Rape games will be banned in Japan

http://zepy.momotato.com/2009/05/28/rap … -in-japan/

What constitutes as a “rape game” however? Any eroge that has a rape scene (which would be a mind blowing travesty), or an eroge that’s only about rape?

Closer to home: what happens to titles like Virgin Roster and Tsuki Possession? Or the MangaGamer upcoming The Queen and Princess as your rewards?


goes to see site comments from favorite dark eroge studios

What’s stronger than hate? Because it’s how ILLUSION people must feel toward gaijins now that they will with absolute certainty lose a lot of money and mayhap even face bankruptcy because some “gaijin” was offended one of their games appeared on Amazon Japan’s game list.

I just did a quick round robin, and none of the studio’s I checked on have any official responses. This totally blows.

Worst case scenario: it spells the end of studios like Anim, Black Cyc, Black Lilith… most tentacle titles.

So it begins the censorship… lookout guro… you’re next! :frowning:

With all the bad press about lolicons, loli may be next. No more loli, no more guro, no more rape games: erogames will become a bit less coloured.
Of course, the best part is that it started because of a puritan Anglo-Saxon gaijin! Such people won’t be liked in Akiba and next comickets…

Well on the upside… if you’re into innocent pure love offerings, you’re gonna monopolize everything. :wink:

Yea… Western Otaku are gonna get blacklisted by the hardcore fans. 2chan is already insulting us. It’s D-Day for eroge, because this is only the tip of the iceberg, and the victors will want to press on (as anyone would). There’s no question this will spill into manga and anime as well (since a lot of rape anime are based on eroge titles).

From what they’re saying, the ban is “voluntary” by the commerical eroge industry… there isn’t a new Japanese law that’s making it illegal. So doujin and underground studio’s will continue forward.

Nonetheless… this is a staggering blow. We’re losing the war! :frowning:


Here’s the ones responsible for generating the noise.

IIRC it started because of some idiot trying to resell his used copy of the game on non-japanese amazon. He probably should have known better. Which just goes to show you that Illusion were totally right to try to ban all non-Japanese from buying or playing the games. :slight_smile:

EDIT: Yeah, idiots, inundating a group of upset people with hate mail and threats to rape and kill them is really going to help convince them that your hobby is harmless. MORONS. STOP SPOILING IT FOR PEOPLE WHO AREN’T COCKMONGLERS. (Not you, obviously, but the stuff they’re referring to receiving.)

Well, given the strength gap between the two factions at war, it seems kinda obvious. On one side there is the whole puritan public opinion, on the other a bunch of free thinkers. If I were to bet on who would be the winner, the choice would be quite easy. Sadly enough, mankind has yet a long way to go to reach adulthood.

Anyway, I don’t think that all the game studios that usually produce rape-themed games will simply stop. I’m curious to see how things will evolve.

Being opposed to rape and misogyny doesn’t exactly make one a puritan. :slight_smile:

Rape culture is widespread. Sexual harassment and assault is widespread. Nobody, not even us, knows for certain what effect these sorts of games have. We believe it’s self-evident that they don’t make us rapists and murderers because (I sincerely hope!) we have played them and not turned into such. The other side believes it’s self-evident that the existence of these games increases violence and negative attitudes towards women, because it seems blindingly obvious to them that anyone getting off on this stuff must find it appealing and want to do it for real.

Neither side generally wants to take the time to do serious investigation of the subject and even if they did, it’s pretty hard to get a real answer, because crime and the causes of crime are highly complex and interwoven.

Actually, someone did. His conclusion were that:

I’m against any kind of censorship, no matter how well motivated.

Leaving apart the whole “personal freedom” thing, there is another thing to consider: governments will never act against the strong, only against the weak. For example, here in Italy we have quite a big problem with violent tifosi of football teams. They fight basically every Sunday, and once in a while there will be someone who ends up dead. Has any politician done anything so far? Nope. Why? Because in Italy you can’t touch football. On the other hand, if you belong to some part of the society that is not numerous or strong enough, the State has little interest in protecting your rights. So pardon me if I think that any censorship coming from any government stinks. Unbearably.

I would also like to underline the fact that we’re not talking about rape here. Raping someone is a crime. In fact, I consider it to be one of the worst crimes possible. But in a game no real person gets hurt. It’s quite hard for me to put the two things on the same level. It’s impossible, actually.

Mmm… I’m torn. Honestly, I don’t agree with games that have rape as their main selling point. At the same time, this has the potential to open a legal mess. What about games with minor rape scenes related to plot, or series such as the X-Change series that feature rape, but not as the core game element? What’s to stop this from branching out and affecting out areas such as loli and certain consensual practices?

As for games like RapeLay… well, let’s just say some games push the boundaries of decency. There have been some games where I’ve literally been violently ill an the treatment and abuse of characters. The fact that some people literally get off on the torture and abuse of a person in captivity sickens me. I’ve seen games with women chained to walls being seared with branding irons, having needles shoved into their breasts and lower extremities, forced piercings, whippings… and eventually the women begs for more pain and sexual pleasure.

I’m sorry if I’m in the minority on this, but that’s just wrong. It is a very real possibility that people could dehumanize themselves. Hell, if they’re actually using material like that to jack off to, they’re already dehumanized. It shakes my faith in humanity at times what some people will do.

I hate to say it, but I personally wouldn’t mind seeing guro get the ax. Of course, that’s why I don’t make laws.

It might sound odd, given how much I blasted PP for the X-Change 3 censorship issue, but that was different: A case of consensual (albeit with a minor) sex in two cases (Lipp and the tutor scene with two guys, which had dialog cut), and the rape scene. The rape scene DID disturb me, but it wasn’t the FOCAL POINT of the game.

The issue isn’t if people should like or dislike fictional depiction of certain sexual fetishes: that’s your legal right. The issue is if people should be able to enforce what OTHERS can see and cannot see in the privacy of their own home.

Being sicken by something is fine. The easy solution, is to simply ignore it. Just because something is on the market, doesn’t mean you have to get it. I hate spinach and find it disgusting: that doesn’t mean I should rally people to ban spinach.

There’s a huge population that finds homosexuality sickening - which is EXACTLY the justification societies have used, to get it banned and criminally outlawed. What right does one individual have, to enforce their “values” on another? There isn’t any. Owning or enjoying violent fiction is not self destructive behavior, when the person enjoying it is not self destructive. The Bible states, in the WORD OF GOD, that I have every authority to stone my neighbor to death with rocks because he cheated on his wife. Does that mean everyone who enjoys the Bible is a potential deviant? Of course not. Same with ero.

What is humanity? It’s utterly subjective.

Centuries ago it was inhuman for people of two different religions to marry. Several decades ago it was inhuman for two people of different races to marry. Several years ago, it was inhuman for two people of the same sex to marry.

Why? Because you don’t like it? Essentially what you’re doing is killing freewill and free thought. And for what? Because you think it will make humanity better from your point of view? Well what about all those homosexuals? What about all those interracial relationships? Why should they be allowed? There are billions of people who think both such things are horrid and unacceptable for mankind. Laws should exist to protect the minority from the majority, not enforce tyranny of the majority.

Fuck, I can’t believe this :evil: …

To be honest, I’m in so much disbelief that I can barely put into words how unbelievably ridiculous this is so I’ll have an expert show what my reaction to this is:


In any case, while I obviously don’t condone rape, and while I’m picky about what kind of dark ero I like, censorship like this pisses me off to no end as a reader, writer, and future librarian, and it has me deeply concerned about the future as one whose studied history, which has shown that the moment governments start banning works of literature en masse, look out.

As Benjamin Franklin put it:

"Any society that would give up a little liberty to gain a little security will deserve neither and lose both. "

Edit: also found a post on another site that matches all this:

"Laws which remove the personal freedoms of people simply to appease the ego of some prudish fascist are not only disgusting, but antithesis to everything a fair and free society stands for. As long as nobody is being harmed, they have no right to force you to stop. Such laws as have been passing recently under the guise of ‘protecting people’ are nothing but a thin veneer which hides such anti-socialist ideals. If the government can make money from it, and it won’t destroy them in public opinion they will allow it without question. They don’t even care if it kills people like tobacco. Not that they should. People have every right to kill themselves with tobacco if they so choose. They just shouldn’t expect any national healthcare as a result.

As CSS has already pointed out, fantasy and reality should be clearly distinct to a sane person.
Because I enjoy mounting a curb and mowing down some pedestrians in Grand Theft Auto does that mean that I would enjoy doing the same thing in reality? No.
If I get a thrill from storming the beaches of Normandy on D-day in a game, that shows I would love to have been there in real life? Don’t be absurd.
Watching a movie, riveted to the screen as zombies tear apart helpless people means I have a desire to be a cannibal? Hell no.

I have a load of fantasies I enjoy which I’d not only find unpleasant in reality, they would actually cause me physical harm. Why do I enjoy it then? Because it’s not real!

To reiterate, fantasy and reality should be clearly distinguishable to a mentally stable person. Enjoying a fantasy is fine because of that division."

No sane person ever condones actual criminal activity. But prosecuting people for writing or reading fictional criminal behavior, is absolutely ludicrous. Reading Mein Kampf does not transform people in NAZI’s, anymore than reading the Bible turns people into Christians. There’s a massive list of factors that convinces a person to become what they become, before exposure to a scapegoat catalyst. Attempting to remove EVERY source of potential catalysts is a futile, and oppressive to those who are law abiding and enjoy them. You might as well remove human emotion.

This is a new EOCS regulation, if I’m reading right…

The EOCS is rather lax on certain codes, it officially bans loli, but there are still a lot of loli games coming out from members…

Of course, it might also lift the ban someday, just like it did with incest…

Narg says it better than me but, yeah, homosexuality is an excellent example: many people find it disgusting, immoral and obscene to have gay sex but the position is that no one is harmed, everyone is willing and under such condition everyone is entitled to do whatever he wants in the privacy of his own home. When someone is playing such a game that other consider “disgusting, immoral and obscene to have”, no one is harmed, everyone is willing and it’s done in the privacy of the gamer’s own home. Why would it be illegal, then?

As you’re hopefully aware, there’s a bunch of people making the same argument in the case of violent and illegal behavior in video games as well.

As far as I’m aware, the evidence so far only shows that there is a correlation between various negative behaviors and video games (but correlation is not causation) and that violent OR OTHERWISE STIMULATING video games may cause some very-temporary judgment impairment. If that study is correct, then it is is not a great idea to get behind the wheel of an actual car for a short period of time after playing a violent (or even just a racing) video game. Still, it’s an extremely short-lived effect, you just need to take some time to calm down.

I don’t think anyone’s done studies to see what the effects would be of getting someone to play a dark erogame and then cut them off abruptly and make them immediately interact with people. I believe there have been studies showing that shortly after watching violent porn people express more negative opinions of women but I am not 100% sure of that.

From what I gather, it’s just games focused on rape that will not be allowed, not games that simply have rape.

So I guess it might be OK if the game features rape in the story,(I.e. Fate, Bullet Butlers, numerous others) but is not the focus.

This seems is comes more from media attention than from the Feminazi group directly, as the industry is pretty reactionary. It will probably blow over after a time, when the media goes to harass someone else…

You point out something I partly mentioned as a reply comment to someone’s blog. Though the fronts are slightly different, violent video games and eroge are fighting to parts of the same war. We’re totally disorganized and not supporting each other. That is to say: supporters of non-sexual violent games want nothing to do with supporters of sexual violent games, despite our combined numbers would make us stronger, and that we’re essentially facing the same core obstacles.

This matter is also a situation where so many eroge supporters in the West are software pirates, is a detrimental effect from certain aspects.