Protagonist is an ***

Ah I can see what your saying. Now that I read that I can understand the main character more.

I actually like girls with strong personalities also, but I don’t like are girls that are cold or bitchy straight off. My feeling tends to be, “you don’t want me around, I don’t want to be around you.”

Believe it or not, Saki was actually my favorite in that game too. She could be occasionally annoying in a bratty little sister way, but she didn’t strike me as bitchy like Aoba. As I said, I liked all the girls in that game, but if I had to pick a least favorite it would be Misato. I generally prefer younger girls to older girls and I’ve never gotten into the student-teacher fetish. Also, she’s just too much of an airhead.

Honestly, if I actually come across a character like Aoba in real life, I would be tempted to push her off the roof or something. I mean I don’t mind arrogance, in fact I’m one of the few who think arrogance is a good thing in a person. I myself am quite arrogant. On the other hand, I loath baseless arrogance. What did Aoba did that makes her so great? her painting sucks, she has basically zero ability (at least the mp in family project was able to live by himself without any help at the start) and yet what gives her the right to be arrogant? I’m for strong personality in a character (real or otherwise) but they must have something to back it up. IE i know someone who can be an ass in certain things (mainly logic) but he did score a 180 on the LSAT (a perfect score btw and puts him in the 99.9th percentile of the people who already think their pretty hot shit.) so I can tolerate his arrogance in certain things. But Aoba’s got nothing and treats people, who are imo by far her superior in looks, intelligence or ability, like dirt.

Haven’t played a lot of commercial/indie VNs but… just finished Leaves. Tomohiro Higuchi = protagonist

[spoiler]No, he’s not incompetent but he’s really one hell of a screwed-up asshole. To start with: over-dramatizing everything, over-generalizing attitude, sweeping statements, apathy at its finest(and being proud of it and also of using apathy to wear others down), looking at people with only cynicality and always second-guessing their actions and “warping” their intentions and actions, just so he can say something bad about them. The kind of person who hurts others without realizing that he’s also hurting himself, in turn.

And ooh yes… the rape lol… at that 'cos the “sex scenes” were so clinically done, I almost couldn’t believe they were describing a rape. Also, I’m not saying Touka deserved the rape but, in retrospect, she was just as equally self-destructive in certain ways(being involved with drugs, sleeping around with people without even discussing something so important with him), etc. And nothing good can come out of a relationship that’s stuck in a “negative mode” 'cos sooner or later, both of them will find ways to hurt themselves and each other.[/spoiler]

He gets better, though

Yes he did change to become a much better person though I wish the “period of transition” had happened more slowly 'cos it didn’t have as much impact as I’d hoped it would… :stuck_out_tongue: Oh well… but Leaves was still quite good.

Btw, anyone knows where this picture is from?

It’s Bure (long sold out) from Megami (long defunct).

Ohhh I see… :stuck_out_tongue: Nvm then since i can’t read japanese. ^^;;

Thanks anyways. =)