Question about

So, does anyone know if is still in business? I wanted to buy something from their site, but their cart system doesn’t work (I get a 403 error every time). I wrote to them thru their site’s PM function but no reply. Wondering if they kicked the bucket while I was away.

Incidentall, the game I wanted to get from them was Milky House Memorial Collection which seems to have gone OOP everywhere I look. Anyone know where a fellow could pick up a copy?

They certainly look questionable. A legit site linking to “free hentai links”? And 403s on their shopping software pages?

I don’t trust it. They registered the domain through GoDaddy as a proxy, which they did yet again through another domain registration proxy:

Compare this to or, who have contact info directly to the company. Whoever owns that site went through a lot of trouble to make it difficult or impossible to contact them directly. Why would a legit business do that? Having a direct contact address, is important for communication.

My scam sensor is going off like crazy. :expressionless:

Oh, and to answer your question regarding the Milky House collection: It is out of print. To avoid taking up warehouse space with all these really old products, Peter let a few of them go OOP. Milky House is unfortunately one of them (and I’d been telling people to buy it. Nocturnal Illusion is awesome.)

Most of the other OOP titles came back into print as downloadable titles. Peter said there were some technical issues with the MH Collection, however, that were making this problematic. Last comment was a few months ago and he was looking into trying to fix it.

Yeah I know. Hopefully though someone knows of a store that still has 1 or 2 laying around. I’ve tried rightstuf, animenation, animespectrum, animecornerstore, animecastle, erogeshop, and none of those have it. :frowning: :evil: ebay doesn’t turn up anything either. :frowning: :frowning:

On a side note tho, I WAS able to find kango 1 voice and figures of happiness even tho they’re end-of-life. Anyone interested in picking up one of these PM me.