Question for anyone who's played X-Change 2

How many scenes are there in the pervert bus? Is that really Asuka getting “seduced” in the one shot on the PeaPri preview page?

Originally posted by ZEN:
How many scenes are there in the pervert bus? Is that really Asuka getting "seduced" in the one shot on the PeaPri preview page?

Gee, very, very few people here have played XC2, and XC2 won't be out before the beginning of the eyear (around January/February, I suppose), so you might have to wait a logn time for the answer. But to answer your questions: i don't know aboutt he firs tone, but as for the second... Yes, that is Asuka. a part of the plot on XC2 is that Asuka has begun to ignore Takuya more and more with each passing day and as it wasn't enough, there are rumors that Asuka is hanging out with some other guy, so I suppose that that's him. According to Lamuness, however, it's possible to win her back [img][/img].

Edit: To find out more, perhaps yous hould go to these two threads. Beware of spoilers, through!: and

[This message has been edited by Spectator Beholder (edited 12-08-2002).]

Originally posted by ZEN:
How many scenes are there in the pervert bus? Is that really Asuka getting "seduced" in the one shot on the PeaPri preview page?

Ok, there is one scene on the Pervert Bus where Takuya gets molested on the third day, and there is also the scene you refer to, which we only see in a flashback.

Asuka has two main paths through the game (there are several sub-paths as well, but they branch off from these two). If you choose to give in to your sexual desires at the very beginning of the game when you are leaving for school, then after the lemon scene with Asuka, starting the next day she will begin to act strange. It turns out that she is being forced into sex with Mr. Sano, the new World History teacher. Mr. Sano got fired from his previous school for having sex with a student, it seems, and he is at it once again. No matter what path you take through the game, Mr. Sano always ends up forcing Takuya-chan as well. There is a funny scene on Friday (the game begins on Monday) where Mr. Sano finally gets it through his head that Takuya was born male, and it blows his brain (Sano: You mean I've been trying to seduce a MAN?!?! My reputation will be ruined! / Takuya: It was ruined from the start.). Anyway, at the end, you catch Mr. Sano red-handed trying to force Asuka, and you confront him. You can choose either to throw stuff at him or to fight him directly. If you fight directly, Takuya gets knocked out, and Asuka is impressed by Takuya's bravery. If you throw stuff, then Mr. Sano gets knocked out and Takuya is a hero.

The other winning path for Asuka occurs when Takuya ignores his lusts on Monday morning, and when she (after turning female that afternoon) chooses to go to Asuka's apartment for a bath instead of the public bath house (the bath house leads to meeting Maiko). There is a lemon scene with Takuya-chan and Asuka in the bath, and Asuka proposes that she and Takuya-chan go shopping for clothes the next day (there is a funny scene where Takuya-chan grins and hugs the huge pile of lingerie in the store...which gets her whacked in the head by Asuka for drawing stares).

Soon after that, Asuka starts disappearing, and there are rumors that she is now seeing a college guy. Takuya-chan becomes afraid that, now that she is a girl again, Asuka no longer thinks of her as her boyfriend, and has found someone else. On Saturday, after Takuya has returned to being male, he goes looking for Asuka. Eventually he finds her at the train station, and they make up (I will leave the details out :P ).

Ijuin-san, next time, do put a “SPOILERS AHEAD!” next time you writte something like this, okay?

How long does it take to finish X-Change-2? I mean from beginning to end finding all the endings once. Would it be atleast 15 hours? I know X-change was about a 1.5 hour game…

Originally posted by SomeoneBored:
How long does it take to finish X-Change-2? I mean from beginning to end finding all the endings once. Would it be atleast 15 hours? I know X-change was about a 1.5 hour game....

Have you played Tokimeki Check-In? Since XC2 is almost as big as TCI, it will take quite a while to finish that game...

If XC2 is as good as tokimeki then it will be on my list…

Why did G-collections get so pushy with its 5 releases… Jesus christ I still have to get Brave Soul XC2 LMM and Gibo.

I’ll never be able to keep up.

To find ALL the endings I had to play every evening for two weeks, so that makes thirty-odd hours. Of course, I stopped to listen to the dialogue instead of clicking through it.

Originally posted by Absurdist:
If XC2 is as good as tokimeki then it will be on my list.........

Why did G-collections get so pushy with its 5 releases... Jesus christ I still have to get Brave Soul XC2 LMM and Gibo.

I'll never be able to keep up.

I wouldn't worry too much about that if I were you [img][/img]. Peach Princess isn't known for finishing their titles quickly, so even if we'll see XC2 and Brave Soul in the beginning of this year, I'm not so sure about LMM and Gibo. Especially in the case of Gibo, since Lamuness has said before that there's still quite a lot of work that has to be done on that one, since other titles have priority over that title. So you just have to worry abut Brave Soul and XC2, don't worry about the other two for a while.

What about that new game they announced on the news page… Doushin…

What the heck is doushin supposed to be about anyways?

Originally posted by Absurdist:
What about that new game they announced on the news page..... Doushin....

What the heck is doushin supposed to be about anyways?

THe BBS can offer the answer of almost ANY question you might have. Just search. But you could take a look here, for example:

Originally posted by Spectator Beholder:
THe BBS can offer the answer of almost ANY question you might have.

And sometimes if you're lucky, the answer may even relate to Bishoujo games! [img][/img] You got to admit, we've answered some really, er, different question from time to time havn't we?

Originally posted by ekylo:
And sometimes if you're lucky, the answer may even relate to Bishoujo games! [img][/img] You got to admit, we've answered some really, er, different question from time to time havn't we?

Err, you're right about that, I suppose ^^;. Still, it'd be better if people searched some more, instead of asking the same question twice (or more).

Originally posted by Spectator Beholder:
Err, you're right about that, I suppose ^^;. Still, it'd be better if people searched some more, instead of asking the same question twice (or more).

True. But sometimes we forget things or miss something here and there. (Sometimes when I get back to a thread that's had a dozen or so posts since the last time I read it, I get a little lost in the conversation.) Oh that reminds me, need to get back to Chain now... [img][/img]

Originally posted by ekylo:
True. But sometimes we forget things or miss something here and there. (Sometimes when I get back to a thread that's had a dozen or so posts since the last time I read it, I get a little lost in the conversation.) Oh that reminds me, need to get back to Chain now... [img][/img]

Heh, thaqt's true .). Good luck with Chain [img][/img]

Originally posted by woodelf:
Still a FAQ [b]Soul selling for dummies
would be handy.[/b]

Heh, I doubt Nandemonai would writte something like that [img][/img].

Originally posted by woodelf:
Still a FAQ [b]Soul selling for dummies
would be handy.[/b]

Nah, useless. When you want to sell your soul, the supply will exceed the demand. [img][/img]

Originally posted by woodelf:
Still a FAQ [b]Soul selling for dummies
would be handy.[/b]

Yeah, I've been working on one for awhile. You can just read Dante's Inferno in the meantime...

Originally posted by Nandemonai:
Yeah, I've been working on one for awhile. You can just read Dante's Inferno in the meantime...

Doen that alreday. doesn't tell anything of th eprice of a soul, through, jsut the various suffering you can undergo if you're a bad person. Heh, I wonder is theres any punshiment there for liking bishoujo games? I'd bet that our place might be in the Second Level of hell...

Originally posted by Spectator Beholder:
Heh, I wonder is theres any punshiment there for liking bishoujo games? I'd bet that our place might be in the Second Level of hell...

Maybe not.
We have a goddess on our side, after all. I'd rather expect to enter a heaven of bishoujo after my time in this dimension, where all of them exist for real. [img][/img]