Puella Magi Saga

That was the Wraith System. They really didn’t get into it, but since the Witch System didn’t work (because of Madoka’s wish), Kyubey created the Wraith System to collect energy. The mechanism still required magic girls, but we really don’t know where the wraiths come from… but knowing Kyubey, someone gets fucked over.

Here’s the crazy part… Kyubey was trying to create the Witch System in the rebooted universe, but couldn’t understand why magic girls didn’t turn into witches after their soul gems got dirty. They would just vanish (again, Madoka’s wish). Homura, being a total idiot, told Kyubey about the other universe and what happened there. She got all smug about it, and Kyubey just commented “that’s very interesting, there’s no way to prove it and you could just be making it all up, but that’s very interesting”. Sure, it was Madoka’s wish that reshaped the universe, but it was Kyubey who GRANTED that wish.

Don’t taunt the adorable immortal eldritch horror with godlike powers. :roll:

So now that Kyubey knows what was stopping his original plan, would he try to fix it (i.e. put the Witch System back in place)? Maybe the third movie is about that, since it seems like Madoka is restored somehow. Or maybe the Wraith System is WORST than the Witch System, since we don’t very much about how it works.

That’s interesting. It’s that from the game? Don’t remember mentions of the Wraith System in the anime

It’s mentioned near to the end of the final episode.

Day Break Illusion (???) seems to be a Puella ripoff.

The monsters live in their own realities, of which is drawn in a style that’s different from the anime itself to give an “alien insanity” feel to it. Said monsters are born from human sorrow and unhappiness. The cute animal mascots are actually uncaring eldritch creatures who don’t give a damn about humanity and are ultimately screw us over. Being a magic girl is filled with sorrow and disappointment. Etc, etc, etc.

Not that it’s entirely a bad thing mind you… gives me something to watch until the 3rd Puella movie is out…

I’m enjoying it, but it does seem a bit like it’s trying too hard. And so far the masterminds seem to have a more directly evil intent, in contrast with the more impersonal system of Madoka (which made it more interesting).

I’m curious why they won’t show the man’s face. Akari’s dad maybe? Kinda suspicious that she has no memories of him…


In Puella, it was the girls who made themselves miserable. Naturally, Kyubey picked girls who were suffering from mental trauma, but them falling into despair was a result of self sorrow and selfishness. They became miserable through their own choice. Kyubey never screws with freewill and does not lie (though he will withhold info).

In Day Break Illusion, it’s like Fate hates magic girls and intentionally singles them out… or rather, the enemy is bending Fate to make them miserable. Also the enemy does not permit freewill, and will force wish makers to do what he wants if they try to deviate, and lies to get a better result.

Overall Puella is far more superior to me… but I do greatly enjoy how Illusion is focusing on the “erased from existence and only magic girls remember” aspect. Puella only mentioned it from time to time and during the ending.

Seeing both posts, it dawns to me that the reason Akari doesn’t remember her father could very well be that he was possessed by Daemonia (and killed by her mother, for added drama). Which would mean she could remember him again at any point now?

Personally, another thing I liked more in Madoka was how it started as a reasonably normal magical girl show to then naturally show how dark such situations could actually be. This doesn’t hold anything since the very beginning.

Episode 8 revelation. Kyubey would be mighty fucking proud.

Happiness is for losers. GO DESPAIR!!! :twisted:

The upcoming Puella movie has a new magic girl: Momoe Nagisa.
Even loli’s aren’t safe from Kuybey’s special love. :twisted:

New trailer commercial for the movie:


It shows that Homura ends up fighting Mami and Sayaka at some point in the film. We also see Kyubey is with Homura and… there’s a new Witch (shown at 0:16). That should be impossible because of Madoka’s wish.

I’m wondering if Homura reset the time line again (thus undoing Madoka’s wish), or if Homura’s dumb ass mistake of telling Kyubey about the original system let him figure out how to reinstate it.

There’s a Vita game on the way:

http://www.siliconera.com/2013/09/17/vi … tion-game/

Yesssssh… that Vita game is mine. :twisted:

Also found out that I am mistaken - that creature at 0:16 is [u]NOT[/u] a Witch: it is a Nightmare. Supposedly the Nightmares are similar to Witches, but are an element of the Wraith System. The movie will be exploring what the Wraith System is all about, the means energy is harvested from it, and how it benefits Kyubey.

And now a word from our sponsor:

??? ?? ???
“With a wish, anything is possible! Make a contract with me!”

P.S.: Everyone is reading the Yen Press translation for Puella Magi Kazumi Magica, right? Volume 2 has the twin magic girls!!!

I’ll be going to the Rebellion movie opening day in LA so i’ll tell you all about it

Day Break Illusion is over. They chickened out at the last two episodes and made everything happy. Final episodes created more questions than were answered, so it’s pretty obvious a second season is needed. Really disappointed about it all. Started out with so much potential, but then became standard magic girl fare at the finish line.

Feh… I want my wasted time back. :stuck_out_tongue:

Actually, I found since a couple of episodes back pretty obvious that there would be a happy ending (though didn’t guess the Ginka thing), given how things were progressing. In the end yes, is pretty standard fare, only more SERIOUS BUSINESS.

Just saw the new movie. I love it. I love it. I love it. :twisted:
I know a lot of people are gonna be upset, because it totally screws over the sacrifices made in the TV anime… but OMG is it so delicious despair.

[color=red]SPOILER ALERT

You still there? Kay. Remember when Homura told Kyubey about the original universe, before Madoka made her wish, and I said that was a HUGE mistake on her part? Well yea… it fucking was.

Long story short: Kyubey put Earth inside a pocket dimension dream world, to experiment with a means to restore the original Witch System… because the Wraith System sucked at energy harvesting. And for awhile it was working. Then Kyubey gets too greedy and Homura makes all hell break loose. She loves Madoka so much, she wants to overthrow her and become the new Goddess of Everything (hence the title of Rebellion), so that Madoka can be normal again… even if it means the whole Universe must burn and Madoka must suffer in the process. So yea… there’s lots of despair as Homura goes into Beyond Yandere Mode and kickstarts the birth of a third stable universe. Whereas Madoka was kind a goddess, Homura is gonna be a selfish one. If Madoka is Goddess of the Magic Girls with unlimited love… Homura is Goddess of the Witches with unlimited hate.

Many Kuybey’s died in this transition. They shall be missed.
??? ?? ???

Anyways Kyubey really, really fucked up this time around. This is the first major screw up he’s done to himself. There really isn’t anything positive he’s gonna get in the end… assuming he survived.

Also… the story isn’t over. So many things have happened and changed. The Witch System is back, but now there’s no Incubator overseers of the system… and the Witches have a new goddess on their side.

The PotUS approves of Madoka (sorta):

http://www.crunchyroll.com/anime-news/2 … goes-viral

This actually explains a lot about the CIA and NSA abusing their power… Kyubey is the true Director of National Intelligence. :twisted:

Snowden would be Homura then?

Also, a while ago finally went to see the new movie. I’m… somewhat ambivalent. The series had a good ending, but this Rebellion kind of negates it.
It can’t be negated that visually it was a feast, though.

Went to see the movie again. I still loved it for what it was, however I do agree: Puella went from a complete anime with a few unanswered questions, to an incomplete anime with a metric-fuck-ton of unanswered questions. A reason why I went to see it again…

Basically Urobuchi pulled a Neon Genesis Evangelion on us. However from what I’ve gathered, this was done on purpose. There was an executive decision to cashcow the franchise. I’m still interested in seeing where this all leads, but I believe these changes have cheapened the series, in that we’ll never get a final answer to the mysteries… just what-if’s to keep it going.