Project Sakura Character Thread

Imagine a bishoujo game where this forum was reimagined as a Japanese high school (erm, “academy”). Each board member is a student. The moderators are teachers. What would your character be like? Describe two possibilities: one for each gender. Feel free to include backstory and pictures.

If you want to stop there, that’s fine. Toss them in and maybe we’ll incorporate them into the game thread. Otherwise, read on.

Guidelines for the game thread:
Write a single scene per post. Both characters are assumed to exist simultaneously, but avoid having your two characters interact (that would ruin part of the fun of the game, which is to interact with others). Any secondary characters introduced are “public property”. Try to keep the “narrative” as linear as possible; that is, try not to backtrack in time unless the character is recalling a memory (not sure how this’ll work, but it’s worth a shot). Other than that, how much and how often you post is completely up to you.

The school encompasses grades 10-12.
The game begins on the first day of class after summer break. It’s the end of August.

Game thread: viewtopic.php?f=14&t=6312
Discussion thread: viewtopic.php?f=24&t=6313
Character thread: viewtopic.php?f=14&t=6295

Shiki Nishimura (nickname: Dark Shiki): A senior student of foreign descent, with black hair and an atmosphere to match, he mostly keeps to himself in his corner in the back of Class 12-A. Though reclusive by nature, he has a fondness for philosophical topics, and will actively participate when such discussions arise. Due to his aloof tendencies, and the fact that he transferred in only last year, little is known about his family life or hobbies outside of school. He prides himself in excelling at schoolwork, and his grades are usually among the top in the class.

Defining quote: “People are sheep. Spook a few, and off the herd goes. Idiots.”

Aselia von Streissburg (nickname: Hime): A quiet young girl with long purple hair and a melancholy air, she quietly sits in the left corner of the front row of Class 10-B. You might say she is somewhat of a celebrity in the school: she’d skipped three grades, and her mother is a school superintendant. Aselia stands out, not only due to her circumstances, but for a more obvious reason: she doesn’t wear a school uniform. Perhaps it’s because her parents couldn’t find one that fit, or the school lets it go because she’s their golden child. In any case, each day she wears an impossibly elaborate outfit, giving her an almost doll-like appearance. On top of that, she’s rarely seen in the same outfit twice. Rumors abound that her father (a successful lawyer) is a pedophile, and that he dresses her up for his own gratification. During class, Aselia can often be seen staring out the window beside her desk, as if silently protesting her proscribed life, lived in suffocating shelter.

Defining quote: “…” (vacant stare)

Taero Juki: Juki is outgoing and eccentric. A good student, he would be great if he could take studying seriously, but he tends to do everything half-assed. If you need someone in your club for ideas he is the person you go to, though he won’t stick with any club or activity for more than a few weeks; which has caused him to gain a reputation as something of a flake among the school’s elite. Juki is chubby and can be self conscious or awkward around girls when he first meets them; though within 15 minutes he has usually forgot to be embarrassed and is back to his usual gregarious self. That guy you always see surrounded by friends, drunk on saki and singing off tune … yeah, that’s probably him.

“Study for the first half of the test … the second half will take care of itself.”

Taero Jukieh X: Jukieh is ecstatic, being turned into a girl is right at the top of the list in things she always wanted to do. As a girl she is even more eccentric than Juki, jumping into all the oddest situations and half adopting every new fashion. She does, however, have a tendency to drop into melancholia when not actively doing something and likes taking long night walks, which can get her into trouble from time to time. She is somewhat shy about the fact that she is a lesbian and tends to get quiet when left alone with girls she is attracted to. She is not shy, however, when it comes to helping out girls who are being hassled, often jumping “to the rescue” … though she isn’t always prepared for the repercussions. Among the things she carries on her at all times (aside from the hello kitty bag) is a canister of mace with which she is a bit too trigger happy.

“Try everything once! It’s only strange until you’ve done it!”

Let’s see here…

Kabraxal: tall upper class man with long blue hair and a patchy goutee. Introverted and melancholy, he shows no drive in either grades or school activity. Silent and aloof, few even notice his presence as he is often slumped deep into his chair in the back isle staring at the ceiling. During breaks he is often seen hunched over and reading a book or writing mysterious scribblings in his journal. Though no one knows anything about him, several people swear they see him working at the local market during the evening.

“In the end, does anything really matter?”

Xallie: slender girl with a short blob of wild blonde hair. Surprisingly peppy and quirky, she is a bit flirtatious with everyone around her. Completely oblivious when it comes to math and science, but intently devoted to the various cultural classes and her two clubs: drama and football (soccer). Despite her outward nature, she is quite shy and turns a bright shade of red when having to change in the locker room. Beware karaoke bars… when drunk it would take Armageddon to pull Xallie from the microphone. She has also started a part time job modelling for the local department store. Known to laugh creepily when nervous.

“It’s better being an ironing board than knocking yourself out with a pair of basketballs!”

M’iau M’iaut A small, blue-haired catgirl, beastgirl something. Strong in magical talent and tougher than she looks – annoys with lots of talk of love and shit like that. Claims to be 10, but more likely 8. Bratty little child who is the Princezz of some distant planet, and is not afraid to make sure you know that fact. Claims also to hold the championship belt of some mysterious spacefaring organization but no one recognizes said group and it really would not matter if they did – MMs belt is no where to be found. Despite her age and stature, has collected a huge taste for BEER and has been known to drink herself into oblivion.

“Megid 30…right to the kisser!”

Merlot Syrup-M’iaut MMs future son with her long time darling, Maple. Received name from first words MM saw upon waking from the night he was conceived. Tries to keep himself removed from mom’s doings as much as possible.

I think this has got to be one of the most fun ideas for a thread. Given that I already partially covered this in another thread that gave rise to this one, I guess I have a bit of a head start (even if it is taking me forever to sort out the details).

Kimuzukashii MEIJI: A second year student, with brown hair, brown eyes with glasses, and a mustache and goatee. Due to a quirk of genetics and his partial foreign ancestory, his facial hair has the strange aspect of starting out brown at the root, but fading to red and even close to strawberry blond the closer to the tip you look. While known to be somewhat upbeat and a good student now, he is also a bit reclusive. Those who have looked in to his past can scarcely believe the picture painted by those who knew him before he came to this school: that of a highly intelligent, but delinquent student who was completely withdrawn. Not much is known about his activities outside of school, but it has been reported that he has been seen assisting at a food stall at the obon festival, wearing a yukata with a somewhat flamboyant pattern (for a guy). He is part of the Mahjong club (with Unicorn and Olf, and Lamuness as advisor), and is on the Kyudo team.
Defining quote: ???! (This is a Mahjong term for those who don’t know.)
Here is the pattern on the Yukata:

Junsui Nakagawa (???): A very kind, but shy and reclusive, highly intelligent girl, Junsui works as a miko at a local shrine. She has long, flowing, silky, dark brown hair, and brown eyes with glasses. Due to her grandmother being from Kyoto, she slips in to speaking Kansai-ben at times. While known to be a good cook, she doesn’t cook anything complicated very often, preferring to make simple things that aren’t as much of a hassle (particularly when it comes to cleaning up). At home, she tends to an extremely large garden full of roses, Japanese Camellia, flowers in the poppy family (especially the genus Meconopsis), and Wisteria, among other things (such as fruits and vegetables). On a darker note, she is known to have a small collection of carnivorous plants, and is rumored to take sadistic pleasure out of watching insects being eaten by them. Despite these rumors, those who visit her home report that instead of killing spiders she finds in the house, she captures them and releases them outside. She performs quite a balancing act with her many club activities, which include Ikebana, tea ceremony, Naginata, Kyudo, and Mahjong.
Defining quote: ??? (Seisha Seichuu - Correct shooting is correct hitting.)


Quote: “Why bother?”

Jinnai is a third-year student with dark-blue hair and blood-red eyes. He tends to slack off at his studies and prefers to just laze about on the roof because he often is bored. In spite of this he is always among the top of his class in test scores making him both the envy and enemy of his classmates simply because he has an eidetic memory. Because of this, he has only a few close friends in the clubs he usually attends and is quite shy around others, especially girls. In class he pays attention to the teacher, but only when there is something new being presented, otherwise he distracts himself with the latest manga that came out. He tends to start arguments with his friends at times simply for the sake of arguing or to be contrary. This often leads to the comic situation of him being the cool collected person next to the excited idiot yelling at him.

Jinnai X:

Quote: “Are you sure that’s what you want to do?”

Jinnai is a third-year student with blueish-green hair and golden-eyes. While she is very smart because of her eidetic memory, she is very open and is willing to help her friends, but gets frustrated when they don’t understand her simple explanations (NOTE: her explanations are actually quite complex). In public she tends to act really cute, especially when it can help her get stuff, but her natural attitude is more of one to laze around when she can, usually at home or around her close friends. She trains in martial arts several times a week. She is known as the “bad friend” among her close friends as she often goes out of her way to make things worse for her really close friends, sometimes through long and elaborate plots that make it seem like she’s helping them. Often her plots involve the use of reverse psychology or confusing the person making them go around in circles in their mind as to what she’s really planning knowing that they know that she knows what they are doing. When it really matters though, she is always there for them though.

Talimew Rurin: A tall, medium-built third year student. Has brown, long hair, most of the time hanging down in the front of his deep blue eyes. Usually found in the back of class 12-A, sleeping at his desk or staring up at the ceiling. Considers going to school a waste of time and doesn’t do most of his homework. So how he continues to get good grades, is a mystery, and pisses of some of the people in class, who works hard to get decent grades!! Doesn’t talk very much and isn’t very good with people. Because of that, Talimew doesn’t have many friends. He’s was member of the Kenjutsu clup and was actually quite good at it, but had to stop, due to various problems. Now he works part-time at the nearby bookstore or is staying in his dorm room, alone. Talimew never talks about his past, but what is known is that he was in a big accident, back when he was a small child. His parents and many other people died back then. Actually he was the sole surviver.
Quote: “…What do you want?!”

Welita Tsukina: Welita is a serious, hard studying girl. She is tall, even higher than most of the boys in her class and she is atlethical built. Her long blonde hair is most often tied up into a knot. She is often wearing tight jeans and a loose t-shirt, ignoring the school’s dresscode, though she does occasionally meet up in the uniform. Mostly to get the teachers of her back. She uses strong glasses, due to a sickness she contracted as a child, where she lost a good deal of her eyesight. Is suspected of being a lesbian, as she has turned every guy down, so far… Is on the girls track-team, being one of the fastest runners. Spends her evenings studying in her dorm room. She hates being disturped while studying, usually exploding in fits of anger if she is. Doesn’t have many friends.

Quotes: “I’m busy right now!” and “Can’t you see I’m studying?? Dammit!!”

Lexo - This guy seems quiet. Nobody knows who he is! He seems to get above average scores without actually doing the work. Positive but confrontational. Believes in old fashion ideals. Girls call him cute and quiet. Guys call him talkative and annoying lol.
Appears disconnected from reality. Once caught laughing manically…
Dark brown hair, blue eyes, requires glasses, slender, average height; looks young and decently built.

“Man, I fell asleep during the final! Still passed it though… …Hey, where are you going?”

Lexa - This girl doesn’t fit in… She’s open, positive, and cheerful; makes friends easily, and is always volunteering for activities; yet looking deeply into her eyes reveals something that makes her look distant, as if she might leave if you look away…
She seems immensely naive, placing trust into friends and strangers alike. Willing to put her life on the line for people she does not know. Extremely loyal, and too forgiving. Seems to seek trouble… and tries to fix it!
A chance sighting of her away from friends reveals her to be shy and single-minded, not very good at multi-tasking!

Despite her positive manners and outlook, she seems to give off a darker personality if one catches her off guard.
Dark brown hair, blue eyes, average height, highly sensual; slender build. Impossible to read at times, while other times an open book. She scores high marks on tests and seems like a person with all the answers and still somehow seems to be in dire academic straights…

“Have you… ever wondered what it would be like; to be the bird that braves the storm?”

Ramon Ecuador, son of Jose Ecuador, a Central American drug lord. Short and fat, bald, had scar across his forehead. An average student, among the richest student in the school, looked quiet but he was actually short-fused. He was sent to Japan to expand the family business (illegal drugs, prostitution, and pornography) and to find potential partners in East Asia. Quote, “Somebody must make this a deal.” He was betrayed and killed, but God gave him a second chance of life in form of…

Aquamarine, the human form of an angel. Fair skin, small built, and looked even shorter due to her large boobs. The hair was painted black, it was originally dark blue. Very intelligent, but not smart enough. Had the power of controlling water. Quote, “I will just flow free.”

This sounds like fun. Here’s my entry:

Bamboo: (Chinpo Tanuki): The class clown and dimmest bulb in the room. He takes a perverse pride in his general lack of smarts ¬ñ that is, until finals come around. So for survival, he’s attached himself to the smartest guy in school, an exchange student from down south. But rather than spending time trying to improve his grades, he’s forever trying to involve his friend in lame-ass schemes to get laid. Chinpo is a major horndog and avid collector of AV, but he’s still such a major virgin that he thinks mosaics are a natural part of the female anatomy. He’s also obsessed with things military and has the largest collection of toy tanks in Japan.

Typical quote: “Sugoi!! Zenra Baby Oil Bungee Jumping Volume 10!!”

Bamboo X: How strict is the rule about being a student? Because I’d rather be a cynical, sharp-tongued chain-smoking school nurse with a troubled past who hides her fatal attraction to younger men (especially troublemakers) behind a gruff exterior. However, in order to play the game right:

(Yuki Tanuki): A bright and sociable girl, Yuki excels at needlework and is president of the Sewing Club. She favors Loli fashions which she makes herself and will probably end up working for one of the major designers after graduation. She has a not-so-secret crush on a boy in her class, but he dislikes her because of a prank their classmates played on him back in grade school and which he blames on her. Yuki spends many a tear-filled evening alone, puzzling over his disdain for her along with his unhealthy obsession with his invalid sister.

Quote: “Drop dead, Kana!”

I like this, give me time to write up a good one. Remind me about it if it’s not posted in a week.

A nurse is fine. Glad to see there’s interest in this topic. I was thinking this might be fun as a message board text game.

Rules would be something like:
Choose a character and write a single scene per post. Both characters are assumed to exist simultaneously, but avoid having your two characters interact (that would ruin part of the fun of the game, which is to interact with others). Any secondary characters introduced are “public property”. Try to keep the “narrative” as linear as possible; that is, try not to backtrack in time unless the character is recalling a memory (not sure how this’ll work, but it’s worth a shot). Other than that, how much and how often you post is completely up to you. If you just want to post your 2 characters, you can just toss them in for us to play with too.

A few ideas on the setting:
The school encompasses grades 10-12.
The game begins on the first day of class after summer break. That should make it near the end of August, I think.

Very interesting.

Sounds like a good excuse for a lot of bad fan fiction. But I for one would like to see it happen. It’s got me thinking (something I usually avoid). When you talk about interacting with other characters, do you mean other players’ characters? Hmmm…then I wonder which one of these guys Nurse Kokoro is pining over?

Forum rps can be a great deal of fun, so long as everyone plays nice.

If we do start a forum rp we should do so in another thread … using this one for people to list their characters and that for the actual rp - rather than mixing the two. So, the question becomes, who is going to start it up?

Yes. It doesn’t need to be a romantic pursuit necessarily. The pitfall I had in mind is that each person would write their own self-contained romance novel (especially if one character is a projection of themselves, and the other is their idealization of a romantic partner). That’s not really what I’m going for here.

I’ll work on writing up a first post. I’ll take Jack of Tears’s suggestion and start a new thread. That’ll help keep this thread uncluttered. Typically I’m used to running these with 3 threads (story, discussion, characters). I think we might get some angry looks if we did that here though. Maybe if we put one or more of the threads in a different forum…

One more thing: don’t write these posts in the forum window. You’ll get burned eventually when you get a 404. Write them in a word processor and save yourself some grief.

On a forum such as this I doubt we need three threads - we can use this one for ooc discussion as necessary. If the thing picks up we might eventually petition for a separate rp section on the site, but our first step needs be see how many people are really interested and will become involved. I will try to post as opportunity and inspiration permit so as to help things along.

Iris Isis Locke

Long blue hair, silver eyes, wears a jacket even if it might be against regs. The jacket was giving to her by her father who is currently on a mission which she has no knowledge of. Her mother was killed for her failure in giving up her position as next in line for control of one of the biggest company. Iris Isis doesn’t have to worry about anyone coming after her to kill her. Reason is she went to the heads of all the people who dealt with her uncle or mother. She did so by gathering each head and their right and left hands in one location. Once gathered she said just one sentence “Make a move against me or anyone I care for you will not only die but so will your company.” All the people gathered there thought she was joking, the following week one of the companies made a move against her. Hours after they attacked the company was destroyed. She never became the head of her mothers company but found some she trusts. That all happened five years ago her company mostly took over some of the ones that were at the gathering or they got destroyed by moving against her. Her father knows of this but doesn’t interfere , last time he visited her he gave her a jacket that he had since he started his missions.

Quote " I bloodied many people don’t make yourself another one."

Brant Oterra

Normal length hair (for a guy) black hair, dark brown eyes and carries a sword which is definitely against reg but then again no one can see it unless he uses it. Youngest of three children two sisters and him. He was suppose to take over the family business but lucky for him his middle sister took over with her husband. After they took over he went on a wondering around. As he travel he came across someone who still made swords by hand. The person made his sword and was paid for it, once he had his sword he continued traveling. As he travel and on odd occasions he talk to his two sister and mother. After months of traveling he had no choice but to use it as he continued to use it he got better with it. He searched for masters who could teach but ended up finding only those that knew a little of being masters. He took all from those who taught him and made them his own. He continue his travels for sometime and used his skills when he had to.

Quote “Lead and I may not follow, follow I may not lead.”

Okay, sounds fun.

Nemo (Real name Hottaro Fuma)
6’2’’ and 210.Nemo the codename of a trained assassin of an ancient (now defunct) Ninja clan.He is ironic, even though he doesn’t care about anything or anyone, he is quite considerate and understanding, sometimes even a bit kind. Currently he is hired by a muti billionaire to guard his lovely daughter who is attending the same college as him.He just turned 21 and usually shows the maturity of a much wise person and the coldness of an uncaring killer, but will sometimes show a childish and innocent side.In college he sits quietly in a corner and focuses on the lessons,doesn’t try to make friends and has a somewhat anti social rebellious outlook.He has really good grades and the teachers view him as a reticent and naive but very intelligent. He is charecterised by total ignorance(apathy???) of fashion and trends, his thick black hair that are usually unkept and his erratic mood swings and a twisted personality.Other times he is training and working out as well as playing for the college soccer and basketball teams.
On his very first day in college he quietly broke a few bones on a group of wannabe’s who were teasing a girl.Since then other students have kept their distance from him.
favorite quote: " I like the smell of fear that freezes your skin and blinds you"

X-change character

Leslie (Elisabeth Alva Kinsley)
Les is a transfer student from Germany.She claims to be from a noble lineage and certainly acts like one. She has a pretty well built athletic body, an uptight personality, long blond hair that are always subject of various “experiments”, a spendthrift attitude, great fashion and dress sense.She likes to read and make lots of friends,her inner circle consists of a cute catgirl, a really gorgeous, mega rich spoiled hottie and a pair of scorching hot - hot twins.A big quirk in her character is her interest in Japanese martial arts,archery and her expertise with guns.Another major thing is her total disinterest in studies and her really nice grades.
On his very first day in college she quietly broke a few bones on a group of wannabe’s who were teasing a girl.Since then she has been revered by the girls.
Quote : “I prefer the .22”

Male :

Dave Inster

Stands at 6’ 4".

Hair : Blonde

Eyes : Blue

Hairstyle : Short, tapered, parted.

Marks : None.

Nationality : Transfer student from North America.

Personality : Is kind, honest, polite, mannered,… a nice guy.

Plan : To do the best he can now.

Goal : To one day be principle of his own school.

Quote : “You can do it if you try.”

Female :

Morning Glory (no clan name)

Stands at about 5’ tall.

Hair : [color=#DFFF00]Chartreuse[/color]

Eyes : Blue

Hairstyle : Braided, with a nice white bow too.

Marks : Has a tattoo of a Morning Glory flower on her hip.

Nationality : From the North American area of warm Southern California.

Personality : Is very much a nice, kind, sweet, gentle, naive girl.

Plan : To bring love, joy, and happiness to everyone now.

Goal : Same as her plan, but on a worldwide scale.

Quote : “We can all get along, let’s not do violence and just be friends, it’ll be nice.”

To all those asking, yes Morning Glory is based on the Flutter Pony of the same name.

No, she is -not- a Flutter Pony.

This little Morning Glory is all human.

Her personality, beliefs, and attitude are a perfect match though.

She has no will to do violence, and prefers peace instead.