Project Sakura Discussion Thread

I think my last post require a few words of explanation.
A careful reading of Kabraxal’s posts would indicate that Xallie did not go to The Comedy Box, T-Rex or any other karaoke place on the night that she ran away from Ryo, so he was off on a wild goose chase. I only hope that when Xallie did go out karaoke-ing, she picked a nicer place than The Comedy Box, which comes to us-along with Takuya and the lily-livered Manager-from X-Change 2. Takuya, by the way, really is a witless little slut. And since the Casual Romance Club has been introduced into the game, I decided to use some of the place names from that game to add a little geographical color to my post. I’ve stopped short of actually identifying the mythical town our game takes place in as Moriyoh (although I have come pretty durn-tootin’ close to it), because I would like to get a consensus from the other players on that-or at least a ruling from the GM (whoever that is).

This post is by way of introducing Ryo, who up till now has been off screen in the lives of Heart, Yuki and Xallie, into the game. He’s not a player character, so do what you want with him. Push him off a cliff; see if I care.

And what are Jose Ecuador and Binkan Suzuki doing in town, when the last time we saw them they were stationed up north in Mito City? No good, I can tell you that.

Just wanted to make a quick note: reading Bamboo’s latest post, it seems there was some confusion on Xallie’s hair colour. I might have read it wrong, but there was comment about not being able to distinguish Xallie amidst the other heads of black hair; Xallie has blonde hair and blue eyes as a many of Scandinavian descent have. Nothing big, just wanted to clear that up.

Also, no… she didn’t go into such a seedy karaoke bar. I’m trying to decide on a name, but so far all I know is that it is an upscale and more expensive place than normal. I didn’t have it in her bio, but Xallie’s parents are co-owners of a multi-faceted energy corporation based out of Finland. Multi-faceted simply means one that operates within the oil, solar, wind, and R&D aspects of the energy industry. So, she has a bit of income at her disposable. She might not show it often, but when it comes to karaoke and sake… there is no amount that is too much in her eyes.

One thing I have noticed while writing this… trying to keep the American prudishness about teenage matters is quite difficult. With the school setting and such, it is hard to keep the mind-set of a prep school with 18/19 year olds instead of falling back into a normal high school age. At least with the alcohol I don’t have to dance around that since even then she is “illegal” in many non-European countries. Doing this regularly like JastUSA and co. do with their localisations… that has got to cause some headaches quite often.

Oops! My bad. I wasn’t reading the character as closely as I should have, but maybe Ryo is color-blind. Actually, that scene might have worked better if I’d used her true hair color.

Not that big of deal really.

Currently working on having Xallie actually run into Ryu, but so far it is extremely short since she flashed him the last time out and Ryu let’s it slip in my current draft. :o :shock: and then more running ensues… maybe I’ll just go with a short paragraph for my next post.

Perhaps some one should make a vague map of the area?
Maybe I’ll make Brant come across Ryo and scare the shit out of him or not.
Now about the School Cultural Festival does it happen in sept. if so I have an idea of sorts.

Well, since my next post is going to take place (in gametime) two weeks (more of less) after the Cultural Festival, then the CF must be going on right now, this week. Actually, all I know about these things is that they frequently appear in anime and eroges that take place in schools. The first time I ever heard about a Cultural Festival was in a Lum OAV, Beautiful Dreamer.It would be handy if there existed a gamer’s guide to Japanese hight schools that we could dip into from time to time to add a little background to our stories or avoid silly mistakes. I, for one, know almost nothing about school nurses, although I play one online.

Oh, let me empasize, if I haven’t already, that Kokoro is out of the game for awhile. She’s in hiding and no one can find her. Remember when Ryo said he was going to visit her the day after his adventure at the Comedy Box? Well, he’ll just learn that she called in sick and isn’t answering her phone. As I see it Ryo’s adventure took place on the same night that she and Brant were busy carving meat.

About School Cultural Festival I asked to know when it really happens sorry I couldn’t make it any clear. (I try to make things clear but sometimes it doesn’t work.) As for my idea it’ll take place during the SCF (short for the fest) which would mean the time line if there is one will get even more screwed up. I’ll post it sometime this week maybe. You Bamboo gave me the idea to make a post of the SCF.

Credit where credit is due dept:

My current post on the story thread contains many [heh] homages to various other animes and things and I feel honor bound to fess us about 'em. First: Yoshimi, of course, is from the song Yoshimi vs the Pink Robots by the Flaming Lips, but her character is also drawn from Reika, the girl in the Tokyo Gore Police movie. The reference to the A.D. Police comes from the Bubblegum Crisis OAVs. Let’s hope that they are better at fighting monsters than they were at fighting Boomers. Tokko comes from the anime with the same name about a group of cops who fight the demons from Hell with swords.

As with Ryo, Yoshimi is not a player character, as much as a plot device that I might need later on. So I would appreciate it if no one kills her.

Four bodies. Does that mean Brant might get questioned and that’ll lead to Kokoro to perhaps surface or go deeper.

Was that aimed at Brant given his attraction for violence.

On a side note I’m in the process of finishing my post that starts days before the fest then ends right during the parade.

Another note that’s a lot of homage.

The answer to all your questions is: yes.
Whether or not the Yoshimi’s investigation leads to Brant or not depends on how suspiciously he behaves in the future. Right now, I think the possibility is remote, but I’m waiting to see what he does at the CF. I’ve brought Yoshimi in as a possible playmate for Brant. They both like to use their swords and are pretty calm about slaughter. Of course, Yoshimi is a duly deputized law officier who would probably reguard Brant as just another perp, and that would probpably make their relationship a little antagonisitic. She’s a little older than he is, too (but, then, so was Kokoro).

Yeah, it is a lot of homage. I’m shameless.

As for Kokoro, ach! that poor girl. Don’t ask.

I’m looking forward to seeing what you have in store for us.

I have brought in Chie and Kosuke, Xallie’s friends. Right now they are only visiting.

Chie is in the same year as Xallie. She is a few inches shorter than Xallie, seeing as how Xallie has a more European height and Chie the typical Japanese height for women. She has long black hair and light brown eyes. She tends to speak in short bursts and one word sentences. She is extremely reserved. She is also very protective of Xallie.

Kosuke is two years older than both girls. He is tall (6 feet) and has medium length brown hair and reddish brown eyes. He tends to end a lot of sentences with “eh?”, this developed from both his brief stay in Canada while he was young as well an odd fascination with Canadian enertainment. He is also protective of Xallie, but tends to joke around her. There also might be a hidden crush on Xallie, though I haven’t decided yet… he tends to show the cliched “nosebleed and faint” reaction of many romantic anime/manga, but only in response to Xallie.

If anyone wants to use them briefly during this visit, that is fine. Just don’t romance them yet or kill them please.

Well, at the least you don’t have to worry about me. I’m hopelessly behind in our little game. It may be some time until I can get back to having Junsui appear again. I might try my hand at playing my male character however if I can find time. I need to come up with a real name for him however, since Kimuzukashii MEIJI is a nickname he gained from playing fantasy RPGs.

They sound interesting. I, of course, have already so many NPCs that I’ve got my hands quite full. However, I am looking forward to seeing how they fill out. Xallie (whom Yuki would call “that Swedish Meatball,” because she resents it that Ryo is trying to be friendly with her)is turning out to be a pretty amusing character: She likes to sing, get drunk and flash her panties. Well, maybe she doesn’t actually like to flash them; it just happens, eh? What does she wear? Freudian slips?

Nice little bit of nopan action there,too. Yay!

… one long post after another. Pity any who dares to accidentally stumble onto that thread :lol: .

Hopefully my next post is a festival event. I thought this last post would have been a short transition, but… well, you can see how short it turned out to be :? . I have a sneaking suspicion that my next post might be long as well. I mean, Kosuke and Ryo are bound to “bump” into one another and that is going to cause some confusion.

I am rather grateful for this RP though. It is not only a good stress reliever (seeing as most of my posts have been written when I am not in the best of moods), but I have also definitevely learned that I am a pantser… and no, nothing to do with panties this time. I swear…really.

I just got caught up with the posts (on the main thread if you couldn’t tell) your post new nurse bamboo from what I gathered from it was she’s trouble. Now Kabraxal, Xallie sure can hold her alcohol perhaps she’ll be Brant’s drinking friend or not who knows.

On another note I’m in the planing stage (thinking) of what my next post will be unless someone puts a post up that I can mildly connect with, if that happens and I already started my post I’ll just make slight changes to make it connect somewhat.

One more note the two people I put on the Character Thread are cousins.

Aha! If you’re going to do that, then I’d better hold off for awhile, since my next story takes place a couple of weeks after the festival.

Note to Chaos: The new nurse could be trouble, but I’m not planning anything with her right away. It’s just that the monster in these stories never really dies and I like her. She’s such a charming monster that I would probably date her. And that, as I see it, is what keeps her going. Despite the mask and all she has this power to disarm people and prevent them from wondering what it is about her. Underneath it all, of course, she’s a snake and up to no good. For the foreseeable future, however, she’s just the school nurse as far as I’m concerned.

The festival post should be up by the end of this weekend if not earlier. I don’t plan on being too elaborate with this one since the winter festival is going to be one of those complicated and complex affairs… Christmas, New Years, and club all at the same time.


Well, I had to break up the post into two parts. I didn’t really talk about the festival/parade too much, but the whole scene with Xallie and Ryo sort of took on a life of its own.

My next two posts, I believe, will probably involve only the three friends. I’m sure the karaoke maniac will be singing her heart out. Then it is goodbye to Chie and Kosuke for a bit as they return home. After that I’ll probably skip forward to catch up with bamboo’s time frame.

I’m in the middle of my post I think and Iris Isis (Icy Iris) is making an appearance. She has ways to get info not a lot though. I say that cause Brant will talk about what happened to him and Kokoro. Iris Isis will offer to find her (which she wont) and find info on her past (some not much). If that is alright by you Bamboo.

If Iris discovers anything about Kokoro’s past, then she’s one step ahead of me. I plan a "reveals all’ post sometime in the future, altho right now I’m more worried about her future.

Naughty clubs. Good thing Xallie didn’t join that one. She would have turned into a tomato and exploded from the embarrassment. Flashing her friends (and Ryo) is one thing, but an entire crowd…

Quick question about Ryo: is there anything special or mystical about him that I need to incorporate, or can I pass him off as normal around Xallie? I’ve read through the posts, but am not entirely sure on this.