Project Sakura Discussion Thread

Bamboo. Eri a CATGIRL!? (Sorry sig say I love catgirls and well Brant is slightly like me) Really a catgirl? I’ve don’t seem to recall and I check (but then she’s a side character).

Anyways with that out of the way. DAMN YOU!!! (just kidding) Now Brant might have to split his targeting between Yoshimi and Eri (If she really is a catgirl). Why? Well he is dangerous so that will most likely cause problems with Eri.

Now if only there was a catgirl who’s similar to Brant (in that Yoshimi is somewhat similar to him).

Sounds like it’ll be a long list. Care to say who will be on the list?

One final thing I think its time to cause some havoc with Brant going around town at night again. I got an idea from you and from watching Shikabane Hime. (Actually the part of regret causing them to not die)

Note to self: hide the nekomimi ears from sight… but what do I do with the tail?

Care to say who will be on the list?


Not right now, nope! Are you hoping Brant’s on the list?

I like catgirls, too. So I turned Eri into one.

From what I can tell he just makes impulsive actions. (Could be wrong).

Hiding the tail would be a helluva trick. Oh one thing mind if I get Xallie drunk. I’m in the process of a post that I mentioned about Brant causing havoc. Actually I’ll still have her drink and no its just that he wants to find another drinking partner as his two friends do drink with him.

No honestly he should not be. 'Less 'course you want to give him more playmates, remember he is dangerous. Speaking of catgirls I’ve a tattoo of Mikan (Let’s Meow Meow case you couldn’t figure it out. Proof ask for a picture.)

No problem with getting Xallie drunk… she might or might not be wary of flashing this go around. Just remember her shyness at being the “new girl” and due to her rather graceless start to the new city. And please, if she passes out make sure Brant is a gentleman and carries her home. You do not want to get Chie angry, you would not like Chie when she is angry (Chie smash)… okay, shameless rip-off right there. Well, not so shameless :oops: .

Getting her and Ryo into any kind of date is going to cause me some nightmares though.

I’ll incorporate that Brant/Xallie time a few posts in. I am still working on the two posts with Chie and Kosuke, but as soon as I am done… time warp! Well, not really, but I’ll catch up with the time-line.

A few loose threads:

Chaos: I wasn’t quite prepared for Yoshimi to start fighting monsters and confronting Brant until her investigation of the Slice and Dice Case had led her into considering the disappearance of Heart. So, I decided to interpret that section of your post as something she did while sleepwalking. Your entry has a sort of dreamlike resonance to it, anyway, and that’s what suggested it to me. As things go, it adds an interesting dimension to the character. Let’s say this: a deeper part of Yoshimi’s minds than her conscious self knows that there are monsters out there to slay. Occasionally at night, this part of her personality emerges, takes sword in hand, and goes out monster-slaying. Not every night, of course, because sometimes she needs to get some sleep. In addition, let’s say that this night-Yoshimi has an entirely different personality from day-Yoshimi. Day-Yoshimi is a more upbeat and frivolous character than night-Yoshimi, who is the grim avenger type (more suitable to your writing style, I think). Yoshimi has a split-personaliyt, just like Mysterious Lovely Thief-Girl Clover, who she likes to read about in the newspaper (a steal from “Sister Princess,” by the way). Now you can have all the adventures with night-Yoshimi that you want while I have day-Yoshimi working on her case independently. Eventually, her investigations wll lead her and Etsuji-Senpai to the school, and if she and Brant should meet there, she won’t recognize him, except as a character she vaguely remembers in a dream, while he’ll know all about her, which could lead to some amusing developments.

Kabraxal: Thanks for keeping this a beshoujo game with Xallie (I really like the character), while Chaos and I perversely keep trying to turn it into a horror or mystery story. I’m trying to move a little in that direction, myself. Turning the Sewing Club girls into Nancy Drews is a sort of compromise effort in that direction. It’s interesting, isn’t it, that Yuki, Kimochi and Eri are the only girls in the school who haven’t joined the Casual Romance Club. I’ll have to come up with a reason for that. Also, I think there should be some kind of confrontation between Yuki and Ryo, but I haven’t figured out how to do that yet without stealing it all from Crescendo (and I’m already stealing from too many other places as it is). I think the Girl Detectives should find some boyfriends, as well. After all, Nancy Drew had a boyfriend.

Who says you can’t have mayhem, mystery, and romance? As long as this doesn’t turn into guro… Xallie does not approve of being torn to shreds that way!

I tend to write fantasy and urban horror for my other works (including a nicely developing novel, FINALLY) so just writing a light-hearted romantic story is rather liberating and relaxing. Though trying to keep her panties covered seems a full time job :shock: . Though for four posts it seems I’ve managed it since my next post is basically the train station and her friends departing… but knowing Xallie, she might give Kosuke a parting nose-bleed. Maybe I should put jeans on her…

Sorry about that I’ve an idea so I ran with it forgot to see about a go ahead. Maybe it was a dream for both.
Day/Night Yoshimi make me wonder if one of them is her true-self.
So I do night events (not all) and she’ll see them as a dream?
Amusing developments I can’t think of any yet (I probably will though) but amusing for who though is the question.

Do I try to turn it into horror/mystery if I do I don’t honestly realize that (I 'tend to write/type what pops in my head I speak truth.) Steal nah you never stole. No Eri for Brant.:frowning: Actually I don’t think I could bring myself for her to see/know what he does/did unless she had a past.

It’s fun having mayhem, mystery and romance, not in that order though. Jeans then she wouldn’t be Xallie.

As of this post I’m fresh out of ideas. Actually a vague idea is there but it has yet to form.

You know, Brant reminds me a lot of Vash the Stampede… trouble follows him around and bad things happen even if he isn’t evil or actively doing anything. Poor guy.

Good thing Xallie is hung up on Ryo at the moment. She would probably drive herself crazy trying to help stem the issues in Brant’s life.

He will be if he always pays for Karaoke no worries he can make money rather easily (not illegally mind.)

Yup that’d probably drive her crazy.

Misunderstanding may haps of Brant/Xallie and he’ll have to clear it and get those two to together?

Don’t know if I’ll do a post with Ryo (unless your going to) if you don’t I’ve some idea of how to go about it (maybe) and I think I’ll make another encounter with Night Yoshimi(from here on N/Yoshimi, D/Yoshimi for day `course.) N/Yoshimi post will have him fighting and her either showing up during or after it I believe she wont help this time.

End. The post could go different and I’ve no clue when I’ll start/finish it (not that I feel rushed). I did say I’ve an idea now its becoming murky.

No worries on the money, I’ll let Xallie eventually let Brant in on the hint that she can easily afford her own booze. She’s just a bit… carefree and doesn’t tend to think about things like money too often. So she just naturally forgets that money might be an issue for other people. Ahh, my kind of girl though… money is the furthest thing from her mind. If only I could be so lucky :frowning: .

Also, you don’t have to cover the actual coversation between Brant and Ryo. I could either have Xallie latch onto Ryo one day and explain herself or simply have the conversation between Brant and Ryo happen “off screen”. It sort of just popped into my head while figuring a way to incorporate the events during the time-skip. Ryo saw Brant and Xallie on the first run-in and Brant’s offer to treat Xallie. Actually, that is how most of my posts go. Once in a while I have an idea where it’s heading. But most of the time I simply start typing and let Xallie do what Xallie does. It will probably be that way 'til the Christmas/New Year festival posts a ways down the line. I have a feeling those posts are going to be “War and Peace” :? .

I just realised something; Ryo still has Xallie’s shoes… that sick, twisted deviant.

I’m going to do a conversation between Brant and Ryo. Brant doesn’t know his name that’s why he’s going to ask.

I think I need to put triple dead-locks and bolts on Xallie’s doors and windows. And since her parents are rich, maybe an alarm system or two… also, no walking down by the river for my girl :shock: .

Heh… Hello Kitty sword :smiley: .

Well, I think Moriyoh is still one of the safest places in Japan-- Etsuji said they don’t get much mayhem–but as with any other town, there are just some places you should stay away from; like the Blue Lounge. Things may be changing now, tho, since Brant’s enemies seemed to have latched onto the place. And, yes, the river is bad!

So Brant took Ryo out to a tittie bar and got him drunk? Does this mean they’re buddies now?

If your talking about Black Rose from a previous post they are the security side of Icy Iris (his cousin) corp. Now for other enemies then probably.

Is it the river the river of death?

Buddies may haps , may haps not.

I may have worded that incorrectly. When I say that Brant’s enemies have latched onto the place, I meant the city of Moriyoh, in general, rather than the Blue Lounge. But the BL still sounds like a rough joint. You wouldn’t find me there.

I doubt that the [Senkawa] river is the river of death. After all, it’s also a river of life, supplying drinking water and waste disposal for the inhabitants of Moriyoh. But over the centuries a lot of evil has poured into it and silted up on the bottom. As Etsuji says, if the whole river were to be dredged, who knows what else might be found.

I might not post for near two or more weeks. I am driving halfway across the country the next two days and might not be back until Thanksgiving. If I end up plopping down with a pen and paper and Xallie playfully dances across the page, then I’ll try to log in and post again. Otherwise, I think I’m going to take a nice vacation from the internet as a whole.

Kind of need this break anyway: started planning the holiday festival and… oi… complex festival. Especially since there will be some interesting developments it seems (at least from the image currently forming in my head). Just thinking about working on this and my novel at the same time is making me weep… as long as I don’t accidentaly put Xallie in that story and Eric over here. Although he might fit with the mysterious activities in our “quiet” little town :stuck_out_tongue: .

Also, Yoshimi is interesting, though I think she would make poor Xallie blush with her mouth and “bluntness”.

Chaosgamer: while I was writing the last two posts, I kept in mind that you had a brief meeting between Xallie and Brant about Ryo. I didn’t think it was contradictory in Ryo beating him to the punch. Sorry if that screwed anything up.

What’s this novel you speak of if I may ask?
If Yoshimi wasn’t interesting then Brant wouldn’t try to have her (but then maybe not.)
Nope nothing screwed up.

End/ Note. Now I just need to wait for a post that triggers the events swirling in my head.

Best genre label: gothic/urban horror. It is hard to pin down since it really doesn’t deal with typical horror elements such as vampires. It is a spin on the angel/demon mythology. It is planned for a series in my head (I pretty much know most of the story already). It took a while for me to actually start writing, but doing this topic has helped formulate the best method. Sit and write: if it happens then good, if nothing comes then simply walk away and try later. Before I tried to force it and it was horrible.

Hopefully I can be done with the writing and submit it for editing and eventual self-publication by March. Not sure if I will choose traditional book style only, or try dual publishing in print and on something like the Kindle.

Bamboo: Meowtis Empire? So a dog girl and bunny girl going to appear?
How do you come up with names for the post?

/Note Events still swirling but starting to slow. I may make Christmas a very “fun” event for quite a few people, the school hell maybe the whole place (okay not that one). Oh yeah thanksgiving (think it can fit?) I might make an event.