Questions about Final Fantasy VII

Something I’ve been wondering about FF7, that maybe someone here knows…

According to all the supplemental material (Before Crisis, Last Order, Crisis Core), there’s quite a lot of Turks members.

What I’m in the dark about: where are the other operatives during the events of the original FF7 game (at least as explained by the expansion stuff… I know they didn’t exist yet in real life).

Also… where are the operatives, during the Advent Children movie? Were Tseng, Reno, Rude, and Elena the only ones who returned when Rufus sought to rebuild Shinra?

Kay… got an answer from 2chan. :slight_smile:

Case anyone else was wondering: there’s an official novel called [u]On the Way to a Smile[/u], written by Kazushige Nojima, that covers loose strings in the FF7 universe and is considered canon.

Basically all the Turks except for Tseng, Reno, Rude, and Elena are not under Shinra’s payroll. They were listed as dead or retired, because of some issues concerning Scarlet and Heidegger. After the fall of Shinra, the Turks were responsible for saving Rufus after the whole WEAPON incident (unlike the other company executives, they actually like him). The other Turks still maintain contact with Tseng and Rufus as “undercover” and “reserve” agents. They’re always ready to be called on, but it’s generally accepted that Tseng and Rufus only make the call when things are serious or desperate.

Only Tseng, Reno, Rude, and Elena are in active service. During Advent Children, the other Turks weren’t mobilized, because Rufus felt he had the situation under control, and Vincent saved Tseng and Elena.

Also of interesting note: individuals who physically qualify to be SOLDIER (via skill and attributes), but lack the mental discipline (former criminals, rebels against authority), become Turks. So before the whole Mako infusion process, Turks are equal to SOLDIER candidates. There’s also was an academy for Turks training… so they’re probably quite a lot of them. Shinra’s version of the CIA and FBI, more or less. There’s also a Turk who supposedly is on Sephiroth and Genesis level: they called him the God of Death. He’s one of the “semiretired” agents though…

Here’s a deleted scene from Final Fantasy VII: … ntasy-vii/

Makes me glad I can read a little Japanese now

I wouldn’t call it a ‘steamy’ scene. Certainly a funny one, though. Wonder why they cut it? Surely nobody would have a problem with it if they found the rest of the game fine.

FF7 is coming to PS3…just not in the manner you’d expect/wish for :lol: … gplanet-2/ … ral-conne/

Speaking of deleted scenes :stuck_out_tongue:

Although to be honest I’m glad most of those were cut from it. :expressionless:

Yeah, I really liked the idea behind Indigo Prophecy, but the actual execution left much to be desired. So I was really hopeful about Heavy Rain … again, same result. It didn’t have problems to the same degree, but it just was not this revolution people seem to want it to be.

And yeah, cutting most of that is a damn good idea. (Insomnia due to war reporting trauma? The game world explicitly acknowledges the existence of psychiatric care, which can do wonders for such things … Sheesh)

There have actually been multiple times where I’ve said “that was a rough first outing, but I see some potential here, so I’m curious what this team does next”. I believe every time, I have been disappointed in the end result :frowning:

Looks like some fans are trying their hand at remaking FF7: … is-Amazing

And Square Enix will C&D this in 5,4,3…

Well,the psychiatrist in the game does appear fairly incompetent to be honest.Rorschach tests? Those went out of fashion years ago. :stuck_out_tongue:

And yeah,I just wish they had fixed the loose ends before cutting it.Now it makes sense why Ethan was seen holding an origami figure,but I don’t want any “supernatural” stuff which would have ruined the game.Also the first prequel chapter,the taxidermist,makes so much more sense as the reason she can’t sleep. :roll:

Apparently, in one of the ends Ethan moves into an apartment with a character from indigo prophecy.I’ve never played that game or gotten this ending,but it seems the Q.D. games are shaping up like Black Cyc, taking place in one continuous universe. :shock: