Purchasing Men at Work 2

I knew I should’ve acted early and bought Men at Work 2 from Himeya Shop. But I was distracted, and now in January 04 it is currently sold out.

I’m going to assume that Himeya will eventually restock this game. But until then, I’m looking for a reputable store that might have a legitimate copy of the game. I don’t think Right Stuf or Anime Nation will order it, and I do not know if J-List will.

After browsing the Peach Princess BBS archives, I was not able to find recommended stores for non-professionally-translated games. Therefore, any recommendations?

Thanks to all for listening to this perennial newbie. I’ll check back in a few days.

-J. Alan: fandork, not so great compromiser, encourager.

Kuwabara from Hikaru no Go: “You know, Go is a two-player game.”

If you have a DVD-ROM-drive, you should take into consideration to buy the MAW3-DVD instead.

This one contains not only all three MAW-parts, but the included version of MAW2 is also fully-voiced.

[This message has been edited by Unicorn (edited 01-06-2004).]

Are Men at work 2,or 3 dvd translated to english? It does not say that they are according to the himeya site.

Originally posted by sharkeye:
Are Men at work 2,or 3 dvd translated to english? It does not say that they are according to the himeya site.

No they're not translated. There's a side-project someone's doing to translate one of them, but that's it.

Originally posted by ekylo:
No they're not translated. There's a side-project someone's doing to translate one of them, but that's it.

But I thought I had to make that suggestion because:
- he might want to play the games in japanese
- nobody knows if there will never be a translation-project for MAW3 (MAW1 is very unlikely though)
- getting all three together at 15$ more than MAW2 alone is a nice bargain

[This message has been edited by Unicorn (edited 01-06-2004).]

Well I won’t buy the maw3 dvd until it is certain that the translation works with the plus version of maw2 which is included in the DVD.
I’ve already asked (see http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/Forum1/HTML/001638.html ) but it doesn’t seem certain yet, if it’s already certain that it works, please let me know, too.
Edit: Edited the Link because it included the ) in the link.

[This message has been edited by allamala (edited 01-06-2004).]

Go for the MaW3 dvd since you get all 3 games. That’s the one I’m going to get when the guy finishes up his translation patch for MaW2

To all:

First, thank you for the information. I am mostly interested in the MAW 2 fan translation at this time, in case you were wondering. (I still haven’t made time to learn hiragana and katakana, but I do want to accomplish quite a few things this year.)

One of my aims in my original post was to find an online store that sold Japan-only bishojo games. Sure, I could find quite a few online bishojo retailers that are based in Japan, but I’d have to do a lot more research to see which of them not only have a decent grasp of English, but which are able to send their software through international mail.

I’ll have to look into MAW 3. No, I wouldn’t know if the edition of MAW 2 that is included in MAW 3 might work with the fan translation. We’ll have to wait and see.

And so I’m headed back to Overture.com to see what retail sites match the criteria I mentioned. If I find any super-good stores, I’ll drop by this board later and mention them.

Thanks for listening. Have fun.

-J. Alan: fandork, not so great compromiser, perennial newbie, encourager.

Hmm anyone know what happened to the MaW2 translation site? Their site doesn’t seem to be working, though its still listed on power3d? I was just checking to see if any progress was happening and am wondering if the group disbanded or got shut down.

I’ve been wondering about it, too. For a time I had even forgotten the translation project still existed. Any status?

Hm. Google took a snapshot of their page as of the 10th. Here’s the link:

I’m not quite sure what to make of this. Perhaps their hosting died but the group itself is OK. In that case there should be a new webpage whenever they notice their servers are toast… If not, then the project is finished (in the “terminated” sense, unfortunately).

[Edit: It looks like it was just a temporary outage. The page is back up now.]

[This message has been edited by Nandemonai (edited 07-11-2004).]

That’s good. i got the game specifically because of the translation project and wouldn’t have been happy if it ended.