Q&A 4.0: So Long And Thanks For All The Lemony Fish

Well, Ladies and Gentlemen, Bishoujos and Fanboys, the Q&A 4 is finally here. There will be big news at the end, but first, the Q&A 4.0

As I’ve stated before, anything asked about games outside of the CD-Bros/ZyX/D.O./AngelSmile lineup is probably not going to get done anytime soon. They would be nice, but require a rather large amount of effort and work, which really isn’t in the cards right now.

As to the other things, well… shakes the Magic Hate-Ball

Season of the Bride -
Blue Tear -


Come See Me Tonight 1&2 Combined -
Idols Galore Prequal and Sequal -

Nangoku Adventure —
Pururun Jugyou -
Pururun CafÈ -
Kango Shicyauzo 3 -
Majokko Silk —

ONEDARI Milk Princess -

Chieri Teacher or Sensei Game -
That ZyX RPG -

Velvet Echo -

Kazoku-Keikaku ñ

And now, other news. It is with a heavy heart, and ironically a weak heart that I announce that I am retiring from G-Collections in pursuit of other work in the gaming industry. I want to say that it has been an honor to work here, and to have gotten to know the fine staff here. And of course, our customers, for whom without, I wouldn’t have been pulling a paycheck, now would I? Not to mention all the titles you’ve tossed at me, and questions asked, and other good times.

There are some specific people I’d like to thank. I’d like to thank Peter Gilis Jr., MahoroFan (Can’t grill me for info anymore.), Dark_Shiki (From whom I shameless stole his Virtual-Mate FAQ. No hard feelings?), Benoit, Zaphod B. Goode, Pluto, bishounen_blue, NeMiSiS, Ecchifan (Who, thanks to his GameFAQs walkthroughs, meant that I could direct all requests for walkthroughs to him instead of having to write one for work. I can’t wait to see the one for “Figures of Happiness”.), Bremen (Can’t spy for the people no more.), perigee, AG3, NicoleWagner (The Deadly Gambit, how can I forget?), Unicorn, Flying, (PHEW, long list, and I’m sure I forgot some.), wanfu2k1 (Who still made earlier reviews of games than me, even with me getting them first, but that’s just because I’m lazy.), Nandemonai, Lamuness (Come on, let’s sing “Me and My Shadow” a la Frank Sinatra and Sammy Davis Jr.), SCDawg, ladyphoenix (Love the site. Add more soon?), and that’s all I can think of in this time I’ve spent writing this, but I’m sure there are more people whom I’ve forgotten to thank for making this a most “interesting” time here, (And not in the Chinese Curse sort of way. Well, not all of it. Not the majority, anyway.) but I thank you anyway.

So… does that mean they’re hiring?

Good luck out in the big wide world!

I think I need a key to explain what all those symbols mean…

Good fortune to you, Vaga42Bond. You’ll still come around once in a while and admonish all the V-mate haters, right? My V-mate FAQ is more updated than “yours” anyway now, so there.

[This message has been edited by Dark_Shiki (edited 03-11-2005).]

All the best from me too, Vaga42Bond.

Regarding the game list (taken from one of Vaga42Bond`s old Q&A posts):

(—) = Not going to happen without a miracle

(-) = not likely

(+) = signs point to yes

(+++) = In the pipeline/Actively being worked on

So, the chances that these games are going to be released by G-Collections are rather slim. Too bad, I hoped that they might pick up the CDPA game “Season of the bride”. I really like the character designs.

Makes you wonder what they are going to bring out given that the games on that list are fairly new. Oh well, I haven’t bought a game from them since they went v-mate.
Good luck Vaga42bond.

So Fortuna is the most likely candidate from that list, since it has neither a - nor a +?

No, it just means I really should post when I’m so sad about leaving here.

Fortuna —

Vaga42Bond, thanks for all your helpful information! Good luck with your new job!

I guess what Vaga trying to say here (and in his othere post too) is pretty obvious.
My interpretation is…no more new games coming from g-collections, right? Man, reality is harsh.
Oh well, we won’t need to worry about v-mate anymore, at least.

Without Vaga42Bond we’re going to be in the dark again as far as news from GC goes. Take comfort in the knowledge that you’ll be sorely missed…

Originally posted by KOG:
I guess what Vaga trying to say here (and in his othere post too) is pretty obvious.
My interpretation is....no more new games coming from g-collections, right? Man, reality is harsh.
Oh well, we won't need to worry about v-mate anymore, at least.

I think that's jumping to conclusions. The tone of his farewell letter, as well as the curious lack of future titles on GC's website, does suggest this possibility. I wouldn't assume that this will be GC's last title just from that though. I would sooner bet that they're struggling right now, and that sales in the near future may well determine if they can continue to get by. Regardless, the loss of GC would be a serious, perhaps crippling blow to the market...and it's certainly not something anyone should be hoping for...

[This message has been edited by Dark_Shiki (edited 03-10-2005).]

Gonna miss you (and your info) Vaga!
Well… just to change the (sad) topic, i’m at the GDConf and i’m having the time of my life!

Btw: Who wants me to ask how could they screw up so bad with Deus Ex 2? -MEEEE!!!- XD

As for your Q&A4…

BOO-HOOOOHH… all the bgames i want to see translated the most have a ‘-’, SOB. (T_T)
Oh well, at least it’s not an ‘—’, so there’s still a little, tiny chance they will be translated someday. I will be waiting for the next g-col’s ‘upcoming games’ list, playing FIGURES OF HAPPINESS (and praying to the bishoujo gaming’ goddess). (- -)

As for the big news…
Oh, that’s a shame. We will miss you, man. Now we need to find a new lamb to our sacrifice chamber…
Anyway, very very thank you for all your kindness and hard work. I really appreciate. I wish to you luck in your new job and don’t forget to keep contact. You are still our big pal, right?
Thank YOU again…

Now, seaching a new victim from the G-Col’s staff…

I’m sorry to hear that you’re leaving. I really wish you the best in your endeavors to find another job within the gaming industry, a job that you will truly enjoy.

Good luck

you will be missed! And I promise ot update my webpage soon

damn, one less person to harrass…

oh well, good luck on your future plans

Well, that’s because I’m a cynical optimist. (Don’t ask. The logic leaps would cause most people to collapse twitching.) It may be more like — but I’m trying to not ruthlessly stomp all over people’s hopes, never mind that reality will probably do a better stompage. Maybe a 2 Minus, for a – as in, “No within reason, unless someone wins the lotto and guarentees the first print run.” Better odds than a quite horse named “Miracle” riding in to the rescue, no? No? Well, I tried.

And I’ll still be around the BBSes. I offically don’t leave till the 15th (Tuesday), tho yesterday was when I cleaned out most of my desk drawers. And loot all the Posters. And Music CDs. And Demo Discs. And Promotional Gifts. Pretty much everything that I could get my hands on. Maybe I’ll get some pictures of the stuff for all you folks.

Yeah, I’ll be still around. I am, after all, was, is, and will be a fan of Bishoujo Gaming. I mean, that’s the whole reason for that big open letter posting on that other thread. I want this market to be big enough to absorb ALL the 80 or so games a MONTH that Japan produces. I’ve SEEN the game that get made. They are pretty amazing. And really, that’s saddest part of me leaving G-Collections is because now I won’t be able to see the stuff that will, in all honestly, ever grace these shores. Gotta find a way to break out of this niche market thing. Because maybe then, we can finally get “Majokko Silk”. (Why, yes, that HAS been a personal pet prject of mine this entire time. STILL working on gettting it okayed. Not like it’s gonna happen.)

[This message has been edited by Vaga42Bond (edited 03-11-2005).]

I’m sad to see you go from G-coll vaga. You were one to always respond to our questions about g-coll games. When you responded that’s another question Good to know you’ll stick around the forums, maybe now I’ll get games faster than you

That’s supposed to be a “—” next to Sumeragi right? I would hell love to see that game ported over but I can also guess that it would be a hell bitch to develop & translate. If that is a “-” then that would make me kinda giddy since that means Sumeragi has some fighting chance of being ported. A new non-adv game may be the next “shot in the arm” needed to boost the US game market.

If GC goes under then the English market will be dead. Peach Princess only stayed alive because GC pumped out enough games to keep people interested in b-games.