Project Sakura (Bishoujo RP)


He had wavy, blond hair and the most beautiful soft brown eyes that Yuki had even seen.

He also had long ears and a furry tail.
Yuki was just a little surprised by that.
Not because people with ears and tails were all that uncommon in Moriyoh. After all, her friend, Eri, had ears and a tail, too, but Eri was a cat person. By contrast, this stranger who was staring down at her now (she quickly checked her skirt to see if her panties were showing), was a dog.
Years ago, when she was little, her parents had taken her and her brother, Chinpo, on a visit to Tokyo’s Inumura (or Dog Village), the biggest enclave of dog people in all of Japan. At the time, her mother had told her that they were mostly refugees from the Meow Meow uprisings.
This bit of information didn’t mean anything to Yuki then, and meant even less to her now. Alas, Yuki was no student of history.
Even so, she had found everything about that visit exciting.
All the sights and sounds of Inu Village thrilled her. The shops with their fancy, rhinestone studded collars dazzled her. And best of all was the way the people wagged their tails when they greeted you.
She had found the dog food quite tasty, as well.
Another item that she vividly recalled from that visit was witnessing a performance of the Tokyo Metropolitan Kei-Nine Marching Band and Precision Drill Team. The marchers had looked so smart in their brightly decorated uniforms that Yuki had instantly formed a passion for fancy clothes. Her mother told her that most of the dog refugees from Meowtis were either on the police force or fire department, and many of the others had gravitated to helping professions, such as medicine or domestic service.
That was years ago, and Yuki hadn’t seen another dog person, until now.
“Dreadfully sorry, my dear,” he said. “Lost in my thoughts, you know. Wasn’t using the old peepers. Here, let me elevate you from that undignified position.”
He held out his hand, and Yuki let him take hers.
His grasp was strong, but gentle, and he raised her to her feet with a smooth, flowing motion that reminded her of dancing.
“There, all better now?” he asked as she brushed off her uniform. “No sprains or broken bones, wot? We were like ships that passed in the night, except we crashed into each other, eh?”
Yuki smiled shyly and curled a strand of hair around her finger. She noticed that he was dressed in an expensive-looking dark grey suit (Armani? Brioni? Yuki had an eye for labels) that fit his trim figure like a glove.
“I say, we haven’t been properly introduced, have we. Under the circumstances, I suppose we’ll have to introduce ourselves. Ladies first, eh?”
“Oh? I-I’m¬Öuh,” She’d forgotten her own name!
How ridiculous," she thought. Get a grip, Yuki.
“I’m Tanuki Yuki,” she said, pulling herself together and bowing. “Hajimemashite yoroshiku. Namae wa?”
“Bond. James Bond.” He replied.
“No, not really,” he said, smiling a smile that was so charming that Yuki could have readily believed that he was an International Man of Mystery.
“I’ve always wanted to say that,” he said. “And now I have. At your expense, though, I’m afraid. My real name is Rex.”
“Nice to meet you, Rex. Uh, Rex what?”
“Just Rex,” he replied. “Son of White Fang and Black Tooth. We in the dog world don’t have family names, you see. The reason for that, I’m afraid, would make rather indelicate conversation for an innocent and refined young lady, such as yourself.”
Yuki blushed. She didn’t think of herself as all that innocent or refined, but didn’t feel like setting him straight.
“Um¬Öwell, Rex-san, what are you doing here at JAST? You don’t look like a student.”
“Quite. I was at Eton once, and many there said I didn’t look like a student, either. I got booted out, you know, ha ha. Actually, I was looking for the Principal’s office. Have you seen it?”
“Principal Payne’s office? That’s on the ground floor. This is the fourth floor.”
“The fourth floor, you say? Not the first? My, my, how did I get all the way up here? A bit of the old absentmindedness, I reckon. I wonder, Tanaka-chan, if you could point me the way?”
Even to Yuki his explanation sounded a little weak. She hoped he wasn’t some kind of dog-pervert, sniffing around the girl’s bathroom or anything like that. But how could anyone so handsome be a pervert?
“I can take you there, if you’d like,” she offered.
He smiled that wonderful smile again.
“That would be jolly! Very well then, lead on Mac Duff.”
“Let’s take the stairs,” she said.
Yuki took Rex by a very circuitous path to the first floor.
She was reluctant to part with his company right away, and she hoped it would do her reputation some good to be seen with this handsome stranger by as many people as possible.
She hoped Ryo saw.

Later that evening.
Yuki was in the basement room in her house that she’d turned into her workshop, working on a sewing project with her friend, Eri, who was taking a rare night off from Brant. They had found a pattern in a magazine for a loli-goth dress that Yuki liked. It was all black and white, with a cute little bustier that was crisscrossed with red ribbons.
Eri was measuring out a piece of black cotton, and Yuki was telling her about her adventure in the girl’s bathroom on the fourth floor.
“Why did they think you were Hanako?” Eri asked.
“Who knows?” Yuki shrugged. “I guess that maybe they were expecting to see Hanako, since they’d already been talking about her. People see what they want to see in these situations, you know.”
Eri nodded to show agreement, but refrained from mentioning to Yuki that she was no exception.
“But Nanjou should have recognized you. Why didn’t she?”
“Well,” Yuki replied. “You know how run down that bathroom is. There’s just that one light over the mirror by the sink, so the rest of the room is pretty dark; especially in the stalls. My guess is that all they saw of me was a figure crouching in the dark, and their imaginations filled in the rest. You know, it sort of gave me the willies, too, when I realized I was in Hanako’s stall. It’s so spooky in that bathroom that it’s no wonder people avoid it.”
“Except for secret meetings, right?”
“Right. Tairano Masakado Rebellion.”
That was the name of the secret sex club at JAST that their friend, Kimochi, had hinted at one time, the one that had been run by the school’s ex-Nurse, Miss Komegura.
“That’s a weird name for a club,” Eri said. She picked up the section of cloth she’d been working on and gave it a shake. “Why do you think they call it that?”
“What do you want them to call it, Sluts Anonymous?” Yuki replied. "Actually, that’s easy. The kanji for “rebellion” is the same one used for the word “orgy.”
“How do you know what the kanji for “orgy” is?” Eri asked, and both of them broke into a giggling fit.
“By the way,” Eri said, after they’d settled down. “Did you see the news about Miss Komegura last night?”
“Yeah, I saw that,” Yuki replied. “They say she’s a mad dog killer who killed a guy and chopped him to pieces.”
“I heard it was four guys.” Eri said.
“Where’d you hear that?” Yuki asked.
“Um, yeah,” Eri replied. “Where did I hear that? Oh! Brant told me. Only he said she didn’t kill them.”
“Well, how would he know that?” Yuki asked. She suddenly remembered that Brant, just like Ryo before him, was pretty friendly with the old witch for a time. She wondered¬Ö
But Eri changed the subject before Yuki could form her next question.
“By the way, who was that cute guy you were parading around the school with yesterday?”
“He’s the new English Literature teacher,” Yuki replied.
"What would a dog know about English Literature? Eri asked.
“He was raised in England.”
“Uh huh. He was adopted by an Englishwoman named Woodhill when he was just a pup and raised on her estate, which he inherited. He’s traveled all over the world, fought in wars, climbed mountains, scuba-dived, raced cars and stuff like that. And¬Öand¬Ö”
Yuki’s face turned crimson. She got all starry-eyed and hugged herself.
“Uh¬ÖEri?” she said
“Yeah?” Eri replied.
“Do you believe in love at first sight?”
Eri put down her scissors and looked at her friend.
“Oh, Yuki! Don’t even think such things. You know teacher-student romances are forbidden.”
“Yeah, but¬Ö”
Suddenly, Yuki’s brother, Chinpo, stormed into the room.
“Sis, come on upstairs,” he said. “You have got to hear this.”
“Come on up, you’ll see.”
He led Yuki upstairs, and Eri came along as well.
The front door to the house was open.
He led them to the genkan (or entry way), where a figure familiar to Yuki stood.
It was Rex.
“This guy says he’s going to live here,” Chinpo said.
“Ah, Miss Tanuki,” he said, smiling that breathtaking smile. “It would appear that our passing ships have met again, wot?”
“Sensai?” Yuki said.
“It was all she could say.”
“I detect a certain degree of incredulity on your pert features,” Rex said. “But, to whit, and in brief, what your brother says is true.”
“Here,” he said, pulling an envelope from the inside pocket of his jacket, “is a note from your parents explaining everything.”
He handed it to her.
She tore open the envelope and read the words written on the letter inside.
“They asked me to look after you two while they were away in Europe,” he said.
And that was exactly what the letter (which was authentic) in her hand said.
“Y-you know our parents?” Yuki asked. “But they’ve never mentioned you before.”
"Well, they never mentioned you to me, either, my dear, so that puts us at evens, wouldn’t you say? To tell you the truth, it came as quite a surprise to me as well when they buzzed me up in mid-flight–you might say–and asked me to take care of their children while they were away. It was just fortuitous that I was already coming to Moriyoh on a pedagogical mission, that is, to teach at JAST.
“By the by,” he said, producing another envelope from his pocket, “they also gave me power of attorney and made me your legal guardian for the duration of their stay in Europe.”
Yuki was still too dumbfounded to say anything, and Chinpo was always too witless to say anything of use.
Just then Rex noticed Eri, who was standing next to Yuki.
He smiled at her, but there was a strange light in his eyes.
“I say,” he said. "Your name is Eri, isn’t it?
Eri nodded.
“You probably don’t remember me. You were just a little kitten when I last saw you. I knew your parents; too, when they were alive. I’m sorry they’re no longer with us.”
He sounded genuinely sympathetic.
“Thank you,” Eri’s reply was barely audible.
“Um, Eri-chan?” he said. “You haven’t seen your grandfather lately by any chance, have you?”
“N-no!” Eri replied defensively. “Of course not.”
“That’s good, Eri,” he said. “That’s good.”
Yuki could not help but notice that something very peculiar had passed between Eri and Rex just then.
“Well then,” he said suddenly. "Can anyone help me with my bags? They’re just outside the door.
Later that evening, Yuki was in bed, but couldn’t sleep.
She had a lot of things on her mind.
Sensai had established himself in an upstairs bed room that was never used. Chinpo had helped him settle in and seemed quite happy with this sudden turn of events. Yuki guessed that either the novelty of the situation appealed to him, or else it was some kind of instant male-bonding.
For Yuki, things were a bit more complicated. This wasn’t the relationship she had envisioned for Sensai and herself. How could her parents have gone off and done this to her?
“Such irresponsible parents!” she shouted, and then clapped her hand over her mouth, hoping that no one else in the house had heard her.
Eri had slunk away without any explanation about what it was that passed between her and Sensai, but Yuki sure as shooting wasn’t going to let her get away with that. She vowed to pin her friend to the wall the next time they met and wring some answers out of her.
She felt an intense pang of jealousy toward her friend. She and Sensai had a history (sort of), which she found unbearable.
And how was she going to explain to the snoopy grannies of the neighborhood about her new and unorthodox living arrangement?
She thought about Sensai, upstairs, probably sleeping by now.
How long was he going to be here? Her parents hadn’t left the slightest clue about how long they’d be gone, or even why they’d left.
Such irresponsible parents.
She thought about Sensai.
He’d be living in the same house as her. Sleeping here. Eating here. Taking showers here.
Wild, crazy notions filled her head.
She tried to make them go away, but they kept coming back.
She touched herself.

The next afternoon.
The Dirty Haru was a little back alley bar that was located not too far away from the Moriyoh Metropolitan Police Station.
Its clientele were mostly policemen, and the owner and bartender (who were the same guy) was an ex-policeman. It was a place where cops went when they wanted to say things that they didn’t want to be overheard. People there respected each other’s privacy.
And it’s here that we find Etsuji and Yoshimi, sitting at the bar, drinking their lunch.
“So how are things between you and Narumi going?” Etsuji asked. "Not that I’m prying.
“If I’m thinking what I think you’re thinking,” Yoshimi replied, taking a sip from the pitcher of beer in her hand, “you damn well are prying. But it’s not what you think. We talk now and then, but she’s afraid to go out with me. Thinks it would endanger her life. That’s the trouble with civilians; a few scrapes and they’re traumatized for life.”
She was referring to that New Year’s Eve night a couple of months ago, when Narumi and she had found themselves fighting for their lives against a horde of crazed cat men.
“Yeah, well, Saitama’s still pissed about the way you trashed the Comedy Box. He’d like to hang you up to dry.”
“Fuck him. He’s just a yak. Besides, it was those cat boys who did most of the trashing. Have him take it out of their hides.”
“What?” Yoshimi asked.
“I’m just wondering if you did this on purpose.”
“What?” Yoshimi asked again.
“Well,” Etsuji replied. “Here we’d just about wrapped up the Komegura case, and you go out and bring back a whole other load of shit for us to deal with.”
Yoshimi smiled sweetly.
“It’s what I live for. But look. Hasn’t anyone but me noticed that both cases involve cat men? Specifically Meow Meows, followers of that nut Beast Dom, who caused so much trouble a bunch of years back.”
“Well, we don’t know if that group Komegura sliced up were Meow Meows, too,” Etsuji replied.
“Ockham’s Razor,” Yoshimi replied.
“Hmmm. Yes, of course. But it’s complicated. Back when things in Meowtis got bad, the Moriyoh city fathers decided to take in refugees and what we ended up with were a lot of cat people who were not followers of Beast Dom, maybe. It was a humane gesture, I suppose. But cats are natural predators, you know.”
“Except that these are people who sort of look like cats, not cats,” Yoshimi said. “It kind of bites me when I hear intolerant remarks like that.”
Etsuji laughed.
“This from the girl who says the only good monster is a dead monster?”
“That’s not the same thing, at all.”
“Maybe, maybe not. But when all those cats started appearing in our midst, a lot of us were uneasy. However, we wanted to be tolerant, so a sort of unspoken pact arose. A live and let live sort of thing. But now, if it gets out that the pact has been broken, or that Meow Meow has come back to life here in Moriyoh, well, it would be pure gravy for some ambitious right-wing hack, like Saitama; if he were to get the majority stirred up against the cats–Mass arrests. Detention camps. Cruel stuff like that,” Yoshimi said.
Etsuji shrugged his shoulders, which made the rest of his massive frame shake like jello.
“Well, no one wants it to go that far. That’s why we contacted Interpol and asked them to send out some one to look into it.”
“Wow! Interpol? Really! Those fucks! Useless fatass bureaucrats. Who’re they sending out?”
“Goes by the code name: Tuxedo Rex. We’re supposed to meet him here.”
Yoshimi, who had been in the act of taking another drink, suddenly spewed her drink out all over the counter. She turned, grabbed Etsuji by the collar and said:
“Did someone call?”
Yoshimi turned around at the sound of that voice to see a dapper figure standing at the entrance to the bar. She leapt from her seat and flew into the newcomer’s arms.
“Rex! Rex!” she squealed, and for several minutes–longer than necessary for a simple polite greeting–there wasn’t enough room between them to slip a playing card.
“Hey, I’m turning red over here,” Etsuji said. “Get a room, guys.”

Birthday Sex?!

It was getting warmer but winter was not yet quite gone or was it gone, weather here was rather odd in that seasons either started late or early. So one sometimes could not tell when a season would start and another end. So it was either the tail end of winter or the a few days into spring that someone quietly entered a room that had a person sleeping. The person who entered the room was careful in not making any noise by walking slowly. The person sleeping shifted causing the other to stop halfway into the room then continued once the other settled again. 

(He said he always wakes up when someone opens the door.) Thought Eri as she looked at Brant sleeping. She got on his bed and straddled him as he stayed covered and sleeping. Normally she'd not do something this extreme but she found out from his mother that it was his birthday. So she wanted to do this as her present to him, she leaned forward tail swaying. Just as their lips touched he opened his eyes.

He was sleeping deeply until he felt something heavy on him then something soft on his lips, as he opened his eyes he felt his violence pulse two and flicker. He had no idea why Eri was there but then he wasn't really thinking now. He had moved his arms from under the cover and pulled her closer surprising her. After a short while he started to kiss her along her neck and with one hand he ran it slowly along her back and the other along her hips. Then he started fondling her ass with one hand as his other hand was under her shirt, as he did that she started to moan. He was now kissing the other side of her neck and was about to unhook her bra then stopped just as he felt her whole body tense up. 

He was sleeping one moment the next he had pulled her close still kissing her and his hands exploring slow down then up her back. His other along one hip then on her ass while he kissed along sometimes sucking, and licking along her neck and collar bone. She was breathing heavy then started to moan as he continued, his hand started to go up her back to unhook her bra. She tensed up and her breath caught as he stopped. Next thing she knew was both were sitting up and kissing again for a few. She placed her arms around his neck and smiled.

"I had only wanted to give you a kiss as one of your birthday present." Eri added "Why didn't you tell me?"
"Never crossed my mind. As much as I enjoy feeling you this close I'd like to get dressed."
"Guess we can't stay like this all day." she said as she got off him after giving him another quick kiss and left him to change.
(Hell of a way to wake up.) He thought was he finished dressing and strapping on his sword and knife. He checked his cell to read a message that was pretty much the same like the other two he got. (Alright time to go.)

Eri was eating some food that was set on the table that had a note that said "For the both of you, there's a cake in the frig also." She was now eating a fairly big slice of cake. 
"You're going to get sick if you eat that much and fat to boot."
"Don't be mean." she said
"Still you could get sick." 
"If I do you'll take care of me." she stated
"Of course I wouldn't."
"So what do you do for your birthday?" she asked
"Go out to eat by myself or with family sometimes I just wonder around doing whatever strikes me."

"So you just do what you normally due excluding the eating with family part." she said
"Not all the time just most a few times we gone out of town." 
"So where are we going?" she asked
"I have a few things to take care of them we'll see."
"Such as?" she asked
"Make a payment for something, getting a new watch and if you want I could get you something."

Brant got the bike from the side of the house placed the sword on the holder, got on and short after Eri sitting behind him. Eri pressed against his back and placed her arms around him as he drove them to the first stop. The first stop was a small store that had jewelry but not much, given that a good deal of people went elsewhere to get jewelry. It also sold watches or repaired them and glasses. He stopped the bike near the store. As they entered a bell rang, a man who was busy looking at a watch briefly looked up then went back to looking at the watch. The man finished working on the watch placed it aside and looked up. He gave a friendly smile to both of them.     

"Mr. Kurocorazon your business still doing good?" Brant asked
"Doing good. Though were thinking about cutting back on selling the jewelry. After we finish selling what we have."
"Don't you think some people would say something about it?" he asked
"Some would."

Eri went about looking at the jewelry and watches but kept an ear turn to them.

"Here is the rest of the money for it and yes it's more than it should be." he said
"You normally don't do customs and you probably had to trouble finding the three." he said
"I did but- fine. I take it you want me to hold onto it for awhile. So anything else I can help you with?"
"A *interrupted by Eri* Brant are you serious about get me something?" Eri asked
"Well *looks at what she wanted, it was a bracelet that a few small stones hang from it* If your sure. I'll get it for you but you'll owe me." 
"Yeah, yeah."

The man had arrived to get the bracelet that Eri had choose and handed it to her. Eri looked at it then at Brant. Who sighed and held out his hand to put it on her, she gave him a smile after he was finished. He smiled slightly then went to check the watches. As he looked at the watches Eri hooked her arm through his. He found a watch he wanted. It was gray/silver, digital/analog watch.

"I'd like that watch." he said
"Right. The extra money you gave will be enough."
"Make sure. Don't want to short you" he said
"I'll check." *Counts the money.* "More than enough. When will you come back for it?"
"Not for awhile yet just have it ready when I come for it." He said
"Fine. I'll see you then."
"‘Til then bye." he said and left with Eri.
He drove them to a place that look abandoned or at the very least closed down but there they were Eri was curious as to why they had stopped at this place. They entered the building walked down a short dark hall and through a door. The air had changed to a warm, sweet smell and a hint of spice. Eri had stopped walking causing him to stop.

"What's wrong?"
"Where are we?" Eri said  
"Why are you feeling sick or anything?"
"No its just that it smells of spice, sweet and feels warm." she said
"Really? Well you do have a better sense of a smell than me. As for where well were deep underground. How I really don't know nor care."
"Do not move any further or you will suffer." Said a voice suddenly from farther ahead of them making Eri jump slightly and have a puffed up tail.
"I'll give you a matching scar on the other side of your face if you don't let me through.."
"Oterra? What brings you to meet one from the other side? I smell food how nice of you to bring food and its female. Perhaps I'll have fun before I eat." said the voice a deep darkness appeared in front of them.

Violence flared through him as he took out his sword and moved Eri behind him. As much as he trusted some from the other side this particular one he didn't. He had only met this one only a few times before each time he was wary. The scar he had gave it was during one such encounter when he discovered that this one had many personalties. The one he gave the scar to was one that was currently talking to them.

"You so much as try to harm her I'll not scar you but kill you." 
"I was only joking. Or was I joking." the voice said
"Screw it. I'll just force another one of your personalties to surface." *attacks the dark mass multiple times before stopping*
"Is whatever that is dead?" Eri asked from beside him now
"No but another personality should show up soon."
"Damn it! That hurt you know." said voice that now started to have an appearance at a vague one

"Well the other you threatened her and I didn't take to kindly now that. Joking or not."
"Sorry then hm *Eri gives her name* Eri about that and to you too Oterra for threatening her." the voice said
"Good thing I know how to deal with you."
"Yes. So what is it you want?" the voice asked
"The longest night."
"Ah. Took you long enough to come and ask me about it. If you would follow me." the voice said as the darkness started to lessen in front of them.
"Longest night?" Eri asked
"I'll explain some other time maybe. Let's before another personality shows up."
"How many personalities?" She asked
"Oh a few but only this one and the one earlier are the dominate ones." said the voice from farther up "How well I ate some of them from others."
"You don't trust him and yet here we are." she said as they walked

Eri found it odd that they were following a dark mass down a long hall that kept declining for about twenty minutes before it leveled. They kept going until they reached another door that was steel. As the dark mass approached the door spilt horizontal. She stopped short as she saw how massive the room was having a  bank of twelve big screens. Each screen showed different thing all of which she didn't know.

"Impressive is it not." the voice said now more defined as two legged but nothing beyond that could be told as it was still dark.
"Eh its not that impressive." Brant said
"I wasn't talking to you."
"Why do you have so many screens?" Eri asked
"I gather and sell information at least information that I can manage to get."
"Yes, yes. Now could you show me that night." Brant said  

Some of the screens blacked out briefly and came back on to show weather maps. One showed the weather over the town, others show other towns/cities or open areas. The map showed a time lapse of a few hours. 

"Midnight local time a heavy snowstorm appear as you are aware. But what's odd is that it wasn't midnight in the states when a sudden snowstorm happened in a small little town." the voice said
"But that doesn't show any place in the states."
"Your right let's see what was or is there." the voice said as the screen changed.
"I hope I'm wrong."
"What is it?" Eri asked
"Put up a world map and overlay the places with the storms and connect them."
"Er okay." the voice said and soon the town/cities were connected. "I'll be damned."
"What?" Eri asked
"Eventually they'll get it to work."

"Don't ignore me." Eri hissed
"Sorry darling. I forgot that not many know about the other side." Brant said
"Explain it then."
"Simply put monster or at least inhuman things are trying to open a world gate." he said
"Some of us on the other side think that would be a very bad idea." said the voice putting the screens back how they were.
"What will happen when they get it to work?" Eri asked
"Hope that people from this side and the other side understand each other." the voice said 
*Brant snorts* "There will be blood spilled, probably a war. You know that as well as I do."

The dark mass moved as if it was touch its face.

"True but that doesn't happen until sometime later." the voice said
"No need to worry about it for now. Thank you for the help. Let's go darling."
"Yeah lets." Eri said
"Next time bring me some food." the voice said
"Get your own food."
"Your no fun." the voice said from far away as they had pass the door that spilt horizontal.

They arrived top side and got on the bike ready to head to the next stop.

"Hungry darling?" 
"I am." Eri replied
"We should be there in about five minutes."
"After were done eating where will we go?" she asked
"Perhaps go and pay a visit to some wolves. Yes wolves but they wont do anything to me or anyone with me."
"Okay." she said

The place they arrived at served delicious food at reasonable price and was a small place. They ordered the food waited for a few minutes. As they ate he explained a little more about the longest night and the other things.

"Every year it happens?" she asked
"No just most." 
"Was this year different from other years?" she asked
"Only that they tried to open a world gate." 
"You don't know why they failed do you." she said
 "No. Here we are."

It had been awhile since he came to the forest let alone saw the two wolves. He looked, listened for the two wolves but heard nothing. Eri's ears twitched a few times as they walked deeper into the forest. He noted it as they walked further in not bothering to call out to the wolves. 

"There's more than two wolves." Eri said
"I thought so."
"Why are we still walking?" she asked
"Are you tired?"
"Yes but I can walk some more." she replied
"You sure? *she nods* It's not much farther anyway."

Eri looked at him curiously once she saw the lake and waterfall. The camp he had made months ago was still there nothing had disturbed it. He sat down on a log with her next to him.

"How the hell do you find these places?"
"Chance but this one cause I had to release someone that was three days an a half journey in a cave behind the water fall." he said
"It feels relaxing and looks beautiful here."
"Are you going to say hello or just watch?" he asked within a few seconds two big wolves and four pups exited the forest.
"You sure they wont attack?" 

One of the big wolves growled then all six sat in front of the two.

"He said No." Brant added "Your pups look healthy and strong."

The other big wolf growled. One of the pups barked then growled.

"Yes I saved your parents."

A growl then bark from one of the big wolves.

"Really well at least neither of you were to badly injured." 

The same wolf growled again then barked.

"What did you say yes to? I understood only your name, mine and that was it." Eri said
"Spend some more time with them you'll understand like I do. Anyway the question was if you were my mate."
"Very presumption of you dear." she said
"Oh then why are you here with me and all those other time and how you were purring then moaning this morning darling."
"Don't remind me." she said red

A growl then a bark from one of the wolves.

"Good hunting."

All the wolves howled then disappeared into the forest.

"Do you want to stay here or should we go?" 
"Stay for now." she replied 

They sat there not talking eventually Eri fell asleep leaning against his shoulder. He thought about how the lost one briefly. His cousin called and briefly said "Kokoro was currently suffering but not getting badly hurt." His next thought was of Yoshimi they had something going briefly but they realized well he realized that she wanted something else. Aside from that they still fought side by side or went drinking. Eri stirred a little then settled again. He smiled briefly when he remembered the night they met. They both had left a bar both tipsy when Eri saw them. After all was said and done she grudgingly accepted that she had nothing to worry about. New years eve he had managed to get Eri to go drinking with him, only to be the only one drinking with her only have two or so drinks. 

He had laid her down using his shirt as a pillow it wasn't much of a pillow it would have to due. If he wasn't starting to get sore he would of not did that. He stretched, crack his bones and drew his sword. The violence came to him removing all thought save for awareness of any threat. He started with one of the complex forms then another. As time went by he kept getting faster and continued to seamlessly merge each form. He never could understand completely why some people named the forms though he did name one just for the hell of it. He called it kiss of the dragon and feeding the dragon.          

Eri had been awake (from nearly falling of the log that was cut like a bench) for sometime now watching Brant shirtless moving sword in hand. She never seen him use the sword but from the looks of it he not only knew how to use it but was one with it. Not wanting to bother him she just watch him move sword in hand. He had a sheen of sweat coursing down his chest causing the white gold medallion with a ruby in the middle to glint. She filed that away for later questioning and got up from the log bench something within her just switched on as she was looking at him. As she got closer her sense of smell and hearing focused on him only. She was within his range.

His violence pulsed twice, flickered and disappeared as he felt Eri press against his back hugging him. She started to lick the back of his neck with her hands running along his chest. After licking for awhile she went about leaving marks along his neck then moved to lick and kiss his face. He now was fondling her ass and rubbing her tail causing her to stop for a moment. Her tongue licked his lips followed by their lips meeting for a passionate with tongue kiss. She gave his ass a squeeze as she began licking down his body.

(Why am I acting like this?) Eri thought as she kissed and lick (But he smells so good and tastes good to. A little more and he should be clean.)      

A few more licks and she was done realizing that she wanted to taste him more even feel him. She was about to take his pants off but was stopped as Brant pulled her up straight. She had her ears laid back eyes cast down. He gave her a kiss as he traced her spine with his right and his other fondling her breasts over ger shirt, he stopped kissing her. Eri move away from him and place a finger on his mouth.

"These clothes are getting uncomfortable in need to take it off." she said as she started to take her shirt off revealing a light blue bra then unbuttoned her jeans to take them off. "Stop looking at me like your going to eat me."

She stood there only in her matching light blue bra and panties then ran her hands along her sides. She played with her own breasts and leaned forward squeezing then together. She slowly straighten running her hand along her sides again. Turning around she bent over showing her ass and the outline somewhat of her lower mouth she look over her shoulder licking her lips. She moved one of her hands to her lower mouth rubbing for a few times before getting up and turning to face him. Once again she moved her hand back down to her lower mouth and her breasts. 

Brant watched her as she pleasured herself looking into his eyes filled with need among other things. He looked down to see her panties were moist show her lower mouth over and could hear her moaning and purring. He couldn't hold back any longer he stopped her from continuing and gave her a passionate kiss continuing along her neck then her collar bone which he licked some. His right hand rubbing over her panties his other on her breasts as he went back to giving her another kiss. He took off her bra and looked at her lush medium sized. His pants were now even more restrictive.

"Wonder what your going to do now." Eri said as she squeezed her breasts, shook them and started rolling her nipples.
"You really are in need."
"They do something about it." she said 

He stopped her from pleasuring herself by placing his hand this time not on but in her panties. He only touched the top of her lower mouth as he kissed her breasts, tweaked with his tongue and lightly bit her nipples. He was now tweaking, biting and sucking one breast while rolling and massaging the other breast. She flinched just as he lightly touched her lower mouth lips and started to rub with more force then less. He'd relentlessly use more force or less playing her like an string instrument. She held onto him with one hand and decided or rather level the field by trying with one hand to take off his pants.

"Looks and feels every tight for you." Eri said as she rubbed his member over his clothes.
"*Groans* Stop let me *groans* take them off."   

Off came his pants and all out came his hard member. Eri just stared at it then place one of her hands on it. She lightly squeezed his member moving her hand down to the base then back up to the head. Not one to just enjoy it he pushed his index into her now wet lower mouth moving it in and out at the same she move her hand up or down. He went back to playing with her breasts with his mouth and other hand.

"Not *moans* fair. * Moans again* that this!" Eri said and speed up her hand job.
"How's *groans from her attention* about this. *groans again*" 

He stopped suddenly violence surrounded him and he took her hand from his primed member and kissed her with unrestrained passion, lust, need, want and love then slowly got her to lay down her down on the ground. The thought of them outside didn't across their minds only the desire, need and want. She laid there looking at him with lust, desire, need, want and love filled her eyes. He wasn't going to get right to it no he was going to prime her not that she wasn't already primed. Beside he couldn't wait much longer so he wont do much until he would enter her break her, destroy her and make her his. No it wasn't that he just want to just have sex, never was he like that. 

She was surprised that he stopped her and stopped himself also and saw the look she came to understand was unrestraint violence during his practice. She didn't fear that she didn't have to cause he kissed her unlike the other times before. That kiss pushed her over the edge her reason was now replaced with the passion, lust, need, want and love that she knew she showed and saw/felt from him. She couldn't wait any longer for him to corrupt her, soil her, destroy her and be made his. She didn't want sex, never she want to make love.

"I love you Eri My Sweet Beautiful Darling." He had said it before to another girl it lasted for awhile then ended. Weather or not this would end soon, later or never he didn't care so much.

Eri's mind blanked out completely when she heard what he said for three seconds before she spoke. "I love you too My Handsome Dear." she didn't know how long they would be together or if hewould die during his nights out but she didn't think about it.

He acted. He admired he beautiful naked body causing her ears to twitch in embarrassment now. Her eyes showed what he was sure that he showed so he gave her yet another kiss. He placed kisses along her neck and her breasts which he licked, bite and suck then continued licking and kissing along her stomach as he mildly massaged her breasts. He had stopped massaging her breasts when he reached her lower mouth seeing that it was wet. He had two options now. One he could eat her out . Or the second have sex with her. 

(Ah screw it. I'll do it next time if there'll be a next time.) He thought then moved his way back up her body.      
(Good thing he stopped I don't want that not yet at least.) Eri thought at the same time he started up again.

He was really close to her his smell was intoxicating to her even more than before her body couldn't take it anymore. He was up and looking at her then with he rubbed his hard member on her wet lower mouth. She didn't like him teasing her yet she did she was close to her second orgasm the first when he was touching, licking and kissing her. He push it in a little causing her to shudder in a small orgasm and pulled it out. He did this a few more times before she wrapped her legs around his waist and pulled him close and deep within her. She made a soft sound that he didn't hear. He didn't move enjoying the warm tight feeling of her lower mouth. She didn't want him to move yet, she wanted to feel him feel the warmth and heat of him and his member.

He started to move slowly going in deep and pulling out as he did so he rubbing the spot were they were joined. Her legs still around him but not moving him along just perhaps making sure he didn't leave her completely. He speed up his thrusting in and out of her making her breasts bounce slightly each time he went in and out. She was feeling great with him thrusting in and out of her after while she started to move her hips to met his thrust. Her tail finally still after a long time of swaying.

Brant started to thrust even faster and Eri started to move her hips faster to met his thrust. Her breast bounced as he thrust in at slightly different angle and out of her faster. As he moved his hips he massaged, bit and sucked her breasts a few times. She had used her legs around him when he started to pull out she made sure he didn't. He slowed to lean forward lifted her up in a sitting position he kissed her as he moved in and out of her. She ground her hips against him as he moved in and out of her. She unwrapped her legs and pushed him down. 

"Do not move I'll do the moving." Eri said placing one hand on his chest as she started to move up his hard member slowly then back down.
"Well *groans* that's going *groan* tough."
"So *moans* I don't *moan* care." she said as she speed up impaling herself faster and faster breasts bouncing.

Eri was on the edge of the abyss but didn't go over yet as she entwined her fingers with his continuing going up and down then in circular motion. Eyes locked he saw that she was a few more motions before she would orgasm. He suddenly pushed up into her just when she was going up then started to pull out. He continued going in and out of her faster and faster.

"I'm going to *lets out a loud screams/moan/meow*." she tried to finish 

He felt her lower mouth became wetter, and started to spasm around his member. She was free falling in the abyss pleasure coursing throughout her body her vision dimmed. He kept moving after she came he was at his breaking point. They got into a sitting position with her legs around him again with both of them seeking more pleasure. She came again this time her vision didn't dim he had reached the breaking point and came. She gave a simple kiss which he returned then with legs still around she hugged him and rested her head. She felt him pull out of her and felt his him run a hand through her hair. Her tail started to sway in contentment, after glow of pleasure and joy. She felt something against her chest then pulled slightly away from him. It was the white gold medallion with a ruby in the middle. 

"Happy Birthday. Did you enjoy the rest of my present to you?" Eri asked as she lifted the medallion and looking at it.
"Present? What are you talking about?"
*Pinches him hard letting go of the medallion. She understood that it meant something but not what.*
"I enjoyed both."
"Outside wouldn't have been my idea but I couldn't wait." she said
"Your not the only one that couldn't wait."
"I suppose not." she then give him a quick kiss and unwrapped herself from him and added "So are we going to stay here, head back and doing something else or head back and called it a day?"

She gathered her clothes and started to put them on as he watched, she looked at him smiled slightly then finished putting on her clothes. He finished getting on his clothes strapped his sword back on then went to put on his shirt that was still on the log bench. He shook his shirt to get the wrinkles out a little well very little then put it on. Eri waited at the edge of the forest for him. He walked up next to her and offered his arm and hand which she took. Then entered the forest heading for his bike his cell rang just as the got to his bike.


"Where are we? Don't know."

"Yes I believe so. I'll check." *Covers the mouth piece* "Eri darling want to go out and eat with my mom, and my sisters and their respective other half?"
"Not here is it. Brant dear" She said
"Sure I'll join you." she said *He nods and uncovers the cell*
"We'll be home shortly."

And so they got on the bike arrived then the seven of them left to go eat. Sometime after they finished eating Brant, Eri, Prina and her boyfriend went out drinking. Not surprising Eri was the only one who didn't drink much. It wasn't until three or so in the morning that they stopped drinking.


"So¬ÖI guess you two know each other." Etsuji asked, observing the spectacle Yoshimi was making of herself with this dapper stranger in a dark three piece suit and red silk tie.

The newcomer peeled himself away from Yoshimi as politely as he could and strode over to Etsuji with an outstretched hand.
“Hello,” he said, smiling. “I’m Rex.”
“Tuxedo Rex? The Interpol spook?” Etsuji asked, returning Rex’s handshake.
“Actually, I’m with the United Network Command for Law and Enforcement now and that Tuxedo part is just some foolish nickname my colleagues gave me years ago. Unfortunately, it seems to have stuck.”
He spoke with a British accent, but one that was less affected than the exaggerated, Monty Python-ish tone he’d used with Yuki at JAST.
Yoshimi came forward and reattached herself to his arm.
“It’s because he dresses so nice,” she said, squeezing Rex’s arm and grinning from ear to ear.
“Rex!” she said. “You’re with U.N.C.L.E. now? Wow! I always knew you could do better than working for those pukes at Interpol.”
“Careful, love,” he said, giving her cheek a pinch. “Those are my friends you’re talking about.”
Yoshimi squealed with delight, and Etsuji was shocked to see this unlikely display of feminine behavior coming from her; he wished she’d cut it out. It was embarrassing to him (and maybe he was just a little jealous, too).
“Is this place secure?” Rex asked, returning his attention to Etsuji.
Dirty Haru, the police bar, was a place where all conversations were confidential and confidences were kept; never the less, Etsuji replied:
“Could be better. There’s an office in back we can use.”
“At your service,” Rex said with a bow, “Lead on.”
Etsuji took them to the office and locked the door. There was a table in there, which they took places at. Etsuji sat across from Rex, while Yoshimi placed her chair as close to his as she could.
Etsuji sighed.
“So¬Öwhere do you know Yoshimi from, Rex?” Etsuji asked. “She’s never talked about you.”
“What? Never? How disappointing,” Rex replied, laughing.
He glanced at Yoshimi with his big, brown eyes and an expression on his face that made him look like a sad puppy.
“Well, it has been a long while, after all,” he said. “When we first met-many years ago-- she’d come to London to track down a werewolf.”
“Boy! Was that ever a hairy one,” Yoshimi said and giggled-actually giggled!
Etsuji winced at her corny pun and sad attempt at innuendo.
“And was she as hot to trot then as she is now?” he asked.
Yoshimi cast a sour glance at him and looked around for some object she could bean him with.
“Now, children. Behave,” Rex said. He opened a briefcase he had with him and pulled out some papers.
He stacked them on the table top, and said, “That was quite an ungentlemanly remark, Etsuji-kun. I’m surprised. My Auntie Woodhill would’ve boxed your ears for it.”
A dark cloud appeared over Etsuji’s head and he frowned.
Yoshimi smiled triumphantly and stuck her tongue out at him.
She slid her chair even closer to Rex and put an arm around his shoulder.
Rex glanced at her.
“But, yes, she was,” Rex said.
“What?!” Yoshimi screamed and pushed herself away from Rex like he was a burning coal. Now the black cloud was over her head.
Rex’s demeanor suddenly changed.
“Enough of this light-hearted banter,” Rex said in a business-like voice. “It’s time for us to be serious dogs.”
He put his hand on the pile of papers in front of him.
“These documents,” he said, “summarize the facts pertaining to the current affair here in Moriyoh. I’m sure both of you are intimately familiar with what’s in these reports, but I want the three of us to go over them together. By putting our heads together on this, we may be able to come up with some valuable insights.”
He separated the stack into three portions, passing one part to Etsuji, one to Yoshimi and keeping one for himself.
“In other words,” Etsuji said, “you’re debriefing us.”
“In other words,” Rex agreed.
“Well, I’d like a beer before we get started,” Etsuji said. “Anyone else?”
“Sure!” exclaimed Yoshimi, all cheerful again.
“Thank you.” Rex said.
Etsuji got up and went over to where a small refrigerator sat on a shelf.
He opened the door and pulled out three amber bottles that fit comfortably in his massive hand. He used the thumb of his other massive hand to pop the caps off and grabbed up some napkins that were nearby to serve as coasters.
He placed the beers-with a napkin underneath each one-on the table. The glass surface of each was sprinkled with condensation and each was labeled “Asahi Super Dry,” with the symbol for “life” underneath.
For the next several minutes, they quietly read through the papers in front of them and drank beer.
At last Rex said:
“Is this true? You fought off a cohort of cat men with a pocket knife and a broom?”
“Change that,” Yoshimi replied. “It was a mop. These reports suck. They’ve got the details all wrong.”
“Very well, it was a mop then,” Rex replied. “I’ll see to it that gets changed.”
Privately, he didn’t think it mattered much what kind of household utensil was used, but he held his peace.
“You fought them off with a mop, then?”
“No,” Yoshimi replied. “I had the jack knife. Narumi had the mop.”
“Narumi?” Rex asked. “And who is that?”
“Yoshimi’s girlfriend,” Etsuji replied, implying much.
“She’s just my friend, that’s all.” Yoshimi hastily added. “Etsuji’s a sicko. Every time he sees two women together, he starts having these ecchi fantasies.”
The expression on Rex’s face was inscrutable.
“Quite. Well, tell me in your own words, then, exactly what happened.”
Yoshimi started to explain how, on her way to the temple, she had heard someone screaming in a nearby alley and found Narumi, covered in centipedes.
“Wait,” Rex said. “Centipedes?”
“Yeah. The big ones, you know?” Yoshimi replied. “Like in Copenhagen, remember?”
Rex suddenly became a very serious dog, indeed.
“Were there any other manifestations?” he asked.
“No, thankfully. But our phones stopped working. Otherwise I would have called for back-up as soon as the cat men arrived.”
“What’s the big deal with the centipedes?” Etsuji asked. He took a big gulp of beer and wiped his mouth. He’d heard about them, too, but hadn’t thought it was any big deal. Alleys are always full of vermin.
“Etsuji’s not a great one for the supernatural,” Yoshimi said. “When I talk about how I used to kill monsters, he still thinks I mean human psychopaths.”
“You can call me a doubter all you want,” Etsuji replied. “But I still think monsters are for late night TV.”
“Time for an eye opener, old boy,” Rex said. “More things in Heaven and Earth, you know. Look at it this way: Imagine that our world is a sort of painting, with God (or whoever) as the artist. But imagine, too, that before He painted our world, he was working on another picture, one that He was dissatisfied with, because it was filled with darkness and evil. So He decided to replace it with something a little more bright and happy-our world.”
“Since when was our world bright and happy?” Etsuji asked.
“I know what you mean,” Rex replied. “It’s not a very satisfying picture, is it? But the¬ÖArtist shall we say¬Öseems to consider it an improvement.”
He shrugged.
“The problem is, though, that, instead of discarding the old picture, He simply painted over the old one, as artists will do to save on the expense of a new canvas. Except that the paint is thin in spots, and allows some of the Other World to show through.”
“Hmmp. Still sounds like a fairy tale to me,” Etsuji said, raising his bottle to his lips and taking another drink.
“Well, I admit it is a bit of a metaphor,” Rex said. “But the truth of the matter is that the monstrosities that dwell in the Other World are constantly trying to cross over to ours.”
“Monster centipedes,” Etsuji said.
“No! No!” Yoshimi interjected. “The centipedes are just along for the ride. The real monsters are huge. They’re all eyes and tentacles-and they’re pink.”
“Pink monsters. Cute,” Etsuji said.
Yoshimi gave up. Nothing was going to shake Etusji’s skepticism; it seemed, until one of them ended up in his lap. She’d pay money to see that happen.
“But none of this has anything to do with Meow Meow,” Rex said. “Where do the cat men come in, Yoshimi?”
“Well,” she replied, “After I saved Narumi from the bugs, I sent her on her way, but she immediately came back, and she was being chased by the Meow Meows.”
“How do you know they were Meow Meows?” Rex asked, “And not just some drunken revelers? It was New Year’s Eve, after all. Besides, the Uprising was over thirty years ago-before you were born.”
“They’re Meow Meows, alright,” Etsuji said. “I was with the Punitive Expedition that helped put down the Uprising. I know Meow Meow when I see them, and those boys we have down in the lock-up are the genuine article. Same tiger-stripe tattoos, same yellow eyes, and they’ve reverted completely to their animal nature. They can’t (or won’t) speak; except to shriek or growl or something, and they have no manners, at all. They probably should be in a zoo, instead of a jail.”
“No identification, I take it?”
“No nothing.”
“But Aikawa has a theory,” Yoshimi said," that this may have something to do with that rash of disappearances we had last fall. He’s making DNA tests to see if he can find any matches with the names on our list."
“You’re implying that someone has been kidnapping cat people and subjecting them to the same brainwashing techniques that Beast Dom used to create his original army of fanatics?” Rex asked.
“Someone?” Etsuji replied. “Why not Beast Dom himself?”
“You think he may still be alive? Surely not,” Rex said.
“Why not?” Etsuji asked. “They say he was killed in the Uprising, but I didn’t see his body. Nobody did. And they say a cat has nine lives, anyway.” Etsuji took another swipe at his beer. “You, mister hotshot secret agent, should know that better than me.”
Rex picked up his bottle and took a sip, his first.
“You know, I met his grand daughter last night.”
“What?” both Etsuji and Yoshimi said together.
“Yes,” Rex replied with a distant look in his eyes. “Her name is Eri. I knew her parents, you know. They weren’t part of the Uprising, but fled Meowtis for England when it started. She was just an infant the last time I saw her, but she’s quite grown-up now.”
“I’m confused,” Etsuji said. “How did you know it was the same girl if you’d only known her as a baby?”
“I never forget a smell,” Rex said.
“Hmmp. Well maybe we should put a tail on her,” Etsuji said.
Yoshimi made a sound that was halfway between a chuckle and a gargle, because she been in the middle of taking a drink of her beer.
“(Cough, cough) She probably already has one,” she said sputtering.
A little bit of beer dribbled from her nose, which she wiped away with the back of her hand.
“But that’s not a bad idea,” she said.
“That won’t be necessary,” Rex replied. “I’ve already asked her if she knows anything about her grandfather, and she denied it.”
“Oh, okay,” Yoshimi said.
Yoshimi had seemed to accept Rex’s words without any problem at all, but Etsuji couldn’t.
“Wait a minute,” he said. “She denied it? And her word’s good enough for you?”
“Her word meant nothing to me,” Rex said. “I could smell that she wasn’t lying. I scared her, I could tell that. I could smell her fear. But she was afraid only that someone had found out who she was (something she was obviously trying to keep secret), but there was no deceit in it. My guess is that she’s just an ordinary girl, with an embarrassing secret to hide. Imagine what people might do to her if they found out she was the Beast’s grand daughter. In any event, even if I’m wrong, I can keep an eye on her myself–she’s a friend of my ward.”
“Ward?” Yoshimi said. “What’s that mean? Batman has a ward, but no one in real life does.”
“I do,” Rex replied. “When I started my investigation, I needed a cover, and-- by one of those preposterous coincidences that are really quite common-I found one. I know a couple who live here named the Tanukis. They had to go to Europe on business, and when they discovered that I was coming to Moriyoh, they asked me to take care of their children while they were gone. So, in effect, I’ve become a sort of watchdog. I also took a job at JAST as a teacher to complete my disguise.”
“JAST?” Etsuji said. “Why does that name keep coming up, whenever weird things happen?”
“I suppose I’ll be in a position to tell you before long,” Rex replied. “But we’re getting off the track again. Yoshimi, how many Meow Meows attacked you? Five or ten? There seems to be some confusion about the numbers.”
“You have a family?” Yoshimi said in a strange voice. It was the same kind of voice that millions of shop girls all over Japan, who had just found out that their rich boy friends were married, were using right at this very moment.
“Five or ten, Yoshimi?” Rex repeated.
“Huh? Oh, five or ten. Ten, I guess. Five to begin with, maybe.”
Yoshimi tried to describe to Rex the events of that night without having to admit to him that she was unconscious for part of it.
“And they chased you into this place, this¬ÖComedy Box? Where you trapped them in a room and subdued them¬Öwith the help of a tear gas canister that you just happened to be carrying?” he asked.
“I’m just a poor, defenseless woman. You would, too, if you were me.”
Rex smiled.
“Ah, Yoshimi I’d expect no less from you. Next question: was this before or after you broke up an S and M party?”
“It really wasn’t a party,” Yoshimi said “There was just this boy tied to a cross and a woman dressed like a nurse with a whip in her hand.”
Etsuji laughed.
“I’m really sorry I missed it,” he said. “I’ve watched Takuya drift from one waitress job to another for years and I never suspected she was a trap. Good thing I never asked for a date.”
“Trap?” Rex looked puzzled. “You mean a transvestite, don’t you?”
“Futanari,” Yoshimi corrected.
The other two were looking at her strangely as the atmosphere in the room subtly changed.
Suddenly Yoshimi understood why they were looking at her like that. She stuck her arms out in front of her and waved her hands about.
“No! No! It’s not like that. I mean, that’s just the term for it, isn’t it? I was never close enough to him to tell for sure. I was busy talking to the nurse. Narumi’s the one who untied him. If he was a hermaphrodite, she was the one who would have noticed. Go ask her.”
“Well, I’m not really that interested.” Rex said.

The meeting went on for another hour before they broke it off and started to go their separate ways. But just outside the bar, Yoshimi touched Rex on the arm and said:
“Rexy, why don’t you come over to my place? I’ll fix you some kibble. You know, kibble?”
“I’d love to, dear. You know, renew acquaintances, recall old times and what not? But I’m afraid Yuki, my ward, is cooking something special to inaugurate our becoming a family, so I’m having dinner with her and her brother tonight. Have to bond with them, you know. Maybe some other night.”
“Your ward is a girl?” Yoshimi said pensively.
“My wards are a brother and a sister, but, yes, one of them is a girl.”
“A girl,” Yoshimi repeated herself. She felt like she had embarrassed herself for some reason, but quickly recovered her panache.
“Well, that’s too bad,” she said, giving him a hearty punch in the arm. “Well, some other time then. See you around Rexy, old boy.”
She started off down street, walking with what she hoped was a swagger and not a stagger.
When she was certain that he was no longer in earshot, she pulled out her cell and quick-dialed Narumi.
“Hi, it’s me.” She said. “Got a minute? There’s something I’d like to talk about. Well, there’s this guy.”


It was a cave.
And one so deep and dark that light from the outside could not get in. 
Yet, there were figures moving around easily in the darkness. Cats have excellent night vision. 
Some of them had already regressed. But others hadn't.
There was a natural niche in the wall of the cave, and in this space an object had been placed that might have been the body of a very large cat or a very small man. Strips of cloth wound around its torso, making it look like a mummy. The head, which was not covered, was that of a wizened old cat man. His face was a mass of wrinkles and he had one ragged ear, the souvenir of some ancient battle.
His eyes were closed and the body was so unmoving as to appear to be dead.
But suddenly he opened his eyes--bright yellow eyes that seemed to glow like the dying embers of his life force-and he croaked out:
"Where is the nurse?"
"Comes," replied the nearest cat man who was still capable of speech.
And, as if on cue, a woman entered the cavern, carrying a paper lantern to light her way.
She was dressed in a black kimono that would have been all but invisible in the darkness of the cave, except that it was decorated with small white spiral shapes that seemed to glow with their own internal light.
She approached the figure in the niche; her wooden geta made "click-clack" noises on the floor of the cave. She held one long sleeve of her garment to her face, an unnecessary gesture, because a surgical mask covered her mouth. 
Her presence disturbed the cat men.
They could feel the strong aura of menace that accompanied her, and they slunk away into the dark recesses of the cave.
When she came to the edge of the niche, she set her lantern on the floor and bowed deeply to the figure within.
"Lord Dom-my, but you look so handsome today," she said.
"Grrr! I feel like I'm dead. I feel like I've been dead for ages."
"Why so you have been, Lord Dom. That is why you look so handsome."
She shook her head.
"It is so sad that few people appreciate the beauty that lies in death the way I do."
A centipede, a very large one, crawled from the sleeve of her kimono and curled itself around her neck. She absent-mindedly stroked it a few times as it twitched its long antennae blindly at the old man.
"You promised me that the blood from a virgin would bring me back to life," the old man said. "So where is it?"
"Patience patient¬Öoh my, that is a kind of joke, is it not?"
She laughed.
"But, forbear, Dom of Meowtis, Great Uzumaki will grant your wishes soon enough. After all, it was He who caused me to find this shrine secretly built by your clandestine followers which housed your remains. And it was He who directed me to draw out what remained of your life force into consciousness. It is a good thing that cats really do have nine lives."
"Grrr! Well tell him to hurry up with the mumbo jumbo. It chafes a man of destiny like myself to be stuck in this inert shell. I long to be free to complete my Great Work."
"By banishing Intellect from the face of the Earth and replacing it with Blind Destruction," she said. "That is soo charming."
"Hmm, well, that's not exactly how I look at it. But why do you need virgin's blood, anyway? Why is it that the gods always seem to require the body fluids from unbreeched females, anyway? What is it to them?"
The nurse shrugged, which caused the centipede around her neck to slither off and disappear down her obi.
"The gods have their tastes, just as we do. It is not our right to question them, only obey. But you have been a bad boy, haven't you, Lord Dom."
"What do you mean?"
"Shall I refresh your memory? Do you recollect the events on New Year's Eve?"
It was impossible to discern any sort of emotion on the face of Beast Dom, but if it were, then guilt would be plainly written on it."
"I got tired of waiting, so I tried to get some virgin's blood on my own."
"By sending out some of your followers, who promptly got themselves arrested."
"Not every battle can be won," the Beast said.
"How well I know that," Kuchisake replied. "But now the authorities are alert to the fact that Meow Meow has been revived, and they will be on their guard."
Beast Dom had nothing to say in reply.
"Oh well, I guess it can not be helped," Kuchisake said, reaching into her sleeve and pulling out a hypodermic needle.
"What's that?" the Beast asked.
"Formaldehyde," she replied. "We don't want that lovely shell to go bad, do we? Now, do not flinch."


Binkan Suzuki was fortyish and balding and usually wore the expression of a deer caught in the headlights of an oncoming truck. 
She was waiting on the sidewalk in front of the Antique Bakery. He pulled his car up to the curb and turned off the ignition. Then he leaned over and opened the passenger side door for her.
"Thanks for the lift," Aquamarine said, as she settled herself into the seat beside him.
He glanced at her, nodding, and since she was sitting on his left, he couldn't help but see the book store that was right across the street form them. The window of the apartment overhead was dark. No one was home. He wondered if anyone had found out yet that its tenant was gone for good. 
Looking at it made him feel sick; a combination of acid reflux and guilty conscience. 

An image appeared in his head of the building growing a face and legs, like in some crazy dream. The face was the face of Miss Komegura, and she was angry. He imagined that the building, like some giant monster in a kaiju movie was stomping across the street to crush him flat.
Panic-stricken, he gunned the car and pulled away from the curb. His tires squealed so loudly that he startled several bystanders on the sidewalk were startled by the sound and looked to see what was going on. Other cars on the street honked their horns at him as he swerved into traffic.
“Hey, slow down,” Aquamarine shouted. “You’ll get a ticket.”
He eased up on the gas pedal and wiped a trickle of sweat away from his cheek.
“You sure are a nervous guy,” she said in a tone of voice that suggested she found that amusing.
He gave no response, but grimly weaved the car through the streets of the town, while she chatted on and on about things that were so inconsequential that he stopped listening to her after a few moments.
Eventually they were across the Shinkawa River bridge and out on the highway, where he picked up speed, leaving Moriyoh City far behind.

“I know where she i-is. I know where she i-is”
It had been months ago, during a courtesy call that he and Jose Ecuador had made to Tetsujin Saitama, Moriyoh City’s local Yakusa, when Binkan first laid eyes on Aquamarine. She had approached them, claiming to be Jose’s long dead son, Ramon, who had apparently undergone a sex change in Heaven, and was now a female angel–one with extremely large breasts.
It was ridiculous. Binkan’s first reaction was that she was on some of Jose’s product, or something similar.
But then she started rattling off things that apparently only the departed Ramon would have known about.
Binkan had worked with show business types for many years, and in that time he had run into more than a few so-called psychics. Show business people seemed to be the favorite prey for these characters. But they were all charlatans, what in the business were called “cold readers,” who could string a few facts about a person together and weave a lot of moonshine out of it.
Jose seemed affected by her tale, however, and Binkan wondered it he was going to have to step in and break up her little scam when she announced that she knew that they were looking for Miss Komegura and that she, Aquamarine, knew where she was.
This information excited Jose beyond all bounds of reason. They had been in Moriyoh looking for Miss Komegura, who was a former employee of his who owed him a lot of money, and–due to a bizarre twist of Fate-she was also Binkan’s fianc√©. Jose insisted that Aquamarine take them to Miss Komegura’s hideout that very instant.

Following Aquamarine’s directions, they drove to a book store on the Renai Dori, a two-story building with an apartment on the second floor. The store was closed, but there was a light on in the apartment. Nevertheless, they pulled the car around to the rear of the building and got out. The air was cold. Thick, heavy clouds rolled across the sky, obscuring the late evening sun and making it seem like the middle of the night already. A sudden gust of wind came up, and hard, sleet-like flecks of snow stung Binkan’s face causing him to zip his jacket up a little higher.
Jose said, “Nice evening for a murder, eh?”
Binkan looked at Jose, frowned and shook his head.
He hoped Jose was just making a sick joke. He’d never seen or heard of Jose actually killing anyone, but he didn’t doubt that his friend was capable of it.
“This way,” Aquamarine said.
She took them to the rear entrance, which was just an open alcove. To the right of them, a flight of stairs led up to a small landing.
“This way,” Aquamarine said, skipping up the stairs.
Binkan and Jose followed her.
At the top, there was a door on their left.
“Here,” Aquamarine whispered, putting a finger to her lips and pointing at the door.
To Binkan, she looked like she was playing some sort of game of hide and seek.
Jose poked Binkan in the back and motioned that he should knock.
He was reluctant, but¬Ö
The first time Binkan had seen Miss Komegura, it had been for the miai (matchmaking meeting) at his mother’s house. Then, she had been dressed in a tastefully conservative blue suit that complemented her cool and detached personality, a far cry from the woman who opened the door in response to his knocking. She was dressed in a pair of faded jeans and had on a hooded jacket with a frivolous motto on the front of it, “Looking for a Japanese girlfriend.” Her face was haggard, her eyes were dull and her hair was all ratty. It was plain to see that she hadn’t been taking care of herself.
He was shocked by the difference.
She was shocked, too.
She must have been expecting someone else, because there was a warm smile on her face as she opened the door. But that was quickly replaced by an expression of fearful disbelief when she saw Binkan Suzuki standing there.
He started to mouth an apology for this unexpected intrusion, but Jose, who was behind him, pushed him into the room and quickly followed behind him.
Kokoro gasped and stepped back.
“Say hello to my little friend, Snow Queen,” he said, pulling a revolver from his jacket pocket and pointing it at her.
“Pappy! No!” Aquamarine screamed, grabbing a hold of his belt from behind.
Binkan stepped in front of Jose and grabbed his wrist, trying to wrest the gun away from him.
The gun went off and Kokoro went down.
She screamed once, and then lay still.
Estupido!” Jose yelled. “Why did you do that?”
“You killed her!” Binkan said. He stared at Miss Komegura’s still body in disbelief. “In the parking lot I’d hoped you were just joking.”
“I was–nino de una puta. I was just going to scare her a little. This is your fault. If you hadn’t tried to grab the gun¬Ö”
He shook his head-almost sadly.
“Too bad, I really wanted to talk to her.”
Aquamarine pushed her way between the two men and went over to where Kokoro lay on the floor. She looked down at the body and pronounced:
“She’s not dead.”
“What? Are you sure?” Binkan asked.
Aquamarine kneeled over Kokoro and looked up at them.
“Yeah. The bullet went high and hit the stuff on that desk over there,” she said, pointing over to Kokoro’s desk, where her one-time computer was now a smoking pile of junk. “She tripped over that chair,” she said, indicating an overturned wicker chair near where Kokoro had fallen.
“What’s that?” Binkan asked, pointing to a red stain on the carpet beside Miss Komegura.
Aquamarine slid her hand underneath Kokoro and brought it back red-stained.
“Blood,” she said. “Oh! There’s lots of broken glass over here. She must have fallen on it, and cut her back. Mr. Suzuki, can you find a clean towel, a bottle of alcohol, and maybe some band-aids?”
“I’ll see,” he replied. “Where’s the bath room?” he said, looking around the apartment."
“No!” said Jose. “My money might be here someplace. You must help me look for it.”
“After four years, Jose? How likely could that be? You look for it. I’ll try to keep this woman from bleeding to death.”
Binkan started off toward the bathroom.
“I though you didn’t like her,” Jose replied. “If she bleeds to death, you won’t have to marry her,” he taunted.
“But what will I tell my mother,” Binkan said without looking back.
In the bathroom, Binkan found a towel, a wash cloth, a bottle of witch hazel and-as luck would have it-a kit bag full of medical supplies that Miss Komegura had brought with her from school.
When he returned, Aquamarine was trying to prop Kokoro up, but she was too heavy.
“Help me,” she said.
Together they managed to pull Kokoro up to a sitting position, although she was still unconscious and limp as a rag doll.
“Should she still be out this long?” Binkan asked. “Is that normal?”
Aquamarine shrugged.
“We have to get her jacket off,” she said.
It was a pullover jacket, without a zipper, so they had to pull the sleeves away from her arms and wrestle the jacket up over her head. Binkan had to hold Miss Komegura’s body tight against his with his arms under her armpits to affect this, and he discovered that she wasn’t wearing anything underneath. Her breasts were pressed against his chest and her head rested limply on his shoulder. Her skin was smooth, and, despite a faint trace of sourness, smelled good. He started to get an erection, which embarrassed him no end.
“Hold tight,” Aquamarine said, “while I take care of her back.”
She used the towel to wipe off as much of the blood on Kokoro’s back as she could and pulled a few pieces of glass from her back in the process. Then she unscrewed the cap from the bottle of witch hazel and poured a liberal amount of it onto the wash cloth. The pungent tang of liniment filled Binkan’s nostrils.
“There,” Aquamarine said at length. “That really wasn’t so bad. Her jacket was thick enough to prevent the pieces of glass from penetrating her back too far. And fortunately she has these nice big square band aids in her bag.”
She held up one, tore the wrapper off and slapped the bandage onto Kokoro’s back. When they were through, they put Kokoro’s jacket back on her and lowered her down to the floor. Aquamarine had brushed the glass away and folded the towel up with the clean part out to use as a pillow for her head.
Binkan quickly rose and turned his back to Aquamarine, pacing back and forth while his groin cooled itself down.
Jose, meanwhile, had been storming around the room, tearing things up, looking for anything he could find. At one point, he discovered a bunch of boxes stacked in a closet that bore the logo of the Milkman’s company. These were the same kind of boxes that the Milkman used to send the cash from drug sales to Jose in Mito City. Jose tore into these in great excitement, only to find them filled with stacks of newspaper. He overturned one of the boxes in disgust and kicked its contents all over the floor.
Carumba! Well, there’s nothing for us here. It is time for us to vamoose. How is she?” he asked Binkan.
“Still out,” he replied.
“So? Well, we’d better take her with us. Tie her up.”
“Poppa! No!” Aquamarine shouted.
Binkan, meanwhile, had pulled up the bed sheet from Miss Komegura’s bed and was calmly tearing it into strips. This wasn’t his first time.
“We can’t leave her here,” he explained to Aquamarine. “We can’t take a chance on her fingering us after she recovers. By the way, Jose, where are we going to take her?”
“Back to Mito, naturally,” he replied. “We came here to find her, and now we have. So now it’s time to leave this quaint little village behind.”

Binkan started wrapping strips of cloth around Miss Komegura’s ankles and wrists. Aquamarine tried to stop him, but he gently brushed her aside. She gave up and went off into a corner to sulk.
“If I were you,” Binkan said to her. “I’d go away and forget you were ever here.”
“No,” Jose said. “She’s coming with us.”
“What?” said Binkan. “No, Jose. Kidnapping her,” he pointed to Kokoro, " is one thing. But snatching a little girl¬Ö"
“I’m over eighteen,” Aquamarine said.
“¬Öis something that could get us both into really big trouble. The kind of trouble that not even I could get us out of. What about her parents¬Ö?”
“Silly! Angels don’t have any parents,” Aquamarine said.
Binkan Suzuki’s head was starting to throb. He clutched it with both hands.
“Kidnapping a child, who is also mentally deranged, is bad business,” he said between gritted teeth.
“Wait.” Jose said, turning to Aquamarine. "I thought you said I was your father. You keep calling me “Pappy.”
“You were Ramon’s father, Pappy. But I’m more and more Aquamarine and less and less Ramon all the time. Soon I won’t remember him, at all. Besides¬Ö” she stood up and brushed off her skirt, “I don’t know what you guys are arguing about. I want to come along. Some one has to look out for Kokoro, and I guess I’m sort of her Guardian Angel now.”
“If you’d been a real Guardian Angel, you never would have ratted her out,” Binkan said.
Jose laughed.
Binkan shook his head, which only made it throb more.
“Ow! Well, I tried to save you, but have it your way, kid.”
When Binkan was little and having a bad day, his mother would make cookies for him.
“I sure could use a cookie now,” he said to no one in particular, but Aquamarine overheard him.
“Are we going to have cookies?” she asked eagerly.
“Sure,” answered Jose. “A whole box of them. Come on, Binkan, let’s get this one (meaning Kokoro) in the car.”
“She’s been out for a long time,” Binkan replied. “What if she wakes up in the car?”
“So what if she does? Gag her,” Jose said. “No, wait,” he said, holding up his hand.
He reached into his pocket and pulled out a small leather case. He opened it and took out a hypodermic needle.
“This will do, I think,” he said.
“What’s that?” Binkan asked.
“A sedative. One of our products,” Jose replied.
“Is it safe?”
“Who knows? But I wouldn’t give it to anyone I liked.”
Jose knelt down, picked up Kokoro’s arm, and pierced a vein.
“There,” Jose said, standing up and putting the needle away. “She will most likely sleep for days now.”
“Hey, that was mean,” Aquamarine said.
They carried Kokoro’s body down the stairs and placed her in the back seat of the car. Aquamarine squeezed in as well and cradled Kokoro’s head in her lap. Binkan got behind the wheel, and Jose sat next to him.
The snow was coming down hard now, and the sky was black.
Binkan gunned the engine, turned on his headlights and pulled out onto the street.
Jose was in a merry mood.
He poked Binkan in the arm.
“Hey, amigo. Stop at that bakery across the street, okay?”
“What for?” Binkan asked.
“Let’s get the little girl some cookies,” he said.
Binkan pulled the car over to the curb in front of the bakery, and Jose got out. He went into the bakery and came out a few minutes later with a white box under his arm.
He got back in the car and held the box up like a trophy.
“Cookies! Freshly baked!” he said as the odor of warm baked goods filled the interior. “Who wants some?”
“Me! Me!” said Aquamarine.
“Ha, ha.”
He leaned over the seat and passed her a cookie.
She took it, and held it in her hands, her eyes gleaming. Then she started to frown.
“No thank you.” She said while trying to hand it back to Jose. “I can’t eat this.”
“What do you mean?” Jose replied.
“I can’t eat it,” she insisted.
Punta! You said you wanted cookies, so eat it.”
Jose was getting angry. He was close to climbing over the seat and shoving a cookie down Aquamarine’s throat.
“Eat it!”
“I can’t!”
“Eat that god damn cookie, Ramon!” he shouted. He was stunned when he realized what name he had called her by.
Aquamarine started sobbing loudly.
“I can’t, can’t can’t!” she screamed.
Jose slumped back in to the seat and turned to Binkan while Aquamarine wailed away in the back seat.
“He always was like this,” he grumbled. “Have a cookie?” he said to Binkan, holding out the box.
“Thanks,” Binkan said, taking a macaroon.
It tasted good, and went a ways toward lifting his spirits. Cookies always did that to him.

The ride to Mito City seemed endless. None of them spoke. Binkan was weary; his eyelids heavy. Jose offered to take over the driving a couple of times, but Binkan wouldn’t allow it. He didn’t want to take any chances with his mother’s car. Aquamarine had melted into the shadows of the back seat, but every time Binkan looked in the rear view mirror, he could see her eyes that seemed to glow in the dark.
At long last, they pulled onto Shirashicho Road, where the Ecuador Agency was located. Binkan drove the car around the back, and they carried Kokoro into the building under the cover of darkness.
Jose led them to his office, where they placed the unconscious Kokoro in a chair and tied her to it.
“I’m going to call Reiko and have her take over things from here.”
“Great,” said Binkan, who was so sleepy, he could hardly stand. “I’ve got to lie down,” he said.
“There’s a room down the hall with a bed in it, Amigo.” Jose replied. “You can sleep there.”
“Thanks,” Binkan said, and, with no further ceremony, he headed down the hall. He was asleep as soon as his head hit the pillow.
He didn’t sleep for long, and he was troubled by bad dreams. He was soaked in sweat.
He walked back to Jose’s office, where he found the ever-efficient Miss Reiko talking on the phone. She had also put together a buffet breakfast, which was laid out on Jose’s desk. Jose was sitting in his chair with a big plate of scrambled eggs, happy as pie.
“Amigo! Have something to eat!” he said.
Binkan’s stomach was always particularly sensitive in the morning, so he declined.
“Would you happen to have any warm milk?” he asked.
“I’ll have Miss Reiko make you some as soon as she gets off the phone.”
“Uh, no thanks. I should be getting back to Moriyoh. Mother will be wondering where I’ve been all night. When I left her and Mrs. Komegura yesterday, I gave them the impression that I going to look for Miss Komegura.”
“Found her, too,” Jose replied, stuffing himself with eggs.
“Yeah, but I don’t know what I’m going to say to her.”
“What’s this?” Jose replied. “Do my ears deceive me? The Great Suzuki? The man who carries plausible lies around in his briefcase can’t spin some moonshine on his mother?”
“Lying to you mother is different,” Binkan replied.
Jose, who had also had a mother at one time, stopped smiling. “Yes, you’re right,” he said.
Binkan looked over at the still unconscious Kokoro.
“What’s going to become of her,” he asked.
“Miss Reiko is arranging transportation for her to the Chateau. I’ll be going up there, too. Once she comes to, I’ll have some questions for her. I still want to know what she did with my money. And¬ÖI’m sure we’ll find some use for her after that. Why don’t you join us?”
“No thanks,” Binkan said. The Chateau was one part of Jose Ecuador’s far-flung crime empire that he didn’t want to have anything to do with. He felt sorry for Kokoro and tried to soothe his conscience by saying to himself that, after all, she’d brought all this down on herself.
A few minutes later he was outside in the lot behind the Ecuador Agency. The sun was just up. He blinked a few times, until his eyes adjusted to the light. Then he got into his car and drove away.

Mid to Late March Year 2xxx, midday.

Kurocorazon was cleaning/fixing a customers watch when the shops bell rang and with it came something dangerous. He put his hand on the shot gun that was currently leaning against the wall and aimed it at the door. The person that came in caused him to move his aim slightly. The person smiled showing nice bright straight teeth. The eyes were what made him move his aim slightly. It was a different type of malice not directed at him.

"You were expecting me?" the person asked
"No. But one can never be careful in the line of work I was in." Kurocorazon replied
"Good words to live or die by. Your not the one I want but you may be the one to deliver a message for me." the person said
"What makes you think I can deliver the message?" Kurocorazon asked
"You have nothing to lose or gain from delivering it or not." the person replied    

"So who is this person I need to deliver the message to?" Kurocorazon asked
"Best way my sister described him was he prevailed violence around him." the person said
"What's the message?" Kurocorazon said and thought (Revenge. But is it justifiable to others not just him not that I care.)

"You killed my sister a refresher if you don't remember her. She had yellow eyes a mark on her left cheek and dark nearly black hair." the person continued "I'm her brother and I've come to kill you. To be slightly fair I've got some others to help me." 

"That doesn't sound fair but its between you two. I'll relay the message. By the way sir would you like to buy a watch?" Kurocarzon said

"No just deliver my message. Before you ask I left the message in other places few owners acted like you although most just reacted like why they had to do it." the person said as an after thought "Trouble might be brewing. Blackheart." the person left             

Mid to Late March Year 2xxx, late in the day.

Brant entered the shop to pick up the item he paid for when he bought his watch and Eri a bracelet. Kurocorazon was busy with a customer so he looked at the watches while waiting for him to finish with the customer. The customer left another person came in before he could talk to Kurocorazon stopped him. The person who entered did a quick survey of the place glance at him for a second then went to the owner. With that brief glance he could tell this person would get the truth. Short while later the person and Kurocorazon finished talking.

"Apparently something big is happening or going to happen." he said
"What did they ask?" Brant asked
"You don't have to worry at least for now. I take it you want the item now." he said
"Yes." Brant said
"Right I'll be back shortly." Kurocorazon said and went to the backroom Brant's cell went off.

(A dog is sniffing around if you met him before I do you know where to send him. Attached his a photo. But I'll probably met him before you even see him.)
Brant checked the photo and some brief bio of the person. It was the person who had talked to Kurocorazon. 

"That would explain the way he held himself." Brant said to himself
"Here's the item." Kurocorazon said handing him the item.
"Hmm *Looks over the item* looks good. Can you inscribe on my watch?" Brant said
"If you wanted it sometime today then yes." he replied
"Here I want this on the back of my watch." Brant said handing him a paper with a symbol on it.
*Kurocorazon looks at the symbol* "Shouldn't take me long." 
"I'll wait then." Brant said and sent a Mesage to Iris saying he saw the dog but couldn't tell him to met her.  

Kurocorazon started on the symbol then spoke to him about the message. He just listened to the message. Kurocorazon finished the symbol clean the watch.

"So she had a brother. Not surprising really. He didn't say how many did he?" Brant asked
"No. But I think it would be enough to cause you some problem." he replied 

"If there wasn't so much work for the law here I'd  the bodies here. Since there is I'll have to leave town." Brant said

"Right. I'll pull strings to get him to go after you." he said

"Good I've a gift for you." Brant said and pulled out a bottle of dark liquid and handed it to Kurocorazon who opened it and took a swing.

"It tastes fresh. How did you come by it?" he said drink some more. 
"Luck and with some difficulty. I'll  be going now."  Brant said 
"You're going to get badly hurt you know that right." he said
"I'll try to talk him out of it and for the others doubt they would listen." Brant said
"Maybe." he said

Brant left the store putting the item back in the box and in his pocket. Then took out his cell and sent a message saying he would be gone for awhile. He dropped the cell back in his pocket got on his bike and left.

Mid to Late March Year 2xxx following day.

Brant left his bike at home and started to look for a way to cover more ground then remembered a person who could supply him with a vehicle. He placed a call to the person it was on the very edge of town that it would be left. His violence flared just as he saw the car he drew his knife and threw it managing to stick it in the arm of the person. Once the knife left his hand in was already moving. There was a trash can by the wall he took the top and used it to block the attack from another person. The person he stabbed pulled the knife out and dropped it to the ground. 

He kicked the can to impede the one that just attack while moving to get the knife. He went to reach the knife and got kicked. He to fell to the ground and the other started to kick him before he managed to grab the foot of one of them with one hand then sliced the leg of the other person. He rolled from them once he had the chance he sliced one of them. He looked quickly around saw a few people glance then quickly move on.         	 
(Couldn't they have the decency of waiting for me to leave.) He thought as he dealt with his attackers.

He had sore possibly broken ribs and a some other wounds which flared in pain when he opened the door he checked the glove compartment saw there was a gun. He couldn't aim worth shit but he make at the very least hit the person. He did a quick check over the gun started the car and drove out of town.

Mid to Late March Year 2xxx day unknown.

A wind blew from high up a mountain stirring the newly grown leaves and carrying the pollen of freshly budded flowers. The birds sang, the insects buzzing it was a calm spring day. The underbrush rustled causing him to snap wake sword already in hand. Three people appeared from the deeper darkness of the forest.  He put one down or at least slowed one down with a few shots, cut the vine or such to release a trunk with his sword then ran it to the darkness of the forest. He had managed to get a few of those after him to leave him alone. 

He listened for his pursers they were loud if one was paying attention for them, he had only set traps near his temporary camp. It was his four or third camp during his leaving of Moriyoh. He stopped and snapped a circle back at them. He silently walked up behind one of the people following him and slit their throat with his knife. He caught the body to make sure it made little to no noise as he put the body on the ground. He heard one of the others close by and disappeared into the dark forest once again. 

He had left the car miles from where he currently or rather he had no choice given that some people shot at him miles out. He suffered only one flesh wound with luck though the car wasn't as lucky. He would probably have to pay for the loss of the car. In the end he got out of the car dealt with them and entered the forest. That was earlier that day he went about looking for a place to camp for the day and night. He brought his sword around just in time to stop an attack and sliced open the persons face.	

Mid to Late March Year 2xxx day unknown though its morning.

He took a bite of the small animal he managed to kill he heard movement not far from him a growl then silence. He took another bite listening if he would hear the movement again he did. It was Chaos who had joined him sometime ago help by killing things that Brant didn't need to bother with. Chaos never came into the camps not that he cared. It was a fairly quite night too quite and slightly off putting.

(I wonder how long do I have to wait before he appears.) Brant thought idly as he scratched his beard then he used the polished look of his sword to look at it and his mustache. (I'll get rid of the beard when I get back home.)

Violence spoke to him as he felt it before he saw something attacked him from the darkness of the forest. He was cut in three different places two of them were shallow the other was rather deep and would slow him some. The attack had pushed him to the ground causing his sword to fall from his hands.

"Why do you people from this side stop us from opening the world gate?" said a deep voice

*Brant got his sword put held it at the ready but to the side*   

"Well it all has to do with which people from the other side opens it and when." Brant said still hold his sword ready.
"I smell it in you. But you were not born with it." the deep voice said
"I was saved by some woman long ago." he replied
"She was old blood or rather she is old blood." the deep voice said
"So." he said
"She wants the world gate opened and she saved you." the deep voice said
"So she one of the ones from the other side that wants the world gate open but not to destroy each other." he said

*A deep laugh* "I gave you a little information and you come up with that." the deep voice said
"So I'm wrong. Wouldn't be the first time." he said
*Deep laugh again* "No I believe your right. But enough of this." the deep voice said
"Here I was enjoying our conversation." he said already in a stance that could go offensive or defensive
"By the way * both move at the same time* why are you *gets sliced* here?" the deep voice asked as each traded attacks.   
"I killed *counter attacks* someone's sister." he replied as he took off the persons arm.
"Revenge is it." the deep voice said with a tang of pain but still attacking and defending.
"Yes." he said 	   

Mid to Late March Year 2xxx day unknown though its sometime during the day.

He check the makeshift bandages it was crested with some blood and felt his ribs were slightly better now. He walked towards a small stream to try wash the blood off the makeshift bandages and get some what cleaned. The stream was felt nice and cool he scooped water and drank it before he was or tried to wash the bandages. He used a fairly makeshift bandage to wash himself some and again washing the bandage again. 

He checked the wound on his arm he flexed his arm it didn't bleed, checking his other wounds one need to be wrapped again. He wrapped the bandage on the wound again and waited for the blood to dilute before taking another drink. He didn't know how many more he had to deal with, only that one of the people who were after him had said a few more left to deal with. Which would mean he was at the end of the damn mess. 

He idly wondered how things were at Moriyoh if things were any better there than where he was. He doubted that given that an agent was currently sniffing around. He never heard of U.N.C.L.E but from the dossier his cousin gave him it was nothing other than an police organization and served as an special force. It had very little of his past but not his name. Brant had left the stream and headed back to the general direction of home. 

Mid to Late March Year 2xxx day unknown though its night.

It was a cool night the nocturnal animals out and about living. A small fire was burning as he looked at the fire it as it wavered then flared causing him to stumble away. He looked up to see Narise changing to a female child land with the help of her wings that shrunk then faded away. She blew at the fire again causing it to flare again then lessen. Brant got back up and sat down again looking at the fire.

"You look like shit." Narise said as she sat next to him
"Thanks." he said he felt like shit and was really sure if he looked like it.
"He wont appear until sometime tomorrow. Yes I did see it."  She said  
"Did you see anything else?" he asked
"Trouble and fighting." Narise replied
"Do you have any good news?"
"Yes. One I ate some that were headed towards you which means you'll sleep easy. The other is I'm here." she said

Brant just grunt acknowledgment.

"Why?" she asked as she played with the fire
"Do you really want to know?" 
"Just curious." she said
"Blood for blood." he replied
"I see." she said "By the way how are things with you aside for this trouble?"	
"Good maybe bad." he replied evasively she looked at him with her golden reptile eyes.
"Is it really bad?" she said looking into his eyes causing him to sigh.

"One could try to lie to a dragon that is if one were to meet one. But it would be useless would it not?" Brant asked
"Don't answer my question with another, but you're right it is useless to lie. Just so you know most of what you people think of dragons is wrong." Narise said
"Thought so." he had a slightly smile having manage to get her off the subject.
"Wipe that smile off your face." she said causing the fire to flare
"Honestly its not bad it good." he replied
"Glad to hear that. I saw the aftermath of the longest night you people did quite a job purging them."  She said as she continued to play with the fire.

The fire wavered, intensified, lost intensity and gained it again. Narise blew at the fire causing it to flare up about two feet them back down to normal. Brant just shook his head as he saw her play with the fire. She started to move hers fingers causing the fire to spilt part and start to dance with the movement of her fingers. He watched the fire dance with the movement of her fingers causing him to relax and started getting sleepy. He would of used his violence to try and stay awake but couldn't before his eyes closed he heard her speak.

"You need the sleep and you may die if you are not taken home after you kill him."  Narise said as she got up an changed back to a dragon then flew.

He had fallen asleep after she had said you need the sleep and so he sleep deeply and with no dreams.  

Mid to Late March Year 2xxx day unknown though its early morning.

Brant woke up feeling rather refreshed but still had a dull pain from his wounds which didn't bother him anymore. He didn't understand why she did that but nonetheless he'd thank her if or when he saw her again. He only remembered her saying he need the sleep and was certain she had said something else what it was he didn't know. Today this mess would be more and he would go back home.

(I just hope to hell I don't need to do anything requiring to much work.) He thought as he stretched then scratched his beard then smoothed his ‘stache. (Got to remember to shave the beard.)

He started walking in the general of home once again after walking for a few hours he set traps to see what he would catch.  Once he set the traps he went about find a place to set a temporary place to set a fire. Fire pit set he checked the traps to see if he caught anything. He caught only two small animals which he quickly killed and took back to his fire. Eating his cooked kills he continued to walk back home.

"You're a hard person to find and let alone kill you know that?" a male voice said
"Well if people that want to kill me I could not very well let them find me that easily can I." Brant said as he turned around but didn't draw his sword.
"Why did you kill my sister?" the man said
"I gave her a choice, she did not take it." Brant replied and continued to see if he could make the man not fight him. "I gave her a choice to leave I was even walking away to show her that I intended to let her go."
"Don't lie to me you bastard!" the man added "Her family was devastated when they found out she died."  
"I met her family but it was only her kids that were." Brant said sadly as it came back to him.
"Lies!" the man said and attacked him

Brant tried some more to talk the man out of the fighting managing to avoid some attacks but not all. Brant had yet to draw his sword and tried one last time to talk to the man.

"Did you know that your sister was actually a thief and drug user/dealer? How do I know? I know cause her husband told me he thought she would change her ways she didn't." Brant said and was attacked.

"I had told her I would deal with. I was dealing with it they even agreed." the man said as he kept attack him. 

Brant had finally drew his sword the man had lost reason and was talking about they promised and other things. He had fought others like this a few times before each time it took him a day or two to recover. But with the injuries he had and were now causing him problems this fight could end very bad for him. Both continued attack and countering. He couldn't peak this up anymore and it looked like the man couldn't continue anymore.

"One of us is going to die soon." the man said
"Of course." Brant said as both attacked

 Brant side stepped enough to dodge most of the hit as he sliced open from crotch to head twisted it out then took the mans head. He flicked his sword then sheathed it and started back before collapsing. He tried but couldn't getup as he bleed out on the ground his hand went to his pocket.

The Melancholy of Binkan Suzuki (Part 2)

Binkan Suzuki pulled up to the toll both and took a ticket from the automatic dispenser. Soon he was out on the highway and putting some distance between himself and Mito City. He wondered why Mother didn't have an ETC (Electronic Toll Collection) device installed in her car. But, since she never drove her car out of town,  why would she? He just hoped that she wasn't in the habit of looking at her odometer; otherwise, he'd have to explain how he'd managed to put so many kilometers on it, and he had enough explaining to do already.
Yesterday morning, he'd left Mother and Mrs. Komegura with the impression that he'd gone out to look for Miss Komegura, his missing fiancée. In truth, he'd had no such intention. As far as Binkan was concerned it would have been just as well if she had remained in hiding forever. But she owed his friend, Jose, a lot of money, and it was just her bad luck that they'd eventually found her. 

If only they hadn’t run into that creepy little girl who led them right to her.
But what was he going to tell Mother when he got back to Moriyoh?That they had found Kokoro, scared her half to death, drugged her, taken her to Mito and tied her to a chair?
No¬Öhe was going to have to say something, but it wasn’t going to be that.
For some reason, his thoughts turned to Aquamarine.
Was she really an angel and the dead, transgender son of Jose Ecuador–Ramon–as she claimed? He doubted it. He was a skeptic when it came to religious things, and practical experience had taught Binkan that practically everyone was running some kind of scam, so she probably was as well. He just couldn’t figure it out. Maybe some kind of weird enjo kosai? ("Hey mister! Wanna date a schoolgirl angel?) And what was the deal with her claiming to have been Jose’s son in a former life? What did she expect to gain from such a baseless story? It had turned out to be a dangerous game for her, hadn’t it? He was sorry they’d had to kidnap her along with Kokoro¬Ö
“Hi, Mr. Suzuki!”
Someone tapped him on the left shoulder.
He was so startled that he lost control of the car and it shot into the next lane, nearly colliding with another car that had been trying to pass him. The other motorist swerved around him, honking his horn.
Regaining control, Binkan moved back into his proper lane and then coasted off onto the shoulder and killed the engine.
His heart was beating so fast it felt like it was going to fly out of his chest, and his breath was coming out in short wheezing grasps. His forehead was dripping with sweat and he could feel a headache coming on. He’d already started seeing those little jagged rainbows that always preceded a migraine.
He turned around and there was Aquamarine, smiling at him from the back of the car. She was leaning over the top of the front seat with her arms folded.
“Wow! That was some cool drifting,” she said, hiking her leg up over the car seat and plopping down next to Binkan.
“Have you ever driven on Hameda Ridge? Are you, like, the Legendary Man?” She asked as she settled herself in.
“I have no idea what you’re talking about.” Binkan replied. “What are you doing here, anyway?”
“I needed a ride back to Moriyoh. I have to get back to school, you know.”
“Is that so?” Binkan said. “I thought you’d appointed yourself Miss Komegura’s guardian angel. Shouldn’t you be with her?”
“Oh, she’ll be okay,” Aquamarine replied. “I heard Pappy say he’s going to take her to a place called the “Chateau.” Sounds nice. Like a resort or something.”
Binkan was incredulous at this display of naiveté.
“I don’t think you understand what sort of place the Chateau really is.” he said.
“Oh, what sort of place is it?”
The Chateau was one of the more mysterious aspects of Jose Ecuador’s varied business enterprises. It was one that Binkan didn’t know too much about. He preferred it that way.
“I don’t know,” he admitted. “But I don’t think it’s a very nice place, especially not for women like Miss Komegura. But I guess it was just her karma to end up there.”
“No such thing.” Aquamarine said.
“Eh?” Binkan replied.
“No such thing as karma,” she replied. “That’s a common misconception. There’s no karma; there’s only reincarnation.”
“Another revelation from the Angel expert.” Binkan said dryly. “How can there be reincarnation without karma? I thought they went together. You know, if you were good, you’d get to be rich in your next life, and if you were bad, you came back as a cockroach.”
“Oh, that’s just horseshit,” Aquamarine replied. “There’s just reincarnation, and it doesn’t matter what you did in your past life, at all. There’s no judge or jury up there, and there’s no final exams, either. The truth is that Heaven is the most boring place you can imagine. There’s absolutely nothing to do up there but sit around all day listening to the Buddhas give boring lectures about how we should all put aside our Desires if we want to achieve Nirvana, which I gather is a place even worse that Heaven. But nobody listens to them. They all just long for something they had back on Earth-and, for that matter, a whole lot of stuff they didn’t have, too. So they’re constantly trying to sneak out of Heaven. That’s what reincarnation is, sneaking out of Heaven. And most of us will grab the first opportunity to do so that comes along, no matter what it is.”
Binkan smiled a little. What a story!
Either she was trying to pull his leg, or else she was totally nuts-he couldn’t decide which.
“What you’ve just said would certainly rock my religious convictions, if I had any.” He replied. “But, just out of curiosity, what’s the thing that you miss?”
“That’s easy. Food! That’s what I miss. I miss it more than anything. I’d give anything for some yakitori or a taco¬Öor popcorn. Man, I’d really like to have some popcorn right now. You know, with lots of butter and salt!”
Binkan laughed, because she was amusing.
“Then I guess you must be one of those Hungry Ghosts I’ve heard so much about.”
“You bet.”
“That probably explains that whole business with the cookie last night.”
“Yeah. After you mentioned cookies, I wanted one so bad I forgot myself. I guess I pissed Pappy off when I couldn’t eat it.”
“Why couldn’t you? You’ve got a mouth, and a stomach, too, by the looks of it.”
“All just an illusion–a manifestation you might say. I’m really just a formless, invisible spirit.” She clutched her breasts. “You really didn’t think these were real, did you?”
Binkan Suzuki turned a little red, and adverted his gaze from her bosom.
“Uh¬Öspeaking of your¬Öuh¬ÖPappy, why’d he let you go?”
“He didn’t, silly! I just snuck out on him.”
“Snuck out? On Jose Ecuador? In that case, why don’t I just turn this car around and take you back to him?”
“Oh, don’t do that.”
“Why not? You’re a witness. You know what we did with Miss Komegura. It wouldn’t do for you to spill the beans on us.”
“Oh, I would never do that,” she replied. “It’s not in the plan¬ÖOh!”
She quickly clamped her hand over her mouth.
“What plan?” Binkan asked.
“Plan? Did I say plan? Oops, what I meant to say was that I don’t plan to.”
“Oh?” Binkan replied doubtfully. Again, Aquamarine had tripped off his bullshit detector. “Well, maybe it would be simpler if I just kill you here and now and dump your body by the side of the road, eh? How would you like that?”
He endeavored to look menacing.
“You wouldn’t do that, would you?” she asked, a little fearfully. “You’re really a good man, aren’t you? Despite the fact that you do a lot of bad things?”
“What makes you say that? If I do bad things, then I’m a bad man.”
“But you have a good heart. And your heart doesn’t like it when you do those things. That’s why your stomach hurts all the time.”
Binkan turned the key in the ignition and slammed his foot down hard on the accelerator. The car hurtled back onto the road, leaving a spray of gravel in its wake.
His stomach was, in fact, killing him
“Hey! Where are we going?” Aquamarine asked.
“Moriyoh,” Binkan replied. “That’s where you want to go, isn’t it?”
Good heart? Bad heart? He didn’t know. But the only thing he did know was that he didn’t want Aquamarine back in Jose Ecuador’s clutches.
They sped down the road, and for a long time neither of them spoke. But finally the atmosphere in the car relaxed a little and Binkan said:
“There’s a couple more things I don’t understand,” he said. “How come an angel needs a car ride, anyway? Can’t you just fly back to Moriyoh on your own power? Where’s your wings?”
“Silly, I’m an angel of the water, not the air. That’s what aquamarine means, you know. I can swim, but I can’t fly.”
It sort of made sense, considering the source. But it was also a pretty convenient excuse for getting a ride. Aquamarine hadn’t done anything yet to prove she was really an angel as far as Binkan was concerned. Maybe he should ask her to turn the bottled water he kept in the car into wine.
“What about this reincarnation business again? If you’re so eager to eat popcorn, why haven’t you reincarnated yet? I mean, you haven’t, have you? Not really? Despite all this business about being just an incorporeal spirit with no boobs?”
“No, I haven’t reincarnated¬Ö yet,” Aquamarine replied.
“Why not? They might stop making popcorn any day now, and then where would you be?”
She laughed, and the sound of it had a strange effect on Binkan. He felt almost cheerful, and Binkan Suzuki never felt cheerful.
“You might say I’m shopping around for the right parents,” Aquamarine replied.
“Is that so?” he said. He’d suddenly become preoccupied with a big truck he’d noticed in the rear view mirror that seemed to be coming up fast from behind, so he didn’t notice the affectionate look in her eyes, or the secret smile on her face.

They crossed the Shinkawa River Bridge and were back in Moriyoh at last. It was mid morning, but the town was just beginning to come to life.
"Should I drop you off at your home?" Binkan asked, in a deliberate ploy to see if he could finally trip her up over this angel business. If it turned out that she had a real home with real parents (or even if she directed him to the out-patient ward of the local mental health clinic) that would prove it. 
"Oh, just drop me off in front of JAST," she replied. "School's going to be starting soon, anyway."
He shrugged. Well, it had been worth a try.

In the end, Binkan had to lie to his Mother, after all.
She didn't believe him, which did nothing to improve the atmosphere around the Suzuki household, so he beat a hasty retreat back to Tokyo.
During his absence, the Japanese entertainment industry, without his guiding hand, had practically torn itself to pieces-just what he expected. His desk was piled high with cases that would require his immediate attention in order to keep half of the personalities in show business from going into exile or jail, and he threw himself into his work with gusto.
Noriko, the popular actress whom he had saved from a lengthy prison term, was glad to see him back. He had been anticipating that she would find some way to express her gratitude to him, and she didn't disappoint. In fact, she was a wildcat in bed. She could do the most amazing things with her tail. 
But sometimes when he made love to her, he'd look down at her, only to see Kokoro's face looking back up at him, and that often caused him¬Öproblems.
There was something wrong with the way Noriko smelled, too. Kokoro's body, that time when he'd held her naked torso in his arms as Aquamarine wiped the blood from her back, had had a faintly sour, but not unpleasant odor to it. Noriko, on the other hand, smelled of deodorant soap and perfume. It was an impersonal smell that reminded him a little of a freshly cleaned and deodorized rest room.   
Time went by.
At the end of December, he was invited to be a judge on the annual Kohaku no Uta Gassen song contest on TV. This was done as a tribute to him, a mark of respect for all the work he'd done for the entertainment industry. He would have been very happy, too, if there hadn't been that one singer who resembled Miss Komegura. When she suddenly appeared in the spotlight and began her song, he had almost died of fright. 
He'd tried to pour himself a glass of water to steady his nerves, but ended up knocking over the pitcher, which caused a great deal of consternation among the other judges and delayed the singer's opening until assistants cleaned up the mess.
When she finally began again, her song turned out to be an old enka tune about heartache, betrayal and death. Binkan couldn't help but take it as a message directed expressly to him. He excused himself from the show, telling the director that he had suddenly taken ill, and fled to the safety of his apartment, where he threw himself into bed and pulled the covers over his head.
After that, he began seeing women who resembled Kokoro all over town, and he'd shake every time he ran into one. To deal with his nerves, he'd try to reason with himself. This wasn't so unusual, see? Miss Komegura had been a very ordinary-looking woman, and there were millions of women in Tokyo. So, statistically speaking,  a few of them had to resemble her. It wasn't as if he was being haunted by her. Anyway, she was probably still alive¬Ö
One evening in March, he finally snapped.
He was sitting on a couch in Noriko's apartment. She was in another room, dressing for a party they were going to. He was drinking whisky from a glass with a thick, heavy bottom, and across the room, a news program was playing on Noriko's new television set. The one with the screen was as big as a wall.
Suddenly, a picture of Kokoro Komegura, as big as a wall, appeared on the screen.
Binkan screamed and hurled his glass at the television set. It shattered when it hit,  putting a big hole in the screen of Noriko's TV and staining the white rug below it  piss-yellow with whisky.
A half-dressed Noriko ran into the room.
When she saw what he had done to her television and her rug, she let out an unearthly howl, flattened her ears against the side of her head and drove Binkan out of the apartment.
Back in the refuge of his own flat, Binkan went deliberately searching for Kokoro on his own TV. He finally found a news program that had a segment on her, but it wasn't very informative. On one side of the screen was a box containing and old picture of her, while the newsreader in the foreground explained that she was a person of interest to the police and that there was a nationwide dragnet out for her.
Other than that, there were few other details, but he could guess. Binkan remembered what Saitama had hinted, those many months ago, about those slaughtered cat men being the reason for Kokoro's going underground. Now it was all becoming public knowledge. 
He wondered how Mother and Mrs. Komegura were taking this.
The very next day he was visited by two policemen from Moriyoh.
At least they said they were policemen. They didn't look it.
One of them looked more like a Sumo with the head of a wild boar, while his companion, whom he at first took to be a boy, turned out to be a woman-of sorts. She carried a sword with her all during the interview.
They said they were investigating the Komegura case and, seeing as how he was engaged to her, they had a few questions for him.
Binkan was quick to point out that he had only met her once, at the miai, and that he knew nothing about her, really, beyond what they had discussed at the meeting.
"But isn't it true that you were in Moriyoh around the time of her disappearance?" the large one asked.
Ahh! They were finally giving him the chance to do what he did best: lie his head off.
"Well, about that, officer. You see, my mother and Mrs. Komegura are close friends. And when Miss Komegura disappeared they were both pretty upset. Mother insisted that I drop all my work here, come to Moriyoh and find her. I'm a lawyer, not a private detective, you know, but what could I do? So I went to Moriyoh, along with a business associate of mine¬Ö"
"Jose Ecuador," said the woman. "He makes AVs, doesn't he?"
"Who told you that?" Binkan replied. "He's a very respected member of the business community in Mito City, and any allegations that he deals in pornography could be considered to constitute libel. Would you care to repeat that statement in court?"
She growled and would have drawn her sword, if the large one hadn't stopped her.
"Come on, Yoshimi. We're in a lawyer's office. Behave," he said.
"So, Mr. Suzuki," he said, turning to Binkan, "What did you do in Moriyoh? Were you looking for the Komegura woman?"
"We went through the motions. That's all we could do. Actually, we spent most of the time taking in the sights and visiting old friends. I really wouldn't know how to go about looking for missing persons. I leave that up to the police. By the way, I saw that  story about Miss Komegura on the news last night. What did she do? I just thought she was sort of a runaway bride, you know. And now it appears she's some kind of hardened criminal? What a shame. She seemed so nice."

Alone in his apartment that evening, he reflected on the remains of his day. He hadn't given those policemen anything-good job there. But the whole business just served to keep Kokoro Komegura on his mind-as if she wasn't always. He just couldn't shake her out of his head. He was thinking about her now. He remembered how her breasts had pressed against his chest, the feel of her skin as he held her in his arms, the way her head rested on his shoulder¬Ö
Had he fallen in love with her?
What's it like when a man falls in love, anyway?
Binkan had no idea.
For a woman, it's all hearts and flowers, candlelight dinners, romantic walks on the beach. Just like in a girl's manga.
But for a man, maybe it wasn't something so pretty. Maybe it was more like a sickness; an obsession. Or maybe it was just pheromones; he couldn't seem to get Kokoro Komegura out of his nose.
The next morning the phone rang. 
"Hi, it's me, Aquamarine. Miss Komegura's in big trouble. Come and pick me up as soon as you can. I'll be in front of the bakery."

She was tired and sore. She had been sitting there, at the edge of her bed, staring at the picture for hours. She was confused and she was scared. She was still crying. She didn’t understand the world anymore.

She and Ryo were happy. The weeks after his little “accident” had been trying. She had doted on him and he had balked at times, but they smiled and laughed now. His kisses were still sweet.

Chie and Kosuke were there now. Both had transferred to the school. She had squealed in delight when they both walked into the classroom as the new transfer students. She had even flung herself into their arms, the class luaghing and the three of them blushing. Chie even scolded Ryo for not holding a door for his date. They had fun.

But her world had been turned upside down in one mind numbing instant. She hadn’t believed it at first. She had gone to class and even sung karaoke that night. Everything was normal, it couldn’t possibly be true. But, as she was humming along with a song she had glanced the picture of Thanksgiving. Everyone was smiles and laughter… Kosuke’s bemused smirk, Ryo’s blushing face, her father’s roaring laugh… and her mother.

She fingered the picture again, tears still streaking down her cheeks. It was so confusing to her. All she could do was sit on her bed and stare at the picture for the past few hours.

The door creaked open, but Xallie was too lost in thought to notice at first. The light footfalls and faint shadow were distant.

“Xallie.” the tender sigh partially cracked through the haze and Xallie finally looked up, stears falling from puffy red eyes. “O Xallie.”

Xallie tried to choke off a sob, but her shoulders trembled and she couldn’t manage it. She completely broke down.

“That’s it, let it out.” warm, gentle arms embraced her as her mother sat next to her. She pulled Xallie into her body and stroked her hair, whispering soothingly to her. “I’ll beat this, I promise.”

Mother and daughter remained in the tight embrace, both crying yet taking comfort in each other’s presence.

“I will beat this.”

Iris was dressing as she made a call to get a sniffing dog to meet her and along with others to view
sakura’s. The only reason she wanted a meeting was to see if the dog who’s name is Rex was trouble. Though she doubted it and also it was better if they met in friendly terms. Thus she was talking as she grabbed a tank top and a skirt that ended at her knees. Her cell was on the bed as she talked with her blue tooth.

"Hello. Etsuji not busy today right." Iris said

"Just show up bring along that partner of yours and tell Rex to meet me and bring along whoever he wants." she said

"We will. If he does bring others they wont understand much." She said 

"Who would believe the others anyway." she replied as she finished dressing and arming herself.

"What else? We're going to drink and watch the Sakura's." she added after getting on her bike "Here are the directions."
Iris went to visit her cousin who was currently still in recovery it was now the beginning of the second week. She didn't know where he went not until after Eri came to her to find out where her lover was. Eri had asked her only cause Alicia and Prina had pointed to her direction. Iris had agreed to find him normally he'd be untraceable but if she's right he still used the cell that piggy backed on other signals, she told Eri to go home who refused. Iris went to her computer ran the a search for his cells signal well out of Moriyoh and to the south. 

She arrived at the place her cousin was recovering it was not at a public place for family and workers but not their friends. The people inside greeted her as she headed towards the place he was recovering. She knocked on the door thinking he was wake this time, once when she along with three others to see him dead. One of the people she brought along with her check, he didn't wake up until they arrived here. First thing he said was ‘I'm not dead yet, here give this to her.' at that point Eri entered causing him to get more strength back. He said only a few things then gave her something he had in his pocket.

She entered when someone else did it was one of the people that worked their. A person was in there check his heart/pulse/brain. Then check if the poison was gone yet, looked to see who entered then continued on.

"Hi. Before you ask he woke up briefly then went back to ‘sleep'. " the person said
"He didn't say anything?" Iris asked
"No he was probably checking to see where he was." the person said  
"So when do you think he'll be out and about?" Iris asked
"The poison is nearly diluted he should be released sometime this week." the person said
"That should make her happy." Iris said
"That young woman came two days ago I told her he'd be out and about." the person said
"Did he wake up?" Iris asked but knew the answer
"No but he did react to her more than he does with anyone else *paused*"
"What." Iris said
"He gave off waves of violence well not visible but you know what I mean." the person said

Iris understood what the person was talking how Brant always gave waves of violence but only when he was in a peculiar mood or knew something dangerous was near. 

"And." Iris said
"Just now he only used his violence to see who it was then let it go, during her stay here he not only gave off waves but it stayed the whole time she was here. It was like he was protecting her while still catatonic." the person said          

"He has their blood just like me but not by birth that could be why he can do that and why he didn't die after losing that much blood." Iris said and went to stand close to him. "Cousin trouble is here or coming and here you are lucking out. Just so you know she's in no trouble besides you probably taught her a little and she is part of the family. I'll see you again."

"Do you want me to catch him up?" the person asked
"No he wont care he'll leave before you even know he did." Iris said on her way out.

Iris rode to the area that she told Etsuji to go to for the viewing of the sakura's it wasn't exactly a place people knew about but it was a nice place place in any case. The place use to be owned by a wealth man who now work at a small shop who was connected to her cousins family than hers. It had a small house that was oddly enough standing but dusty inside. It wasn't the house they were to met at but the area near it. Though she told him to have them park at the house then they would walk the rest of the way. She arrived at the house parked her bike grabbed the bag that had two bottles, beer, some cups and snacks if it became necessary. After which she headed around back of the house to sit and wait for the Agent and possibly a few others.

It was an hour or so later that they arrived. Etsuji came along with his partner Yoshimi, Rex brought along some young woman and Eri. Iris didn't know the young woman's name, but from what she saw the young woman was attracted to Rex. She thought he knew of the young woman's feels and probably would use it to his advantage or simply ignored it. Eri saw her and waved Etsuji nodded along with the others. Iris looked at all of them only one of them the young woman didn't look capable of holding her own for long but for a short time. Eri would be the second weak one unless her cousin really taught her some.

"Glad you guys could make it. Come we have some walking to do." Iris said and walked away from them.
"You don't own that house do you." Etsuji said
"Maybe." Iris said 

"So were are you going to take us." Etsuji said knowing that it didn't matter considering they were not entering the house.

"Just a few minutes from here." Iris said
"No introduction or anything." Yoshimi stated
"Why? I already know about some of you, Yoshimi but not her *indicates Yuki*" 
"You know my name doesn't mean you know me." Yoshimi said

"True but I know you were part of the a self contained Tokyo Police Force that dealt with monsters and was sadly sent to some backwaters place."Iris said

"You don't know me personally." Yoshimi said stubbornly	
"Your right. So how's the wounds from the longest night?" Iris asked
"Oh they healed they weren't that bad in the first place." Yoshimi said
"So that was what you were doing that night and didn't so up for work until much later." Etsuji said

"Here we are." Iris said as they arrived at a large sakura tree that was in full bloom.

"So what did you bring to drink." Eri asked as she adjusted the collar around her neck that was made of gold, white gold, two Amethyst with a jade in the middle, moving it caused her bracelet to make a soft jingle.    

"Two bottles and beer. *holds up the bag*" Iris replied and sat down near a iron wrought table and chairs that was near the tree but not under it. The others sat down at the table also. She took out the drinks and cups.

"Before we begin drinking I guess I should introduce myself." Iris said while looking directly at the dog agent. "I am Iris Isis Locke. Though some may refer tome as Icy Iris."

"*A laugh* Really. *a laugh again*" the young woman stopped laughing after a bit
"Perhaps. So what is your name young lady?" Iris asked looking at the young lady 
"Friends call me Yuki. You can call me that if you want doesn't really matter to me." the young woman replied

"As you wish. And what's your name sir?" Iris asked silver eyes showing that she wanted the truth.

"Rex. Good lady." the dog said in a British well mannered voice 

Iris noted how Yuki sighed from hearing Rex's voice. Iris knew it was a front not that it wasn't real but that it was used to be on guard. She briefly looked at Etsuji who barely shrugged then look at the drinks. She smiled then spoke.

"So what would you like to drink you people?" Iris asked Yuki gave a look at Rex.
"Only a little don't want your parents to get angry at me for letting you get drunk." Rex said
"Beer." Yuki said then got a beer from Iris who gave out two more beers one for Yoshimi and the other for Etsuji.
"You two are going to join me in drinking from the bottle then." Iris said 
"I'll take a beer." Rex said
"Just you and me, Iris." Eri said
"Yes it is." Iris said pour the drinks 

They drank watching the tree for awhile listening to the animals before Rex spoke to Iris.

"Why did you want to see me?" Rex asked
"Why did you?" Yoshimi repeated what Rex asked
"Porque el esta buscando alguien en su frente secreto." Iris replied and saw Rex's ears twitch.
"Como usted sabe?" Rex replied
‘Tengo mis maneras." Iris added "T.I.O tiene nada de mi?"
"What the hell are you two talking about." Yoshimi said
"Que? What?" Iris said
"Sorry, You guys she started speaking in Spanish so I replied in kind." Rex said
"As I was saying they don't have anything about me?" Iris asked again
"Should they have information on you?" Rex asked
Iris took a drink not answering him right away while he waited for her to answer the question. She waited to see if he would press her to replied. He pressed her after a few minutes.

"Either they thought you are not important or they can't get much about you." Rex said
"Probably both, either or neither." She continue "Que' quiere saber?"
"Why are you talking in spanish again?" Rex asked

"To nettle the rest of us or particularly Yoshimi And Yuki." Eri said laughing then down the drink getting a refill from Iris.

"Yoshimi doesn't su *Yoshimi gives him a look to silence him*" Etsuji said
"*Iris gave a soft musical laugh* So you know about the ‘problems' I could help if you want me to." Iris said
"Why?" Rex said thinking (I can't tell if she's lying or evasive.) And showing it without realizing it.
"What's wrong Rex your senses not helping? It probably never will with me." Iris said
"No I don't need your help." Rex said then added "What do you know?" 

"What's going on here why would she know anything?" Yoshimi asked starting another beer
"Why do you believe those four bodies have anything to do with the trouble now occurring?" Iris said taking a drink why pouring another two one for her and Eri.
"Why not they looked like the ones I dealt with." Yoshimi said not really paying attention.

Yuki looked at Eri and motioned for her to lean to her.

"Do you have any idea what they are talking about?" Yuki asked
"Vaguely. All I know is someone/people from the other side want to open a world gate." Eri said 
"Other side, world gate. How do you know this?" Yuki asked
"Brant told be about it." Eri said
"Where is he anyway I've not seen you with him for sometime. Did you two have a fight?" Yuki asked
"No. He's currently recovering. Just so you know we've had our fights." Eri said
"He's the one that gave you collar." Yuki said 
"Yes it was surprising that he did. He also taught me to fight too." Eri said
"Alright lets talk about something else." Yuki said.

Iris decided to give him some information that Rex may not of had.

"So did your neck of the woods have any from the other side appear during the longest night?" Iris asked
"Near." Rex said
"Do you know why." Iris asked
"No." Rex replied
"Puerta del Mundo." Iris said
"What is that?" Etsuji asked
"That's not possible only weak points exist." Rex said

"It's a world gate and it is possible. I take it you think the things from the other side are pink tentacle monsters." Iris said

"They are pink tentacle monsters." Yoshimi slurred
"Those are only animals not much of a threat really. Actually they are but its some of the others that are. Not all of them need to be killed." Iris said
"Like her mother." Etsuji murmured only Rex and Eri heard what he said.
"Their all the same to me." Yoshimi said
"If they were I would not of been born." Iris said
"You don't smell like one of them." Rex said

"I'm only a quarter. My mother who is dead was more her sister is full bloodied." Iris paused to open up the other bottle and checked to see if Eri wanted some, she declined the drink.

"How's that possible?" Yoshimi asked
"Painting." Etsuji said remembering
"Painting?" Iris asked
"Painting over a painting." Rex said

"You believe that? Don't answer. Weak points as you call them during the longest night are even weaker, its during that time that some from the other side can and sometime do try to open weak points bigger or something along those lines." Iris continued "If all are open at the same time relatively then the here and there would merge."
"That cannot happen." Yoshimi said
"Did your mother tell you this?" Rex asked
"Si pero yo crea T.I.O sabe y que quiere pararlo." Iris said
"Porque?" Rex said
"No Se. Pregunte T.I.O, para quien esta usted aqui?" Iris pressed one more time
"*Rex sighed* Eri's abuelo." Rex said
"Ella no sabe." Iris said
"No." Rex said
"What about me." Eri said only hearing her name.
"You two are starting to piss me off." Yuki said somewhat slurred

Iris was about to laugh when she felt it and kicked the table causing Eri and Yuki to fall onto the ground which saved them from get hurt. Eri grabbed a hold of Yuki's hand pulled her at the same locked her legs around a chair leg brought it up to block another attack from another person. Then she felt a big hand grab her and pull her up and away. Eri saw Iris attack the one that made her kick the table causing Yuki and her to off. 

"Etsuji get them out of here and safe!" Iris stated stepping into an attack.
"No shit." Etsuji said taking Eri and Yuki away from the fight.

"How the hell did you know they were coming." Rex said now talking in a non refined voice as he attack one of the people.

"What you can't tell when one from the other side shows up." Iris said
"Not when they appear that close and that quickly." Rex said as he sidestepped an attack

"Probably has to do with having quarter blood that but then some can do what I can by getting trained." Iris said now covered in blood.

"And here I was hoping to have a nice day watching the sakura's and drinking." Yoshimi said as she dispatched another getting her covered in more blood.

"Sorry about that. Want me to tell them to come some other day?" Iris said and saw one go after and the two girls and etsuji.

"Could you." Yoshimi said
"Why is it that only a few from this side talk when they fight and the rest don't." one said awhile retreating. 

"You can talk." Rex said
"We're not all monsters. Some of us are like you people from this side." the person smiled viciously "But I eat people from this side." the person stopped reaching and attacked.
"I still say they are all the same." Yoshimi said as she dodged an attack from another.

Iris dealt with another then threw a knife she had and threw the knife sticking it in the back of the one Etsuji was grappling with. She didn't know if he was good with blades but she thought Eri would know how to use the knife some what. Iris saw Yuki was in shock but still awake.

 Etsuji went to pull the knife straight out but heard Eri tell him to turn and twist it out. Eri had said ‘no it was not my grandfather' Etsuji had a feeling it was Brant that taught her that and thought what else he taught her. Which in turn made him think what if anything did her grandfather taught her and if Brant knew. 

(He would probably not care. He only care if that would cause problems for her. Or I could be wrong.) He thought as he dispatched the enemy. 

He checked to see if Eri and Yuki were still all together, nope yuki had now gone from shock to out right fainting. Eri was well he couldn't tell and so asked.

"You're going to be good?" Etsuji said while thinking (As for me I don't know.)       
"I'll get over it, I think." Eri said somewhat shaken 

"You say so. Lets go farther." Etsuji said then picking up Yuki knowing she wouldn't be able to move on her own, he gave Erithe knife. "I'd rather you didn't have to use it but-"

"I'd rather not use it." Eri said taking the knife and held it like she was taught by Brant. "House."
"Yes." Etsuji said and looked back there was still quite a few left it wasn't his job to deal with that which he still didn't believe. 

Iris watched as Etsuji carrying a pass out Yuki and Eri head towards the house. She just hoped that more don't appear as they headed for the house. Then she brought her sword around slashing another open flicked her sword then searched for another kill.

Rex looked around to see if any were left to dispatch and saw most of them were around Iris' each with limbs gone. Her eyes shone with lethal intent	as she searched for more oft hem. He was surprised at how many she took down. Then he checked on Yoshimi.

Yoshimi was sober now having to fight for her life then looked to see that Rex looked in her direction. She gave him a smile and nodded as went about looking for more to kill. Looked like they were not many left to deal with. 

"So what do you two think *a loud meow then a bark* Come on." Iris said it was surprising how much ground the three covered.

Etsuji was looking everywhere when things happened to fast for him to do anything. He saw something move from the corner of his eyes, then he saw Eri go down with a cry and she rolled away after a few seconds later. She still had the knife which she used as she got up and slashed open the leg of her attacker. She moved to the side and into the attack getting another hit in. Her attacker managed to get a hit in and was going to get another when a large silver dog appeared to take down her attacker down. The dog grabbed the person's throat and ripped it out causing blood to splash onto Eri. She saw that it was chaos.

Eri got the blood splashed onto her, ducked and rolled away just as she felt wind from a blade that ended giving her a light kiss. She stabbed the knife into her attackers leg ripped it open, she went and hit another spot. Chaos took one of the arms off at the same she attacked again causing blood to splash onto her. 

It was over by the time the others got their and Etsuji was squatting next to a stunned Eri sitting on her legs. Chaos had left just as it was over he had only appeared when he smelled her and deiced to follow. Once he smelled trouble he kept a watch on her, and killed the first one that tried to kill her and helped with the other. Once it smelled someone familar he left.

Iris, Rex and Yoshimi saw Eri sitting on the ground stunned and Etsuji squatting next to her. Iris noted one dead body with the throat ripped out and other with an arm lost and one deep cut. Iris looked out to the woods and saw Chaos who looked at her then left.

"What happen?" Rex asked

“A large silver dog appeared ripped out the first ones throat, then shortly after she took out the second before I knew what happen it was over.” Etsuji said

"Impressive." Iris said then got to Eri's level.

"I- Had to do it. Go ahead do what you have to, let it out." Iris said softly to Eri and started to rub the top of her head. 

Rex left Iris to deal with Eri while he along with Yoshimi and Etsuji checked the body.

"So what do you think?" Rex asked looking at the body it was human but something was off about it
"About what this dead body or the others?" Etsuji asked
"We didn't get a look at the other bodies and this one looks normal but something is off about it." Yoshimi said
"I thought so too." Rex said
"So now what." Etsuji said

"Simple we leave them here come lets go see the other bodies, Etsuji take the two of them to the house. I'll go with this two to see the other bodies." Iris said as she hand him the key.

"Ok." Etsuji replied taking the key and helping Eri to stand up who had not gotten over the killing yet and then picked up a still pass out Yuki.

"I need to see him, I want to see him." Eri said as they walked away.

"So does he, no he didn't tell me but you know how he is. He'll be out soon." Iris said as she and the others went back.     
"Good. I'm going to give him a talking to and -." Eri said feeling even more better.
"He'll probably still be tender so be gentle with him." Iris said from farther away.
"Whatever are you talking about?" Eri asked with a blush though she knew Iris was already to far away to hear.

Iris didn't replied given she was to far away but had a slightly smile. Then frowned those two bodies were not from the other side. The other bodies she knew were from the other side but she had no idea about the other two bodies. From what the others said they didn't know either.

"What happened to him?" Yoshimi asked
"Nearly got his ass handed to him." Iris replied
"He must of been tried or out numbered." Yoshimi said
"Maybe both." Iris said

"Last I saw him was sometime after the longest night before news year then sometime after." Yoshimi said

"Must've made her mad." Iris said
"It did but somehow it didn't end to bad for him." Yoshimi said
"You to were out drinking right." Iris said
"Yup." Yoshimi said

They arrived at the bodies and set about looking at them, Iris looked at them to confirm what she thought, Rex probably for some connect to his mission and Yoshimi well she still attracted to him so it could be to help or just to stay by him. Iris checked the arm of one of the bodies.

"What are you doing?" Rex asked
"See this mark *points to a mark located on the body* their from the other side." Iris stated 
"What does it mean?" Rex asked
"Death Reavers." Iris replied
"Where they sent to kill you?" Rex said
"You could say that." Iris said
"Why?" Rex asked
"Cause you stop them from opening a world gate right." Yoshimi said

"I do want a world gate to open but only when the right ones want to open it and people from here wont cause to much trouble." Iris said

"Why?" Yoshimi said

"Why not. They are like us, yes some do eat others and the other things we already deal with as do they." Iris said

"It wont be peaceful." Rex said

"*Iris laughs lightly* Maybe, there are some from the other side already here and living some even lived here for generations." Iris added "Let's check the rest of the bodies."

They checked the other bodies to see if they had the same mark most did a few had a different mark that was slightly different which indicated that they had many kills. 

"Well looks like this has nothing to do with my mission. I'd consider tell U.N.C.L.E but I'll have to look into it." Rex said

"You believe that the know more than they told you?" Yoshimi asked

"I learned something's about what is happening here so better to know all my options than go in blind." Rex said

"Still the same as usal." Yoshimi said
"If there is nothing left to do lets go." Iris said
"What about th- *saw the bodies were no longer there*" Rex said thinking (I'll just not bother with it.) 

  After they had arrived at the house to get Etsuji, Eri and Yuki each went headed their separate ways home. Short after Chaos appeared by Eri who briefly explained about him.

"Coming home with me. Fine just don't cause trouble." Eri said and Chaos gave a bark.


Kokoro woke at eight a.m. when the maid came in with her breakfast. 
She was never at her best in the in the morning-low blood sugar. She dragged herself up to a sitting position in bed, cursing.
"Who the fuck¬Ö?

She stared uncomprehendingly from the bed to the maid and remembered as the mental fog started to clear:
Oh yes, she brings me breakfast.
The maid paid no attention to her, but was busy taking various items from a wheeled cart and placing them on the small table in the center of the room. The air filled with the wonderful scent of warm food and fresh-brewed coffee.
This maid didn’t look at all like those girls who worked in that caf√© in Moriyoh Station (the only other maids Kokoro knew of), with their frilly, over the top outfits and their phony moe. In fact, there was nothing at all moe about this woman. She was an unsmiling, hard-bitten cat woman in a conservative knee-length black dress and a small white apron.
She also had a large leather collar fastened around her neck, which–Kokoro supposed-could be moe considered in some circles.
“Morning,” Kokoro yawned.
The maid turned to look at Kokoro and bowed.
“Mistress,” the maid answered. It was a reply, but not a greeting.
Without another word, she turned back to work.
Kokoro in the bed held up her arms.
“Would you¬Öplease? I have to go to the bathroom.”
“Yes, Mistress,” the maid replied, bowing again.
She took a key from her apron pocket and unlocked Kokoro’s manacles.
“Thank you,” Kokoro said, rubbing her wrists.
She got out of the bed and headed for the bath room, where she had a pee and took a shower. She stared at her face in the mirror and sighed. More and more often she was having a hard time trying to remember who that person in the glass was.
There was a robe hanging on a hook on the bathroom door. She slipped it on over her pajamas, then returned to the other room and sat down to breakfast.
“Coffee, mistress?” the maid asked.
“Please!” Kokoro replied.
“Will Mr. Ecuador be joining me for breakfast this morning?” Kokoro asked as the maid poured the coffee into her cup.
“No. The Master is away on business,” the maid replied.
“Good,” Kokoro said, as she buttered a piece of toast. “Watching him eat spoils my appetite.”
“Yes, Mistress,” the maid replied with a deadpan expression.
“What about Miss Sugimoto? What’s she up to this morning?”
“Mistress Sugimoto is likewise busy and cannot join you.” the maid replied.
“No loss there, either,” Kokoro mumbled, crunching a corner of her toast.
“Yes, Mistress,” the maid said. The flat tone of voice she used implied that nothing Kokoro had to say was of the slightest interest to her.
While Kokoro ate, the maid turned her attention to the bed. She changed the linens and quickly made up the covers. Then she balled up the soiled sheets and placed them in the bottom of her cart.
“Will there be anything else, Mistress?” the maid asked.
“No, but thank you for all your hard work,” Kokoro replied.
Without another word, the maid departed, locking the door behind her. Kokoro was left alone with her breakfast and her thoughts.
How long had it been since she’d been brought here to the Chateau, she wondered.
There were no clocks here, nor radios, nor TVs. The maid never talked, and, while Miss Sugimoto could be chatty enough at times, she never talked about the outside world. Other people came here occasionally, but she was never allowed to meet them. And the Chief came by often-but only to torment her.
The only means Kokoro had of gauging the passage of time was by the progression of the days and nights and the weather. It had been late November when they’d brought her to this place, and everything had been covered in snow. But now the snow was beginning to melt away from everything but the surrounding mountain peaks, and the cherry trees in the courtyard were beginning to blossom. So it must be March or early April by now; five months since they took her. She wondered how Ryo reacted when he found she was missing. She wondered what he did.
Kokoro took a sip of coffee.
“One unguarded moment after weeks of careful living,” she said to herself, “and it comes to this.”

When she’d opened that door months ago, Kokoro had expected to find Ryo on the other side, even though they hadn’t arranged for him to visit her that day, but who else could it be? Instead, there was Mr. Suzuki, looking like a dead fish. She was puzzled and alarmed. How had he found her?
But before she’d had time to deal with that question, the Chief (a person she hadn’t seen in four years) brushed past Suzuki and pointed a gun at her.
His sudden, unexpected and frightening re-appearance was too much. She fainted dead away just as he pulled the trigger.
When she regained consciousness, she found herself lying on the floor-alive it seemed, and it didn’t feel like she’d been shot. How could the Chief have missed her at that range, she wondered.
But there was pain. It felt as if her back had been slashed by razor blades, and she knew it was bleeding. She remembered the saki bottle that she’d thrown against the wall in a fit earlier. She must have fallen on it.
She began to stir, but suddenly the face of a little girl appeared over her. She looked familiar–someone from school, maybe. But what was she doing here?
Kokoro started to speak, but the girl pressed her forefinger to her lips and said, “Shhh, don’t move.”
Then she put her finger on Kokoro’s forehead; it was cold. Then it felt as if the girl’s finger was drilling right into her head. It wasn’t painful, but Kokoro tried to struggle against it. But she was paralyzed and helpless from preventing the girl’s finger from penetrating right through her skull, where it touched something soft inside. Then everything went black.
It was like being unconscious, but not quite. She couldn’t move or speak or open her eyes, but she could hear what was going on around her. Some of it, anyway.
She could hear men’s voices, arguing.
And the girl’s voice, saying, “¬Öclean towel¬Öband-aids.”
She felt herself being picked up and a man’s voice saying, “Should she still be out this long? Is this normal?”
Someone was removing her jacket, and she was being pressed against his chest. She could smell his after shave lotion.
Meanwhile something soft-like a cloth-was being rubbed all over her back. It must have been soaked in alcohol or something, because she could smell that, too, and she knew it must sting, but she couldn’t feel it.
“I could use a cookie now,” said a man’s voice. To Kokoro, it seemed like a pretty off the wall comment.
“Are we going to have cookies?” asked the girl.
“Let’s get this one into the car,” said another man’s voice.
“What if she wakes up in the car?”
“So what if she does?..No, wait¬ÖThis will do, I think.”
She felt the jab of a needle in her arm, and the darkness briefly turned purple.
“Hey, that was mean!” said the girl’s voice.

A vast, featureless, colorless plain stretched out in every direction: in front of her, behind her, above her¬Öand below her as far as she knew. But she seemed to be standing¬Öon nothing, apparently. But she didn’t want to take a chance on looking down and upsetting herself.
A strange place, but one not entirely unfamiliar to Kokoro; she’d been here before in her dreams. So she must be dreaming now, she reasoned (although she was also vaguely aware of being in the back seat of a moving car) and took some comfort from that.
Too bad I’m not one of those people who dream in color, she thought, surveying the utter grayness of her surroundings.
All at once, she found that she was no longer standing in empty space, but in a room. The shift from no place to some place had been so imperceptible that she hadn’t even been aware of it, until she felt the tatami mats under her feet.
She looked around.
This place seemed vaguely familiar.
To her left, there was an open window through which light streamed and the sound of the ocean could be heard. She could feel a breeze and smell the salt in the air.
In front of her, below a print of Hokusei’s The Wave, was a big, comfortable-looking chair and, next to it, a floor lamp and a large, old-fashioned radio that was taller than she was.
Taller than she was? But she was a grown woman, and taller than most, at that.
Then it came to her. This was a memory of her grandma’s house back on Hateruma when she was a little girl. No wonder the radio (and everything else that she now noticed in the room) looked so big; this was the memory of a little girl.
“That’s right, Baby,” a woman said.
Kokoro turned around.
Behind her was an elderly woman in a kimono, seated on a mat in front of a low table.
It was her grandmother, so this must be her house on Hateruma, where Kokoro and her mother had lived many years ago.
“Would you like something to eat, Baby?” Granny said, holding up a bowl of rice. “I’m afraid it’s all I have, Baby.”
Granny had always called her that, and Kokoro had always found it annoying. But, looking back on it, that’s just what she had been, a baby.
Granny had died when Kokoro was in her teens, after she and her mother had moved to Moriyoh, a long, long way from Hateruma in both time and space. Kokoro remembered that the news of Granny’s death had hardly caused a ripple between them, because the old lady hadn’t left them any money. Now the sight of her sitting there filled Kokoro with guilt.
“Don’t be shy, Baby. Sit down over there,” Granny said, gesturing to a mat across the table from when she was sitting.
Kokoro did as she was asked, and took a seat.
“Eat up, Baby,” Granny said, pushing the bowl toward Kokoro.
It looked good, and Kokoro was hungry, or was that just a part of the dream? But she suddenly remembered something-some story or legend-she’d heard that said it was dangerous to eat the food of the Dead.
“It’s not at all like that, Baby,” Granny said, apparently reading Kokoro’s mind. “This is good for you. It will help counteract some of the drug that evil man gave you.”
There was a pair of chop sticks sticking upright in the bowl, which she took and used to scoop up a bit of rice, which didn’t seem to have any taste, at all.
“How is it, Baby?” Granny asked.
“It’s okay,” Kokoro replied, without making any attempt to hide her lack of enthusiasm.
“Oh, Baby,” Granny said. “I’m so disappointed in you. The way you’ve squandered the Gift I gave you, even more than your damn mother did.”
“What Gift?” Kokoro replied. “You mean that stupid Sight business? It’s been more trouble than it’s worth. Magic powers like that might have been handy in the old days, but in the modern world, they just cause trouble. Anyway, why didn’t it warn me that I was going to be ambushed by the Chief?”
“Tisk, tisk, Baby. Don’t complain. It seems to me that you’ve used the Sight to your advantage frequently enough. But the reason it didn’t work in this situation is because there are other forces controlling your destiny right now.”
“What forces,” Kokoro asked.
“Me!” said a cheerful voice.
“Waa!” Kokoro was so startled that she jumped in her seat and scattered rice all over.
A young girl had suddenly appeared next to her. She was short and looked like a child, except for her freakishly large boobs. It was that girl she had seen in the apartment.
“You’re from school, aren’t you?” Kokoro said. “You’re one of those Samba girls.”
“I’m Aquamarine, and I’m an angel.”
“An angel?” Kokoro repeated. “Hear that, Granny? She’s an angel.”
But when Kokoro glanced at the place where her Granny had been sitting, she was no longer there. She was now all alone with this strange little creature.
The setting had changed as well. She was no longer in her Granny’s house, but back in her old apartment in Moriyoh. The one in which she’d lived so comfortably for years.
“I hope this makes you feel more at home,” Aquamarine said.
They were now sitting side by side on Kokoro’s couch in her old living room. A classical music CD was playing-harp music.
Well, that fits, Kokoro thought.
“So, why am I honored with a visit from an angel?” she asked.
“I’m your guardian angel,” Aquamarine replied with a smile.
Kokoro leaned bank, sinking into the upholstery.
“Well, I think you’re doing a piss-poor job. Look at the mess I’m in. You could at least have protected me from the Chief. Struck him down with a lightening bolt or something?”
“Well¬Öthat’s kind of complicated,” Aquamarine replied. “Can I sit in your lap?”
“What! No! Of course you can’t. What do you want to sit in my lap for, anyway?”
“Oh¬ÖI thought I might be more comfortable that way. You might like it, too. You know, it might bring out your maternal instincts.”
Kokoro snorted.
“Maternal instincts? Me? I hate kids. That’s why I sold them drugs.”
“You just think you hate kids,” Aquamarine replied. “But that’s just an excuse you were using to justify to yourself that you were harming them. Remember how disgusted with yourself you were when you finally gave it up and destroyed Cromartie? When you sabotaged the boilers, you nearly decided to stay there and get yourself blown-up, as well.”
“You’re quite the little psychologist, aren’t you?” Kokoro replied.
“No,” Aquamarine said, “I just know a lot about self-loathing. Come on; please let me sit on your lap!”
“Oh, alright.”
Kokoro was surprised at how light she felt.
Aquamarine put her head on Kokoro’s chest and sighed. Kokoro slipped her arm around Aquamarine’s waist to give her better support.
“This feels good,” Aquamarine said dreamily.
It did feel good. Kokoro was surprised at how good it felt to have Aquamarine snuggling on her lap, and she wondered how long it had been since she had experienced the simple intimacy of another person’s body touching hers. Oh, she had experienced a lot of other things: lust, longing, desire, but true intimacy had been in short supply in her life.
Still¬Öit felt sort of funky having this teenage girl clinging to her. Her feelings were all churned up by it, and she hoped this business wasn’t going to progress into something she didn’t want.
“Do you like Mr. Suzuki?” Aquamarine asked quietly, almost as if she were mumbling something in her sleep.
What a bizarre question!
“No,” Kokoro answered. “I don’t. I never did.”
“Then why did you agree to marry him?”
“Oh, that. I was just having a bad day. I never really intended to go through with it. Besides, he betrayed me to the Chief. The traitor!”
Aquamarine giggled.
“Silly. I’m the one who betrayed you, not Mr. Suzuki.”
Kokoro gasped and pushed Aquamarine off her lap.
“You betrayed me?”
“Yeah, I knew where you were hiding, because I like to hang out in front of the Antique Bakery, and I noticed Ryo going into the bookstore across the street a lot. I knew he was not a reader, so I figured that must be where you were staying. I wanted you and Mr. Suzuki to get together, so I told Pappy where you were.”
“Jose Ecuador, The Chief, you know? In my former life I used to be his son, Ramon, and I was going to Cromartie. But, you know, I was never really happy as a boy, because I was as I am here-a girl-inside. So I broke in the school that night, intending to blow it up, myself, and commit suicide in the process. But you beat me to the punch.”
“I’m sorry to hear that,” Kokoro said. “But that really wasn’t my fault. I thought the school was empty. You had no right coming back there after hours, so I can’t be blamed¬Ö”
“Don’t feel so guilty,” Aquamarine replied. “It’s okay, really. Because I got my wish-mostly. I’m a girl angel now. But what I’d really like is to be reincarnated as a real, live girl, and I’ve decided that you and Mr. Suzuki would make perfect parents.”
“That’s too bizarre. Why do you think that?”
“Well, both of your hearts are in pain, and I think you could cure each other. Mr. Suzuki is a complete coward, while you’re a coward only some of the time. You’re too headstrong for your own good, and Mr. Suzuki is so cautious, he’s practically comatose most of the time. As a couple, you could temper each other’s defects. You’d be such a happy couple, and, in time, I would come along as your little baby girl. Oh, we’d be such a happy family.”
Aquamarine hugged herself ecstatically.
“Planned Parenthood, huh? Are you angels all so naive? Well, forget it, sister. No one, not even you, is going to tell me what to do or who to marry. I’m leaving.”
Kokoro stood up.
“How do I get out of this stupid dream, anyway?”
She started walking across the room.
“Noo!” Aquamarine cried. “Don’t go!”

Kokoro was now walking out on that vast, gray plain again. She had no idea where to go, so she had just picked a direction at random.
Suddenly, she saw a tiny light in the distance. As she drew closer to it, the light resolved itself into the figure of a young boy in a school uniform.
“Shinji!” Kokoro exclaimed.
It was Shinji. He was smiling, and his body was glowing like a god’s.
“Shinji,” Kokoro exclaimed, and tears were welling up in her eyes. “Are you really my bodhisattva now?”
She was standing in front of him with outstretched arms. He didn’t say anything, but just continued to smile. And the smile seemed to say everything. It said: “embrace me, and be at peace.”
And Kokoro was joyfully prepared to do just that, but some one was tugging at her back, holding her back.
“No, no!” said Aquamarine. “Don’t go there. That’s Death!”
But Kokoro took one more step forward. She was like a woman in a trance. So close, so close. She could almost touch him, and Aquamarine apparently wasn’t strong enough to stop her.
“Oh, I didn’t want to do this,” said a fretful Aquamarine. “Not yet, not yet!”
Suddenly, a pair of strong arms was around Kokoro’s shoulders, pulling her back from Shinji.
“Honestly, Mother,” said the voice of a mature woman. “Why are you always so headstrong?”
Kokoro felt herself being rapidly carried away and up and a dizzying speed. The figure of beloved Shinji grew smaller and smaller and faded away.

When she awoke, she found herself tied to a chair in a strange place.
It was an office of some sort, and across from her, behind a large desk, sat the Chief, and he was stuffing his face with scrambled eggs.
“Morning, Snow Queen,” he said wiping his mouth with his forearm. “You hungry?”


The first time Kokoro saw the Chateau was when Miss Reiko, Jose Ecuador's assistant, drove her there in a car.
The Chief had given Kokoro one of two choices: she could sit in the front seat and behave, or she could ride in the trunk. She chose to behave.
Nevertheless, the Chief had seen fit to handcuff her to the car door, just in case. That was totally unnecessary from Kokoro's point of view. She had no intention of trying anything desperate. She was too preoccupied with trying to sort out the events of the last few hours.
She had been kidnapped by the Chief and Suzuki, doped, tied up, put in the back of a car and taken somewhere. While she was under the influence of the drug, she had had some kind of a dream. She couldn't remember much about it, only that there had been something important in it.
Oh! There was that strange little girl. She was in her dream. But wasn't she also present when the Chief and Suzuki burst in on her? Or, had she imagined that?
When she eventually came to, she found herself in a strange room and tied to a chair. She ached all over; her hands and legs were numb. Across from her, the Chief sat at a large desk, grinning like Satan.
"Ah, Snow Queen, [i]buenos dias[/i]. Breakfast?"

There was a huge buffet laid out across his desk, and the food smelled so good that Kokoro’s stomach growled. But she made no reply.
“Reiko, provide our guest with some food, why don’t you? Ah, and untie her, so she can eat. But just her arms, of course.”
Miss Reiko set up a small table in front of Kokoro and untied her arms.
Kokoro’s arms were numb, and it took awhile for enough sensation to return to them to allow her to pick up chopsticks. Clumsily, she started picking at a bowl of rice that was set in front of her. She was reluctant to eat at first, unwilling to give the Chief the satisfaction of watching her eat. But, on the other hand, this could be her last meal, so she let her stomach take over and cleaned everything off her plate.
Once she’d eaten enough to sufficiently raise her blood sugar, she started to feel better; a little more comfortable and less scared. She noticed, for the first time, that she was scared. She wished she were back in her apartment, boozing it up and hiding out in the dark.
All during the meal, the Chief had been stuffing his face and chatting away at the same time. She hadn’t paid the slightest attention to his conversation and hadn’t made any kind of reply. She’d avoided making eye contact with him, and had even tried to will him out of existence.
Eventually the Chief’s light banter came to an end. He was silent for a moment. Then he took a gun out of his desk drawer, stood up and dragged his chair over to where Kokoro was sitting.
The ever-helpful Miss Rieko took the table away, while Ecuador sat down next to Kokoro with his gun in his lap.
“Now that we both have a good meal behind our belts,” he slapped his belly for emphasis, “the time has come for you and me to take care of some old business, Snow Queen.”
“Stop calling me that,” Kokoro replied.
“That stupid nickname. I always hated it. I have a name, you know. It’s Komegura Kokoro.”
Ecuador smiled.
“Well, if that’s how you want it, so be it, Komegura Kokoro. But what happened to that money you took from me?”
The question was confusing to her. Didn’t they find it?
“What do you mean? It was in the closet. All of it-except for a little I used to buy a car.”
Ecuador took something out of his back pocket and threw it into her lap.
“You mean this?” he said.
The object was a stack of newspaper, carefully cut in the size and shape of banknotes and tied with a money band.
Kokoro stared at it, more confused now than ever now.
“What is this?” she asked.
“Your money,” he replied.
He picked it up and waved it at her face.
“We found boxes of this stuff in your apartment. It must have taken you a long time to cut up all these newspapers.”
Ecuador took his gun, cocked the chamber and stuck the barrel against Kokoro’s forehead.
“Now, what really happened to my money? I want the truth!”
Kokoro felt tightness in her chest and her forehead was starting to drip.
She frowned.
“I am telling you the truth. The money was all in those boxes in the closet. I saw it. I handled it.”
Ecuador almost growled and pressed the barrel of the gun harder against Kokoro’s head. She didn’t react in any way, but merely closed her eyes. Kokoro was sure now that this was the end of her wasted life. She felt sorry for her mother.
She did wonder, however, about what this business with the newspapers was all about. Could it really be that all the Chief found when he searched her apartment was just boxes of newspaper, instead of the money that was supposed to be there? If this wasn’t some cruel joke of his, had somebody come into her apartment some time when she was passed out and made the switch? Had she really been that drunk? And why the newspaper? What was the point?
Ecuador pulled the gun away from Kokoro’s forehead.
“This isn’t getting us anywhere is it? I was right to name you Snow Queen.”
He carefully engaged the gun’s safety and put it in his pocket.
“Well, senorita, if you’re willing to die, rather than tell me where my money is, I guess it’s just lost and that’s all there is to it. The most positive way of looking at it is to just consider that you sold yourself to me for that money.”
“So¬Öyou’re saying you want to have sex with me?” Kokoro replied.
“Ho, ho, chiquita. My Maria would hand me my cajones on a platter if I did that. Besides, it’s never a good thing to sleep with the help. Look what happened to the Milk Man.”
“What happened to him?” Kokoro asked. “Did you kill him?”
“Kill him? Ho ho. No, not him. When he found out you’d disappeared with his truck and all my money, he ran off to some Yakusa friends of his for shelter. He works for one of my suppliers, now, and I have to smile when I meet him. But¬Öyou look disappointed.”
“I am, a little I guess,” Kokoro admitted.
“Ha! What a devil you are! It’s a good thing I saved Binkan from having to marry you.”
“Suzuki?” Kokoro spat out his name as if she had tasted something fowl.
Where was that miserable coward? If she ever got her hands on him, she’d¬Ö
“But what puzzles me,” Ecuador said, “is how you managed to get yourself engaged to my best friend. Didn’t you know that would bring you back within my power?”
“Just my bad luck,” Kokoro replied. “Your name never entered the conversation.”
“Ho ho. Well, the question now is, what am I going to do with you? It’s too bad you’re not a virgin. I have a customer who wants one badly.”
“That’s disgusting,” Kokoro said.
“No, just business,” Ecuador replied. “Well, I’m sending you away to a nice little place where you’ll be safe until I can find some use for you. A quiet little place in the mountains. I think you’ll like it.”

It took hours to get there.
After leaving Mito City, the car traveled along the main highway in (as far as she could tell) an easterly direction, and then veered off into the mountains. For a long time, they drove along one narrow mountain road after another. At one point, they stopped at a noodle shop located on the top of one of the ridges and had lunch. Kokoro stayed in the car, of course. After that, they continued up the mountains until they came to a spot where Reiko pulled the car off the pavement and dove into a deep, dark forest of evergreens. For another long period of time, they bumped along over an unpaved trail in the woods, finally emerging onto a meadow high up in the mountains.
At the other side of the meadow-at the end of the path they were driving on--  was a high stone wall with an iron gate, and, beyond that, a massive, European-style building that looked to Kokoro like a haunted castle from one of those Vincent Price movies that she sometimes saw on TV when she was living in America. She even thought she caught a glimpse of a gargoyle perched on the edge of one of the spires in the distance. The sun, too, was beginning to set behind the nearby mountains, and long shadows were beginning to stretch across the meadow, adding to the overall creepiness of the scene.
Reiko pulled the car up to the gate, where a man in a grey uniform of some sort came out of a cavity in the wall and motioned to her to stop.
She rolled down her window and silently handed the man a sheet of paper. 
He examined it briefly, nodded and opened the gate, using some kind of electronic device on his belt.
Reiko rolled up her window and drove through the entrance, onto a paved driveway that led up to the front of the castle.  
The driveway was lined with topiary and statuary depicting scenes of such depravity that they made Kokoro shudder and avert her eyes.
Reiko stopped the car in front of the castle, got out and helped Kokoro out as well, unlocking her handcuffs.
Kokoro stood up and rubbed her wrists.
She looked back down the driveway toward the distant gate, which was now closed again, and then up at the gloomy castle in front of her.
[i]Was that the gate to Hell back there? She wondered. And what's in here? Monsters in the shape of beautiful women who torture young girls... or something like that? [/i]	Reiko shoved her in the back and pointed toward the building.
The entrance was at the top of a short flight of marble steps and through a short, tunnel-like portico, at the end of which was a heavy wooden door with a heavy brass knocker in the form of some kind of snarling beast. Reiko took it and rapped on the door three times. It opened; standing in the doorway was a cat woman in a maid's uniform who nodded at Reiko and stood aside as they entered.
The interior of the building was a vast, high-domed room that resembled the Great Hall of some European castle from a movie set in the Middle Ages. The walls were lined with tapestries, animal heads, shields and crossed swords. There were wooden benches everywhere and a huge stone hearth was built into one wall, complete with a roaring fire. The only thing that was missing, Kokoro thought, was a pig roasting on a spit.
But there were a few modern touches to this room, as well: electric lights in the ceiling provided illumination and there appeared to be a bank of elevators at one end of the room, next to a counter with a large sign over it that read: CHECK IN.
"Well, Reiko, dear. You've arrived at last, isn't it? And this must be Kokoro-chan."
A voice came from behind them, and both Kokoro and Reiko turned around to see a tall and strikingly handsome woman in her late thirties standing behind them. She was dressed in a brown business suit, with a lighter brown shirt and a red bowtie underneath it.
Reiko bowed and held a stack of papers toward the newcomer with both hands.
"Komegura Kokoro," she said. "Receipt."
The tall woman smiled. 
"Let's go over to the counter. It will be easier that way, isn't it?"
At the counter, the tall woman took a signature seal from her suit coat pocket, placed the papers Reiko offered her on the top of the counter and carefully stamped each page.
"There," she said, handing the papers back to Reiko, "all nice and tidy."
"What are those?" Kokoro asked. "My slave papers?
The tall woman gave a little laugh.
"I'm leaving now," Reiko said.
"Oh no!" pleaded the tall woman. "Stay with us, Reiko, dear. It's such a long drive back, you know, and it's already getting dark out, isn't it? And these woods aren't safe at night."
"I'm going." Reiko replied.
She headed toward the door without looking back.
"Well, okay, then," said the tall woman. "But come again, won't you? And look out for the hot rodders on the ridge." 
Reiko slammed the door behind her, and presently they heard the car's engine roar into life.
The tall woman leaned back against the counter and shook her head.
"Poor Reiko's such a stiff, don't you think, Kokoro-chan?"
Kokoro frowned, offended by this woman's constant use of such an overly familiar form of address.
"Of course, she's not always like this. Just get her drunk enough and¬Öwell¬Önobody's safe."
She laughed.
"Ah, but pardon my manners. We haven't been introduced, isn't it? I'm Sugimoto and this," she waved her hand around, "is the Chateau. Well, a part of it, anyway; there's lot's more to see. I do hope you'll like it here, because I understand that you'll be staying with us for a Very Long Time."
She was still smiling, but there was steel in her words, and Kokoro got the message loud and clear.
"But you must be tired-- not to mention hungry-after that long drive up here. We've prepared a room for you on the fourth floor. Let's go up there right now. You can freshen yourself up, while we see about getting you some dinner. Kohaku!"
The maid suddenly popped up from behind the counter, where she had been apparently taking a cat nap. For the first time, Kokoro noticed the leather collar around her neck.
"Kohaku, dear," Miss Sugimoto said. "We're going up to Kokoro-chan's room. I think we'll have dinner up there, too. Have the chef fix us something and bring it up when it's ready."
"Mistress," Kohaku replied, curtseying.
Miss Sugimoto looped her arm through Kokoro's and led her to an elevator. The door opened; inside was a wizened little old cat man in a uniform.
"Floor four, isn't it," Miss Sugimoto told him.

Kokoro's room on the fourth floor was not large, but it was adequate. It had a canopy bed in one corner, along with a dresser and a wardrobe closet. In the center of the room was a table and two chairs; another chair stood against the wall near the door.
All the furniture in this room was from some historical period-Louis Cinq? Kokoro really didn't know much about these things, but the room reminded her of a set from a movie about a French bordello that she had seen late at night on an American cable station once.
First, a medieval castle and now a whorehouse. Kokoro was beginning to wonder what kind of a place the Chateau was.
"The bath room's over there," Miss Sugimoto said, pointing. "And there's some clothes in the closet you can change into."
"How do you know what size I wear?" Kokoro asked.
"They're your clothes, dear," Miss Sugimoto replied, smiling sweetly. "We took them from your home."
Kokoro stifled a gasp. 
She felt violated, but she was determined not to let it show. She knew this was just another way for them to show the power they had over her.
"I guess I'll take a shower," she said.
"Wait, dear," Miss Sugimoto said. "Before you do, there are a couple of interesting things I want to show you. Come over here to the window. I want to show you this view before it gets too dark."
Kokoro went over to the window and-standing next to Miss Sugimoto-looked out. The sun had gone behind the mountains and the light was getting pretty dim, but spread out below her was a small courtyard lined with cherry trees. She hadn't seen anything like this when they drove in, which meant that this room was probably facing the opposite side of the building.

It was late November and most of the trees were leafless, but one very large one in the middle was still covered with lush foliage.
“Beautiful, isn’t it.” Miss Sugimoto said. “It’s a Snow Sakura.”
“Snow Sakura?”
“Yes, it stays green all year round and-in a couple of months from now-it will come into blossom.”
“In the middle of winter?” Kokoro asked.
“Yes,” Miss Sugimoto replied. “Remarkable, isn’t it? As far as we know, there’s only one in existence. We found it growing in a temple in Hokkaido and obtained it from its former owner by using some rather forceful negotiations, I’m afraid.”
“I’ll bet,” Kokoro said.
“I understand the deal was finally settled by a Mah Jong game. Can you imagine that?”
At the end of the courtyard-a few meters past the tree-was a small building that seemed to be built right into the base of the surrounding mountains.
“What’s that?” Kokoro asked, pointing.
“None of your business,” Miss Sugimoto replied, the usual sweetness in her voice was totally gone. “We have a saying around here: curiosity killed the cat. Keep that in mind. That reminds me; come over here, dear.”
She led Kokoro to the bed and peeled back the covers. On top of the sheet was a pair of manacles; they were connected to long chains, and the ends of those were welded to the bed frame on both sides.
“Now, what happy uses do you think these can be put to, Kokoro-chan?”
Kokoro stared at the manacles on the bed, but said nothing.
“Well, I’m sure you needn’t concern yourself with them,” Miss Sugimoto said, pulling the bed covers back up, “as long as you behave yourself while you’re here, dear.”
“I guess I’ll take that shower now,” Kokoro replied.

Kokoro came out of the shower wearing a terrycloth robe and went over to the wardrobe to find something to put on.
"Don't worry about dressing, Kokoro-chan," Miss Sugimoto said. "Let's be informal tonight. Besides, dinner's getting cold."
While Kokoro had been in the shower, Miss Sugimoto had removed her business suit and had replaced it with a sheer, black negligee over her underwear. The sight of her that way gave Kokoro the creeps.
She was seated at the table, which was now heaped with food. It looked and smelled so delicious that it overcame Kokoro's aversion to going anywhere near Miss Sugimoto while she was (un)dressed like that, so she sat down.
"Kohaku brought it up while you were in the shower," Miss Sugimoto said. "Chef has outdone himself on this occasion, isn't it?"
"It does look good," Kokoro said. 
"Isn't it?" Miss Sugimoto replied. "Have you ever had French cooking before, dear?"
Kokoro had to admit that she had not.
"Well, then, you're in for a treat. Let me explain each course as we come to it, okay? First up is the [i]l'aperitif[/i]. Do you prefer Vermouth or white wine, dear?"
"Vermouth is fine," Kokoro replied.
Miss Sugimoto placed a tall glass in front of Kokoro and filled it nearly to the top from one of several bottles in the center of the table. She then poured herself a glass, but not quite so full.
Kokoro took a sip of Vermouth, and it went straight to her head. She felt a little dizzy, but warm and relaxed, as well. She remembered that the only thing she'd eaten in hours had been a bowl of noodles from that shop up on the ridge, and she was suddenly ravenously hungry.
"Have some [i]pate[/i], dear." Miss Sugimoto said, placing a plate of some grayish matter in front of Kokoro. "It's a paste made of goose livers. Now, don't make a face; it's delicious with these little crackers."
Doubtfully, Kokoro spread a little [i]pate[/i] onto a cracker from a plate Miss Sugimoto offered her and took a bite. It turned out to be surprisingly delicious, and she tore into the rest of it with a vengeance.
When they had finished their drinks and the pate, Miss Sugimoto announced that it was time to move on to the appetizer.
"Wasn't the goose liver the appetizer?" Kokoro asked.
"No, dear, that was the [i]aperitif[/i]. The appetizer is this lovely salmon mousse Chef has prepared. These cat people are all so good with sea food, isn't it?"
"Chef is a cat person?" Kokoro asked. "Like the maid? And the elevator operator? Do you have a lot of cat people working here?"
"Not really," Miss Sugimoto replied. "They come and they go."
She laughed, and again, it seemed to Kokoro, at some private joke.
"How about some champagne, dear? That's the best thing to have with the appetizer."
Kokoro could have stopped with the appetizer. The mousse was fantastic and the champagne-on top of the Vermouth-was nudging her down that familiar path to drunkenness. But Miss Sugimoto announced that the main course was next. This turned out to be a filet mignon-- smothered in some kind of zesty sauce-- that fairly melted in her mouth. And, with meat, Miss Sugimoto declared, it was customary to drink red wine.
After the main course came cheese and bread (and more wine, of course), followed by dessert. This turned out to be a rich, dark chocolate mousse, spiked with some kind of liqueur. 
Following dessert, they had coffee, which took a little of the buzz away from all the alcohol she'd just consumed, but after coffee came the [i]digestif[/i], which consisted of tall glasses of cognac.
"Wait! No more!" Kokoro protested. "If I have just one more drink, I'll be under the table."
"But, dear," Miss Sugimoto said. "The [i]digestif[/i]-it's traditional. It'll help you digest all that good food. Come on, just a little, isn't it?"
"Well¬Ölook, before I'm completely out of it, could I ask you a few questions?"
Kokoro slumped a little in her chair, and the top of her bathrobe opened up just a little bit.
"Of course, Kokoro-chan." Miss Sugimoto replied, "Ask anything you'd like. You've been such a quiet girl all day that I'm glad to see that you're finally opening up."
"Uh¬Öyeah. But what I want to ask is this: what is this place? When I first saw it, I thought it was a haunted mansion¬Öor a prison."
"That's a long story, dear," Miss Sugimoto replied. "The Chateau was built during the Economic Bubble by an LDP official that wanted to have himself a medieval castle, complete with a dungeon. He was a kinky old bastard, but I hear he threw some really great parties. But when the Bubble burst, he lost everything and got booted out of the LDP because of  a corruption scandal.
"After that, the place fell into the hands of some yaks, who tried to turn it into a very exclusive love hotel. You know, for movie stars and politicians and their mistresses, etc. They tried to attract business by expanding the theme away from the old boy's castle fetish and providing the customers with more options. Take this room, for example; antique French something or other--the perfect room to have a French meal in, isn't it? All of the other rooms (I'll give you a tour of them tomorrow) reflect a different time period or fantasy. We even have a Hello Kitty."
"A Hello Kitty dungeon?
"It's really cute. But the love hotel idea didn't work out. We're far too out of the way and it's hard to get up here. Besides, the woods are far too dangerous at night."
"What do you mean," Kokoro asked?
"I mean, the woods are dangerous at night, dear," Miss Sugimoto replied. "That means no wandering off the grounds at night. You'll regret it."
"Um," Kokoro took a sip of her cognac and changed the subject.  "So the love hotel business didn't work out. What happened then?"
Why then dear Jose¬Ö"
"You mean the Chief?" Kokoro asked.
[i]Dear Jose?[/i] What was it about that slob that made him command the loyalties seemingly smart women like Reiko and Sugimoto here?
"Dear Jose bought it, and now we've been maintaining it to suit his special purposes."
"Like what?" Kokoro asked. "I mean besides keeping people like me on ice, that is?"
Miss Sugimoto shook her head.
"Now, Kokoro-chan, don't be like that. Be open to it, and I'm sure that in time you'll come to love it here."
"Anything's possible I suppose," Kokoro replied.
[i]Maybe if I stay as drunk as I am now[/i], she thought.

Miss Sugimoto was talking, but Kokoro suddenly realized that she'd blacked out  and  hadn't been listening.
"¬Ömostly we provide a venue for friends of ours who want to make AVs. Have you ever been in an AV, Kokoro-chan?"
Kokoro blushed-probably for the first time in her life.
"N-no," she stammered. "Never!"
"I guess not," Miss Sugimoto replied. "You're not the kind of girl who likes to take direction, are you? But what kind of girl are you, Kokoro-chan? Why don't [i]you[/i] tell [i]me[/i] a little bit  about yourself. I'm curious"
"Mine is a pretty long story, too," Kokoro said.
"Well, we have all night and plenty of cognac. Here, allow me to freshen your drink."
"Thanks," Kokoro said, as Miss Sugimoto filled her glass. "You know, I was a happy little girl. But then I fucked myself up, and I met this boy¬Ö"

Hours later Kokoro woke up in bed, groaning.
"Ow, my head!"
She rolled over and bumped into something soft and warm that was snoring.
She sat bolt upright and turned to see that Miss Sugimoto was lying next to her. She wasn't wearing any clothes, and, Kokoro realized, neither was she. Both her terrycloth robe and Miss Sugimoto's underwear were lying in a heap next to the bed.
Kokoro stared down at the sleeping Miss Sugimoto for a very long time, and who knows what thoughts were going on in her head?
Finally, she slipped back under the covers and stared up at the ceiling.
"Well, it's not like this is the first time," she said and went back to sleep.

In a place that was no place and a time that was no time. Two women sat on a bench. One of them was a short, young girl with large boobs and the other was a more mature young woman of more reasonable proportions. She was conservatively dressed and was eating ice cream wrapped in a crepe. The younger of the two eyed the crepe with longing and envy. A silver cord seemed to run between them.
"How am I going to get rid of you?" said Aquamarine. "I only conjured you up, because I wasn't strong enough to keep Kokoro from dying by myself. But now I need for you to go away."
"Mother is always getting herself into the damnest fixes, isn't she?" the older woman said, totally ignoring Aquamarine. "I was actually embarrassed by having to watch that."

Slightly coarseness. Little wetness. Then coarseness, wetness and warmth. The coarseness, wetness and warmth continued for a bit. Still sleeping yet reacting to what is happening the action had started slow and kept changing.

Sleep. Deep sleep. Then a dream a vivid dream of pleasure. That was what woke Brant up. He opened his eyes to see well he wasn't sure if it was still a dream until his fogged mind cleared. It wasn't he was looking at an actually tail and ass covered by black panties. The tail was swaying back and forth, he looked down to his crotch and saw that she was really enjoying it.  Now that he was awake he forced himself to hold off. He was serviced by a mouth and one hand going up and down and the other massaging his balls. 

"What are you doing Eri my love." Brant said she answered him with him still in her mouth. "Don't due that." 

Eri took him out her mouth but kept moving her hands so she could answer.

"What does it look like." Eri replied then continued her service on him. 
"I -" he gave up talking and to level the field or at least hold off by pleasuring her. 

  Brant started touch her ass then her tail causing her to stop briefly then continued, that help him hold off some. He traced around her lower lips over her black panties and massage her breast over her shirt. Eri let out a gasp of surprise but continued her servicing. Brant lightly traced her lower lips over her finding that it was moist. He grinned when she let out a moan but had let his member fall out, he pushed up to put it back in her mouth.

"Eri love keep going no matter what I do." Brant said and hear her agree at least he thought when he felt the vibration. "Good."

He rubbed her lower lips harder this time and realized she was more wet than he pervious thought. She reacted to his touching by increasing her bobbing of her head. He brought his face close to her lower lips while rubbing it over her panties then gave it a slow long lick. Eri managed to keep him in her mouth but lightly pulled on his balls. 

"Too much or to sudden. Well you are giving me service so why can't I do the same to you?" Brant asked and he thought she disagreed but it didn't matter.

They kept pleasuring each other for sometime before he pulled her panties to the side then blew on her lower lips lightly she shuddered from it. He licked her lower lips while his hands went under her shirt to massage and tweak her nipples. 

Eri was having a hard time trying to keep him in her mouth as he lick her lower mouth and played with her breasts while tweaking her nipples. She pulled him out and went down to his balls lick and sucking one while using her hands to massage his other ball and stroke him. She noticed he had stopped playing with her breast and was going to ask why he stopped. Before she could ask he pushed his tongue into her lower mouth causing her to orgasm lightly. She felt him rub her with one hand as his other went back to her breasts. She tried to take him in hear mouth more, going slow she got more into her mouth and kept going. 

Eri had got it all into her mouth and was moving her tongue along his member, using her one hand to play with his balls the other on her lower mouth. She slowly moved up then back down until he pushed two of his fingers into her and moved them in and out at a steady pace. She picked up her pace to match his pace in fingering and licking her.

Brant was close, very close he was surprised he managed to hold out this long but then made he had already came while he was sleep. She had taken him all the way into her mouth then slowly moved up then down. Then nearly took it all out licking the top while sucking it as he ate her and fingered her. He stopped and took off her panties only to look at her nice ass. He wanted to tease her but she only stopped to look back briefly then continued. 

(Aw hell this is bad.) He thought when he saw something in her eyes.

(He wants to play does he play we will.) Eri thought as she took his member out of her mouth slowly then back in.

Eri felt him start to twitch apparently realizing that he was close so she stopped completely and took him out of her mouth. Now it became who could hold out before one would seek pleasure. Her tail was swaying along with her ass without her realizing it. She couldn't hold back and started to lick from the base to the tip. She stopped suddenly when she felt his tongue again.

They both pleasured each other wanting to seek and give pleasure to the other. Brant having seen Eri's ass and tail swaying and her lower mouth he just couldn't resist such a sight. So there he was spreading lower mouth slightly and pushing in or lick it. Eri couldn't help herself after doing it for so long she just had to taste it again. There she was sucking him deep in her mouth and massaging his balls. It wasn't long before both started to move quicker and was even shorted before he came in her mouth. Seconds later Eri also came as he continued eating her.

Eri swallowed then continued to suck and lick him, no longer feeling him do anything to her. She stopped turned around laid out on top but not very close over him kissing him. Brant returned the kiss in kind and started kissing along her neck and trailing to her breasts. He flicked his tongue over one nipple then the another while rubbing the other nipple between his thumb and index finger. Eri had started to rub her lower mouth over his member make herself even wet and him hard. She rocked her hips side to side, up and down as he sucked, licking and played with her breasts.

(I think I'm forgetting something. Hell with it if it was important I'd've remembered.) Brant thought 

(Hmm. Hope he doesn't have anything to do today.) Eri thought used a hand rubbed his member along her lower mouth then it entered her.    

Brant knew when Eri rubbed his member on her lower lips and entering her. He didn't move his hips but kept playing with her breasts. Eri just enjoyed the feel of him in her and what he was doing to her chest. She stopped him in order to give him a kiss and rubbed her breast against him. As she did her hips started to move, he moved along with her. She got up while he was in her and placed a hand one his chest to keep him from doing anything.

She started to move her hips in nearly every direction while he moved in and out of her. Brant laid there moving his hips as she moved around, keeping up speed she started to just go up and down on him causing her breasts to bounce slightly. With one hand Eri started to play with her breasts and the other she tweaked the top of her lower lips. He massaged her ass while she played with herself. He grabbed her hips laid her down while still hold her hips. She had to use her hands/arms to keep her balance briefly until she had her legs on his shoulders. Having stabilized herself taking his hands away from her hips and entwined their fingerings together.

In and out and at different angles he pleased her in turn he was pleasured too. She purred and moaned from the pleasure she was receiving. He didn't know why but the damn thought came to him again that he had to do something but didn't know what. He didn't care though as he continued going in an out of Eri's lower mouth. She started to tighten around him and was moving faster, making him reply in kind. It wasn't long until he was on edge and felt that she was on edge also, both started to moving harder and faster. She tightened around him and he released inside her shortly afterwards, both stopped moving he put his arms around her and moved them to lay down. 

"Well that was not something excepted." Brant said and gave her a light kiss
"I couldn't help myself dear." Eri replied   
"Wasn't complaining ‘sides you enjoyed it." Brant said grinning and was pinched on the arm
"You don't have anything to do today right?" Eri asked 

"No I *cell rings* Hello?" Brant said

"Shit! I knew I forgot something." Brant said

"No I'll help. May I bring some help?" Brant asked

"Well I think so you have to ask though. *hands Eri the cell*" Brant said

"Hi. *pause* Sure. *Pause* Do I have to?" Eri asked

"A skirt with a shirt that somewhat accentuates my chest." Eri said

"Change to short shorts or the shirt? I'll think about it." Eri said

"Right here he is. *hands cell back*" Eri said and did.

"What? *pause* Doubt it. Anything else? *pause again* Right on our way." Brant said hanging up.

"It ruined what you'd planned didn't it." Brant said and got up to put clothes on after Eri moved off him.

"I'll just make a slight adjustment to it." Eri said
"Well whatever. Get dressed, going to be a long day." Brant said
"Why is that place busy today?" Eri asked getting dressed

"Never thought about it. Are you sure you want to help love?" He asked after they walked out his room.      

"Yes but I'll probably be slightly embarrassed and I'm not sure about weather to wear the shirt or shorts." Eri said
"Think about it as we head there, love." Brant said

Brant got on his bike with Eri behind him if her only have her arms around him loosely. Had he wanted to he could of gotten them there quickly but decided not to. Taking the long way to the Blue Lounge and having already been late he didn't see why it would matter, if they were even more late. He sighed and made the bike go faster. 

(She'll chew me out if I'm more late, and give me along talking to.) He thought as he rode the bike faster.

It wasn't long until they arrived at Blue Lounge and parked the bike near the back entrance. He knocked on the door loudly before someone answer, it was another worker that opened the door the person didn't smile or anything. Simply opened the door and let them in, closed the door shortly after looking it and went back to work.

"Really how rude." Brant murmured
"Sounds busy." Eri said ears twitching

"Your late! I wont bother with talking to you. *goes up to Eri then kisses her* Must say the boss was right. Names Madoka."  Madoka said

"Huh. Eh. Wha." Eri said after getting kissed
"Don't mind her, love." Brant added "So?" 
"Kitchen and bar. So what did you decided Eri?" Madoka asked then started to give out orders
"Could you not do that again and I'll wear the shorts." Eri replied
"Sae! Get Eri darling some shorts and show her what to do." Madoka called out
"Yes boss. Oh hey Brant doing good, good. Eri if you would follow me." Sae said

Brant went to the kitchen and saw it was busy with the three cooks it was during this time that only selective people could enter Blue Lounge which was the regulars but none of the others that came even a few times. One of the cooks saw him and gave him a frown which Brant response to with a smile. The cook shook his head and pointed to an empty spot.

"Here's the list." the cook said and went back to work
"Damn. *it was a list of five different meals which only he could make* This will take me a bit." he said to himself. Checking to see if he had everything and seeing he did at least for a few he began making the food.

"So Eri you know what to do right? *looks at her up and down* if he saw you like that he'd probably take you somewhere here then take you." Sae said causing Eri to blush

"Really? I -." Eri stopped herself and blushed even more.
"Oh so you want him to, anyway lets get to work." Sae said

Eri took orders for food and drinks went to the bar to get the drinks then the kitchen to order the food. Every time she came to the kitchen she would see him look at her, she'd give him a smile then on her way out she'd sway her hips and tail seductively. She didn't know if the others saw but she quickly stopped herself from thinking about it.

He finished with the other meals he was handed and was heading for the bar when Madoka stopped him. He probably knew what she was going to say hell the cooks had already said it and some of the waitress that appeared at the same time Eri did had also.

"Yes?" Brant said walking to the bar with her following and saw Eri get another order.

"I find it interesting that around you she tries or maybe succeeds at get an react from you, but out here she's all business." Madoka said

"Your point?" Brant said as he got behind the bar and went to take an order
"Once there is a lull you can go ahead." Madoka said smiling knowingly

"Sometimes you scar me. *gives a small smile* Can't say it wont happen before the lull." Brant countered
"Just don't don it when you need to cook again." Madoka said as she went back to work as he did to.

Eri's ears twitched when she heard her name and what else was said she had a smile when she got to the bar to get a drink. Brant gave her a smile then it left but not completely to all business her's also did the same.

"Blue Martini. So when are you going to jump me?" Eri asked

"Right one Blue Martini. Eh, soon or later." Brant replied adding "Try not to do any of that out here please darling." 

"I wont. I'm only for you dear. *leans forward and gives him a kiss, realizing what she did she quickly moved away and back to the table*" Eri said going to the wrong table then going to the right one.

"Great. Just hope it doesn't happen again." he said to himself and went to get another order.

Brant continued to mixing or serving drinks all the while seeing people come, go and Eri getting drinks each time she left he just watched her subtly swaying her hips and her tail moved invitingly. Some people did see it but didn't say anything, most didn't even know which he was glad about. When she came back again he made his move or would of had Madoka didn't appear.

"Back to the kitchen." Madoka said
"Damn it!" Brant said then headed for the kitchen.
"What happened?" Eri asked

"Oh just told him to get back in the kitchen got a big party coming in and there his. You could help him or take a break." Madoka said

"You sure." Eri said tail swaying excited
"Yes." Madoka said having taken over the bar.
"No I'll help out here some more." Eri said tail stopped swaying
"Fine." Madoka said

Brant looked at the food waiting then he tossed in the other ingredients stirred it put some sauce mixed it again. Then set it to cook for fifteen while he went on to the next meal. Having started the next meal he went to the other and continued with it. He was done by the time Eri came in for the thirtieth time. He waited until she finished giving the order and grabbed a hold of her wrist lightly. 

"Break. *moved his hand just hold her's*" Brant said
"Sure!" Eri replied happily
"Only want to talk." Brant said 
"If you say so."  Eri said

He took them to the backroom that Iris Isis would of used had she been here but she wasn't. He opened the door and let her enter first, after she was through he closed the door put his arms around her and started to kiss the back of her neck. One hand went to the shorts the other to her one of ears and pressed against her. Eri twitched from having her ear touched then looked at him and got a kiss from him. Their kissing and him getting his hand into the shorts and the other touching her ear continued for a few.

"Seeing you dressed like this and moving the way you did those with times just broke me." Brant  whispered in her ear softly causing her to shiver.

"Guess my plan worked." Eri replied sultrily and received a kiss.
"This was your plan huh will now you have to deal with the result." Brant whispered 

Then started to play with her lower mouth softly and blew lightly on her ear as his other went under her shirt. He wasn't planning on going too soft this time, he undid the shorts and pulled them down. Eri was moaning/purring from the touching but helped him with taking off the shorts. He traced her lower mouth over her panties for a bit causing her to shiver. She stepped slightly away from him and placed her hand on his crotch and began rubbing it, as she did that he continued what he was doing to her. 

Brant after awhile had lost his pants only and put his hand on her panties taking them off, she was going to finish undressing him when he pushed his fingers in and lightly bit her ear. Once he bit her ear and started fingering her, she was overcome by a light orgasm. He kept it up not giving her a chance to do anything after awhile he stopped and let her move, she turned around started taking his clothes off as he took the rest of her clothes off. Eri kissed him hand started to give me a handjob while he started fingering her again. He moved his fingers inside and out fast while he start to suck on nipple and play with the other with his unoccupied hand. 

Eri was slowly losing all sense of reason as he kept please her while as she continued to move her hand faster. He stopped briefly kissed her and picked her up and took her to a desk. She was confused for a second before he started eating her out. She started playing with her breasts after a short while of him giving her service. Her mind started to blank out when he suddenly stopped, stood up and gave a grin eyes glinting.

"What are you go-" Eri tried to say when he kissed her and then he went inside her. 
"Why what you wanted me to do, my love." Brant said as he went in and out at different angles.

Brant went in and out of her while he was kissing and tonguing her as she too did the same to him. Faster he went as he suck and lightly bit on her nipples causing her to moan/purr. He picked her up holding her close to him away from the desk. She was wrapped around him her tail swaying as she was getting pleasured. She moved as much as she could while he held her and she him. He pulled out of her sometime later.

"Turn around and put your hands on the desk. Keep them there." Brant said
"But. *thinking about it* Ok." Eri said walking to the desk and placing her hands on it.

Brant walked up behind her rubbed his member on her lower lips and ease himself in causing her and slowly started to move as he kiss her back, rubbed her where they were connected while with the other he played with her breasts. He stopped moving and pulled out but kept playing with her breast and her lower mouth after a few seconds she started to move her hips back to get him back in her. He'd pull back as she moved back. This continued until she begged.

"Please. Don't tease me, hon." Eri said in a near cry as her hips/ass moved.
"I guess that's enough teasing darling." Brant said and thrust back into her.
In and out he went he no longer knew where he was only that he wanted, needed to give and get pleasure. The sound of them have sex had drifted through out the building only to mingle with the music they had playing. He hugged her close to him while they still moved against and with each other. No longer did reason rule them only pleasure. Pleasure that was starting to blank out Eri's mind and fog his. They reached the apex of their pleasure sometime later then went over it. It was minutes later until they spoke.

"I think my plan worked to well." Eri said breathing tiredly

"Well if this morning and you working in those clothes and moving as you did. Can you blame me." Brant said also breathing tiredly  

"No." Eri said leaning against him "Hell! We were suppose to be working."
"Blame is mine you know." Brant said

"B- *Brant puts a finger to her mouth* She's going to say it is. Might as well come see her now." Brant said sadly moving to put back on his clothes.
"It's been awhile when you last talked to her." Eri said as she watched him get dressed 
"Who? Well aren't you going to dress." Brant said

"Your cousin." Eri replied now starting to get dressed
  	"*Chuckles* Fine I'll talk to her." Brant said "I think I influenced you to much." 
"No you didn't." Eri said
"No I guess not." Brant agreed


When they awoke in the morning, a very uncomfortable hour or so passed between them, but--true to her word-- Sugimoto gave Kokoro a tour of the Chateau, although it took a lot of coffee for both of them to accomplish the feat.

Sugimoto decided to start the tour by introducing Kokoro to the staff. They were waiting for them in the lobby, lined up in a row: four women and four men.
“An even number,” Kokoro said to herself.
The women were all dressed in maid’s uniforms, but the men wore everyday clothing, except for the little one who Kokoro remembered from the elevator yesterday. He was dressed in a sort of bellboy’s costume; complete with brass buttons, striped pants and a little round hat that was held on his head by a leather strap that went around his chin. They were all cat people, except for the man standing at the end of the row.
As Sugimoto and Kokoro entered the room, a very large, middle-aged cat woman detached herself from the line and positioned herself in front of the others.
Minasan! Bow!” she shouted, and all of them bowed in unison to Sugimoto and Kokoro.
“Ohayo gozaimasu, Mistress!” she shouted, bowing once more; the others did likewise.
“Ohayo gozaimasu, Mistress!” they responded.
“Good morning, everyone,” Sugimoto replied cheerfully. “This,” she said, putting her arm around Kokoro, “As you all probably know already, is our honored guest, Kokoro-chan.”
“Ohayo gozaimasu, Kokoro-chan!” they said, and bowed again.
Kokoro hastily swept Sugimoto’s arm away from her."
“My name¬Ö” she said, “is Komegura Kokoro.”
“Kokoro, Kokoro” Sugimoto said, laughing. “We’re all such good friends here that there’s really no need for you to be so formal with us. Come on, get off your high horse and let me introduce the gang to you.”
She put her arm around Kokoro’s shoulder again and pushed her over to the large woman, who was standing in front of the others.
“Kokoro, this is Mrs. Norris,” Sugimoto said.
“Mistress!” Mrs. Norris said with a sharp, military-style bow.
“Mrs. Norris?” Kokoro replied. “Good morning. I, uh¬Ö”
While Kokoro was trying to talk to Mrs. Norris, Sugimoto’s hand was inching closer to her breast, seemingly of its own volition.
Kokoro wrenched the offending arm away again.
“Stop it!” she said, under her breath. “Are you deliberately trying to embarrass me in front of these people?”
Sugimoto smiled and whispered:
“You’re such a grouch,”
But she put her arms behind her back.
Mrs. Norris was seemingly oblivious to all that was transpiring in front of her, although Kokoro couldn’t help imagining that she saw a faint smile on her face.
“Mrs. Norris, here, is our concierge,” Sugimoto explained. “She’s the one who actually runs the Chateau. She sees to it that everyone does their jobs and things get done in good order. I don’t know what I’d do with out her. She’s my right-hand cat, isn’t it?”
Sugimoto must have thought that was a very clever remark, but to Kokoro it was merely irritating.
Everything about this woman is irritates me.
“Now Mrs. Norris is a bit of a disciplinarian, and she doesn’t stand for any foolishness. Do you Mrs. Norris?”
Mrs. Norris did smile this time and cracked her knuckles significantly.
“And she’s adept at handing out just punishment to anyone who misbehaves-even guests, isn’t it?” Sugimoto said.
Kokoro looked at Mrs. Norris, who was still grinning like a shark and then at Sugimoto.
Another thinly-veiled threat.
I get the picture," she replied. “You don’t have to keep repeating yourself.”
“Good,” Sugimoto said, “Good. Well, let’s meet the rest of the gang, shall we?”
She made a grab for Kokoro’s arm, but Kokoro evaded her.
“This is Thomasina¬Ö” Sugimoto said, pointing to a chubby cat girl who was the first in line.
She curtsied and said, “Mistress!” as they passed by.
“She does all of our laundry, and Kohaku, our maid of all work, you know already, don’t you?.
Kokoro nodded to Kohaku.
“And here we have Mehitabel,” Sugimoto said. " She’s our custodian and¬Öoh, my! Mehitabel! What happened to you?”
Mehitabel looked like she’d been caught in a¬Öwell¬Ö a cat fight. There were big, blue bruises all around her right eye, and the eye, itself, was swollen shut.
Sugimoto put her hands on her hips and said, “Don’t tell me you’ve been fighting again?”
“Heathcliff started it,” Mehitabel replied.
“Did not!” said one of the men.
Heathcliff was a rotund, baby-faced little cat man who didn’t look at all to Kokoro like he was capable of giving anyone a black eye.
“She bit me!” he said.
“Did not!” Mehitabel replied.
“Did so! On my ass. It still hurts.”
Mehitabel screamed like a banshee, ran over to Heathcliff and knocked him down. Soon, they were both on the floor, rolling around and biting and scratching each other.
“Heathcliff! Mehitabel! No! Stop this!” Sugimoto yelled “Mrs. Norris, I think something should be done about these two, don’t you?”
“Grrr!” Mrs. Norris replied.
She waded into the two figures on the floor and started kicking them furiously.
When they were sufficiently subdued, she picked them both up by the ears.
“Okay, you two! You’re coming with me!”
She departed the room with the two offenders in tow.
“Cats!” Sugimoto said, shaking her head.
“They’re not cats,” Kokoro replied. “Just people who look like cats.”
“Are you sure about that?” Sugimoto said, laughing softly, and once more it seemed to Kokoro that Sugimoto was enjoying some private joke.
“Well, let’s move on, shall we? Kokoro-cha¬Ö Kokoro,” Sugimoto said, introducing the next person in line, “This is our own very dear CeMell.”
Kokoro had seen plenty of kemonomimi people in her time. It sometimes seemed like more and more of them were showing up in Japan all the time; JAST, for example had been full of them.
But CeMell was totally different from anyone she had ever seen before.
She was of medium height, and, from a distance, she seemed to have an extremely pale complexion. But now, up close, Kokoro could see that was due to the fact that her entire body-or at least the parts of it that weren’t covered by her uniform–was covered with downy white fur. Her hair was pure white and resembled a lion’s mane, and she had a fluffy white tail as well. In addition, her face was the most catlike of any cat person Kokoro had ever seen. She had large, luminous cat’s eyes and there were even whiskers sprouting from her cheeks.
“CeMell is our seamstress, and such a dear creature,” Sugimoto said, giving CeMell a hug.
Kokoro noticed that CeMell didn’t seem particularly pleased by the attention.
“CeMell is just about unique around here,” Sugimoto explained. "She’s originally from Infant Island and never even set foot on Meowtis. She’s part of a colony of cat people who settled on Infant Island ages and ages ago and so developed differently from the general population back on Meowtis. Some people think that they are what the cat people originally looked like-you know, before they interbred with the rest of us.
“Oh, and she has the most charming accent. Say something for us, CeMell.”
“Ohayo gozaimasu, Miss Komegura,” CeMell said. “Mo ser ra o, mo ser ra o, kome kome betsu o mo ser ra. In my language, that means ¬ëmay Happiness carry you to Paradise on His silvery wings.’”
There was a sweet, sing-song quality to her words, and it was almost as if she were, in fact, singing. The sound was almost hypnotic, and under its influence, Kokoro found herself recalling memories of those times when she’d been most intensely happy.
Kokoro was speechless.
“Isn’t she wonderful!” Sugimoto exclaimed, giving CeMell another squeeze. “I think she could make a fortune as an idol-and she wouldn’t even have to actually sing. She could just recite Article 9 of the Constitution and people would just go wild. Unfortunately, it’s against her religion or something to perform in public. Isn’t that so, dear?”
CeMell lowered her head, but didn’t respond.
“Even dear Jose couldn’t persuade her–and you know how persuasive he can be. So we keep her on as a seamstress, mainly. It’s a shame, isn’t it?
“Well, that takes care of the girls. Let’s go meet the boys now.”
Kokoro would have preferred to skip meeting the ¬ëboys.’ They looked like a pretty questionable trio. But she had no choice; Sugimoto pushed her along.
“This is Figaro,” she said.
Figaro was a slender man with a very large nose. He sported a long, pencil-thin moustache, the ends of which he had waxed to make them stick straight up. He had also slicked back the hair on his head with some kind of pomade, which made it look like he was wearing a black helmet or skullcap
“Figaro is our chef,” Sugimoto said, “He’s the one who prepared us that wonderful meal last night.”
Kokoro winced at the memory of the previous evening.
Figaro noticed and looked hurt.
“Was it not good, Madam? How did it lack?”
“Oh, no, no!” Kokoro responded. “It was excellent. The best meal I’ve ever had. Sorry, I was thinking about something else.”
“Then I will make you an even better meal than that tonight, and a better one than that tomorrow night-and so on and so on.”
“Please!” Kokoro replied. “If you do, I’ll get fat. Just a plain bowl of curry would be fine.”
“Then it shall be the best bowl of curry you ever tasted,” he said.
“Thank you, I’m sure it will be.”
Next up was the little old cat man in the bell boy outfit.
“You remember Futaba from yesterday, of course,” Sugimoto said. She put her arm around him. “How old do you think he is, Kokoro?”
“I don’t know; seventy, eighty?”
“He’s only twenty-six.”
“What? That’s impossible,” Kokoro said.
“No, it’s a fact,” Sugimoto replied. “Poor Futaba, here, had the bad luck to get involved with a bunny girl. She wore him out and robbed him of his youth, isn’t it?”
“Hanabi, Hanabi,” Futaba moaned softly.
“I knew a bunny girl, myself, once,” Sugimoto said nostalgically. “Such a dear thing; I wonder what ever became of her.”
“You probably killed and ate her,” Kokoro replied.
Sugimoto looked at her.
“Cynic! It was the other way around, actually.”
The next one scared Kokoro a little. He had a broad, heavily-muscled frame and blazing, yellow eyes. An aura of potential violence seemed to surround him.
“This is Doraimon,” Sugimoto said. “He doesn’t do much around here. Not anymore. Say hello to the nice lady, Doraimon.”
Doraimon didn’t seem to have heard Sugimoto; he just moved his head back and forth aimlessly.”
“What’s the matter, Doraimon?” Sugimoto asked. “Cat got your tongue? Ho ho ho!”
She started to laugh uncontrollably.
It was such a bizarre outburst that it made the hairs on the back of Kokoro’s neck stand up. There was something very strange going on. Some mystery was hidden behind the walls of the Chateau, and Sugimoto had been dropping hints about it every since Kokoro had arrived.
Kokoro made a note to herself to try and find out what that mystery was. It just might be the key to her freedom.
The last staff member that Sugimoto introduced Kokoro to was Gatomon. He was the one Kokoro had seen guarding the front gate of the Chateau when Reiko drove her up here yesterday. Oddly enough, he was the only non-nekomimi on the entire staff. His head was shaved and he had long scars above his ears. For some reason, that seemed significant.

The rest of the morning was spent in touring the building, with Sugimoto pointing out this or that feature. Most of the rooms were designed to appeal to the usual hackneyed male fantasies (as if she would be interested in anything like that), but a couple of places got her attention.
They had a swimming pool, a big one-and it was heated.
“Unfortunately, we don’t have any hot springs up here,” Sugimoto said. “So we have to make do with this.”
“It’s perfect!” Kokoro replied. “I love to swim. I used to belong to the swimming club when I was in school. I hope you remembered my bathing suit when you snatched my clothes.”
“Why bother with a suit?” Sugimoto said. “No one’s going to see us. We’ve got complete privacy here.”
“What do you mean¬Öwe?”
“You weren’t planning on swimming alone, were you? Where’s the fun in that?”
“I prefer to swim alone.”
“You’re impossible!” said an exasperated Sugimoto, throwing her hands in the air. “Well, let’s go look at the Amphitheater. It’s right through this door.”
The Amphitheater was a large room with a high ceiling. The walls were covered with heavy, black curtains and lighting was provided by spotlights mounted on high girders. In the center of the room was a raised platform, or stage, that was surrounded by a semi-circular row of bleachers.
As soon as Kokoro stepped through the threshold, she was struck by an intense feeling of d√©j√† vu mixed with dread. She looked up–knowing what she would see without knowing why she knew. There it was: a bamboo pole suspended on chains.
Even though she knew it would be there, actually seeing it was a shock.
It was as if she were re-living a dream.
She started to tremble.
“Here’s where we sometimes put on little theatricals for our friends,” Sugimoto said. “Maybe someday, maybe, you’d like to participate.” She was surprised when Kokoro didn’t make some kind of snide retort in response.
Kokoro was just standing there, looking up at the ceiling. Her eyes were glazed over and she looked pale.
“Kokoro? Are you alright?” Sugimoto asked.
“Huh?” Kokoro replied. “Dizzy. Want to lie down.”
She appeared to Sugimoto to be in some kind of a trance.
Sugimoto put an arm around Kokoro, who kept staring at the ceiling and didn’t bother to brush it off.
“Of course, dear. You’ve been through a lot lately, haven’t you? Maybe our little tour was too much of a strain for you. Come on, this is the quickest way back to your room.”
She started to guide Kokoro down a passageway on their right.
“Where’s this go?” Kokoro mumbled.
“To the Dressing Room, dear,” Sugimoto replied.
The Dressing Room was the place where the AV actresses and participants in the ¬ëtheatricals’ changed into their costumes (or-depending on the theme-out of them).
It was a long, narrow space lined on both sides with vanity tables-each with a lighted mirror. At one end was a clothes rack full of costumes, feather boas and little bits of nothing that might have been underwear.
When they entered the room, Sugimoto found CeMell sitting on a stool, with a basket in her lap, sewing something.
Sugimoto frowned.
If the truth be known, Sugimoto had no intention of taking Kokoro directly back to her room. The Dressing Room was one of the most secluded spots in the whole Chateau, and Sugimoto couldn’t resist the opportunity to take advantage of Kokoro while she was in this strange state.
“CeMell, what are you doing here?” Sugimoto asked.
“Mending,” CeMell replied. Her musical voice making that single word sound like the opening note of a Bach fugue.
She displayed the piece of cloth she was working on.
“The privacy provided by this room makes it a good place for all deeds fair and foul. Wouldn’t you agree, Mistress?” The music in her voice took on a dark and unmistakably accusatory tone.
Sugimoto once more felt her arm being brushed away from Kokoro’s side.

After that, Kokoro was pretty much left alone-except by Mrs. Norris, who always seemed to be hopefully looking for some evidence of malfeasance, but finding none.
Even Sugimoto stopped coming on to her after awhile, and Kokoro was free to go anywhere she pleased in or outdoors, as long as she stayed on the grounds. Occasionally, there would be other guests at the Chateau. When that happened, she would be locked in her room for the duration of their stay. For reasons of his own, the Chief didn’t want her mixing with the other criminals. Maybe he thought she might seduce one of them into taking her away, or try sneaking into the trunk of someone’s car–who knows?
Kokoro couldn’t figure out why Ecuador hadn’t just thrown her to the dogs long ago.
On those occasions when she was locked in, the Chateau was filled with sound. The clamor of music and loud laughter filtered up from below and went on all night. The hallway outside her locked door was filled with scurrying feet and voices.
On those nights, she would curl up on her bed and cry until she was exhausted.

Winter came early in the mountains, and a thick blanket of snow settled around the grounds, making it impossible to go outside. For exercise, Kokoro took up swimming-alone. Then the Snow Sakura tree bloomed, which made a wonderful sight from Kokoro’s window.
She found the library on her own.
It was a small room. There were book shelves on one wall and a group of chairs were centered on a low table in the middle of the room. At the opposite end, there was a picture window that held a view of the court yard. A table, along with two chairs, was positioned in front of it.
The books on the shelves-with titles by such authors as Baudelaire, Marquis De Sade, Oniroku Dan, Edogawa Rampo and H.P. Lovecraft-clearly reflected the tastes of their former owner. On one shelf, there was a stack of romance paperbacks. Kokoro picked one up and noticed that the inside was marked with the inscription: PROPERTY OF MRS. NORRIS. DO NOT TOUCH!
“Is that so?” Kokoro said to herself. “The fearsome Mrs. Norris goes for these sappy bodice rippers? Still waters run deep, I guess.”
The rest of the books in the library were about the Meowtis Empire, and especially the Meow Meow Uprising. It was not a subject Kokoro was particularly interested in, but it was better than the alternatives. So she took to reading them.
There was no door to the library, but she was seldom disturbed. Mehitabel came in once or twice to dust; that was all.
One evening–in what she judged was early spring, because the snow was starting to disappear from the courtyard and the other cherry trees were starting to get buds-Kokoro was reading a book on the campaigns of the Punitive Forces against Beast Dom’s stronghold in the Marshall Islands. It was very dry and academic-and it was making her sleepy.
“You like to read, isn’t it?” said a voice.
Kokoro looked up to see Sugimoto.
“Yeah, so what?”
“Still carrying that stick on your shoulder, I see,” Sugimoto replied, shaking her head. “Kokoro, if you don’t lighten up soon, you’re going to turn into a bitter old woman. You don’t like me very much do you?”
“No, I don’t.”
“Why not?”
“Well, for one thing, you’re a predatory lesbian; and for another, you’re my jailor.”
Sugimoto laughed.
“I’ve been called a lot of things in my time, but ¬ëpredatory lesbian,’ that’s new!”
“I can’t believe that,” Kokoro replied. “Someone besides me must have noticed it by now.”
“Well, Kokoro, dear, you know what they say: the pot shouldn’t call the kettle black. That first night we were together, you told me all about you and Low. So don’t try to paint yourself as some kind of deflowered innocent.”
“Look, can we get off this subject? I’m trying to read here.”
“Fine, I didn’t come here to discuss your hang-ups, either. I want to know if you play Go.”
“A little,” Kokoro admitted. “Why do you ask?”
“It’s my favorite game,” Sugimoto replied. “But no one around here plays it, except for Mrs. Norris. But she’s such a rules lawyer. It’s really terrible the way she twists the rules around to give herself unfair advantages; it gets on my nerves. So I was wondering if you’d like to play with me.”
Kokoro pondered Sugimoto’s request.
On the one hand, there was her complete distaste for the woman, but, on the other, the book she was reading wasn’t all that interesting.
“Okay. Why not?”
“Good. I’ll go get my board. We can play over there by the window.” Sugimoto said, pointing to the table.
An hour later, Kokoro found herself in trouble. Sugimoto was a tough, aggressive player. She had easily managed to surround two groups of Kokoro’s pieces, but since their “eyes” were open, they were still alive. As Kokoro saw it, her only hope was to get control of the middle of the board if she could.
Just as she was pondering her next move, she caught site of something outside the window out of the corner of her eye.
There was a woman out there, walking along the far side of the court yard. She was dressed in a black kimono that would have been invisible in the dark, except that it was covered with a pattern of little white spirals that seemed to glow with some kind of fluorescence. She was holding a paper lantern out in front of her and a surgical mask hid her face.
“Who’s that?” Kokoro said.
“What,” Sugimoto replied, looking up from the board.
“That woman outside the window, who is she?”
They watched as the strange woman glided along the edge of the court yard and disappeared inside the small building behind the Snow Sakura.
Kokoro repeated her question.
“Well, who was that?”
Sugimoto was strangely silent. She looked upset.
“You don’t want to know,” she said. “Forget you even saw her. And if you ever run into her, run away. She’s poison!”

Kokoro was standing by the window of her room smoking a cigarette.
The appearance of that strange woman in the court yard earlier had proved to be too much of a distraction to her game, and she’d lost badly to Sugimoto, who appeared a little bit disappointed that she’d won so easily. When the game was over, Kokoro had excused herself, gone up to her room, turned off the lights and taken a position by the window in hoping to get another glimpse of the mysterious stranger, but without success.
Her eyes were fixed on that little building that seemed to penetrate the base of the mountain.
On that day of her arrival at the Chateau, Sugimoto had warned her to stay away from it, so naturally Kokoro had disobeyed her.
On a couple of occasions, she’d put on her darkest clothes and snuck out into the night to take a closer look at it. On one occasion, she’d almost been caught by Mrs. Norris, who was out prowling the court yard for reasons of her own. Both times, the door had been locked, and she was unable to get inside. Then winter had come on, and she’d almost forgotten about it-until she saw that woman.
There was something out of the ordinary going on at the Chateau–something more than just plain old criminality, she suspected. And it had to do with that mysterious building. If she could find out what that was, there might be some way she could turn that information to her advantage.
Of course, that meant she had to get inside. But the door was always locked and her skeleton key was long gone.
Low had always maintained that many beauty accessories made fine bugler tools and had once shown Kokoro how to open a lock with a fingernail file. Kokoro didn’t have a finger nail file, because she preferred those emery boards with the foam backing. But she knew where she could probably get one–the Dressing Room.
Yes, there must be lots of cosmetic aids down there. She could probably find just was needed.
Of course, the Dressing Room was a long way from Kokoro’s room, and if Mrs. Norris caught her, she’d have to explain what she was doing, prowling around the castle so late at night. But she could just say that she decided to go for a swim.

In was dark in the Dressing Room, so Kokoro had to fumble around until she found a light switch.
When the lights came on, she was surprised to find CeMell sitting on a stool at the end of the room.
“Wha!” she exclaimed. “What are you doing here?”
“Sewing.” CeMell replied.
“In the dark?” Kokoro asked.
“Of course, I can see better in the dark.”
“You must live here,” Kokoro said; as she pulled open the drawer of a nearby vanity and rummaging through its contents: hair nets, hair pins, rollers, disposable razors and squeeze bottles of douche.
“I like it here. It’s peaceful,” CeMell said.
The ever-present music of her voice was peaceful, as well, reinforcing the meaning of her words.
“But what are you doing here Komegura-san?”
“Looking for a nail file,” Kokoro replied. She raised one hand and displayed the fingers. “I need a manicure. Ah! Found one!”
She held it aloft in triumph.
She started to leave, but then a thought occurred to her.
"Yes, Komegura-san.
Strange, she’s the only one who uses my name.
“CeMell. Do you know anything about that little house out there behind the Chateau?”
“No. Only that the others call it the ¬ëHouse of Pain.’ But I think that’s some kind of joke.”
“So¬Öyou’ve never been in there?”
“Oh, no. Only the ones who are specially chosen are allowed to go there. And once they do, they never come back. Except for Gatomon and Doraimon. They came back. But none of the others did.”
“What others?”
"Other servants. They come and they go.
Kokoro recalled what Sugimoto had said that first night when she had asked her about the staff:
"They come and they go."
“Well, how do they get in there?” Kokoro asked.
“Miss Sugimoto takes them there. She has a key. She keeps it around her neck.”
“She does? How do you know that?”
CeMell turned pink under her downy, white fur.
“I’d prefer not to say,” she replied.
You, too?
Kokoro thought back to that first night when she woke up, hung over and lying next to a naked Sugimoto. She didn’t recall seeing any key around her neck, but then, it was dark and she wasn’t feeling too observant.
“Thanks, CeMell. I guess I’ve got what I came for, so I’ll be going. Do you want me to turn out the light?”

Kokoro hurried down the hallway, in the general direction of her room. Her hand was in the pocket that contained the nail file. She ran her fingers along its edges and felt its rough surface.
This should do the trick, she thought. But what if it doesn’t?A thought occurred to her that was so disgusting, that it made her swoon and lean against the wall for support.
No, no, no. It’s sick! Not to mention degrading.
But¬Öthe key¬Ö, the thought replied.
Too risky. She’d catch me.
Maybe not, if you turn the tables on her.

Sugimoto was in bed, reading, when she heard a knock come on her door.
She was shocked to find Kokoro standing in the hallway, smiling at her. She’d never seen Kokoro smile before.
“Kokoro? What do you want at this hour?”
“Well¬Öthis is hard for me to say.” Kokoro began. “But, you know, I’ve been sort of a sourpuss ever since I got here, but I’m beginning to think that I’ve been making things too hard for myself. But I’m beginning to come around to your way of thinking. I’d like to be friends with you, after all.”
Kokoro hoped she wasn’t laying it on too thick.
Sugimoto put her arms on her hips.
“Too late,” she replied.
“Well then, I’m sorry I disturbed you. I was hoping we could work things out,” Kokoro tried her best to look disappointed–which she would be if this ploy didn’t work. " I guess I’ll just go now."
She started to leave.
“Wait a minute!” Sugimoto said. "Don’t go away. Come in and we’ll talk about it.
“Thank you,” Kokoro replied
She had been standing with one arm behind her back all this time, but now she brought it around to reveal a bottle in her hand.
“I brought along some shochu as a peace-offering,” she said-the roughest, toughest shochu she could find. “And call me Kokoro-chan.”
I hope one bottle’s going to be enough,” she said to herself.


My name is Chinpo Tanuki, and I haven't been in this story for awhile, but I thought I'd take this chance to jump in here and talk to you about what's been going on with me.
I know¬Öyou're all probably concerned about Miss Komegura; I am, too. But I've got a few things to get off my chest, and I don't know who else to turn to.
If you remember me at all, you know that, until recently, I used to take classes at the Japanese Academy for Scholarly Training (or JAST, as we call it). But then I got mixed up with this weird-and I mean [i]really weird[/i]-woman named Miss Kuchisake, who almost took my virginity, which would have been great, except that she wanted to take my soul and a whole lot of my blood along with it.

She seemed like a nice enough person at first. She had these eyes-really nice eyes. I remember the eyes, because the rest of her face was always covered by a surgical mask. You see, her mouth was¬Ö
Brrr¬ÖI don’t want to talk about it, that mouth still gives me the creeps.
The thing is, she was pals with a monster named Uzumaki, and he was a pretty rough customer, let me tell you.
Actually, they were more than just pals. They sort of shared the same space, you might say-like Bruce Banner and the Hulk, you know? But I’d take the Hulk over this Uzumaki guy any day.
To top it all off, she was married, and I ended up fighting with her husband. But later on we joined forces to fight her.
Confused yet?
It gets better. You see, it turned out that this husband guy is an old-time samurai named Taro. In fact, (although I can’t get him to admit it) he’s Momotaro-the little Peach Boy.
You know? Remember how the teacher used to read us stories about Momotaro when we were in elementary school? I even had a bento with a cartoon of him kicking the asses of some comical oni printed on it. I always thought he was just a fictional character, until I met him in real life.
But the happy little Peach Boy’s not so little, anymore-and not so happy, either. He grew up and turned into a dour, humorless individual, who’s spent centuries protecting Japan from creeps like Uzumaki, only to see the country turn to shit around him.
At least, that’s the way he sees it.
Of course, if you’re buying this, you must be thinking that this guy must be pretty old by now-way past his ¬ëuse by’ date. So what keeps him going? Why hasn’t he turned to dust by now? The reason–according to him–is because he’s on a mission from the gods and they won’t let him rest until he’s killed all the monsters-or, at least, Uzumaki.
But that’s going to be a tall order, because you just can’t kill Uzumaki. I know, because I tried and almost ended up his lunch. It took the combined efforts of Taro-san and myself to defeat Uzumaki on the one occasion that we fought him together, but we didn’t kill him. Taro-san said that was because all we fought was his shadow (Some shadow! It sure seemed real enough to me!), but that the real Uzumaki is still out there, somewhere. I really don’t understand how that works. It’s all sort of supernatural.
But, anyway, there we were, in the aftermath of the battle, standing on the shore of the Shinkawa river, watching as the head of poor Miss Kuchisake, which Taro-san had cut off (they never got along very well) and thrown into the water, slowly sank beneath the surface. I looked up at Taro-san and smiled. I didn’t like him at first, you know, but now there we were, two brothers in combat as it were, bound by a link forged in the heat of the battle.
He looked at me and said:
“You are an imbecile. Attacking Uzumaki by yourself was the height of stupidity. But it was brave. You may have some potential, depending on whether you are educable or not. I live at the shrine of Inari. Come to me at the next moon (by which, he meant next month), and we will begin your training”
Notice that he didn’t say: “Chinpo, how would you like to be my apprentice?” or “Chinpo, I’d like you to become by pupil; would you, please?” or “Chinpo, it would be an honor if you would allow me to instruct you.”–no, he just told me I was going to be his pupil and that was that, no matter how I might feel about it.
(You know, he’s always ragging on how people nowadays lack manners, but apparently in his time good manners consisted of guys like him telling people what to do and they doing it.)
Well, I told him I’d think about it. No point in being too easy. But, even then, I knew it was pretty much a foregone conclusion.
When I got back home, I tried to tell my sister and her snotty friends about my adventures of the past few hours, but they just laughed at me. I pretty much got the same reaction from everyone else I knew, too. It hadn’t helped that I’d been out to see that Zombie Cop movie. They all thought that I’d let my imagination run away with me.
Over the next few weeks, things started to change for me. I felt fidgety and dissatisfied. All of a sudden, my life seemed flat and colorless. Everything I had once taken joy in–my manga and video games, for instance–now seemed dull and meaningless. Even my collection of model tanks no longer gave me joy. I suppose that’s what a peak experience, like fighting for your life, will do to you-or maybe I was just suffering from PSTD, I dunno.
Anyway, I finally made up my mind one morning as I was sitting in class. Shingo-sensei, at the front of the room, was droning away about something, but I couldn’t focus on account of all the noise my own thoughts were making.
What was I doing here, anyway?
I was bored with school. That was a fact. My grades were piss-poor and probably always would be. I’d never thought about it until now, but I was probably the worst student in the history of JAST. I should probably give the whole business the heave-ho. The only reason I stayed in school this long was to hang out with my friends in the Survivalist Club and to avoid finding a job.
Maybe I was more cut out to be a warrior than a student.
Granted, I’d never had any martial arts training or whatnot, but I came from a long line of samurai [just like everyone else in Japan, eh?-ed.]. My great-great-great whatever had fought in the Satsuma Rebellion and been personally handed his balls by General Yamagata, himself. Quite a distinction when you think about it.
(Okay, so maybe we Tanukis were never very great samurai. Nevertheless, their warrior spirit was in my blood.)
So I stood up, asked to be excused and left school. I never even looked back.
I told my sister, Yuki, what I’d done and why, but she didn’t pay any attention to me. She was too caught up in issues of her own, and doing a lot of nervous eating. She does that, you know, whenever she gets hung up on some boy or whatever. Looked like she was beginning to put on a little weight.
I suppose my parents might have objected to my quitting school if they had been there to make an objection. But they had gone off to Europe on another one of their mysterious missions. When I was a little kid, I used to think they were spies. I don’t know where I got that idea from.

The Inari shrine is located on top of a hill in the outskirts of Moriyoh, overlooking the Rainbowland amusement part. You have to climb about a hundred stairs to get up to it, and by the time I reached the top, I was breathing pretty heavily. I had to sit down and lean against the tori while I caught my breath.
This gave me a chance to notice that the shrine was sort of run down and dilapidated. Signs of neglect were everywhere. The gate I was leaning against, for instance, needed a paint job and the paths were overgrown with weeds. Also, the shinden, or sanctuary, was sort of sagging on one side, and the roof was missing a few tiles. I figured this shrine must not get too many visitors-I’d never been here before, at any rate.
(Visitors probably stayed away on account of all those steps.)
But even so, there was a small crowd of people-mostly men-milling around the sanctuary, and they appeared to be waiting for something.
I found the old priest who ran things and asked him where Taro-san was.
The priest directed me to a small hut in an out-of-way corner of the grounds, near a sacred yorishiro tree that was quite old and very large.
On my way down there, I passed a woman who was walking in the opposite direction. She was kind of cute, but a little old for me-early thirties, I’d say. She looked like an OL, but she was carrying a sword. A pink sword! Go figure.
When I found Taro-san, he was sitting on the genkan, making a paper umbrella. There was a pile of them stacked up neatly on the floor next to him.
It seemed like an oddly quaint thing for tough guy like him to be doing, so I asked:
“What’s that for?”
“Everyone must have an occupation,” he replied.
“Oh yeah?” I nodded and sat down next to him. “What do you do with them?”
“The old priest sells them for me.”
“You make much money, Taro-san?” I asked.
“That is not my aim,” he replied.
Seemed like sort of a waste of time to me. But Taro-san couldn’t be out killing monsters all the time, could he? And everyone needs a hobby, don’t they?
I picked up a strip of bamboo and started waving it around like a sword.
“Well, I’m ready to start training,” I said.
He grabbed my hand and squeezed my wrist until I let go of the stick. Then he put his stuff away and stood up.
“Come with me,” he said. “From now on, you will address me as ¬ëMaster.’”
That seemed kind of stuffy to me, but there was no point in arguing with him, so I stood up and said: “Yes, Master.”
He started off up the path, toward the shinden, and I followed.
The crowd up there was larger now, and they were all clustered around a makeshift platform or stage that had been erected in front of the sanctuary. They all seemed to be waiting for something to happen.
When we got near the back of the crowd, Taro-san stopped, and putting his hand out, said:
He turned his gaze toward the stage and folded his arms over his chest.
I did likewise.
Suddenly, the crowd burst out in cheers as three girls dressed as shrine maidens appeared on the stage.
Two of them I recognized. They were Eki and Miki, the twin sisters who used to belong to Yuki’s sewing club. I hadn’t seen them around for a long time and had wondered what had become of them. So they were shrine maidens now? Well, well.
The third girl was a stranger to me, though I wished she wasn’t. She was taller than the other two and had slightly reddish hair. Other than that, she was the most fantastically, amazingly beautiful woman I’d ever seen. I could feel a stirring in my loins, and I was glad everyone else there was looking the other way.
The cheering died down as the girls produced microphones from the folds of their hakimas, and began singing.

[i]"Three little maids from school are we. Pert as a school-girl well can be. Filled to the brim with girlish glee. Three little maids from school.

"Everything's a source of fun. Nobody's safe, for we care for none. Life is a joke that's just begun. Three little maids from school. Three little maids from school."   [/i]
When they'd finished dealing with Gilbert and Sullivan, they burst into a medley of enka songs, some J-Pop and finally brought the house down with a version of that Vocaliod number, Levan Polkka; which, as you know, is hard to do if you're not a robot.
All the while, they were moving around up there, striking all the typical idol poses, with all the usual hand gestures. These three had obviously made a close study of all the other idol singers.
When the show was over, the girls disappeared back into the sanctuary amid gales of applause. They were obviously a hit.
All during the show, Taro-san had stood next to me with folded arms. He'd been as still as a rock; his face an inscrutable mask. Whether he had enjoyed the show or not was beyond my reckoning. 
But as the crowd started to break up, he came back to life. He tugged on my sleeve, saying, "Come," and we continued on our way to whereever it was he was taking me.
"Pretty good show, huh?" I said. "Those girls were cute." 	
He scowled.
"In my day a miko was a sacred person. A seeress through whom the Gods spoke to Man. These are just school girls in hakimas. Their only purpose is to attract the public with their cheap vaudeville. It is a shame that the old priest who maintains this shrine has to resort to such tricks, but this is a debased age in which true religion counts as nothing. Things were not always so. There was a time when both gods and monsters strode the Earth, and that time is coming again."
He kind of sounded like he was looking forward to it.
"Well, that's what I'm here for," I replied.
"This is what [i]you [/i]came here for." He said as we came to a halt in front of a small shed.
He opened the door and ushered me inside.
It was dark and dusty in there; and there were cobwebs all over the place. I ran right into a spider web first thing and had a devil of a time getting the crap off my face. Fortunately, the spider wasn't home.
The interior was lined with shelves containing all sorts of cans and things, and in one corner, a bunch of gardening tools were stacked up.
"Here," he said, handing me a can of paint and a brush he'd pulled from the shelf. "You'll need these. Take that ladder over there, also."
"What for?" I asked.
"The tori needs painting," he replied.
"No,no,no!" I said, putting the can down. "I came here to learning fighting, not painting!"
"Everyone must have an occupation. The priest is too old to keep this place up, and the miko-as you saw-have others duties. What is needed around here is someone with a strong back and a limited intellect to maintain the shrine. You will do nicely."

“But I wanted to be a monster slayer!”
“Do not worry. That will come. When you are not working, we will train, and when we are not training, you will work. Training will be hard; so hard that you may come to prefer painting, instead.”
“That’s the deal, huh?”

So I became the official handyman of the Inari Shrine.

My duties were varied. Besides painting everything, I had to do a lot of light carpentry, replace the broken roof tiles, weed the paths, change the water in the purification fountain, put up the ema [those wooden plaque things with the pictures of Lucky Star characters on them-ed.] in the morning and take them down at night, etc., etc.
Meanwhile, Taro-san just sat around on his ass, making umbrellas.
My disappointment was great, and I would have chucked the whole thing if it hadn’t been for the girls.
You see, another of my duties was setting up the stage for their daily performances and taking everything down again after they were through, so I was able to get friendly with them.
Well, with Eki and Miki, anyway. After all, we already knew each other, and they apparently didn’t bear any grudges against me for all those times I flipped their skirts back in school. It was from them that I learned the shrine had been losing patrons and revenue ever since they’d opened that amusement park down in the valley. The old priest had been at his wit’s end over how to keep the place up until the Singing Mikos had come along.
“Sore wa Kitsune date no kangae,” Eki said.
“So it was Kitsune’s idea?” I replied.
“Jaa, so deshite.”
Kitsune was the tall redhead, and apparently this singing shrine maidens idea came to her one evening when she was praying to Inari. So she recruited Eki and Miki to be her backup singers and talked the old priest into letting them go through with it. And so far the idea seemed to be working.
Unfortunately, Kitsune was not as friendly to me as the twins. When I tried to talk to her, she gave me that old fish eye and walked away. I didn’t take it too personally at first, because girls do that sort of thing to me all the time, anyway. But over the weeks and months, Kitsune proved herself above the common clay of unfriendly females with her haughty airs.
I remember this one occasion¬Ö
The girls were onstage, rehearsing, and I was setting up their equipment. The sun was just setting, as I recall. Kitsune stopped abruptly in the middle of a song and pulled out her cell phone. I hadn’t heard it ring or anything, so it must have been one of those vibrating types.
Anyway, there she stood, with her cell pressed to her ear. I didn’t know who had called her, but the conversation was pretty one-sided. She just stood there repeating, “Hai, hai,” over and over again. Meanwhile, the expression on her face was getting more and more spacey, like she was going into a trance or something. But then a netsuke that was attached to her phone fell off onto the stage. She put the phone down and looked around with a bewildered look on her face-like she didn’t know where she was.
I ran over and picked up the ornament–it was shaped like a little silver fox–and gallantly handed it back to her, but she just snatched it from me, stuck her nose in the air (literally! I mean really in the air!) and walked away.

Eventually, Taro-san did get around to starting my martial arts training. I was excited about it at first, but I learned to regret it, because I 

really didn’t realize how tough it was going to be. I probably should have thought the whole idea out a little more.
He started me out with sword fighting, and then moved on to other kinds of weapons and various martial arts techniques. That was sort of fun. But I forgot about our cultural differences. Taro-san was an Old School, traditional, nuts up, hard knocks samurai, which made him a thorough and thoroughly ruthless instructor. Whenever I didn’t do things right, he’d beat me mercilessly. I mean really hard! And if I complained, he’d beat me some more. Some nights I’d go home so black and blue that I avoided bathing with my sister [You still take baths with your sister?-ed.], because I didn’t want her to see the marks on my body.
Here’s a typical example of how things went, sometimes:
We were practicing jumping onto the top of a three meter wall from a standing start. Taro-san went first to show me how it was done. He leapt up weightlessly and nimbly ran along the top with his sword drawn-it was just like in the movies.
But when I tried it¬Ö
Well, I got to the top of the wall, alright, but I immediately lost my balance and fell over into a thorn bush on the other side. Those thorns hurt like the devil-and, of course, Taro-san beat me on top of that.
I felt like quitting just about every day, and you’re probably wondering why I didn’t. Well, it’s simple:
Yes, I know. She was a haughty bitch who wouldn’t even give me one of her farts. But I couldn’t help it. I was totally, absolutely enthralled by her. Did I mention that she was the most gorgeous creature that ever wore flesh? And the way she could sing¬Ö
Who cared how indifferent she may have been about me, I just couldn’t go a day without her-even only from afar.
If that all sounds pretty masochistic, I suppose it was. All I can say is, don’t knock it until you’ve tried it.
So there you have it, I endured all the hard work and hard knocks for Kitsune’s sake. Just so I could worship her from afar.

Sometimes, Taro-san would ask me to spend the night with him.
Wait, stop smiling like that! It’s not what you think!
It’s just that sometimes he had bad dreams. I suppose that happens to you when you’ve lived a life of violence that’s gone on for hundreds of years.
Taro-san always seemed to know when a bad night was going to come on, though, and on those occasions he would have me tie him up and keep an eye on him while he slept. I guess he was afraid that he might hurt himself or others during one of these dreams unless he was trussed up nice and tight.
One night, Taro-san was having a particularly bad time of it. He was thrashing around violently in his sleep while I sat up and watched over him. I was concerned that he might somehow break his bonds, despite the fact that I had him tied up really good. But they held and he gradually settled down.
What I usually did at that point was to settle back onto my own bed and get some sleep, myself. But on this particular night I was feeling kind of restless for some reason. I couldn’t sleep, so I put on a robe and geta and went outside the hut.
It was a little cool outside, but not too bad. The sky was clear, the moon was full and the stars were brilliant. On the horizon you could see the glow from the lights of Rainbowland in the valley below. (They never turned them off, even when the park was closed.)
Beyond the yorishiro tree there was a rise in the land that was covered by a break of woods. I’d heard that there was a hot springs up there, but I’d never seen it. It was sacred and generally off-limits, except during certain times of the year.
This wasn’t one of them, but I thought it wouldn’t hurt just to take a look at it, so I scrambled up the hill.
It was pitch black in the woods in the middle of the night, and I immediately got turned around. I couldn’t tell which way was forward and which was back. I tried retracing my steps back down the hill, but that didn’t do any good. I only ended up stumbling onto the onsen by accident. Well, whatever works.
It was a large pool, almost circular, surrounded by large, smooth rocks. Steam drifted lazily over the surface of the dark water.
I thought I heard splashing as I drew nearer, and then I saw a pile of clothes on the edge. They were neatly folded up and there was a cell phone square in the middle of the pile. Even in the dim light, I could make out the gleam of the little silver netsuke.
A sudden commotion in the water caught my attention, and I saw a head rise up out of the water.
“Is that Tanuki-chan,” she said, laughing, which struck me as queer as all blazes, because I’d never seen her as much as smile, except for an audience.
I was dumbfounded, and didn’t know what to say. I felt like I’d intruded someplace where I shouldn’t ought to be.
“Why aren’t you with your lover, Tanuki-chan?” she asked.
“My lover? Waa! You mean Taro-san? No, no, no! It’s not like that at all. You mean that you thought that he and I¬Ö?”
Was that why she’d been so cold to me? Was there hope?
She rose out of the water up to her waist. Well¬Öa little below her waist.
She wasn’t wearing a bathing suit, and she was a natural redhead.
If I though she had been beautiful with her clothes on, she was almost too much in the buff. If you had struck me dead right then and there, this one instant would have made my life complete.
She giggled-covering her mouth with her hand-and her gaze drifted down.
I looked down, too, and saw little Chinpo poking his head out between the folds of my robe.
“Oops!” I said, hastily covering him up. But my robe stuck out in front of me like a tent.
“S-sorry!” I stammered out.
“Oh, Tanuki-chan,” she replied. “What are you doing, standing out there like that? Why don’t you come in here¬Öwith me?”
“Is that okay? I thought this place was off limits.”
“Is it?” she said. “Who’s going to care this time of night? Come on. Let’s have some fun.”
One can only be a hesitant dork for so long. Even I know that.
And if the girl of your dreams-standing naked in a pool of water-invites you to join her, you don’t just step in, you jump.
Which I did–tossing my robe aside.
It was wonderful; there we were, splashing around in the warm water and giggling like two babies. I made a grab for her, but she was so wet and slippery that she evaded be easily.
She grabbed me from behind and slipped her arms around my waist. I could feel all of her wonderful body pressing against mine.
“Tanuki-chan,” she whispered in my ear, “Why don’t you sit down and let me wash your back?”
I did, and she sat down behind, wrapping her legs around my middle.
She didn’t have a wash cloth, she simple ran her hands all over my back.
“Uh¬ÖKitsune. You’re different tonight,” I said.
“How’s that, Tanuki-chan?”
One of her hands crept around front and started playing with my chest.
“Well, you always seemed so unfriendly to me during the day.”
“Did I? Well, sometimes we can be completely different at night than we are during the day. Don’t you think so?”
Her other hand snaked around to my groin and started fiddling around.
“I¬Öoof!..never¬Öum¬Öthought about it.”
She had little Chinpo firmly in hand, and I don’t need to tell you what she was doing to it [you got that right-ed.], but I was mighty close to befouling the sacred hot springs.
But then she stopped.
“Oh, my phone,” she said pulling away.
“I didn’t hear it ring!” I said, agitated.
But she was already sitting on the edge of the pool with her cell pressed to her ear. The little sliver fox flashed in the moonlight as it swung back and forth like a pendulum.
“Hai!” she said. “Yes, yes. I understand.”
She clicked the phone shut and stood up.
“Excuse me just a moment,” she said sheepishly as she scooped up her clothes. "I’ll be right back.
And she ran off into the woods, leaving me there in the onsen, alone and confused.
What was that all about, I wondered. Who was she talking to on the phone?
And who would be calling this time of the night, anyway?
Did she already have a boyfriend?
Well, how could she not? A girl as beautiful as her.
What a fool I am!
I was suddenly overwhelmed by a mighty wave of despair that almost brought tears to my eyes.
Of course, I was also puzzled by how she knew someone was calling her. I didn’t hear the phone ring, and if it had a vibrator, how could she have felt it all the way across the water?
It sure was strange.
Suddenly, I heard a noise behind me.
She’d come back!
But when I turned around with a smile of relief on my face, instead of Kitsune, I saw the old priest standing by the edge of the pool.
“Blasphemer! Defiler!” he shouted at me. “Get out of there this instant!”
I scrambled out and tried to reach my robe, but he wouldn’t let me. He had a stick in his hand, which he struck me with repeatedly.
“You young whippersnapper!” he screamed [who says ¬ëwhippersnapper’ anymore?-ed] “You mangy dog.”
He was an old man, and pretty feeble, so his blows really didn’t hurt. But he had a certain amount of endurance, because he whipped me-naked-al the way back to Taro-san’s hut, and all the commotion woke Taro-san up, who proceeded to beat me, as well, when the old priest told him about it.
I think I was ill-used by both of them-and unfairly, too.
But when my thoughts turn to Kitsune, and the brief time we had together, well¬Öit was worth it.

Late in the day and raining lightly.

Two women were walking along the sidewalk talking to each other with although one was doing the talking more than the other. What was begin talked about wasn't know at least for now it wasn't. Eventually the one doing the talking stopped talking to see if the other had anything to say with what was said. The other person said only a few words to the first person. They entered a shop that sold of all things hello kitty stuff and repair/replacement for some odd reason. One entered the other stayed outside waiting for the other. They left just as two young women entered a shop some ways down.

"To think Yoshimi that you like hello kitty and knew where a repair/replacement shop was." Said the other woman who had a very large chest and was wearing a blue skirt and a white and green stripped shirt.

"What's your point Ch-Narumi." Yoshimi said wearing dark blue jeans and Gray shirt along with her sword.

"That was my point." Narumi said
"Whatever. I'm done here lets go." Yoshimi said

Elsewhere. Starting to rain harder.

Two young women were holding umbrellas walking and talking but unlike the others each would say talk after the other finished talking. They were it seemed talking about something that could not be heard but only by them. They entered a place that was a ways down from the place that the other two had just lefted. It was a lingerie shop that sold from normal to well erotic. It was only know that they would buy lingerie but not what type. It was an hour or so before both young women left the building carrying a bag each.

"And here I thought you we're going to buy something else than that Eri." said the other young woman

"Why would I. Besides what about what you bought, are you planing to show him Yuki." Eri said tail swaying slightly angry and ear moving around listening to nothing in particular.

"No, yes, maybe." Yuki said slightly red faced
"*short giggle* Come on we have other places to go." Eri said tail no longer swaying
"Keep it to yourself." Yuki said and saw Eri nodding.

Roof top of somewhere.

A young man was on the roof sitting getting soaked watching the clouds go by and the wind blowing. One would wonder why he was up on the roof while it was raining. He didn't know himself he just felt like going out onto the roof. A person called up to him saying that he should come in before he catches a cold or such. He replied that he'd get down, he went to the edge of the roof. He held onto the edge hanging for a few then let go landing on the ground. He was handed a towel to dry off some which he did.

"Why do you always go out when it rains Brant?" the person who gave him the towel asked 
"I like the rain. Why are you here anyway Alicia?" Brant asked
"Oh came to get something I left her a few days ago." Alicia replied

Café/bakery. The rain started to let up but not much.

Yoshimi and Narumi entered the cafe/bakery and sat down by the window. It wasn't long before a waiter appeared to take their order. Yoshimi order a fairly large meal and a large drink, Narumi order a regular meal and drink. They made idle talk as they ate their food and drank their drinks. 

"Did you try just jumping him?" Narumi asked
"No, maybe I should." Yoshimi said

"It'll probably be a fight first before the two of you end up somewhere on the floor or bed." Narumi said     

"Who knows. So work still doing good minus the trouble she causes?" Yoshimi asked
"Borderline near the red." Narumi replied with slight disgust

"No choice but to put up with it huh." Yoshimi said finishing her food and drink then ordered a sweet.

"Yes. I gave up care about it." Narumi added "Your going to get fat with all you ate."

Cafe/Bakery. Rain now a drizzle.

Eri and Yuki had dropped off their bags but kept the umbrellas in the off chance of it raining again. As it was it was only drizzling as the entered the cafe/bakery. They walked up to the counter looked at the baked goods they had realizing Eri would have to place a order. It would take some thirty minutes or so to bake what she asked for. They sat down somewhere in the middle of the place and ordered something as they waited for the baked goods to be baked. A silver haired young man appeared and gave a slightly bow ofhis head to Eri and just a smile to Yuki. 

"How are you today, Eri?  And who is your lovely friend?" the young man said
"So your going to work here, Rass? She Yuki." Eri asked 
"For now. What would you like?" Rass said and soon left with their order.
"Who is he?" Yuki asked

"My cousin from South America who just arrived a few months ago, having not seen him for some years."  Eri replied

"I didn't know you had cousins." Yuki said
"You didn't ask and I saw no reason to tell you." Eri replied
"You've a point. So do you know where he is?" Yuki asked

"Why and no. He knows where I am, well the general direction." Eri said "He just can, he did tell me though."

"So he can find you no matter what?" Yuki asked just as the food arrived
"The farther the less likely, closer the more exact." Eri said starting to eat.

Elsewhere. Raining again.

Brant was wearing a hooded rain jacket sword strapped on. He was wondering around even though he knew where Yoshimi was along with Eri who was also close to Yoshimi but not near. He only wondered around to see if they'd met each other if not they he'd stop wondering around. Brant knocked on a door and knocked. A slot opened and dark eyes looked out from within.

"Password." said the person looking out the slot.
"It's not dark or light but still it is necessary." Brant replied
"So what do you want Oterra?" the person asked after opening the door.
"Oh to win money then gather some information from the network." Brant replied
"She'll probably want to get his money back." the person said 
"She can try. She's here then." Brant said
"Yes. *Sees the look on Brants face* How much time?" the person said
"Twenty or so got to met someone." Brant said
"Fine." the person said

The place was dark and quite at least the hall he entered that went in for some few feet before coming to another door Brant opened and walked through. He entered and quickly placed where the woman was. The woman was sitting at a table with smokers and drinkers he disliked smokers actually he hated smokers or rather the cigarettes and cigars. They had a few more tables with people playing cards. The places was actually the back of where Prina worked. It wasn't longer before someone went to the woman pointing him out.

(Well at least she knows to leave the smokers.) He thought sighing

"Oh good now I can win my money back." the woman said as a way of hello
"You can try but you probably wont." Brant replied
"We'll see others will join but wont smoke." the woman said
"More money for me." Brant said leading her to an empty table.    

So there Brant was taking money and losing money within the first two hands. Ten minutes into the game the woman had only got some of her money back while Brant took most of the money from the others not that they cared given that they had played with him before. Time was up just as a new hand was dealt.

"It was good playing with you people but I must leave." Brant said getting up to leave the table with his winnings.

"Well at least I won some of my money back." the woman said
"So you wont hassle me again?" Brant said
"Who knows." the woman said

Brant left and went up to the person from earlier.

"So what information is it that you want Oterra?" the person said
"Well-" Brant said

Cafe/Bakery. Raining hard.

Three people entered all three wearing black leather and two with studs in their brows and one in the nose. The last had no studs but still showed he was the leader. Yuki and Eri got up to get their order and leave. The leader pointed to Eri and Yuki indicating that he wanted the other two to get them. By then had noticed but didn't do anything. Yuki stepped slightly back as the two people came while Eri stood there watching, tail swaying slightly.

"You two..." Said one
"Come with..." said the other
"Us." said both

Eri's tail still swaying as she watched.

"Why doesn't your boss come and get us?" Eri said
"What the hell are you thinking?" Yuki whispered
"Or is he afraid of young women." Eri said
"Don't..." said one
"" said the other
"The boss like that." said both

One went to grab a hold of Eri as the other went for Yuki. Eri stepped into the hold and gave a quick punch. The one she punched was getting ready to return it only to get kicked and stomped on. At that point the other had grabbed Yuki who saw what Eri did and stomped on the persons foot. The boss went up to them. 

Cafe/Bakery. Raining hard.

Yoshimi had seen what happen and was going to happen walked up to the three people. Yoshimi had already seen of it was and knew at least Eri could handle herself, but being an officer she could not very well let that happen. Narumi sighed knowing trouble was brewing as she saw Yoshimi about to stop what was about to happen.

"I don't think you should do that or I'll have to put you in lock up." Yoshimi said not wearing her uniform `course but still had her badge. 

"Stay out of this damn cop." the person said

"*sighing* She didn't do anything to you and be glad she didn't, now I'm going to take them in and if you do anything I'll take you in." Yoshimi said getting ready to act.      

"I said stay out of this bitch!" the person said pulling out a knife.
"You people never learn." Yoshimi said as the person tried to slash her open. 

Yoshimi had saw the knife try to gut her open but had caught the wrist that held the knife twisting it hard. The person let go of the knife and used the other hand to punch her in the side. Yoshimi moved enough to soften the blow while still hold on to the person hand, she ran her elbow into their stomach. The others were going to help there boss but Eri had not given them time by kicking them in the legs then hard in the stomach.  They started to get up when Eri gave them a look making them stop trying to get up.

"If any of you continue it'll just make it worse for you people." Yoshimi said
"It'll be worse for you bitch." the person said recovered from the blow.

Yoshimi twisted the arm behind his back holding it there just as some other officers appeared. Then walked up to Yoshimi looked at the person she was holding and the others who were sitting on the floor with a mildly pissed off Eri standing near them, then back to Yoshimi.

"These the ones causing trouble?" a male officer said
"Yes this one and those two sitting on the floor." Yoshimi said
"Right we'll take over from here." the male officer said
"Fine." Yoshimi said

The three people got taken by the officers and left the Cafe/bakery while Yoshimi went to Eri. 

"What were you thinking." Yoshimi said 
"I couldn't very well go with them could I." Eri said
"No still you didn't have to do that." Yoshimi said

"No I suppose not I could of just ignored them but then that would probably make them bother us some more." Eri said

"Fine well at least nothing was broken." Yoshimi said
"I don't think they'd do anything if something was broken." Eri said
"Why's that?" Yoshimi asked curiously
"He owns it." Eri said pointing

Cafe/Bakery. Still Raining.

Brant had gathered the information he was looking for and left heading towards the general direction of were he felt Eri and Yoshimi. This time both were close to each other didn't know why and didn't care and kept walking towards them. Brant wasn't far from the place when he saw some cops show up go in then come out later with three people. Brant entered as they left and was pointed at by Eri.

"Hello babe. Hi yuki, ‘Shimi." Brant said than loudly "Doing good Jin?" having said that he gave Eri a kiss.

"No never am Oterra." said a voice from the back 
"You own this place?" Yoshimi asked surprised
"Well yes. Had to find someone to do something with it though." Brant replied  
"So why are you here hon?" Eri asked
"Here to ask her out like you said I should." Brant said
"Hmm oh right. Just don't drink to much." Eri said and started to leave with Yuki.
"I wont." Brant replied 

"Who said I was going anywhere with you." Yoshimi said
"Who your lovely friend?" Brant asked not answering the question.
"Narumi." Narumi replied
"Great to meet you Narumi. Names Brant." Brant said
"Well if your going to take her out I'll leave." Narumi said
"Nope your coming along too." Brant said then somewhat dragged them both.
"I didn't say yes." Yoshimi said struggling against him
"Why do I have to come along." Narumi said but didn't bother struggling

" `Shimi we've not gone drink for sometime and Narumi well since you are here you'll have to put up with it." Brant said and let go of Narumi after she sighed.

"Why'd you let her go and not me?" Yoshimi asked
"You'd run and she just said well not said she'll go." Brant said

In the end Yoshimi and Narumi went with him to the train station got on and head away from town. To go carousing and possibly eating much later. They made small talk as they waited to arrive at the stop. They got of the train then both Yoshimi and Narumi stopped and looked at him.

"Well here we are now what." Yoshimi said not as upset.
"Follow me." Brant said walking into the city/town.
"Where are you taking us?" Narumi asked
"Somewhere." Brant replied 
"Don't bother asking more questions, Narumi." Yoshimi said
" `Shimi don't be like that. Narumi she does have a point anyways its not far." Brant said

Night. Elsewhere. No rain.

Brant true to his word lead them into the first of man possibly bars, actually this bar but it still was a sort of bar. The three ordered some drinks that would turnout to be the first of three for this first stop. Brant liking only strongest alcohol that's not beer started with a strong drink. After the last round the three left to go to another bar.

"Where do you work Narumi?" Brant asked as they walked to the next stop.
"Café Ariel. Maybe you should help us out." Narumi said

"Heard about that café also heard someone is always making that in the red or at least borderline red." Brant said  

"Yes *sighs* That's way you should help us." Narumi said
"If the owner asks I may help." Brant said
"*Sighs again* I doubt it." Narumi said
"You could try cornering him with help of the others while the trouble is away." Brant said
"*Smiles slightly* Maybe I'll try that." Narumi said

"Hey! I'm still here." Yoshimi said tipsy given that she wanted to keep up with him Narumi didn't at least not yet.
" `Shimi we didn't forget you*arrives at the other bar* here we are." Brant said and entered along with them.

The place they entered was nice and had soft music playing, which would mean he'd have to get them out quick if they got drunk but they were here to eat not drink well drink too. They sat down waited for someone to show before ordering drinks then the food. They didn't order a lot of drinks only one which would last the whole meal.

"So `Shimi how's your job going?" Brant asked as they ate.
"Boring nothing is happening." Yoshimi said
"So the usual." Brant said
"Yes. Come to think of it I think something is happening or going to happen." Yoshimi said
"Something is always or is going to happen." Brant said

They both stopped talking and just ate their food.	

"By the way how did you two met?" Narumi asked in the lull

"Well I was running from someone when I nearly ran into her then I met here again don't remember where." Brant said but not that the true meeting at night.

"So it wasn't a fight that you met." Narumi said
"No." Brant said
"Do you even own that place legally?" Yoshimi asked

" `Shimi why would I say I own a place if it wasn't legal. Besides I own two other places. All three obtained legally through loop holes." Brant replied

"So illegal." Yoshimi said
"No loop holes don't understand how or why but I did find them." Brant said
"So what are the other two?" Yoshimi asked
"Ones overseas and the other is on the mainland." Brant replied

Having finished and paying they left the place to go to another bar. As they walked Narumi and Yoshimi questioned him about the other properties he owned legally or illegaly.	

"Overseas." Narumi said
"Casino." Yoshimi said 
"Yes a casino and its in South America." Brant said
"Casino in South America? Why not North America?" Narumi asked
"Simple I dislike the North or rather to many damn casinos." Brant said 

They arrived at a bar that had loud music playing and people dancing he herded them towards the bar and order drinks for the three of them. Brant didn't listen to the music he just drank his drink watching people. After awhile he took them out to dance and other times others would take them out. It was after the fourth drink or so that Yoshimi took Narumi out to dance. It was normal well nothing sexual at least except that males begin males watched. Now that was when things started to get well bad or good depending on who you ask. Brant had no choice but to get them out given that the owners or manager wanted them out. Yoshimi was starting to massage Narumi breasts having somehow lifted her shirt. Brant sighed as he went to them and dragged them out. Some of the guys started to say let them continue and other things, Brant gave them a look. 

" `Shimi if I knew you'd turn like this when very drunk I'd I've done something." Brant said pulling down Narumi's shirt.

"Wha?" Yoshimi said walking somewhat drunkly 

"Nothing." Brant said though he wasn't drunk at least not drunk like the two of them he didn't want to repeat himself.

"Whre.....tase.......s?" Narumi asked leaning on Brant ""

"*sighs* Tempting but no." Brant said only to realize Narumi fell asleep and muttered hell. " `Shimi you still with me?" 

"Home." Yoshimi said
"Yes, yes. Home." Brant said seeing Yoshimi was walking but now looking slightly green. "Please don't throw - *Yoshimi throws up*." 

"Yup I guess I deserve this." Brant said then managed to some how carry Narumi on his back while check on Yoshimi.

"Feeling slightly better." Yoshimi said 

"Whatever. Almost to the station." Brant said he didn't go to a h/motel cause one he was cheap actually he didn't think they would like it or at least think he did something. Two to let them suffer.

Very late at night or Very early morning.

They arrived at Yoshimi's place given that Yoshimi wasn't all together yet and he had no idea where Narumi lived. So there he was carrying a still pass-out Narumi and a nearly pass-out Yoshimi. Who opened her door and walked in. He entered gentle place the pass-out Narumi then he felt arms surround him.

"Please." Yoshimi said clearly
"Recovered during the ride back huh." Brant said ignoring the feel of her some.
"Yes. Please stay." Yoshimi said and started to move her hand down
"No." Brant said then slipped out of her grip causing her to stumble a little.
"I need you." Yoshimi said as he left.

As he walked home his cell rang check who it was then answered.

"Hi darling. No just them." Brant said

"Well..." Brant started


Rex, in his guise as a teacher of English Literature at the Japanese Academy of Scholarly Training, was strolling randomly through the school. His final destination would be his office, but he enjoyed taking a circuitous path that took in most of the building. It yielded so many interesting smells, and provided him with so much information.
He could practically tell, for instance, what each and every student was thinking by the odors they offered up to him.
He knew who the bullies were and who was being bullied; who were taking drugs and who were selling them. He could sniff those who had just cheated on a test, or were planning to. He knew which girls were in heat, and which ones were pregnant.
If there were any more serious problems developing within the school, he could sniff them out, too, and decide on whether he wanted to act upon them or not. Usually, personal ethics and good sense dictated a strict policy of noninterference. It would be easy as kibble for him to sniff out all the evildoers around here, but a sudden outbreak of justice at JAST would blow his cover. So, even if he got a whiff of something pretty foul-smelling, he was inclined to leave it alone if it didn't concern him personally or affect his mission.
Case in point, as he came near his office he passed Miss Betsunade, the school Nurse walking in the opposite direction. There was something suspicious about her, but, then, as a secret agent, he tended to be suspicious of everyone-it was good policy.
But the thing was¬Öshe didn't socialize with the rest of the faculty, but, instead, surrounded herself with a coterie of girl students-a gang of the snobbiest bitches in the whole school. She seemed to have no history. Or, at any rate, the records the school had on her were very sparse. 

JAST, apparently, didn’t screen its employees very thoroughly, which was a recipe for disaster in Rex’s opinion–considering the reputation the Japanese educational system had for attracting perverts. However, it was a policy he had also benefited from; since it facilitated an easy entry to this job he was using to cover his real activities.
But, to come back to Miss Betsunade, she was frequently absent from school for long periods of time, which seemed irresponsible for someone in her position. Wasn’t a school Nurse supposed to be available all the time? And there was the mask. She wore it all the time. Hadn’t she gotten over that cold yet? It was plain as day to Rex-if no one else here-that she was hiding her true identity.
But, strangest of all from Rex’s viewpoint, was her smell.
Their separate activities didn’t bring them into sniffing distance very often, but when they did-like just now as they passed each other in the hallway-Rex was struck by the peculiar fact that she seemed to have no odor at all. Well, once or twice he may have detected the faintest whiff of something very old or long dead, but he wasn’t sure.
And for Rex, with his remarkably developed sense of smell, that was a novel experience.
Clearly, there was something mysterious about Miss Betsunade, but since it didn’t impact on his mission here, he decided to let it go as a local affair, and thus none of his business. But maybe he would mention her to Etsuji sometime.
When Rex got back to his office, he found a thick print-out on his desk. It was the roster for the class on Pilgrim’s Progress he was conducting next semester. He was dismayed by the size of it. Why were there so many students interested in the most boring book in the English Language? He had hoped he could keep his classes small in order to give him more time for espionage.
As he read down the list, he realized that most of the names on it were female and sighed.
They were always complicating things.
Why couldn’t they just leave him alone?
Take his ward, Yuki, for example. Her attraction to him was flagrantly obvious. Even someone without a sense of smell could tell that she’d gone into heat over him. She was constantly fawning over him: fixing him special meals, cleaning his room, sitting next to him when they watched television together, and blushing for no apparent reason whenever he looked at her. If that wasn’t puppy love, then Rex didn’t know what was.
He had to do something quickly, before things got out of control. Last night she’d come home after a day of shopping. At such times, she’d usually display what she’d bought, just to get his attention. This time, however, she’d just carried her packages to her bed room without saying a word. But Rex could tell that she’d been out buying lingerie. Lingerie smells very different from plain cotton undies. What was, what was Yuki planning to do with the lingerie she’d bought? That was the question. He’d been her guardian long enough to observe that she was a very impulsive girl, and might be prone to doing something rash. He’d better take steps.
Not that she wasn’t desirable; she was a rather nice young person, in fact. But what would he say to the Tanukis when they came back and found out he’d compromised their only daughter? Better that she should find some nice young man to get her into trouble.
Then there was Yoshimi.
Yes, Yoshimi.
He smiled sadly.
They had been lovers once, and it was plain that she expected to pick things up from where they’d left off. But things change.
In those days, they’d both been young and crazy; in love with danger more than each other. They took a lot of chances and lost a lot of blood. And they both got a sexual charge out of monster slaying that enhanced their lovemaking. That wasn’t good, and-- even at the time–Rex knew it. But he’d been just as addicted to it as Yoshimi was.
In the years since, he’d matured-or so he liked to think. He’d seen too many things, thought too many thoughts, and become more risk adverse. He no longer had much of a taste for violence.
Yoshimi, on the other hand, didn’t seem to have changed a bit.
Taking on a squad of Meow Meows? And with just a pocket knife?
Rex shook his head.
Yoshimi’s problem, as he saw it, was that she’d been raised as a boy and grew up in a police gym when she should have been playing with dollies. As a result, her approach to life was essentially masculine.
Worse, it was exaggeratedly, over-the-top masculine.
Even in their lovemaking she had tended to be a little too aggressive for Rex, who maintained some decidedly old-fashioned ideas about men and women-especially in the bed room.
Oh, she’d made a few pathetic attempts to be more feminine, he supposed. But pink swords and Hello Kitty do not make a woman.
If Meow Meow was staging a revival, it was serious business. It implied that Beast Dom had not died, as everyone supposed, but must still be around. For who else had the power to cloud men’s minds and reduce them to animals?
Rex had known Beast Dom, back in the days when he was just an obscure college professor with some crazy ideas no one took seriously. Rex had known his son, too. They had been classmates together. Rex had been his best man when he married Alyssa, and been present when she gave birth to their daughter, Eri. Rex had been away in England when he heard that the Beast had killed his son and daughter-in-law (but not his grand daughter, apparently) and gone on to become a world-shaking megalomaniac. The news devastated him.
Rex had a score to settle with the Beast, and to do that he had to put together a team that could quickly and quietly neutralize Meow Meow before it started infecting the whole nekomimi community.
A team like that had no place for a loose cannon like Yoshimi.
So he’d secretly seen to it that she was suspended from the police force. There was already an action pending against her because of a complaint by the owner of the night club she’d trashed in the process of subduing the Meow Meows. The Commissioners were already considering a suspension; Rex just helped them make up their minds.
He felt bad about that. Being a cop was all Yoshimi had ever known. How would she react with that prop knocked out from under her? She might not be able to handle it. If something bad happened to her as a result, he’d be guilty about it for the rest of his life. But that was a price he was willing to pay.
Often he promised himself he would get out of this sorry spy business and settle down into some kind of normal life. He’d go back to the estate Mrs. Woodhill had left him, find some nice, quiet little bitch and raise a brood of puppies.
If only that were possible.
There was a DVD on top of his desk. He picked it up and placed it into the disc drive of his computer.
The screen turned black momentarily, and then images started appearing on it.
There was the familiar Magic Castle with the rainbow arcing behind it, and Tinker Bell, waving her magic wand.
Then the title credits appeared: LADY AND THE TRAMP.
It was his favorite movie.

CAPRICORN: There may be trouble ahead. A friend will betray you, but when one door closes another opens up.

Takuya was out of work again and making the rounds.
This morning her job search had taken her near the mansion where Yoshimi lived, so she decided to pay her a visit.
When Yoshimi answered the door, she was dressed in jeans and a tee shirt with two cute anime police women on it. Above their heads was a word balloon that declared: “You’re Under Arrest!”
“I know it’s early,” Takuya said. “But I was in the neighborhood¬Ö”
“Come on in,” Yoshimi replied. “I’ll make some tea.”
When the tea was ready, they seated themselves at a table in Yoshimi’s kitchen.
“It’s been awhile, hasn’t it?” Takuya began. “How are things with Narumi?”
“Oh, she’d pissed at me again,” Yoshimi said with a short, sharp laugh. “We went out drinking with Brant a couple of nights ago and¬Ö”
“Brant?” Takuya asked.
“Some guy I know,” Yoshimi replied. “Young kid. About your age.”
“Is he nice?”
Yoshimi started laughing so hard she practically fell out of her chair.
“Hardly. He’s full of himself and thinks he’s King of the World. The last time I saw him, he tried to convince me that he owned the Antique Bakery and a whole bunch of other businesses in South America. But-fuck-he’s only a school kid.”
“Sort of like the Canadian Girlfriend, huh?” Takuya said.
“Eh? What’s that?”
“Back when I was in school, you were considered a sort of a nerd if you didn’t have a girl friend by third year. So guys who didn’t sometimes created imaginary girlfriends for themselves. If anyone ever asked the guy why they’d never seen his girl, he’d reply that she lived out-of-town or overseas. For some reason, Canada was a favorite location. Thus: the Canadian Girlfriend.”
“Hmm, interesting.”
“But if you don’t like this Brant guy that much, why do you go out with him?”
Yoshimi scratched her head.
“Beats me. I guess I just keep looking for some way to deflate his ego. Besides, he knows how to get into the best places.”
“So you and Narumi both went out with him? And then what?”
“We got pretty drunk and I guess I did something to piss Narumi off.”
“Like what?”
“Fuck if I know! It’s all a blur.”
“Well, I’m sorry to hear that. You were such good friends, weren’t you?”
“Oh, she’ll get over it. But what are you doing up so early? Getting off the night shift or something?”
“No, I lost my job. I’m out job hunting today.”
“Funny. I lost my job, too,” Yoshimi said with exaggerated nonchalance.
“No!” Takuya exclaimed.
“Yep. Well, it’s actually just a suspension. You remember that little party we threw at the Comedy Box on New Years?”
“You know, when we were fighting those crazy cat men?”
Takuya suddenly flashed back to that horrible night that, frankly, she’d been trying to forget.
She’d come to the Comedy Box that evening to get her back pay, but Miss Gestapuku had drugged her and tied her to a cross. She was planning to do something dreadful to Takuya, when two wild-looking women-Yoshimi and Narumi-had burst into the room. And then there were those dreadful cat men trying to break down the door and the tear gas and all the rest of it.
“Your old boss, Saitama, wanted to string me up on account of the damage we did. He’s a crook, but he has friends in the Department, so I guess it was inevitable that I’d get a suspension. I suppose I’m lucky it was nothing worse.”
“So, what are you going to do now?”
“Nothing. Look, Rex isn’t going to let this suspension thing stand. He needs me on this Meow Meow case. I bet he’s working behind the scenes right now to get me reinstated.”
Yoshimi put her arm behind her head and leaned back in her chair.
“Who knows? Maybe I’ll go to work for U.N.C.L.E., myself. Then it’ll be me and Rex side by side, just like the old days. In the meantime, I think I’ll just enjoy my vacation while it lasts.”
“That sounds nice.”
“Hey! Here’s an idea,” Yoshimi said. “If you’re looking for work, how about I talk to Brant? If he’s really the big shot he says he is, maybe he’ll give you a job at the Bakery.”
“But aren’t all the people who work in that place gay?”
“But I’m not gay,” Takuya insisted. “I don’t like men.”
“You’re wise in your generation. But what do you like, Takuya? If you’re not gay, then what’s the deal? Are you a transsexual? Are you saving up your money to get ochinchin cut off?”
Yoshimi made a snipping gesture with her index and fore fingers.
Takuya gave her a sour look.
“Oh, no no! I really am a girl!”
“Takuya, you most certainly are not a girl. I’ve seen you.”
Takuya pouted.
“Well, what’s your story, then?” Yoshimi asked. “How’d you get this notion that you were a girl into your head in the first place?”
“You want the story of my life?” Takuya asked.
“Just the parts with sex in them,” Yoshimi replied.
“Could I have another cup of tea?”
While Yoshimi poured the tea, Takuya composed her herself and, with a sigh, began:
“My full name is Aihara Takuya, and I was born a boy. I was always a little soft and girly-looking and it bothered me. And when I entered high school, I got harassed about it more than before. Even my girlfriend treated me more like a little sister than a man. But a strange and surprising opportunity for me to change my life came when I joined the Chemistry Club. The president of the club was a girl named Satoh. She was a genius, but a little strange. One day, she took me aside and asked me if I’d like to be more manly, explaining that she’d created a serum that she thought would do just that, and asked me if I’d like to try it out.”
“In other words,” Yoshimi said. “She needed a guinea pig.”
Takuya nodded.
“I thought it would fix my life up, but instead of turning me into a he-man, it turned me into a girl, instead.”
“Side effects, huh?” Yoshimi said.
“It was horrible. All of a sudden I was a high school girl and being hit on by all of the boys and male teachers in the school. I’m sure you know what that’s like.”
“As a matter of fact, I don’t,” Yoshimi replied. “By the time I was eight, I knew at least fifteen ways to immobilize or kill an assailant. Maybe I could teach you a few sometime. They might come in handy for you on the job.”
“So that’s how it happened, huh?” Yoshimi asked.
“Not entirely,” Takuya replied. “It took all semester, but Satoh-sempai finally came up with something that turned me back into a boy. But when I entered second year it happened all over again”
“What?” Yoshimi said. “You’re kidding.”
“No! Satoh-senpai had graduated by this time and I was now president of the Chemistry Club, but there was this new girl named Chisato, who was just as much a crazed genius as Satoh-senpai had been. She used all of the Club’s money to invent a machine she claimed would make me taller, but it just made me into a girl again.”
Yoshimi laughed.
“You certainly had an unusual educational experience.”
Takuya nodded.
“Well, to make a long story short, I returned to normal, but in my third year it happened to me again, so I just gave up and accepted the fact that I was destined to be a girl forever.”
There was a brief lull in the conversation after Takuya had finished her story, but at length Yoshimi said:
“You know, that’s total bullshit. For one thing, there are no serums or machines that can change a person’s sex-at least none that any high schoolers could make. And the fact that all these serums and machines seemed to always end up turning you into a girl, instead of what they were created for says something funny about you, doesn’t it?”
Just then, Yoshimi’s phone rang.
“Excuse me,” Yoshimi said. “Moshi moshi. Oh, hi Narumi. Hold on a minute.”
She put her hand over the speaker and turned to Takuya.
“See, I told you she’d come around.”
“Say hello for me,” Takuya said.
“Takuya’s here. Says hello. Uh huh, uh huh. How about if I say I’m sorry. I don’t remember what I did, but I’m sure I’d be sorry if I had remembered. You know shame encountered on the road is forgotten. Takuya? Well, she’s out of work again and dropped in because she just happened to be in the neighborhood looking for work. Oh really? You’re kidding. How’d that happen? No! Okay, I’ll ask her.”
She put her had on the speaker again and turned to Takuya.
“Narumi says there’s an opening at the Caf√© Ariel. Seems like Hideyuki finally got tired of Mitsuki’s fucking up and fired her.”
“Fired his wife? Are they getting divorced?”
“Hold on. Hey, Narumi, are they getting divorced?”
Yoshimi glanced at Takuya and shook her head.
“Too bad. So you think Takuya might have a chance there? Okay, I’ll send her over. Bye.”
Yoshimi clicked her phone shut and put it in her pocket.
“Well, there you go, Takuya. Looks like this is your lucky day.”
Yoshimi glanced at Takuya’s chest.
“Uh, do you have a padded bra, by any chance?”
“No,” Takuya replied.
“Well, do you want to borrow one of mine?”

“There you are! Where have you been?” Nanjou, who was sitting behind a desk, demanded as Miss Betsunade (i.e., Kuchisake) entered the Nurse’s office. She was wearing a freshly starched white one piece and white saddle shoes-a typical nurse’s uniform. And, of course, her ever present surgical mask was firmly in place.
“Oh my! Nanchan have you been playing Nurse while I was gone?” Miss Betsunade replied.
“As if. You think I care about what happens to any of these proles? They can all bleed to death as far as I’m concerned.”
“Ah, such a sweet, charming girl you are, Nanchan. Shoo!”
Miss Betsunade made a gesture with her hands indicating that she wanted to sit down. Nanjou got up and leaned against a counter as Miss Betsunade took her place.
“I was just waiting, hoping that you’d show up for work for a change. Where is it you’ve been going to all the time?”
“Is it mete for youth to question their elders?” Miss Betsunade replied. “I have business elsewhere, and that is all you need to know. But why have you been waiting for me? Do you have a question¬Öor do you have good news for me?”
“A question. I’ve gone around telling all the girls that the Tairano Masakado Rebellion is starting up again, but it’s been months now and nothing’s happened. When is it going to happen?”
“Have you found a virgin?”
“Humph!” Nanjou replied, folding her arms across her chest. “You think it’s so easy to find one? Or, anyway, one who’s willing to give it up for that kooky ceremony of yours?”
“How sad,” Miss Betsunade said, shaking her head in sorrow. “The youth of today are so unadventurous.”
“Whatever,” Nanjou said. “Look, who cares about all that black magic stuff. It sounded kind of cool when you first suggested it, but the girls just want to party. Komegura let us party. She didn’t care what we did as long as we paid up.”
“Ho ho,” Miss Betsunade replied. “But poor Miss Komegura is no longer with us is she?”
“Oh, all right,” Nanjou said unfolding her arms. “Have it your way. But it’s still not going to be easy to find a girl to be your virgin sacrifice or what ever.”
“Not so, Nanchan,” Miss Betsunade replied. “I’ve found on for you. That old saying: tend one’s own rice field is so true. Here, look at this.”
Miss Betsunade offered Nanjou a manila folder that she had brought into the room with her.
Nanjou took it from her and opened it up. The contents appeared to be medical records, most of which didn’t make much sense to her. But she recognized the name.
"Those are the gynecological exams for a Miss Yuki Tanuki, a student in this very school, "Miss Betsunade said, “and she is a certified virgin.”
“Yuki! But she’s such a prole. A clothes horse and a prissy little prude. And I happen to know she hates my guts. She’d never go along with it.”
“Ho ho,” Miss Betsunade replied. “I think you may be wrong there. I think she may come to you.”
“Oh? Do you remember when you were so unwisely discussing the club with a friend in the girl’s obenjo on the fourth floor a few months ago?”
“Yeah, but how did you know?”
"The walls have ears, dear. Or should I say the stalls have ears. Ho ho, did I just make a joke?
“I don’t understand,” Nanjou replied.
“You didn’t know that Miss Tanuki was in one of the stalls, relieving herself and overheard all of your so injudicious conversation, did you, dear?”
“That was Yuki?” Nanjou gasped. “We thought it was Hanako.”
“Nanchan, you believe in Hanako? I thought you were too old for that.”
“Well¬Ö” Nanjou said–embarrassed by the memory of how she and her friend had panicked when they thought the girl they found in the fourth stall of the girls’ room on the fourth floor was the ghost of Hanako. “But how did you find out about that?”
A giant centipede crawled out of the top of Miss Betsunade’s dress and curled itself into a little spiral on top of the desk in front of her. It flicked it feelers around to and fro as Miss Betsunade petted it.
“Little Mukabe here likes obenjos. She saw everything as it transpired, then came back and told me everything. She is my little spy.”
“Well, if Yuki knows about the Rebellion,” Nanjou said, “we’ll have to get her.”
“No,” Miss Betsunade said. “I don’t think that will be necessary. Besides, I want her undamaged. But the sweet girl considers herself some kind of girl detective-a delusion she acquired from too much television, I suppose. Now that she knows about the club, I’m sure she will try to expose it somehow. And the most obvious way for her to do that will be to infiltrate it. So I’m sure she will be approaching you soon. And when she does, welcome her in, like the spider does the fly.”
Nanjou smiled.
“Yeah. Serve her right. But I don’t think she’ll willingly give up her virginity. I doubt if she’ll go that far.”
“I never said anything about ¬ëwilling,’ Nanchan.”


Lady and the Tramp came to an end, and Rex wiped a tear from his eye, It was his favorite movie, and it always made his eyes water up a little. On the other hand, he always bawled like a baby whenever he saw Old Yeller. He always lost his composure when he came to the part where Travis has to shoot his dog. As a secret agent, Rex was completely emotionless, but deep down he was just an old sentimentalist at heart.
With the movie over, Rex returned to the DVD’s Main Menu screen.
He moved his cursor across the screen and clicked Special Features.
In the Special Features menu, he right-clicked on Deleted Scenes,
There were, of course, no deleted scenes to be seen, and the Disney Company would have been surprised to know about the special software U.N.C.L.E. had installed on their cartoons that allowed its New York headquarters to communicate with their agents around the world.
Within seconds, a woman’s face appeared on the screen.
“Hello, Tramp,” she said. “It’s about time you called.”
Her name was Heather West. She was middle-aged and wore horn-rimmed glasses attached to a silver chain. Her hair was blond and done up in a type of bouffant that hadn’t been fashionable for ages. She was an American, but had inherited some Eurasian features that had come into the blood line from somewhere. She was an expert profiler, clue gatherer, and analyst. And as head of Section Two, she was in charge of U.N.C.L.E. agents in the field and, therefore, Rex’s boss.
“It’s taken me a little while to get settled,” Rex replied. “What with babysitting for the Tanukis and all. By the way, how are they?”
Heather smiled. “You know that question is inappropriate, Rex.”
Rex nodded. “Yes, but they’re my friends. I worry about them.”
“So do we all. But it’s just none of our business, is it?” Heather replied. “So let’s change the subject. How are things in Japan?” she asked.
“It rains just about every day,” Rex replied.
“Uh huh, and I hear you’re working in an all-girl’s school. How’s that going for you? You must be in Doggie Heaven right now.”
“You’ve got it all wrong, Heather,” Rex replied. “And I find the implication annoying. A girl’s school? Frankly, I can’t think of anything worse.”
“Poor Rex,” Heather replied. “I didn’t mean anything by it.”
Inwardly, Heather smiled. She knew from Rex’s profile that he was irresistible to women. It was that fluffy tail and big brown eyes that did the trick. Women just couldn’t resist the urge to pet him. Even she wasn’t immune, although the opportunity had never presented itself-worse luck. For years now she’d been hunting high and low for a dog that resembled Rex.
“The Japan Academy for Scholarly Training is co-educational, thank goodness,” Rex explained. “Although the girls certainly are the dominant factor. If there is one thing I’ve learned about Japan, it’s that school girls are really all that matters here.”
Heather laughed. "Is that right? So it’s just like in the cartoons, huh?
“Pretty much,” Rex replied.
“So a woman my age would just be yesterday’s newspapers, huh?”
“Not in my book, Heather.”
Heather blushed. “Why, Rex, you sweet thing! Are you trying to get a raise or something?”
They both laughed.
“Well, enough with the small talk,” Heather said. “All this band-width isn’t free, you know. What have you got for me?”
“As a matter of fact, not very much,” Rex replied. “You already know the basics. About six months ago, a member of the local constabulary here in Moriyoh had a run in with a squad of Meow Meows bent on mayhem.”
“You mean your old pal, Yoshimi, don’t you?” Heather asked.
“Yes, it was Yoshimi,” Rex replied. “But that’s irrelevant.”
“Hmmm, is it?” Heather replied. There was a slight chuckle in her voice.
Rex found that annoying-as Heather knew it would.
“Absolutely irrelevant,” He said. “The important thing is that Meow Meow is back.”
Heather became serious.
“Are you sure? They weren’t just some drunks playing some kind of stupid gag?”
“One hundred per cent sure, Heather. Yoshi-I mean the officer correctly identified them as Meow Meow, and I’ve had occasion to examine them, myself. There’s not a trace of humanity left among them; completely submerged by the Meow Meow.”
“Uh huh, any idea who they are or where they came from?”
“Unfortunately, they weren’t carrying their wallets when they were apprehended by the officer,” Rex said. “But I’m pretty sure they weren’t locals.”
“I conducted a thorough survey of the nekomimi community. Moriyoh keeps pretty good records on their feline citizens, and none of them are missing. There was a rash of missing persons late last year, but that doesn’t appear to have anything to do with this case; none of them were cat people. So these Meow Meow must be outsiders.”
“Uh huh. From where?”
“Haven’t the foggiest.”
“Uh huh,” said Heather.
“By the way,” Rex said. “I need authorization to transfer them away from here. They are more than the local police can handle. You should smell their cell.”
“No thank you,” Heather replied. “Consider it done. Where do you want them sent?”
“Meowtis. There’s a de-programming center on Oahu.”
“Hmmm, really? Never heard of it. Is de-programming even possible with Meow Meows?”
“Not that I’ve ever heard of,” Rex replied. “But at least they won’t be able to harm anyone there.”
“Uh huh, so¬Öany idea why–after eighteen years-Meow Meow suddenly re-appears in a small town in Japan?” Heather asked.
“It’s the Year of the Tiger,” Rex replied.
“Oh, really?” Heather replied. “Is that what it is?”
“I think there may also be another reason,” Rex said. “Ever hear of Eri Dom?”
“Well, she was Beast Dom’s granddaughter. Or rather, I should say she still is.”
“But didn’t Beast kill his family?” Heather asked.
“Apparently, he missed one,” Rex replied. “Eri is still alive and, by some ridiculous coincidence, she’s friends with my ward, Yuki.”
“Have you talked with her?”
"At some length. And better, I’ve smelled her. She’s a complete innocent, as far as I’m concerned.
“Yet,” Heather said. “You implied that she may have been the reason why these Meow Meow showed up.”
“Because of the second attack,” Rex replied.
“There was a second attack?” Heather asked. “When?”
“Back in March. At the haname.”
“The what?” Heather asked.
Haname,” Rex replied. “It’s a sort of picnic where you go to watch the cherry blossoms in bloom. It’s an ancient tradition in Japan. A group of us-including Eri–were invited to a private haname by Iris Locke.”
A smile crept across Rex’s face, along with a soft, distant look in his eyes.
Heather was an excellent profiler and she had women’s intuition in buckets. She could tell that there was something significant going on between Rex and this Iris Locke. She made a mental note to find out all she could about her.
“So you were attacked by Meow Meow at a picnic,” Heather asked.
“No,” Rex replied. “Not cat men. They appeared to be just majority humans-but very brutish examples of the breed. At first, I thought they were after me or Iris¬Ö”
(Note, Heather thought, the woman has enemies.)
“But now I’m sure that they’re real target was Eri,” Rex continued.
“Hmmm, why wasn’t I notified about this?” Heather asked.
“I submitted a full report on it months ago, Heather,” Rex replied. “Don’t you read your paperwork?”
Heather glanced over at something off screen from Rex’s point of view. It was probably a pile of papers stacked high on a corner of her desk.
She smiled sheepishly.
“But we’re talking here as if the Beast were still alive. But surely that can’t be. Everybody knows he’s dead. They pulled his burnt body out of that bunker at the end of the war.”
“Maybe,” Rex replied. “Maybe not. A cat has nine lives, after all. He’s still out there¬Ösomewhere”
“No,” Heather said. “He must have passed his power on to someone else.”
“I knew him, you know¬Öslightly,” Rex said. “I knew his son and daughter-in-law, too. The Beast wasn’t the sort of man to share power with anyone. And he obviously wasn’t looking for any sort of legacy. Otherwise, why would he have murdered Tom, who would have been his obvious successor?”
“Why did he?” Heather asked.
“I don’t know,” Rex replied. “I’ve asked myself that over and over again for years. Nobody knows. But when I catch up with him, I am surely going to ask him-right before I¬Ö”
“Whoa! Heel, boy!” Heather exclaimed. “You go on and find him, but as an agent of U.N.C.L.E on official business. When you find him, you turn him over to the authorities. Got that?”
Rex made no reply. Several tense seconds passed as Rex stared into Heather’s eyes, and Heather stared back at him.
“Yes, Mam,” he whimpered.
Heather relaxed. “Good boy,” she replied benevolently. The one thing that made these inumimi such good agents is that they obeyed orders-even if you did have to smack them with a virtual rolled-up newspaper every now and then.
“Well, now that that’s settled,” Heather said. “I’ve got some news for you. Singer is in Japan, too.”
“Oh?” Rex replied.
Singer was the top agent for the Franco-Russian Army. Rex had worked with her a few times, but he’d always been distrustful of her. Basically, she was a Good Guy, but you never knew what these Frussians were after.
“Yes, and she says she knows where that maniac school nurse the Japanese authorities have been looking for is hiding out. She’s prepared to disclose the location to you-personally-as soon as she completes her mission. Interested?”
“Not much. Maniac nurses are a bit peripheral to my mission here. More something for the locals, really. But I’ll pass what you’ve told me on to Etsuji, my liaison in the local constabulary.”
“Good enough,” Heather replied. “Just one more thing before I go. I’m sending Corgi out there to give you a hand. Is that okay with you?”
Rex beamed. “You know it is,” he replied.
“Alright then. Chow!”
The screen went blank.
Rex took the disc out of the computer and put it back in its case.
“The Lady and the Tramp,” he said cheerfully.
Well, so Corgi was coming. That really was good news. Next to himself, Corgi was probably U.N.C.L.E.'s top agent. A good man-always had his nose to the ground.
Then it struck him. Heather didn’t trust him! She didn’t believe that he would stick to his promise to turn the Beast over to the authorities when he caught up with him. And she was right!
Heather was sending Corgi to keep an eye on him.
“Who will watch the watchdog, eh?”
There was a knock on his door, and before he could respond, it flew open. Three young girls were standing in the doorway; their faces were shining.
“Professor Rex,” said the one in front. "It’s not too late to sign up for “Pilgrim’s Progress,” is it?

Planning for a meeting.

It was hot too damn hot but it didn’t bother her it did him but he kept silent. He walked beside her as they continued walking a path. She had called him and asked him to come to her home and walk with her. So here he was walking in the damn heat. He knew why she called him but didn’t bring it up yet. She stop making him stop.

"She'll never believe you but you don't care." Iris Isis said
"Not many would given I'm ‘young'." Brant replied
"So long as family and some friends know." Iris Isis said   
"True. On to business then." Brant said
"Que' descubre?" Iris Isis asked
"About much as you." Brant said then Iris looked at him he sighed.

"The attack on that day was aimed at her and you, the other two would of be a bonus." Brant said no longer pissed off by someone attacking her.  

"Muchas facciones juego y una de ellos partidas." Iris commented
"And another is making an appearance." Brant said

"T.I.O. Si dejaran alli' a agentes carta blanca conseguiri'an mejores resultados." Iris said

"History showed that an agency like that without someone that knows when to go over the line tend to destroy themselves." Brant countered 

"Tengo un punto." Iris said
"Yes but who know how and when to toe the line." Brant said
"Si. Que mas?" Iris asked
"Seems those few death reavers were a test of sorts." Brant said
"Pensado que era el." Iris said

They started walking again along the path towards some place that he didn't know and she did.

"So is the dog trouble?" Brant asked
"No." Iris replied as they arrived at a clearing

The clearing was small but had an off feeling to it at least to those that could feel it which wasn't many or just very little. Upon entering the clearing the air got cooler and smelled different. Brant now knew where they where and wasn't to happy about it. He had a reason to not be happy about it and the reason should itself. A small boy with wings saw him and ran then flew at him. Brant moved quick real quick and dove down and to the side got up and spun around with sword in hand.

"Aw what can't you let me love on you?" the winged boy said not caring for the sword.
"Don't make me hurt you Michael." Brant said still holding the sword.
"You can try love." the wing boy no longer sounding like a boy said
"Mike! Enough!" said someone else

"But...fine." Michael said not before some how giving a squeeze on Brant's ass. Who spun the sword and scored a hit on Michael.

"I said it many times I'm not like that." Brant said then shivered while putting the sword away.
"Sorry about that Brant." said the person who finally appeared
"Whatever." Brant said
"What brings you here quarter blood?" the person asked
"Is the meeting still on schedule?" Iris Isis asked

"Yes and I am sorry about those that went after her seems we have to crack down again." said the person

"She handled herself well so it doesn't matter now." Brant said
"She wont stay long I'm the only one for you." Michael said
"Mike shut it." the person said
"Any trouble here?" Iris asked        
"Given that we are going to have a meeting more so than usual." the person said 
"This one we probably trigger an all out war." Iris said
"Nearly there already." the person said
"Are you going to take the leaders of the opposition out?" Brant asked
"Only those that are more troublesome to see than others." the person replied and started away "Come let us eat while we plan for the meeting." 

The two of them followed the person and Michael  until their surrounds changed to a cool and wild place with high grasses. They had entered a weak point and walked right into the otherside. The otherside was wilder and bigger than the normal side. The people of the otherside was just like the normal side but with some changes here and there. The four of continued walking on a road until a car beep.

"Get off the damn road you idiots!"  Said the driver as he sped past
"Funny how even if you look different you have the manner of the younger ones." Brant said
"We don't look all that different." the person said 
"Most of you do." Brant said
"We are not walking all the way are we." Iris said
"There's a stop not far from here and around this time a bus should appear." the person assured.

It was about ten or so minutes before they reached the stop and another five before a bus appeared letting people off. Those on the bus looked surprised to see Brant and Iris but didn't say or do anything. Reason was the person that was with them was well known. Brant fell asleep on the way to where ever it was they were going. Brant was still asleep when he drew his sword holding it ready for some reason. As they arrived at the stop he woke up sword still in hand.

"How the hell did you do that?" Iris asked

"Do what *flicks the sword then sheathes it* oh that *looks at Michael seeing the wound* he moved close to me." Brant replied

The four of them got off the bus in front of a dirt road leading far out into wild grass. 

"But how would you know if it wasn't someone else?" Iris said
"Remember the time I was passed out." Brant reminded
"Yes and yet you look rested." Iris said
"I'm a deep sleeper you know." Brant said
"True." Iris said as they walked along the path.

They were walking right through a dangerous place and paid some attention as they followed the other two to where every they we're going. This place was slightly more dangerous than their home but it wasn't like they couldn't handle it. A large silver colored dog appeared just as something appeared to eat them or hurt them. Whatever it was that appear quickly left when Chaos appeared.

"Chaos did you sense us here or were you following." Brant said giving Chaos a scratch.

Chaos barked twice.

"I see." Brant said
"Is he was like that now?" Iris Isis asked
"He is now." Brant said
"Probably has to do with the trouble happening." the person said
"Most likely." Brant said

whatever it was that tried to attack them was still watching for a bit then left looking for easier food. It didn't find easier instead it found its death rather quickly and violently. Whatever it was that ate the other thing was still hungry and smelled something it had not in a long time. Food from the normal side and it bounded for the air.

"We should be there shortly." the person said
"Are we going to eat and talk or just eat?" Brant asked
"Either really." the person replied							
"Oh good." Brant said then he stop sword drawn as it or rather him diving down from the sky.

"Since you have your sword out you'll have to deal with him." the person said
"Fine I will. Unless he takes flight you are the only one who can take him on in the air." Brant said
"Hey I feel insulted by that."Michael said
"You should." Brant said just as the winged person reached them and attacked him.

The winged man dove with claws extended and tried to wound even kill the one with the sword. But the armed one proved to be quick and blocked with his sword. The winged man landed and attacked with a flurry. He took to the air tried but had lost a wing somehow. 

"I'm going to enjoy killing and eating you now." the winged man said
"If you live long enough." Brant said then but his sword away. "Here now we are on equal footing."
"We never were on equal footing. I will kill and eat you." the winged man said
"Whatever you say." Brant said and attacked sidestepping the slashed and punching hard and kicking.
"That wont kill me." the winged man said

“Oh I’ll kill you later right now I just want to enjoy giving you pain.” Brant said attacking again and breaking one of his opponents arm.

"Damn it. What are you?" the winged man said
"The one in blue saved me." Brant said
"No." the winged man said
"Yes. Goodbye." Brant said quick-drew his sword and finished it.
"Impressive now shall we continue." the person said

They all started walking again as if nothing happen and continued on down the dirt road. The side of the started to change as the continued. The grass started to shrink and the ground started to become hilly. One thing that was different about the other side was it had more villages that we're oddly connected to the world yet not. That was where they were heading towards a village that Iris' grandmother was born. Which surprised Brant. 

"Last time I was here was about I think about five years ago." Iris said

"It has been five years my child." said a voice from behind them carrying something behind their back. 

Iris turned to see it was her grandmother. Her grandmother looked human but only cause she didn't want to for now. Iris' grandmother gave what she was carrying to the person that had lead Brant and Iris, who then took it into the village. After giving the load she was carry she went and gave Iris a hug and kiss on both cheeks.

"You look like your mother." the woman said
"*Iris smiled* I'm sorry I've not visited you Grandmother Melia." Iris said
"Call me Melia." the woman said
"Ok Melia." Iris said
"Enough of that let us go eat then talk of the plans for the meeting." Melia said
"Yes Melia." Iris said and followed after as Melia turned back to the village and started off.

The village was like any other human village minus the humans. The people here would be called monsters or something. The people who saw them greeted Melia and Iris but Brant was called Blighter. Which he didn't understand but didn't bother asking given that he may know what it means.

"My Great Great Grandmother spoke of the name Blighter." Melia said once they arrived at a modest size two story house.

"And is the name handed down or earned?" Brant asked

"Earned always earned. Though you have yet to truly earn it but you can be called it." Melia replied as they entered the house 

"I take it that it deals with how I dealt with people from here." Brant said

"Yes. Though you don't kill all those that you sense or met you still earn the possibility." Melia continued "Of getting named Blighter." 

"And what would I have to do to truly earn it?" Brant asked
"Why am I not called Blighter?" Iris asked

"Iris you are of our blood it is already known you can deal with people here. As for you Blighter you will need to kill one of the heads or a second here to truly earn it." Melia said

They sat down and ate whatever it was that Melia had killed and gave to the person. It was cooked very well and tasted of various spices and a little sweet. Brant was tempted to ask what it was she had killed but thought better of it. The person and Michael had left sometime before they finished eating.

"Now let us talk of the meeting." Iris said
"Very well but lets wait for a few of the others to arrive." Melia said
"I thought we were not meeting now." Iris said
"No just waiting for Marelly and our head." Melia said
"Oh she's coming the head I mean ." Iris said
"She is." Melia said

Outside it darkened, lightning struck and two figures appeared. One was Marelly the other was the head. The head woman was scaled, clawed aside from that it was shaped like a human. The two women walked into the house. Both Iris and Melia got up and bowed their heads. Brant just watched and didn't bother getting up or anything. The woman acknowledge the two of them and stared at Brant. Who returned the stare for a short while before looking elsewhere. 

"The Blighter." the woman said
"That is what you people call me." Brant replied
"Hope you never become a true named one." the woman said
"I don't plan to." Brant said and the woman nodded
"Iris so could to see you after all these years. Melia." the woman said
"Shall we start Ma'am." Marelly said
"Yes." the woman said	 

All of them sat at the table that had been cleared in case they needed it clear. Brant sat where he had from the beginning. Iris and Melia had sat closer to the woman while Marelly on the other side of the table from them. 

"Iris where do you thinking we should hold it?" the woman asked
"Over there but at a neutral ground." Iris said
"Neutral ground. Good idea.  Now we need a place." the woman said
"I own a building." Brant said
"That would not be neutral ground." the woman said
"What people are going to show up aside the ones here." Brant countered
"I see." the woman said
"It's not big but it'll work." Iris said
"Now you need some security." the woman said

They continued talking after deciding that Brant would find people to be security for the meeting. After which they started talking about how or if they should coordinate with others. They continued back and forth on that until Brant slammed his hand on the table after having kept silent for such a long time.

"Enough." Brant said quietly as the three looked at him surprised and Marelly amused.

"Let the Blighter speak I believe he'll say something that'll finally put to rest what you three are going on about." Marelly said

"Thank Marelly." Brant said "Now coordinating with others is be a good idea but if you want to do that you'll have to choose the right places." 

"Hmm. Right places." the woman said mostly to herself
"Not would prove dangerous." Iris said
"Near but not at." Melia said
"You see we'll have this one here and pull some strings at the same time have others near high attention places." Brant said

"That'll trigger fighting to break out at home." Iris said 

"I thought of that also. There is fighting already happening *eyes hardened and violence embraced him* intensify it." Brant said

Laughter was heard coming from the woman that was the head.

"Blighter you may not of killed one of us but you truly deserve it." the woman said
"We'll have to start a day or hours before the meeting begins." Melia said
"I'll start talking with some people here and over there." Marelly said
"Well cousin we'll go with your plan." Iris said 
"It'll be bad very bad if very thing falls to shit." Brant said
"Its up to luck. It'll probably make the trouble that is happening at home get worse." Iris said
"The dog and his coworker will deal with it somehow." Brant said
"The meeting is more important than the trouble of your home." the woman said
"Everything will work out." Melia said

They began talking how they should position the security and how to deal with any trouble quickly and quietly without disrupting the meeting. The talking of positioning security for the one at the cafe/bakery  (Crescent Star) was easy. The other places would have to be dealt with by the other heads quickly and quietly. However theses meetings will end they will ripple far and wide.  The storm was unleashed one that will leave none untouched.


It was easy!
Kokoro couldn't believe how incredibly easy it had been to get Sugimoto dead drunk. She never even guessed that Kokoro was playing the same trick on her that she had played on Kokoro the night she'd arrived.
With Kokoro, it had been different.
The long trip up to the Chateau from Mito had been tiring, and some of that drug the Chief had given her the night before was still working its way through her system. Add to that all those fancy French wines Sugimoto had practically forced down her throat, and it was no wonder that Kokoro had succumbed so easily. And she probably wasn't the first drugged ‘guest' to fall into Sugimoto's clutches, either.

. But apparently Sugimoto wasn’t as experienced with good old Japanese shochu as she was with that foreign booze. Of course, Kokoro still had to go to bed with her. But she expected that. She had been using herself for bait, after all-just like with the Milk Man.

They were lying in bed. Sugimoto had one arm and one leg wrapped around Kokoro, and her head was on Kokoro’s chest. She was snoring-loudly and peacefully.
Kokoro slowly disentangled herself from Sugimoto’s embrace, crawled out of bed and quickly put her clothes on.
Then she went back over to the bed.
The key-that all-important key-was buried between Sugimoto’s breasts, attached to a chain around her neck. Kokoro took hold of the chain and tugged on it ever so gently. Sugimoto continued to snore. Kokoro carefully pulled on the chain until the key slid out of its hiding place. It glinted dully in the darkness and was still warm with Sugimoto’s body heat and slick with her perspiration.
She had the key, but now she had to get the chain off Sugimoto’s neck. She could probably break it, of course, but she wanted to avoid that as long as there was a chance she do her dirty deed and get back up here before Sugimoto woke up.
She tried pulling the chain up over Sugimoto’s head, but it was dark and Kokoro couldn’t quite see what she was doing. A portion of it brushed across Sugimoto’s nose, making it twitch.
Sugimoto mumbled something in her sleep and brushed her nose with her hand.
Kokoro froze in place, fearing that Sugimoto was going to wake up.
But Sugimoto continued to sleep, and Kokoro continued her work.
She got the chain up around Sugimoto’s head, but then it snagged her hair. Kokoro had to practically climb on top of Sugimoto and grope around behind her head, in an effort to untangle the chain without pulling her hair.
But Sugimoto suddenly shifted beneath Kokoro and put her arms around her, pulling her down on top of her.
“Darling,” Sugimoto mumbled.
She was still mostly unconscious, but was holding the two of them together cheek-to-cheek. Kokoro didn’t move; she feared doing anything that might rouse Sugimoto to full wakefulness at this point. It would all go to hell if she did.
Ironically, Kokoro discovered that the position she was in now made it easier to untangle the necklace from Sugimoto’s hair. With that done, she balled the necklace up and carefully freed herself from Sugimoto’s grasp. Sugimoto stirred a little, but remained asleep.
Kokoro stood up and looked down at Sugimoto on the bed. She appeared to be deeply asleep now. Like a baby. One of her fingers had found its way into her mouth and a thin line of drool was leaking from the corner of her lip and across her cheek. Crazy! It made her look all cute and innocent. It would be easy to forget that Sugimoto was her jailor, and for a fleeting moment, Kokoro felt a little guilty about what she’d done.
But then she remembered that she hated Sugimoto, and that made her feel less guilty.
“Shit!” she whispered, and quietly left the room.

Kokoro was crouching in the shadow of the Snow Sakura and pondering her next move. She’d stopped off at her room for some things she needed before coming out into the courtyard, and was now wearing a pair of dark pants and a black jersey-clothes that she hoped would help her blend in with the darkness.
That mysterious little building was just a few meters across the courtyard from where she was standing. All she had to do was walk over to it, put the key in the keyhole, turn it, open the door, and¬Ö
Now that she was so close to it, she was starting to get cold feet, and remembered an old story she’d once heard.
It was about a man named Bluebeard who gave his wife the keys to his castle, but instructed her not to open one of the rooms-and if she ever did, he would cut off her head. When she inevitably did, she found the room contained the headless corpses of all his other wives, hanging from meat hooks.
Was this the same kind of deal?
CeMell had told her the servants called it the House of Pain, and that some of the ones Sugimoto took in there never came back out again. So what was the deal? Was there a torture chamber in there? Maybe like that dungeon Sugimoto had shown her on her first day at the Chateau-only one not as playful as the Hello Kitty room? Would she find the corpses of headless cat people hanging from meat hooks in there?
“And if Sugimoto wakes up and finds her key missing, will she have my head, too?” Kokoro thought.
There was still time to forget this whole business and return the key to Sugimoto before she woke up. But what a waste of an effort that would be.
What to do?
Boys! Be Bold!
When she was a little girl, Kokoro had attended a grade school in Tokyo with a large banner in the hallway with those words on it. It was an admonition to the boys in school to study hard in order to achieve great things in life, and she had often wondered why there wasn’t also a banner for the girls-what were they supposed to do with themselves?
“Heart! Be Bold!” she whispered and set off across the courtyard.

It turned out to be a big disappointment.
There was nothing inside the building except a large, empty room. It was pitch black in there, and she’d been unable to find a light switch. Fortunately, she’d had the foresight to bring along a flashlight.
As she played its beam across the room, she could tell that there was really nothing to see in there, except for wooden walls, wooden floor, and nothing hanging from the ceiling-no meat hooks and no corpses.
“Well¬ÖI’m a little disappointed,” she said to herself.
But this only added to the mystery.
What was so important about an empty shed that Sugimoto would go to all the trouble of keeping it locked up and making a point of warning her to stay away from it?
“There must be something¬Öah!”
Kokoro had been sweeping the flashlight beam across the wall on the other side of the room when she noticed it-a glint of reflected light. There was a small brass ring attached to the wall at about elbow height.
Kokoro went over to it and felt the surface of the wall all around it.
Was there a door here, or was this just a ring stuck in a wall? That brass ring sure looked like a door handle to her.
Kokoro gave it a tug and a section of the wall swung open.
“Knew it!”
Behind it was blackness, but the flashlight revealed a long, straight passageway that sloped downward at a slight angle. With hardly any hesitation at all, Kokoro stepped past the threshold and took a few steps down the passageway.
In an odd sort of way, she was feeling happy and at ease now. For the first time in a long time, she felt in control, because creeping around in strange, dark places was something her years of thieving had amply prepared her for.
The walls and the floor of the passageway were made of blocks of some smooth stone that were so perfectly fitted together that the seams between them were almost invisible. Whoever built this didn’t seem to have used any mortar at all. This kind of construction was unique in Kokoro’s experience, and she wondered who had built it. That kinky politician Sugimoto had told her about, the original owner of the Chateau? And for what purpose?
The passageway continued on a downward slope for quite some distance without appearing to come to an end. Beyond the beam of her flashlight was darkness and more darkness. But eventually it leveled out and the flashlight revealed to Kokoro that there was another door up ahead.
It was just an ordinary sort of door-unlike the concealed one up above-with a frosted glass window in the center; the sort of door you might find in an office building. It had a familiar look to Kokoro, and when she opened the door and after she entered the room behind it she understood why.
She found a light switch on the wall and turned it on. A bank of florescent lights on the ceiling buzzed to life and flooded the room with light, revealing what to Nurse Komegura was an all too familiar sight. It looked for the entire world like a medical office. Along one wall was a glass case full of amber bottles and medical supplies that was mounted above a counter with trays of surgical instruments on top. Next to that was an autoclave for sterilizing, and next to that, a sink for hand washing with a box of latex gloves on a shelf above it. In the center of the room there was an examination table. On top of it was a large book, which turned out to be a copy of Sternman and Taber’s “Stereotaxic Atlas of the Nekomimi Brain.” It was full of MRI images of the cat brain, layer by layer. Kokoro had seen the same book back in nursing school.
Furthermore, the walls of the room were lined with schematic drawings outlining procedures for removing tails and replacing cat ears with human prosthetics.
“I’ll be damned,” Kokoro said.
She said it so loudly that the room reverberated with the sound of her voice and startled her. She clamped her hand over her mouth.
“I’ll be damned,” she repeated softly. “Someone’s performing plastic surgery on cat people.”
“And brain surgery?” She thought, looking down at Sternman and Taber’s book. “But why?”
Kokoro recalled that time she’d asked Sugimoto if there were many cat people working at the Chateau. “Not many,” Sugimoto had replied. “They come and they go.”
And this was the way they went? By being turned into clones of majority humans?
And who did the operating? Sugimoto, herself?
That didn’t seem likely. In all the time Kokoro had been at the Chateau, Sugimoto had never once betrayed any knowledge of human anatomy¬Öexcept in bed.
“Chateau.” Kokoro laughed.
The word ¬ëchat’ meant cat in French. Chateau? Cat house? Was the pun intended?
So this was the mystery of the Chateau. But it still didn’t make any sense.
Still, Kokoro wondered if there was some way she could use this knowledge to her advantage-although she couldn’t think how. Not while she was still a prisoner here, at any rate. She couldn’t understand why Sugimoto had bothered to keep it a secret from her, either.
Oh well, with her curiosity satisfied at last, maybe she should be getting back to the main building. There might still be time to replace the key before Sugimoto woke up, none the wiser.
She turned off the lights and went back out into the corridor.
She thought she felt a breeze coming from somewhere and looked around. There was another passageway on her left that she hadn’t noticed before.
“That’s curious.”
She decided to change her plans and entered the passageway, just to see what was down there. What could it hurt?
But before long she realized that was a mistake. This new passageway wasn’t as straightforward as the first one had been. It twisted and turned like a rat maze. Occasionally, it came to a dead end at a room, and beyond that room was another passageway that went off in yet another direction. Kokoro tried to find her way back at one point, only to find that she couldn’t.
She was hopelessly lost now, and starting to panic. Her flashlight was starting to get dim as well, and she wasn’t sure how much longer the batteries were going to hold out. She wished she had a compass or a map or something. Even that stupid Sight thing she used to have would have been welcome about now. But there was nothing she could do–except keep going from room to room and passageway to passageway and hope to stumble on some way out of the maze.
Most of the rooms were small, and Kokoro guessed that they were probably store rooms. In one of them, she found a rusty old sword, and for an instant, she thought she’d take it with her, but it was so heavy and bulky that she decided not to. What would she do with it, anyway? There was no one down here but her.
In another room, she found an old chest-like a pirate’s chest from a movie-containing numerous little round bottles. They all bore labels, but they were so old and faded that all she could make out was the word potion on each one.
“Some kind of homeopathic medicine?” she wondered.
She briefly considered opening one up and trying it out, but then the Nurse in her came to the forefront, and she put the bottle away.
“It’s unwise to take any medicine you don’t know anything about.”

Rooms and passageways. Rooms and passageways. They seemed endless. Kokoro was getting frustrated and tired. By this time, she was sure that she had been walking around in circles, so as she entered the next room, she didn’t expect to find anything that she hadn’t already seen.
But she did.
In the corner of this room was an overturned moped and, next to it, a cardboard box with the logo of a noodle shop on the cover. "Nihachi"it read. Wasn’t that the noodle shop on Hamada Ridge where Reiko had stopped at on their way up to the Chateau?
Kokoro looked around and saw something else. There was a silk jacket heaped up in a nearby corner. The kanji ¬ëni’ and ¬ëhachi’ were embroidered on the back.
She went over to pick it up, and got a shock.
Beneath the jacket was a pile of bones.
Human bones!
Fresh human bones, with dart chunks of dried muscle tissue still attached here and there.
She screamed and threw the jacket down; then ran out the door.
Outside, in the passageway, she leaned against the wall, using one outstretched arm to hold herself up. She was shaking, breathing heavily and her heart was trying to leap out of her chest. Kokoro had always considered herself pretty hard-bitten, but the sight of a human skeleton all of a sudden like that had shaken her up pretty badly.
It took her a while to calm down. Things were getting worse and worse.
She took a few steps down the passageway-determined to get as far away from that awful room as fast as she could, but then stopped.
“Well, that was a perfectly good jacket, wasn’t it?” she thought. “And I am getting a little chilly.”
She went back into the room and retrieved the jacket.
She picket it up quickly and tried not to look at the bones again.
She put it on.
It was a little big, but it felt good.
“I wonder how he got a moped down here,” she thought as she walked away.
There was another surprise waiting for her in the very next room. It was a prison cell–bars and a door with a lock; manacles on chains attached to a wall; a slit trench in one corner.
It was empty, fortunately. There were no forlorn prisoners to confront her with pleas to let them out, which she wouldn’t have been able to effect, anyway. Kokoro studied the cell for a time, then turned away.
“Nothing to see here,” she said.

Time passed, and she was now in a part of the maze where the stone work on the walls and floor stopped and the passageway was becoming more cave like-it had turned into a rough-walled tube. It was also getting colder.
If that were not enough, the flashlight finally gave out, plunging her into total darkness.
She was too tired to be frightened now. She simply leaned back against the rough stone in dumb misery and resigned to meet her fate.
“Give up, Heart. This is it.”
“What? Was that a voice?”
Was she just imaging things?
In the pitch darkness, with none of her other senses to distract her, she was definitely hearing a voice. It was coming from somewhere up ahead.
Blindly, she started groping her way toward the sound of it.

At first, there was just the sound of the voice to guide her, but eventually she saw a small, dim light ahead of her.
She wanted to run to it, but a deeper, more instinctual part of her advised caution. If there were people up ahead, that might or might not be good news for Kokoro.
As she got closer, she noticed the passageway ahead of her was widening out into a cavern and standing in the middle of it was the mysterious masked woman she’d seen earlier. She was illuminated by the light of a paper lantern she was holding, and she appeared to be talking to someone, although from where she was Kokoro couldn’t really tell.
There also seemed to be some other figures moving around in the cavern, but in the darkness outside the range of the lantern. Their shapes were vaguely human, but they didn’t move like humans.
She stopped and pressed herself up against the wall, unwilling to reveal herself just yet.
Should she reveal herself, she wondered.
Sugimoto had warned her to stay away for this masked woman. She had called her poison. Obviously, she considered her an enemy.
But could Sugimoto’s enemy perhaps be Heart’s friend?
She resolved to make herself know.
Suddenly, someone grabbed her from behind, and a hairy hand clamped itself around her mouth before she could utter a sound.
Kokoro struggled, but her assailant was too strong for her.
“Come away from there, you fool,” a voice whispered, and Kokoro was dragged back into the darkness.


"Stop fighting me, foolish woman! I'm trying to save you."
Kokoro struggled to get free, but the person holding her was too strong. She tried to scream, but couldn't. The stranger's hand had her jaw clamped down too tightly to allow any sound to escape from Kokoro's mouth. She tried lashing out with her free arm (the one that wasn't pinned to her side) and kicking her legs; but it was no good. Her assailant ignored her ineffectual blows and dragged her into the darkness, where Kokoro found herself pressed against a wall.
"I'm going to take my hand away from your face," the stranger whispered. "But please do not make a sound. If those others should notice us, we may both meet the same fate as the unfortunate former owner of that jacket you have on."
Kokoro may have been headstrong, having been born in the Year of the Horse, but she wasn't quite irrational-even under stress. Indeed, she was at heart a very practical woman, and, since it seemed that she wasn't going to get out of the clutches of this stranger, she might as well go along with the situation.
"She nodded, but asked, "Who are you?" as the hand came away.
"Shhh, no questions. Just take my hand. We must leave!"
"What hand? Where?" Kokoro asked groping for it in darkness so total it was like a velvet cloth covering her eyes.

She felt the stranger’s hand slip into hers.
“Now¬Ö try to keep up and don’t let go.”
The next thing Kokoro knew they were running-running thru total darkness! It was a terrifying sensation."
“Hey! Slow down!” Her voice was raspy-fear was stuck in her throat, making it hard to speak. “We’re going to smash into something. How can you tell where we’re going?”
“I see better in the dark,” the stranger replied.
“Well, I don’t! Slow down!”
Kokoro tightened her grip on the stranger’s hand. If she let go now, she would be truly lost. For a second, she had a terrifying sensation-as if she were falling through space.
They ran for what felt like hours, but, actually, the darkness had banished time. Kokoro had the impression that they’d changed direction several times, but she wasn’t sure. The darkness had banished space, as well.
Eventually, they seemed to be moving up a slight incline, and the darkness was starting to break up as well. A dim, diffused light seemed to be coming from somewhere up ahead. Kokoro was relieved as objects started to appear in the darkness: the walls of the cavern; her own arm; and the stranger, who was a shadowy presence in front of her.
The light was coming from an opening directly ahead of them. They passed through it, and Kokoro found herself in the outdoors, standing on the moss covered floor of a forest. They were in a clearing; surrounded by trees. It was still night but the stars were fading. Soon it would be dawn.
The stranger let go of Kokoro, who sat down on the mossy carpet to catch her breath and take a look around.
Behind her was the place they’d come out of: a small hill with a dark opening in its center and directly in front of her was the stranger, a mere shadow in the starlight. She was dressed in a form-fitting black garment that covered here entire body, including her ears and tail. Only her eyes and her hands-which looked like two white mittens-- were exposed.
“We should be safe here for awhile,” the stranger said and started pulling off her clothes.
In an instant, she had stripped down to nothing but a pair of striped panties. The rest of her was naked-if that can apply to a body covered in luxurious white fur.
It was CeMell, of course. Kokoro had figured that out some time ago.
CeMell scratched herself all over before sitting down next to Kokoro. She displayed the garment she’d been wearing.
“Like it?” she asked Kokoro. There was music in her voice again, now that it was no longer muffled by a mask. “My ninja suit. I made it myself-although I cannot say I understand why ninjas wear these. They’re terribly uncomfortable, hot and itchy. How are you feeling, Miss Komegura?”
“Okay, I guess,” Kokoro replied. “I don’t understand. Where’d you come from, anyway?”
“Oh, I was behind you all the time.”
“Like a shadow,” CeMell said, “After the conversation we had in the dressing room, I knew that you meant make an attempt to get into the House of Pain. I’ve been curious about it too, you know. But I was never able to get in, although I tried many times. So I followed you to see what luck you’d have. By the way that nail file would never have worked. But I guess you must have known that. So I give you credit for how you solved the problem. Personally, I never would have had the stomach to seduce Sugimoto-san just to get her key. Either you are a very determined woman¬Öor a very shameless one. Is that why you are a prisoner here?”
Kokoro chose not to give an answer.
“None of you business!”
She stood up, brushing a few leaves and bits of dirt from her clothes while she tried to decide which direction to go in to get as far away from the Chateau as possible.
“What I don’t understand,” CeMell went on-talking more to herself than to Kokoro, “is what those Meow Meows are up to down there.”
“Meow Meows?” Kokoro asked, still looking around.
“Yes, you’ve heard of the Meow Meows, haven’t you?” CeMell said. “The followers of Beast Dom, the terrorist?”
“I read a book once,” Kokoro said. “But they were all wiped out by the Punitive Forces, weren’t they? Their leader was killed in the Marshall Islands Campaign.”
“Was he?” CeMell replied. “For years we’ve heard rumors that he was still alive or would come back to life someday. To many unfortunate souls, he was a kind of messiah. Unfortunately, bad ideas like Meow Meow never seem to die. We’ve both seen evidence of that tonight.”
“I didn’t see anything,” Kokoro replied. “Just that strange woman in the mask.”
“You didn’t see the others?” CeMell asked. “The ones who had thrown off their human trappings and become little more that beasts?”
“Well¬ÖI thought I saw some shadows. But I couldn’t be sure.”
CeMell shook her head. The music in her voice was satiric.
“You’re not very perceptive, are you Komegura-san? You didn’t even realize that I was following you the whole time, did you?”
“Impossible! I would have known it if someone was following me.”
CeMell shook her head again.
“I was practically breathing down your neck the whole time. Of course, I was wearing my ninja suit and staying in the shadows.”
“I don’t believe it. You were following me?”
“Most of the time,” CeMell replied.
“Then why did you let me get lost in that maze?”
CeMell stood up and started to struggle back into her black garment.
Kokoro noticed CeMell was having a little trouble getting her tail into its sleeve.
“It’s just like putting on a stocking,” she thought.
“I had (oof) better things to do than watch you snoop around. Finding this exit, for example.”
She gestured toward the hole they’d emerged from a few minutes ago.
“That place really is a maze,” she said. “Just like you, once I’d entered that left-hand passageway, I couldn’t find my way back, either. I don’t think there was any way back.”
“What do you mean?” Kokoro asked.
“I think there is some sort of space warp or teleportation portal in that passageway and we went through it.”
“That’s preposterous.”
“Is it? Remember how there seemed to be a breeze coming from that passageway, but when you entered it, it went away? I don’t think the cavern we were in is actually connected to the House of Pain. Not physically, anyway.”
“There’s probably a simpler explanation,” Kokoro said. “Evoking sci-fi devices like teleportation doesn’t make much sense.”
“It makes good sense. Let’s assume for a moment that such a thing exists¬Ö”
“How would it work?”
“I have no idea-science¬Öor magic, I assume. But the main thing is that having a hide-out that can’t be reached by any ordinary physical means and which access to can be restricted would be a perfect place for a band of dangerous fanatics to hide in.”
“¬ëOpen, Sesame,’” Kokoro said."
“Exactly,” CeMell replied. “Perhaps that ancient tale has something to tell us. There may be places like this the world over for all we know.”
“Don’t get carried away,” Kokoro said. “You know, CeMell, I used to think that you were one of the more level-headed inmates of the Chateau, but now I’m not so sure. There’s a big flaw in this theory of yours.”
“What?” CeMell asked, pulling her mask over her face.
“We walked right in; without having to use any secret word or whatever.”
“True. That occurred to me, as well. But perhaps they left the way open, because they were expecting a visitor.”
“That woman in the mask,” CeMell replied. “She was obviously being very friendly with the Meow Meows.”
“Who is she?” Kokoro asked.
“I have no idea,” CeMell replied. “All I know is that Sugimoto-san hates her. You know how she is most of the time? Mocking everything and everyone? But not with that woman. I’ve only heard Sugimoto-san refer to her in the vilest terms. I think they must be rivals.”
Kokoro remembered how, earlier that evening, she had spotted the masked woman from the library window. When Kokoro had pointed her out to Sugimoto, she recalled, Sugimoto had pointedly advised her to stay away from the masked woman.
“She’s poison!” Sugimoto had said.
When Kokoro had stopped the mystery woman in the cavern, she had thought to make common cause with her against Sugimoto. But maybe that wouldn’t have been a good idea, now that she thought about it."
Kokoro had always lived in the real world. Secret passageways, Meow Meows, mysterious masked women and a cat girl in a ninja costume-all that was too far into the Twilight Zone for her taste.
“I’m going back,” CeMell announced. “Wish me luck.”
“Going back?” Kokoro said. “Why in the world?”
“There are things I need to find out.”
“Like what?”
“If I told you,” CeMell replied. “I’d have to kill you.”
“Just kidding.”
You know, CeMell," Kokoro said. You’ve been acting very differently from your usual self tonight. What’s your scam? Are you a cop¬Öor a spy?"
“A spy is a traitor to their country, and I do not possess a badge. So no, I’m not either of those things. Besides aren’t we all a little different at night?”
“So what are you?” Kokoro asked.
“Oh, I’m just a cat girl. You know how curious we cats are. I think you had better find your way back to the chateau. You’ll be safe with Sugimoto-san.”
“No thank you. I’m not going back there. Not to the living arms of Sugimoto. She’ll flay me alive when she finds her key missing.”
“Then what?”
“I thought I would just pick a direction and keep going until I’m so far away they’ll never find me.”
CeMell nodded. She didn’t reply to Kokoro immediately, but seemed lost in thought.
“Are you sure about that?” she asked after awhile. “Well, maybe it’s for the best. I’ve already shown you more of myself than I’m comfortable with. You could compromise my mission, and I would feel more secure with you out of the way. Your best bet is to make it to the Ridge. It’s a long way from here, but if you make it, you might be able to get a ride with some passing motorist.”
CeMell pointed to a bright star in the sky.
“See the Weaver Star?” she said.
Kokoro nodded.
“That’s east. Keep it in sight, and you’ll be heading in the right direction. But the sun will be up soon. After that, you will have to find your way as best you can.”
She turned around and walked over to the mouth of the cave. At the entrance, she turned around.
“Mosera iru attta mireba. May Happiness guide you. And be careful. It’s dangerous in these woods at night. Good bye.”
She disappeared into the opening, and at last Kokoro was alone again and she felt it.

It was rough going.
There were no paths she could follow in the woods and the ground was uneven and rocky in places. Sometimes the ground level would drop unexpectedly, and she would find herself tumbling down the side of a hill in the dark. Two or three time she came close to spraining her ankle and once she stepped into a small stream she didn't see, soaking her shoes.
It was hard keeping the Weaver Star in view. She had never had any interest in astronomy and the stars all looked the same to her. CeMell's advice seemed off base, too; weren't you supposed to use the North Star to find your direction at night? 
"But I've never understood how that would help," she told herself. "Unless you were going north."
The sky had gone from black to blue-grey in color, and the stars were washing out, but dawn didn't seem to be anywhere nearer.
"Maybe it takes longer for the sun to come up here in the mountains," she thought.
When she was a little girl, her parents--who were still together-had sent her to sleepover camp one summer. She'd hated everything about it: the hikes, the crafts, and the sing-a-longs- except swimming. The nights were the worst. She hated sleeping on a hard cot in a smelly old test, instead of her own bed at home. 
The first night out, she couldn't even sleep at all. She sat up all night around the embers of a camp fire with two other girls who were afraid of the dark and waited for the sun to come up. That was the longest night of Kokoro's life.
She was still thinking about her conversation with CeMell.
Space warps? Teleportation? Ridiculous, of course. The House of Pain already had a very good lock on its front door. Why evoke some fantasy device that only otakus and Americans believed in? And what about that tunnel they'd come out of? What was the point of having a lock on the front door, if the back way was wide open?
She wished she'd though of that last point when she was debating CeMell; it would have been a killer argument.
Where was CeMell now? She wondered. Was she okay?
If there really were Meow Meows in that hole she'd jumped back into, she could be putting herself in grave danger.
Meow Meows!
Hadn't she seen a lot of books on the Meow Meow Uprising in the Chateau's library? In fact, she was reading one just a few hours before this whole creepy adventure began. She'd wondered why there were so many of them, but now it sort of made sense. Whoever'd collected them was probably not just a history buff.
Did the Chief know he had these dangerous fanatics living in his cellar? Was he charging them rent? Was this another one of his dirty deals? Another revenue stream for Ecuador, Inc.? Or was this some scheme of Sugimoto's?
Behind her-a noise. 
A wave of fear coursed through her like a bleak orgasm, and she started shaking uncontrollably. She turned around and peered into the darkness, looking for what caused the sound. She was standing in a small clearing in the woods, and all around her was nothing but trees and undergrowth, silhouetted in the darkness.
She listened, but all she could hear were the night sounds: the chirping of insects-or were they frogs?
"Who knows?" she said to herself.
She turned back, and started walking again.
It's dangerous in the woods at night.
She'd heard that from both Sugimoto and CeMell.
But what was it that was so dangerous? Bears? Wild boars?
"Probably just a raccoon stepping on a twig," she said to reassure herself. 
She started to quicken her pace.
Maybe it was just a raccoon, but she didn't want to tangle with one of those, either.
It must be following her.
She turned around again. Maybe she could shoo it away.
When she did, she saw something coming out of the undergrowth. It was too large to be a raccoon. She could barely make out its shape, but it appeared to be vaguely human. It was crouched over and appeared to be walking on all fours.
"Hello?" Kokoro asked. "Who's there?"
There was no reply from the stranger, who was continuing to crawl toward her. His eyes were yellow and seemed to glow with a strange, fierce light.
Kokoro turned to flee, but found herself face to face with another person who had crept up silently behind her.
It was the masked woman from the cave!
The hairs on the back of Kokoro's neck stood on end.
"Oh, look, Doraimon," the woman said. "We've caught a little mousie."
Kokoro turned her head to see that it was the fat little handyman from the Chateau who had been following her. He was crouched on the ground less that a meter away with his arms tucked under his chest. He was bobbing his head and flicking his tail back and forth. He was¬Öpurring?
Kokoro had seen Doraimon several times during her stay at the Chateau--he'd even come into her room once or twice to work on something--the plumbing-but never like this.
"What's wrong with him?" Kokoro asked.
"Ho ho." The masked woman replied. Despite wearing a mask that covered her mouth, she put the sleeve of her kimono in front of her face as she laughed after the fashion of well-mannered Japanese women. "Doraimon has simply found his inner cat. He's at peace with himself now. Oh, my! But we haven't been properly introduced!"
She bowed.
"I go by many names, but my favorite is Kuchisake. Yoroshiku onegaishimasu.
Kokoro nervously bowed in response and repeated Kuchisake's greeting. 
"I know who you are, dear. You are Komegura-sama, the notorious Maniac Nurse."
"Excuse me?"
"Don't you know, dear? All of Japan is looking for you. Killing those men and cutting them up made you a celebrity. Didn't you know? I daresay you'd be a hit on all the talk shows."
I¬Öuh¬Ödon't like to be reminded about that."
"But why not? It was an artistic achievement. I couldn't have done better myself. I've longed to meet you ever since I heard about it. I'm sure we have so much in common. I took over your job, you know."
"My job?"
"At that school in Moriyoh. I took over you job as school nurse. After all, someone has to be on hand to mislead the youth of Japan. Your office still reeks of death by the way. It's so sweet; it makes me feel quite at home."

So much time had passed since Kokoro had come to the Chateau that she had almost forgotten about her old job at JAST. Try as she may, it was hard for her to recall any memories of her old life. There was a boy-what was his name? Ryo? She wondered if he still missed her after all this time. Then there was Brant-that asshole. It was all his fault that she was in this predicament. And she wondered how her mother was taking it if they were really calling her daughter a maniac.
Kokoro decided that Kuchisaki was the strangest person she had ever met. She talked like a cheerful ghoul, and she was genuinely scary. There was something fundamentally wrong about her. It was as if she had invisible tentacles that were reaching out to grab Kokoro’s soul. She felt dirty just standing in her presence, and understood a little why Sugimoto objected to her.
She had to get away from here.
“Uh¬ÖI don’t mean to be rude or anything. It was nice meeting you and all, but I have something to do. So¬Öuh¬Ögoodbye.”
She bowed and started to leave, but as she attempted to walk past Kuchisake, Doraimon leaped up and pinned her arms to her sides.
“Hey!” Kokoro shouted. “Let go of me.” She struggled to break free from his grip.
Kuchisake shook her head.
“Komegura-sama. We can’t let you go. We’ve only just met. And we have business with you.”
She put out her hand and fingered the hem of the jacket Kokoro was wearing-the one she had found in the maze. The one with the name of a noodle shop printed on the back.
“Nice,” she said. “It looks like some little mousie’s been in my pantry, eh? Do you like taking things that you find in other people’s houses, mousie? Well, I have something here that I think might belong to you.”
She reached into one of the sleeves of her kimono and pulled something out. Long and slender, it was covered with soft white fur. Kuchisake cradled it in her arms and stroked it like a doll.
Kokoro felt the gore rise up in her throat.
“Oh no! Is that¬Ö?”
“A tail? Yes. It once belonged to a friend of yours, no? She was a curious kitty, wasn’t she? I’m sure you know the old saying about curiosity and the cat. It was old even in my day. I suppose it’s become a clich√© by now, but for your friend-sadly-- it became a true description of her fate. Here, I’m sure she would have wanted you to have this.”
She placed the tail around Kokoro’s neck.
“There, it suits you.”
Kokoro broke down and started sobbing.
Kuchisaki, on the other hand, seemed elated. Her tentacles had found Kokoro’s soul at last.
“That’s enough, Kuchisake!”
Sugimoto and Mrs. Norris had suddenly appeared in the clearing.
“Mrs. Norris,” Sugimoto said, pointing at Doraimon, “If you please.”
Mrs. Norris nodded. She had a cane with her and she used it to beat Doraimon until he let go of Kokoro, who collapsed into a fetal position on the ground.
Kuchisake was indignant.
“How dare you interfere with me!’ she hissed.
“Remember the Agreement,” Sugimoto said.
“I think that you are the one who’s breaking the Agreement” Kuchisake replied. “She broke into the Lair. That makes her my rightful prey.”
“Not yet, it doesn’t. I think Jose will have something to say about that.”
“Hah! What do I care about him-or anyone else? When my Lord Uzumaki returns, you’ll all be like dust under his feet.”
“Well, he isn’t here now, is he? Look, dawn’s breaking. Don’t creatures like you have to crawl back into your caves when the sun comes up?”
“You watch too many movies!”
For ten long seconds, the two women stood, staring into each other’s eyes. Neither of them spoke.
“Fine! Have it you way then,” Kuchisake said.
She got down on one knee and lifted Kokoro’s head up by her chin.
“Farewell, mousie. We’ll meet again.”
She stood up and brushed away the dirt from where her clothes had touched the ground.
“Come along, Doraimon,” she said as she walked away.”
Mrs. Norris looked at Sugimoto questioningly.
“Let him go,” Sugimoto said. “He’s beyond recall now. Pick her up.”
Mrs. Norris brought Kokoro to her feet.
She was a sorry sight; her face was dirty and streaked with tears.
Sugimoto took CeMell’s tail away from her.
She tossed it into the underbrush. Then she slapped Kokoro in the face-hard.
Kokoro had been in a near comatose state, but the slap brought her back.
Sugimoto slapped her again."
“Quiet, you slimy bitch. Mrs. Norris?”
Mrs. Norris placed a pair of handcuffs on Kokoro’s wrists.
“Come on,” Sugimoto said, shoving Kokoro roughly.
The three of them walked in silence back to the Chateau, and Kokoro was dismayed by how short the trip was. It seemed that despite all her efforts, she hadn’t gotten very far from it after all.
Sugimoto made Kokoro sit on the bed, while she and Mrs. Norris took up the manacles that were chained to the frame.
“Remember these?” Sugimoto asked as Mrs. Norris removed the handcuffs and replaced them with the manacles. “Remember how I said you needn’t concern yourself with these as long as you behaved? Well, here is how it’s going to be. During the day you’ll be free to move around the room, but the door will be locked. The rest of the Chateau is off limits for good. At night you’ll be manacled to this bed, where you can’t make any trouble.”
“What if I have to go to the bath room in the middle of the night?” Kokoro asked.
“You’d better have a strong bladder then.”
Sugimoto looked at Kokoro appraisingly and a little anger went out of her face. She actually looked sad when she next spoke.
“I was so happy when you first arrived, you know. I thought we could actually be friends. I could use one. And even though you had such a negative attitude, I hoped I could win you over. But you just had to go your own way and make trouble, didn’t you? And now look what you’ve done. CeMell’s dead-and it’s all your fault.”
“No! It isn’t¬Ö”
“Liar! Till now, my protection has been the only thing that’s kept you from becoming cat food. But that’s all over now. Come on Mrs. Norris.”
They left and Kokoro collapsed back onto the bed. She was a mess emotionally and fatigue swiftly overcame her.
Just before she fell asleep, she spoke her name out loud.

In another place.
"Golly," Aquamarine said. "She's really in trouble now."
Her companion agreed.
"I'd better go get Mr. Suzuki. He'll straighten this out."
"Father? Yes, he was always good at fixing things. May I come along? You know, when I was a little girl I had quite a crush on him."
"Of course, I know," Aquamarine replied. "It was me that had the crush."