Quick Question on XC3 CG

Anyone know how to save a cg into image file usable on my pc? XC2 had a huge CG button but I wanted cg from XC3 and couldn’t figure it out. I need to know for some project I’m doing, don’t know if any of you are familiar with my RMA but that’s what I need it for.


Hit the Print Screen button, then open up an image editing program and use the paste tool. It will past the screen into the program and you can save it.

alt-PrtScn does a screen capture in Windows. Then just edit it in your favorite program. And of course, right click on the image to make the dialog go away first.

There exist a so called [size=150]CG Extractors[/size] that you can use to simply extract 'em cgs in one go… :mrgreen:

Only… We’ve yet to find a good one that works just fine… Since all the old ones we tried using did not work so well… :cry:

But we know that that’s a risk…you are willing to take… :wink:

Unless I’m proven otherwise… :?

Ok see, I tried pressing the print scrn button only so I’m gonna do alt prnt scrn.

Edit-> By Sean Connery’s beard, it’s not working~! It’s must be that damn Vista. Wow, as I was typing this I found the CG folder in my files but it’s file extension is .CWP? Tried putting it in Photoshop CS3 but it’s a no go. Oh strike what I said bout Vista, it’s just a bad habit…

i Just checked with XP and it worked theer. So it indeed might be a Vista-problem.

Though, I have to admit that I used the original japanese version of XC3 for my test, but I doubt very much that in the english version, a blocker for “printscreen” has been added.
However, I know for a fact that the engine for the F&C-games Canvas and Majokko a’la Mode has such a blocker, though.

CWP is not a standard-graphics-foramt that you could expect to be suported by any standard graphics-processing program, but a proprietary format for CGs in CROWD games.

But if you are using Photoshop - doesn’t it have a “Snapshot”-function like Paintshop Pro? Or did you try it already and it didn’t work either?
In that case, we are constantly approaching the point that you will have to revert to XP and take the screenshots there…

Ouch, my pride. I really, really want to avoid reverting back to Xp. I’ll keep trying odd things on my off times but If it really fails I will just have to revert to using a XC2 Cg. It’s just for a video and it only comes out for seconds it’s not a big deal ( I really like that CG though, thought it’d be a good source of comic relief ). So yeah, no one bust an artery over this, let me bust an artery over this, just thought maybe someone knew off the bat how to do it on the P.P.B.B.S… Btw, Death: What are these off the radar CG extractors you speak of. I don’t know the dangers involved but, I can handle risks if the price is right.

What do you use that makes you have to press alt? I never press alt, just print screen. And it pastes fine wherever I want. Just wondering.

Damnit never mind all that! I was working on the vid after I finish a bit of Stalker tweaking and I actually finished THUMBS UP

I’m going to need those black market CG extractors, that’s like all I’m missing so I can submit it. I’ll google, quick everyone use your wonder twin powers!

Edit-> lol you won’t believe what I found on google search: CG exctractor.


And that’s only half, you should see that Ranmaru page. Big Women for Big Heroes.

When I want to take screencaps of games in Vista here’s what I do:

  1. Hit the “print screen” key (in the case of the laptop I use at work it’s “function key + print screen” because the keyboard isn’t big enough for a proprietary print screen key, but it does the same thing)

  2. Open IrfanView, the best freeware piece of image manipulation software in existence (seriously, it’s totally awesome)

  3. Press Control+V (paste)

  4. Profit!

If you try that exact sequence of steps and it doesn’t work for you let me know and I’ll test it specifically on XC3. I can’t think of a reason why it wouldn’t work.

I guess it depends a lot more on your system than I thought it did.

I have a Windows Vista laptop. Hitting just Prtscn doesn’t do anything on mine, but hitting alt-PrtScn does a screen capture.

YES! Dl’d it an it looks smashing. It works, IT WORKS damnit that is nice it even got the window surrounding it. Just gonna convert it to PS so I can manipulate it and add up that final 2%, that reminds me Rozen Maiden Abridged III 98% is up and now thnks to you I can update it to 100% Thank you. This program is truly what all true warriors strive for. I think I’ll even add you to my list of acknowledgments just dont sue me lol.

This here thread might enlighten you on what to look for… :arrow:

It could be vexing at first… But, patience is the key… :wink:

A little late there, Shingo’s Infranview did the trick already It’s actually quite amazing. Gotta work on Eps. IV, maybe like in a week or two…

EDIT-> Thnks again for helping out everybody, that program is awesome and everything is rolling smoothly from my end.