Quality control slipups in Xchange 2

Xchange 2 is a fantastic game, and has replaced Tokimeki Checkin as my favourite english bishoujo game. However, considering its relatively long development time (long compared to G-collections anyway), its surprising that quality control failed to pick up some obvious mistakes. Has anyone else noticed this?:

1. When Chisato introduces the Quick Revolution for the first time, there is a big blank space in the text where the machine name should be. So her voice actress says the name, but the text just reads something similar to ‘the machine is called (blank)’.

2. Two of Shizuka’s CG are mixed up with each other. Thus the CG shows ‘A’ whilst the text talks about ‘B’, and vice versa. no big deal but just disconcerting.

Those are the ones I can think of but has anyone else seen this or other problems?
Do you think I just have a bugged copy?
Is there/will there be a patch?
Do you think I make no sense whatsoever!?

Originally posted by Horseshoe:
Do you think I make no sense whatsoever!? [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/smile.gif[/img]

At least one thing:
You can't compare development times between Peach Princess and G-Collections because you don't know when each of them really has started their localization projects.
That is, if you don't are an insider on both sides...

Originally posted by Unicorn:
At least one thing:
You can't compare development times between Peach Princess and G-Collections because you don't know when each of them really has started their localization projects.

I'm really really sorry for my misjudgement [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/frown.gif[/img]. But sometimes it can appear to a humble, uninformed outsider like me, that they are quick with their 'one game more or less per month' speed.
I'm no programmer, but I just thought those XC2 errors could have been found quite easily. The weight of expectation must have got to me I guess. When you expect something mind bogglingly great, and it arrives with a few rough edges, sometimes it can be a little disappointing.
Still, XC2 is fantastic and a must buy! [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/smile.gif[/img]

Id never compare g-collections with peapri… im mean they are 2 totally differnt companies, and to me it sounds like g-collections has a little more corperate backing than peapri (there for more pull and choice in what they release) I mean they had no plans to release kango 2 until it sold so much… then about a month later announce their release schedule and 1 month later announced kango 2 as a future title

So they have to have some pull to be able to get the game licence… sub and get the original uncencored pics in less that 4 months… which tells me someone is backing them.

Originally posted by Horseshoe:
I'm no programmer, but I just thought those XC2 errors could have been found quite easily.

Yes and no. Sometimes if you've been going through stuff over and over again, you miss a few things or your brain subconciously corrects things without letting you know about it. Just like when people write articles. It helps to have an editor look over things since they are looking at it with "fresh" eyes and can spot those things. I remember proofreading a friend's essay once and found out she was constantly writing "wait" instead of "weight". Definitely changed the meaning of the essay... [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/smile.gif[/img]


The weight of expectation must have got to me I guess. When you expect something mind bogglingly great, and it arrives with a few rough edges, sometimes it can be a little disappointing.

That's true. That's why sometimes it's best to try and not to raise your expectations to high. Makes things more enjoyable. [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/biggrin.gif[/img]

Actually Chain has some pictures out of order. When Ayumu gets kidnapped and Hitomi saves her in the alley, The graphics are reversed it shows her free, then bound and blindfolded, when it should have been the opposite sequence.

Originally posted by Horseshoe:
I'm no programmer, but I just thought those XC2 errors could have been found quite easily. The weight of expectation must have got to me I guess. When you expect something mind bogglingly great, and it arrives with a few rough edges, sometimes it can be a little disappointing.
Still, XC2 is fantastic and a must buy! [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/smile.gif[/img]

Well, from what I know, here's the deal. You have a bunch of people working either for free or at a loss, and you also have to communicate with Japanese companies to get them to change this and that and the other thing. So, uh, the fact that it doesn't make your machine self destruct when you run it is a good thing. Usually. Unless you have an evil evil machine, like (say) mine.

Its easy to make those kind of mistakes. It’s not like they are Nintendo. The zelda project I was on had I believe around 150-200 testers. Thats just game testers and the project lasted a good 6 weeks. And there were a lot of text problems and stuff we didn’t pick up untill later in the project. with only a few people testing, I can easily see how mistakes could be made unknowingly.