Questions about

On Chain the animated scenes occur during the sex scenes, certain sequences are animated. (Read into that what you will). The story is an above average detective drama with a couple of twists and turns. The plot only has one ending. The art and animated sequences are above average. You wouldn’t be disappointed.

I would rate Chain as the 2nd best game from G-collections (behind Kana). It was a good detective game, with a interesting storyline. I also thought all the females in the game were very attractive (but I am used to that from Zyx.) It took me around 5-6 hours to complete the game, note that I like to read everything and you can definitely finish the game faster. I was pleased with the purchase and would easily recommend the game to anyone.
As for eroticism, depends on what you like. This game does have quite a bit of variaty in the female cast and the mood of the scenes. Also I thought the animation was very good and some of the animations were even uncensored which caught me by surprise. I am working on a detailed review for Chain, Kango, and Kana if you still are wondering on whether you want the game send me over a email and I can send you my review which should be done within 2 days.
Hope that helps somewhat =P.

I concur with the other comments posted. The game is a classic hard boiled detective story, which is to say that the game makes at least some pretense of integrating the sex into the plot. For example, the first H scene does not occur until WELL until the game (maybe an hour of text?).

The animations don’t do all that much for me, personally, although they’re well enough done. The overall art quality is high, although, again, the particular style doesn’t push my buttons.

Overall, it’s more of a movie masquerading as a game. It’s completely linear with no real choices, i.e., if you make the “wrong” choice you will get a bit of dialog and a chance to rechoose until you get the “right” series of choices.

Is it me, or do most people buying bishoujo games get off on the cute young girl style of character animation.

I think I am one of the only noes ehre who doesn’t enjoy it. I prefer the older cocktail soft, and zyx games to name a few. I’ve noticed a trend in the japanese market over the past years where they woman look younger and younger]. Take Kanon for instance… the girs look like they are 10 years old. I think this is why I am very turned off by kana,

So what do you people like the most?

Originally posted by smog:
Is it me, or do most people buying bishoujo games get off on the cute young girl style of character animation.

I think I am one of the only noes ehre who doesn't enjoy it. I prefer the older cocktail soft, and zyx games to name a few. I've noticed a trend in the japanese market over the past years where they woman look younger and younger]. Take Kanon for instance... the girs look like they are 10 years old. I think this is why I am very turned off by kana,

So what do you people like the most?

Hmm... I'd have to say its the story that I go for in Bishoujo games. The erotic scenes minus the story means very little to me. It needs a sort of building up before hand, give it some meaning. Call me wierd, but watching the erotic scenes without the romance just don't cut it. Of course, the easiest way to portray such a scene would be first loves, or something to that effect. For the most part, the age of the girl in these games doesn't really mean that much to me, as long as its kept respectable. I mean, I don't mind the cute young girls in bishoujo games, but its wierd because I think of bishoujo girls differently than I would think of normal people. For example, the girl in Kana I probably wouldn't mind as a game character (never played the game though, just using her as an example), but I would find an act with a real person of that age (She looks, say, 14, is that close?) just sick, twisted, and just plain wrong.


Originally posted by smog:
Is it me, or do most people buying bishoujo games get off on the cute young girl style of character animation.

I think I am one of the only noes ehre who doesn't enjoy it. I prefer the older cocktail soft, and zyx games to name a few. I've noticed a trend in the japanese market over the past years where they woman look younger and younger]. Take Kanon for instance... the girs look like they are 10 years old. I think this is why I am very turned off by kana,

So what do you people like the most?

*shrughs* Well, I'm not a big fan of games where the girls looks extremly young, but I could still play such a game, but I prefer bishoujo games where the girls looks like teenagers (like in most of Crowd's games...); and on the other hand, I'm not really fond of Guilty's style, where they for the most part games the character look older... while most of my classmates in nine-year compulsory school (from 6th grande and forward) had their eyes on older women, I had my eyes of the girls in class who was younger or equal in age to me (or just a little older) [img][/img].

[This message has been edited by Spectator Beholder (edited 08-17-2002).]

Originally posted by What the ?:

Hi, hope everybodys doin well. Anywho, finally got Chain, and have been playing through it. And yet again I have two more questions. First, I'm at the point in the game where Hitomi has been kiddnapped & is being raped, so I was wondering if I'm close
to the end of the game. I mean it feels like I'm getting close, but at times it dosen't.
Secondly, does Yuki, girl w/ braids, play a
significant role in the game. I mean, she's in the Into movie twice, and she hasn't really done much. I know in the begining, she played a big role, but now she hardly pops up. I know it's a weird question, but just curious. Appreicate any info, spolier
free of course. Thanks, and bye. [img][/img]

Play the game more. Do you really want an answer to those questions?

check out my adam section on my site

Originally posted by What the ?:
He, he, I'm almost embarresed about the last question I asked. Well I did beat the game, and it wan't too bad. This was the second bishoujo mystery game I've played after Eve
Burst Error. Hmm, maybe I'll move on to Adam
the double factor. Also, is some type of rule that mystery bishoujo games be linear.
I know Adam is linear also. Speaking of which, anybody have anything positive, or negative, to say about Adam the double factor. Well sayoonara.

It is far more difficult to have a plot heavy game like Chain be multipath. It is incredibly difficult to write properly and ensure there are no continuity errors.

Originally posted by Nandemonai:
It is far more difficult to have a plot heavy game like Chain be multipath. It is incredibly difficult to write properly and ensure there are no continuity errors.

I agree that Chain can't be multipath, but the final confrontation could have slight variations.