Question about Kana

Could someone explain what happens in ending 1. I mean I know she’s moving out and all, but I feel like I’m missing something. That could be the 4 tests I had to sit through on campus today though lol


That has been the subject of some debate - depending upon how optimistic you want to be. The general consensus seems to be that Kana has decided that she needs to move on with her life, now that she has one, and that her illicit love with and dependence upon Taka is holding her back. So she decides to move out and go on with life on her own. The End. Kana lives, but the love must remain nothing but a pleasant memory that they both cherish… something like that.

If that ending leaves you wanting something a little more satisfactory, I might suggest taking a visit to Darkling’s Kana fanfic site, where he has done some nice fiction to resolve the story to his better satisfaction.


Ending 1. Hmm. Where do I begin…?

Well, I think the simplest explanation is that, after completing one year of high school and living in bliss with Taka, Kana realised that their relationship was one that couldn’t go anywhere. (I’d like to add the disclaimer ‘not as it currently stood’, but there’s nothing in the game itself to suggest that.)

Kana hadn’t experienced life for herself. She felt that she needed to stand on her own two feet. And the last thing she wanted to do was hold Taka back from any other potential relationships and aspirations he might have.

Essentially, she knew that if she stayed in that relationship with Taka, he would continue protecting her. She wouldn’t grow, and neither would he.

It’s unquestionable that she still loved him. However, they both seemed to realise that it was in both of their best interests to part, as bitter a pill as it was to swallow.

That’s my take on it, anyway.

So even the good ending is sad Bah time to read some fanfiction

Spoilers Possible

I’ve started reading the fanfiction, Darkling rocks by the way. I’m not sure why ending 1 is the ‘best’ ending. I mean sure Kana survives and all, but it doesn’t turn my frown upside-down . Ending 3 was a bit odd. Taka kinda lost his marbles, and Yumi helped him alot. However I felt ending 6 seemed more like a Yumi ending than 3 because they seemed more ‘together’. The endings are confusing to say the least. But don’t listen to me, I’m just a college kid.


I think Ending 1 is the ‘best’ ending because that’s the one where Kana learns what it’s like to be a girl her age. Taka takes her out and teaches her to embrace life, doing fun things with her. It’s not like the intellectual endings (4, 5 and 6) where Kana comes to accept the inevitability of her death. Kana is a lot more innocent in Ending 1. Of course, that leads to the heartwrenching scene where she’s curled up in her hospital room crying, unable to understand what’s going wrong with her body… but I think the intention of Ending 1 is to show how Kana’s leading of a ‘normal’ life contributed to her survival.

I guess they call Ending 3 the ‘Yumi ending’ because she takes such an active role in Taka’s reclamation. In Ending 6, he basically just runs into her and she forgives him. It’s not so much about how likely their relationship is, but how much of a role she plays.


And we all have different things to say about the game, Endymion - and they’re all equally valid. There’s no need to feel that your opinions have any less weight than anyone else’s. And hey, at least you’re expressing them.

[This message has been edited by Darkling (edited 11-19-2004).]

I’ve got a question. Are there any games similarly designed like Kana? I don’t mean storyline-wise, but the way it was set up, I like how in the Extras section you can go to a view ending part. Some games don’t have that option

Sadly, I can’t think of any games off hand that have the endings in the extras sections - it’s usually the ero scenes.

However, Private Nurse does have an interesting ‘After Diaries’ section that allows you to see little snippets of the characters’ interactions after the game has ended, and Heart de Roommate has a couple of endings that are outside of the main story path, and that are only available in the extras section after you’ve completed certain paths.

By the way, my personal favorite Kana ending is actually Ending 6. Sorry, Darkling… I still have a soft spot for Yumi… And, yes, you rock. I’ve been telling you so…

Now, if I can just get my writing up to par…

Private Nurse seems to be an alright game. I haven’t fully played through all paths. The first time I played it, I don’t know what I did, but the game went on forever and ever, I don’t even think I finished it. The other reason for me not finishing it is because playing games 12am-5am is tiring?

Heart de Roommate, was seemingly alright. Asumi reminds me too much of Naru from Love Hina…and the rest of the game, while alright, just didn’t accomplish what I expected it to. I think I might get my Private Nurse back from my friend though…

[This message has been edited by Endymion (edited 11-20-2004).]

Hmm, I was going to suggest Crescendo, but Wolfson’s right - it’s just the ero scenes that are accessible from the extras menu, not the endings. Of course, the endings are all just slight variants on each other anyway, putting particular emphasis on whichever character you’ve been chasing.

I enjoyed the Private Nurse After Diaries as well, though the repetition of the ero scenes started getting old very quickly. And yes, each path is very long - probably because there’s only two major paths in the game, with one side path which I somehow managed to get on my first playthrough, without even trying. Colour me baffled…

Oh, and for a lark, people should check out Wolfson’s omake stories, featuring characters from Kana and Casual Romance Club. Most of the first one is here:

You’ll find that Wolfson’s storytelling is pretty much already up to par.

[This message has been edited by Darkling (edited 11-20-2004).]

Originally posted by Darkling:
Oh, and for a lark, people should check out Wolfson's omake stories, featuring characters from Kana and Casual Romance Club.


Say what now? Kana/CRC crossover?

Then again, having not played either game I can't very well read the story anyway...

Yes, Private Nurse goes on for quite a while before you actually get to an ending - assuming you’re on one of the main paths.

And Heart de Roommate is one of those games that people seem to either really like or really dislike. I’m not sure what the magical factor is…

I don’t know if you want to start reading that omake, though… The good folks at TAP still haven’t fixed their fanfic area so that I can actually post the ending.

On the other hand, Nandemonai… since the stories have very little to do with the games, other than the involvement of key characters, you wouldn’t be missing much…

Originally posted by Wolfson:
And Heart de Roommate is one of those games that people seem to either really like or really dislike. I'm not sure what the magical factor is...

I'm one of the people who kind of like the game. Some things about it annoy me, other things I like. (Basically most of the stuff at the beginning annoyed me, then it got better.)

LOL, I’m one of those controversial people who’s entirely ‘eh’ about Heart de Roommate. Yes, we do exist.

Anyway, trying to get this post vaguely on topic, Wolfson’s stories take characters from the two games and combine them in a completely different setting, though I do believe he briefly entertained thoughts of Kana and Anna meeting at high school, which would (somehow) lead to a yuri scene between the two girls. And hey, it still sounds like a good idea to me…

That’s on topic?

Originally posted by Nandemonai:
I’m one of the people who kind of like the game. Some things about it annoy me, other things I like. (Basically most of the stuff at the beginning annoyed me, then it got better.)

I loved it. Okay… it grew on me, but by the time I’d played it the third time through, I loved it and am ready to join the HdR fan club. I’m sure Asumi, Tomoe, and Marumu will appear in an omake sooner or later. files them in the story queue

By the way, Darkling… are you sure that wasn’t your wild fantasy for a yuri scene between Kana and Anna? I know you were pushing for something in story number three…

Originally posted by Wolfson:
are you sure that wasn't your wild fantasy for a yuri scene between Kana and Anna?

I gotta read that story, it seems...

Sadly, Wolfson’s omake story won’t display on the page for me…

[This message has been edited by Dark_Shiki (edited 11-23-2004).]

Wolfson wrote:
An example that wouldn't stretch the imagination too far would be to step back into Kana's past and have a bit with her and Anna from [i]Casual Romance Club[/i]. Then the writer would either put in a [i]yuri[/i] scene, or come up with a convenient excuse for a [i]menage ‡ trois[/i]...

And I'm still waiting, Wolfson... Hell, I came close to writing one of my own, I'm that impatient! [img][/img]

Unfortunately, Unicorn, a Kana/Anna [i]yuri[/i] scene has yet to fall from Wolfson's figurative pen. Maybe in his third [i]omake[/i] story. (Well, he's promised me [i]some[/i] Kana [i]yuri[/i] action, at any rate, even if it isn't with Anna...)

Originally posted by Dark_Shiki:
Sadly, Wolfson's omake story won't display on the page for me...

I'm trying to look into other ways to get my omake stories up on the net, since TAP seems to have some technical difficulties. I'm trying to avoid having to spend a small fortune in buying web space from my provider, since they seem to only have business plans available (what in the hell am I going to do with 30 email addresses?), and free sites - like Geocities - come with legal problems, such as concern over web page content, and right of ownership of web page content.

Anyway... stay tuned - I'm sure I'll get my writing out to a hungry public sooner or later...

Originally posted by Darkling:
Unfortunately, Unicorn, a Kana/Anna yuri scene has yet to fall from Wolfson's figurative pen. Maybe in his third omake story. (Well, he's promised me some Kana yuri action, at any rate, even if it isn't with Anna...)

Just keep reminding me... That promise almost slipped my mind because of the current writing project and all of the other ideas flitting about my head concerning the third omake story.

[This message has been edited by Wolfson (edited 11-23-2004).]

You messed up your quote there.

Edit: And now it’s fixed.

[This message has been edited by Dark_Shiki (edited 11-23-2004).]