Project Sakura Discussion Thread

First I would like to apologize for not posting this earlier. Judging from the fact that I have not succeeded in making my character(s) to get into the RP story, and that I may not be able to stay online to catch up with it, I decide to let go of those characters and make them available for anyone to use. I may still read how things going on in this thread and the story thread though. Anyway, I must admit that the RP idea is brilliant, even when I can not participate in it.

Well, it’s done, Meiji, and as you can see I left an opening there for Junsui. But is that a good idea? Chinpo is a radioactive horndog who’s completely clueless about women and liable to embarrass himself around them. I hope everyone else enjoyed my O-Bon story. Credit where credit is due: I ripped off the Uzumaki idea from Ito Junji’s manga “Uzumaki.” Although, where my conception of Uzumaki is sort of Lovecraftian via Roger Corman movies, his Uzumaki is purely Japanese, a disembodied mystical force of nature. It’s a pretty creepy book; you should read it. Also, Miss Kuchisake is a well-know urban myth in Japan with a strong web presence. Her Wikipedia entry is most informative:

And she’s even starred in a couple of movies. I thought about bringing her back in a postscript to the main story (because the monster never really dies, you know), but decided against it eventually. I liked her, but I don’t want to stay involved with her (at least not for now).

As for the issue of interacting with the other players characters, I’m personally not sure how to go about it. The Sewing Club girls did invite Junsui to join them, and we know that Ryo, whom Yuki is still carrying a torch for, likes Xallie, but other than that, I’m reluctant to put words into other people’s character’s mouths.

By the by, Nurse Kokoro is on track to get married in October, and it looks like she’s going to go through with it, unless someone thinks of something interesting enough to deflect her.

You say that it is over bamboo, but it seems there is a large missing gap of time. Given that Chinpo burst in on the sewing club after the first day back from summer break, I would think that the events in his story happened the night before. Given this fact, where was he in the morning and during the entire school day?
As for him being “a radioactive horndog who’s completely clueless about women and liable to embarrass himself around them”, I wouldn’t worry too much. Junsui would have no trouble putting him in his place. Much like a black panther, just because she is beautiful doesn’t mean that she isn’t lethal. (Part of the inspiration for this character is Shizuka from Princess Waltz.) Chinpo would be wise to not try anything what with the rumors around school of her taking a sadistic interest in watching her carnivorous plants eat insects.
As for your question Setre, no, it isn’t too late to join. Feel free to make your characters in the appropriate thread, and if you feel up to it, write a post in the RP thread.

Well¬ÖBrant seems to be getting kind of chummy with Nurse Kokoro, interesting. Just keep in mind, Chaos, that she’s still carrying a torch for Ryo (who actually likes Xallie) and a tremendous load of guilt over the long-dead Shinji. Behind her rough exterior is a female lolicon who is deeply ashamed of her feelings for young men. She decided to get married because the constant temptation makes her feel like shit. On the other hand, Brant is the sort of youthful smartass she’d go for. That scene outside the school where she comments that someone is going to die sounds kind of dark for her. Does she have some kind psychic powers I’m unaware of? Oh, and that sword. It isn’t another one of those Holy Blades of Queen Himiko’s is it? In your profile it says someone made it for him. So it seems someone still knows how to make magic swords?

Meiji: The events of The Living Chinpo take place during the second week of school. Remember the girls of the Sewing Club gossiping about Kokoro’s engagement? That happened over the weekend between the first and second weeks. I admit I may have broken a rule there, but I couldn’t help it.

Setre: I think Doc would fit in well with the Survivalist Club, don’t you? Is he smart? Because Chinpo always tries to attach himself to guys who are smarter than he is, so he doesn’t have to study so hard. Be careful, tho, Chinpo frequently runs into dangerous, sexy creatures from Japanese folklore. Miss Kuchisake won’t be the only one.

I hope we start getting some actual Casual Romance Club stories soon.

Cool. I know I’ll just conform when it becomes necessary. You never heard of when wolves howl in fog/mist so will die violently, not psychic. Holy Blade it is not and for the other part I don’t know.

I’d like to apoligise for not posting anything since my second post on the RP. I have been rather busy with RL lately, and it doesn’t ease up on me anytime soon, it would seem. But I will try to post more frequently.

By the way Bamboo, I like your story about Chinpo so far. Keep up the good work.

I hope you like what I have (sort of) done with one of your characters.

So Bamboo I just realized something ?October? you sure. If so not only his Brant a smartass but he’s stubborn (like the real me somewhat) and persistent (not sure if its the same as stubborn). Blood will flow maybe but only those that are not PCs. Now to stop his meddling just have him suffer a fatal wound or something that makes it clear. It has to be confirmed here on the Discussion tread. Why? cause I don’t want to continue something that pretty much is done.

I’ll conform if either of the above happens by anyone (meaning just that).

Why should I stop Brant’s meddling? I like him. Kokoro may or may not get married in October. Nothing’s set in stone. Part of good writing consists of putting your characters in harm’s way, after all. The question is, how will Brant, or anyone else at JAST figure out that Kokoro IS in harm’s way? Well, I don’t know. I’m just the guy who pushed her in front of an oncoming train is all. And i think I’ll just go and hang out at Cafe Ariel with my friend Chinpo for awhile.
Also, consider this: Kokoro is a former drug pusher with a shitload of guilt on her shoulders. Guilt is primary to her character, and in most RP’s, when a PC takes that many negative build points it’s usually so she can get extra build points in something else. Who knows what Kokoro may be capable of?

Before I continue where bamboo left off I’m going to explain Brant’s sword then I’ll continue from “CHANGE OF HEART”. But I’m a slow post/typer and somewhat forgetful and my next post will take day/s before “CHANGE OF HEART” happens.

Well, I for one can’t wait to see what you do. But don’t rush on my account. Take your time and do it well. I’ve got some ideas that will take me away from Miss Heart for awhile, anyway. Yes, the sword. Tell us about the sword. An invisible sword you can take to school, the ultimate concealed weapon, ne? I wish I had one of those when I was in school.

If it is not asking too much, I would appreciate if someone would create an accurate timeline of what has occurred so far so that I can write a post that fits in appropriately. I’m still a bit confused about when everything has happened so far, and I want to be able to weave together the various elements that have been presented already.

For my posts:

Starts a few days into the school year. The locker scene was roughly two weeks later.

The rainy day in the classroom was the next day while Xallie first club meeting was that weekend a couple hours after school on Friday/Saturday (I was assuming a six day school week, but just in case that isn’t the case I left the actual day unsaid).

Overall: my timeline is at least 3 weeks after the start of the school year but no more than 5 weeks at the latest. If a specific time is needed from that, just let me know and I’ll work that into the next post. Karoake… o, yes. Time for the girl to sing!

Nice story, Chaos. I found it interesting. It would appear that the whole area around JAST might be some sort of mon, or gateway, for supernatural creatures, then? Well, that may explain the dragons and the wolves and damned things like Uzumaki. But are they just wolves? There’s a wolflike creature in Japanese folklore associated with the Thunder God, Raiden, called raiji. Some interesting stuff on raiju can be found here:


Could these creatures be the same as those? You’re the boss, so that’s up to you.

“Damned nurse?” Well, I like that! Has poor Heart messed up again? Is she never to find happiness? No, not if I can help it. By the by, from the quote above, can I take it that the events in your recent post take place the night before Heart comes on to Brant?

Speaking of timelines, I guess I’m the worse offender when it comes to ignoring them. My stories just take place when they take place and I try to stay vague about dates, but in general I sort of follow my wall calendar. So by my reckoning it’s still early September in JAST world.

I have a sense of the time-frame, but in order to facilitate possible poster interactions, I have tried to leave some wiggle room for anyone that tries to interact with Xallie. It would be difficult if a strict “on September something at 10 am…” were issued. If it becomes necessary, I would include it, but a vague sense of time seems to be working fine right now.

sigh If this is the case, then I have already written a post that doesn’t fit.

This was a reference to what had happened on the first day of school. Earlier in the post is mixed in the bit about sewing club asking her to join. Also, I’ve just noticed another inconsistency. In your post bamboo, you say that “The Living Chinpo” takes place during the second week of school, yet in the same post you say that the gossiping of the sewing club about the nurse happened over the weekend between the first and second weeks. In the RP post you are referring to, it ends with Chinpo coming home all muddy from his encounter with Kuchisake.

I apologize if my obsession with the details is a pain in the ass. It is a symptom of a large issue in my life.

Normal wolves who consider him a pack member might see them again. He has been underground for nearly four days so probably not.

For time-line either everything takes place at the same time or there about, another would be the place has multipliable time rips.

I guess my last story post was sort of creepy, wasn’t it? But Brant did ask the musical question: What am I going to do with all these bodies? I wanted to show that, while it’s the hero’s job to slay his enemies, it’s often left to the women to clean up the mess. I broke up Brant and Heart at the end, because I think their story arc was taking us too far away from (high) school comedy, which I think Project Sakura is all about…mainly. In fact, I, myself, feel a great urge to turn away from all this heavy drama for awhile and turn to something more light-hearted. I’m working on something like that, but it could run into one of those time contradictions we’ve been talking about. It’s supposed to take place two weeks after the School Cultural Festival, which in my mind must be going on right about now. So if I wait until the end of the month until I post my next story, that should be about right, shouldn’t it?

By the by, did Brant ever give Heart her key back?

Hero? Nah just a person that had to do what needed to be done. How could you break them apart! j/k
My character is one dangerous son of a bitch and will remain so. I mostly did that to see how far one would go along with me, got say it was longer than I thought it would be. He will remain a sob.

Now mind you the next post may not be the last with violence/drama (you know drama is part of school life, drama not the violence mind) though it may not be as much.

As for the key just read the post.

Time line wise if a post doesn’t involve any of the characters I made will take place in a vague manner.

You sound a little disappointed that Heart broke up with Brant, but considering the circumstances, it was the only logical course. Look at it from her point of view: there she was, joshing with Brant one minute, and the next she’s witnessing him slaughter four intruders. Is it any wonder she got hysterical? Heart is just a reformed drug pusher who isn’t as acclimated to mayhem as Brant is. She’s no Lara Croft, after all. To her credit, she did manage to pull herself together long enough to dispose of the bodies, but at the cost of extra guilt and bad dreams (or are they dreams?) By the by, the hell cart she mentions is the “kaisha” an item from Buddhist folklore, a funeral cart with fiery wheels that carries sinner to Hell. If you haven’t guessed, Kokoro is a Buddhist. On top of that, there’s no way she can face going back to work. Can you imagine here calmly sitting in her office, doing her work with the ever present smell of death? Her entire life (messy as it was) is now completely overturned. Is it any wonder that she told Brant he was too dangerous a person for her to know?
So Heart’s out of the picture for now. But she’s too good a character to lose for good, ne? On the other hand, I feel a little uncomfortable. I risk being labeled a misogynist if I keep thinking up these awful situations to put her in. The only thing I can say in my defense is that any character a writer creates is a part of himself.