question about walkthroughs

Greetings everyone, I’m new to the forum but not new to the games…was wondering if anyone can give me a bit of help on two particluar games from Japan…my Japanese is well a bit rough…so…would love to have an English walkthrough for the following games:
Anata no Shiranai Kangofu
Queen Buon Giorno!
The reason I bought these games despite my Japanese is simply because the artwork is so amazing that even if I find myself scratching my head the games are worth having as collectables. So, any help would be grand, thank you!

Do you have any links regarding info on these games like from getchu or the company that made these games? If not, could you at least show the title in Japanese that way I’ll have better luck finding the walkthroughs

No such thing. Best you can do is use the Japanese walkthru and compare the Japanese characters to know which selections are for which girls, and what choices to make at the prompts. Also can try running them through those online Google or Excite web translators (crude as hell, but better than nothing). … angofu.htm

Though they lack my favorite things, I must admit you have good taste. G.J? is kick ass for what they do. 8)

Anata no Shiranai Kangofu = ???

Queen Buon Giorno! = ???

Just a correction, Queen Buon Giorno! (Queen???) is the right walkthrough. Hime to Boin is a more recent G.J? game.

I’m not sure what the point of an English walkthrough would be anyway, as you’d have to translate back from English to Japanese to select the correct choice.

Hey! Thanks everyone for the fast replies…here’s a question that comes to mind, do you know of any books here in the US that I can purchase that will help me read what is happening on the screens? Due to the high pricess of the PC versions of the games, I purchased the TV version…if that helps any? I got the games from . . .

I was hesitant at first at buying the games, but after seeing the art book from the games . . . amazing artwork. I have loved most of the games here on JastUSA . . . so they were definitely two titles I wanted in my collection.

Another thought…I think I can now have an idea about Queen, Anata no Shiranai Kangofu is a different matter…what I seem to see is that the choices follow some kind of code path (there are several sections where I punch in a three digit code)…so if I can figure out the codes and how the codes relate to the choices…I might be able to figure out how to run through … I tried the Google translation on Anata no Shiranai Kangofu but it didn’t really translate anything…

Oops. My bad. Got those two mixed up. :oops:

Ah… you must be talking about the DVD Player edition. I’m afraid I know nothing about DVD Player stuff: never buy those versions. :frowning:

Just tried looking for DVD Player walkthru’s, but no luck. I suspect people just use the PC walkthru’s, and match whatever keycode is needed for the corresponding answer, since they’re the same story and all.

Ah well that’s ok…I dont think there’s really any difference between the TV versions and the PC versions, they seem to act the same…I just need to find out how to translate the walkthrough for Anata no Shiranai Kangofu as it looks like I am figuring out Queen’s walkthrough…I think also that if I can figure out the number scheme of Anata…I can juggle things around to figure out how to open all the CG scenes. I wonder if any of GJ titles will ever be brought to the US market?

In the future, you probably want to shell out the increased money for the PC version. Anime Game Text Hooker is your friend because it will let you use electronic dictionaries to look things up. Sure, machine translation tools are barely useful right now, but it’s still the way to go.

Learn Japanese, then play PC games that AGTH works on - that’s my recommendation. Unfortunately, you already sunk money into acquiring the DVD-PG versions, which don’t work with AGTH. I don’t think there’s anything comparable for what you have.

Eh…that’s the glory about having a remote control…lol…flipping through the possible chances to see what comes up…btw, do you have any titles that can be of help in helping me read Japanese? I’m fairly use to Japanese in itself (long time anime and dating-sims fan)…I just have a trouble with the reading.

I just bit the bullet and took formal classes at a community college.

EDIT: If you’re looking for a good way to get experience, you could buy the Japanese version of titles that have been officially translated, then run both versions side by side for comparison.

I personally discourage the use of crutches like AGTH - relying on them too much, especially during the crucial period of learning the language, is likely to impair your ability to recall kanji, and this is one of the more important skills in learning the language.

If you’re after something from the same company/artist that’s relatively inexpensive, G.J?'s Akibakei Kanojo can be purchased via download. (haven’t played any G.J? titles before though, so I’m not sure how good it is)

It’s hilarious to be honest. Although there is one ending in particular that is a WTF!? moment. Akibakei was like my second pure japanese title, and it took me a while to get through because I wasn’t using AGTH or Atlas at that point. What made it INSANELY slow for me was the fact that all conversation outside of plot points is gone halfway through the game. Its all reading, and if your reading skills aren’t up to par (like mine) it can take quite a while to get through. The conversation battles (think Street Fighter, but your attacks are basically argument choices) are a great touch to break up the usual ADV gameplay, and Ren’s secret battle took me forever to win. So basically, it was interesting enough for me to slug through reading kanji without voicework to help me out to completely finish it.

The art is fantastic, but hell, I don’t think GJ? has any titles with bad art.

Has anyone here played Elfin Rose? I see that it comes as a DVD game from ErogeShop… so was thinking about checking it out if the story and the choices are easy enough for me to work through…also, went to the local bookstore, couldn’t really find the right kind of “how to read Japanese book”…the search goes on!!

I find myself wondering just how much Japanese you actually understand. Can you give us an example of something that you can understand? If you prefer, I can quote a passage from my old textbook instead and you can tell us how much you understand.

I have to agree with Nandemonai. Get the PC versions and use AGTH + English translators. And as Meiji pointed out, we can’t really help you with Japanese learning recommendations without knowing your skill level. If all you need help with is kanji, and you refuse to use electronic guides, then I suggest P.G. O’Neil’s Essential Kanji.