Quest for Glory 2 Remake -- Out on Sunday

Finally, after years of waiting, the Quest for Glory 2 remake is coming out on Sunday! It’s like Christmas come early sniffle.

I’ll go ahead and toss the link since you forgot it.

Wow, I can’t believe I forgot to link it up. I must have been sleeping.


Holy crap. I need to pay more attention, now I need to somehow get the old games again (my disks for them have long since glitched).

That’s going to be either challenging or expensive. The QFG collection seems to be the only classic Sierra series that that Vivendi didn’t re-release. I think Gametap has the first three, but you’re on your own for Shadows of Darkness I think.

They had a QFG anthology CD. Unfortunatly QFG4 had problems on a lot of PCs with the marsh area when fighting the magic users in the windows version. Mine would always CtD there.

whistles innocently Some of it got it early through the obvious method of mirroring… :slight_smile:

I’ve heard there are various fan patches that will fix the darn thing by now. I haven’t tried playing in years, though.

QFG 2 was my favorite of the series, with 4 being next, than 1 then 5 than 3.

5 was disappointing in the fact that it referenced the previous games waaaay too much, granted it was made for the fans but all the referencibng was a big turn off, really liked the romances though. Was kind of P.O.d that I couldn’t romance Katrina as a Paladin.

Yeah, there’s fan patches that fix the QfG4 marsh crash. I’m glad they managed to keep the import/export feature intact so you can play it as it was intended. I shamefully never beat 3 or 4, unfortunately. I lost my save for 4 right before I was supposed to head off to complete the final tasks. Three… was bugging out on me… and it was kind of boring.

Yeah, the problem has to do with today’s fast CPUs. The CD-ROM version wasn’t unstable on a 486 or Pentium (I even got through the notorious floppy version with some minor inconveniences) - relative to Quest for Glory III, you could say that it was in great shape - but on any modern computer, it’s unplayable without a fix.

IMO, QG4 had the best story, adventure design, and music (awful combat, unfortunately), but 2 remains my favorite thanks to the strong atmosphere and superior gameplay. IMO, unfair puzzle design keeps the game from being near perfect.

Space Quest 6 has the same problem. You need a patch to proceed past a certain point. Interestingly enough, the older games have no such problem. So I wonder what it was they did to cause this issue?