Project Sakura Discussion Thread

I gonna have to set Tsukina-san free. I’m not very good at playing a female. So if someone wanna take over her character or use her as an NPC, be my guest. If you don’t like her personality, feel free to change it.

If you don’t mind my slight meddling bamboo, I have a few corrections to the Japanese you have been using since I am a student of the language. First, the particle you are looking for when the character said “Uso-o”, is ? (yo), not ? (wo, which is written as “o” when using Hepburn romanization). Use of the particle ? indicates that the word or clause preceding it is a direct object effected by a verb. For example, if you were to say, “Would you like to eat a bagel?”, the word “bagel” is the direct object effected by the verb “eat”. The particle ? on the other hand, is often used to place emphasis on what is said. (There is more to this particle but I’m only going to talk about the way it is used in this instance.)
Second, the characters for “yuri” are ? and ?, not ? and ?. The second character generally means “fit, suit, join”, as in fit together or join together. (The suit meaning is along the lines of saying “That hat suits you.” to someone.)
Third, in regards to the character saying “Eto-o”, adding the particle ? to that interjection sounds really odd. Also, “eto” needs to have either a long E, or the consonant needs to be doubled when the word is romanized, depending on how the character said the word. (Personally, when I use the word when speaking Japanese, I use the doubled consonant pronunciation, but apparently the long E pronunciation is more common.)
Lastly, the word “So” in the character’s sentence “So desu ne.” has a long O sound.

Kimuzukashii: Thanks for your comments on my (mis)use of Japanese in my stories; it’s news I can use. I appreciate your guidance. It is my belief that using a few Japanese expressions in the girl’s speeches adds some necessary color to the story, you know? But there’s always the danger of overdoing it. I’m really sorry I got the kanji for yuri wrong; it spoils that joke a little, doesn’t it? Actually, I got my information from the cover of an old Nikkatsu video called “Lesbians in Sailor Suits,” which uses the ¬ëtribe’ kanji, instead of the ¬ëto join’ one. How embarrassing to be led astray by an old porn movie. By the by, my concept for the Twins is that, while the other girls used Japanese expressions occasionally, their dialogue is always in Japanese. That probably limits how much dialogue I’ll be able to give them, so if anyone else wants to write about them, don’t feel obliged to do the same (unless you know what you’re doing, of course).

Dark Shiki: Well, it was just too good a joke to pass up. Gomenasai!

I’ve been on a creative high ever since this Project Sakura started, but I’m starting to come down, so it might be awhile before I post another story. Altho, I hope not too long.

I know enough about Japanese to see what MEIJI is saying, but it seemed to me that bamboo was imitating exaggerated expressions used in anime, not proper phonetic Japanese. What his characters were doing was the Japanese equivalent of saying “Helloooooo” in English. Sure, it’s not grammatically correct (and it sounds silly), but if I know my anime, it’s done in Japanese speech occasionally.

Does this count :lol: :wink: ?

I based my latest post off this quote:

Thus during the second fight, he was using the sword he carried with him, and Miwa realized this during the fight.

By the way, I’m going to clarify how the sword works. It has an illusion spell cast on it that causes those not aware of the sword to overlook it. If the onlooker has seen him draw it before, OR they’re specifically looking for it, they’ll see it. So if word gets around that Brant carries a sword, he’s screwed. Likewise, it has physical existence, even if the onlooker doesn’t notice it.

In this case, I’m going to say no one other than Miwa was paying close enough attention to realize he didn’t pick up a realistic-looking replica that was just lying around the dojo. As they still believe in the illusion (that he’s not carrying a sword), it isn’t broken…yet.

I was thinking no one will see it if he doesn’t draw it, even though Miwa has seen it she wont see it cause looking at it makes your eyes slide off it so to speak. If that makes any sense or you can make it stay an illusion not broken yet. In this you decided. I’ll just modify my character w/o the sword if it is any illusion that breaks. Can’t very well have a person running around with a sword.

Your choice. Personally I think the illusion idea adds an interesting layer of danger. Flawless characters/mechanics don’t make for interesting tales. It also keeps your character from showing off his sword everywhere he goes. :stuck_out_tongue:

I thought I should let you guys that I am in the middle of writing my next post for the RP thread. Writing these takes me awhile, mostly because writing a story doesn’t come naturally to me anymore due to my not using the skill on a regular basis since I left elementary school. Hopefully, the more I do this, the easier it will come to me. On the other hand, there may be longer intervals between my posts for awhile since hopefully I should be starting my Japanese III class next week (provided it isn’t canceled due to a lack of students).

Yeah, I was planning on writing a post on Sunday, but then the BBS was taken down for maintenance. It makes it easier if you just write what’s on your mind and not get too bogged down in the details.

My postings will take awhile cause I’m slow in getting my flow going and I’m somewhat currently writing another story that has nothing to due with this. I’ll probably not post again on the main tread until the end of the month I think.

Hey bamboo, you might want to fix this hilarious typo:

Is done.

Always have had problems with those two words. After we got married, the Wife and I had to sit down an write thank you notes to all the people who gave us loot. Somebody gave us a set of glass bowls, and when I wrote the note, I…you guessed it. I don’t know how the recipient of that note took it, but it became an in-joke with us, and for years I could be sure to get a giggle out of the Wife by referring to “glass bowels.”

Hope to finish up Chinpo’s saga pretty soon now.

Given that Chinpo’s saga is nearly finished, I figure I will wait to write my response to the locker room scene so that I can further tie the incident in to the main story by making some sort of reference about seeing a beat up boy limping home or some such. Who knows, Junsui might even help him get there. So that this is possible bamboo, I ask that you have him start on his way home, but don’t cover the actual trip so that I can do this.

On a separate note, can you update the quick links at the top of the three subjects Shiki? They still link to where they were at Otakuism, rather than where they are now at JastUSA.


I just need something clarified:

Seeing as the CRC might be the catalyst for romantic liasons, how are we going to operate within that structure? Do we merely pick another created character to have a casual chat with and then have back and forth posting? Or is there some other way this is going to happen?

I’m just wondering because I would like to deepen the interactions for my character in some manner, but am a little unclear as to what the guidelines specifically are.

Right, from the onset I’ve been hoping for more interaction between the player characters. This hasn’t really happened yet, somewhat to my disappointment. A lot of it is probably my fault for not taking a leading role in the writing as someone who guides the story and sets up events with other players (a role known in the P&P world as the GM or game master). Nevertheless, we don’t necessarily need an interaction-focused story, though that was what I had in mind. If we’d rather develop it as a story with multiple distinct threads that are only loosely connected by taking place in the same general location, we can do that. In that case, I would encourage others to follow bamboo’s example: create some characters, have them interact with each other, and write your own self-contained subplot. In this scenario, I’d probably write about Shiki and Aselia meeting up at the Casual Romance Club, and I’d go from there.

Ahhh… I was trying to interact with the Junsui character since the creator had also tried to show some interactive scenes.

I think I’ll keep trying to weave in other people’s posts while also fleshing out my own sub-plots from time to time. It seems much more fun that way.

Does each post/event takes place at the same time, before or after as others. If that makes any sense.

In that case, I would encourage others to follow bamboo’s example: create some characters, have them interact with each other, and write your own self-contained subplot.

My second post would be considered a subplot. Right?

interaction between the player characters

It’ll be hard considering some/everyone takes time to actually write a story/post. (Suggestion perhaps using a messenger could make interactions happen meaning have a conversation acting like the characters. Given all or nearly all of us live in different time zones it might not work.)

Yeah, sorry about that. Working on a good post for the thread has been low priority lately, what with Japanese III class starting and all the research I’ve been doing before I take the plunge and get to renting an instrument (initially, to make sure this isn’t just a passing fancy) and taking lessons to learn how to play the electric bass. (It is something I’ve been thinking about doing for many months now, probably as a combination of playing Guitar Hero and watching Beck: Mongolian Chop Squad, among other things.)