Question on Season of Sakura

I really want to order SoS from jast, but does anyone know if this is the game, and box, or just a cd ni a jewl case? I was reading in anothe rpost where someoen said all they received was the cd in a jewel case, and not the full retail version which had the box.

If anyone knows, pleasee post. I’m going to be maknig a order no friday =]

Originally posted by smog:
If anyone knows, pleasee post. I'm going to be maknig a order no friday =]

I ordered SoS a couple of years ago, and, IIRC, it came in a small box protecting the CD Jewel case. The box itself wasn't big either, a bit thicker that the CD jewel case, and about two CD cases long. There was nothing "inside", so, don't worry too much, you aren't missing anything. (Besides, it helps save some trees.)

kinda off-topic, but what does IIRC stand for?
yes, I am dumb

Originally posted by Lamuness:
kinda off-topic, but what does IIRC stand for?
yes, I am dumb


"There is no such thing as stupid questions; only stupid answers."

Originally posted by Lamuness:
kinda off-topic, but what does IIRC stand for?
yes, I am dumb

IIRC, it means "If I Recall/Remember Correctly" [img][/img]

allright, thats all I was wondering. Thats the one I want =]

One of the reasons I usually hate all the “short-forms” used on the net these days. ROTFL, LOL, IIRC, IMHO, don’t I have enough acronyms at work?

Sorry, pet peeve of mine. (And I won’t even go into the spelling shortcuts…) Hmm, I’m guessing that if you’re ordering it from JastUSA and it’s only the jewel case, they should be able to offer you technical support since they should have the record of your purchase. If anything, the policy of asking for the product ID number of the box most hurt those who bought the game legitimately back when it came out. I doubt many people had thought to keep the boxes.

I bought all of the Jast games back in '98 and have long since committed the long boxes to the trash heap. The Jast tech staff are friendly and willing to work with you even if you don’t have the box. I, for example, offered information in the liner notes on the card that came with the game, figuring that folks who obtained the game illegally would have no clue as to the contents of the game packaging. The ISDN number is just the easiest way to show that you’ve bought a game, but not the only way.