question about piracy.

i have to ask this question. i’ve been posting and hanging out in the Crisis Core boards on Gamefaqs, and there is usually a big fight on piracy. while there are some people who say they do it because they want to, there are also some people who say they don’t really have a choice. ignoring the people who just “want to,” why do people who seriously have no money still get dogged on? i know some just say so. but some are actually being somewhat truthful. some people don’t seem to want to believe that there actually are families in far below middle class citizens. while i do concede the fact that even if they are broke, they managed to get a system like the PSP or an xbox, so they aren’t THAT poor, but is it that far fetched that maybe that was all they had left? the system and a game or two. I’m not excusing pirates, nor do i particularly hate them, i use to be one. any PC game i wanted i downloaded. (since I got my job i don’t do it anymore, i do like having material objects). what i’m saying is, it isn’t so far fetched that somebody has limited funds, and CAN afford some of want they want, but not all.

I do not agree with people’s idiotic justifications that they make to excuse it, whether it be “the company doesn’t need my money,” or “the game isn’t worth it, and i wouldn’t have bought it anyway.” first, they company does need your money. even if a company like square has millions and millions, they also have hundreds of people/products to finance. also, you were going to buy it. because something sparked your interest in it, therefore you took the time to download it, load it, and play for hours. things like this are inexcusable and ridiculous to the core. but i have to wonder, and think back 10 years ago when we lived in seaside california, the slums of monterey, why would someone look at me with such hatred and insult me, because I wanted to actually be entertained for just a little bit. People dogged one me for a joke i made when this character in crisis core use to steal apples for food, so i compared it to poor people stealing crisis core for entertainment and got bashed so badly for making such an outrageous claim. “food is far different from a video game.” I disagree. food is necessary, but so is enjoyment. otherwise you turn into that punk kid who has no grasp of happiness for himself, or others. somebody who steals for the hell of it sure, it can be pretty lame and outrageous. but think of the actual low class people who live in a crime infested area who just want to ESCAPE reality? so my question is (finally), are you really going to go after someone with a pitch fork and shovel because they want to attempt at some sort of brief joy or a potential hobby EVEN IF they cant properly support it. maybe i’m too emotional about this, but this is how i grew up, and i have finally gotten sick of people telling me in my face, “you are a LIAR” as they say so ignorantly. They don’t have the luxary of knowing just how crappy life can get. and they immorally attack people for just wanting some sort of joy.

I understood. I am also Gamefaqs user. Gamefaqs has large numbers of hardcore fanboys and ignorant users (I rather call them as ignorant fanboys). Piracy is discussion between easy or hard to find, cheap or expensive. Marvel vs Capcom 2 (all three versions) is hard to find and expensive, however, it is easily to be piracy.

Selling piracy games is illegal. If you own original game, and back-up game, then you should have common sense that you should not sell back-up games.

If I will get Final Fantasy Crisis Core, then I must get it from Best Buy store because it displays silver cover.

I agreed with your comment about company needs money. Because company paid license fee or royalty like Peach Princess might pay it to any Japanese company. Let ignorant users waste their breaths that they will hurt whatever company. :roll:

I think you hit the nail when you came stated that they managed to get a system like the PSP or an xbox, so they aren’t THAT poor". People assume that if you can afford a system you automatically can afford any and all games you want for it, given at least a reasonable time frame.

Company’s do know that people have only a limited amount of money at a time, so they don’t usually rush a list of games that the same person is expected to buy, but they do expect by then you have enough money since you could afford the system.

Sure, except piracy is illegal, therefore pirating is a crime and pirates are criminals. So, these “low class people who live in a crime infested area” escape their reality by performing crimes. What kind of logic is that? Besides, you have legal and free activities, like reading a book took from a library, drawings (on sheets owned by you), doing sports, etc. Being poor is not an excuse to commit any kind of crimes, save for vital goods when you’re miserable and lack them; if you have the means to own anything other than a few clothes (even more, the game system itself), you’re not being miserable, therefore are excluded from this latter point.
Pirating is the easy and lazy excuse for “low class people who live in a crime infested area” to justify their action of breaking the law; that’s all.

If you cannot afford properly supporting a hobby such as computer (or console) gaming, you’re not entitled to it. That’s all. You may be entitled to some entertainment for the reasons you mentioned, but it doesn’t mean you’re entitled to an entertainment as expensive as computer (or console) gaming. To use the food argument, anyone may be entitled to not starve, but it doesn’t mean that you should have the food of a three stars restaurant if you’re not able to afford it. Even most “crime infested areas” have libraries; there is the entertainment to which you’re entitled. Pirating instead of using such free entertainment given to you by the state is equal to break in and live in the most luxurious hotels instead of a mere apartment room given to you because “everyone deserves a housing”.

I do, because I’m buying my games, with the money for which I worked and sweated, from the profession for which I studied my ass off during all my childhood.

Oh, please, don’t make my laugh. If you think any city in the Western world is miserable, you just never went out of your golden tower. Go and visit some villages in south Africa or Asia and you’ll see what “miserable” means. Yet there, people are able to live decently without committing crime, and without access to computer.

Oh yeah, necessities like a computer and an Internet connection, and enough time to download the games, right? Don’t make me laugh: if they’re able to get money to spend on the above, they’re able to get the money to actually buy the games.
Besides, yes, they’re not entitled to play the games if they cannot afford to legally buy them: it’s life, nothing comes free and the only commodities one is entitled to get for free is basic living commodities… what video games are not. And before you reply that they are, people are able to perfectly live without them all other the world, meaning they are not.
If they have time to play such games, anyway, then they have more than time to work, to get out of where they live. In their situation, “trying to get away from that kind of life” by playing pirated games is just being a coward, a lazy, and a criminal, to boot. Being poor NEVER did excuse breaking the law, and probably never will.

Piracy is illegal. There is no contestable ethical ground on which to discuss the issue in these forums, so I’m closing this thread.

To be clear: discussion of piracy on the forums is allowed, but sanctioning of it in any form will not be tolerated. I can provide further clarification of this policy via PM or email ( if desired.

Edit: Ad hominem attacks against other forum members based on race, economic status, nationality, sexual orientation, or any other criteria will not be tolerated. MrBiggens, this is your final warning.