Quick first look at Tsuki

Well I only was able to play for about an hour or so last night. The game is definately in the same vein as Sensei 2 with you trying to control the women(so far got scenes with teacher and stepmom). The main character is quite interesting. He’s either schitzo or has multiple pesonality disorder. A very interesting character as it seems he’s trying to fight off his darker side but losing the battle. Hopefully there’s a path where the good side wins and he is able to control his darker self.

As far as graphics go, if you like Chain’s graphics you’ll like these as styles is pretty close. Some of the sex scenes is animated ala Chain.

The voice acting is ok for the most part. The only voice I didn’t like was the main character’s stepsister. She sounded way too old to be in school (Maybe it’s just me being so used to anime girls and their high voices).

As I just really started playing I’m not sure how well the story is but it’s looking like I’ll probably like it more than Sensei 2. Seems that there could be alot more character development than in Sensei 2 (let’s hope).

On a side note as gifts from g-collections this time around I got a bunch of trabulance postcards and 2 cresendo bookmarks(Too bad they were the same as the 2 I got last time) Man I really hope they bring Cresendo over and anyone know what’s Salmon pink about?

I figured I would post my first impressions quick. I would have to agree with wanfu2k1 for the most part. The game concept is very similar to Sensei 2, where you rape women and attempt to enslave them. I actually must say I think Tsuki is worse though, I felt much worse for the girls in Tsuki than in Sensei 2. I think this is because the girls are so nice to the main character and he rapes them. Or maybe its because the characters were more developed. One thing about Tsuki that is different from Sensei 2 is Yosuke (Main Character) tries to fight his dark side, while Shuichi pretty much embraced it.

Graphics were the same quality as Chain, and has a couple animated CGs now and then.

The music is kinda foreboding, I think it fits the game well. Also the characters have voices.

I believe the game has 6-7 endings, so I am guessing it will take around 6-7 hours to complete maybe more. I skip through alot of the sex scene dialog alot so my time may be faster.

All in all a fairly good release by g-collections. I cannot decide which game I like more Sensei 2 or Tsuki. I would probably say Sensei 2 just because I didn’t feel as bad for the girls as I did in Tsuki. Once again this is a game to buy if you can handle the content. If you cannot handle rape then avoid this game like the plague.

I like this game, just for the fact that you can actually get endings that aren’t what I would call bad endings.

###If anyone gets the normal endings for Keiko or Takami please let me know here. The path choices do not seem to follow the logical path, unlike Shizuka’s, Ryoko’s and Mitsuki’s. (which I’ve already got)

[This message has been edited by Doug (edited 02-14-2003).]

hmmmm, i think i am going to need a more indepth opinion before i can really decide on this title…if there is a story path where the main character eventually overcomes his dark side, then i might pick it up…so i will wait until people finish the game a few times and let me know

Guess I will avoid this game too.

Originally posted by Doug:
###If anyone gets the normal endings for Keiko or Takami please let me know here. The path choices do not seem to follow the logical path, unlike Shizuka's, Ryoko's and Mitsuki's. (which I've already got)

Normal? Meaning the ones that aren't explicitly labeled as "bad ending"? (I'll probably post my answer to the Help section, though.)

It's somewhat disconcerting that the first endings I got for each character are the bad endings. It says something about my personal character that I'd rather not know (either that or my decision-making skills are shot to heck).

[This message has been edited by Jeffrey (edited 02-14-2003).]

Originally posted by Jeffrey:
Normal? Meaning the ones that aren't explicitly labeled as "bad ending"? (I'll probably post my answer to the Help section, though.)

[This message has been edited by Jeffrey (edited 02-14-2003).]

Please do, if you've gotten those two normal endings, The other three normal endings were at least IMHO logical (ie Denying Yousuke's evil desires) but these two (Keiko's & Takami's) don't seem to follow this reasoning.

Originally posted by ladyphoenix:
hmmmm, i think i am going to need a more indepth opinion before i can really decide on this title....if there is a story path where the main character eventually overcomes his dark side, then i might pick it up...so i will wait until people finish the game a few times and let me know [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/smile.gif[/img]

It might be a good idea to wait for Unocorn to review this game, then. He is, after all, one of the best reviewers here [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/smile.gif[/img].

This is a post for First impressions not reviews. So what I wrote was a first impression, contain limited information on the game and some of the features. When you finish the game you can write a review.

On a side note, why do people come a post. “I am not gonna get this game”. I understand people might not like the game and it is definitely a game that if you can’t handle the concepts don’t buy the game. But it just seems pointless to post that your not gonna get it, lets keep the threads clear so that people with questions or posting impressions can post and others have easy access to the information.

[This message has been edited by Bigdog (edited 02-14-2003).]

I think i would avoid this game too.
too bad, because i like the graphic style.

However its not a bad think, because in avoiding sensei and Tsuki i can save money for Kango 2 and Horny Bunny from Zyx whish seems more consensual.

Ok, I’m going to give my basic impressions of this game. Quite simply, it is disturbing. I bought it because the graphics at least looked more light-hearted and a little more “tame” than Sensei 2, but I think the softer graphics just make the acts carried out in the game more disturbing. I must admit I’m still trying to get all the endings just to see if at least ONE of them is in some way positive. Even the good endings in this game are pretty horrible. As was said earlier, the music kinda suits the game and the graphics and small animation is done very well, but they are all used in the service of a truly distubring plot. Also, for some character paths it really seems like Yosuke is trying to avoid his dark side to get to a “good” end, but for a couple, there exists no logic I can find. For an example of the plot I’ll put some spolier space before this point, although it’s kinda minor and rather obvious if you’ve looked at the “graphics” page on g-collections site for Tsuki.



Ok, so if you’ve played through Kango like me you would have received the harem scenes. In said scenes you have sex with a mother - daughter pair at the same time, but the sex doesn’t seem too offensive because of the overall light-hearthed and humorous nature of the game. On the other hand, in Tsuki, you get the same kind of sex, but in a MUCH darker game which makes it horribly disturbing in my mind. This turns one of the “good” endings into something I can really find no way to term good.

I dunno, these are just my opinions, so you can take 'em as you like. But, if you had any reservations about buying Sensei 2 I would definitely pass this game up as I wish I would have.


Shesh, finally got my copy on Saturday but I spent most of the weekend fixing a server at work, so I didn’t play much…

Not much to add in my impressions of the game. Really trying not to compare it to Sensei 2 because I don’t think it’s fair to either game to do that. General subject matter is deinitely the main thing that’ll stop people from enjoying it. Gameplay, graphics and audio felt up to regular standards and didn’t detract from it.

And as a side note I’d lean towards the “Multiple Personality Syndrome” more than “schizophrenic” interpetation of Yosuke. While schizophrenics do often suffer auditory hallucinations, they are usually identified as external rather than internal. (i.e. not of themselves.) And it would explain having aquired skills like hypnotism without “knowing” it. (sometimes the different personalities do contain separate skill sets.) Okay, this was a bit of a tangent but where else do I get to use my psychology knowledge?

Sounds interesting, but I was just wondering. Who’s Unocorn. Someone mentioned this person in reference to reviewing H-games.

I think it’s Unicorn :stuck_out_tongue: He’s reviewed some games in the review forum. Speaking of which I got a few questions for him about sho-ki.

Yeah I think your right Ekylo, it probably is more Multi-personality. You can definately see his 2 different personalities I’m not sure but don’t most people with multiple personalities not remember what their other personalities did when they were in control? Our hero most definately know what’s been happening and it’s almost as if he is being persuaded by his dark side to do these things.

Actually in some paths our character actually “sees” a representation of his other personality and gets pinned down and forced to watch something unfold that he didn’t want to happen. At least thats what I picked up from the text. So not sure what kinda disorder he has.

I was wondering if anyone else has seen censoring during Ryoko’s senario? I was wandering if G-collection should be notified?

Hmm, havn’t seen that one yet but you might mention it to them. They probably already know though. If I recall correctly, Chain also had one or two scenes where the censoring still remained.

If I recall correctly, with multiple-personality or dissociative identity disorder (I couldn’t remember what the “offical” name was) often the primary or dominant “alter” does know of the existance of the other “alters” and can sometimes “influence” them. Though it is possible for the various “alters” to eventually learn of each other. As for “seeing” a representation of his other personality, sometimes a person will report a sort of “out of body” experience, where they “observe” themselves saying or committing acts they wouldn’t normally do or don’t remember doing. (The “dissasociative” thing.) It’s one of those highly debated topics within the psychological community so if you’ve heard other opinions or diagnoses, I wouldn’t be surprised.

Actually, I kinda wish G-Collections had released something else, like maybe Kango 2 between Sensei 2 and Tsuki. Having those two titles back to back is just bugging me.

Originally posted by ekylo:
Actually, I kinda wish G-Collections had released something else, like maybe Kango 2 between Sensei 2 and Tsuki. Having those two titles back to back is just bugging me.

Well, if you didn't want to be bothered, you shouldn't have ordered and then played them back to back. [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/tongue.gif[/img]

Originally posted by Jeffrey:
Well, if you didn't want to be bothered, you shouldn't have ordered and then played them back to back. [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/tongue.gif[/img]

Well I'm actually getting to the point that there's really not many English games left to feed my bishoujo addiction, so I just had to buy the game when it was available. And I can't buy the game and not play it, I mean, I just don't have that much self control... [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/smile.gif[/img]

Okay, I'm kidding. I was mainly thinking that they should have spaced out Sensei 2 and Tsuki since they were similar in subject matter.

I have been at that point for a long time Ekylo. I don’t know of any release I don’t have and I buy whatever comes out. If Japanese was not so hard to learn, although I al slowly trudging along with the 1800+ Kanji…