Quickie update - Mid-2009

first of all, our sincere apologies for our lack of updates recently. we have a lot of things going on, both in front of and behind the curtain, so hopefully this will be an interesting year for us despite the recession and other things going on around the world.

so here are some quickie updates for you anxious (as well as annoyed) ones, starting with the obvious news:

cosplay fetish academy is now golden master (duh)! pre-order now for free shipping because once the game starts to ship, the free shipping offer will be gone.

as you know the con season is coming very soon. we are planning to attend the following conventions:

  • anime expo
  • san diego comic-con
  • otakon

so be sure to come by our booths to get your fresh copy of cosplay fetish academy as well as our other games, as we have a tendency to offer discounts on our games as con specials! those are also good times to interrogate us in person as to what games we will release next and other insider stuff :stuck_out_tongue: at any rate feel free to drop by and chat with us about our current games as well as future ones

we are also planning to get a panel for AX, but we are having trouble getting confirmation from the organizers, and may not get one until the last minute. obviously we hope to have a panel, and if we do hopefully we will have some evil yet exciting news for you then. keep your fingers crossed!

to be continued in the next post…

continued from previous post (stupid IE8)

and so, what will our next game be after cosplay fetish academy? right now, we are actually trying very hard to release a second game in time for the con season (now you know why we havent been active as of late :P). we are trying, but no guarantees on this one really. but which game? it will probably be either moero downhill night 1 or family project. which one? i really dont know; you can pretty much just go flip a coin and guess, but my guess (as well as peter’s) would be family project. so keep your fingers crossed but like i said, we are trying but no guarantees :stuck_out_tongue:

so that’s all the update i have for now. sorry for the lack of updates but we are really busy for the reasons stated above and if you dont mind we really need to get back to work :stuck_out_tongue:

if you have any questions, please feel free to post

It’s been so long since Family Project was first announced that I’m not as excited about it as I once was. Right now I’m more interested in DownHill Nights. But I’ve got both games on order, so whatever. What I’m really waiting for is another YMK. Now THAT was a game!

i h0pe it is downhill night as well but my reason is to give myself more time to get the money for family project

Family Project was almost done.
But when they went over the script they thought it wasn’t very good.
So they went back to re-translate the script. Apparently due to it being very ‘Japanese’, they want to keep as much intact as they can.
At least from what iv heard.

Thus CFA and CGA will most likely take over, and DHN 1 also, it seems.

There are a couple other threads addressing this, but they’re old, and you’re a newbie so maybe you didn’t see them. They wanted the game released about six months ago – they thought it would be out by the end of the year. But they weren’t satisfied by the quality of the translation – so rather than release the game as it was (which MangaGamer would have done, or the old G-Collections probably would have done) they decided to do another pass to re-edit the text and make the story work better.

GIven that this is a very story intensive game, with an impeccable Japanese reputation, I think it is preferable to wait a few months for a top-notch translation than forever be stuck with a less than adequate translation.

I couldn’t agree more with what you said Nandemonai. However, I think animatus might be talking about how the update newsletters somewhat recently talked about Family Project being next, and not about how it was supposed to be out last year. For instance, if you look at the archive of the March 19th newsletter from JAST USA, it says this:

i would like it to be family project but it could be downhill night 1

I was not aware of that particular snippet, since I don’t get the newsletters. Yeah, that is bad: almost 3 months later, and not only is the game not out, another one’s coming out first.

I still maintain delaying the game was the correct decision, but it would have been nice if they hadn’t jumped the gun there.

What about future licenses?

Glad to hear something from u guys. I’m pretty excited about your plans for Con season, for sure I’ll be attending AX in early July. If Family Project is able to be finished and ready by then you can count on me buying a copy there. :smiley:

It has been hinted at that a Dark game ( hints at a Black CYC title ) will be announced at one of the 3 events ( most likely Anime Expo )
Most likely the name of the Yuri game, mentioned last year will be revealed also.

I’m guessing a formal announcement on ‘Cleavage’ will also be made, as we only have a few details on it being ‘canned’.

I’m guessing FP will also be released at one of the events. Either FP or CGA, but most likely FP.

i hope they go for the yami no koe series

I’m hoping more for ‘MinDeaD BlooD’ or for ‘Gore Screaming Show’.

I hope it’s FP because I wait it for so long now…

As for the future releases, I still hope to see one day the 3 games we all remember… (bullet buttler, …)

Anime Expo schedules are now available on their website (and subject to subsequent updates, apparently):

JAST’s panel is currently scheduled for Day 1 at 10PM in LACC411, which happens to be the same room they used last year at Anime Expo. If so, it’s probably going to be very crowded just like last year, so you might want to get there early if you want to get a good seat (or a seat at all) assuming the schedule doesn’t change.

MangaGamer’s panel is currently scheduled for Day 3 at 9:30PM in LACC502.

Alright!!! Actually, I cant attend the expo. So U guys make sure to cover for me :slight_smile:

i can’t go because i live other side of the country and can’t get there because of no money and no job to get money in time

In July I’ll go to the “Japan Expo” (Paris).
Unfortunately (and obviously), there are no stands for PP and Mangagamer :smiley:

Where are the french translater eroge ?

At least enjoy your MOSAIC.WAV :stuck_out_tongue: