Protagonist is an ***

The protagonist from Gibo… I wanted to smack him for good.

I agree that was another problem. That made me feel sorry for the girls.

ITA, I feel dirty and disgusted even playing the Hitomi path in Hitomi - My Stepsister. The game went way too deep into the mindset of a rapist.
The other paths were ok. That was the third Bishojo game I played after X-Change and X-Change 2. I much prefer the lighter tone of XC. Yes, they do have rape but it’s not as dark. Possibly having the girl really be a guy made it less upsetting? Not that a guy getting raped is ok, but then the main character wasn’t all that upset by the sexual assaults.

The problem is that Taichi is simply incompatible with other humans. I don’t think he can really feel the kind of love you’re thinking of. He loves all the heroines but not in that sort of exclusionary, romantic way.

He’s not the first protagonist like that, nor the last, but I’ll admit it feels rather off when you’re playing a pure love story and the protagonist doesn’t seem to love any of the heroines.

Misame or what ever his name is in Bible Black. He is the worst protag EVER. Well any one who uses the Bible Black is.

Ida know… all these guys seem rather… tame… to me. :stuck_out_tongue:

What games are these narg?

Bad guys sell, a lot more than good guys. I feel like shit when the protagonist is a dope, like Hiyami from discipline. Whatever you do, atleast have a spine. That said, my all time least favorite and hated protag would be Shirou.

I hate the protagonist of ToHeart 2 and ToHeart 2 Another Days (he’s actually worse in Another Days). Feels like the heroines are mentally ill for being into him.

Sekai no Subete and Kimi ga Nozomu Eien have protagonists that are not particularly fantastic or admirable for a good portion of the story, but this fact is actually quite skilfully used to make the story in question BETTER - the protagonist is pathetic in certain ways for a reason and it actually makes the story feel more real. Neither of these games would have been as good with a ‘normal’ protagonist.

I can also like pathetic protagonists in e.g. the PLASTIC LABEL games where protagonist development is an integral part of the story - it’s okay because the protagonist improves as the story goes, and again it makes the story better.

The second one look like a Kojin Taxi or a Game by Xuse anyway.(but i’m pretty sure it’s a Kojin Taxi… must do research in my CG Collection)

To add to that list, Tenshi no Inai’s one of the rare cases where the protagonist doesn’t really improve much, if at all over the course of the story. Of course, the game flat out wouldn’t work if the protagonist had a more normal view of human relationships and a less selfish philosophy - in fact, the story wouldn’t have taken place at all with a ‘normal’ protagonist. It’s a scenario that investigates his approach to life, rather than one where the player can influence the story and create good or bad outcomes.

As others have mentioned, there’s a big gap between these sorts of protagonists and the generic evil protagonist that frequents the average insult game, as generally the protagonists in those aren’t the focus of the story and don’t have any real personality of their own anyway.

The one for Breakfast is Ryoujoku Kikou by Touchy (aka Tacchi)… now known as Assemblage. Back in the day, they made the best “evil bastard” eroge. They kinda tamed down as the years wore on, and their competition eventually out did them: Anim, BCyc, and Tinkerbell blow them out the water. However it has that old school charm. Also a number of their titles, have you as a “normal” guy… so it makes it that much more disturbing.

The one for Sexual Slavery is Bure by Megami. They’re no longer in business sadly, and this game is REALLY hard to find. It was made in the Touchy-era, and practically feels and looks like a Touchy game. In a good way… err… if you’re into these kinds of eroge of course. I’ve been looking for an affordable used copy for almost two years now.

Ah… they just don’t make evil protagonists like they used too. :wink:

Well, his hetare power is so strong that it would power up a while city after all, if there was a way to harvest it. :wink:

I personally think he wasn’t so bad in Milfa’s route, with all he did after she lost her memory. Well, for a hetare at least, and you should know I don’t like hetare.

My worst protagonist so far is the one from Tsukki Posession (Hyosuke iirc). I hate it that he had started the evil acts and regretted them by the end of the game, even trying to make up for those bad things. I see it as ‘not being consistent’.

It could be that he simply started feeling remorse for all the things he did… (disclaimer: haven’t played the game)

That must be it, and that’s why I like him the least.

The protagonist in Tsuki Possession, was actually possessed by an evil spirit according to the DVD remake (the blind miko could sense it). However even if we consider for a moment, that Yosuke wasn’t possessed, and it was some dark persona in him, the normal persona would try to regain control if you played the good route. It’s pretty clear the dark persona didn’t care for the normal one whatsoever, as seen in the Mitsuki bad route, where they both suffer catatonia. If you played the good routes, I actually saw Yosuke as a victim (especially in the remake, where possession was confirmed). In the bad routes, then yea, there’s no question he willing committed those acts.

Personally I have no problem playing an asshole protagonist if he has a semi-valid reason for being an ass. I remember playing some Japanese rape fests where the protagonist did not start out that way. One of the got treated like dirt for being nice so he eventually snapped or his id came out if your a Freud person. Another didn’t have much of a choice, do it or die kinda thing. As for lighter stuff, considering most of the females are already into the protagonist, if he acted very nice to everyone, he’d have to marry the first female he acted nice to and there wouldn’t be much of a story or sex scenes.

Sure there would be! The eroge ‘Koibito Doushide Surukoto Zenbu’? It’s EXACTLY that. And it’s pretty good too.

I couldn’t stand Aoba. I’m sure she mellows out eventually if you follow her route, but I’m not fond of bitchy girls and there was nothing about her that inspired me to dig any deeper. I’m sure I’ll do her route someday, since I have a complex about completing all my games, but she’ll be the last one I do in that game. I’m curious, since we seem to have pretty much opposite tastes, who did you like in Snow Sakura? I liked all the girls in that game to a greater or lesser degree.

I agree Aoba seems like an ok character for some but my personality is like the complete opposite of hers so I don’t really like her. It’s the same with the main character he’s to negative (so far). I don’t mind mean, sadistic or evil protags but I can’t stand constant negativity.