).
“What’s that?” Narumi asked.
“Tear gas,” Yoshimi replied. “We lure then in here, lob this baby at them and bugger out. A little whiff of this stuff should pretty much take the fight out of them long enough for me to find a phone that works and call in a swat team.”
Narumi grabbed Yoshimi by the lapels of her shirt and almost lifted her off her feet.
“You had this all the time and you didn’t use it before now? We’d have been safe by now.”
“Nope,” Yoshimi replied. “You’ve got to use the proper tool at the proper time, as Master Taro always said¬Ö”
“Fuck Master Taro,” Narumi replied.
“Put me down, please,” Yoshimi replied. “It’s getting hard to breathe.
Narumi did as she asked, and, rubbing her neck, Yoshimi explained:
“You see, if I had used this out in the alley or those other rooms, we’d’ve been affected by the gas, as well. But this way, we’ve got a chance of getting clear before the fumes can get to us. Plus, I will have single-handedly captured some dangerous criminals (who just might have something to do with a case I’m already working on) and be a big hero. Etsuji will shit!”
“That’s insane,” Narumi replied.
“I kind of like it,” Takuya said.
Miss Gestapuku said nothing. She had stopped communicating and was busy thinking her own thoughts.
“Well, it’s two against one, then. So here’s what we do¬Ö”
The plan was for them to pull the desk away from the door and hide behind it. When the cat men came rushing in, they would quickly run out as Yoshimi lobbed the tear gas canister behind her.
“That’s all?” Narumi asked.
“Uh huh,” Yoshimi replied. “There’s no point in making it complicated, is there?”
So they pushed the desk away from the door and waited. For good measure, Yoshimi had turned out the lights in the room.
“That’ll make it harder for them to see us,” she said.
“Cats have excellent night vision,” Narumi said.
“Oh, yeah. I hadn’t thought of that. Well¬Öwhatever.”
But nothing happened. The Meow Meows didn’t come rushing into the room, and in fact, the banging had ceased.
“Hmmm. I don’t understand this,” Yoshimi said.
“Are they still out there?” Narumi asked.
“Maybe they’re taking a break,” Takuya added. “Do they smoke?”
“Sometimes, you’ve just gotta be proactive,” Yoshimi said, pulling open the door.”
Narumi was nearly freaked out by that, but still nothing happened.
“These guys must be starting to get smart,” Yoshimi said. “Well, if this doesn’t get them in here, nothing will.”
She unbuckled her pants, slipped them off and handed them to Narumi, who was a little puzzled, but was becoming numb to Yoshimi’s eccentric behavior.
“Now,” Yoshimi whispered to the other three. “When I’ve got them all in, you guys move out and move out quickly, you hear?”
She leaped around to the other side of the door, and, silhouetted in the open door way, she turned around, squatted over and pulled down her undies.
“Yoo hoo! Cat guys! Come and get it,” she yelled.
The cat men rushed into the room so fast that Yoshimi barely had time to pull up her panties. She ran to the far end of the room, pulling the pin off the tear gas canister on the way.
“Go! Go!” she shouted back to the others.
Narumi quickly herded Takuya and Miss Gestapuku outside and stood by the door, waiting for Yoshimi to come out. She couldn’t see what was going inside the room, at all, but she could hear the cat men coughing and howling and making strange, inarticulate strangling noises.
But where was Yoshimi?
The gas had spread to the doorway now, and Narumi’s eyes were beginning to water.
But where was Yoshimi?
Suddenly, a figure came out of nowhere, somersaulted over Narumi’s head, and rolled onto the floor.
“Jesus Ecchi Christ, Narumi! Shut the god damn door!”
“Yoshimi!” Narumi exclaimed as she shut the door.
She was so glad to see her that she gave Yoshimi a big hug.
Yoshimi coughed and threw up all over her, but it didn’t seem to matter at this point.
For a long time after that, no one said anything. They all just sat on the floor breathing heavily, whileYoshimi retrieved her pants.
After awhile, Narumi said, “We’ve got to secure the door somehow.”
Yoshimi replied, as she dragged herself to her feet, “I don’t think we need to worry about that too much. Those boys in there aren’t going to be in the mood to cause anyone any trouble for a long time. At least long enough for us to get to a phone that works.”
“Nonetheless,” Narumi said. “I’d be happier if we could at least lock it. Maybe our friend, the Naughty Nurse, has a key. Hey, you¬Ö”
She looked around, but Miss Gestapuku was nowhere in sight.
“What the fuck,” Narumi said.
“She went out the exit,” Takuya informed her.
“What exit,” Narumi asked.
“That one over there,” Takuya replied pointing to a section of the wall near the stairway up to the karaoke boxes. “There used to be a sign over it, but the light went out.”
As Narumi peered through the darkness, she could just barely make out a door over there.
“We could have escaped through there if we’d know about it,” she muttered.
But she was too tired to get emotional over what this new piece of information implied.
“There’s our way out,” she said to Yoshimi.
“Nope,” Yoshimi replied. “I’m going back to the kitchen and look for my sword.”
“Oh, well, One way out’s as good as another,” Narumi replied.
“Yeah, but someone’s gotta stay here and look after things until the Swat Team arrives. How about you? What’s your name? Boy in a dress.”
“Takuya. But it’s too scary here. I’m coming with you guys.”
“Suit yourself,” Yoshimi replied. “I’m probably gonna want to take you in for questioning, anyway. Consider yourself under arrest, Takuya.”
As they started heading in the direction of the kitchen, an army of centipedes swept into the front room, attracted by the blood and gore left over from the battle.
“Eek!” Takuya said, “What are those?”
“Centipedes,” Narumi said, picking one up and allowing it to curl around her arm.
“Cute, huh? Koochi koo,” Narumi said, offering it to Takuya, who shrank away from her.
“How’d it get so big?” Takuya asked.
“They eat carrion,” Narumi replied. "Must be healthy. I’m thinking of trying it, myself.
Both Narumi and Yoshimi then broke out in uncontrollable laughter, much at the expense of a pretty bewildered Takuya.

They found Yoshimi’s sword in the kitchen…
Why the Meow Meows hadn’t taken it was to remain one of the night’s mysteries, but I’ll tell you what the deal was. You see, Beast Dom had taught his followers that-among other things-Hello Kitty was the primary source of evil in the world and that any objects bearing her likeness (such as Yoshimi’s sword) were unclean and were to be shunned. Another example of how our beliefs seldom work to our advantage.

They were back out in the alley behind the Comedy Box now and heading for the street, where Yoshimi hoped to find a phone that worked or maybe flag down a passing patrol car.
Narumi and she were walking side by side and Takuya was following behind.
“You know, Narumi, you did pretty well back there with that mop.”
“Thank you, Yoshimi,” Narumi replied.
“You know, this could be the start of a beautiful friendship,” Yoshimi said.
“No. I don’t think so,” Narumi replied. But she was smiling.
“Hey,” Yoshimi said. “Maybe you and I and Takuya could, you know¬Ö”
She whispered something in Narumi’s ear.
“Kiyaaa! That’s disgusting!”

After they were gone, the centipedes continued to mill around for awhile, enjoying the unexpected bounty this first night of the year had offered to them. Then, as if responding to the call of some silent command, they all filed across the alley and back down through the grate and into the sewer from whence they had come. A pink tentacle slithered up from below and swept up the few stragglers. Sparks flew whenever it touched the sides of the metallic grate.

(Valentine Special)

Yuki Tanuki turned the corner and caught Ryo and Xallie in the act.
She was making those sweetie-sweetie goo-goo eyes at him, and he was responding with a stupid grin spread across his entire face.
In Xallie's arms was a tray, and in it were a bunch of paper cups full of shapeless brown blobs that resembled dog shit.
"Happy Valentine's Day, Ryo," Xallie said. "I made this chocolate myself¬Öjust for you."
Yuki ducked back around the corner before they could see her.
She stood against the wall, breathing hard.
[i]Homemade chocolate? [/i]
She let the box of expensive Morinaga Special Edition chocolates she'd bought for Ryo slip from her hand and fall to the floor.
Every year at this time, Yuki presented Ryo with a box of expensive chocolates with the expectation that such a generous act would soften his heart toward her, and every year, he accepted her gift, but he never smiled like that at her.
[i]Ohhh¬Öthat bitch![/i]
Even if Xallie's homemade chocolate tasted like the shit it resembled, Yuki knew that Ryo would still prefer it over hers. Guys were like that.
She brushed away a tear and then another one and another. They just wouldn't stop coming.
Yuki started to walk away, went a few paces and then came back to retrieve her chocolates.
[i]No use letting this go to waste.[/i]	She tore the red foil wrapping from the heart-shaped box, popped off the lid and ate a chocolate.
Yuki was due in class, but, instead, she wandered thru the halls of JAST, crying and eating chocolates.
Because she was so miserable, everyone else she encountered seemed to be so happy by comparison. The whole goddamn school seemed to be filled with laughing couples exchanging hugs and gifts and generally playing grabass.
It was disgusting.
Yuki felt like the loneliest girl on Earth.  No one in history had ever had the blues the way she had them now.
[i]Wow, that last one was good! Macadamia nuts¬Öand that caramel center! Yum.[/i]	Everyone had abandoned her.
Kimochi was in Vancouver.
They still communicated thru tweets and email, but it seemed to Yuki that Kimochi was becoming more and more involved in her new life in Canada and less and less in the news from Japan.
Eri was spending most of her time with Brant these days. She had abandoned her loli styles and even her School Girl Detective outfits for tee shirts and jeans-a look that apparently met with Brant's approval.
Her brother, Chinpo, had dropped out of school in order to spend more time with Kitsune, the shrine maiden he'd been seeing. He even gotten himself a job at the same shrine. Their parents were not pleased about that and had said so, but they were too busy preparing for a trip to Europe that would last for an indefinite length of time to make much of a fuss about it.
[i]What irresponsible parents.[/i]	By the time Yuki had eaten the last chocolate, she found that she had wandered up to the fourth floor and was feeling a little queasy from all that chocolate in her stomach. She entered the girl's rest room, went to the fourth stall (because it was the one farthest from the entrance, and she didn't want to be disturbed), and sat down to relieve herself.
Presently, she heard the sound of voices. Someone else must have come into the bathroom.
"Check all the stalls," said a girl's voice. "Make sure there's no one here but us."
[i]"Yokai![/i]" another girl replied.
Then there was the sound of someone knocking on the stall doors.
Yuki waited for a knock to come on her door, and was preparing to shout out that it was occupied, but no knock came.
"Why didn't you check that last one?" the first girl asked.
"We're on the fourth floor and that's the fourth stall-Hanako's stall."
"Are you referring to that story about the girl who killed herself and whose ghost haunts the girl's fourth floor bath room? Every school in Japan must have a story like that one. I even saw it in a Harry Potter movie once. You don't believe crap like that, do you?"
"No, of course not," came the reply. "But many people in this school do. Hardly anyone uses the bathroom on this floor out of fear of Hanako, so it's only logical to assume that no one would be using her stall."
Even from Yuki's vantage point, she could hear the nervousness in the second girl's voice. But¬Öshe was sitting in Hanako's stall?! Icy fingers ran down her spine, and she almost bolted from the stall, but then her natural curiosity took over.
What reason had those two out there for being here? What were they up to that required the privacy of a haunted bathroom?
As silently as she could, she wiped herself off, pulled up her pants and climbed up on top of the toilet seat. From that height, she could peer over the top of the stall and spy on them. She hoped they wouldn't notice her.
One was taller than the other. The shorter girl was a stranger to Yuki, but the taller one she knew all too well. There was no mistaking that copper-colored hair and perfectly tailored uniform-it was Nanjou Kyouka, ringleader of the "popular" set at JAST and a notorious snob. In fact, her mannerisms were so aristocratic that a lot of people in the school called her "Antoinette" behind her back.
She was the kind of girl Yuki considered her natural enemy.
"So what did you want to see me about?" the second girl asked.
We're starting up the Rebellion, again." Nanjou replied.
"The Tairano Masakado Rebellion? The orgy club? That's good news," the other girl replied. "But how¬Ö?"
"Miss Betsunade has offered to sponsor us," Nanjou replied.
"What? That creepy nurse?"
"What's so creepy about her?" Nanjou asked.
"Well, she talks crazy, she makes jokes about death and suicide and stuff like that, she has a pet centipede-a big one-and she always wears a mask."
"That's because she has allergies," Nanjou replied. "If you knew her as well as I do, you'd really get to like her. She's a lot better than most of the other tight-ass teachers around here. In any event, she's agreed to take up where Komegura left off."
"Komegura? Did you hear the news?"
"She's wanted by the police. I saw her picture on the late news last night."
"Wanted by the police?" Nanjou replied. "What for?"
"I don't know. There weren't many details. Just that she is a "person of interest" in a case that somehow involves the Meowtis Empire"
"Well, I'm not surprised. She was always so [i]common.[/i] The way she slathered after all the young men in school shows she lacked breeding. People like that always get themselves into trouble."
"Um. But what if the police catch her and she tells them about the club?"
"That would be a problem, wouldn't it?" Nanjou replied. "If my parents ever found out I wasn't saving myself for that rich husband they hope to find for me someday, my life would become one big mess. They're still pissed that they had to take be out of that other school just because that girl tried to commit suicide."
"I know. It would be a mess for me, too," said the other girl.
"Well, if it happens, we'll just deny everything. It would be our word against that of some neurotic school nurse criminal. I could come up with enough stories about her conduct here at JAST to convince anyone that she was a delusional psycho. Besides, Tairano Masakado Rebellion sounds like a historical club, doesn't it? I named it that on purpose, so if anyone found out about it, we could just say we were a group of girls who like studying about samurai. There are plenty of real groups like that around already, you know?
"But, look, I didn't just call you up here just to tell you about the club. Miss Betsunade has this idea that I think is pretty amusing."
"Oh?" the other girl replied.
"Yes." Nanjou replied. "She wants us to mix our sex up with a little black magic."
"Black magic? What the¬Ö"
"Miss Betsunade thinks that sex has great magical powers that can be unleashed if it's done in the proper way. She has this old book about sex magic. It's full of pictures that are really dirty!"
"But¬Öyou don't believe in magic, do you? I've always thought you were the most rational person I'd ever met."
"Of course not," Nanjou replied. "I told you it was an amusing idea. It would be like cosplay. We can wear black robes and spout a bunch of mumbo-jumbo, stuff like that. It'll be more fun than just dropping our pants for the guys and Miss Betsunade would be on hand to make sure we don't get pregnant, just like Komegura did."
"Well, as long as it's just for fun, and we're not going to sacrifice a virgin, or something like that."
"But we are going to sacrifice a virgin!" Nanjou replied.
"Oh, don't look at me that way. We're not going to kill her or anything. We're just going to sacrifice her [i]virginity[/i], not her. And she'd have to be willing, anyway. That's why I called you up here."
"But I'm not a virgin."
"Well, no. None of us in the club are, of course. But here's my point: you work at the Starry Sky, right."
"And that dopy Casual Romance Club meets there all the time, right?"
"Yeah. On Wednesdays, but they're having a Valentine's Day Party this Sunday."
"Right, and, besides working there, you're also a member of the club, as well."
"Uh huh."
"And what more logical place to find a virgin than the Casual Romance Club. So I want you to find us one from there."
"How do you expect me to do that? If I go around asking girls a question like ‘are you pure, honey?' they'll throw me out on my ear."
"Come on," Nanjou replied. "You can do better than that. There's bound to be some girl there who's like we were, someone looking for a little adventure. We'd be doing her a favor by luring her away from that goodie two-shoes crowd."
"Well, that sounds like a valid point."
"Then, you'll do it?"
"Sure, why not?"
"Nanjou put her arms over her head and stretched herself. Then she leaned back and supported herself with the sink counter.
"You know, it's tough being a quality person. The lesser types look up to you to set good examples. You can never really be yourself without being very discrete. Sometimes I envy commoners like that dimwitted Tanuki, you know. She can just carry on her pathetic little existence without a care in the world. She'll probably get herself knocked up before she gets out of school.
At the mention of her name, Yuki let out an indignant, but inarticulate, yell.
[i]Oh my gosh.[/i]
She ducked down and squatted on the stool, supporting herself with her arms against the sides of the stall.
"What was that?" a startled Nanjou asked.
"Hanako-san." The other girl whispered.
"Nonsense," Nanjou replied. But her voice was a little unsteady. "Go see what it is."
"No, you go see," the other girl replied.
"This is very irrational," Nanjou said. "We're not afraid of an urban myth, are we? We're just allowing ourselves to be influenced by the surroundings and our own imaginations. I know, let's go together."
She gave the other girl a push.
Fearfully, they approached the fourth stall in the girl's bathroom on the fourth floor of the Japan Academy of Scholarly Training.
"Open it up." Nanjou commanded.
"Why me?" the other girl asked.
"Because I'm telling you to," Nanjou replied.
The other girl grumbled something, but did as she was told.
The door opened to reveal a sight so horrific that it would haunt there nightmares for years to come. There, hovering over the toilet seat, they saw the apparition of a girl in a school uniform. Her face was pale and ghastly, and she glared at them with eyes that seemed to contain the veritable fires of Hell in them.
[i]"Hanako!" [/i]they screamed.
Yuki screamed, too.
Nanjou and the other girl wasted no time in quitting the premises and Yuki stepped down from the toilet seat.
She left the bath room and wandered the school as before, lost in thought. 
But this time, she was thinking about Nanjou, rather than her problems with romance.
[i]Oh, that Antoinette! Well, I've got the goods on you now, Nanjou.[/i]	Yeah, but how was she going to go about it?
She couldn't just denounce Nanjou to the school officials, could she? It would be just her word against Nanjou's, wouldn't it? And after that Samba Club affair last fall, Yuki's word around JAST was exactly mud.
Well, she would just have to gather more evidence.
But this whole Tairano Masakado Rebellion was just a little too ecchi for her taste. She couldn't just infiltrate their club with a camera and start taking incriminating pictures, could she? She didn't even know where they met. And she was too afraid to approach that creepy Nurse, Miss Betsunade. But what about the Casual Romance Club? That other girl who was with Nanjou was in that club, she'd overheard. Maybe the safest approach would be to keep an eye on her. The trouble was, she'd never been invited to join the CRC, and if she started to hang around the Starry Sky on club days, she might arouse suspicion-or at least start getting fat.
[i]Well, there's got to be something¬ÖOof![/i]	She hadn't been paying attention to where she was going and had slammed into someone in the hallway.
"Oh, please forgive me," someone said.
Flat on her ass, Yuki looked up to see the person who was talking to her and had extended his hand to help her up.
He had wavy blond hair and the biggest, most beautiful brown eyes she'd ever seen.
Cupid's arrow had hit its mark.