Rape games will be banned in Japan

Expectable. As I wrote in another forum:

I wasn’t quite clear, I guess.

There is no unrated cut of Halo, either. Nor is there an unrated cut of Manhunt. They don’t exist. Neither does this – the game was rated 12+ in Japan, after all. I don’t think adding eroscenes would work terribly well for Persona 3 anyway. My point was, whether or not they wanted to, they can’t, because they can’t release such a thing.

I guess putting Manhunt on the list confused what I was trying to say, because the game in fact was rated AO and had to have cuts made to make the game releasable. An uncut version of THAT game actually DOES exist, or it did at one time. But you can’t walk into a store and buy it, or buy it online, or get it anywhere. It was barred from sale due to extreme gore.

I doubt it will be THAT simple. More likely, the game was already completed, and the content is so central to it that if you took it out or altered it, there’d be nothing left. (I mean, the name kind of implies that’s all that happens in the game.)

EOCS probably intends to allow companies to release games they had already announced, substantially completed, and perhaps even manufactured. At least, if I were EOCS, that is what I would do. Trying to demand games be killed after a company has already sunk lots of money into it would bankrupt many of the makers, and I can’t see getting a consensus agreement to do that.

I expect the new rules will be phased in over time.

Of course it just dawned on me that the “loophole” could be the whole, “well fix the rape problem as we go along” thing…

Sorta how the US government has been saying they’ll fix Social Security for the last three decades, but obviously haven’t.

The 'ole procrastinate gameplay…

And no, we don’t think stuff is ‘empowering’ when it happens to men. (Quote from a feminist blogger talking about the incident at the MTV awards.)

Well…they can. They just get a CERO Z rating. There were some items that were released for PS2 that got CERO 18 for sex scenes. Not sure about the newer standard.

Yes, ie the next time there is a complaint. I think they’ll limit it to not using the rape and any rape scene on the cover (ie probably more than the title). It’ll show they did something about it.

As for the Z rating, Sony NEVER allowed sex scenes in games, and the 18+ CERO NEVER applied to H-scenes. Soundes like your confusing things with Sega’s rating system, which DID allow a certain amount of sexual content for the Saturn. The only console to support eroge fully was the NEC PC-FX, which was desperate for support.

Sony is pretty strict on this sort of thing, The Japanese release of GTA:SA was delayed due to the Hot Coffee issue.

CERO doesn’t like eroge at all.


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Explain, please?

You know, this subject has suddenly brought to mind a certain game genre that existed in the US. Just watch this video :twisted: :


Wow. That is pretty much all I can say after having learned that about the Atari.

Is it that Custer’s Revenge game?

Atari never approved them… they even tried a lawsuit to terminate 'em. Didn’t work. :stuck_out_tongue:

Yeah, the Nerd’s pointed out in some of his videos how during the early age of cartridge games, companies could just make their own games regardless of whether said game console’s creators approved of the game or not. So in a way these are like the American equivalent of doujin games…sad isn’t it? :frowning:

Well since we’re talking about this game…

http://www.nostatusquo.com/ACLU/dworkin … tIVG2.html

I’d say it’s genetic. Remember Makoto’s father, Tomaru? Yyyyyeah.

Anyway, that said, I don’t think you’d be able to find many people agreeing that anything Makoto does throughout the game could be considered rape, even with the loosest interpretation of the definition of ‘rape’. Coercing girls into having sex with you is certainly far from blackmail or anything like that… yeah, there’s no rape in School Days, really.

So, seduction is rape now? Wow, talk about being extremist. According to you, there’s nothing but rape in the world because I fail to see how two people would eventually “do sexual acts” together without one part (or both) “doing or saying things that push (eventually) (the other side) to do sexual acts”.

While Olf indeed made the blunder to misunderstand that l3nsman’s voiced his own opinion when he actually cited someone else’s, I don’t think it was actually flaming - compared to that provocative introduction.

Maybe a mutual apology would be in order?

We really need a better spectrum of words for sex and consent.

Because yeah, some people do call everything rape when what they just mean is bad behavior. Things can be wrong without being rape or murder, and over-inflating smaller wrongs does no one any good.

http://zepy.momotato.com/2009/06/03/the … -sent-out/

Some people have mentioned that an alternative for eroge companies would be going online like DLsite, but is that plausible? I mean, does this new law also effect the stuff that can be bought on places like DLsite?

It’s not a law iirc, it’s an agreement among members of a particular ‘club’ of companies. Although if the pressure came from the shops, then trying to sell in physical shops might be met with disapproval even if you weren’t part of the club.

An entirely different campaign would have to be waged to affect DLsite. As I understand it.