Ps3 compatible

PS2 titles are compatible with PS3: therefore you’ve got the entire line of PS2 b-games available… and there are a LOT of PS2 b-games.

What genre are you look for? Narg will STRONGLY suggest this series.

Only Japanese PS3 20, 60, and old 80 gb models can play japanese PS2 games. US, PAL PS3 (no matter what model) cannot play japanese ps2 b games but can play japanese PS3 b games. In short, PS2 backward compitability is region locked but PS3 games aren’t, and also remmeber that not all PS3 can play ps2 games, only the models listed above can and the 80gb has two models, one with backward compatibility and one without, even with backward compatability, the 80gb version runs roughly 82-90 percent of PS2 games, only the 20 and 60gb versions have full backward compatiability.

Is there even a PS2 bgame that doesn’t work on the PS3? All the ones I’ve ever bought work fine.

Most of the non-working titles are because the title push the PS2 hardware to it’s limit, were poorly coded, or a piece of hardware can’t be plugged in (Guitar Hero comes to mind): thus emulation was difficult or unpractical.

Bgames aren’t exactly “cutting edge” if you catch my drift. While not optimal coding, the engines aren’t all that complex to design (compared to something like DMC3 or GTA).

Just sorta curious… Titles I own, check out on the PS site…

Also, if I recall correctly (since I’m more in to PC games than console games), even without the hardware that was in early PS3s that was for backwards compatibility, a PS3 should be able to play a PS2 title because of emulation software that Sony cooked up. Of course, as with any kind of emulation, you may encounter problems with some titles (as well as a few titles that won’t play at all).

Which is why I have not bought a PS3, and if I do, it will be off second-hand from one of those old models, if/when they can get a way to play Japanese and English PS2 games.

You picked the wrong system. Get a Japanese 360 instead. Almost all of the otaku games are on that this generation.

…nothing for the US I really want though and most of the games on a 360 like that I can get for PC…not all but enough.


Let me clarify, there are two type of 80gb models of ps3. One has emulation the other does not. The older 80gb has software emulation and can run roughly 90 percent of the PS2 games, the newer 80gb model has no emulation and cannot run ANY PS2 games. The 60GB and 20GB does not use software emulation, they have the PS2 slim chip installed hence it can run all PS3 games and not just the 90% the older 80gb model can do. The BEST buy for PS3 is the 60gb, they have full emulation, card readers, wireless and you can upgrade the harddrive. PS the 40gb also has no emulation hence it too, cannot run any PS2 games and ALL PS2 games are region locked so even if you get a 60gb model NTSC you will not be able to run NTSC-J games, to do that, you need a japanese 60gb model, ONLY PS3 games are region free.

The longer and more I think on it, the longer and more I think getting a PS3 for bgames is a waste of time. Unless you’re loaded with cash, it’s not worth the trouble. There are waaaaaay more bgames released on PC. I mean yea… there are bgames that were PS2/3 exclusives - but you’ve got tons more titles that were made on PC and not released on PS 2/3. Don’t waste the $$$ on a PS3… just get more PC bgames.

tl;dr - If you’re going to bgame, screw the PS3 and just stick with a PC.


Wholeheartedly agreed!

  • Goes over to Himeya and orders “Sakura Taisen 4” for PC together with “Idol master Perfect Sun” and “Idol master Wondering Star” for PSP and definitely forgets about “Final Fantasy XIII” - perhaps the only reason why I ever contemplated buying a PS3 *

If you want to play Bgames, get a PC, anything above 300USD PC will do (Bgame aren’t using Cyrsis level graphics).

You should not be getting PS3, 360, Wii etc to play just Bgames since bgames are a niche market within video games (not to mention you won’t find any adult stuff in any of the big three console games which i think is one of the attractions to bgames, sony, MS and nintendo will never allow sex on their consoles, which is not true on PC’s)

I admit, I once though the same way - until I played the first “Galaxy Angel” game which was still a b-game but entirely non-ero.

Currently, I think that not just light and dark, but also non-ero can add to the different flavors that b-gaming offers - with the “Galaxy Angel” and “Sakura Taisen” series being striking examples for b-games that are very enjoyable without being ero!
I’d prefer a jealous Sakura everyday over an uber-submissive Hitomi! :stuck_out_tongue:

If memory serves both Galaxy Angel and Sakura wars can be found on the PC as well and they are usually cheaper than their console counterparts.

Yeah, and the Japanese PC games can have translation patches and/or softwares far more easily than the console counterparts, too. :slight_smile:

That’s a bit besides my point: I only wanted to point out that ero might be an appealing element in b-games but is not an indispensable prerequisite. Which is something that I learned by playing the first GA-game back then - on PC!

I actually already played the entire GA-trilogy on PC, have Sakura Taisen 3 for PC on my backlog and recently ordered Sakura Taisen 4 for PC from Himeya.

Still, there is currently neither “GA II” nor “Sakura Taisen V” for PC. The latter is rumored currently being ported to PC and localized to the english language, though.
Besides that, there are some more Sakura Taisen side-story games that still are only available on consoles (“Mysterious Paris” for example exists only for PS2).

As for cheaper prices - I honestly don’t know at what price the “Sakura Taisen Premium Edition” for PC was sold. That should have been the most cheap way of obtaining Parts 1-4 together.
But on the other hand, I got the “Sakura Taisen 1+2” for PSP for US$ 32 - and I think that was really a bargain! Definitely better than US$ 56 for the PC parts 3 and 4 each!

However, besides PSP I don’t go for consoles myself either - but not because the games there would contain no ero, but because region checking would coerce me into either modding my console or buying another console of the same kind that was made for use in Japan. That disadvantage is blessedly absent on the PSP.

That’s why I bought a DS :stuck_out_tongue: