Rape games will be banned in Japan

And an update on the Minori redirection page :

also recently :
Dejipare: doujin and cosplay are not affected

http://zepy.momotato.com/2009/06/24/dej … -affected/

But then something bad… :
Owner of Tachibana shoten in Akiba arrested
http://zepy.momotato.com/2009/06/25/own … -arrested/

See? There’s that damned obscenity thing I keep harping on. It’s freaking killing us! :evil:

It looks worse and worse, indeed.
May be time for me to buy all the games in my to-buy list as long as I still can.

Mental breakdown

I own 342 galgames (ero and non-ero), with about 80% ren’ai games and only THREE brutish games. Out of all my games, only ONE (White Album) wouldn’t be banned, according to the new regulations. Even jewels such as Tenshi no inai jyuunigatsu or Kazokei would be banned.

The non-human female restriction shooting all of my fantasy RPGs and even games such as Toraha, ToHeart or Mizuiro, the loli restriction shooting quite a lot, a shoujo restriction shooting a hell lot as well such as all games taking place in a school context, the incest shooting all games with a sister, etc.

not to add insult to injury… having went inside once or twice in my entire life, and frequently passing by the store because my favorite ramen place in tokyo is just one block from there, i have always questioned tachibana shoten’s “shadiness” so to speak :stuck_out_tongue:

for those who are brave enough to actually go inside the store to take a quick look at what they appear to offer, i think you will understand what i am trying to get at

but anyhow, a very unfortunate victim of this whole fucking mess

Hm, I think out of the 60-70 eroges I have, none are safe. Some are obviously illegal because of the rape restrictions (Black Cyc, Alice Soft, ruf, propeller etc.), but most would be gone solely on the shoujo basis. The all ages galges I have like CLANNAD and Memories Off ~ Sorekara would also be illegal if they were classified like eroges due to shoujo/student council restrictions etc.

Oh my bishojo goddess, it’s getting worse! :frowning:

http://accany.wordpress.com/2009/06/26/ … reign-ips/

If that keep going on, what will happen to us, foreign eroge fans?!

1 out of 10 teens are sending naked pics to strangers. Watch out… you could be next. :roll:

So if the surveillance camera took images of you, does that make you a lolicon fugitive? :wink:

I don’t care about minori but, no, not my Yuzusoft~ :frowning:

Of course, since it was, according to minori, due to a governmental demand to “hide erogee away from foreign countries”, we can but expect more and more erogee companies to do the same in the next few weeks. Soon, it will become illegal to export erogames out of Japan!

That would seriously suck… but it also sounds like a reasonable tactic for Japan to try.

Of course it wouldn’t stop proliferation of eroge. I’m willing to bet most English speakers who have Illusion titles, got it from piracy. :expressionless:

Actually given the economic situation right now, that would not be a good idea. While foreign sales make a small portion of revenue, for some of the mid-to-low tier companies the lost revenue could hurt and there may actually be more of an outcry from the community if they can’t import FF13. If it is left to just eroge, it will just promote piracy.

On the other extreme though, continuing sales to the West only paints a large target on the eroge market. I’d think companies would rather take a loss of whatever sales they make in Western imports (I seriously doubt they’d be more than a single digit percentage at max), than completely be taken out of business by rabid Western interest groups.

Some of the proposed/upcoming bans, will take entire brands and fetish specialization studios out of commission. :frowning:

Lose 5% sales or 100% sales? I’d settle for 95% profit…

Well if its boxed products I could understand that. However, it will only have the effect of increasing piracy as today’s global society.

Rape content is gonna go online much in the same way mushuusei JAV has long been reverse imported from studios based in California… which will probably satisfy critics for the time being because much of the objection was the ease of access in brick & mortar stores. I don’t know how strict carding is, but when I would visit stores that carried PC games, there was virtually no divider to wall off the ero-game content, it was just around the corner of a shelf that’s supposed to shield them from direct line-of-sight.

Hi, I’m a big eroge fan, this is really bad news for us. I came across this forum when I was googling for more info about the ban. Anyways, in order to send letter in support of eroge, we need to have a standard form letter. We want to show our support, but not offend the politicians. It would be ideal if the letter is translated to Japanese as well. If anyone is good with Japanese here, please come and help out with this Wikia post. Basically we’re trying to come out with a letter that can be used to send to all Japanese politician and media companies in support of eroge.

http://eroge.wikia.com/wiki/Letter_agai … censorship

Hey… anyone know what the public mailing address to EOCS is? It’s not listed anywhere on the official site as far as I can tell, nor on Wikipedia. Do they even list it?

Hmm… might backward track their office through a phone listing.

Looks like someone finally had the balls the say it how it is:

http://naomi.thewafflehouse.net/blog/20 … ensorship/


This whole mess IS sparked by Amazon UK and Equality Now. While as foreigners not living in Japan we can’t do much, it’s still better than just sitting here and watch eroge get banned.

There is no denying that the ball started rolling with the whole Rapelay/Amazon UK/EN thing. The point of the article is that if the government of Japan were truly in support of this part of Japanese pop culture, they wouldn’t give a damn about foreign pressure.