Raidy II Problem

I just purchased the download version. For some reason, I cannot save my game. I keep trying to save, but the game crashes. Could it be a problem with the download version or is it something I’m going to find with any of Raidy II?

Nope, problem from your PC.
i have the download version and i don’t get any crash… And i save a lot ^^

If you’re under Vista/Seven.don’t forget to run it with administrator right.

Hmm…well I deleted all the files and tried to reinstall it…used up all the “install tickets”… I guess I’m going to have to buy the actual CD and wait for it to come in… not sure where the problem is in my computer. I dont have Windows 7. Tried both my C and F drive, but nothing worked.

Where, exactly, were you trying to save? Maybe it’s a problem with a specific scene…

well I try to save at various scenes. and each time the system crashes. I was wondering if maybe Windows XP doesn’t support Raidy? That’s strange because I’ve got enough space, and I’ve never had a problem with the other Raidy or the dozen of my other bishoujo games. maybe Raidy hates me LOL…

You don’t have to buy the CD version.
Just ask J-List/Jast USA/G-collection to send it to you.
They’ll only ask you $5 + Shipping cost.

Well here’s something interesting, when I downloaded the game to my computer, there is both a full screen version and a window’s version. The full screen version wont even open. It automatically crashes, and I usually have to restart the computer. Do you think that my computer just isn’t powerful enough to carry Raidy II? I wonder if the CD version would have absolutely no better luck… which stinks because I’ve been looking forward to playing this game for quite a while.

Errr if your computer a 15 years old junk… Well yeah you can’t play Raidy II.
No, seriously.If you can play Raidy I then you can play Raidy II since is exactly the same Novel engine, the same “3D” for the both.Raidy II have just more “background” that’s all.

Ok, now some advice.

  • uninstall Raidy II using software like revouninstaller
  • Do a CCleaner and other software for cleaning your registry.
  • Do a cleaning of your HDD (temp and other junk file)
  • Do a defrag.

And, how old are you windows install?because XP have the bad habit of becomming corrupt after one year and half/2 years.

Well I did all of that…and then I uninstalled, then restalled, the game from the original zip file sent to me via email. No good. Even had my father look through the computer and make sure that everything is going 100%. When I start the game, everything works except the save function. So what I wonder is, could it be that the save function that was part of the zip file packet sent to me be corrupted?

Errrr… First uninstall then you do the cleaning…their is no meaning and it’s a waste of time otherwise.
Well, i can’t help you more anyway… I already got this problem with another ZyX game and XP in the past and i don’t remember how i repaired it.

Well thanks anyway, hopefully…crossing my fingers…the CD version will be alright. Again thanks for the help!

FYI…I checked the game on another computer of mine, and after the downloading of the zip file to the computer, the computer wouldn’t even open the zip file saying that the file is corrupt.

Has anyone heard from the customer service system? Last time I heard from them I was told that Raidy II is on back stock…haven’t heard from anyone for about a week now. Hm… anyone have a guess as to when the Raidy II will be back in stock and shipping out?