Question about Kana

Heh… You must have been sitting right on top of that post (hmmm… now there’s a visual) - but I usually check them after I post them to make sure they look right, now that I have learned how to use the edit function on this thing…

What I find interesting is that Yumi also forgives Taka in Ending #2. She waits for him at Kana’s grave to show him that she hasn’t given up on him yet. For some reason, that ending has always been my favorite, maybe it was because it was the first one I got.

Well, I think Yumi would have been willing to forgive Taka in almost any of the endings. Heck, even Ending 1, if circumstances had been a bit different, or if things had gone on to change.

Just thought I’d mention, now that this thread has been unexpectedly revived, that Wolfson’s omake stories are now located here:

They feature characters from Kana and Casual Romance Club, though not in any way that you’d call ‘conventional’. And they’re a good read, in my opinion.

[This message has been edited by Darkling (edited 12-21-2004).]

I saw a game called Kana return. Does anyone know about it?

Originally posted by Logicgate:
I saw a game called Kana return. Does anyone know about it?
It was discussed in the Kana ~ okaeri thread, but the consensus was that it either referred to the X-box release of the original game with modified graphics or a voice acted version with some kind of online authentication.

[This message has been edited by perigee (edited 12-22-2004).]

I can confirm that it is a remake of the original Kana ~Imouto~ game with characters voiced, and the Xbox style graphics. Gameplay wise (as far as I can tell), nothing has been added at all.

yes i have kana ~okaeri~ (kana…welcome back)
its got better drawings, voice overs and prettier interface. same story, same decisions as the old kana ~imouto~ (kana…little sister)

but since im a huge fan of the old kana game, this new kana game is worth it. nice to hear kana’s voice and to see her new design

"Oniichan… ecchi…"

I love it!

Is there any news that a company will release a English version of the remake?

If they do, I just might have to buy it purely for being Kana - Little Sister, even if I’m not particularly thrilled about the new character artwork.

[This message has been edited by AG3 (edited 01-02-2005).]

I actually grew to like the new Kana, over time. I’m not so sold on the redesign for Yumi, and the new Yuta just has less of a ‘sleaze bag’ feel to him - which makes it harder for me to dislike him.

However, the original designs will always be definitive for me, and I don’t think the ‘new’ Kana would have touched me as much as the original Kana did, if Okaeri were the version of the game that I’d played first.

Why is that? Because of the artwork? …I would hope that the story would stand on its own, but I suppose that the character designs might have some bearing on how the story might be perceived.

The new Kana doesn’t seem as frail or as vulnerable to me. For some reason, I associated the original Kana’s anxious violet eyes and slightly-more angular face with physical weakness. She just seems less ‘robust’ than the Okaeri Kana.

However, that’s compensated for by the voice acting. Ayako Kawasumi does a fine job as Kana, throwing real emotion (and I mean the kind that brought tears to my eyes) into the scenes where Kana’s upset or despairing. And her voice is awfully cute, in all the other scenes.

So, while I’m guessing that the redesigned Kana wouldn’t have struck the same nerve as the original Kana did for me, visually (since the new version is somewhat generic), the voice acting makes up for it. And the story remains the same intensely affecting experience, of course.

Edit: I see the confusion now - I was talking about Kana the ‘character’ in my previous post, not Kana the game. Sorry about that!

[This message has been edited by Darkling (edited 01-03-2005).]

Ah! I see… We wouldn’t have quite the Kana-obsessed Darkling we all know and love… She’d just be another Mitsuki, or something.

Yikes! What a disturbing thought. Kana is very dear to my heart, as some people will know. It’s just… weird, to think that she could have just been ‘another bishoujo game girl’ to me, had things been different.

But the things that made Kana distinctive to me were her violet eyes and her brown hair. If she’d been a generic Japanese-looking girl (not that there’s anything wrong with that, mind you), would her personality still have appealed to me? It’s interesting to ponder, but impossible to say. Something that’ll have to remain forever unknowable, I guess…

By the way, here’s a gratuitous “mmmm, Mitsuki” for you, Wolfson.

Well, it’s essentially the same game, only with different graphics (some of which capture the emotion of the scene better than the originals, in my opinion, and some of which do the opposite), and voice acting. So if you don’t mind splurging on a second copy of the same game, then by all means go for it. You’re not going to find anything incredibly different about the experience, though.

Apart from what I mentioned about different visual interpretations of certain scenes, there were also points at which the voice acting evoked slightly different emotions for me, or made me think differently about Kana herself. The plot is the same, but it’s coloured slightly differently by the new media.

I don’t remember having any particular issue with any of the seiyuu chosen to play the particular roles… though it comes to mind that Yumi didn’t sit right with me somehow, though whether because of her voice or her new design, I don’t recall.

So, um, yes, since I seem to have been sitting on the fence for most of this post, I’d say that it is on par with the original, but it’s not substantially different from the original, either. It’s a redrawn, slightly more sophisticated version of the original game that doesn’t stray very far from its predecessor. I guess it’s up to you to decide yea or nay, based on that information…

[This message has been edited by Darkling (edited 01-19-2005).]