Question about Demonbane

Now that Demonbane is out for pre-order I would like to know a little more about the game before pre-ordering it.

I would like to know if this is a dark or light game ?
More particular out of all the sex scenes in the game if there is any forced sex such as rape and if there is how much ?
If there are few then i don’t mind (I can skip through those) but if there’s a fair amount then I can’t see me getting the game

There’s a few rape scenes. It’s not ALL rape, though.

It’s a dark game, of course, but dark games don’t necessarily have any rape at all. Anything that incorporates sufficient utsuge elements is a dark game, rape or not, and there’s plenty of games filled with rape that aren’t dark (many AliceSoft titles, for example).

Thanks for the info Lancer-X

How I would like to know if those few rape scenes are half of, 1/4 or less of the total sex scenes, which is my main concern.
I apologizes if I’m being to picky, but I do not like those scenes very much and try to avoid those games that have a fair amount or more.

(Now that Kimuzukashii MEIJI brought up dark protaganist I would like to know if there is one)

Keep in mind that the definition of “light” and “dark” is a bit subjective. Also, I find it is helpful to break “dark” in to two elements. The first element is an environment that is dark (i.e. you are surrounded by evil, lots of bad things happen, etc.). The other element is a dark protagonist. For instance, I could probably enjoy a game in a dark environment if it is written well, while on the other hand I don’t really like playing an eroge with a dark protagonist.

I’m in a similar camp. Just reading the character profiles, it’s pretty clear Demonbane doesn’t have a “dark protagonist”. Having viewed some of the promotional CGs, it does appear that there’s several rape scenes.

Me too, although it depends on the mood. its obvious that the protagonist here isn’t “dark”, rape scenes are okay, as long as they are not forced into the story.
While what we are on it, what do you think a “dark protagonist” is actually like, is it his actions or his nature that classify ‘dark’ and ‘light’?

i looked over the cg set

the scene in the anime were Kurou feels up al he has sex with her in the game

That’s sort of a loaded question. Himegari Dungeon Meister is a good example of the ambiguity this question presents. The game is about a maou that becomes trapped in the body of a boy, and sets about reclaiming his underground kingdom with the help of his last remaining servant (a succubus), opposed along the way by a group of knights that worked to seal him off before. Like several of Eushully’s games, there’s a choice between two moral routes: law (good) and chaos (evil). Even with the chaos route, it doesn’t strike me particularly as a “dark game” with a “dark protagonist”. There’s rape, yes, and the maou can be quite merciless, but for the most part he’s not out to cause pain and suffering for its own sake. The game just isn’t that terribly brutal, not in the same way that Sensei 2 and Hitomi are. The high degree of choice helps as well–you can be good, evil, or a shade of grey inbetween that follows the dark path but avoids the brainwashing and domination. In all, HDM lacks the peculiar focus on domination and cruelty (for the sexual gratification of the viewer) that a true “dark game” requires, in my mind. The same can be said for the protagonist.

Contrast that with the protagonist of Eien no Aselia on the dark route. Now that guy is pretty twisted, and watching the H-scenes is rather unsettling.

Though my knowledge of the Demonbane license is coffcoffcoff limited, I would try to answer this one.
Considering the nature of the game, reducing it to its sex scenes would be highly wrong since they’re not its focus at all (as a matter of fact, you can remove them all and get the same enjoyable game --aka the PS2 edition), although I can understand your concerns. The important matter to remember IMO is that, while all the heroes are truly kind and good-hearted, the villains aren’t. At all, ranging from selfish to pure evil.
There is one “full” rape in a bad ending (which should motivate you in not getting the bad ending; and even then, it’s foremost suggested since the event quickly fades to the bad end title), two tentative (as in “interrupted” because the victim, who is yourself in one case, is saved in time) rapes, two I don’t know whether they would qualify (one is a nightmare of sorts so I’m not sure it really counts while the other is… sacrifice to an Elder God so I’m not too sure how that qualifies either) and one I don’t really recall in which of the previous categories I should put it (that says a lot about how much it impacted me --though it happens in Leica’s route, that I liked the less so recall the less as well). To be honest, I would say that some of the rapes (or tentative) are to disgust the reader, because they’re performed by one villain in peculiar, and it’s important to feel how twisted, sick and blatantly evil he is, even more to show how not completely evil the other villains are (though they have no consideration for innocents and casualties, they don’t bask in other people’s suffering and death), so the purpose may be to make you truly hate/be disgusted by/fear said villain (and, honestly, him not trying to rape Ruri when he has a chance would be quite out of character). In other words, while rape events happen, you as the reader aren’t supposed to enjoy them but rather be outraged and want to kill the perpetrator, IMO.

…are you sure you’re a Lovecraft fan?
I mean, as much as I’m a ren’ai erogamer and can’t stand non-consensual sex, I was able to go through Demonbane (while gnashing my teeth at the reading of aforementioned events) because it was nonetheless the kind of grim events I would have expected from an erogame based on the Lovecratian universe.

No, but there’s a lot of bad things happening to human beings… If you “cannot stand suffering”, I wonder how you would be able to stand a few Lovecraft novels…

Oh well, never mind.
I forgot ONE MOST IMPORTANT THING about Demonbane though, robo.

On the other hand, THERE’S AZIFU, ROBO! So you can withstand anything else in order to enjoy her presence, robo.

…no, I’m not especially a fan of Elsa, robo.

Always my pleasure to serve [color=#E1EBF2]Azifu[/color]