"My Sex Slave is a Classmate," "Suck My Dick or Die" return

From the MangaGamer news section:

I wonder what that’s all about. Good news either way, right?

A hunred percent agree with linger. A shop nearby has finally selling MG releases (I’ve bought Shera My Witch and Shuffle, Kira Kira and Suia were also on the shelves), guess I’ll visit them when the time comes.

Great news :slight_smile:

Seeing how every major game retailer in America will be selling a title that openly advocates and rewards fantasy torture, murder, genocide, animal cruelty, psychotic mania, revulsion to peaceful resolution to problems, splashing blood and skating on it, etc, etc, etc… it amazes me how something like fictional slavery and rape as entertainment suddenly becomes this massive moral line that should never be crossed.

People: we crossed that line a long time ago. :stuck_out_tongue:

Great news. I want more ultra dark eroge. I’d rather Peach Princess be doing it, but seeing how I’ve got no room to be picky with English releases, to hell with it… MG gets my love.

Wait, they are actually stocking box editions of MangaGamer titles? If so, that’s GREAT news!

Err, yes. But before anyone misinterpret my situation, I should mention that I don’t live in the US.

Know any online shops that sell them? I’m curious how MangaGamer packages their games. That would be nice if you could upload a photo or two of the box art.

I’v emailed MangaGamer asking where they can be found and which are available.

As far as I know, Mangagamer is not selling any physical copies. They must be pirated.

That was my first thought, as well.

i checked the 4 titles mentioned, ‘Shera’ has an ISO floating around but apparently it was created by a fan group, couldn’t find an ISO for any other titles.

Oops, really? The money looks real, being around 40 euro each. The package, on the other side, does not, but I can understand that since they need to smuggle it to my country.

I’ll postpone my next purchase until this matter clarified then. Thanks for the info Pirkaf, I really appreciate it.

MangaGamer does have a costumer service email, I’d contact them and ask about it, mentioning any specific names, and with cellphone-camera pictures if you can: info@manga-corp.com

This is EXCELLENT news. I was really disappointed when MG took down “Boku no Mesuhisho wa” as I had yet to be able to buy it, or yes, even pirate it (no there was no piracy releases for it). It just seemed like a shame a fully translated h-game was lost to the anals of cyberspace. The only thing I’m annoyed at is they never lowered the game’s price. For a game that was temporarily shelved, I would have expected a price drop as a show of grace.

Well the reemergence of these games I suppose confirms they weren’t removed due to rape related issues. Unless Japan had a change of heart. I’m sure the issue was just the licensing from the parent company.

Reading between the lines, the change of administration in Japan probably means the licensors felt comfortable allowing dark titles to be released again. It seems that the whole kerfuffle died down a lot since then.

I could be 100% wrong, of course. But the games probably were removed due to rape related issues. What else would “licensing issues” mean, in context? But apparently they don’t feel the need to be so cautious anymore, so they changed their minds.

Definitely follow through with this. These guys selling box copies are crooks–they’re making a living by duping honest customers. And at 40 euro a copy, they’re not just undermining sales–they’re stealing them.

Contacted Mangagamer and… no, they do not sell physical copies. I’lll just wait for better and cheaper internet access to exist in my place then T_T
And I would like to thank everyone in here for giving me a hint of my actual situation.

it would be nice if they did. I like owning physical bisoujo games